ZOHO CORP Written Test Pattern and Some Questions

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ZOHO CORP Written test pattern and some questions

Pattern (total 45q = 25 objective + 20 descriptive) Time 2hrs

25 Objective questions rom( 20 !erbal reasonin"# 5 $ptitude )%&b'
(ere the) "ave a passa"e and some questions belo* li+e
Eg: $lice#,ob#-hris#.ave#/ric#0red#1aura used to *or+ in a restaurant or 2 da)s rom Tue34un and ever)
one is *or+ed or one da) and at least 2 members *or+ on a da)# 5on is holida)
8) /ither $lice or ,ob *or+ on 8st da)
2) 1aura *or+s onl) on 4th and 5th da)s
9) $ 8da) "ap is let bet*een 1aura and -hris
4) /ric *or+s :mmediatel) ater ,ob
8<=hat is the order o their *or+in" >
$)<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<-)<<<<<<<<.)<<<<<<<<<</)<<<<<<<<
935 questions *ill be as+ed rom this passa"e
These sort of questions will be asked up to ! from " in ob#e$ti%e t&pe' gi%ing nearl& "() Passages
*nd rest " questions will be *ptitude like
8) $ cloc+ misses 8min or each hour ater the midni"ht and the time in the cloc+ beore 8hour 90min is
89<45 and *hat is the current time in the cloc+>
$)85<00 ,)85<89 -)84<5? .)84<95 /)84<90
*nd $oming to +es$ripti%e The questions will be of
8)0ind the ne@t number in the series o numbers AA#4?#92#8B#<<<<<<<<<>
ans7 =e have to describe the ans*er as
ACA = 4? ("ives the the 2nd number)
4C? = 92 ("ives the the 9rd number)
9C2 = 8B ("ives the the 4th number)
Do* 8CB = B ("ives the the 5th number)
4o B is ans*er
2)$ -aterpillar cra*ls a distance *ith speed o 28inches&min in the one direction and ater eedin" moves
bac+ in the same direction *ith Ainches&min and *hat is the avera"e speed o it>
9)On probabilit) and permutations li+e balls are dra*n rom bo@ and ho* man) are dra*n <<<<<<<<<<<
and problems on trains# ind shortest and critical path# junctions# relationships# !enn
dia"rams <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<etc
so# =e have to "ive the complete and detailed step b) step process o these problems in descriptive<

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