Statement of Informed Beliefs Final

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Statement of Informed Beliefs

Beckie Lewis
College of Southern Idaho
Evin Fox
EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture
Spring 2014


Statement of Informed Beliefs
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads
you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth, stated Dan
Rather (2010). Teachers are faced with the undaunted task of leading and prodding students in
the right direction. Teachers have a very important responsibility to help students reach their
potentials and strive to instill in them a love of learning. In order for students to get the most out
of their educational experience, a teacher must provide them with the opportunity to grow,
develop, and continually learn something new. Teachers must provide all students with an equal
opportunity to accomplish these skills and assets. Educators can also encourage and inspire
students by making learning fun, exciting and by creating new ways of doing things. In order for
these goals to be accomplished, my theory is teachers must have positive attitudes, motivate
students, create safe environments, supply various ways of learning, and uphold values, morals,
beliefs and diversity.
Students Ability to Learn
Teachers must have reasonable expectations for students, while making them think
outside the box and stretching their minds and imaginations. Effective teachers must provide
multiple ways of learning and give each and every child the opportunity to learn through
different learning styles. Through their learning styles, teachers strive to create an ideal learning
environment for everyone. All students have the ability to learn, but different learning styles are
required for each child to reach their potentials. A teachers ultimate goal is to prepare his or her
students to succeed and this can be done by being diverse in their teaching. One needs to utilize a
multiple amount of strategies in order to address every students needs.

Although every student has the ability to learn, outside circumstances often influence
ones desire for education. Peer pressure, family of orientation, backgrounds, homes, and
disabilities can have positive and/or negative effects on a child. According to Berns (2013),
Children are socialized by many people in society parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, coaches, religious leaders and role models in the media
(p. 12). Every child wants to learn and it is the teachers responsibility to provide the student
with a safe environment to accomplish it. As a teacher candidate, I must understand the
importance of communication, commitment, students acceptance, and empathy in order to
change lives for the better. Teachers need to be aware of students needs and abilities to ensure
all students receive the same opportunities. Some students might be suffering from excruciating
hardships and need prompt and critical attention. Modifications, called IEPs, and other
differentiated curriculum may be required for students of every background, race, ethnicity and
religion to be challenged and receive the same opportunities in their desire.
Students Social Ecology Theory
Teachers lessons play a huge role in a students desire for education. In order for a
teacher to positively influence a child, teaching needs to be fun, entertaining, and interesting.
Teachers need to constantly change things up and keep the children on their toes in order to keep
them interested and willing to give every task their best shot. As a future teacher, I intend to not
only allow students the opportunity to work individually, but work with others on a regular basis
as well. In many cases two minds are better than one and it will allow students to check for
understanding and make sure they are on the right track. Working with partners or in small
groups will allow the students the opportunity to experience socialization techniques, while
learning at the same time. They will discover how to work together as a team and how to

combine their ideas in order to accomplish tasks. Although working with peers is an effective
learning style, students also need the opportunity to work individually. Students need to be able
to work independently to figure problems out on their own and not rely on someone else to
always bail them out. By working individually, teachers are able to monitor student progress and
see if they are learning the concepts required to master the skills the educator is trying to teach.
Faced with any difficult problem of life we set our minds at rest sooner or later by
appeal to the school, according to theorist Counts (1996), We are convinced that education is
the one unfailing remedy for every ill to which man is subject, whether it be vice, crime, war,
poverty, riches, injustice, racketeering, political corruption, race hatred, class conflict, or just
plain original sin (pg. 3). Education seems to be the answer for everything, but family,
community, and culture can impact a students learning positively or negatively. Attitudes,
education, and income are three of the main influences a child may benefit from or be hindered
by. As I prepare myself to enter into education, I will understand these possibilities in order to
fully comprehend the circumstances that each child may experience and make the necessary
adjustments to help them succeed. I will support and encourage every student, in every possible
positive influence that comes their way. Individuals that feel support by others, will do better in
school and have an all-around better attitude.
Cultural Diversity Instruction
Diversity is an important asset to each and every classroom. Students need to be
comfortable with diversity and welcome it into their lives. Students possess the ability to learn
and must be taught to appreciate uniqueness in their lives and in the lives of others as well.
Teachers are responsible for teaching students the importance of different cultures in their lives
and the benefits that will come by accepting each one.

I will treat everyone equally. It will not matter ones race, religion, age, culture, custom,
ethnicity, sex, background, etc., I will treat everyone the same and teach my students to treat
everyone around them equally. I will teach my students about cultural pluralism and the
appreciation and understanding that is required for coexistence in society. Hillary Clinton (1993)
once said, What we have to do is find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our
differences without fracturing our communities. I will also teach my students about cultural
assimilation and the ability and need one has to fit in and be part of a group. I will do my best to
reach all students by finding learning styles that will work well for everyone. I will also use all
available resources provided by the school to insure all students are given the opportunity for an
equal and valuable education.
Curriculum for all learners
In the field of critical education there is an entanglement of visions, locations, practices
and these understandably vary from individual to individual, neighbor to neighbor, district to
district, region to region, country to country, stated educational theorist McLaren (2014, pg. 1).
No matter what vision, location, and practice one utilizes, teachers ultimately have a
responsibility to teach students skills they will need to prosper. A teacher designs a curriculum
that will meet the guidelines of the class. Educators must teach the students what they must know
and how they can be successful in various aspects of learning. Teachers understand that
adjustments may need to be made in their lesson plans in order to teach and get through to each
student. I plan to utilize the curriculum by finding out what learning styles will work and which
ones wont. I will create a curriculum that will allow students the opportunity to understand and
learn what is expected. I will also regulate the curriculum in order to keep the children interested
and willing to participate.

Monitoring student progress is very important. Teachers must constantly check the
students for understanding. If the students dont understand a concept, the teacher will need to
find other methods or time to work with those students individually. As a teacher, I will check
for understanding through assignments, tests, projects, and games. I will ensure that each learner
grows by checking for understanding and constantly monitoring grades and or assignments for
improved scores.
A good teacher can motivate and push a student to reach his or her potential. Educators
seek to be great examples and role models while supporting diversity and instilling a love of
learning. Good teachers create a safe learning environment and design fun and effective learning.
I will strive to be a competent, well-rounded individual and be the best possible teacher I can be.
I will supply each student with the keys they will need to succeed and urge them to take
advantage of them.


Berns, R.M. (2013). Child, Family, School, Community (9
ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Counts, G.S. (1996). Dare The School Build A New Social Order?. The John Day Pamplets.
Retrieved from
McLaren, P. (2014, April 7). Critical Pedagogy Against Capitalist Schooling: Towards a
Socialist Alternative. An Interview with Peter McLaren. Global Education Magazine.
Retrieved from
Pear, R. (1993, May 18). Commencements; Hillary Clinton Gives Plea for Unity at Penn. The
New York Times. Retrieved from
Rather, D. (2010, July 03). Famous Sayings For Teachers And About Teaching. Huff Post
College. Retrieved from

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