EP2 Butterfly Week10 Term2
EP2 Butterfly Week10 Term2
EP2 Butterfly Week10 Term2
Vocabulary; Lan animals: monke!+ lion+ chicken+ 'ig+ "rog+ cat+ cow+ horse+ ele'hant and duck. !entence structure"s#; ,- like.don/t like0. #onke!s.'igs.ele'hants(etc*1 ,-t/s a0 chicken1 ,2n ele'hant is gre!. a horse is &rown(etc*1 !ongs; $%ld #acdonald had a "arm/ Activities; Pla!ing "l! swat.musical chairs with the new voca&ular! words 3tudents will tell the teacher how to draw a &ear using correct descri'tions+ e.g. ,two ears1 ,&ig &od!1 ,two small e!es1 and then as a class we will read the 45oing on a &ear hunt/ &ook and watch the accom'an!ing 6 . Worksheets; 7arm animals worksheet+ trace the letters and match the word to the correct "arm animal 'icture 8olouring in sheet o" various animals+ when "inished we will make a collage. %ew "letters&soun s&vocabulary# Each student will either get a wa9 cra!on 'icture o" a 4cat/+ 4&at/ or 4hat/ which will not &e visi&le on the 'age. The! will then 'aint lightl! over it to reveal the letters and i" the! can sa! the word the! can "inish 'ainting to reveal the 'icture. Writing 'ractice -n our writing activit! &ooklets this week we are going to com'lete two 'ages+ "ocusing on the 4o'/ "amil!. (co'+ho'+to'+mo'* !ight Wor s . The two new sight words we are learning this week are; 4go/ and 4is/
$e are also going to start getting into the routine o" learning the date o" each da!. %ne student will &e 'icked each da! to 'oint to the correct num&er (1-)1*+ da! o" week and month o" !ear on the morning wall.
Review :ast week we did a review o" all letters and sounds so at the &eginning o" the week - will test the student on how well the! know the correct order o" the letters 2-; &! giving out a worksheet. $e are also going to reca' on ) letter words in the 4at/ "amil!.
'arent (ollow )* & )se+ul Websites & ,omework: This week we are starting a &rand new to'ic which will take u' ) weeks o" our time. 3tudents should alread! &e "amiliar with a "ew o" the animals &ut - ho'e to &roaden their voca&ular! range.