Report On Finding Frauds
Report On Finding Frauds
Report On Finding Frauds
You are deputed to check working of your cashier who is also responsible for making entries to the
Cashbook. You find many irregularities involving unauthorised advances to staff, entering
wrong amounts in the Cashbook, leaving some vouchers as un-posted etc. etc. (5 marks)
Write a comprehensive report incorporating your findings for the information of Director Finance of
your company. You may assume the events and related irregulatories.
Date !" #arch, "$$$
%o Director Finance
From #anager, &ccount
Dear 'ir
Misuse of Conduc
(eference is made to your letter dated ") #arch, "$$$ in which * am directed to submit my
findings against the cashier for making entries to the cashbook.
* have searched thoroughly all accounts, cashbooks, advance register and daily transaction log
and found mis-management in accounts, advances and un-posted vouchers. & complete list of
findings is enclosed as appendi+-&.
%o further confirm the authenticity of my findings * have conducted interviews of the related
personnel and found the irregularities true especially in the month of ,anuary, "$$$ at the time
of -*D holidays.
%o ask further on any issue or evidence you may call me at any time.