Na - Student

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Getting To Know You as a Student


Student ID number _____________________
Part 1: Basic Information
1. I am in

Grade 7
Grade 8

2. I am a

Female Male

3. The group(s) that best describes me is (circle all that apply)

Asian Hispanic/Latino White African American

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander American Indian

Multi-racial Other

Part 2: Questions About You as a Student

Directions: Please circle one response per question using the 3 point scale to best
reflect what you ACTUALLY DO or HAVE DONE as a student. The information
can be used to help identify areas of strength and potential change, so be as
honest as you can be!
1. I set high standards for myself in school

Most of the time Sometimes Never

2. I feel comfortable asking teachers for help on a test or an assignment

Most of the time Sometimes Never

3. I ask for help from my parents when I need help with homework

Most of the time Sometimes Never

4. My parents ask me about what I am learning in school

Most of the time Sometimes Never

5. I attend tutorial

Most of the time Sometimes Never

6. My family and I attend evening events at Highland (Such as: Parent
University, Latino Night, Back to School Pizza Night, etc.)

Most of the time Sometimes Never

7. My teachers treat me with respect

Agree Disagree Dont know

8. If students like their school, they will do better and try harder in classes

Agree Disagree Dont know

9. Highland is a welcoming place for me and my family

Agree Disagree Dont know

10. I know what I do well in school and what I need to work on

Agree Disagree Dont know

11. Overall, I enjoy being a student at Highland Middle School

Agree Disagree Dont know

12. Any other thoughts or concerns you would like to share about your
experience as a student at Highland?


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