The document is an exam for a communications engineering course containing 4 questions with multiple parts each. It tests students on topics such as:
- The central limit theorem and properties of random variables like autocorrelation and power spectral density.
- Digital modulation schemes like QPSK, DPSK, and their mathematical representations.
- Error correcting codes like generating an (6,3) linear block code and properties of codes relating to error correction.
- Source coding methods for data compression including delta modulation, PCM, Shannon's channel capacity theorem, and Huffman coding.
The document is an exam for a communications engineering course containing 4 questions with multiple parts each. It tests students on topics such as:
- The central limit theorem and properties of random variables like autocorrelation and power spectral density.
- Digital modulation schemes like QPSK, DPSK, and their mathematical representations.
- Error correcting codes like generating an (6,3) linear block code and properties of codes relating to error correction.
- Source coding methods for data compression including delta modulation, PCM, Shannon's channel capacity theorem, and Huffman coding.
The document is an exam for a communications engineering course containing 4 questions with multiple parts each. It tests students on topics such as:
- The central limit theorem and properties of random variables like autocorrelation and power spectral density.
- Digital modulation schemes like QPSK, DPSK, and their mathematical representations.
- Error correcting codes like generating an (6,3) linear block code and properties of codes relating to error correction.
- Source coding methods for data compression including delta modulation, PCM, Shannon's channel capacity theorem, and Huffman coding.
The document is an exam for a communications engineering course containing 4 questions with multiple parts each. It tests students on topics such as:
- The central limit theorem and properties of random variables like autocorrelation and power spectral density.
- Digital modulation schemes like QPSK, DPSK, and their mathematical representations.
- Error correcting codes like generating an (6,3) linear block code and properties of codes relating to error correction.
- Source coding methods for data compression including delta modulation, PCM, Shannon's channel capacity theorem, and Huffman coding.
Instructions: 1 Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary ime: ! am to 12 pm 2 "i#ures to the ri#ht in$icate %ull marks. otal Marks: &0
Q. 1
(a) Explain the central limit theorem. (b) Explain the auto correlation, cross correlation and power spectral density function for the random variable. 7 7
(b) Explain QPSK with waveforms, constellation diagram and mathematical representation. 7 Q. 2
(a) What is the multi-amplitude signaling? Derive the BER for the same using matched filter receiver. (b) Write short note on Optimum binary receiver. OR (b) Explain mathematical and graphical representation of DPSK. Explain DPSK generation.
7 Q.3
(a) Generate LBC for (6,3)
(b) Hamming bound is a necessary but not sufficient condition for higher error correcting codes whereas is a necessary and sufficient condition for single error correcting codes. Justify OR (a) Derive the formula for signal to quantization noise ratio for PCM. (b) A binary channel matrix is given by
Q. 4
(a) Compare PCM and Delta Modulation in terms of their figure of merits. (b) Write short note on convolution coding. 7 7
OR (b) Discuss Shannons channel capacity theorem. Discuss channel capacity for infinite bandwidth. Show that channel capacity is always finite for finite signal and noise power. 7 Q. 5
(a) Explain working principle of delta modulation with help of block diagram. What are the problems associated with delta modulation. (b) What is source coding? Explain Huffman Coding with appropriate example. OR
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