EP2 Ladybird Week 1
EP2 Ladybird Week 1
EP2 Ladybird Week 1
Sitapatr School
Teacher: Adam Class: EP2 Ladybird Week: 1 Dates: 05.05.14-09.05.14
This week we are learning:
Review and Introduction
Circle Time Review
This week in our review casses we wi be
doin! a !enera review on some o" #he basic
sub$ec#s #ha# #he s#uden#s covered as# year.
+ody )ar#s
,e wi be sin!in! son!s and )ayin! a o# o"
#he !ames #he s#uden#s wi aready be
"amiiar wi#h. ,e wi be "ocusin! on havin!
#he s#uden#s s)eak and answer a o" #he
-ues#ion in "u sen#ences and wi work on
Activity Time
Welcome to EP2 a!ybir!" This is our "irs# week #o!e#her as a cass. so #his week we wi be
)rac#icin! cassroom an!ua!e and vocabuary as we as reviewin! sub$ec#s covered as# #erm.
Days o$ the week: (unday. /onday. Tuesday. ,ednesday. Thursday. *riday. (a#urday
%onths o$ the &ear: 0anuary. *ebruary. /arch. A)ri. /ay. 0une. 0uy. Au!us#. (e)#ember.
1c#ober. 2ovember. 3ecember
'eelings: 4a))y. (ad. An!ry. 4o#. 'od. 4un!ry. Thirs#y. (ee)y. Tired. (hy. (ick. %n Love
Classroom ob(ects: )enci. )en. ba!. book. desk. chair. #abe. board. crayon. eraser. scissors.
!ue. s#a)er
5ood mornin!.
5ood a"#ernoon.
(#and u)6
(i# down6
4ow are you7 % am 8 9ha))y. sad. ho# 8:
,ha# is #his7
,ha# coour is i#7
5ive me8.
,ha# is your name8.7
/y name is8.
*ew +letters,soun!s,vocabulary-
This week we wi be "ocusin! on review and s#ar#in! on our new )honics and wri#in! )rac#ice
This week in )honics we wi be doin! a
review o" a #he )hone#ic e##er sounds in
#he s#andard a)habe#ica order wi#hou#
usin! #he ac#ions "rom #he $oy )honics
)ro!ram. (o #he s#uden#s wi be )re)ared
#o s#ar# #heir new workbooks.
Writing Practice
,e wi be )rac#icin! e##er "orma#ion
and wri#in! #his week s#ar#in! wi#h #he
e##ers a. b and c.
.ight Wor!s
,e wi s#ar# earnin! si!h# words ne;# week.
Parent 'ollow /0 , /se$ul Websites , 1omework:
,ecome6 %# wi he) your chid a o# i" every week you have #ime #o&
4e) your chid )rac#ice #he #ar!e# vocabuary and !rammar a# home.
/ake sure #hey answer in a "u sen#ence and #ry #o make #hem s)eak as oudy and ceary as )ossibe.
4e) your chid describe ob$ec#s <%# is a red )enci=. <%# is a back crayon=