3450 Monument Road Jacksonville, FL 32225 Ext. 402 Northside PAL Center 2165 West 33rd Street Jacksonville, FL 32209 Ext. 403 Eastside PAL Center 1050 Franklin Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Ext. 404 Westside PAL Center 441 Day Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 Ext. 405 Palm Avenue Exceptional Student Center TEAM UP 1301 W. Palm Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 (904) 693-7516 Ext. 138 R.L. Brown Elementary TEAM UP 1535 Milnor Street Jacksonville, FL32206 (904) 630-6570 Ext. 238 OUR PROGRAMS: PROVEN RESULTS: Nationally Accredited After School Education Programs More than 500 students receive daily homework assistance, academic enrichment, life skills training and leadership development during out of school time. Year Round and Seasonal Athletic Programs More than 2,000 student athletes participate in sports programs annually. Sport Programs offered: Basketball, Track and Field, Boxing, Cheerleading, Karate, Flag Football and Tackle Football.
Athletic Tutoring Athletes with a GPA below 2.0 are required to attend tutoring twice a week in order to remain eligible for athletic competition. Youth Directors Council (PALs Teen Leadership Program) When students graduate from PALs after school program, they move up to our Youth Directors Council where we offer leadership development and college/workforce readiness preparation. Mentoring The PAL Mentoring program offers children of our community extra guidance and support through a one-on-one relationship with an adult mentor. Summer Camps The PAL summer camps are going full STEAM ahead as PAL teams up with NASA to offer Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math activities WWW.JAXPAL.COM * This program is funded in whole or in part by the Jacksonville Children's Commission. 96% of PAL after school students were promoted on time to the next grade level. 85% of students enrolled in our afterschool program were absent less than ten days from school. There was a 35% reduction in violent incidences at Mallison Park after PAL took over the park. With a PAL center at the Eastside, the local neighborhood has seen a 47% reduction in crimes against person, and a nearly 82% decrease in drug complaints/incidences. (904) 854-6555 WHO WE ARE: Our Mission: The Police Athletic League of Jacksonville enriches the lives of children by creating positive relationships between law enforcement offcers and the youth of our community through educational, athletic and leadership programs. Our Students: The vast majority of PAL kids live in zip codes which have the highest concentration of risk factors for raising a child: highest percentage of poverty, lowest average median income, highest incidence of unemployment, teen pregnancy, STD/HIV/AIDS, births to unwed mothers, single parent households and high school drop-outs. Our Approach: Our sports program is the "hook" to attract students to PAL where we can provide academic assistance, life skills instruction and mentoring from positive role models. Serving between 500 and 1,000 children and youth daily, PAL builds friendships between Jacksonville law enforcement offcers and the children we serve. Our program model is based on the proven notion that if a young person respects a police offcer on the ball feld, in the gym or classroom, they will likely come to respect the laws that police offcers enforce. WWW.JAXPAL.COM JACKSONVILLE'S CHOICE JUVENILE CRIME OR SAFE LEARNING TIME America's law enforcement leaders know from experience, and research shows, that the "prime time" for juvenile crime is after school between 3 and 6 p.m. Investing in after school programs saves communities money. Experts estimate that we save between $1.7 and $2.3 million for each at-risk youth prevented from adopting a life of crime. THE NEED: What once began out of the trunk of a police offcer's car has grown to serve more than 2,600 children annually. Due to the demand for increased program services, we have the opportunity to impact the lives of even more children and neighborhoods. As a community, we can choose to fund these programs now or pay the price later. With your support we can continue to build good citizens; thereby, creating a better future for all of us. TESTIMONIALS: "PAL helped me pass the FCAT. I also am getting good grades because of PAL!" -Allison, age 9 "Without PAL, I would be stuck at home and not at a safe place." - Carla, age 13 "PAL has actually changed my parent's lives because now they are not mad at me for not doing my homework." -India, age 8 "PAL has helped me to solve problems." -Eddy, age 9 "PAL is my home away from home." -Denisha, PAL Graduate "PAL has done a wonderful job with my son. Last year, he was a D average student, this year, he has pulled his grades up to A's and B's with one C in reading. The teacher has asked me to send in his reading book every day. I want to express my gratitude." -PAL Parent Did You Know??? Programs like PAL's have been proven to produce benefts to the public of $3 for every dollar spent.