The document discusses whether exams should be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment. It outlines several arguments for why exams may not be the best way to measure a student's potential and abilities. Exams primarily test a student's ability to take exams, but do not necessarily reflect what they are capable of doing. Different students also have different learning styles and abilities, so using the same form of assessment for all is not ideal. The document suggests alternative criteria like assessing a student's positive attitude and work completion instead of relying solely on exams. It concludes that exams cause undue stress and a more practical assessment is needed to better show what students can do.
The document discusses whether exams should be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment. It outlines several arguments for why exams may not be the best way to measure a student's potential and abilities. Exams primarily test a student's ability to take exams, but do not necessarily reflect what they are capable of doing. Different students also have different learning styles and abilities, so using the same form of assessment for all is not ideal. The document suggests alternative criteria like assessing a student's positive attitude and work completion instead of relying solely on exams. It concludes that exams cause undue stress and a more practical assessment is needed to better show what students can do.
The document discusses whether exams should be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment. It outlines several arguments for why exams may not be the best way to measure a student's potential and abilities. Exams primarily test a student's ability to take exams, but do not necessarily reflect what they are capable of doing. Different students also have different learning styles and abilities, so using the same form of assessment for all is not ideal. The document suggests alternative criteria like assessing a student's positive attitude and work completion instead of relying solely on exams. It concludes that exams cause undue stress and a more practical assessment is needed to better show what students can do.
The document discusses whether exams should be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment. It outlines several arguments for why exams may not be the best way to measure a student's potential and abilities. Exams primarily test a student's ability to take exams, but do not necessarily reflect what they are capable of doing. Different students also have different learning styles and abilities, so using the same form of assessment for all is not ideal. The document suggests alternative criteria like assessing a student's positive attitude and work completion instead of relying solely on exams. It concludes that exams cause undue stress and a more practical assessment is needed to better show what students can do.
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Should exams e ou!la"ed in #a$o% o# ano!he% #o%m o# assessmen!&
Name '%o#esso% (ou%se Da!e SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT ) Exams often do little more than measure a persons ability to take exams. Should exams be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment? Outline One o# !he !hings !ha! s!uden!s *anno! a##o%d !o a$oid is !a+ing exams, Be#o%e su**ess#ull- *om.le!ing a *e%!ain le$el o# edu*a!ion/ a s!uden! should #a*e !he exam, This has een a %ou!ine and e$e%-one unde%s!ands !ha! !he%e is no lea%ning "i!hou! exams, Fu%!he%mo%e/ !his is !he .e%iod !ha! s!uden!s usuall- %ega%d as !he ha%des! .a%! o# !hei% s!ud- li#e, Whi*he$e% !he $ie"s s!uden!s ha$e *on*e%ning exams/ !he se*%e! ehind "h- s!uden!s !a+e exams should e no!ed, U. !o !oda-/ almos! all s!uden!s usuall- !hin+ !ha! !a+ing o# exams "ill %an+ !hem a**o%ding !o "ha! !he- *an do o% a*hie$e, This .a.e% des.ises !he #a*! !ha! examina!ions a%e no! .%o.o%!ional !o "ha! a s!uden! *an do, The%e#o%e/ i! se*onds !ha! #a*! !ha! exams should e ou!la"ed in #a$o% o# ano!he% assessmen!, A**o%ding !o Ale%! Eins!ein 0)1123/ he said !ha! e$e%-one is a genius, Ho"e$e%/ !he genius le$els usuall- $a%- and !ha! exam *anno! e4ua!e someone5s .o!en!ial !o ho" he o% she .e%#o%ms a#!e% a gi$en exam sea!ing, (hild%en a%e di##e%en! #%om ea*h o!he%/ and !his "ill ma+e !hem ha$e di##e%en! aili!ies, The%e#o%e/ !he%e is no an- single da- !ha! a !ea*he% *an 6udge s!uden!5s lea%ning aili!- !h%ough !he same means #o% all !he *hild%en, Sin*e ea*h *hild is a di##e%en! eing/ !he- !hen .o%!%a- $e%- di##e%en! lea%ning s!-les, Ho"e$e%/ i! is dishea%!ening !o a##i%m !ha! "hen assessing !he *hild%en "ho ha$e di##e%en! lea%ning s!-les/ !ha! mos! !ea*he%s usuall- do no! a..%e*ia!e !hese di##e%en*es, 7! is "o%!h no!ing !ha!/ !his e$alua!ion s!-le usuall- gi$es ou! a $e%- "%ong .e%*e.!ion on !he s!uden!s, 7n o!he% "o%ds/ !his gi$es a $e%- ina**u%a!e %e#le*!ion o# !he .%og%ess .lus lea%ning aili!ies o# !he s!uden!, Wha! !ea*he%s should unde%s!and is !ha!/ i# !he- +no" !ha! s!uden!s a%e usuall- lea%ning di##e%en!l-/ "h- a%e !he- using !he same SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT 8 *%i!e%ion o# e$alua!ion !o !hem all& Sadl-/ #%om !he !ime immemo%ial/ i# a *e%!ain nume% o# s!uden!s #ail exams/ i! is no!ed !ha! !he "hole *on*e.! "ill ne$e% e %e.ea!ed, Tea*he%s usuall- *laim !ha! !he- a%e %ushing !o #inish !he s-llaus o% i# !he- %e.ea! !he same *on*e.! !hen his o% he% su6e*! "ill la*+ ehind in !e%ms o# s-llaus #inishing 0Bea!le-/ )191,., 91)3, 7! is good #o% #inishing s-llaus/ ho"e$e%/ ho" "ill !ha! ene#i! s!uden!s "ho did no! unde%s!and a *e%!ain *on*e.! and !he- #ailed i! in exams& S!uden!s a%e #%e4uen!l- ushe%ed in!o ano!he% !o.i*/ "i!hou! !hem unde%s!anding !he .%e$ious *on*e.!, This is a *lea% e$iden! !ha! !he%e is no "a-/ a s!uden!5s aili!- o# .o!en!ial *an e measu%ed - !he use o# exams, Man- a%e !imes "hen .eo.le !hin+ exams !o e a %idge #o% !hem !o ge! in!o !he uni$e%si!ies, :es/ !his is !%ue/ ho"e$e%/ using exams !o gauge someone5s .o!en!ial should no! e ad$isale a! all *os!, A di##e%en! "a- !ha! should *a!e% #o% e$e%- s!uden!5s aili!- should e #o%mula!ed so !ha! e$en i# i! is going !o !he uni$e%si!-/ s!uden!s should go a#!e% eing %a!ed - "ha! !he- *an o##e%/ o% "ha! !hei% aili!- is, 7n doing !his/ all s!uden!s "ill ha$e een gi$en e4ual o..o%!uni!- !o shine in !hei% o"n "a- 0Lau"e%-s/ ; S*anlon/ )1123, One o# !he sugges!ed *%i!e%ia !ha! *an e used ins!ead o# exams is !ha!/ s!uden!s should e !es!ed on !hei% .osi!i$e a!!i!ude !o !he *lass "o%+, Fo% ins!an*e/ a s!uden! *an go !h%ough no%mal *lass "o%+/ "hi*h en!ails diagnos!i* !es!s/ home"o%+ and a !o!al *lass "o%+ *om.le!ion, Then !he%e should e no need #o% !a+ing examina!ions/ sin*e !his in i!sel# %e#le*!s ho" !ha! s!uden! has !he .o!en!ial, 7n o!he% "o%ds/ !his "ill $isuali<e "ha! s!uden!s "e%e *a.ale o#/ and "he!he% !he- ha$e heeded !he *on*e.! !ha! !he !ea*he% has !augh! !hem/ %esul!ing in .assing !he uni!s, Logi*al/ exams a%e %ega%ded as s!%ess gi$e%, The- gi$e s!%ess !o s!uden!s/ sin*e s!uden!s "ill %un u. and do"n !o ensu%e !he- a%e .assing exams/ and -e! !he- #ail !o e .%e.a%ed SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT = ade4ua!el- #o% !he %eal "o%ld s*ena%ios, '%a*!i*all-/ !his %e$eals "h- !he%e a%e some .eo.le/ des.i!e #ailing !e%%il- in !hei% s*hool"o%+/ !he- ha$e eme%ged su**ess in %eal "o%ld s*ena%ios/ "hile/ some o# !hose "ho .assed $e%- "ell in s*hool "o%+/ a%e s!ill #ailu%es in li#e, Un#o%!una!el-/ s!uden!s "ho a%e ex.e*!ed !o si! #o% a !es!> !he- a%e du.ed in!o unde%s!anding !ha! !hei% .o!en!ial and inna!e aili!ies a%e eing !es!ed "hils! !he- a%e g%ea!l- eing !es!ed on !hei% aili!- o# !a+ing !es!s, The !es! !a+ing s-s!em usuall- en*ou%ages s!uden!s !o .%a*!i*e .as! .a.e%s all in !he ho.e !ha! !he- a%e mas!e%ing !he su6e*!, Ho"e$e%/ !he !%u!h is !ha! !he- a%e made !o *on*en!%a!e on .as! .a.e%s 6us! in mas!e%ing !es! and no! !he su6e*! as ex.e*!ed, The%e#o%e/ exam !a+ing is no! a good measu%e #o% a s!uden!5s .o!en!ial 0Me-e%s/ )19)3, Las!l-/ i! has een dis*o$e%ed !ha! !he s!uden!s !hemsel$es o% !ea*he%s o% !hose examine%s al!e% ma%+s on !es!s #%e4uen!l- .%io% !o !hei% admi!!an*e o# !he human e%%o%, 7n addi!ion/ !he%e a%e o!he% s!uden!s !ha! a%e *alled !he ?.ushe%s5 o% *on$in*e%s, These s!uden!s ha$e !he .o"e% !o *on$in*e !he examine% !o %aise !hei% ma%+s/ and !he- a%e +no"n !o exe%*ise !his !alen! #%e4uen!l-, 7n !his si!ua!ion/ i! sho"s !ha! !he%e a%e man- s!uden!s in !he "o%ld/ "ho usuall- ge! "ha! !he- ha$e no! "o%+ed , The%e#o%e/ !hose "ho *onside% examina!ion a %e#le*!o% !o "ha! a s!uden! *an do ge! misled a! !imes, 7! *an e no!ed also !ha!/ in mos! *ases/ !es! %e4ui%es s!uden!s !o *%am some !hings "hen s!ud-ing/ and immedia!e !he !es! ha$e een !a+en/ !he *%ammed in#o%ma!ion disa..ea%s, He%e/ is "he%e mos! o# !he s!uden!s usuall- lie 0Wigle-/ )11=3, Thei% s!ud-ing !e*hni*al is *%amming and !ha! is ho" !he- end u. .assing exams, The onl- es! "a- !o *oun!e% !his is !o elimina!e !he !%adi!ional "a- o# examining someone5s .o!en!ial/ and*e i! "i!h a mo%e .%a*!i*al "a- !ha! *an hel. s!uden!s sho" ou! "ha! !he- *an .e%#e*!l- do, Tables and figures SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT @ Su%$e- 0Some%$ill/ )1123 'assed Those "ho do "ha! !he- li+e .%o#essionall- Those "ho do no! li+e "ha! !he- do Failed Those "ho li+es !hei% *a%ee% Those "ho do no! li+e !hei% "o%+ Aende% B1 )1 =1 =1 )C 98 Male =2 9B 8) @) =1 9) Female To!al 8B C) D) BC )B The !ale ao$e sho"s a su%$e- o# s!uden!s "ho #inished exams and a%e em.lo-ed some"he%e, The %e*o%ds sho" o!h gende%s/ !ha! is !he male and #emale, The !ale indi*a!es !ha! !he%e a%e !hose "ho .assed exams/ and a%e "o%+ing and !hose "ho #ailed> ho"e$e%/ !he- a%e "o%+ing also, The !o!al nume% o# !he s!ud- g%ou. "as !"o hund%ed, The g%ou.s "e%e se.a%a!ed in!o !"o/ !hose "ho .assed and !hose "ho did no! .ass, 0Bo!h !he gende%s "e%e %e.%esen!ed e4uall-3, On a .%i$a!e *%i!e%ion/ e$e%-one "as !old !o gi$e ou! his o% he% a**oun! on "he!he% he li+es "ha! he is doing *u%%en!l- o% no!, This "as !a+en in !he #o%m o# 4ues!ionnai%es, The%e#o%e/ !he%e "as no %oom #o% *onsul!a!ions and !he %esul!s !aula!ed as ao$e, 0The en!i%e a*!i$i!- "as *a%%ied a! one "o%+ing .la*e and a! !he same !ime3, Results The !ale ao$e demons!%a!es !ha! ou! o# a hund%ed male/ six!- o# !hem .assed and #o%!- "e%e %ega%ded as #ailu%es in an exam sin*e !he- go! a elo" a$e%age ma%+, (onside%ing !hose "ho .assed/ #o%!- o# !hem *laim !ha! !he%e is no a..%e*ia!ion #o% "ha! !he- a%e em.lo-ed #o% !he SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT B %igh! no", Mos! o# !hem go! in!o !he .%o#essional "ing !ha! !he- "e%e no! ha..- in i!, The- a%e/ !he%e#o%e/ no! se%$ing e*ause !he- li+e i! uil! e*ause !ha! is !he onl- "a- !he- *an mee! !hei% ex.enses, The- also admi!!ed !ha! !he- #ind "o%+ !o e a *hallenge, O# *ou%se/ i# someone does a 6o !ha! he o% she does no! li+e/ !hen #a*ing i!s *hallenges is a ig .%olem 0Some%$ill/ )1123, Among !he #o%!- "ho #ailed/ !"en!-Ese$en o# !hem li+e "ha! !he- a%e doing/ and !hi%!een do no!, He%e/ again i! *an e no!ed !ha! !hose "ho #ail exam "ill al"a-s use !hei% .o!en!ial !o ge! !o !he heigh!s !he- "an!, A#!e% #ailing/ !he- ge! a $e%- good !ime !o .u%sue "ha! !hei% hea%!s as+ !hem !o do, The%e#o%e/ !he- end u. #alling in a $e%- good *a%ee%, To men/ !his is a *lea% indi*a!ion !ha! !he examina!ion does no! de!e%mine someone5s .o!en!ial, Fo% "omen/ !he same !hing ha..ens, Among !he hund%ed ladies/ #o%!-Eeigh! o# !hem %e*o%ded a .ass in !hei% exams/ and #i#!-E!"o #ailed, Ho"e$e%/ six!een on !hose "ho .assed li+es "ha! !he- a%e doing and !hi%!-E!"o do no! li+e "ha! !he- a%e doing, The %eason is s!ill !he same, A#!e% .assing/ !he- #ind !hemsel$es "o%+ing in an en$i%onmen! !he- do no! li+e, The%e#o%e/ !he- a%e !a+en as un#i! !o "o%+ !he%e, Wi!h !ha!/ !he- #a*e a $e%- %ough !ime/ in !a*+ling !he *hallenges ahead o# !hem, 7n !he same manne%/ among !he #i#!-E!"o "ho #ailed/ #o%!- o# !hem as "ha! !he- a%e doing as a *a%ee%/ and !"el$e do no! li+e i!, When as+ed/ s!ill> !he %easoning is !he same/ !ha! a#!e% *onside%ing !hemsel$es #ailu%es/ !he- de*ided !o .u%sue "ha! !he- ha$e een longing #o%, Tha! is "h-> !he- did end u. #alling in a good *a%ee% o# !hei% *hoi*e, on!lusion The%e a%e o!he% "a-s !o su**ess a.a%! #%om examina!ions/ and a! !he same !ime/ exams do no! measu%e/ ho" a *e%!ain .e%son *an .e%#o%m in !he %eal "o%ld, Then i! is %e*ommendale !ha! i# !he%e is an- di##e%en! !e*hni4ue !ha! *an e used !o assess !he .o!en!ial o# s!uden!s/ ins!ead o# SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT C examina!ion/ i! is e!!e% #o% i! !o e im.lemen!ed, The%e#o%e/ exams should e ou!la"ed in #a$o% o# a di##e%en! #o%m o# assessmen!, 7! is !%ue !o a*+no"ledge !ha! exams "ill al"a-s !es! !he memo%ies o# s!uden!s/ ho"e$e%/ i! is un#o%!una!e !o unde%s!and !ha! !he +no"ledge %e4ui%ed !o .ass !he examina!ion is !heo%e!i*al, This !heo%e!i*al +no"ledge is some!imes useless sin*e !he !ea*he%s/ a! mos! usuall- !ea*h and ma+e s!uden!s !hin+ in a "%ong manne% e*ause indi$iduals ha$e een su%%ounded "i!h o.enEended .%olems, "rti!le riti#ue $iet%& '. ". ()**+,. $ew Type Examinations in the -igh S!hool. /alues of $ew Type Examinations in the -igh S!hool with Spe!ial Referen!e to -istory Sterling 0. 1rinkley. The S!hool Review& 22(3,& 2+*. This a%!i*le gi$es *on*%e!e o# "he%e !he "o%d examina!ion *ame #%om, 7! #u%!he% illus!%a!es !ha! examina!ion *an e *onside%ed as a $e%- "ide "o%d/ and sin*e i! is a "ide "o%d/ i! is used in all s.he%es o# li#e, The a%!i*le #u%!he% indi*a!es almos! all examine%s do no! "an! !o lis!en !o an- #o%m o# dis*ussion en!ailing examina!ions, 7# !his is so/ ho" !hose s!uden!s "ho a%e in need "ill e assis!ed "hen i! *omes !o !he s!%ess !ha! a%e %ough! #o%!h - exams, The examine%s he%e should unde%s!and !ha! !he%e is no single da- a o!he% *an e elimina!ed "i!hou! i! eing dis*ussed, 'e%ha.s !o !hem !he- do no! "an! !he issue o# examina!ion !o e done a"a- "i!h/ due !o !hei% .e%sonal %easons, Ho"e$e%/ a! !his !ime/ edu*a!ion is a .%io%i!- !o man- and !ha! i! should e no!ed !ha! s!uden!s %igh! no" a%e s!ill going !h%ough a*ademi*s, Wi!h !ha! in mind/ a "a- should e *onside%ed/ so !ha! !he .ain and !o%!u%e !ha! !he s!uden!s a%e going !h%ough *an e minimi<ed !o some deg%ee o% *om.le!el-, The a%!i*le sho"s !ha! !he *u%%en! s-s!em o# examina!ions has een no!ed !o .%omo!e issues li+e *o%%u.!ion and *o.-ing, Well/ !his is a good ose%$a!ion> ho"e$e%/ !he same a%!i*le SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT 2 does no! gi$e a *lea% solu!ion !o !his, The au!ho% is *on!en!ed "i!h !he #a*! !ha! examina!ion should s!ill e in exis!en*e and !ha! "ha! !he examine%s should *onside% is !o *on!%ol !he ad side #o% ins!an*e *o.-ing and *o%%u.!ion, Ho"e$e%/ !he 4ues!ion he%e is ho"& 7! should e no!ed !ha! *o.-ing and *o%%u.!ion in exams ha$e een in exis!en*e #o% $e%- man- -ea%s, Ma-e/ e$en !he same examine%s also "i!nessed i! o% did i!, The es! !hing !o .ass a*%oss he%e *ould e !he manne% !o "hi*h !he examina!ion should e made e!!e%/ #o% !he ene#i! o# !he s!uden!/ and no! #o% !he ene#i! o# !he examine%s, Ta+ing ad$an!age in su*h a ma!!e% #o% a *e%!ain .a%!ies5 ene#i! is no! ad$isale he%e, The%e#o%e/ exams should e made e!!e% ased on "ha! s!uden!s a%e .assing !h%ough> !he au!ho% o# !he ao$e a%!i*le should no!e !ha!, He sa-s !ha! !he examina!ion is e$il and *on!%adi*!s his s!a!emen! - sa-ing !ha! i! should no! e aolished, Ho" *an an e$il !hing e .%ese%$ed& "nnotated bibliography Taylor& S. ". (4+35,. The /alue of Examinations and Tests for 0rading Students in "gronomy. "gronomy 'ournal& 56(+,& 5)). 7n !he ao$e a%!i*le/ !he main .oin! he%e is !ha! !he examina!ion is a .hoia .la!#o%m #o% e$e%-one, The a%!i*le goes ahead !o 4uo!es a ili*al sa-ing/ "he%e Fesus (h%is! said Gma- Aod no! .u! an-one !o !es!,H Examine%s/ s!uden!s/ and !ea*he%s all a%e o# !he o.inion !ha! exams a%e a *u%se/ a !e%%o% and a ho%%o%, This is e*ause> mos! o# !he s!uden!s ha$e een a##e*!ed "i!h !his exams issue/ !o !he ex!en! !ha! o!he%s ha$e #a*ed men!al diseases, 7igley& S. . ()**5,. "ssessment of 8orale in 9urther Edu!ation Students Studying for ":;<level Examinations. 'ournal of 9urther and -igher Edu!ation& )=(5,& 5)2>525 A**o%ding !o !his a%!i*le/ !he au!ho% alludes !ha! !he *u%%en! examina!ion s-s!em should no! e aolished/ ins!ead i! should e modi#ied !o sui! !he le$el o# !he !a+e%s, The%e#o%e/ ins!a!e o# SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT D gauging e$e%- s!uden! on !he same le$el/ i! is e!!e% !o *hange i! !o sui! a s!uden! indi$iduall-, This ma+es sense/ and i! *an e !he eginning o# !he "isdom !o man-, -ord%i& 7. ?. ()**@,. "nalysis of the behaviour of distan!e edu!ation students during examinations. Afe Bsy!hologia& 43(4,& 4>4). (onside%ing !his a%!i*le/ i! *an e no!ed !ha!/ !he%e a%e !imes "hen $iolen*e usuall- e%u.!s in !he examina!ion %oom, A**o%ding !o %esea%*h on "ha! usuall- *auses $iolen*e/ i! "as no!ed !ha! i! is !he s!%ess and ha%assmen! o# !he .a.e% !ha! !he s!uden! usuall- ge!s in an exam %oom, The%e#o%e/ !he a%!i*le also a*+no"ledges !ha! examina!ion should e *hanged !o #i! !he s!uden!s and no! !o ha%ass !hem, 7! is in !he %e*o%ds as .e% !he a%!i*le !ha! a s!uden! in Delhi ga$e a !ho%ough ea!ing !o an in$igila!o% "ho .%e$en!ed a s!uden! #%om *o.-ing, 7!5s amusing !hough/ a %eali!-/ a! mos! s!uden!s usuall- #a*e a %ough !ime "hen i! *omes !o examina!ions, Cohr& '. (4+@3,. Repeatable e#uivalent examinations for premedi!al students. "meri!an 'ournal of Bhysi!s& 52(=,& @2=. (on*e%ning !his a%!i*le/ !he main message/ is !ha! !oda-5s s-s!em has a lo! o# issues and so gi$ing s!uden!s !es!s is no! a !%ue ex.onen!ial o# "ha! !he- *an do, The a%!i*le a##i%ms !ha! !he *u%%en! s-s!em is al"a-s o.en !o !he un#ai% means, A**o%ding !o !he a%!i*le/ s!uden!s usuall- .ass examina!ion sa-s/ ho"e$e%/ a! !he end o# e$e%-!hing !he- %emain lan+, The%e#o%e/ !oda-5s s-s!em should e %e*!i#ied !o #i! !he s!uden!s o# !oda-, The%e#o%e/ !his a%!i*le su..o%!s !he o.inion !ha! !he *u%%en! examina!ion s-s!em is no! !he es! one "hen i! *omes !o %a!ing !he s!uden!s5 .o!en!ial, Smith& S. (4+63,. D ObEe!tive D Examinations 9or 8edi!al Students. The Can!et& )=3(@2+3,& 4445>4443. This a%!i*le also se*onds !he #a*! !ha! examina!ion is no! !he solu!ion "hen !%-ing !o SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT 91 unde%s!and !he .o!en!ial o% *a.aili!- o# !he s!uden!, The a%!i*le %ein#o%*es !his idea - illus!%a!ing !ha! !he *ommon elie$e !ha! examina!ions .o%!%a- a !%ue !es! o# me%i! is $ague, The a%!i*le a##i%ms !ha! man- .eo.le assume !ha! onl- !he dese%$ing s!uden!s "ill .ass an exam/ and !he %es! "ill #ail, A**o%ding !o !he a%!i*le/ !his is no! a !%ue !hin+ing, 7! *oun!e%s !he #a*! !ha! examina!ion is a !%ue !es! !o me%i!/ sim.l- e*ause man- s!uden!s usuall- use un#ai% means !o ensu%e !he- a%e .assing !hei% exams, Ho"e$e%/ !he%e a%e some "ho .ass genuinel-/ u! !he se*%e! ehind !his is !ha! all s!uden!s a%e no! !he same, 7n addi!ion/ !he%e#o%e/ !he- .o%!%a- !hei% *a.aili!- di##e%en!l-, The%e a%e !hose "ho .o%!%a- !hei% *a.aili!ies in!elle*!uall- and !he%e a%e !hose "ho .o%!%a- !hei% *a.aili!- in ano!he% means, The%e#o%e/ examina!ions should e ou!la"ed/ in #a$o% o# ano!he% assessmen!, Finall-/ i! is o# no o##ense !o *on*lude !ha! so #a%/ i! *an e no!ed !ha! examina!ion has no .o"e% as i! used !o e se$e%al -ea%s ago, 'eo.le a%e o%n di##e%en!l-/ and a%e made !o g%as. !hings di##e%en!, 7! is e!!e% !he *u%%en! examina!ion assessmen! e *hanged !o a di##e%en! assessmen! !ha! *ould *a%!e% #o% all s!uden!s, Referen!es Ade-emi/ T, 0)1123, '%edi*!ing S!uden!sI 'e%#o%man*e in !he Senio% Se*onda%- (e%!i#i*a!e Examina!ions #%om 'e%#o%man*e in !he Funio% Se*onda%- (e%!i#i*a!e Examina!ions in Ondo S!a!e/ Nige%ia, African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences/ 4093/ 9E9), SHOULD EXAMS BE OUTLAWED FOR ANOTHER ASSESSMENT 99 Bea!le-/ B, 0)1913, The Rela!i$e S!anding o# S!uden!s in Se*onda%- S*hool/ on (om.%ehensi$e En!%an*e Examina!ions/ and in (ollege, The School Review/ 300)3/ 9=9, Daah/ M, 0)11C3, Help your children succeed in school a special !uide for "atino parents, Na.e%$ille/ 7ll,: S.hinx 'u,, #ifty E$aminations in Mental Arithmetic %%% &ompiled 'y (A Head Master%(, 0922C3, Ne" :o%+: Uni$e%si!- o# Wa!e%loo, Ho%d<i/ W, J, 0)11C3, Anal-sis o# !he eha$iou% o# dis!an*e edu*a!ion s!uden!s du%ing examina!ions, )fe *sycholo!ia/ +,093/ 9E9), Jahn/ 7, 0)1113, S!uden!sI 'e%#o%man*e On Ma+eu. 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