Identify The References in The Following Texts:: Exercises. Reference
Identify The References in The Following Texts:: Exercises. Reference
Identify The References in The Following Texts:: Exercises. Reference
Identify the references in the following texts:
Exercise 1
Every organization, as soon as it gets to any size (perhaps 1,000 people), begins to feel a need to
systematize its management of hman assets! "erhaps the pay scales have got way ot of line, with
apparently similar#level $obs paying very different amonts% perhaps there is a feeling that there are a lot
of neglected s&ills in the organization that other departments cold tilize if they were aware that they
existed! "erhaps individals have complained that they don't &now where they stand or what their ftre
is% perhaps the nions have re(ested standardized benefits and procedres! )hatever the historical
origins, some &ind of central organization, normally named a personnel department, is formed to pt
some system into the haphazardry! *he systems that they adopt are often modelled on the world of
prodction, becase that is the world with the best potential for order and system!
Exercise 2
)e all tend to complain abot or memories! +espite the elegance of the hman memory system, it is not
infallible, and we have to learn to live with its fallibility! It seems to be socially mch more acceptable to
complain of a poor memory, and it is somehow mch more acceptable to blame a social lapse on 'a
terrible memory', than to attribte it to stpidity or insensitivity! ,t how mch do we &now abot or
own memories- .bviosly we need to remember or memory lapses in order to &now $st how bad or
memories are! Indeed one of the most amnesic patients I have ever tested was a lady sffering from
/orsa&off's syndrome, memory loss following chronic alcoholism! *he test involved presenting her with
lists of words% after each list she wold comment with srprise on her inability to recall the words, saying:
'I pride myself on my memory0' 1he appeared to have forgotten $st how bad her memory was'!