1958physics Summary Notes
1958physics Summary Notes
1958physics Summary Notes
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HSC 2010 Physics
Summary Notes
Jamie Kennedy
HSC 2010 Physics
Jamie Kennedy
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Space ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
The Earth has a gravitational field that exerts a force on objects both on it and around it............... 2
Many factors have to be taken into account to achieve a successful rocket launch, maintain a
stable orbit and return to Earth .......................................................................................................... 3
The solar system is held together by gravity ...................................................................................... 9
Current and emerging understanding about time and space has been dependent upon earlier
models of the transmission of light .................................................................................................. 11
Motors And Generators ........................................................................................................................ 19
Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields ........................ 19
The relative motion between a conductor and magnetic field is used to generate an electrical
voltage ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Generators are used to provide large scale power production ........................................................ 27
Transformers allow generated voltage to be either increased or decreased before it is used. ....... 31
Motors are used in industries and the home usually to convert electrical energy into more useful
forms of energy ................................................................................................................................. 33
Ideas To Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 34
Increased understandings of cathode rays led to the development of television ........................... 34
The reconceptualisation of the model of light led to an understanding of the photoelectric effect
and black body radiation .................................................................................................................. 39
Limitations of past technologies and increased research into the structure of the atom resulted in
the invention of transistors ............................................................................................................... 44
Investigations into the electrical properties of particular metals at different temperatures led to
the identification of superconductivity and the exploration of possible applications ..................... 48
Quanta To Quarks ................................................................................................................................. 52
Problems with the Rutherford model of the atom led to the search for a model that would better
explain the observed phenomena .................................................................................................... 52
The limitations of classical physics gave birth to quantum physics .................................................. 55
The work of Chadwick and Fermi in producing artificial transmutations led to practical applications
of nuclear physics .............................................................................................................................. 58
An understanding of the nucleus has led to large science projects and many applications ............ 63
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The Earth has a gravitational field that exerts a force on objects both on it and around it
Define weight as the force on an object due to a gravitational field
Weight: The force of gravity on any mass or more commonly known as
Explain that a change in gravitational potential energy is related to work done.
A gravitational field surrounds anybody of mass and acts on all other masses in the universe.
Gravity is a relatively weak force but has enormous range.
It is not noticeable in a classroom; your gravitational attraction is minimal
It is noticeable in an interstellar scale. The solar system is held together by gravity.
Define gravitational potential energy as the work done to move an object from a very large
distance away to a point in a gravitational field.
The potential energy given to any mass due to its distance from another mass. The universal
gravitational constant is used to determine the gravitational field of any mass where:
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Many factors have to be taken into account to achieve a successful rocket launch,
maintain a stable orbit and return to Earth
Describe the trajectory of an object undergoing projectile motion within the Earths
gravitational field in terms of horizontal and vertical components
Projectile motion is made up of two components:
horizontal (x)
vertical (y)
And follows a parabolic path
Maximum Height:
The maximum height reached by a projectile:
Vertical velocity = 0
The horizontal distance that is travelled by a projectile in flight
The only force we consider in projectile motion
Always taken to be negative
Time of flight:
The time taken from initial release (
or t = 0) to time of impact (
Solve problems and analyse information to calculate the actual velocity of a projectile from
its horizontal and vertical components using:
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Describe Galileos analysis of projectile motion
Aristotle believed that projectiles followed a straight line until it ran out of impetus and fell
straight to the ground. Galileo challenged this belief by describing projectile motion as
comprising of two components (x and y) and following a parabolic path
Explain the concept of escape velocity in terms of the gravitational constant; mass and
radius of the planet.
For escape velocity:
Outline Newtons concept of escape velocity.
Isaac Newton's analysis of escape velocity. Projectiles A and B fall back to earth. Projectile C achieves
a circular orbit, D an elliptical one. Projectile E escapes.
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Identify why the term g forces is used to explain the forces acting on an astronaut during
When an astronaut is launched into space, s/he feels significant changes to his/her apparent
weight. It is convenient to describe the forces as g-forces to gain a concrete reference to
his/her experience. We can also gauge the potential danger using an approximate scale.
G-Forces Effect
0-6Gs Minimal damage
6-10Gs Moderate danger
10-20Gs Difficult to endure
>20Gs Extreme danger
Breaking a rocket launch into stages has a few advantages. Most importantly, it decreases the
g-force on astronauts by spreading the forces out over a greater time period.
Another advantage is by increasing the distance from Earth we decrease the required escape
Discuss the effect of the Earths orbital motion and its rotational motion on the launch of a
For local launches (satellites into space, space station, moon missions) rotational momentum
from the Earth can be used to give launches more velocity (KE). When launching a rocket, it is
best to launch it east i.e.: the direction of the Earths rotation. This relative velocity will result in
a higher orbit velocity.
For extra planetary launches, the orbital momentum can be used to good advantage to propel a
rocket (spacecraft) towards other planets. Engineers can plan to launch a rocket during a time of
the year when the direction of the Earths velocity matches that of the direction required.
Analyse the changing acceleration of a rocket during launch in terms of the: Law of
Conservation of Momentum; forces experienced by astronauts
Rockets work because of Newtons Third Law
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Identify data sources, gather, analyse and present information on the contribution of one of
the following to the development of space exploration: Tsiolkovsky, Oberth, Goddard,
Esnault-Pelterie, ONeill, or von Braun
Russian mathematician.
Father of astronautics.
Proposed to escape Earth's gravity through launching from top of tower reaching from
Earth to geostationary orbit (36,000 km high). Wrote book called "Beyond the Planet
Earth" about life in a spindle-shaped spacecraft at this position.
Conceived idea of the rocket - continuous, propellant driven vehicle to escape the Earth,
giving precise control of acceleration and orbit.
Conceived of fundamental formula for rocket motion, essentially applying Newton's
Third Law to derive the quantity of "specific impulse" (impulse is
However his work was virtually unknown outside even his home town (Kaluga) - Oberth
and Goddard developed similar principles independently.
Analyse the forces involved in uniform circular motion for a range of objects, including
satellites orbiting the Earth
The motion of an object in a circular path is called uniform circular motion. Although the speed
remains the same it follows that an object travelling in a circular path must be accelerating
since the velocity is constantly changing.
The change in velocity is given by
When the change in velocity is placed in the average position between
, it is directed
towards the centre of the circle. When an object is moving with uniform circular motion, the
acceleration (centripetal acceleration) is directed towards the centre of the circle. So for an
object moving in a circle of radius r with an orbital velocity of v, the centripetal acceleration
is given by:
When some mass, undergoes centripetal acceleration, the centripetal force
is given by:
( )
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So if an object
is in orbit, we can equate our two expressions for the force acting on it:
(r is the radius of the orbit, not the height above the planet)
Compare qualitatively low Earth and geo stationary orbits
Low Earth Orbits Geostationary Orbits
Between 250-1000kms high Altitude = 38 800km
Above atmosphere to reduce drag Always same spot above the Earth
Orbital period = 90mins, v=27900km/h Orbital period = 24 hours, v = 10600km/h
Stronger signal for satellite phones Useful for communication satellites
because we don't have to move a dish
(AUSTAR etc.)
Define the term orbital velocity and the quantitative and qualitative relationship between
orbital velocity, the gravitational constant, mass of the central body, mass of the satellite
and radius of the orbit using Keplers Law of Periods
Keplers Third Law relates to the period of orbiting satellites to their orbital radius
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Solve problems and analyse information to calculate the centripetal force acting on a
satellite undergoing uniform circular motion about the Earth using:
Account for the orbital decay of satellites in low Earth orbit
For satellites in orbit around the Earth there is still some atmosphere drag which causes the
satellite to lose altitude. This drag is more significant for satellites in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and
becomes more significant as altitude decreases. Solar wind activity can also affect the orbital
path of satellites.
Discuss issues associated with safe re-entry into the Earths atmosphere and landing on the
Earths surface
A space craft in orbit carries significant KE and GPE. During re-entry, the space craft
experiences friction with the molecules in the atmosphere. The KE and GPE are converted into
heat causing the space craft to reach extreme temperatures.
To disperse this energy, a blunt shape is best used to carry the energy away. However, there is
still a significant amount of heat that needs to be dealt with. This is addressed by using special
tiles on the nose of the spacecraft that are composed of 90% air. Air is a very good insulator
and the use of the tiles allows for the use of ablation. During re-entry the ceramic tiles are
ablated (vaporised) which also helps to disperse the heat.
When re-entering the Earths atmosphere, the angle of approach must be taken into
consideration. When the space shuttle is re-entering the atmosphere, the approach angle
must be correct. There is a 2 optimum window of entry. If the approach angle is too shallow
there is a risk that the shuttle will bounce off the atmosphere. If the approach angle is too
steep, the heat generated may be so great that is causes the shuttle to burn up on re-entry.
As well, the human occupants must also be taken into consideration. If the angle is too steep,
acceleration will be high and therefore astronauts will experience higher g-forces. The human
body can only withstand a certain amount (~8g) of g-forces. This tolerance can be increased
through the astronaut lying flat so that the g-forces do not force the blood away from the
Identify that there is an optimum angle for safe re-entry for a manned spacecraft into the
Earths atmosphere and the consequences of failing to achieve this angle
If the angle you re-enter the atmosphere is:
too shallow: you may bounce off the atmosphere
too steep: you burn up in the intense heat of re-entry
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The solar system is held together by gravity
Describe a gravitational field in the region surrounding a massive object in terms of its
effects on other masses in it
A gravitational field is a zone around celestial objects within which gravitational forces will act
on a mass. All objects possess this field but it is only significant around very large masses.
Present information and use available evidence to discuss the factors affecting the strength
of the gravitational force
A gravitational field surrounds any mass, becoming significant with planetary-sized masses. It is
strong close to the mass and weakens quickly with increasing distance. Despite this, its
influence extends to very great distances in space.
Define Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation [Solve and analyse information using]:
This is the force that any gravitational field applies to any mass at any position in it
Discuss the importance of Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation in understanding and
calculating the motion of satellites
A satellite orbiting Earth in a circular motion must therefore have some form of centripetal
force acting up it to maintain the circular motion. Newtons first law states that an object in
motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a net external force. This net external
force (centripetal force) is provided by the Earths gravitational field.
By equating Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation and the equation for centripetal force, we
can figure out the velocity required for a satellite to remain in orbit. From the equation we see
that the only variable that changes the motion of a satellite is the radius. The greater the
radius the lower the orbital velocity required.
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Identify that a slingshot effect can be provided by planets for space probes
A spacecraft passes by a planet at close range and gains momentum from the elastic collision
(gravitational interaction) between them.
The spacecraft gains a significant amount of velocity with very little effort.
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Current and emerging understanding about time and space has been dependent upon
earlier models of the transmission of light
Outline the features of the aether model for the transmission of light
In the 19
century and early 20
century, there was some support in the scientific community
for the aether model of the transmission of light. This basically said that light needed to
propagate through an invisible medium called the aether. The aether was said to be
reasonably fluid and all matter was said to be moving through it.
This was at odds with Einsteins premise that light always travels at the same speed regardless
of the frame of reference. Michelson-Morley set out to prove the existence of the aether.
Describe and evaluate the Michelson-Morley attempt to measure the relative velocity of the
Earth through the aether
If the aether existed, the Earth would be moving through the aether and we would be able to
experience the aether wind. Many experiments before Michelson-Morley were designed and
performed however it was always though that the equipment was too insensitive to measure
and detect the aether wind.
The Michelson-Morley experiment was highly sensitive and used the effect of the interference
of light waves to measure relative velocity on Earth through the aether. A light wave was split
into two perpendicular beams, one travelling across the aether and one into it. Mirrors
reflected the light rays back where calculations were performed. If the aether did exist, then
the light would travel at different speeds and when the apparatus was rotated, the aether
interference would be seen to shift.
However, the experiment provided a null result despite Michelson-Morley repeating the
experiment many times during the day and the year. No evidence of the aether was found.
Discuss the role of the Michelson-Morley experiments in making determinations about
competing theories
The results of the Michelson-Morley experiment concluded that no aether existed however
many attempts were made to try and adapt and explain the model of the aether such as the
movement of the planet dragged the aether with it however the alternative models proposed
did not withstand scrutiny.
Einstein realised that if the principle of relativity (all steady motion if relative and cannot be
detected with reference to an outside point) were to be held true, then light must move at a
constant speed for all observers
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Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields
Discuss the effect on the magnitude of the force on a current carrying conductor of
variations in: the strength of the magnetic field in which it is located; the magnitude of the
current in the conductor; the length of the conductor in the external magnetic field; the
angle between the direction of the external magnetic field and the direction of the length of
the conductor.
Strength of the magnetic field
( )
Magnitude of the current in the conductor
( )
Length of the conductor
( )
Angle between the direction of the external magnetic field
Maximum force when the conductor is at right angles to the field i.e. when
Describe qualitatively and quantitatively the force between long parallel current-carrying
conductors [and solve problems using]:
Refers to the force exerted by two lengths of parallel charge carrying-conductors on
each other.
If the currents are in the same direction, they will attract
If the currents are in the opposite direction they will repel
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Perform a first-hand investigation to demonstrate the motor effect.
The DC motor prac
Solve problems and analyse information about the force on current-carrying conductors in
magnetic fields using:
Define torque as the turning moment of a force using:
A twisting force is called a torque
Solve problems and analyse information about simple motors using:
Identify that the motor effect is due to the force acting on a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field.
A conductor which carries a current through a magnetic field will experience a force. This is
caused by the movement of charged particles (current) through the field. This is known as the
motor effect. The force causing the movement of the conductor results from the interaction
between the magnetic field due to the magnet and the electromagnetic field produced simply
because of the relative movement of charges in the conductor through the magnets field
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Describe the forces experienced by a current-carrying loop in a magnetic field and describe
the net result of the forces.
Describe the main features of a DC electric motor and the role of each feature.
Magnets (permanent or current carrying coils): The magnets create a magnetic field. This
magnetic field interacts with a current-carrying coil causing the coil to experience a force and
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Coil: The coil carries a direct current which interacts with the magnetic field producing a
Brushes: maintain electrical contact with the coils and the rest of the circuit
Commutators: The split ring commutator switches the current off when the coil is in a vertical
position. This allows the momentum of the coil to continue turning before the current
switches back on again and the coil once again experiences a force acting on it. This continues
until the current is removed.
Identify that the required magnetic fields in DC motors can be produced by either current-
carrying coils or permanent magnets.
The magnetic field in a DC motor can be provided by a permanent magnet as well as an
electromagnet. Permanent magnets are usually used in small toys as the strength of even the
most powerful permanent magnet is not near as powerful as electromagnets can reach. Also,
electromagnets allow us to turn the magnetic field on and off as we desire.
Identify data sources, gather and process information to qualitatively describe the
application of the motor effect in: the galvanometer; the loudspeaker.
The galvanometer makes use of the fact that an electric current flowing through a wire sets up
a magnetic field around the wire. In the galvanometer, the wire is wound into a coil. When
current flows through the coil, one end of the coil becomes a north magnetic pole, the other a
south magnetic pole. When a permanent magnet is placed near the coil, the two fieldsthe
one from the coil and the one from the magnetinteract. The like poles will repulse each
other and the unlike poles will attract. The amount of attraction and repulsion increases as the
strength of the current increases.
How does the fluctuation make the speaker coil move back and forth? The electromagnet is
positioned in a constant magnetic field created by a permanent magnet. These two magnets --
the electromagnet and the permanent magnet -- interact with each other as any two magnets
do. The positive end of the electromagnet is attracted to the negative pole of the permanent
magnetic field, and the negative pole of the electromagnet is repelled by the permanent
magnet's negative pole. When the electromagnet's polar orientation switches, so does the
direction of repulsion and attraction. In this way, the alternating current constantly reverses
the magnetic forces between the voice coil and the permanent magnet. This pushes the coil
back and forth rapidly, like a piston. When the coil moves, it pushes and pulls on the speaker
cone. This vibrates the air in front of the speaker, creating sound waves.
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The relative motion between a conductor and magnetic field is used to generate an
electrical voltage
Outline Michael Faradays discovery of the generation of an electric current by a moving
Faraday discovered that three things were necessary for the production of an electric current:
A magnetic field
A conductor
Relative motion
If the conductor is in a closed circuit, then a current will be produced. As long as there is
relative motion of the magnet then a current and emf will be produced.
The induced emf can be increased by:
Increasing n, the number of coils
Increasing B, use stronger magnets
Increasing A, get a bigger coil
Decrease t, go faster
Define magnetic field strength B as magnetic flux density
Magnetic flux density is the magnetic flux per unit of area (such as per
). It is a measure
of the strength of the magnetic field.
Describe the concept of magnetic flux in terms of magnetic flux density and surface area
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Describe generated potential difference as the rate of change of magnetic flux through a
Potential difference = Voltage or induced emf. As per Faradays law, the induced emf is
proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit.
Account for Lenzs Law in terms of conservation of energy and relate it to the production of
back emf in motors
Lenzs Law simply adds a negative to Faradays law. It says that any induced current will have a
direction that opposes the change that caused it. Similar to the law of conservation of energy
because the induced electrical energy has to come from the thing that causes the original
Explain that, in electric motors, back emf opposes the supply emf
Back emf is generated in any coil that experiences changing B fields even though it is producing
them. Back emf is produced in the rotating coil of a motor.
Back emf Unloaded motor Loaded motor
None Stationary Stationary
Increases Speeding up Speeding up
Almost equal to input emf Operating speed -
Significantly reduced to allow
motor to do work
- Operating speed
When the motor is spinning at its operating speed, back emf will have its max value, but when
the motor is just turned on it isnt spinning yet so there is no back emf.
This can lead to excessive current so the motor may be protected by using a starting
resistance that limits current. When up to speed the resistor is taken out of the circuit.
This is not needed in an AC motor as it constantly produces its own back emf
Explain the production of eddy currents in terms of Lenzs Law
If we have a magnetic field moving through a coil of wire, electrical current will be induced.
This current will flow in circles and resemble eddies in rough flowing water. The eddy
currents can be used to create stored electrical energy or heat. They can occur in 2D objects
(sheet of metal) or a 3D object (block of steel).
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The conducting coil experiences a change in magnetic field. Faradays law says a current is
induced. Lenzs law says that the induced magnetic field opposes the change in the external
magnetic field.
Perform an investigation to model the generation of an electric current by moving a magnet
in a coil or a coil near a magnet
Swinging the wire around and moving the magnet back and forth towards the coil.
Plan, choose equipment or resources for, and perform a first-hand investigation to predict
and verify the effect on a generated electric current when: the distance between the coil
and magnet is varied; the strength of the magnet is varied; the relative motion between the
coil and the magnet is varied.
As per
Gather and analyse and present information to explain how induction is used in cooktops in
electric ranges.
Instead of a heating element, this cooktop contains a set of coils with alternating current
passing through them. This produces a changing magnetic field above the cooktop. A metal
saucepan placed on the cooktop is a conductor in the changing magnetic field and therefore an
electric current is induced in the base of the pan. The current heats the pan, and this heat
cooks the food. Induction cooktops are approximately twice as efficient as a gas cooktop, have
less of a burning risk and provide more control than a conventional cooktop. However, they
are expensive to purchase and require cookware with high iron content.
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Gather secondary information to identify how eddy currents have been utilised in
electromagnetic braking
Lenzs law says that the induced eddy currents oppose the motion braking. The faster the
spinning of the wheel, the greater the resistance. This leads to very smooth braking as the
resistance decreases with speed. Less contact means that there are less maintenance costs.
Such brakes are used in free fall rises in amusement parks, roller coasters, fast trains
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Generators are used to provide large scale power production
Describe the main components of a generator
An electric generator (dynamo) is a device that includes all of the elements necessary to
convert KE to electricity using Faradays law.
A magnetic field (e.g.: permanent magnets)
A conductor (e.g.: coil on axis)
Relative motion (The coil is made to spin by some form of energy such as Hydro)
Compare the structure and function of a generator to an electric motor
Most generators are constructed just like a motor; however the flow of energy through them is
Describe the differences between AC and DC generators
emf is generated in the coil and a circuit is completed to the outside world using ring
connectors just like motors.
If standard slip rings are used then a dynamo naturally produces an alternating current
A split ring commutator is used in a DC generator so the current is reversed every half cycle
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Discuss the energy losses that occur as energy is fed through transmission lines from the
generator to the consumer
Even good conductors (like copper) generate substantial resistance due to their length. This is
particularly relevant when transmitting electricity around towns and across the country. To
minimise energy losses we need to minimise current as
. This is achieved by
increasing voltage.
For example:
Transfer 1000J @ 100V
Transfer 1000J @ 500V
Assess the effects of the development of AC generators on society and the environment
Positive Negative
Society Improved lifestyle Cancer risk for people living near
transmission lines
Street lighting Longer working hours
Electric trains Possible over reliance on
Computerisation of systems e.g.:
Industrial development more jobs
Environment Electric trains have reduced pollution
caused by steam trains
Burning coal in power stations
produces smoke and CO
emissions (greenhouse gases)
Electricity production is becoming
cleaner than old technology
Nuclear power stations produce
radioactive water and risk of a
nuclear accident
Hydroelectric schemes redirect
natural waterways
Mining impacts heavily on local
Visual pollution of cables
Plan, choose equipment or resources for, and perform a first-hand investigation to
demonstrate the production of an alternating current
The generator with the light bulb prac
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Gather secondary information to discuss advantages/disadvantages of AC and DC
generators and relate these to their use
Advantages Disadvantages
AC Is easy to transform Back emf due to eddy currents lowers
Can be transmitted at high voltage, low
current and then transformed
Emitted electromagnetic radiation
interferes with other electronic
Energy losses in transmission can be
minimised by high voltage transmission
Requires thicker insulation to minimise
interference from other cables
Motors and generators have fewer moving
parts and are easier to maintain
Three phase motors powerful enough for
industry use
DC Does not need as much insulation as it has
not electromagnetic radiation output
Cannot be transformed
Significantly lower back emf More difficult to supply to houses by line
No high frequency radiation to cause
interference in other equipment or signals
Equipment not as reliable due to
sparking and wear across split ring
Transmission has no energy loss due to
induction in adjacent lines and metal
Sparking causes interference
Analyse secondary information on the competition between Westinghouse and Edison to
supply electricity to cities
Edison and Westinghouse were both businessmen. Edison was also a prodigious inventor
holding more patents than anyone in history. Westinghouse built his empire on the back of
this railroad network.
Tesla brought some new electricity ideas to Westinghouse for financial backing. Tesla designed
motors that used AC electricity. Most of Edisons devices used DC.
Edison started to distribute DC electricity:
Hundreds of generators (power stations) across New York
Generators about 1km apart
Transmission distance limited because DC cant be transformed more pollution due
to generators
Edison plays dirty:
Lobbies politicians
Takes AC electric chair road show
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Lobbied for 240V max for AC and 800V max for DC
Bought European patents for transformers
Recommended name for electric chair as Westinghouse chair
Westinghouse develops AC:
Set up AC generating system invested by Nikolai Tesla
Westinghouse won the contract to power the World Fair in 1892. His bid was half the
price of Edisons.
At the fair, 100000 lights were powered by 12 AC generators
After then, 80 of appliances were AC
After harnessing Niagara Falls to generate AC electricity, DC was dead
By 1896, 10 generators supplied electricity to New York
Gather and analyse information to identify how transmission lines are: insulated from
supporting structures; protected from lightning strikes
Transmission lines are insulated from supporting structures with special ceramic insulators or
ceramic insulating stacks. These are placed some distance from the metal towers that carry
them as electricity can jump a significant distance at high voltages. There has been a trend
towards using newer rubber insulators instead of ceramic ones.
High voltage lines have a lightning umbrella or a ground wire to attract lightning.
As well, the ceramic insulation chains protect the lines from lighting strike if the metal towers
are hit. Furthermore, the distance between each tower is significant enough to protect each
adjacent tower in case one is hit.
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Transformers allow generated voltage to be either increased or decreased before it is
Describe the purpose of transformers in electrical circuits
Transformers change the voltage in an AC current. A transformer consists of two overlapping
coils. The coils do not need to be physically connected because they use electromagnetic
induction to transfer energy.
Compare step-up and step-down transformers
Step up transformers: increase voltage
Step down transformer: decrease voltage
Identify the relationship between the ratio of the number of turns in the primary and
secondary coils and the ratio of primary to secondary voltage
( )
( )
Explain why voltage transformations are related to conservation of energy
In an ideal transformer, there is no energy lost and we cant create energy either. So the
power in the primary coil is equal to the power in the secondary coil.
So if a step up transformer gives a greater voltage at the output, its current must be decreased
Explain the role of transformers in electricity sub-stations
NSW power stations produce electricity with a voltage of about 23,000 V and a current of
about 30,000A. Unfortunately, this amount is too high to be sent through a cable. To reduce
heat loss, the voltage is increased as high as possible to reduce the current and heat loss.
Along the way, step down transformers gradually reduce the voltage, at town substations for
distribution across the town and then at individual transformers before being distributed to
houses at 240V
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Discuss why some electrical appliances in the home that are connected to the mains
domestic power supply use a transformer
Many household appliances operate at low DC voltages (iPods, laptops and phone chargers)
therefore theses appliances will have inline or inbuilt transformers to step down domestic
240V as well as a rectifier to convert AC to DC. TVs also have step-up transformers for
producing voltages needed for CRTs and Plasmas.
Discuss the impact of the development of transformers on society
The development of transformers in conjunction with AC current has allow for nationwide
distribution grids allowing the transfer of electricity from on power station to a large area
compared to the use of multiple, high voltage DC generators. Using transformers to step up
and down voltage, we can make distribution and transportation as efficient as possible.
Perform an investigation to model the structure of a transformer to demonstrate how
secondary voltage is produced
The one with the washers, audio oscilloscope and the CRO
Solve problems and analyse information about transformers using:
Gather, analyse and use available evidence to discuss how difficulties of heating caused by
eddy currents in transformers may be overcome
Laminations, reducing surface area, cooling down the coils using oil
Gather and analyse secondary information to discuss the need for transformers in the
transfer of electrical energy from a power station to its point of use
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Motors are used in industries and the home usually to convert electrical energy into
more useful forms of energy
Describe the main features of an AC electric motor
The rotor: end rings short circuit non-ferrous rotor bars, that is sealed i.e. no external
connections at all (usually a squirrel cage). Encased in a laminated iron armature.
The stator: surrounding electromagnet.
Connection to stator: the surrounding electromagnet receives the AC.
Perform an investigation to demonstrate the principle of an AC induction motor
The one with the plastic cup, magnets as well as the one with the washing machine motor.
Gather, process and analyse information to identify some of the energy transfers and
transformations involving the conversion of electrical energy into more useful forms in the
home and industry
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Increased understandings of cathode rays led to the development of television
Explain why the apparent inconsistent behaviour of cathode rays caused debate as to
whether they were charged particles or electromagnetic waves.
Early experiments produced inconsistent evidence as cathode rays appeared to behave as both
waves and a stream of particles
Hertz performed an experiment that seemed to show that cathode rays were not deflected by
electric fields (this is incorrect). This was used as evidence to support the fact that cathode
rays were EM waves just like light (which is not deflected by an electric field)
JJ Thompson performed an experiment which showed that cathode rays were visibly affected
by an electric field. This indicated that cathode rays charged particles.
Hertz showed that cathode rays penetrated thin metal foil indicated that it must be an EM
Due to the lack of the knowledge about the nature of atoms, conflicting results arose from
these experiments.
Explain that cathode ray tubes allowed the manipulation of a stream of charged particles
Cathode ray tubes allow the manipulation of a stream of charged particles.
Identify that moving charged particles in a magnetic field experience a force
Charged particles in a magnetic field experience a force. This force is given by the equation:
Identify that charged plates produce an electric field
Two metal plates, placed at a distance attached to a current will produce an electric field.
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Describe quantitatively the force acting on a charge moving through a magnetic field
Discuss qualitatively the electric field strength due to a point charge, positive and negative
charges and oppositely charged parallel plates
An electric field surrounds any point in a radial direction. The stronger the charge, the stronger
the field.
If a positive charge is placed near another positive charge it will experience a repulsive force
A positive charge placed in a field will experience a force in the direction of the arrow
A negative charge placed in a field will experience a force opposite to the arrow
Describe quantitatively the electric field due to oppositely charged parallel plates
Parallel charged plates produce a uniform electric field. The position of the charge in the field
does not matter as the field is uniform. Hence,
Outline Thomsons experiment to measure the charge/mass ratio of an electron.
Used a cathode ray tube with fluorescent screen at the end to measure deflection of beam
Equated B to E to determine the velocity of the particle (
Applied projectile motion principles after turning off B to find expression for
, ie: the
charge/mass ratio
Experiment showed either very small mass or very high charge
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Outline the role of: electrodes in the electron gun, the deflection plates or coils, the
fluorescent screen, in the cathode ray tube of conventional TV displays and oscilloscopes
A TV monitor consists of a large vacuum tube with a fluorescent screen. The electron gun is
surrounded by two electromagnets which work to focus the electron beam into a dot on the
screen. The beam performs a very fast sweep of the screen at a constant rate. A vertical pair
of electromagnets varies the vertical position and a horizontal paid of electromagnets varies
the vertical position.
1. Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots)
2. Electron beams
3. Focusing coils
4. Deflection coils
5. Anode connection
6. Mask for separating beams for red, green, and blue part of displayed image
7. Phosphor layer with red, green, and blue zones
8. Close-up of the phosphor-coated inner side of the screen
When we tune into a TV station, we are aligning the sweep rate with the stations signal
frequency. The signal varies in intensity to make blue, green and red spots on the screen,
which resolve into a picture.
Perform an investigation and gather first-hand information to observe the occurrence of
different striation patterns for different pressures in discharge tubes
The tubes with the different pressures glowed different colours and brightness.
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Striation patterns appeared depending on the pressure inside each tube.
Moderately low pressure streams appear to flow along the outer edge of the tube. Green glow
around the cathode and anode.
Perform an investigation to demonstrate and identify properties of cathode rays using
discharge tubes: containing a Maltese cross, containing electric plates, with a fluorescent
display screen, containing a glass wheel.
Produced a shadow which showed that cathode rays travel in straight lines
Deflected by electric field as a negative charge should be.
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Cathode rays are deflected in a circular path by a magnetic field. Use of fluorescent screen
allows the cathode ray to be seen.
Paddle wheel moves showing cathode rays have energy and momentum
Analyse the information gathered to determine the sign of the charge on cathode rays
Solve problems and analyse information using:
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The reconceptualisation of the model of light led to an understanding of the
photoelectric effect and black body radiation
Describe Hertzs observation of the effect of a radio wave on a receiver and the
photoelectric effect he produced but failed to investigate
In 1865, James Maxwell produced his equations that predicted EM waves
In 1887, Hertz conducted an experiment that produced his waves. He showed the rays
produced have wave properties: They could be reflected and refracted, could be diffracted,
could be polarised, had their speed measured to be the same as light (as predicted by Maxwell)
The speed of the waves was calculated using . The frequency and wavelength were
measured by observing interference patterns.
Hertz then shone a UV light on his brass plates and observed an increased intensity of the
signal. This is the first observation of the photoelectric effect. Hertz did not investigate further
Outline qualitatively Hertzs experiments in measuring the speed of radio waves and how
they relate to light waves
Waves can be diffracted when it passes through a small opening. The spreading waves are
called dispersion. This can occur with light using a prism or diffraction grating. Dispersion can
also separate waves of different frequency and wavelength because they are refracted or
diffracted to a different degree. If we add more than one split we can create interference
patterns. Changes in interference patterns can indicate a change in frequency or wavelength of
the wave.
Henrich Hertz used interference patterns to measure the speed of radio waves in his
experiment. Amazing, the velocity turned out to be c (the speed of light) verifying Maxwells
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Radio waves are formed when an oscillating electric charge produces and oscillating electric
field which in turn induces an oscillating magnetic field. These two field combine to form EM
The Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect is: the ejection of an atomic electron by the absorption of a photon.
There is a minimum energy that a photo must
have to eject an election. This energy is
different for all atoms and we use special
compounds in photocell to take advantage of
1900-1902: Lenard investigation showed the
charges emitted were elections. He
investigated the relationship between the energy of the emitted photoelectrons and the
intensity and frequency of light.
By varying the voltage, Lenard was about to find the amount of energy required to stop the
current that inferred that this must be the KE of the photoelectron.
The results he obtained contradicted classical physics:
Photoelectrons were only emitted once a certain frequency was exceeded (classical
physics stated that as light intensity increased, the energy of the photons would
Photoelectrons were emitted instantly when the threshold frequency was exceeded.
As frequency increased, KE increased, there was no increase in current (classical
physics said the frequency of the light should have no effect on the energy of the
As intensity increased, current increased, KE remained constant.
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Identify Plancks hypothesis that radiation emitted and absorbed by the walls of a black
body cavity is quantised
A black body absorbs all incident radiation, and wont emit radiation due to its own
temperature. An ideal black body can be thought of as a black tungsten cylinder with a small
hole drilled into it to emit radiation
As temperature rises, the energy peaks moves to shorter wavelengths
As temperature rises, total energy emitted (area under curve) increases
Classical physics could not explain the peaks at longer wavelengths
The predictions of classical physics are known as the ultraviolet catastrophe meaning that at
shorter wavelength, energy increased. These curves have infinite areas under them showing
they give off infinite energy. This would destroy the universe, and that is not cool.
Max Planck came along and explained it mathematically. The solution was to describe energy
as increasing by little steps which he related to his constant. Planck said energy was quantised.
Identify Einsteins contribution to quantum theory and its relation to black body radiation
Einsteins contribution: A single photo is required to eject a single photoelectron. Basically
he quantised light into photons. He came up with the equation . He got a Nobel Prize
for that?
Explain the particle model of light in terms of photons with particular energy and frequency
Light exists as photons, each with an energy represented as E = hf.
Light intensity depends on the number of photons.
Photons with the highest energy correspond to light of the highest frequency.
Radiation sensor
Electric field
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Identify the relationships between photon energy, frequency, speed of light and wavelength:
The energy of a light photon of any known wavelength of light can be determined as they all
travel with the same velocity (speed of light).
At this energy level we use electron volts which the energy required to raise one electron to 1
Perform an investigation to demonstrate the production and reception of radio waves
Equipment: DC source, induction coil, AM Radio
Production of radio waves:
Charges hitting metal plate gives off EMR radio waves
Related to photoelectric effect
Reception of radio waves:
Use AM Radio not tuned signal is soft
Turn on induction coil and static becomes much louder indicating a higher amplitude
radio wave has been produced.
Aerial of radio would be approximately the same as the wavelength
Identify data sources, gather, process and analyse information and use available evidence
to assess Einsteins contribution to quantum theory and its relation to black body radiation
Identify data sources, gather, process and present information to summarise the use of the
photoelectric effect in photocells
Solar cells are an important application of the photoelectric effect. Photocells are cells in which
light incident upon a cathode causes the emission of an electron - the greater the intensity of
light, the greater the current.
Modern solar cells use silicon and gallium arsenide. They also use focusing devices such as
lenses to increase intensity and achieve greater efficiency
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Process information to discuss Einsteins and Plancks differing views about whether science
research is removed from social and political forces
Einstein and Planck were contemporaries. Planck believed that science was a pure form of
study and could be completely removed from politics.
Einstein believed that scientific development and politics were inextricably linked. He was
concerned that the new physics of the time would be used to develop the atomic bomb. He
wrote to President Eisenhower to express concern about Germanys nuclear weapons program
hence starting the Manhattan project and building the first bomb.
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Limitations of past technologies and increased research into the structure of the atom
resulted in the invention of transistors
Identify that some electrons in solids are shared between atoms and move freely
A good conductor is metal because a metal can be thought of as a big positive lattice in a sea
of electrons. The electrons move freely and easily between atoms to conduct electricity.
Describe the difference between conductors, insulators and semiconductors in terms of
band structures and relative electrical resistance
In an isolated atom, electrons occupy a series of energy states around the nucleus. An isolated
atom has a certain amount of energy to distribute to its elements. We represent this
distribution in bands
Conductor Semiconductor Insulator
Resistance Low Variable High
Valence Band: contains valence electrons and is partly or completely filled. The highest level of
an electron when the atom is ground
Conduction band: upper energy band and corresponds to the higher energy levels in an
isolated atom it is empty
Forbidden zone: the gap between energy levels
Valence band
Conduction band
No energy gap
Valence band
Conduction band
Small energy gap
Valence band
Conduction band
Large energy gap
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Identify absences of electrons in a nearly full band as holes, and recognise that both
electrons and holes help to carry current
Semiconductors dont conduct without help. They have four valence electrons. Silicon and
germanium are the two common examples. They are both photoconductors meaning they are
stimulated by the right frequency (energy) of into conducting electricity.
So light ejects a valence electron which produces a free electron. This leaves a positive hole
in the valence shell which effectively acts as a positive charge.
Semiconductors have much less conductivity than conductors. A conductors valence electrons
are all free to move. This means that in semiconductors, currents can be carried by the
movement of electrons or the formation of holes.
Compare qualitatively the relative number of free electrons that can drift from atom to
atom in conductors, semiconductors and insulators
Conductor Semiconductor Insulator
1 per atom 1 per million atoms None
Identify that the use of germanium in early transistors is related to lack of ability to produce
other materials of suitable purity
Early transistors were made from Germanium (Ge) because the technology at the time was not
sufficiently developed to produce other materials of sufficient purity. Today, we use Silicon (Si)
because it is far more abundant in the Earths crust whereas Germanium is quite rare
Describe how doping a semiconductor can change its electrical properties
We can further reduce the energy gap between valence and conduction bands by pre-
introducing a hole or free electron. This is done by placing an atom with three or five valence
electrons in the centre of the lattice.
Identify differences in p and n-type semiconductors in terms of the relative number of
negative charge carriers and positive holes
P-type N-type
Doping with an atom with three valence
Doping with an atom with five valence
Eg: doped with Gallium Eg: doped with Arsenic
Adds a (positive) hole Adds a (negative) free electron
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Describe differences between solid state and thermionic devices and discuss why solid state
devices replaced thermionic devices
We make transistors out of semiconductors. Before transistors we had valves which are small
thermionic devices in an evacuated tube which allows or disallows current flow.
Both circuits need to be on for the current to flow. Filament needs considerable energy to gain
enough heat to eject electrons
Thermionic Device (Valve) Solid State Device (Transistor)
Function Can switch on/off and amplify Can switch on/off and amplify
Structure Evacuated tube with filament and
another at either end
Three layers of semiconductors
joined together
Energy Filament is heated until electrons
are ejected
Base or bridge is switched on to give
electrons enough energy to allow
current to flow
Ad/Dis Really big
Lots of Energy
Energy inefficient
Really small
Not much energy needed
Very reliable
Energy efficient
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Perform an investigation to model the behaviour of semiconductors, including the creation
of a hole or positive charge on the atom that has lost the electron and the movement of
electrons and holes in opposite directions when an electric field is applied across the
Gather, process and present secondary information to discuss how shortcomings in
available communication technology lead to an increased knowledge of the properties of
materials with particular reference to the invention of the transistor
Identify data sources, gather, process, analyse information and use available evidence to
assess the impact of the invention of transistors on society with particular reference to their
use in microchips and microprocessors
Good Bad
Miniaturised communications devices More disposable communication
devices (e-waste)
Greater reliability Mobile communication (always at
Multifunction devices
Remote communication
Mobile communication (safety)
Faster access to large amounts of info
Storage of information
Greater computing power has led to:
Advances in biotechnology (human genome project)
Globalisation in the economy
Internet and availability of information
Improvements in transport (eg: GPS)
Identify data sources, gather, process and present information to summarise the effect of
light on semiconductors in solar cells
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Investigations into the electrical properties of particular metals at different temperatures
led to the identification of superconductivity and the exploration of possible applications
Outline the methods used by the Braggs to determine crystal structure
In 1915, the Braggs used the principle of x-ray diffraction to investigate crystal structure and
measure the distance between atoms. This is useful for crystals because they are so ordered.
Identify that metals possess a crystal lattice structure
Braggs established that metals possess a crystal lattice structure.
Describe conduction in metals as a free movement of electrons unimpeded by the lattice
Conduction in metals occurs as single valence electrons drift between atoms in the lattice. We
know that metals, in general, have only one, two or three electrons in their outer energy shells.
These electrons are only loosely bound to the positive ions, causing a lattice of positive ions to
be surrounded by a sea of electrons.
Identify that resistance in metals is increased by the presence of impurities and scattering of
electrons by lattice vibrations
Resistance in metals increases with:
Impurities in the lattice. Electrons are less able to drift between atoms and may be
captured by a different atom
Temperature increases. This Is because the lattice vibrates more and electrons are
more easily deviated from their A to B path
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Describe the occurrence in superconductors below their critical temperature of a population
of electron pairs unaffected by electrical resistance
Superconductors have zero resistance!
In 1911, Dutch physicist Kammerlingh Onnes made liquid helium. He used it to conduct
experiments at super low temperatures . He discovered that the resistance of mercury
disappeared below 4K. This means that a superconductor can carry a current with no thermal
loss. This is very cool
Discuss the BCS theory
Superconductors have no resistance. A current can flow with not thermal loss. In a normal
conductor a current is passed by the flow of single electrons being passed from atom to
atom within the lattice.
The prevailing theory of superconductivity is called BCS theory. It describes the current in a
conductor as being passed by pairs of electrons (cooper pairs) moving between layers of lattice.
BCS theory is names after Barden, Cooper and Schrieffer who were jointly awards the 1972
Nobel Prize. There are no agreements on how the pairs are formed.
Discuss the advantages of using superconductors and identify limitations to their use
Advantages Limitations
Can carry large currents for long periods
with little or no loss of energy
Become active at extremely low
temperatures everyday use limited
Can be used to generate large magnetic field Ceramics are unstable and brittle and they
cannot be drawn into a wire
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Process information to identify some of the metals, metal alloys and compounds that have
been identified as exhibiting the property of superconductivity and their critical
Kammerlingh Onnes discovered the superconducting properties of Hg in 1911 after cooling it
to below 4K. This is the critical temperature of mercury. When any superconducting material
reaches its critical temperature, its resistance suddenly falls to zero.
Material Type Tc(K)
Zinc metal 0.88
Aluminium metal 1.19
Tin metal 3.72
Mercury metal 4.15
ceramic 90
TiBaCaCuO ceramic 125
Perform an investigation to demonstrate magnetic levitation
Analyse information to explain why a magnet is able to hover above a superconducting
material that has reached the temperature at which it is superconducting
Meissener effect?
Gather and process information to describe how superconductors and the effects of
magnetic fields have been applied to develop a maglev train
Process information to discuss possible applications of superconductivity and the effects of
those applications on computers, generators and motors and transmission of electricity
through power grids
One future application for super conductors would be the creation of motors and generators.
Because of the zero resistance in a super conductor, motors can be created that have greater
energy efficiency and torque than conventional motors. As well, super conductor generators
have as little has half the electrical losses of a conventional machine at full power. Due to the
high density and efficiency of both motors and generators, the size and weight can be reduced.
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With research into high temperature superconductors, it may be possible to transmit
electricity and develop a power grid which contains next to zero resistance minimising energy
waste and removing the need to transmit electricity at high voltages. However, currently high
temperature superconductors are made of brittle ceramics which means they are very difficult
to turn into wire or other useful shapes.
As well, due to the fact that there is not resistance in a superconductor, it is possible to store
energy within a superconducting coil. Energy can be stored in a superconducting battery and
retrieved instantaneously when there is a need to stabilise the power grid.
Superconductors also have computing applications, the Josephson junctions associated with
super conductors allow for significant speed developments such as the development of
quantum computers which would reach speeds far greater than those of todays computers.
Superconductors greatest limitation at the moment is the need for cryogenic cooling of
materials to enter a superconductive state. Even high temperature superconductors need to
be cooling to 70K. If room temperature superconductors (such as 0C) could be found,
superconductors would become more accessible and practical.
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Problems with the Rutherford model of the atom led to the search for a model that
would better explain the observed phenomena
Discuss the structure of the Rutherford model of the atom, the existence of the nucleus and
electron orbits
Rutherford discovered the nucleus using his gold foil experiment.
Rutherford found:
Nearly 100% of particles detected had passed straight through or deviated slightly
A very small amount were reflected straight back
He knew that:
Alpha particles had low penetration
Alpha particles were positively charged
So he thought:
There must be a lot of space in an atom for an alpha particle to pass through
There must be a very small concentration of positive charge in the atom to reflect
Electrons must orbit the nucleus with their motion caused by the electrostatic
Rutherfords model had a positive nucleus with electrons in separate orbitals. In 1920,
Rutherford proposed the existence of a neutrally charged counterpart to the proton within the
nucleus. Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932.
Analyse the significance of the hydrogen spectrum in the development of Bohrs model of
the atom
Any sort of range can be considered a spectrum. There are three main types:
Continuous: black body or incandescent such as the sun
Emission: An excited atom returning to ground state emits energy of characteristic
Absorption: EMR passing through a gas absorbs a particular frequencies (used in
All evidence at this stage regarding the hydrogen spectra and other elements was experimental
(empirical knowledge).
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Absorption and emission go hand in hand. For electrons to move from their ground state to an
excited state, they must absorb the corresponding energy so we have to put energy in. The
electrons very quickly return to their ground state and emit the corresponding energy.
As the hydrogen emission spectra showed only that energy was emitted in characteristic
amounts and never in between, Bohr reasoned that there must be discrete levels of energy.
That is, electron shells were at a specific distance from the nucleus. His model showed
quantised energy levels and allowed electrons to move between these discreet levels by
absorbing or emitting energy.
Define Bohrs postulates
1. Electrons exists in stable (or stationary), circular orbits
2. Electrons in stable orbits do not emit radiation
3. Electrons absorb or emit specific quanta or energy when they move from one orbit to
Discuss Plancks contribution to the concept of quantised energy
Planck said that energy was quantised in discrete packets given by the formula (h
being Plancks constant). This differs from the classical interpretation that energy was a
continuous wave. This theory was derived from Plancks work on black body radiation.
Describe how Bohrs postulates led to the development of a mathematical model to account
for the existence of the hydrogen spectrum [Solve problems and analyse information using]:
A success of Bohrs model was that an equation for predicting the wavelengths of hydrogen
spectrum lines could be derived, confirming Balmers trial and error and Rydbergs general
equation. It also correctly predicted the ionisation energy for hydrogen as well as other series
in the hydrogen spectrum.
Discuss the limitations of the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom
The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom predicts well the distribution of spectral lines in
hydrogen and is described by the Rydberg equation. However it does not predict the following
Distribution of spectral lines in other elements aside from hydrogen
Varying intensity and thickness of spectral lines
Splitting of spectral lines (Zeeman effect) when a B field is applied
Hyperfine lines
The model is an untidy mix of classical and quantum physics
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Perform a first-hand investigation to observe the visible components of the hydrogen
Use of a rotating spectroscope
Apply a large potential difference across the discharge tube. This will excite the
electrons in the gas!
As the excited atoms ground themselves, they emit characteristic bands of light.
The diffraction grating splits these bands
Rotate the eyepiece of the spectroscope and note the angle of diffraction for each band.
This can be used to calculate the wavelength
Note qualitatively the thickness and intensity for each spectral line
Process and present diagrammatic information to illustrate Bohrs explanation of the
Balmer series
Analyse secondary information to identify the difficulties with the Rutherford-Bohr model,
including its inability to completely explain: the spectra of larger atoms, the relative
intensity of spectral lines, the existence of hyperfine spectral lines, the Zeeman Effect
See above Limitations of the Bohr model
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The limitations of classical physics gave birth to quantum physics
Describe the impact of de Broglies proposal that any kind of particle has both wave and
particle properties
De Broglie stated that any kind of particle can have both wave and particle properties! He
wanted to try and explain orbital stability and discrete energy levels in a new way. He
compared stable energy levels to standing waves (eg: resonance). There is not half resonance
state just as there are forbidden energy levels for particular atoms. He extended this analogy
to say that electrons are waves indeed, that all particles are waves! OMG!
The equivalence of energy and mass had already been identified by Einstein (E=mc^2) so it was
a small leap to say that as particles carry energy and waves carry energy, particles are waves.
De Broglie developed a formula to calculate the wavelength of a particle.
Define diffraction and identify that interference occurs between waves that have been
Describe the confirmation of de Broglies proposal by Davisson and Germer
Davisson and Germer were studying reflection of electrons off a nickel surface. They noticed
that the surface had oxidised. To remove this, they heated up the nickel and annealed the
surface coating it with large crystals. They continued to notice anomalies in the reflection
pattern and chose a large crystal and fired electrons at it. They noticed that maxima and
minima indicated different diffractions of electrons and that the patterns were similar to x-rays
which definitely are waves.
Significance: first experimental evidence that a particle could be a wave.
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Explain the stability of the electron orbits in the Bohr atom using de Broglies hypothesis
We can imagine the standing wave as being a rope which obeys with n being 1, 2, 3 etc. If
we shake the rope we can produce standing wave patterns that contain whole wavelengths.
We then take these standing waves and wrap them end-to-end to form a standing wave that
corresponds to Bohrs orbit. The values of n are called the principal quantum numbers and
they tell the number of wavelengths that fit into the Bohr orbit.
Solve problems and analyse information using:
Gather, process, analyse and present information and use available evidence to assess the
contributions made by Heisenberg and Pauli to the development of atomic theory
Pauli developed quite separate principles, each having an impact on the way we understand
the distribution of energy of electrons in atoms. Paulis exclusion principle says that no two
electrons can occupy the same quantum state.
The quantum state includes:
Energy level
Orbital shape
Magnetic quantum number
Electrons pair up with electrons of opposite spin. This adds stability as the spins balance.
Exclusion helps explain emission spectra, intensity of lines and thickness of lines.
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Heisenberg said that: we cannot know the position and momentum of a particle without
some degree of uncertainty.
This is only relevant at the quantum level because the uncertainty is of a similar order to the
size of small particles. Our measurements of large particles are not done with devices of
similar momentum. Eg: we dont measure the speed of a car by bouncing another car off it.
Our best tools for measuring small particles still have a significant impact on either momentum
or position, so in measuring one we impact heavily on the physical state of the particle.
This acceptance of uncertainty supports the idea of electron clouds instead of orbits. The
question of what is the quantum state of the electron becomes What is the state of the
electron most likely to be. Probability underpins many items in Quantum physics contrary to
Einsteins dissenting comment I cannot believe that God plays dice
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Jamie Kennedy
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The work of Chadwick and Fermi in producing artificial transmutations led to practical
applications of nuclear physics
Define the components of the nucleus (protons and neutrons) as nucleons and contrast their
Protons Neutrons
Lack of charge makes neutrons harder to observe. It wasnt long before scientists figured out
there was a big difference between the expected mass of a neutron and its measured mass.
Rutherford predicted the existence of another particle but it was Chadwick who isolated it.
Discuss the importance of conservation laws to Chadwicks discovery of the neutron
Chadwick used conservation of momentum laws to calculate properties of the neutron. He set
up two experiments and used simultaneous equations and data gathered from each
experiment to determine the likely mass of the neutron.
Define the term transmutation
Transmutation: the conversion of one element into another.
There are two types:
Natural Transmutations:
o Fusion: occurs in stars (proton-proton chain, H->He)
o Fission: radioactive decay
Artificial Transmutations:
o Fusion: cold fusion does not happen yet with our current technology
o Fission: used in nuclear reactors
o Nuclear Bombardment: Bombarding a nucleus to stimulate decay
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Jamie Kennedy
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Describe nuclear transmutations due to natural radioactivity
In certain unstable atoms, the repulsive electrical forces overcome the strong nuclear forces.
The two most common decay processes are the emission of alpha and beta particles.
Usually happens in large unstable nuclei
Alpha particle is identical to
General equation:
Describe Fermis initial experimental observation of nuclear fission
Between 1934 and 1938, Fermi:
Bombarded a variety of targets with neutrons and created many new unstable
He noticed many targets absorbed a neutron then emitted a beta particle. This
increased the atomic number by one.
He predicted that he could create transuranic elements by the process.
Then he did it! He created
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Jamie Kennedy
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Account for the need for the strong nuclear force and describe its properties
If we ask the question, what prevents transmutation we enter the domain of the nuclear
force. There are two: weak and strong. It we left the atom to be held together by gravity and
electrostatics, protons would shoot all over the place.
The nuclear force is:
Incredibly strong (to exceed electrostatic repulsion)
Extremely short ranged (
Independent of charge
Independent of mass
Explain the concept of a mass defect using Einsteins equivalence between mass and energy
The total mass of a stable nucleus is less than the total sum of the masses of the protons and
neutrons that it contains. But conservation of mass must hold. This mass is converted into
energy (the binding energy which holds the atom together given by E=mc^2) and this loss of
energy reduces the mass of the nucleus.
The difference in the total original mass and the total final mass is called the mass defect.
Another way to look at the mass defect is through binding energy. The binding energy tells us
how much energy you would need to separate the nucleus of the atom back into separate
protons and neutrons.
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Jamie Kennedy
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Describe Fermis demonstration of a controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942
Fermi determined that a fission chain reaction could be achieved using naturally
occurring uranium.
Fermi designed his reactor so that the uranium fuel blocks were spread evenly through
a pile of very high purity carbon blocks which would slow (moderate) the speed of the
neutrons ejected from the uranium nuclei
Cadmium rods were inserted throughout the pile to capture neutrons and control the
On December 2
1942, the cadmium rods were partially withdrawn from the pile with
the amount of radiation produced in agreement with Fermis calculations.
The control rods were removed to a certain point and by Fermis calculations, the
reactor reached criticality sustaining a chian fission reaction that could be controlled.
Compare requirements for controlled and uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions
Leo Szilard realised that if a neutron caused one nuclear event and in that event, more than
one neutron is realised then those neutrons in turn will cause more fission events.
A chain reaction, therefore, requires:
Fuel that is capable of fission (fissile material)
An amount of fuel to produce enough neutrons to cause new fission (critical mass)
Neutrons with the right energy to be absorbed by fuel nuclei
Uncontrolled reactions:
Production of neutrons is unregulated
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Jamie Kennedy
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Fission reactions increase at an accelerating rate (exponential)
Energy increases exponentially
Eg: reactor meltdown, atomic bomb
Controlled reactions:
Available neutrons are regulated
Fission reactors use absorption materials (cadmium) and manipulate control rods
(graphite) to control the production of neutrons
Energy increases exponentially until it is capped by the effects of the moderator
Eg: nuclear reactor
Perform a first-hand investigation or gather secondary information to observe radiation
emitted from a nucleus using Wilson Cloud Chamber or similar detection device
Solve problems and analyse information to calculate the mass defect and energy released in
natural transmutation and fission reactions
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An understanding of the nucleus has led to large science projects and many applications
Explain the basic principles of a fission reactor
In a basic Pressurised Water Reactor
Fuel Rods:
o Filled with uranium Oxide Pellets
o Required for controlled chain reactions
o Located in the core of the reactor
o House fuel rods, control rods, coolant system and a moderator (which can also
act as a coolant)
o Moderator:
o These act to slow neutrons, which improves the chances of neutron capture.
o Eg: Heavy water (Deuterium
o Graphite (regularity of cross-sectional area helps control neutrons speed and
Control Rods:
o Usually boron or cadmium
o Located between fuel rods
o Absorb neutrons (excess neutrons) to control chain reaction
o Can be adjusted to absorb more or less
o A constant rate is achieved when, for each fission, one ejected neutrons is
allowed to initiate another fission (all others are captured by control rods)
o For shutdown, control rods need to be fully inserted
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o Usually water or heavy water
o In electrical power stations, the coolant drives the turbine
o Takes heat from the core
Radiation Shielding:
o Cores emit large quantities of gamma-particles and neutrons
o Lead and graphite are used
o The containment building is high density concrete
Describe some medical and industrial applications of radio-isotopes
A product of Molybdenum decay
Delivered in meta-stable form. One triggered,
has a half-life of a few hours so it doesnt stay in your body too long
Used in imaging (diagnostic)
Detected by a gamma camera and used with SECT (Single Emission Computer
Medical Radioisotopes (Therapeutic) target diseased organ and tumours
Alpha source
Used in smoke detectors. Smoke is attracted to the ionised trails (like the Wilson Cloud
Beta source
Used for tagging and tracing fertilizer to monitor
Added to soil water. Half-life of 14 days
Detected by Geiger-Muller tubes
Describe how neutron scattering is used as a probe by referring to the properties of
(a significant mass)
de Broglie says it acts like a wave (It was a wavelength)
has a spin
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has magnetic properties due to its spin
This makes neutrons excellent for probing nuclei.
There are four main applications:
1. Spacing: The de Broglie wavelength of slow (thermal) neutrons is in the same order as
the structure/spacing of solids/liquids
2. Motion:
] DOWN [
family Muon [heavy, ] Muon Neutrino CHARM STRANGE
family Tau [heavier, ] Tau Neutrino TOP BOTTOM
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Gather, process and analyse information to assess the significance of the Manhattan
Project to society
The Manhattan Project left a legacy that shaped the 20th century in ways that few could have
imagined. The project led to the post-World War II nuclear arms race between the Soviet
Union and the West. After the test detonation of the Soviet Unions first bomb in 1949,
relations between the Soviet Union and the West deteriorated. This tension became known as
the Cold War and continued until the early 1990s; it ended with the dissolution of the Soviet
Union. The United States of America, Britain and the Soviet Union developed fusion bomb
technology, known as the thermonuclear bomb, the H-bomb or the hydrogen bomb. By the
mid-1960s France and China had tested atomic weapons, and today Israel, India, Pakistan and
North Korea also possess atomic weapons. Despite the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty,
which pursued a reduction in weapon stockpiles, today there is a worldwide arsenal of
approximately 20 000 nuclear weapons.
In tandem with the military developments, civil projects using nuclear energy have also
proliferated. Today there are 440 nuclear power plants worldwide, which supply 15% of the
worlds electricity demand, and there are more than 200 research reactors. The use of reactors
for nuclear medicine, neutron scattering and other industry-based applications highlights the
peaceful endeavours pursued by scientists and engineers today.
Identify data sources, and gather, process, and analyse information to describe the use of: a
named isotope in medicine, a named isotope in agriculture, a named isotope in engineering