This document analyzes factors that influence job satisfaction of nurses at the Slamet Riyadi Cirebon Hospital in Indonesia. A descriptive analysis method was used to determine these factors by surveying 70 nurses. The findings suggest that salary (67.2%), promotion opportunities (68.6%), control over work factors (50%), relationships with coworkers (75.8%), and working conditions (52.9%) most influence nurse job satisfaction. Specifically, relationships with coworkers had the strongest influence. Nurse job satisfaction is important for nurse management, the organization, and ensuring hospital survival.
This document analyzes factors that influence job satisfaction of nurses at the Slamet Riyadi Cirebon Hospital in Indonesia. A descriptive analysis method was used to determine these factors by surveying 70 nurses. The findings suggest that salary (67.2%), promotion opportunities (68.6%), control over work factors (50%), relationships with coworkers (75.8%), and working conditions (52.9%) most influence nurse job satisfaction. Specifically, relationships with coworkers had the strongest influence. Nurse job satisfaction is important for nurse management, the organization, and ensuring hospital survival.
This document analyzes factors that influence job satisfaction of nurses at the Slamet Riyadi Cirebon Hospital in Indonesia. A descriptive analysis method was used to determine these factors by surveying 70 nurses. The findings suggest that salary (67.2%), promotion opportunities (68.6%), control over work factors (50%), relationships with coworkers (75.8%), and working conditions (52.9%) most influence nurse job satisfaction. Specifically, relationships with coworkers had the strongest influence. Nurse job satisfaction is important for nurse management, the organization, and ensuring hospital survival.
This document analyzes factors that influence job satisfaction of nurses at the Slamet Riyadi Cirebon Hospital in Indonesia. A descriptive analysis method was used to determine these factors by surveying 70 nurses. The findings suggest that salary (67.2%), promotion opportunities (68.6%), control over work factors (50%), relationships with coworkers (75.8%), and working conditions (52.9%) most influence nurse job satisfaction. Specifically, relationships with coworkers had the strongest influence. Nurse job satisfaction is important for nurse management, the organization, and ensuring hospital survival.
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PERAWAT Widiya Ramadani, Eka URI: Da!: 2012-11-07 A"#$a%: Performance of a good nure can reflect ho! the" get at#fact#on #n perform#ng h# or her $o% and &#ce &era. 'hu( th# reearch a#m to #dent#f" and anal")e the factor that #nfluence $o% at#fact#on of nure #n *lam *%nu +#na hop#tal Pe,an%aru. 'he reearch !a done %" decr#pt#&e anal"# method( !h#ch a#m to determ#ne the factor that #nfluence nure $o% at#fact#on. +u%$ect !ere all nure !or,#ng #n the #npat#ent hop#tal *lam *%nu +#na Pe,an%aru the total ample of 70 people. 'he f#nd#ng ugget that the factor that #nfluence $o% at#fact#on # the alar" of nure -67.2./( promot#on -68.6./( factor control -50./( relat#onh#p !#th co-!or,er -75.8./ and !or,#ng cond#t#on -52( 9./. 'h# ugget that factor relat#onh#p !#th co-!or,er that #nfluence $o% at#fact#on of hop#tal nure Pe,an%aru *lam *%nu +#na. 0o% at#fact#on of nure # e1pected to %e a concern for the #nteret of nure management( the organ#)at#on and enure the ur&#&al of the hop#tal. +ho! full #tem record Fi&!# in 'i# i!m Nam!:2,a 3#d#"a 4amadan# ... Si(!:89.395% F)$ma:P67 D!#%$i*i)n:58498 *:;*8< =#e!/>pen T'i# i!m a**!a$# in '! +)&&),in- .)&&!%i)n/#0 ?u#ne 8dm#n#trat#on @74A