Natural Disaster Powerpoint Presentation Scoring Rubric
Natural Disaster Powerpoint Presentation Scoring Rubric
Natural Disaster Powerpoint Presentation Scoring Rubric
Name __________________________________
Advanced 4 Title page
Included a creative title, photograph, and all members names All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. All information is detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Many detailed & accurate safety tips are provided to save lives There are 0-1 grammatical or spelling errors. The PowerPoint reflects an exceptional degree of the students creativity.
Proficient 3
Included a title, photograph, and all members names. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Information is generally detailed, clear, valid, accurate, & in your own words. Several detailed & accurate safety tips are provided to save lives There are 2-3 grammatical or spelling errors. The PowerPoint reflects a good degree of the students creativity.
Basic 2
Missing either a title, photograph, or members names. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Some information may be confusing, incorrect, flawed, or borrowed. Few tips are given or some safety tips are incorrect and flawed There are 4-5 grammatical or spelling errors. The PowerPoint reflects somewhat a degree of the students creativity.
Novice 1
There is no title page.
Description of disaster
Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Information is confusing, incorrect, flawed, and/or borrowed. Tips are confusing, incorrect, or flawed
Cause Information
Where/When Information
Effect Information
Real-life example
3 Interesting Facts
Safety Tips
Grammar/ Spelling
Neatness / Effort
There are more than five grammatical or spelling errors. The PowerPoint was poorly done and lacking in effort/ neatness