The document provides details on the written test pattern for Zoho Corp, which includes 25 objective questions on verbal reasoning and aptitude and 20 descriptive questions. The objective questions cover passages followed by questions, while the descriptive questions involve problem solving around series, average speed, probability, permutations, and critical paths. Candidates have 2 hours to complete the test covering a variety of topics assessed through multiple choice and descriptive response questions.
The document provides details on the written test pattern for Zoho Corp, which includes 25 objective questions on verbal reasoning and aptitude and 20 descriptive questions. The objective questions cover passages followed by questions, while the descriptive questions involve problem solving around series, average speed, probability, permutations, and critical paths. Candidates have 2 hours to complete the test covering a variety of topics assessed through multiple choice and descriptive response questions.
The document provides details on the written test pattern for Zoho Corp, which includes 25 objective questions on verbal reasoning and aptitude and 20 descriptive questions. The objective questions cover passages followed by questions, while the descriptive questions involve problem solving around series, average speed, probability, permutations, and critical paths. Candidates have 2 hours to complete the test covering a variety of topics assessed through multiple choice and descriptive response questions.
The document provides details on the written test pattern for Zoho Corp, which includes 25 objective questions on verbal reasoning and aptitude and 20 descriptive questions. The objective questions cover passages followed by questions, while the descriptive questions involve problem solving around series, average speed, probability, permutations, and critical paths. Candidates have 2 hours to complete the test covering a variety of topics assessed through multiple choice and descriptive response questions.
25 Objective questions rom( 20 !erbal reasonin"# 5 $ptitude )%&b' (ere the) "ave a passa"e and some questions belo* li+e Eg: $lice#,ob#-hris#.ave#/ric#0red#1aura used to *or+ in a restaurant or 2 da)s rom Tue34un and ever) one is *or+ed or one da) and at least 2 members *or+ on a da)# 5on is holida) 6estrictions7 8) /ither $lice or ,ob *or+ on 8st da) 2) 1aura *or+s onl) on 4th and 5th da)s 9) $ 8da) "ap is let bet*een 1aura and -hris 4) /ric *or+s :mmediatel) ater ,ob ;uestions7 8<=hat is the order o their *or+in" > $)<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<-)<<<<<<<<.)<<<<<<<<<</)<<<<<<<< 935 questions *ill be as+ed rom this passa"e These sort of questions will be asked up to ! from " in ob#e$ti%e t&pe' gi%ing nearl& "() Passages *nd rest " questions will be *ptitude like 8) $ cloc+ misses 8min or each hour ater the midni"ht and the time in the cloc+ beore 8hour 90min is 89<45 and *hat is the current time in the cloc+> $)85<00 ,)85<89 -)84<5? .)84<95 /)84<90 *nd $oming to +es$ripti%e The questions will be of 8)0ind the ne@t number in the series o numbers AA#4?#92#8B#<<<<<<<<<> ans7 =e have to describe the ans*er as ACA = 4? ("ives the the 2nd number) 4C? = 92 ("ives the the 9rd number) 9C2 = 8B ("ives the the 4th number) Do* 8CB = B ("ives the the 5th number) 4o B is ans*er 2)$ -aterpillar cra*ls a distance *ith speed o 28inches&min in the one direction and ater eedin" moves bac+ in the same direction *ith Ainches&min and *hat is the avera"e speed o it> 9)On probabilit) and permutations li+e balls are dra*n rom bo@ and ho* man) are dra*n <<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<etc> and problems on trains# ind shortest and critical path# junctions# relationships# !enn dia"rams <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<etc so# =e have to "ive the complete and detailed step b) step process o these problems in descriptive<