6 Grade Language Arts Mr. Smith: Welcome
6 Grade Language Arts Mr. Smith: Welcome
6 Grade Language Arts Mr. Smith: Welcome
Mr. Smith
A new school year has arrived and you are all taking your first steps into middle school. The first few
days and probably even weeks will be exciting, scary, and busy. Jumping from elementary school
into middle school is a huge and sometimes intimidating leap. I am here, ultimately, to help you grow
into life-long readers and writers who are confident, ready, and willing to learn and express
yourselves. However, I am also here to prepare you for the year ahead, to help you adapt to your
new environment, and to support you every step of the way. If you ever have questions, the BEST
thing to do is ask!
Course Description:
6th grade Language Arts builds upon the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills you mastered
while in elementary school. The writing and reading done in this class will help you prepare for the 7 th
grade and—more importantly—give you the necessary skills and confidence to read and write with
purpose and effectiveness. You WILL begin to think like readers and writers!! You WILL read and
write everyday.
Here at East, we are on a block schedule. This means you will miss 90 minutes of instruction,
90 opportunities to learn and grow with every absence. Come to school; it is worth your
time and effort!
If you must miss school (we all have our days), please get all assignments prior to your day
If you must miss school due to an illness, collect your missing assignments promptly upon your
To find out what work you have missed:
Plan a meeting time with Mr. Smith before/after school or during lunch
Refer to classmates’ notes and planners for clarifications or assistance (We are all here to
help each other reach our goals.)
Students who behave appropriately will earn verbal praise and PBS rewards.
Students who behave inappropriately will earn: 1) re-teaching and verbal warning
2) communication with parent/guardian 3) detention or restorative justice 4) referral to an
administrator for appropriate action
Positive, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence
You are tardy when:
You fail to get into your seat before the second bell rings
You come to class without the required materials
You continue to talk after the second bell rings
Because it is your first year of middle school, and lockers can tend to be a little “tricky,” I will be
lenient on tardies for the first week.
If you receive three tardies in one quarter you will receive a call home. Your fourth tardy in a
quarter will result in a detention. Each quarter you will start with zero tardies.
Writing/Reading Folders:
We will be working in our Writing/Reading notebooks daily. Because we will be writing,
reflecting, working on critical thinking, grammar, and vocabulary (etc.), your folders are
extremely important!
You are required to organize a folder for writing and a notebook for reading
(Don’t worry; organization can be difficult to master---I will help you!)
Your reading notebook and writing folder are very important parts of this course. Think of them
as your places to reflect, vent, show growth, and store important things.
Homework/Reading Log:
You will be required to read a minimum of 20 minutes at least four nights a week. The book
you read at home is required to be the same book you are reading in class during independent
reading time.
Minutes read at home are to be logged in your planner.
Planners are checked weekly on Fridays.
Grades in this course will reflect the mastery of the Colorado Reading and Writing Standards.
Cumulative grades will be based on a weighted grading system. (See grading scale on
reverse side of parent letter.)
Parent Bridge will be updated weekly with assignments and grades.
Classroom Norms:
RESPECT: yourself, your classmates, and your teacher
Be on time
Be prepared
Be on task
In order to be Successful:
Always act with PRIDE (see top of page)
Recognize and support diversity and uniqueness
Share, Reflect, Understand, and Learn!
Positive, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence
Thank you,
Mr. Smith
6th grade Language Arts
Work phone: 254-5020 (until 3:10)
Email: [email protected]