IGNOU Prospectus and Application Form 2014 July Session
IGNOU Prospectus and Application Form 2014 July Session
IGNOU Prospectus and Application Form 2014 July Session
Masters Degree
Bachelors Degree
Price: Rs. 200/- by cash at the counter | Rs. 250/- by Registered Post
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068, INDIA | www.ignou.ac.in
2 IGNOU Common Prospectus
IGNOU Offers Round the Year Admission to
its Programmes under the Walk-in-Admission
Scheme. Candidates can obtain admission
application forms from Regional Centres,
Student Registration Division (SRD), IGNOU
Headquarters, New Delhi and also can
download the Prospectus and Application form
from the university website at www.ignou.ac.in
Candidates can submit the same only at the
Regional Centre concerned either by post
or in person.
Please check the admission advertisement in
National Dailies and on IGNOU Website for
last dates of submission in January & July Cycle.
Electronic version of the prospectus is available
for download at: http://www.ignou.ac.in
established by an Act of Parliament
in 1985 (Act No. 50 of 1985). IGNOU
Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are
recognised by all the member
institutions of the Association of Indian
Universities (AIU) and are at par
with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates
of all Indian Universities/Deemed
Compiled & Composed by:
Ms. Vibha Verma, PA, SRD
Prepared & vetted at:
Student Registration Division
Print Production
Mr. Arvind Kumar, AR (P) MPDD
Mr. Ajit Kumar, SO (P) MPDD
All rights reserved. No part of this
work may be reproduced in any
form, by mimeograph or any other
means, without permission in writing
from the Indira Gandhi National
Open University, New Delhi.
Further information on the Indira
Gandhi National Open University
Programmes may be obtained from
the Universitys office at Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi-110068 or its
website http://www.ignou.ac.in
Printed and published on behalf
of Indira Gandhi National Open
University, New Delhi by
Registrar, Material Production
& Distribution Division.
Laser Typeset by :
Rajshree Computers
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IGNOU Common Prospectus 3
Message from the Vice-Chancellor
Dear learners,
Welcome to the Indira Gandhi National Open University:
I have great pleasure in presenting to you all Prospectus 2014-15 of Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU) containing details of the Academic Programmes for the Admission Cycles July 2014 and January
2015. It is a matter of satisfaction for us that all the Academic Programmes on offer now are within the
ODL mandate for which IGNOU was established. IGNOU has provided opportunities to millions of learners
in the past in acquiring higher education for career promotion and gainful employment. This education,
in sync with the motto of the University is available to learners at their doorsteps. The University has
contributed towards nation building in a great way and evolved successful models of democratization of
education, training and capacity building.
The University also has a considerable international presence through overseas Partner Institutions/
Centres. We are the first university in the country who made appreciable education interventions in about
58 jails across the country. We provide free education to all the Jail inmates.
The University is keen to harness potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for
teaching-learning process. We use multi-media approach to impart education to our learners. The
knowledge acquired through self-learning materials is supplemented and reinforced by audio-video
components and counseling sessions conducted at the study centres to remove the apprehensions (if any)
faced during this learning process.
We take pride in the fact that we continue to innovate and break new ground in programme offerings.
Prospectus 2014-15 gives detailed information about the avenues and opportunities available to learners
in the listed programmes. This, I am confident, will enable you select appropriate programmes to enhance
your knowledge, skills, and job prospects.
I wish you all success in your educational endeavours and hope that the programme selected by you will
stand you in good stead in life.
(M. Aslam)
4 IGNOU Common Prospectus
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Prominent Features .................................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Important Achievements................. ...........................................................................................9
1.4 The Schools of Studies.............................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Academic Programmes ........................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Course Preparation ................................................................................................................. 10
1.7 Credit System ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.8 Support Services .................................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Programme Delivery ............................................................................................................... 10
1.10 Evaluation System .................................................................................................................. 11
1.11 Associate Studentship ............................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Master of Computer Applications (MCA) .................................................................................... 13
2.2 Master of Science in Dietetics and Food Service Management (MSCDFSM) ................................... 14
2.3 Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARD)............................................................................. 15
2.4 Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSCCFT)
(offered only in July Session) ................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Master of Arts in Tourism Management (MTM) .......................................................................... 17
2.6 Master of Arts in English (MEG) ................................................................................................ 18
2.7 Master of Arts in Hindi (MHD)............... ....................................................................................19
2.8 Master of Social Work (MSW) .................................................................................................. 20
2.9 Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC) ............................................................................ 21
2.10 Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) ......................................................................................... 22
2.11 Master of Arts in Education (MAEDU) ........................................................................................ 23
2.12 Master of Arts in Economics (MEC) ........................................................................................... 25
2.13 Master of Arts in History (MAH) ................................................................................................ 26
2.14 Master of Arts in Political Science (MPS) ................................................................................... 26
2.15 Master of Arts in Public Administration (MPA) ............................................................................ 27
2.16 Master of Arts in Sociology (MSO) ............................................................................................ 28
2.17 Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS) ................................................................... 29
2.18 Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC) ........................................................................................ 30
2.19 Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) ...................................................................... 31
2.20 Masters in Anthropology (MAAN) .............................................................................................. 32
2.21 Master of Arts in Extension and Development Studies (MAEDS) ................................................... 32
2.22 Master of Arts in Adult Education (MAAE)(offered only in July Session)......................................... 33
2.23 Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies (MAGD). ....................................................... 34
2.24 Master of Arts in Womens and Gender Studies (MAWGS)(offered only in July Session) ................. 36
2.25 Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE) ............................................................................. 37
2.26 Master of Commerce (MCOM).................................................................................................. 38
2.27 M.Sc. Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science (MSCMACS)
(offered only in January Session) ............................................................................................. 39
IGNOU Common Prospectus 5
3.1 Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies (BTS) .......................................................................................... 41
3.2 Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) ........................................................................................... 42
3.3 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) ......................................................................................................... 43
3.4 Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) ............................................................................. 44
3.5 Bachelors Degree Programmes (BDP)-B.A, B.Com, B.Sc ...................................................................... 45
3.6 Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP) ........................................................................................... 55
3.7 BBA in Retailing with the Modular Approach (BBARL)(offered only in July Session) .................................. 55
4.1 Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) ............................................. 58
4.2 Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM) .................................................................... 59
4.3 Post Graduate Diploma in Participatory Management of Displacement,
Resettlement and Rehabilitation (PGDMRR) ......................................................................................... 60
4.4 Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS) ............................................................. 61
4.5 Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD) ........................................................................ 61
4.6 Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling & Family Therapy (PGDCFT)(offered only in July Session) .............. 62
4.7 Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT) ...................................................................................... 63
4.8 Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO) ................................................... 63
4.9 Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD) ..................................... 64
4.10 Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC) ....................................................................... 65
4.11 Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC) ............................................... 65
4.12 Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP) ........................................................ 66
4.13 Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE) ............................................................................ 66
4.14 Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET) .................................................................. 67
4.15 Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management (PGDSLM) .............................................. 68
4.16 Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration (PGDEMA) .................................. 69
4.17 Post Graduate Diploma in Pre- Primary Education (PGDPPED) ............................................................... 69
4.18 Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work among the Tribals (PGDSWT).. ................................................... 70
4.19 Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management (PGDPSM) ............................................... 70
4.20 Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS) ....................................................................... 71
4.21 Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR) ............................................................ 72
4.22 Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice (PGDCJ) .............................................................................. 72
4.23 Post Graduate Diploma in Extension and Development Studies (PGDEDS) ............................................... 73
4.24 Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (PGDAE)(offered only in July Session) .................................... 73
4.25 Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (PGDUPDL) ................................................. 74
4.26 Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PGDFCS) ......................................................... 75
4.27 Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management
(PGDHHM)(offered only in January Session) ........................................................................................ 76
4.28 Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)(offered only in January Session) .......................... 77
4.29 Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH)(offered only in July Session). .................. 78
4.30 Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine (PGDHIVM)(offered only in July Session) .................................... 79
4.31 Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM)
(offered only in July Session) ............................................................................................................ 79
4.32 Post Graduate Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM) (offered only in July Session) ....................... 81
4.33 Post Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing (PGDBP)(offered only in July Session) ..................................... 82
6 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.34 Post Graduate Diploma in Womens & Gender Studies (PGDWGS)(offered only in July Session) ................ 82
4.35 Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE) ........................................................................ 83
4.36 Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE) .................................................................................. 84
4.37 Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development (DPLAD) ................................................... 84
4.38 Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS) ..................................................................................................... 85
4.39 Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ) ........................................................................................................... 85
4.40 Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE) ....................................................................................... 86
4.41 Diploma Programme in Urdu (DUL) .................................................................................................... 87
4.42 Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE) ....................................................................................... 87
4.43 Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing- Finance and Accounting (DBPOFA) ......................................... 88
4.44 Diploma in Womens Empowerment and Development (DWED) ............................................................. 88
4.45 Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP) .................................................................................................. 89
4.46 Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA)(offered only in January Session) ............................................. 90
4.47 Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN)(offered only in January Session) .............................................. 90
4.48 Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV)(offered only in July Session) ....... 91
4.49 Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT)(offered only in July Session) ........................................................... 92
4.50 Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT)(offered only in July Session) .......................................................... 93
4.51 Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses and
Oilseeds (DPVCPO)(offered only in July Session) ................................................................................. 94
4.52 Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) (offered only in July Session) ............................................ 95
4.53 Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) (offered only in July Session) ............................................. 96
5.1 Advance Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM). ......................................................... 98
5.2 Advanced Certificate in information Security (ACISE). .......................................................................... 98
5.3 Post Graduate Certificate in Extension and Development Studies (PGCEDS) ............................................ 99
5.4 Post Graduate Certificate in Adult Education (PGCAE) ........................................................................... 99
5.5 Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL) .......................................... ......................................100
5.6 Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice (PGCPP) .......................................................................... 101
5.7 Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PGCBHT) .......................................................... 101
5.8 Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation (PGCMHT) .................................................... 102
5.9 Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP) ................. .....................................................102
5.10 Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS) ........................................................ 103
5.11 Post Doctoral Certificate in Dialysis Medicine (PDCDM)(offered only in July Session) ............................. 103
5.12 Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the
Instructors of Visually Impaired (PGCIATIVI) ..................................................................................... 104
5.13 Certificate in Indigenous Art Practices (CIAP) .................................................................................... 105
5.14 Certificate in Visual ArtsPainting (CVAP) ........................................................................................ 105
5.15 Certificate in Visual ArtsApplied Art (CVAA) ................................................................................... 106
5.16 Certificate in Performing ArtsTheatre Arts (CPATHA) ...................................................................... 107
5.17 Certificate in Performing ArtsHindustani Music (CPAHM) .................................................................. 107
5.18 Certificate in Performing ArtsKarnatak Music (CPAKM) .................................................................... 108
5.19 Certificate in Performing ArtsBharatanatyam (CPABN) ..................................................................... 108
5.20 Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL) ................................................................................................ 109
5.21 Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM) ........................................................................................ 109
5.22 Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES) ........................................................................................ 110
5.23 Certificate Programme in NGO Management (CNM) ........................................................................... 110
IGNOU Common Prospectus 7
5.24 Certificate in Business Skills (CBS) ................................................................................................... 111
5.25 Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE) ........................................................... 111
5.26 Certificate in Functional English (Basic Level) (CFE) ........................................................................... 112
5.27 Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL) .................................................................................................. 112
5.28 Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE) .................................................................................. 112
5.29 Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS) ....................................................... 113
5.30 Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM) ................................................................... 113
5.31 Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN) .............................................................................. 114
5.32 Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN) .................................................................. 115
5.33 Certificate in Home Based Health Care (CHBHC) ................................................................................ 115
5.34 Certificate in Adolescent Health & Counselling (CAHC) ....................................................................... 116
5.35 Certificate in Community Radio (CCR) .............................................................................................. 116
5.36 Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS) ................................................................................................ 116
5.37 Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN) ............................................................................................. 117
5.38 Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC) ................................................................................... 117
5.39 Certificate in Rural Development (CRD) ............................................................................................ 118
5.40 Certificate in Sericulture (CIS) ......................................................................................................... 118
5.41 Certificate in Organic Farming (COF) ................................................................................................ 119
5.42 Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM) ................................................................. 119
5.43 Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF). ................................................................................................ 120
5.44 Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB). ....................................................................................................... 120
5.45 Certificate in Human Rights (CHR) ................................................................................................... 121
5.46 Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP). ......................................................................................... 121
5.47 Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business Laws (CCLBL) .............................................. 122
5.48 Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT) ..................................................................................... 122
5.49 Certificate in International Humanitarian in Law (CIHL) ...................................................................... 123
5.50 Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) ....................................................................................... 123
5.51 Certificate in Guidance (CIG) ........................................................................................................... 124
5.52 Certificate in Communication & IT Skills (CCITSK) ............................................................................. 124
5.53 Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT) .................................................................... 125
5.54 Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)(offered only in July Session) .................. 125
5.55 Certificate Programme in Value Education (CPVE) ............................................................................. 126
5.56 Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM). ............................................................... 127
5.57 Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (CCPD) ..................................................................... 127
5.58 Appreciation Course on Environment (ACE) ...................................................................................... 129
6.1 Educational Qualification Awarded by Private Institutions .................................................................... 131
6.2 Validity of Degree for Admission ...................................................................................................... 131
6.3 Incomplete and Late Applications ..................................................................................................... 131
6.4 Validity of Admission ...................................................................................................................... 131
6.5 Walk-in-Admission ......................................................................................................................... 131
6.6 Simultaneous Registration. ............................................................................................................. 131
6.7 Re-Registration.............................................................................................................................. 132
6.8 Re-Admission ................................................................................................................................ 132
6.9 Reservation ................................................................................................................................... 132
8 IGNOU Common Prospectus
6.10 Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee .......................................................................................... 132
6.11 Refund of Fee ................................................................................................................................ 133
6.12 Waiver of IGNOU Programme fee to Inmates Lodged in Prisons. ......................................................... 133
6.13 Study Material and Assignments. ..................................................................................................... 133
6.14 Change of Elective/Course .............................................................................................................. 133
6.15 Change of Medium ......................................................................................................................... 133
6.16 Change of Programme ................................................................................................................... 134
6.17 Counselling and Examination Centre ................................................................................................ 134
6.18 Change/Correction of Address and Study Centres ............................................................................. 134
6.19 Change of Region .......................................................................................................................... 134
6.20 Foreign Students ........................................................................................................................... 134
6.21 Term-end Examination ................................................................................................................... 135
6.22 Official Transcripts ......................................................................................................................... 135
6.23 Improvement in Division/Class ......................................................................................................... 135
6.24 Early Declaration of Result .............................................................................................................. 135
6.25 Re-evaluation of Term-End-Examination ........................................................................................... 135
6.26 Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts ............................................................................................ 135
6.27 Duplicate Grade Card ..................................................................................................................... 135
6.28 Change of Category ....................................................................................................................... 136
6.29 Correction/ Change of Name/Surname of Learner ............................................................................. 136
6.30 KVS Employees .............................................................................................................................. 136
6.31 Disputes on Admission & other University matters ............................................................................. 136
6.32 Recognition ................................................................................................................................... 136
8. PLACEMENT SERVICES .................................................................................. 145
9. WHOM TO CONTACT FOR WHAT................................................................... 146
10. ADDRESSES & CODES OF REGIONAL CENTRES............................................ 147
11. LIST OF CODES............................................................................................... 157
11.1 STATE CODES.................................................................................................................. 157
11.2 EDUCATIONAL/QUALIFICATION CODE .............................................................................. 157
11.3 LIST OF BOARD CODES .................................................................................................... 158
AT THE WORK PLACE .................................................................................... 159
FORMS AND STUDENT CARD ........................................................................ 161
IGNOU Common Prospectus 9
1.1 Introduction
The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 to achieve the following
Democratising higher education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners
providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region, religion and
offering need-based academic programmes by giving professional and vocational orientation to the courses
promoting and developing distance education in India
setting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country as an apex body.
1.2 Prominent Features
IGNOU has certain unique features such as:
international jurisdiction
flexible admission rules
individualised study: flexibility in terms of place, pace and duration of study
use of latest information and communication technologies
nationwide student support services network
cost-effective programmes
modular approach to programmes
resource sharing, collaboration and networking with conventional Universities, Open Universities and other
socially and academically relevant programmes based on students need analysis
convergence of open & conventional education systems
1.3 Important Achievements
Emergence of IGNOU as the largest Open University in the World.
Recognition as Centre of Excellence in Distance Education by the Commonwealth of Learning (1993).
Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1999).
Launch of a series of 24 hour Educational Channels Gyan Darshan. IGNOU is the nodal agency for these
channels and regular transmissions are done from the studio at EMPC, IGNOU.
Student enrolment has doubled in four years from 1.5 million to over 3 million.
UNESCO declared IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in 2010.
On spot delivery of study material to students.
Largest network of learning support system.
Declaration of Term-end result within 45 days.
1.4 The Schools of Studies
With a view to develop interdisciplinary studies, the University operates through its Schools of Studies. Each School
is headed by a Director who arranges to plan, supervise, develop and organise its academic programmes and
courses in coordination with the School staff and different academic, administrative and service wings of the
University. The emphasis is on providing a wide choice of courses at different levels.
The following Schools of Studies currently are in operation:
School of Humanities (SOH)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
School of Sciences (SOS)
School of Education (SOE)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)
10 IGNOU Common Prospectus
School of Agriculture (SOA)
School of Law (SOL)
School of Journalism & New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS)
School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Management (SOTHSM)
School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)
School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)
School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
1.5 Academic Programmes
The University offers both short-term and long-term programmes leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Advance
Diploma, Associates Degree and Degrees, which are conventional as well as innovative. Most of these programmes
have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such Programmes. They are launched with a view
to fulfil the learners needs for:
improvement of skills,
acquisition of professional qualifications,
continuing education and professional development at work place,
diversification and updation of knowledge, and
1.6 Course Preparation
Learning material is specially prepared by teams of experts drawn from different Universities and specialized
Institutions in the area spread throughout the country as well as inhouse faculty. The material are scrutinized by
the content experts, supervised by the instructors/unit designers and edited by the language experts at IGNOU
before these are finally sent for printing. Similarly, audio and video cassettes are produced in consultation with
the course writers, inhouse faculty and producers. The material is previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well
as outside experts and edited/modified, wherever necessary, before they are finally despatched to the students,
Study Centres and Telecast through Gyan Darshan.
1.7 Credit System
The University follows the Credit System for most of its programmes. Each credit in our system is equivalent to
30 hours of student study comprising all learning activities (i.e. reading and comprehending the print material,
listening to audio, watching video, attending counseling sessions, teleconference and writing assignment responses).
Thus, a 4-credit course involves 120 hours of study. This helps the learner to know the academic effort he/she
has to put in, to successfully complete a course. Completion of an academic programme (Degree or Diploma)
requires successful completion of the assignments, practicals projects and the term-end examination of each
course in a programme.
1.8 Support Services
In order to provide individualized support to its learners, the University has a large number of Study Centres,
spread throughout the country. These Study Centres are coordinated by 67 Regional Centres and Recognised
Regional Centres. At the Study Centres, the learners interact with the Academic Counselors and other learners,
refer to books in the Library, watch/listen to video/audio programmes and interact with the Coordinator on
administrative and academic matters. The list of Regional and Study Centres is given in this handbook. Support
services are also provided through Work Centres, Programme Study Centres, Skill Development Centres and
Special Study Centres.
1.9 Programme Delivery
The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional Universities. The Open
University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active participant in the pedagogical (teaching and
learning) process. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance education methodology as per the
IGNOU Common Prospectus 11
The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction, which comprises:
a) Self Instructional Written Material: The printed study material (written in self-instructional style) for both
theory and practical components of the programmes is supplied to the learners in batches of blocks for every
course (on an average 1 block per credit). A block which comes in the form of a booklet usually comprises
3 to 5 units.
b) Audio-Visual Material Aids: The learning package contains audio and video CDs which have been produced
by the University for better clarification and enhancement of understanding of the course material given to
the learners. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes duration. The video cassettes are screened
at the study centres during specific sessions which are duly notified for the benefit of the learners.
The video programmes are telecast on National Network of Doordarshan and Gyan Darshan. All Gyan Vani
stations are broadcasting curriculum based audio programmes. In addition, some selected stations of All India
Radio are also broadcasting the audio programmes. Learners can confirm the dates for the programmes from
their study centres. The information is also provided through the university website.
c) Counselling Sessions: Normally counselling sessions are held as per schedule drawn by the Study Centres.
These are mostly held outside the regular working hours of the host institutions where the study centres are
d) Teleconferences: Live teleconferencing sessions are conducted via satellite through interactive Gyan Darshan
Channel as well as simulcasted on Edusat channel from the University studios at EMPC, the schedule of which
is made available at the study centres.
e) Practicals/Project Work: Some Programmes have practical/project component also. Practicals are held at
designated institutions for which schedule is provided by the Study Centres. Attendance at practicals is
compulsory. For project work, comprehensive project guide, in the form of a booklet, is provided to the
student alongwith the study materials.
1.10 Evaluation System
The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU has a multitier
system of evaluation.
1. Self-assessment exercises within each unit of study.
2. Continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked, practical assignments and seminar/
workshops/extended contact programmes.
3. The term-end examinations.
4. Project work
The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. A learner has to write
assignment responses compulsorily before taking term-end examination from time to time to complete an academic
programme. A learner has to submit TMA responses to the Coordinator of the Study Centre concerned to which
s/he is attached. A learner should keep duplicate copies of assignment responses of TMA that may be required
to be produced at Student Evaluation Division on demand. Term-end examination is conducted at various examination
centers spread all over the country and abroad in June and December.
IGNOU uses the following system of Grading for evaluating learnerss achievement
Letter Grade Qualitative Level Point Grade
A Excellent 5
B V.Good 4
C Good 3
D Average 2
E Unsatisfactory 1
For Bachelors and Masters degree programmes, normally the system of numerical marking is followed, and the
marks secured in assignments, TEEs, etc. are later converted into grades as per the five-point grading scale given
above. However, if required by the learner, the university provides numerical marks and division (I, II or Pass).
Term-end Examination and Payment of Examination Fee
The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the months of June & December. Students will be
permitted to appear in term-end examination subject to the conditions that 1) registration for the courses, in which
they wish to appear is valid, 2) minimum time to pursue these courses is elapsed, and 3) they have also submitted
12 IGNOU Common Prospectus
the required number of assignment(s), if any, duly authenticated by the Coordinator/ Incharge of the Study Centre/
PSC/ PI etc. in the courses by the due date.
Examination fee @ Rs. 60/- per course is required to be paid through demand draft in favour of IGNOU and payable
at the city of the Regional Centre where submitting the examination form. Students can also submit on-line
examination form through online payment gateway (guidelines available at IGNOU website www.ignou.ac.in).
1.11 Associate Studentship
The University has a scheme of Associate Studentship which provides for a candidate who fulfils the minimum
eligibility requirements for the programme under which the course(s) is/are offered, to register for only one course
or a limited number of courses, subject to a minimum of 8 credits and maximum of 32 credits. An Associate
Student is attached to a Study Centre for counselling, assignment evaluation, library facility, etc. The application
form provided at the end of the Prospectus (please see page no 179) can be used for registration. A fee of
Rs.700/- per 8 credit course, or part thereof, is charged for admission to course(s) under B.A, B.Com, B.Sc.,
BSW and BTS programmes. The fee is irrespective of whether the course is of 2 credits, 4 credits, 6
credits or 8 credits. For rest of the programmes, the fee will be charged on pro-rata basis, i.e. by dividing
the programme fee by the number of credits of the programme = fee for 1 credit, multiplied by the credit
assigned to the specific course (rounded off to the next Fifty Rs.). Associate students choosing courses
of B.A. can exercise their option for one course only from a Group. If a student wants to opt four courses of 8
credits each, he/she can opt one each from Group-1 to 6 as per his/her choice. Grouping of courses are given
in the Prospectus under B.A. (General).
The minimum and maximum period allowed to Associate students for completion of their course(s) would be six
months and two years, respectively. There will be no separate counselling or lab work schedule for the
associate students. They will have to be in touch with the Study Centre concerned in order to know the schedule
and participate in the sessions accordingly. Minimum period of six months would be allowed, if the courses
opted by the students are up to 16 credits. If the option exceeds 16 credits, the minimum period
should be one year.
Associate students would be permitted to seek admission in any of the admission cycles and to opt the courses
that are on offer either in January or July cycles. However, no counselling and/or lab/practicals would be conducted
separately for the Associate students. In such a case the students would be allowed to avail the counselling/
practical session in the next semester and accordingly the minimum duration would be extended to another six
months. However, the maximum duration of two years would remain unchanged.
If an Associate student opts for more than 16 credits worth of courses in either of the admission cycles, he/she
is not entitled to seek admission in the next consecutive cycle unless the prescribed minimum duration
is completed.
Associate Students are not eligible to seek admission to the courses under the Programmes where the number
of seats are limited and/or the admission is done through Entrance Test .
Associate Students are not eligible for the award of any kind of Certificate/Diploma/Degree. They are
also not eligible for continuation of study by way of re-registration for 2
and/or 3
year, as the case may be.
COURSE COMPLETION STATUS Card only will be issued to Associate Students.
Change of course is not permitted under this scheme. Similarly, re-admission facility is not extended to
Associate Students. Separate Enrolment No., i.e. AS - - - - - - - would be allotted to such students. The filled-
in forms of Associate Studentship are to be sent to the Regional Director concerned. Forms received
by any other Office than the Regional Centre concerned would be summarily rejected.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 13
2.1 Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)
The broad objective of the MCA is to prepare graduate students for productive careers in software industry academia
by providing an outstanding environment for teaching and research in the core and emerging areas of the discipline.
The programmes thrust is on giving the students a thorough and sound background in theoretical and application-
oriented courses relevant to the latest computer software development. The programme emphasizes the application
of software technology to solve mathematical, computing, communications/networking and commercial problems.
The Masters Degree Programme has been designed with a semester approach in mind. The first year courses
are aimed at skills development in computers using various technologies, the second year is more focused on core
courses providing a conceptual framework and the third year provides the specialization and the project work. After
the successful completing of first year courses, the student will receive the PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in
Computer Applications) certificate.
Any Bachelors degree of minimum 3 (three) year duration from a recognized University AND Mathematics
as one of the subject at 10+2 level or graduation level; else the student is required to pursue and pass the BCS12
course concurrently with IGNOU MCA
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 54,000/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 9,000/- per semester. Non Maths
students have to pay Rs.1,200/- additional in the first semester
Programme Details:
The programme has been divided into two semesters per year (January-June and July-December). Consequently,
there will be two examinations every year one in the month of June for the January to June Semester courses
and the other is December for the July to December semester courses. The students are at liberty to appear any
of the examinations conducted by the University during the year subject to completing the minimum time frame
and other formalities prescribed for the programme.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
First Year
I Semester
MCS 11 Problem Solving and Programming 3
MCS 12 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4
MCS 13 Discrete Mathematics 2
MCS 14 Systems Analysis and Design 3
MCS 15 Communication Skills 2
MCSL 16 Internet Concepts and Web Design 2
MCSL 17 C and Assembly Language Programming Lab 2
II Semester
MCS 21 Data and File Structures and Programming 4
MCS 22 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management 4
MCS 23 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
MCS 24 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming 3
MCSL 25 Lab (based on MCS21, MCS22,MCS23 and MCS24)
Second Year
III Semester
MCS 31 Design and Analysis of Alogrithms 4
MCS 32 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3
MCS 33 Advanced Discrete Mathematics 2
MCS 34 Software Engineering 3
MCS 35 Accountancy and Financial Management 3
MCSL 36 Lab (based on MCS32, MCS34 and MCS35) 3
14 IGNOU Common Prospectus
IV Semester
MCS 41 Operating Systems 4
MCS 42 Data Communication and Computer Networks 4
MCS 43 Advanced Database Mathematics Management Systems 4
MCS 44 Mini Project 4
MCSL 45 Lab (UNIX and DBMS) 2
Third Year
V Semester
MCS 51 Advanced Internet Technologies 3
MCS 52 Principles of Management and Information Systems 2
MCS 53 Computer Graphics and Multimedia 4
MCSL 54 Lab (based on MCS 51 and MCS 53) 2
Elective Courses*
MCSE 3 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management 3
MCSE 4 Numerical and Statistical Computing 3
MCSE 11 Parallel Computing 3
VI Semester
MCSP 60 Project 16
Total Credits 108
* Presently, only 3 elective courses are on offer and student should select all of them. As and when we design the new courses
we will inform.
Programme Coordinator: Shri M.P. Sharma, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572903/ 011-29572904
2.2 Master of Science (Dietetics and Food Services Management)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The M.Sc. Programme in the area of Dietetics and Food Service Management has been developed with a view
to address the needs of training work force/developing manpower (dietitians, nutrition counsellors, food service
managers etc.) for the emerging employment sector hospital community dietetics, food service management. The
programme will offer unique opportunity of higher education to learners to enrich their working lives by entering
into the market and/or starting their own food service unit, leading to entrepreneurship. The programme also
focuses on upgrading the professional competencies of serving personnel in food service establishments, such as
dietitians, diet technicians, counsellors etc. upgradingtheir knowledge and equipping them with productive skills to
enhance their career progression and employability.
The special feature of the programme is that it has a provision of exit point for learners in the form of Post
Graduate Diploma in Dietetics and Public Nutrition (PGDDPN) after having successfully completed 30 credit course
work and three months internship programme (16 credits).
B.Sc. (Home Science) specialization in Food and Nutrition, Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition or PG Diploma
in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition, or its equivalent or Graduate (B.Sc.) or equivalent (MBBS, BHS etc) from
the following background Home Science/ Food Science and Technology, Science, Health Care, Medical,
Pharmaceutical Catering alongwith the DNHE or CNCC or CFN offered by IGNOU (Simultaneous admission for CFN/
CNCC is also permitted).
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 27,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 13,500/- per year.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MFN 1 Applied Physiology 4
MFN 2 Nutritional Biochemistry 2
MFNL 2 2
IGNOU Common Prospectus 15
MFN 3 Food Safety and Food Microbiology 2
MFNL 3 2
MFN 4 Advance Nutrition 4
MFNL 4 2
MFN 5 Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition 4
MFNL 5 2
MFN 6 Public Nutrition 4
MFNL 6 2
MFN 7 Entrepreneurship and Food Service Management 4
MFNL 7 2
MFN 8 Principles of Food Science 2
MFNL 8 2
MFN 9 Research Methods and Biostatistics 6
MFN 10 Understanding Computer Applications 2
MFNP 11 Internship Programme 16*
MFNP 12 Dissertation 8
Total Credits 64
* Credit transfer will be permissible for iN service dietitians on furnishing the experience certificate and the PG Diploma in Dietetics
Certificate & Marksheet, 16 credits.
For MSc. (DFSM) Programme:
1st Year Courses : MFN 1, MFN 2, MNFL 2, MFN 3, MFNL 3, MFN 6, MFNL 6, MFN 8, MFNL 8 and MFN 10
2nd Year Courses : MFN 4, MFNL 4, MNF 5, MFNL 5, MFN 7, MFNL 7, MFN 9, MFNP 11 and MFNP 12
For PGDDPN Programme:
Courses : MFN 1, MFN 2, MFN 3, MFN 4, MNF 5, MFNL 5, MFN 6, MFNL 6, MFN 7, MFNL 7 and MFNP 11
Practical: Practical courses constitute the backbone of the MSc. (DFSM) programme. Participation in the practical
sessions is absolutely compulsory. Each practical course is worth 2 credits and the duration of the practical sessions
is 7 days i.e. 14 sessions of 4 hours each. The term end practical examination will be held in the 15th session
of the practical spell.
Internship: Duration of internship for three months in the Dietetic Department of a recognized hospital/ institution,
for the award of M.Sc. (DFSM) degree is compulsory (except in case of credit transfer cases). For PGDDPN
learners internship for three months is compulsory.
University allows credit transfer in the MSc. (DFSM) Programme to in-service dietitians (with a degree in Post
Graduate Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition only) who have successfully completed a three month
internship programme from a recognized institutions/ university in the last 5 years.
Programme Coordinator : Prof. Deeksha Kapur, [email protected] Ph. 011-29572960
2.3 Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARD)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The discipline of Rural Development is of vital significance for understanding the development issues related to
rural society. The syllabus of M.A. Programme in Rural Development is designed to include such diverse academic
contents as are essential in the making of this discipline in the Indian context. An essential component of this
programme is dissertation based on empirical research in rural areas. The programme will be useful to personnel
working in various Government Departments/agencies, NGOs, cooperative banks and other institutes engaged in
rural transformation. It will also be beneficial for fresh graduates interested in pursuing career in the discipline
of rural development.
Category 1: BTS, BA(Tourism); B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration(BHM); Bachelors in Hotel Management
(approved by AICTE) and those students who have done their graduation in any field along with a Diploma in
Tourism, which is recognized in the University system or by AICTE.
Category 2: A Bachelors Degree in any field. (However, all students of Categry 2 will have to pass four additional
Tourism foundation courses during their period of study.)
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year for Category-I &for
Category-II Rs.11,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs.6,500/- for 1
Year & Rs.4,500/- for 2
18 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
I Semester
MTM 1 Management Functions and Behaviour in Tourism 4
MTM 2 Human Resource Planning and Development in Tourism 4
MTM 3 Managing Personnel in Tourism 4
MTM 4 Information Management Systems and Tourism 4
II Semester
MTM 5 Accounting and Finance for Tourism Managers 4
MTM 6 Marketing for Tourism Managers 4
MTM 7 Managing Sales and Promotion in Tourism 4
MTM 8 Managing Entrepreneurship and Small Business in Tourism 4
II Year
III Semester
MTM 9 Understanding Tourism Markets 4
MTM 10 Tourism Impacts 4
MTM 11 Tourism Planning and Development 4
MTM 16 Dissertation 8
IV Semester
MTM 12 Tourism Products: Design and Development 4
MTM 13 Tourism Operations 4
MTM 14 Tourist Transport Management (Road Transport) 4
MTM 15 Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Expositions (MICE) 4
Total Credits 68
All students seeking admission under Category 2 (see table of Programmes) will have to pass the following four
courses during their period of study.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
TS 1 Foundation Course in Tourism 8
TS 2 Tourism Development: Operations and Case Studies 8
TS 3 Management in Tourism 8
TS 6 Tourism Marketing 8
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Ph. 011-29571751 to 011-29571757
2.6 Master of Arts in English (MEG)
School of Humanities (SOH)
The aim of the Masters Degree in English (MEG) Programme is to give the learners a sound understanding of
English and American literatures and also other new areas in literature such as, Canadian, Australian and Indian
English. The learners would develop an understanding of English and other literatures of their choice in their proper
historico-critical perspectives. A good knowledge of reading, comprehension and writing skills would be a prE
requisite for this programme.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
IGNOU Common Prospectus 19
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MEG 1 British Poetry 8
MEG 2 British Drama 8
MEG 3 British Novel 8
MEG 4 Aspects of Language 8
II Year
Compulsory Course
MEG 5 Literary Criticism and Theory 8
Optional Courses (Choose any three)
MEG 6 American Literature 8
MEG 7 Indian English Literature 8
MEG 8 New Literatures in English 8
MEG 9 Australian Literature 8
MEG 10 English Studies in India 8
MEG 11 American Novel 8
MEG 12 A Survey Course in 20th Century Canadian Literature 8
MEG 14 Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation 8
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Amiya Bhushan Sharma, [email protected], Ph.011-29572766
2.7 ,Ek ,-fgUnh ,e-,p-Mh- ,Ek ,-fgUnh ,e-,p-Mh- ,Ek ,-fgUnh ,e-,p-Mh- ,Ek ,-fgUnh ,e-,p-Mh- ,Ek ,-fgUnh ,e-,p-Mh-
School of Humanities (SOH)
; i- - i |i|>i i i |t| iiii ~i i|t- i ~i - |-u u ii| ~i |i iui i i i-u i
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Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
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20 IGNOU Common Prospectus
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Programme Coordinator: Prof. Rita Rani Paliwal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29534661
2.8 Master of Social Work (MSW)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
The MSW programme offers opportunity to learners for higher studies in professional social work. Besides offering
the core courses pertaining to social work curriculum across the globe and India, it includes themes in some of
the emerging areas in social work such as globalization; migration, history of social work in India, theory paper
on social work practicum and a course on HIV/ AIDS which are expected to be highly useful in the present day
context. The practical components have been meticulously prepared to provide the learners, hands on training,
which will enable the candidates to find suitable placements within and outside the country.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 27,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 13,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MSW 1 Origin and Development of Social Work 4
MSW 2 Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives 4
MSW 3 Basic Social Science Concepts 4
MSW 4 Social Work and Social Development 4
MSW 5 Social Work Practicum and Supervision 4
MSW 6 Social Work Research 6
MSWL 1 Social Work Practicum-I (Practical) 10
II Year
Compulsory Courses
MSW 7 Casework and Counselling: Working with Individuals 4
MSW 8 Social Group Work: Working with Groups 4
MSW 9 Community Organisation Management for Community Development 4
MSWL 2 Social Work Practicum-II (Practical) 10
IGNOU Common Prospectus 21
Elective Courses (Choose any two)
MSWE 1 HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination and Prevention 4
MSWE 2 Women & Child Development 4
MSWE 3 Disaster Management 4
MSW 10 Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work 4
MSWP 1 Dissertation (Project work) 4
Total Credits 66
Programme Coordinator: Dr. G. Mahesh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571694
2.9 Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
Masters in Social Work (Counselling) would provide both academic learning and professional education and training
in counseling, extending beyond theoretical knowledge. This programme is tailored to suit counselors working in
a wide range of organizational and community contexts as well as individuals in a family. With the fast changing
social scenario, the problems being faced by people across tha board are numerous. Unlike in the western world,
counseling services are very inadequate in India. There is a growing demand for counselors in schools, corporate
sector, health care setting, social and welfare sectors, correctional settings etc. However, schools/universities
where counseling course/ programme are taught in India are very few. There is a good potential for employment
in government as well as NGO sectors. There is an urgent need for specially trained counselors to handle the stress
of employees working with call centres, corporate sectors, families, family courts, correctional settings, school,
universities and educational institutions, rehabilitation centres, refugee camps, institutions for the differently abled,
aged, child care and adoption centres, family planning, voluntary counseling and testing centres, rural sectors
especially where farmers are driven to commit suicide, de-addiction centres etc.
MSW(C) Programme would be offered initially through one or two study centres under each Regional Centre. The
programme can be taken only through activated study centres or special study centres through each Regional
Centre. This Programme is being offered only in English. For Field Work in the MSW (Counselling) programme
much focus is given on specialization in counseling and 40 percent weightage is given for the practicum.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 30,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 15,000/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MSW 1 Origin and Development of Social Work 4
MSW 2 Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives 4
MSW 5 Social Work Practicum and Supervision 4
MSW 8 Social Group Work: Working with Groups 4
MSW 9 Community Organisation Management for Community Development 4
MSWL 46 Social Work Practicum-I 8
MSWL 47 Block Placement 8
II Year
MSW 12 Introduction to Life Characteristics and Challanges 4
MSW 13 Introduction to Psychological Basis of Counselling 4
MSW 14 Relevance of Social Case Work in Counselling 4
MSW 15 Basics of Counselling 4
MSW 16 Fields of Counselling 4
MSWL 48 Social Work Practicum-II 8
MSWL 49 Internship 8
Total Credits 72
22 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Special Instruction, if any
Students of MSW are urged to opt for Associate Studentship Scheme of IGNOU as explained under clause 1.11
on Page 12 One of the important and useful courses would be MSW 6 : Social Work research. This course may
be taken along with any of the suggested of 4 credit courses which will be of great help to those in tending to
go for research leading to M.Phil./Ph.D in Social Work.
List of Courses in Social Work Discipline for Associate Studentship
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MSW 6 Social Work Research 4
MSWE 1 HIV/AIDS : Stigma, Discrimination and Prevention 4
MSW 10 Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work 4
MSW 11 Working Among the Poorest of the Poor 4
MSWE 3 Disaster Management 4
Programme Coordinator: Ms. N. Ramya, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571693
2.10 Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY)
School of Inter-disciplinary & Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)
The Masters programme in philosophy in distance learning mode is intended not only to enhance career prospects
for students but also to train the mind for better logical thinking, mental discipline, ability for analysis and
synthesis, critical reflection on social and political realities. Philosophy broadens peoples vision towards national
integration, genuine appreciation of others worldviews, better understanding of various thought patterns and
peaceful co-existence. It also becomes a means to social transformation to build a better nation and to ensure
social equality, human dignity and human rights for the citizens. The Masters programme in Philosophy has the
following major components: 1) Compulsory Courses-16 credits; 2) Elective Courses-48 credits. Students can
choose 6 electives in the first year and 6 electives in the second year. To successfully complete this programme,
you will have to earn 64 credits over a period of 2 to 5 years. This programme is offered only in English. However,
a student is permitted to write the exam in Hindi.
Bachelors Degree or equivalent.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
Compulsory Course
MPY 1 Indian Philosophy 8
Elective Courses (Choose any six)
MPYE 1 Logic 4
MPYE 2 Ethics 4
MPYE 3 Epistemology 4
MPYE 4 Philosophy of Human Person 4
MPYE 5 World Religions 4
MPYE 6 Dalit Philosophy 4
MPYE 7 Research Methodology in Philosophy 4
MGP 5 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution 4
II Year
Compulsory Courses
MPY 2 Western Philosophy 8
IGNOU Common Prospectus 23
Elective Courses (Choose any six)
MPYE 8 Metaphysics 4
MPYE 9 Philosophy of Science and Cosmology 4
MPYE 10 Philosophy of Religion 4
MPYE 11 Philosophy of Art (Aesthetics) 4
MPYE 12 Tribal Philosophy 4
MPYE 13 Philosophy of Technology 4
MPYE 14 Philosophy of Mind 4
MPYE 15 Gandhian Philosophy 4
MPYE 16 Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo 4
MPYP 1 Dissertation 4
Total Credits 66
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Gracious Thomas, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571692
2.11 Master of Arts in Education (MAEDU)
School of Education (SOE)
The M.A. (Education) programme aims at producing a team of well-trained individuals knowledgeable in education
& its various dimensions. More specifically, the M.A.(Education) programme intends to:
a) provide learning-experience, which will enable students to understand and appreciate knowledge structures
and paradigms of education;
b) develop professional for effective participation in educational actions in different areas of education; and
c) create a community of scholars adequately equipped for participation in educational discourse.
Bachelors Degree in any discipline with or without a Degree in Education from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English, However, students can write assignments, Term-end-Examination and Dissertation
in Hindi.
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 13,500/- for full programme
Programme Framework
The M.A. (Education) programme comprises four groups of courses with differential weightage. The total number
of credits will be 68 and each student is expected to cover 34 credits each year.
Group A: Basic Course on Education
Group B: Core Courses
Group C: Courses on Knowledge Generation in Education
Group D: Specialized Areas in Education
Programme Details:
Group A: Basic Course on Education (4 Credits)
This course provides a concise but comprehensive articulation of education. The course familiarizes learners with
the various aspects and task areas in the field of education. It also provides a conceptual overview of education
with its multiplicity and complexity.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 11 Understanding Education 4
Group B: Core Courses
The core courses are intended to provide an in-depth understanding of the significant aspects of education. They
bring out the variety of concepts, processes, and tasks in education in a proper educational perspective. With
these in view, four courses are visualized, all of which are compulsory for all students.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 12 Education: Nature and Purposes 6
MES 13 Learning, Learner and Development 6
MES 14 Societal Context of Education 6
MES 15 Operational Dimensions of Education 6
24 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Group C: Courses on Knowledge Generation in Education
The course structure of Group C is worked out in such a way that there is adequate scope for both theoretical
understanding of the process of knowledge generation in education as well as hands on experience in research
activities. The theoretical understanding of the process of knowledge generation in education is presented in the
course on Educational Research. Similarly, the practical experience in educational research has been visualised
with a more meaningful and rewarding experience in the form of a dissertation.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 16 Educational Research 6
MESP 1 Dissertation 10
Group D : Specialised Areas in Education
Under Group D, you have to complete four or five courses worth 24 credits in one specialized area. To begin with,
four specialized areas are offered. You have to choose one specialized area. The specialized areas are Higher
Education, Distance Education, Educational Technology, Educational Management and Adult Education. If you have
already acquired a Diploma / Post-Graduate Diploma in any of the offered areas of specialization, you are required
to choose one area of specialization from the remaining areas of specialization. For example, if you have acquired
a PG Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET), you are required to choose one from the remaining areas of
specialization i.e. Distance Education, Higher Education and Educational Management and Adult Education.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Higher Education
MES 101 Higher Education: Its Context and Linkages 6
MES 102 Instruction in Higher Education 6
MES 103 Higher Education: The Psycho-social Context 6
MES 104 Planning and Management of Higher Education 6
Distance Education
MES 111 Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education 4
MES 112 Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials 4
MES 113 Learner Support Services 4
MES 114 Management of Distance Education 6
MES 115 Communication Technology for Distance Education 6
Educational Technology
MES 31 ET -An Overview 6
MES 32 Communication and Information Technology 6
MES 33 Computer Technology 6
MES 34 Designing Courseware 6
Educational Management
MES 41 Growth and Development of Educational Management 6
MES42 Dimensions of Educational Management 6
MES 43 Organizational Behaviour 6
MES 44 Institutional Management 6
Adult Education
MAE 1 Understanding Adult Education 6
MAE 2 Policy Planning and Implementation of Adult Education in India 6
MAE 3 Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination and
Networking in Adult Education 6
MAE 4 Extension Education and Development 6
IGNOU Common Prospectus 25
Course to be offered in 1
Year of the programme (Total 34 Credits) (All Compulsory)
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 11 Understanding Education 4
MES 12 Education : Nature and Purposes 6
MES 13 Learning, Learner and Development 6
MES 14 Societal Context of Education 6
MES 15 Operational Dimensions of Education 6
MES 16 Educational Research 6
Courses to be offered in 2nd Year of the Programme (Total 34 Credits)
1. Out of the following Specialized Areas, a learner has to choose one specialized area.
A. Higher Education (24 Credits)
B. Distance Education (24 Credits)
C. Educational Technology (24 Credits)
D. Educational Management (24 Credits)
E. Adult Education (24 Credits)
2. Dissertation Work (10 Credits)
* Please Note that in MAEDU only one time registration is done in the first year only
Programme Coordinator: Prof. N. K. Dash, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572931
2.12 Master of Arts in Economics (MEC)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The Programme offers an opportunity to learners for higher studies in Economics. Besides offering the core courses
available in other universities, it includes themes in some of the emerging areas in economics such as insurance
and finance that are expected to be extremely useful in the present scenario of economic liberalization and
globalization. Some of the courses require an understanding of mathematical applications, particularly calculus and
linear algebra. Students are expected to be conversent with basic mathematics covered at +2 level.
The Programme comprises 66 Credits covered through 11 Courses, 9 compulsory and 2 optional. All the courses
covered in the first year are compulsory. In the second year, the first four courses given in the list below (MEC6,7,8
and 9) are Compulsory while rest are optional.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 12,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,000/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MEC 1 Microeconomic Analysis 6
MEC 2 Macroeconomic Analysis 6
MEC 3 Quantitative Methods 6
MEC 4 Economics of Growth and Development 6
MEC 105 Indian Economic Policy 6
II Year
Compulsory Courses
MEC 6 Public Economics 6
MEC 7 International Trade and Finance 6
MEC 8 Economics of Social Sector and Environment 6
MEC 9 Research Methods in Economics 6
26 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Optional Courses (Choose 12 credits only)
MECE 1 Econometric Methods 6
MECE 3 Actuarial Economics: Theory and Practice 6
MECE 4 Financial Institutions and Markets 6
MECP 1 Project Work 6
MPA 15 Public Policy and Analysis 8
MPA 17 Electronic Governance 4
Total Credits 66
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Kaustuva Barik, [email protected], Ph.011-29572734
2.13 Master of Arts in History (MAH)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The programme would be of great use for the teachers working in Schools, personnel working in various
institutions associated with history and culture (Museums, Archives, Archaeological Survey etc.), working people
in various organisations and all graduates who are desirous of acquiring a Masters Degree in History.
Structure of the Programme:
In M.A. History programme we have adopted a thematic approach and do not confine our students within
conventional specialisation of Ancient, Medieval or Modern. We have designed our programme in such a way that
it would provide insight and knowledge of the major developments with transition stages in World History as well
as Indian History. We have made efforts to incorporate the latest research findings in our course material. In the
learning material we have focused on continuity and changes, transition stages and latest theories in the themes
covered in different courses.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MHI 1 Ancient and Medieval Societies 8
MHI 2 Modern World 8
MHI 4 Political Structures in India 8
MHI 5 History of Indian Economy 8
II Year
MHI 3 Historiography 8
MPSE 3 Western Political Thought 4
MPSE 4 Social and Political Thought in Modern India 4
MHI 6 Evolution of Social Structures in India through the Ages 8
MHI 8 History of Ecology and Environment : India 8
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Swaraj Basu, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572716
2.14 Master of Arts in Political Science (MPS)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The aim of the Masters Degree in Political Science (MPS) is to provide the learners a sound base in political studies
by an in-depth investigation into a broad range of political phenomena at the national, regional and international
(To be taken together)
IGNOU Common Prospectus 27
levels. The programme provides option for specialising in Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International
Relations and Indian Government and Politics. Learners would thus acquire skills in political analysis as well as
sharpen their critical and analytical abilities.
This is a 64 credits programme with compulsory and optional courses. The student has to take compulsory courses
worth 32 credits in the first year and optional courses worth 32 credits in the second year.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MPS 1 Political Theory 8
MPS 2 International Relations: Theory and Problems 8
MPS 3 India: Democracy and Development 8
MPS 4 Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends 8
II Year (Choose 32 credits only)
MPSE 1 India and the World 4
MPSE 2 State and Society in Latin America 4
MPSE 3 Western Political Thought 4
MPSE 4 Social and Political Thought in Modern India 4
MPSE 5 State and Society in Africa 4
MPSE 6 Peace and Conflict Studies 4
MPSE 7 Social Movements and Politics in India 4
MPSE 8 State Politics in India 4
MPSE 9 Canada: Politics and Society 4
MPSE 10 Dissertation (Optional) 8
MPSE 11 The European Union in World Affairs 4
MPSE 12 State and Society in Australia 4
MPSE 13 Australias Foreign Policy 4
MED 2 Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges 4
MED 8 Globalisation and Environment 4
MGP 4 Gandhis Political Thought 4
MGPE 7 Non-Violent Movements after Gandhi 4
MGPE 8 Gandhian Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolution 4
MGPE 10 Conflict Management, Transformation & Peace Building 4
MGPE 11 Human Security 4
MGPE 13 Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict 4
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinators: Prof. S.V. Reddy, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572733
Prof. Jagpal Singh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572729
2.15 Master of Arts in Public Administration (MPA)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The aim of the Masters Degree in Public Administration is to provide comprehensive knowledge to the learners
on the nature and relationship of State, Society and Administration. It will develop the conceptual faculties of the
learners on various administrative theories, postulates, models, processes, methods, instruments, techniques, etc.
28 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MPA 11 State, Society and Public Administration 8
MPA 12 Administrative Theory 8
MPA 13 Public Systems Management 8
MPA 14 Human Resource Management 8
II Year
Compulsory Courses
MPA 15 Public Policy and Analysis 8
MPA 16 Decentralisation and Local Governance 8
Optional Courses
MPA 17 Electronic Governance
(To be taken together)
MPA 18 Disaster Management 4
MSO 2 Research Methods and Methodologies 8
MPS 3 India : Democracy and Development 8
MPAP 2 Project Work 8
Total Credits 64
Learners who opt for Project Work are to write dissertation of 10000-15000 words. This course is recommended
for those who are interested in pursuing further studies in Public Administration
Programme Coordinators: Prof. E. Vayunandan, [email protected], Ph. 9810333831
Prof. Alka Dhamija, [email protected], Ph. 9811101033
2.16 Master of Arts in Sociology (MSO)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The M.A. Programme in sociology is designed to provide advanced sociological knowledge, perspectives and skills
to a wide cross section of learners, including those in remote and inaccessible areas. In terms of content it focuses
on classical and advanced concepts and theories, research methods and perspectives, social issues of development,
state of sociology in India, social issues of development, education transnational communities, migration, urbanization,
development of the largest section of the population and emerging concerns in contemporary society. With this
backdrop the programme aims to address the various emerging concerns of the discipline taking cognizance of
need of the students on the one hand and the cognitive ability of this discipline on the other. This programme
focuses on the following:
Sociological theories, concepts and methods applied to comprehend these processes.
Social process and their inter-linkages with the global, regional and local manifestations.
Issues involved in the process of development.
Socio-cultural dynamics of Diaspora and transnational communities.
Religion and related issues
Education, urbanization, globalization and such other social processes.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
IGNOU Common Prospectus 29
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MSO 1 Sociological Theories and Concepts 8
MSO 2 Research Methods and Methodologies 8
MSO 3 Sociology of Development 8
MSO 4 Sociology in India 8
II Year (choose 32 credits only)
MSOE 1 Sociology of Education 8
MSOE 2 Diaspora and Transnational Communities 8
MSOE 3 Sociology of Religion 8
MSOE 4 Urban Sociology 8
MPA 16 Decentralization and Local Governance 8
MPS 3 India: Democracy and Development 8
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinators:Prof. Debal K. Singharoy, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572953
Prof. Tribhuwan Kapur, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572711
2.17 MA in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
Programme Objectives:
To provide opportunities of higher studies to the learners.
To provide quality education at post-graduate level in theoretical and applied Gandhian Studies Peace. Conflict
Management and Social Regeneration
To provide an in-depth knowledge in the area of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution and enable the
learners to specialize in one of the Gandhian models of development.
To provide the learners the opportunities of continuing higher education at the M.Phil/Ph.D. level.
To widen the scope of the learners for further research. Training and career opportunities in economic, social,
gender, political, environmental and sustainable development issues.
To enable the learners to join careers in teaching research, NGOs in Peace making, and Peace building.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi.
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MGP 1 Gandhi: The Man and his Times 4
MGP 2 Philosophy of Gandhi 4
MGP 3 Gandhis Social Thought 4
MGP 4 Gandhis Political Thought 4
MGP 5 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution 4
Optional Courses
MGPE 6 Gandhis Economic Thought 4
MGPE 7 Non-violent Movements after Gandhi 4
MGPE 8 Gandhi Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolutions 4
MGPE 9 Gandhi in the 21st Century 4
MGPE 10 Conflict Management, Transformation and Peace Building 4
30 IGNOU Common Prospectus
MGPE 11 Human Security 4
MGPE 12 Women and Peace 4
MGPE 13 Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict 4
MGPE 14 Gandhi, Ecology and Sustainable Development 4
MGPE 15 Introduction to Research Methods 4
MGPE 16 Human Rights: Indian Perspective 4
MGPE 17 *Project Work 8
Total Credits 64
* Dissertation ( 8 credits) : Project Work is optional and may be taken up in lieu of two 4 credit project work with experiential dimension
will encourage empirical studies on social problems going Gandhi movements etc.
Programme Coordinator: Prof. D. Gopal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572704/29535515
2.18 Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The M.A. (Psychology) degree programme is being offered by the School of Social Sciences of IGNOU. In the recent
past Psychology degree has been in great demand with many schools, hospitals both private and public as well
as the voluntary welfare agencies and correctional institutions demanding for psychologists to deal with varied
problem of human behaviour.
Almost every school needs a Psychologist with M.A. degree to work full time with problem children and also teach
psychology for class XI and XII in the 10+2 schooling. In addition many rehabilitation centres are being established
all over India both in the mental health and physical disability area, and these need immediately qualified
psychologists with M.A. Degree in Psychology to cater to the requirements.
Keeping the above in view and the commitment of IGNOU to providing quality education at low costs to those who
have for some reason or the other missed opportunities for further studies, the present programme caters to
varied clientele, such as fresh graduate students as well as those who want to enter the employment arena and
those already employed but do not possess the necessary qualification in Psychology.
The aim of this programme is to give the learners a sound base in psychology and human behaviour through an
indepth investigation into a broad range of psychological techniques and skills as applied to diverse settings.
Bachelors Degree in any subject from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 13,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MPC 1 Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory 4
MPC 2 Life Span Psychology 4
MPC 3 Personality: Theories and Assessment 4
MPC 4 Advanced Social Psychology 4
MPC 5 Research Methods in Psychology 4
MPC 6 Statistics in Psychology 4
MPCL 7 Practicum: Experimental Psychology & Psychological Testing 8
II Year (choose any one group)
Group A: Clinical Psychology
MPCE 11 Psychopathology 4
MPCE 12 Psychodiagnostics 4
MPCE 13 Psychotherapeutic methods 4
MPCE 14 Practicum in Clinical Psychology 6
MPCE 15 Internship 8
MPCE 16 Project 6
IGNOU Common Prospectus 31
Group B: Counseling Psychology
MPCE 21 Counseling Psychology 4
MPCE 22 Assessment in Counseling and Guidance 4
MPCE 23 Interventions in Counseling 4
MPCE 24 Practicum in Counseling Psychology 6
MPCE 25 Internship 8
MPCE 26 Project 6
Group C: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
MPCE 31 Organisational Behaviour 4
MPCE 32 Human Resource Development 4
MPCE 33 Organisational Development 4
MPCE 34 Practicum in Industrial and Organisational Psychology 6
MPCE 35 Internship 8
MPCE 36 Project 6
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinators: Dr. Swati Patra & Dr. Smita Gupta, [email protected],
Ph. 011-29572707, 011-29572761
2.19 Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The general objective of this programme is to contribute to building of professional human resources to meet the
varied demands for information handling in libraries and information centres in the country. The programme
comprises Core Courses (7) and Elective Courses (2).
Bachelors Degree in Library and/or Information Science or Associateship from NISCAIR or DRTC
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
MLI 101 Information, Communication and Society 4
MLII 101 Information Sources, Systems and Services 4
MLI 102 Management of Library and Information Centres 4
MLII 102 Information Processing and Retrieval 4
MLII 103 Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies 4
MLII 104 Information Communication Technologies: Applications 4
MLIP 2 Project 4
Elective Courses (Choose any two only)
MLIE 101 Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials 4
MLIE 102 Research Methodology 4
MLIE 103 Academic Library System 4
MLIE 104 Technical Writing 4
MLIE 105 Informetrics and Scientometrics 4
MLIE 106 Public Library System and Services 4
Total Credits 36
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Uma Kanjilal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572714
Dr. Zuchamo Yanthan, [email protected],
[email protected], Ph. 011-29572723
32 IGNOU Common Prospectus
2.20 Masters in Anthropology (MAAN)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
Anthropology is the study of human beings in time and space. The programme is based on integrated approach
to the subject incorporating insights from physical, social and archaeological anthropology. The thrust is laid on
an in-depth understanding involving holistic approach of Anthropology using theoretical and practical techniques.
The programme is aimed at developing professional competence of the subject in light of perceivable need for
trained anthropologists in academic and research institutes, NGOs, government organizations, health sectors and
applied sciences. The focus of the programme is to equip the learners to employ anthropological insight to
understand and relate contemporary biosocial shift. It provides an opportunity to a large segment of people
desirous to understand essence of the subject.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 14,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 7,000/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MANI 1 Anthropology and Methods of Research (Theory & Practical) 8
MANI 2 Physical Anthropology (Theory & Practical) 8
MAN 1 Social Anthropology (Theory) 8
MAN 2 Archaeological Anthropology (Theory) 8
II Year
Compulsory Courses
MANP 1 Field Work Dissertation 8
MANI 3 Practicing Anthropology (Theory & Practical) 8
Elective Courses (Choose any two only)
MANE 1 Human Genetics 8
MANE 2 Human Growth & Development 8
MANE 3 Comparative Ethnography 8
MANE 4 Gender & Society 8
MANE 5 Environmental Anthropology 8
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Rashmi Sinha, [email protected], Ph. 09818389771
2.21 Master of Arts in Extension and Development Studies (MAEDS)
School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS)
This programme has been designed with balanced blending of components from extension education and development
studies with two project works and a dissertation. The programme will be useful to working extension and
development professionals across the sectors and also to fresh graduates interested in pursuing carrier as
extension and development professionals.
Programme Objectives:
To train and develop qualified human resources in the professional area of extension and development
To impart knowledge on various aspects of extension and development.
To develop necessary professional skills among students in formulation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of extension and development programmes.
To conduct impact assessment and action research studies on extension and development issues and
IGNOU Common Prospectus 33
Any Graduate.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MEDS 1 Introduction to Extension and Development 4
MEDS 2 Dynamics of Extension and Development 4
MEDS 3 Problems and Issues in Development 6
MEDSP 4 Project Work I 4
MEDS 5 Planning and Management of Extension and Development Programmes 4
MEDS 6 Research Methods in Extension and Development Studies 6
MEDSP 7 Project Work II 6
II Year
MEDS 8 Extension Communication and Diffusion of Innovations for Development 4
MEDS 9 Development in India Pre and Post Liberalization Period 6
MEDS 10 Training for Development 4
MEDS 11 Local Self Governance 4
MEDSE 15 Family Healthcare Education 4
MEDSP 17 Dissertation 10
Total Credits 66
Programme Coordinators: Prof. B.K.Pattanaik, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571662
Dr. P.V.K.Sasidhar, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571665
Dr. Nehal A. Farooquee, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571664
2.22 Master of Arts in Adult Education (MAAE)
School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS)
This programme is meant for all those interested in entering and seeking career in the field of adult education
and allied areas as well as for those working with any institution in formal, non-formal or informal sector. It aims
at promoting professional competency and capacity building of pre-service and in-service people in the field of adult
education and allied areas.
Programme Objectives:
To develop in them the national and international perspective of various aspects of theory and practice of
adult education.
To upgrade their knowledge and understanding of policies and programmes of adult, continuing and extension
education, development and welfare, among others.
To enhance their understanding and skills of documentation, management and dissemination of knowledge
and information on various aspects and processes of adult education.
To improve their knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities related to organizing and managing an adult
learning setup.
To equip them with the skills of involving the community in participatory planning, development and transaction
of curriculum as well as training, evaluation and research processes related to adult education and development.
To enhance their understanding and skills of networking at local, state, national and international level for
their personal, social, and professional development.
To enable them to critically analyse, appreciate and promote the role of adult education in the emerging
social, political, cultural, economic, developmental and other situations for effecting transformation at the
national and international levels.
34 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Bachelors Degree from any recognized University/Institute
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 12,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,000/- per year
Programme Study Centres
All the Programme Study Centres (PSCs) of IGNOU where both MA (Education) and MEd programmes of IGNOU
are simultaneously on offer are provisionally the PSCs for MAAE programme as well.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I year
MAE 1 Understanding Adult Education 6
MAE 2 Policy Planning and Implementation of Adult Education in India 6
MAE 3 Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination and Networking
in Adult Education 6
MES 16 Educational Research 6
MAEL 1 Practical Work Components 10
II year
Compulsory Courses
MAE 4 Extension Education and Development 6
MAE 5 Population and Development Education 6
MAEP 1 Dissertation 10
Optional Courses
MAEE 1* Sustainable Development 6
MESE 61* Open and Distance Learning Systems 6
MAEE 2** Basics of Legal Awareness 6
MESE 62** Vocational Education 6
Total Credits 68
* indicates that the student should select only one out of MAEE 1 and MESE 61 Courses.
** indicates that the student should select only one out of MAEE 2 and MESE 62 Courses.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. M.V.Lakshmi Reddy, [email protected],
[email protected], Ph. 011-29572935 / Mobile: 9868956537
2.23 Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies (MAGD)
School of Gender & Development Studies (SOGDS)
The programme is likely to be of interest to academics and researchers; trainers, facilitators, supervisors; staff
of organizations working in the area of gender and development; government personnel; personnel working in
banks and financial institutions.
Development policies and practices have a differential impact on women and men. This necessitates an understanding
of the gender gap in access to resources, privileges, entitlements and choices. Consensus has evolved around
the need to explore the gender gap in key development sectors and how this gap can be bridged. There is now
greater emphasis on mainstreaming gender perspectives into the development process. This will contribute to
building a gender-sensitive rubric of development, recasting development theory and action in the direction of
improved living standards, socially responsible management and use of resources, elimination of gender subordination
and socioeconomic inequality as well as to promote the organizational restructuring required to bring about
desirable change.
Exploration of gender issues has become an important activity for most non-governmental organizations. Increasing
emphasis is being laid in Governmental agencies on establishing gender-differential impacts and taking positive,
affirmative action towards gender equality and equity. It is now widely acknowledged that gender considerations
need to be reflected in all development plans, programmes and policies. There is growing concern over the
isolation of women in so-called soft sectors in education, employment and development rather than mainstreaming
IGNOU Common Prospectus 35
gender concerns across all organizations, institutions and activities. While the concerns are clearly articulated,
national goals and the UN millennium development goals cannot be achieved without concrete effort towards
gender equality.
Achieving gender equality and gender equity requires multi-pronged approaches and strategies. One of the key
approaches and strategies revolves around design and development of suitable educational programmes that equip
practitioners and policy makers with the requisite knowledge and skills to make a valuable contribution in this
sphere. The Masters/ Postgraduate Diploma programmes would make an excellent foundation for analyzing,
critically assessing existing development interventions and promoting gender-sensitive/genderbased research and
action. The strong focus envisaged on positive affirmative action would be of considerable significance.
Programme Objectives:
The programmes seek to enable learners to:
analyze extent of gender-sensitivity of development interventions;
conduct gender analysis;
critically analyze gender differentials in selected development sectors;
identify appropriate research designs and methodologies for a range of research problems;
suggest positive affirmative action in development planning and practice to promote gender equity and
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
MGS 1 Gender and Development: Concepts, Approaches and Strategies 6
MGS 2 Gender, Development Goals and Praxis 6
MGS 3 Gender Analysis 4
MGS 4 Gender-Sensitive Planning and Policy Making 8
MGS 5 Research Methodologies in Gender and Development Studies 8
MGSP 1 Internship-I / Field based Research Project-I 4
II Year
Compulsory Course
MGSP 2 Internship-II / Field based Research Project-II 4
Elective Courses (Choose any eight(8) courses only)
MGSE 1 Gender Planning and Development Policies 4
MGSE 2 Gender Audit and Gender Budgeting 4
MGSE 3 Gender Mainstreaming 4
MGSE 4 Gender Issues in Agriculture, Rural Livelihoods and
Natural Resource Management 4
MGSE 5 Gender, Literature & Culture in India 4
MGSE 6 Gender, Resources and Entitlements 4
MGSE 7 Gender, Organization and Leadership 4
MGSE 8 Media, ICTs and Gender 4
MGSE 9 Gender Issues in Work, Employment and Productivity 4
MGSE 10 Gender and Entrepreneurship Development 4
MGSE 11 Gender, Political Participation and Governance 4
MGSE 12 Gender, Nutrition and Health 4
MGSE 13 Gender Training and Empowerment 4
36 IGNOU Common Prospectus
MGSE 14 Gender and International Relations 4
MGSE 15 Gender and Labour 4
MGSE 16 Gender, Science and Technology 4
MGSE 17 Gender, Environment and Ecology 4
MGSE 18 Gender and Education 4
MGSE 19 Gender, Law and Human Rights 4
MGSE 20 Gender and Financial Inclusion 4
Total Credits 72
Of these 20 electives, ten are on offer for the current cycle (MGSE 1, MGSE 2, MGSE 3, MGSE 4, MGSE 6, MGSE 7,
MGSE 9, MGSE 10, MGSE 13, MGSE 20). Learner who enrolls for the MA Gender & Development Studies could
exit with a Post-Graduate Diploma in Gender and Development Studies if they successfully complete the first year
courses (MGS 1, MGS 2, MGS 3, MGS 4, MGS 5 and MGSP 1).
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Annu J. Thomas, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571611
Prof. Savita Singh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571613
2.24 Master of Arts in Womens & Gender Studies (MAWGS)
School of Gender & Development Studies (SOGDS)
Womens & Gender Studies are emerging and growing areas of academic inquiry today. The modular MAWGS
programme is aimed at students with a Bachelors degree in any discipline with an interest in this area. The
programme will acquaint students with the academic area of womens and gender studies and its history,
theoretical premises and progression to present day status. It is expected that learners who have completed the
MA programme would have a deeper understanding of formulations of empowerment. They would have been
exposed to cultural, literary, political and socioeconomic dimensions within gender frameworks through either one
of the two specialisations. This degree will equip students with the ability to deconstruct the complex power
hierachies and relationships operating in society, from the perspective of women and gender.
Career Options
Students completing the Masters Degree will be able to pursue careers in the areas of higher studies and research
programmes, advocacy through national and international non-profit organisations, pursue careers in teaching,
writing, editing, mass media or opt for other appropriate career options.
Modular Structure and Specializations
This is a 66 credit two year programme. The first year consists of core, foundational courses which will equip
learners with an analytical and critical understanding of theoretical and conceptual issues related to womens and
gender studies in an inter-disciplinary context. Due to the progressive nature of the programme, students are
required to complete the core foundation courses to be offered sequentially in semester 1 and semester 2 before
proceeding further. Learners who successfully complete the requirements of the 34 credit first year curriculum (32
credits of coursework + 2 credits for Project Work may exit with P.G.Diploma in Womens & Gender Studies.
Learners may exit at this point or continue for the 2nd year to earn the MA degree in Womens & Gender Studies.
After completion of the first year curriculum, learners may choose one of two specializations namely, Gender,
Literature & Culture (Group-1) and Womens Studies (Group 2). The courses offered in the third and fourth
semesters will be specific to the individual specializations. The specialization in Gender, Literature and Culture will
enable students to familiarize themselves with salient topics in the humanities from the perspective of gender.
Courses in third and fourth semesters will enhance their critical understanding of important issues such as
marginalized cultural spaces, relationship between gender and the nation, gender and discourse (especially
literary), and the mutually constructive relationships between literature, culture and society. The specialization in
Womens Studies will expose students to multidisciplinary approaches of addressing historical and contemporary
womens issues. It will equip the students in conceptualizing and developing analytical skills required to understand
womens issues through theory, praxis, research and practicum.
Bachelors Degree from any recognized University/Institute
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 12,000/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 3,000/- per semester.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 37
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
Semester I
MWG 1 Theories of Women and Gender Studies 8
MWG 2 Gender and Power 8
Semester II
MWG 3 Constructing Gender through Arts & Media 8
MWG 4 Gendered Bodies & Sexualities 8
MWGP 1 Project Work 2
II year
Specialization A: Gender, Literature, Culture (Group-I)
Semester III
MWG 5 Research Methods 8
MWG 6 Gendered Nation 8
Semester IV
MWG 7 Postmodernism & Gender 8
MWG 8 Gender & Life Narratives 8
Specialization B: Womens Studies (Group-II)
Semester III
MWG 5 Research Methods 8
MWG 9 Women & Social Structure 8
Semester IV
MWG 10 Women & Political Process 8
MWG 11 Women in Economy 8
Total Credits 66
* Learners will have an option between a one month internship with an NGO/ other approved organization OR
a Research Project depending on their individual interest/ preparation and employment circumstances.
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Anu Aneja, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571614
Dr. Nilima Srivastava, [email protected], 011-29571612
2.25 Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE)
Staff Training & Research Institute of Distance Edcuation (STRIDE)
This Programme has been designed to develop human resource in various specialised areas of Distance Education.
Graduate in any discipline OR those who have earlier completed DDE/ PGDDE can have lateral entry
for second year of M.A. (Distance Education) and after completion will claim a M.A. (Distance Education) degree.
OR those who get admission to MA (Distance Education) two year programme may decide to complete 5 courses
(30 credits) of the 1
year and may get an exit with PGDDE, if so desire.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,500/- per year
38 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year*
MDE 411 Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education 6
MDE 412 Instructional Design 6
MDE 413 Learner Support Systems and Services 6
MDE 414 Management of Distance Education 6
MDE 418 Educational Communication Technologies 6
II Year
MDE 415 Research Methods for Distance Education 6
MDE 416 Curriculum Development in Distance Education 6
MDE 417 Distance Education: Economic Perspective 6
MDE 419 Staff Training and Development in Distance Education 6
MDE 420 Project Work 6
Total Credits 60
* On completion of first year courses, Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education will be awarded
# Students who are seeking lateral entry have to follow the procedure and payment for credit transfer as laid down by Student
Registration Division.
Programme Coordinator: Prof. P.K. Biswas, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572602
2.26 Master of Commerce (MCOM)
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
The programme will meet the expanding needs in Commerce education at all levels and provide necessary
manpower to industry, trade, PSUs, Government and Private enterprises in the areas like Finance, International
Business, E-Commerce and Accounting. In order to be eligible for the award of the Master of Commerce (M.Com.)
degree, a student has to complete 12 courses equivalent to 72 credits (1 credit is 30 study hours) comprising of
six core courses and six specialization courses. The student will be awarded Postgraduate Diploma in International
Business Operations on completion of all first year courses worth 36 credits and Master of Commerce Degree with
specialization in International Business Operations after completion of all 72 credits.
Bachelors Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 5 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 11,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,500/- per year.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
IBO 1 International Business Environment 6
IBO 2 International Marketing Management 6
IBO 3 Indias Foreign Trade 6
IBO 4 Export Import Procedures and Documentation 6
IBO 5 International Marketing Logistics 6
IBO 6 International Business Finance 6
II Year
MCO 1 Organization Theory and Behaviour 6
MCO 3 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 6
MCO 4 Business Environment 6
MCO 5 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 6
MCO 6 Marketing Management 6
MCO 7 Financial Management 6
Total Credits 72
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Madhu Tyagi, [email protected], Ph. 011-29535747
IGNOU Common Prospectus 39
2.27 M.Sc. Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science
School of Sciences (SOS)
This programme has the following broad objectives:
to emphasise the relevance and usefulness of mathematics from an application point of view;
to equip the learners with the core mathematical knowledge and training necessary for use in many application
to expose the learner to reaL life problems and promote the use of mathematics in industry and applied
to develop a work force that is equipped with the mathematical skills that are necessary in the changing
industrial and economic scenario of the country;
to develop human resource in emerging disciplines such as Mathematical Biology, Computational Mathematics,
Mathematical Economics, etc.;
to promote collaborative research with industry and other user agencies.
Graduate with a Major, or Honours in Mathematics with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
If the seats at a centre remain vacant then:
Graduate with a BA/B.Sc. degree with Mathematics as one of the three main subjects with equal weightage,
having atleast 50% in aggregate and 55% in aggregate in the Mathematics courses will be considered for
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 2 years and Maximum 4 years; offered only in January cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 22,000/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 5,500/- per semester
Admission Procedure
Admission to the programme is based on merit. Fee has to be paid after admission to the programmes and only
registration fee of Rs. 200/- has to be paid with application form.
Core Courses
The core courses are designed to provide mathematical knowledge and techniques, necessary for use in many
application areas. These core courses which you will be studying during the first two semesters of your studies,
will prepare you well to study the courses offered during the third and the fourth semesters.
Elective Courses
The elective courses will expose you to the applications of mathematics in the area of computer sciences.
Project work is compulsory for all of you. It aims to provide hands on work experience in some Industry/
Organizations/R&D establishment/Institution. The project guide will give you all the details related to the project
Most of the courses of the programme have computer practical component. Practicals session will be held at the
programme centres. Attending and completing the practical sessions is compulsory for each student. The total
number of practical sessions per semester ranges from 11 to 36. The sessions are spread over the entire
semester. In order to be eligible for attending the Term-end-Examination of the practicals in a course, the student
has to complete at least 70% of the practical sessions prescribed for the course.
Scheme of Study
In order to enable you to complete your M.Sc (MACS) programme within the minimum period of two years, you
will have to take 16 credits worth of courses in each of the four semesters. Registration to the programme is
semester-wise. After the first/second/third semester, irrespective of whether you pass or not in all the courses of
a semester, you have to register for the second/ third/fourth semester courses respectively, by submitting the
Course Registration Form with the requisite programme fee.
40 IGNOU Common Prospectus
The candidates of MSCMACS should select the programme centre from the list given below:
S. RC Code/ Region Prog. Programme Study Name of the
No. Name Study Centre Address Programme
Centre Facilitator/
Code Incharge
1 14 South 1478P St. Pauls College, Deptt of Mathematics, Dr. Manju K Menon
COCHIN Kalamassery, Ernakulam, Kerala-683503
2 25 South 2578 Guru Nanak College, Velachery Road, Dr. Sadanand Patra
CHENNAI Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600042
3 06 North 2240P Thapar University, Patiala Prof. S.S. Bhatia
CHANDIGARH School of Mathematics & Computer
Applications, Patiala Punjab-147004
4 39 North 07107 Maharaja Agrasen College Dr. T. N. Ojha
NOIDA Vashundhara Enclave, DelhI 110096
5 32 East 3645P Deptt. of Mathematics, Marwari College, Dr. B.P. Verma
RANCHI Lake Road, Hindpiri, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834001
6 28 East 2810 Maulana Azad College, 8, Dharamtala, R A Prof. D.C. Ghosh
KOLKATTA Kidwai Road, Kolkatta, West Bengal-700012
7 15 West 15109P R.D. University, Deptt. of Mathematics & Prof. Arun Agarwal
JABALPUR Computer Sciences, Saraswati Vihar,
Pachpedi Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh-482001
8 16 West 1675P University of Pune, Deptt. of Mathematics, Prof. B.N. Waphare
PUNE Ganeshkhind Road, Pune, Maharashtra-411007
Programme Details:
The semester-wise details of the courses of M.Sc (MACS) programmes are as follows:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Semester
MMT 1 Programming & Data Structures 4
MMT 2 Linear Algebra 2
MMT 4 Real Analysis 4
MMT 5 Complex Analysis 2
MMT 7 Differential Equations and Numerical Solutions 4
II Semester
MMT 3 Algebra 4
MMT 6 Functional Analysis 4
MMT 8 Probability and Statistics 8
III Semester
MMT 9 Mathematical Modeling 2
MMTE 1 Graph Theory 4
MMTE 2 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 4
MMTE 3 Pattern Recognitions & Image Processing 4
MMTE 4 Computer Graphics 2
IV Semester
MMTE 5 Coding Theory 4
MMTE 6 Cryptography 4
MMTE 7 Soft Computing & Applications 4
MMTP 1 Project (Compulsory) 4
Total Credits 64
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Poornima Mittal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29534251
Dr. S. Venkataraman, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572812
IGNOU Common Prospectus 41
3.1 Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies (BTS)
School of Tourism and Hospitality Services Management (SOTHSM)
BTS is a 3-year Degree Programme. The programme is of 96 credits.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 7,500/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 2,500/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year 32 Credits
TS 1 Foundation Course in Tourism 8
TS 2 Tourism Development: Products, Operations and Case Studies 8
BSHF101 Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences 8
FEG 1 Foundation Course in English 4
FEG 2 Foundation Course in English-2 4
Modern Indian Language (Choose any one)
FAS 1 Foundation Course in Assamese 4
FBG 1 Foundation Course in Bengali 4
FTG 1 Foundation Course in Gujarati 4
BHDF 101 Foundation Course in Hindi 4
FKD 1 Foundation Course in Kannada 4
FML 1 Foundation Course in Malayalam 4
FMT 1 Foundation Course in Marathi 4
FOR 1 Foundation Course in Oriya 4
FPB 1 Foundation Course in Punjabi 4
FTM 1 Foundation Course in Tamil 4
FTG 1 Foundation Course in Telugu 4
FUD 1 Foundation Course in Urdu 4
II Year 32 Credits
TS 4 Indian Culture: Perspective for Tourism 8
TS 5 Ecology, Environment and Tourism 8
FST 1 Foundation Course in Science and Technology 8
PTS 4 Project on Indian Culture: Perspective for Tourism 4
PTS 5 Project on Ecology, Environment and Tourism 4
III Year 32 Credits
TS 3 Management in Tourism 8
TS 6 Tourism Marketing 8
PTS 6 Project on Tourism Marketing 4
Application Oriented Course (Choose any one )
BHDA 101 or AFW(E) Samachar Patra aur Feature Lekhan (Hindi) OR Feature Writing (English) 4
BRPA 101 or AWR(E) Radio Lekhan (Hindi) OR Writing for Radio (English) 4
AOM 1 Office Organization Management 4
ASP 1 Secretarial Practice 4
42 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Elective Course (Choose any one)
TS 7 Human Resource Development 8
AHE 1 Human Environment (includes a 2 credit project) 8
EHI 1 Modern India : 1857-1964 8
EHI 2 India: Earliest Times to 8th Century A.D. 8
EHI 3 India: From 8th to 15th Century A.D. 8
EHI 4 India: From 16th to Mid 18th Century A.D. 8
ESO 15 Society and Religion 8
BEGE 103 Communication Skills in English 8
Total Credits 96
Programme Coordinator: Ph. 011-29571751 to 011-29571757
3.2 Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
School of Computer Information Sciences (SOCIS)
The basic objective of the programme is to open a channel of admission for computing courses for students, who have
done the 10+2 and are interested in taking computing/IT as a career. After acquiring the Bachelors Degree (BCA) at
IGNOU, there is further educational opportunity to go for an MCA at IGNOU or Masters Programme at any other
University/Institute. Also after completing BCA Programme, a student should be able to get entry level job in the field
of Information Technology or ITES.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 30,000/- for full programme to be paid Semester wise @Rs. 5,000/- per semester
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Semester
FEG 2 Foundation course in English -2 4
ECO 1 Business Organization 4
BCS 11 Computer Basics and PC Software 3
BCS 12 Mathematics 4
BCSL 13 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab 2
II Semester
ECO 2 Accountancy-I 4
MCS 11 Problem Solving and Programming 3
MCS 12 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4
MCS 15 Communication Skills 2
MCS 13 Discrete Mathematics 2
BCSL 21 C Language Programming Lab 1
BCSL 22 Assembly Language Programming Lab 1
III Semester
MCS 21 Data and File Structures 4
MCS 23 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
MCS 14 Systems Analysis and Design 3
BCS 31 Programming in C++ 3
BCSL 32 C++ Programming Lab 1
BCSL 33 Data and File Structures Lab 1
BCSL 34 DBMS Lab 1
IGNOU Common Prospectus 43
IV Semester
BCS 40 Statistical Techniques 4
MCS 24 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming 3
BCS 41 Fundamentals of Computer Networks 4
BCS 42 Introduction to Algorithm Design 2
MCSL 16 Internet Concepts and Web Design 2
BCSL 43 Java Programming Lab 1
BCSL 44 Statistical Techniques Lab 1
BCSL 45 Algorithm Design Lab 1
V Semester
BCS 51 Introduction to Software Engineering 3
BCS 52 Network Programming and Administration 3
BCS 53 Web Programming 2
BCS 54 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques 3
BCS 55 Business Communication 2
BCSL 56 Network Programming and Administration Lab 1
BCSL 57 Web Programming Lab 1
BCSL 58 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab 1
VI Semester
BCS 62 E-Commerce 2
MCS 22 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management 4
BCSL 63 Operating System Concepts & Networking Management Lab 1
BCSP 64 Project 8
Total Credits 99
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Sudhansh Sharma, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572907
3.3 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
The Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Work (BSW) is meant for people who are interested in providing professional
assistance to people in need. Persons with professional training/degree in Social Work generally work in socially
relevant areas such as health care, community development, education, industry, counselling, family, correction,
social defense, women, children, disability etc. With the globalization, market economy and liberalization, new concerns
and human problems are emerging which needs to be addressed. This programme will be particularly useful to people
employed at middle and lower levels with NGOs. It will also be useful to fresh candidates who may like to work in social
and social welfare sectors.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 12,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs.4,000/- per year.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
BSWE 1 Introduction to Social Work (Theory) 8
BSWL 1* Social Work Practicum-1 (Practical) 8
BSHF 101 Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences 8
FEG 1 Foundation Course in English 4
44 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Modern Indian Language (Choose any one)
FEG 2 Foundation Course in English-2 4
FAS 1 Foundation Course in Assamese 4
FBG 1 Foundation Course in Bengali 4
FTG 1 Foundation Course in Gujarati 4
BHDF 101 Foundation Course in Hindi 4
FKD 1 Foundation Course in Kannada 4
FML 1 Foundation Course in Malayalam 4
FMT 1 Foundation Course in Marathi 4
FOR 1 Foundation Course in Oriya 4
FPB 1 Foundation Course in Punjabi 4
FTM 1 Foundation Course in Tamil 4
FTG 1 Foundation Course in Telugu 4
FUD 1 Foundation Course in Urdu 4
II Year
BSWE 2 Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups (Theory) 8
BSWL 2* Social Work Practicum-II (Practical) 8
BSWE 4 Introduction to Family Education 8
FST 1 Foundation Course in Science and Technology 8
III Year
BSWE 3 Social Work Intervention with Communities and
Institutions (theory) 8
BSWL 3* Social Work Practicum-III (Practical) 8
BSWE 5 Introduction to HIV/AIDS 8
BSWE 6 Substance Abuse and Counseling 8
Total Credits 96
* These courses are practicals for first, second and third year of BSW respectively. Successful completion of practicals in first year is a
necessary condition for taking up Practicals for the second year. Similarly successful completion of Practicals in second year is a necessary
condition for taking up Practicals for the third year.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. G. Mahesh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571694
3.4 Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) (Revised)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The programme comprises of 9 courses of which five courses (BLI 224, BLIE 227, BLIE 228 and BLIE 229 are having
practical component and four courses (BLI 221, BLI 222, BLI 223 and BLI 226) are theory based courses. The
programme is currently being offered in English medium only. However, the students can write their assignments and
term-end examination in Hindi medium also.
Eligibility: i)
Bachelors Degree with 50% marks and 45% for General and for the SC/ST/OBC/PH category
respectively. OR
Bachelors Degree with 2 years of working experience in Library & Information Centre
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 5,000/- for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 45
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BLI 221 Library, Information and Society 4
BLI 222 Information Sources and Services 4
BLI 223 Organising and Managing Information 4
BLI 224 ICT Fundamentals 4
BLI 225 Communication Skills 4
BLI 226 Management of Library and Information Centre 4
BLI 227 Document Processing Practice 4
BLI 228 Information Products and Services 4
BLI 229 ICT in Libraries 4
Total Credits 36
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Jaideep Sharma, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572740
Prof. Neena Talwar Kanungo, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572732
3.5 Bachelors Degree Programmes (BDP)-B.A./B.Com/B.Sc.
The University offers Bachelors Degree Programme leading to Bachelors Degree in the following fields:
1. B.A. Bachelor of Arts
2. B.Com. Bachelor of Commerce
3. B.Sc. Bachelors Degree in Science
A) Admission to (1) BTS (2) B.A. (3) B.Com and (4) BSW Programmes is through two streams.
i) Non-formal: The non-formal stream is for those students who have not passed 10+2 or its equivalent
examination. They have to pass Bachelors Preparatory Programme of IGNOU to qualify for admission
to B.A., BTS, B.Com. & BSW.
ii) Formal: Formal stream of admission is 10+2 or its equivalent examination.
Eligibility: For B.A. 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
For B.Com 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
For B.Sc. 10+2 with science subjects or its equivalent qualification.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: For B.A. & B.Com Rs. 6,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 2,000/- per year.
For B.Sc. Rs. 10,500/- for full programme to be paid year wise @ Rs.3,500/- per year.
The university follows the credit system. One credit is equal to 30 hours of learners study time. To earn Bachelors
Degree (BA, BCOM, BSC), a learner has to earn 96 credits in minimum three years with 32 credits per year. For
earning 96 credits, a student has to opt for courses from three categories.
(1) Foundation Course (2) Elective Courses and (3) Application-Oriented Courses as given hereunder.
Programme Foundation Courses Elective Courses Application
Oriented Courses
BA 24 Credits 56 Credits or 64 Credits 16 or 8 Credits
BCOM 24 Credits 56 Credits or 64 Credits
(not less than 48 credits
from Commerce) 16 or 8 Credits
BSC 24 Credits 56 Credits or 64 Credits
from Chemistry, Life Sciences,
Mathematics and Physics
(At least 25% of the total
credits in Physics, Chemistry
& Life Science have to be
obtained from Laboratory
Courses) 16 or 8 Credits
46 IGNOU Common Prospectus
In addition to these courses, all BDP students have to study an awareness course on environment entitled -An
Introduction to the Environment (NEV1). The course aims to improve the understanding and enrich knowledge about
the prevalent environmental concerns and issues; and management of various environmental problems. There will be
no examination for this course.
As the credit system explained above is new to students from conventional system of education, there is no need to get
confused. At every stage, you will get clear and specific guidance to make choices from various courses across the
disciplines available in the above three categories. However, to inform about the wide array of courses made available
for you to choose from, category-wise full details are enumerated below.
3.5.1 FOUNDATION COURSES - Common to all B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.
[Compulsory 24 Credits (1st year 16 credits, IInd year 8 credits)]
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
BSHF 101 Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences 8
FST 1 Foundation Course in Science & Technology 8
FEG 1 Foundation Course in English-1 4
FHD 2 Foundation Course in Hindi-2 4
Optional Courses (Choose any one)
FAS 1 Assamese 4
FBG 1 Bengali 4
FEG 2 English 4
FGT 1 Gujarati 4
BHDF 101 Hindi 4
FKD 1 Kannada 4
FML 1 Malayalam 4
FMT 1 Marathi 4
FOR 1 Oriya 4
FPB 1 Punjabi 4
FTM 1 Tamil 4
FTG 1 Telugu 4
FUD 1 Urdu 4
BSKF 1 Sanskrit 4
BBHF 1 Bhojpuri 4
BMAF 1 Maithilee 4
Total Credits of Foundation Course 24
3.5.2 ELECTIVE COURSES B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. (from only Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physics)
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
EHD 1 Hindi Gadya 8
EHD 2 Hindi Kavya 8
EHD 3 Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas evam Sahitya Parichaya 8
EHD 4 Madhya Kaleen Bhartiya Sahitya: Samaj aur Sanskriti 8
EHD 5 Adhunik Bhartiya Sahitya: Rashtriya Chetna aur Navjagran 8
BHDE 106 Hindi Bhasha : Itihas aur Vartman 8
BHDE 107 Hindi Sanrachna 8
BHDE 108 Prayojanmoolak Hindi 8
IGNOU Common Prospectus 47
BEGE 101 From Language to Literature 8
BEGE 102 The Structure of Modern English 8
BEGE 103 Communication Skills in English 8
BEGE 104 English for Business Communication 8
BEGE 105 Understanding Prose 8
EEG 6 Understanding Poetry 8
BEGE 107 Understanding Drama 8
BEGE 108 Reading the Novel 8
BULE 1 Elements of Urdu Structure 8
BULE 2 History of Urdu Language 8
BULE 3 Urdu Poetry 8
BULE 4 Urdu Fiction 8
BULE 5 Urdu Non-Fiction Prose 8
BULE 6 History of Urdu Literature 8
Political Science
EPS 11 Political Ideas and Ideologies 8
BPSE 212 Government and Politics in India 8
EPS 3 Modern Indian Political Thought 8
EPS 15 South Asia: Economy, Society and Politics 8
EPS 6 Government and Political in East and South East Asia 8
EPS 7 International Relations 8
EPS 8 Government and Politics in Australia 8
EPS 9 Comparative Government and Politics 8
EHI 1 Modern India: 1857-1964 8
EHI 2 India: Earliest Times to the 8
Century A.D. 8
EHI 3 India: From 8
Century to 15
Century A.D. 8
EHI 4 India: From 16
to Mid 18
Century 8
EHI 5 India: From Mid 18
to Mid 19
Century 8
EHI 6 History of China and Japan : 1840-1949 8
EHI 7 Modern Europe: Mid Eighteenth to Mid Twentieth Century 8
BECE 15 Elementary Mathematical Methods in Economics 8
BECE 16 Economic Development: Comparative Analysis & Contemporary Issues 8
EEC 7 Industrial Development in India 8
EEC 10 National Income Accounting 8
EEC 11 Fundamentals of Economics 8
BECE 2 Indian Economic Development: Issues and Perspectives 8
EEC 13 Elementary Statistical Methods and Survey Techniques 8
BECE 214 Agricultural Development in India 8
Public Administration
EPA 1 Administrative Theory 8
BPAE 102 Indian Administration 8
EPA 3 Development Administration 8
EPA 4 Personnel Administration 8
48 IGNOU Common Prospectus
EPA 5 Financial Administration 8
EPA 6 Public Policy 8
ESO 11 The Study of Society 8
ESO 12 Society in India 8
ESO 13 Sociological Thought 8
ESO 14 Society and Stratification 8
ESO 15 Society and Religion 8
ESO 16 Social Problems in India 8
BPY 1 Indian Philosophy: Part I
To be taken together
BPY 2 Logic: Classical and Symbolic 4
BPY 3 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
To be taken together
BPY 4 Religions of the World 4
BPY 5 Indian Philosophy: Part II
To be taken together
BPY 8 Modern Western Philosophy 4
BPY 6 Metaphysics
To be taken together
BPY 7 Ethics 4
BPY 9 Contemporary Western Philosophy
To be taken together
BPY 10 Epistemology 4
BPY 11 Philosophy of Human Person
To be taken together
BPY 12 Philosophy of Science and Cosmology 4
BPYE 1 Philosophy of Religion
To be taken together
BPYE 2 Tribal and Dalit Philosophy 4
BPC 1 General Psychology
To be taken together
BPC 2 Developmental Psychology 4
BPC 3 Research Methods in Psychology
To be taken together
BPC 4 Statistics in Psychology 4
BPC 5 Theories of Personality
To be taken together
BPC 6 Social Psychology 4
BPCL 7* Practicals in Psychological Testing
To be taken together
BPCL 8* Practical in Experimental Psychology 4
BPCE 11 School Psychology 4
BPCE 13 Motivation and Emotion 4
BPCE 14 Psychopathology 4
BPCE 15 Industrial and Organisational Psychology 4
BPCE 17 Introduction to Counseling Psychology 4
BPCE 18 Neuropsychology 4
BPCE 19 Environmental Psychology 4
BPCE 21 Forensic Psychology 4
BPCE 22* Practicals in Clinical Psychology OR
Practicals in Industrial &
Orgnisational Psychology OR
To be taken together
Practicals in Counseling
BPCE 23* Internship in Psychology 4
IGNOU Common Prospectus 49
1. *Courses are compulsory for B.A. (Psychology) major students. These courses would not be offered to B.A.
General Students.
2. The course BPCE 22 should be related to theory course BPCE 14/BPCE 15/BPCE 17.
3. The student is required to choose 4 credit courses from BPCE 14/BPCE 15/BPCE 17.
4. The student is required to choose 4 credit courses from BPCE 11/BPCE 13/BPCE 18/ BPCE 19/BPCE 21
5. Psychology courses are available in English medium only.
Rural Development
*** BRDE 101 Rural Development : Indian Context 8
*** (This course in Rural Development may also be opted by Sociology students for major in Sociology)
(Learners who successfully complete 48 credits in any one discipline will be given a B.A. major degree after completion
of 96 credits whereas others will be awarded B.A General Degree). However, for a B.A.(Major) degree in Mathematics
learner should complete 40 credits including MTE1, MTE2,MTE4 and MTE9 (in all worth 28 credits)
ECO 1 Business Organization 4
ECO 2 Accountancy-1 4
ECO 3 Management Theory 4
ECO 5 Mercantile Law 4
ECO 6 Economic Theory 4
ECO 7 Elements of Statistics 4
ECO 8 Company Law 4
ECO 9 Money, Banking & Financial Institutions 4
ECO 10 Elements of Costing 4
ECO 11 Elements of Income Tax 4
ECO 12 Elements of Auditing 4
ECO 13 Business Environment 4
ECO 14 Accountancy-II 4
MTE 1 Calculus 4
MTE 4 Elementary Algebra
To be taken together
MTE 5 Analytical Geometry 2
MTE 2 Linear Algebra 4
MTE 6 Abstract Algebra 4
MTE 7 Advanced Calculus 4
MTE 8 Differential Equations 4
MTE 9 Real Analysis 4
MTE 10 Numerical Analysis 4
MTE 11 Probability and Statistics 4
MTE 12 Linear Programming 4
MTE 13 Discrete Mathematics 4
MTE 14 Mathematical Modeling 4
BPHE 101 Elementary Mechanics
To be taken together
PHE 2 Oscillations and Waves 2
BPHL 103 Physics Laboratory-I 4
PHE 4 Mathematical Methods in Physics-I
To be taken together
PHE 5 Mathematical Methods in Physics-II 2
50 IGNOU Common Prospectus
PHE 6 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 4
PHE 7 Electric and Magnetic Phenomena 4
PHE 8L Physics Laboratory-II 4
PHE 9 Optics 4
PHE 10 Electrical Circuits and Electronics 4
PHE 11 Modern Physics 4
PHE 12L Physics Labroatory-III 4
PHE 13 Physcis of Solids 4
PHE 14 Mathematical Methods in Physics-III 4
PHE 15 Astronomy and Astrophysics 4
PHE 16 Communication Physics 4
CHE 1 Atoms and Molecules
To be taken together
CHE 3L Chemistry Laboratory-I 2
CHE 2 Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHE 4 Physical Chemistry 4
CHE 5 Organic Chemistry 4
CHE 6 Organic Reaction Mechanism 4
CHE 7L Chemistry Laboratory-II
To be taken together
CHE 8L Chemistry Laboratory-III 2
CHE 9 Biochemistry 4
CHE 10 Spectroscopy 4
CHE 11L Chemistry Laboratory-IV 4
CHE 12L Chemistry Laboratory-V 4
MTE 3 Mathematical Methods 4
Life Science
LSE 1 Cell Biology 4
LSE 2 Ecology 4
LSE 3 Genetics 4
LSE 4L Laboratory Course-I 4
LSE 5 Physiology 4
LSE 6 Developmental Biology 4
LSE 7 Taxonomy and Evolution 4
LSE 8L Laboratory Course-II 4
LSE 9 Animal Diversity-I 6
LSE 10 Animal Diversity-II To be taken together 6
LSE 11L Animal Diversity Laboratory 4
LSE 12 Plant Diversity-I 6
LSE 13 Plant Diversity-II To be taken together 6
LSE 14L Plant Diversity Laboratory 4
Note: MTE 1 is a pre-requisite for MTE 7 to MTE 10.
MTE 7 is a pre-requisite for MTE 11.
MTE 7 is a co-requisite for MTE 8.
MTE 8 is a pre-requisite for MTE 14.
CHE 1 is a pre-requisite for CHE 4, CHE 5 and CHE 10,
CHE 1 is a co-requisite for CHE 2
IGNOU Common Prospectus 51
CHE 2 is a pre-requiste for CHE 10
CHE 4 is a pre-requisite for CHE 9
CHE 5 is a co-requisite for CHE 6 and pre-requisite for CHE 9 & CHE 10
PHE 2 is a pre-requisite for PHE 10
BPHE 101, PHE 4 and PHE 5 are pre-requisite for PHE 11
PHE 10 is a co-requisite for PHE 16
PHE 4 and PHE 5 are prE requisite for PHE 14
Since the Chemistry courses of IGNOU include quantitative techniques, we suggest that you take MTE 3, if you havent
studied Mathematics up to the +2 level. It will help you to cope better with these courses. However, if you plan to take
any other Mathematics electives (MTE 1,2,4 to 14), you are not permitted to take MTE 3.
Mathematics elective courses are offered to BA/B.Com students as well. However, these courses should not be
opted by students coming to BA/B.Com through BPP. It is strongly recommended that only those students who
have studied Mathematics as a subject in 10+2 should opt for the Mathematics electives.
Co-requisite and pre-requisite courses refer to the courses which the learners are strongly advised to register for and
complete, so that the related courses could be studied easily. Otherwise, it is not a compulsory directive.
IGNOU will try to make every effort to conduct Laboratory Courses in the programme at the Study Centre chosen by
you. But in case of any difficulty, you may be advised to attend the Laboratory Courses at some other Study Centre. You
should be prepared for such a situation.
3.5.3 Application-Oriented Courses
The third component of the Bachelors Degree programme comprises Application Oriented Courses. These courses
are developed to equip you in some areas of your choice, which requires applications of skills. You must select at least
8 credits worth of courses from this group. You are allowed to select a maximum of 16 credits from this group. If you
have opted for a total of 64 credits in elective courses, you should take only 8 credits under Application Oriented
Courses. Alternatively, if you have taken only 56 credits in elective courses, you are allowed to take 16 credits in
Application Oriented Courses.The detailed list of the Application Oriented Courses currently available is given below.
List of Application Oriented Courses common to all B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
AFW(E) Feature Writing (English) 4
BHDA 101 lekpkj i= vkSj Qhpj ys [ku fgUnh 4
AWR(E) Writing for Radio (English) 4
BRPA 101 Radio Lekhan (Hindi) 4
ATR 1 Translation(English) 8
ACC 1 Organizing Child Care Services 8
ANC 1 Nutrition for the Community 8
Human Environment (6 Credits Theory + 2 Credits Project) 8
Marketing 4
Export Procedure and Documentation 4
Office Organization and Management 4
Secretarial Practice 4
Teaching of Primary School Mathematics
(6 Credit Theory + 2 Credit Project) 8
ACS 1 Consumer Studies 8
CTE 3 Teaching Strategies 4
CTE 4 Teaching English-Elementary 4
52 IGNOU Common Prospectus
CTE 5 Teaching English-Secondary School (With CTE 3 take anyone
either CTE 4 or CTE 5) 4
Statistical Techniques 4
AOR 1 Operational Research 4
Environmental Chemistry (6 Credit Theory + 2 Credit Project) 8
Integrated Pest Management 8
BCOA 1 Business Communication and Enterpreneurship
(English Medium only) 4
* Commerce based Application-oriented Courses. However, students are free to choose any Application-oriented Course(s) of their
choice. Among 4 credit Application Oriented Courses, they have to choose at least two 4 credit courses to make up
8 credits in total.
** All these courses have a theory component of 6 credits and a project/Lab component of 2 credits. The project is to be submitted in SED
at IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
*** +2 level of mathematics is a pre-requisite.
+ CHE1, CHE 2 and CHE 3(L) are pre-requisite for this course. This course is only for those who have studied Chemistry up to
10+2 level.
Students are free to choose any Application Oriented Course from the list given above subject to fulfilment of pre-
requisites. However, they have to opt at least two 4 credit courses to make up 8 credits in total.
In order to enable you to complete Bachelors Degree Programme within the minimum period of three years, you are
allowed to take courses worth 32 credits in each year. In the first year of study, you should take the prescribed credits
in Foundation Courses (BSHF 101, FEG 1 or FHD 2 and FEG 2 or any one of MILs or FST 1), and the remaining credits
in Elective Courses. In the second year you should take the remaining credits of Foundation Course and Elective
Courses. In the third year you should take 16 or 24 credits in Elective Courses and 16 or 8 credits in ApplicatioN
Oriented Courses.
3.5.4 How to Choose Courses for B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.
In the first year of study, you should take 16 credits in Foundation Courses (BSHF101, FEG1 or FHD2 and FEG2 or any
one of MILs), and the remaining 16 credits in Elective Courses. In the second year you should take the remaining
8 credits of Foundation Course (FST1) and Elective Courses. In the third year you should take 16 or 24 credits in
Elective courses and 16 or 8 credits in Application-Oriented Courses. We discuss below the choices available in all
these groups.
Foundation Courses: In this category of courses, you have to choose from the following:
FEG 1 or FHD 2
FEG 2 or BHDF 1 or any one of the listed Modern Indian Languages.
BSHF 101 (Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences), and FST 1 (Foundation Course in Science and
Technology) are compulsory, in first and second year of study respectively.
Elective Courses: The main task is to select elective courses. Please remember that as a learner in an Open
University you have this unique opportunity of free choice of courses. You must have noticed that the list of elective
courses is very big and you have to choose courses worth 56 or 64 credits from this group. However, if you want to
choose mathematics, we strongly recommend that you should have studied mathematics as one of the subjects at 10
+ 2 level. If you want elective courses in a particular discipline you must take a minimum of 8 credits and a maximum
of 48 credits in that discipline.
B.A. (Major)
If you want to go for indepth studies of one particular discipline to obtain B.A. Major or you want to pursue the same
discipline for your postgraduate studies you can select courses worth 48 credits from that discipline. In B.A., option to
do Major is available in English, Hindi, Urdu, Economics, History, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology,
Psychology, Philosophy and Mathematics.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 53
B.A. (General)
If you do not intend to specialise in one discipline you can choose courses from various disciplines. Here you will have
to be careful. If you choose from many disciplines you might end up doing one course from each discipline which might
not give you enough knowledge in any of the disciplines. You should try to select courses of your choice from 2 or 3
These courses would be available to you in a phased manner i.e. some would be available in the first year, a few more
would be available in the second year and the remaining in the third year. This phasing has been done for the
convenience of counselling and examination. In this scheme all the elective courses have been divided into 6 groups:
Group 1 - BEGE 101, EHD 1, EHD 5, EEC 11, EHI 1, EHI 7, EPS 11, EPA 1, ESO 11, {ECO 1, ECO 2 (To be taken
together)}, {MTE 1, MTE 4, MTE 5 (To be taken together)}, BSWE 4, {BPY 1, BPY 2 (To be taken together)}, {BPC 1,
BPC 2 (to be taken together)} & BULE1.
Group 2 - BEGE 102, EHD 2, BHDE 108, BECE 2, EHI 2, BPSE 212, BPAE 102, BRDE 101, ESO 12, {MTE 2, MTE 6 (To be
taken together)}, {BPY 3, BPY 4 (To be taken together)}, {BPC 3, BPC 4 (to be taken together)} & BULE 2.
Group 3 - BEGE 103, BEGE 108, EHD 3, EEC 10, EEC 13, EHI 3, EPS 3, EPS 8, EPA 3, ESO 13, ECO 5, ECO 7, {MTE 7,
MTE 8 (To be taken together)}, BSWE 5, {BPY 5, BPY 8 (To be taken together)}, {BPC 5, BPC 6 (to be taken together)}
& BULE 3.
Group 4 - BEGE 105, EHD 6, BECE 214, EHI 4, EPS 7, EPA 4, ESO 14, ECO 3, (ECO 6 or ECO 13), ECO 12, ECO 14,
{MTE 9, MTE 10 (To be taken together)}, BSWE 6, {BPY 6, BPY 7 (To be taken together)}, {BPYE 1, BPYE 2 (To be
taken together)}, {BPCL 7, BPCL 8 (to be taken together)} & BULE 4,
Group 5 - EEG 6, BHDE 107, BECE 15, EHI 5, EPS 15, EPA 5, ESO 15, ECO 8, ECO 9, {MTE 11, MTE 12 (To be taken
together)}, {BPY 9, BPY 10 (To be taken together)}, {BPCE 14 or BPCE 15 or BPCE 17 (Choose any one)} and {BPCE 11
or BPCE 13 or BPCE 18 or BPCE 19 or BPCE 21 (Choose any one)}, BULE 5.
Group 6 - BEGE 104, BEGE 107, EHD 4, BECE 16, EEC 7, EHI 6, EPS 6, EPS 9, EPA 6, ESO 16, ECO 10, ECO 11, {MTE
13, MTE 14 (to be taken together)}, {BPY 11, BPY 12 (to be taken together)}, {BPCE 22, BPCE 23 (to be taken
together)}, BULE 6.
Only Group 1 and 2 courses are available in the first year. In the first year you have to choose courses worth 16 Credits
only from elective courses. Select 8 Credits from each group. Elective Courses from rest of the group would be offered
in second and third year.
You should offer elective courses in such a way that overlapping is avoided i.e. you should offer courses of 8 credits
from Group 1 and 8 credits from Group 2.
Application-Oriented Courses: In the third year you have to take courses worth 8 or 16 credits from this group. While
selecting these courses make sure that they are of use to you in the profession, you are working in or intend to take
up in future.
In order to enable you to complete B.Com Programme within the minimum period of three years, you are allowed to
take 32 credits worth of courses in each year. In the first year you should take 16 credits of Foundation Courses (BSHF
101, FEG 1 or FHD 2 and FEG 2 or any one of the MILs). Eight credits of Elective Courses in Commerce (ECO 1 and ECO
2) and 8 credits of Elective Courses in Other Disciplines either from Group 1 or 2. In the second year you should take
8 credits of Foundation Courses (FST 01) and 24 credits of Elective Courses in Commerce (ECO 3, ECO 5, ECO 6 or
ECO 13, ECO 7, ECO 12 and ECO 14). In the third year you should take 16 credit of Elective Courses in Commerce ECO
8, ECO 9, ECO 10 & ECO 11), and 8 to 16 credits in Application-Oriented Courses. You should take 8 credits in elective
courses in other discipline. It shall be noted that the commerce based Application-Oriented courses are AMK 1, AED 1,
AOM 1, ASP 1 and BCOA 1
In order to complete the B.Sc. degree within the minimum period of three years, you are allowed to take courses
worth 32 credits in each year. Elective courses worth a minimum of 8 credits and a maximum of 48 credits in any one
of the four Science disciplines can be opted. You can choose 56 or 64 credits of elective courses from a minimum of
two Science disciplines and a maximum of four Science disciplines. Of the total credits opted in elective courses
in Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences disciplines, at least 25% must be from the laboratory courses.
The yeaR wise scheme of study is shown in the following table.
Note : We strongly recommend that you opt for mathematics electives, only if you have studied mathematics at 10 + 2
54 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Year of Foundation Courses Elective Courses Application Total
Study Oriented Credits
I Year 16 Credits as under 16 credits 32 credits
i) FST 1 BPHE 101, PHE 2
8 Credits BPHL 103, PHE 4,5,6
ii) FEG 1 Or FHD 2 CHE 1,2,3(L),5,7(L),8(L)
4 Credits LSE 1,2,3,4(L)
iii) FEG 2 or BHDF 101 MTE 1,2,3*,4,5,6
4 Credits
Or any one of MILs
II Year 8 Credits 24 Credits 32 Credits
BSHF 101 BPHE 101, PHE 2, BPHL 103, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8(L), 9, 10, 15
CHE 1,2,3(L),4,5,6,7(L),8(L),9,11(L)
& MTE 3
LSE 1,2,3,4(L),5,6,7,8(L) & MTE 3
MTE 1,2,3*,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
III Year 16 Credits or 24 Credits 8 Credits or
16 Credits 32 Credits
BPHE 101,PHE 2,BPHL 103,4,5,6,7,8(L),
9,10,11, 12(L),13,14,15,16
CHE 1,2,3(L),4,5,6,7(L),8(L),9,10,
11(L), 12(L)& MTE 3
LSE 1,2,3,4(L),5,6,7,8(L)9,10,11(L),
12,13, 14(L)
MTE 1,2,3*,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Total 24 Credits 64 Credits or 56 Credits 8 Credits or 96 Credits
Credits 16 Credits
Note: * MTE3 credits will not be counted towards mathematics electives. In other words if you are choosing mathematics courses as
electives, you are not allowed to opt MTE 3.
As per the above table, in the first year of study, you should take 16 Credits in Foundation Courses (FST 1, FEG 1 or
FHD 2 and FEG 2 or BHDF 101 or any one of the MILs) and 16 credits in Elective Courses. In the second year, you should
take 8 credits of Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (BSHF 101) and 24 credits of Elective Courses.
In the third year, you can take 16 or 24 credits of electives and 8 or 16 credits of application-oriented courses (together
it should be 32 credits).
B.Sc. (Major)
To obtain B.Sc.(Major), the total number of Credits to be taken in elective courses in the respective disciplines is as
follows subject to the condition that you cannot take more than 48 credits in any Discipline:
Discipline Elective Courses Total Credits
Botany LSE 1 to 8(L) and the package* of LSE 12, 13, 14(L) 48
Chemistry CHE 1 to CHE 12(L) 40
Mathematics MTE 1,2,4 to 9 worth 28 Credits are compulsory. Remaining
12 credits may be opted from MTE 10 to MTE 14 40
Physics BPHE 101, PHE 2, BPHL 103, PHE 4 to PHE 16 48
Zoology LSE 1 to 8(L) and the package of LSE 9, 10,11(L) 48
* Please note that you will not be allowed to opt for any individual course from the package. The courses LSE 9,10 and 11(L) are to be taken
together as a package. You will not be allowed to opt for any individual course from the package. Similarly, LSE 12,13 and 14(L) should also
be taken as a package.
B.Sc. (General)
For any combination of Science Electives other than those given above, you will be awarded a B.Sc. (General) degree.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 55
Year of Foundation Elective Application Oriented Total
Study Courses Courses Courses Credits
I Year 16 Credits 16 Credits - 32 Credits
II Year 8 Credits 24 Credits - 32 Credits
III Year - 16 Credits or 16 Credits or
24 Credits 8 Credits 32 Credits
Total Credits 24 Credits 56 or 64 Credits 16 or 8 Credits 96 Credits
For both B.Sc.(Major) and B.Sc.(General) degrees, at least 25% of elective Credits in Physics, Chemistry and Life
Sciences must be earned from laboratory courses.
Programme Coordinator for BA/B.Com: Director, SSC, [email protected], 011-29572511-14, 29572516-17
Programme Coordinators for B.Sc. : Prof. S.S. Hasan, [email protected], 011-29572810
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, [email protected],
3.6 Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP) - Non-Formal Channel to B.A./B.Com/BSW/BTS
Bachelors Preparatory Programme is offered by the University to those students who wish to do Bachelors Degree of
IGNOU but do not have the essential qualifications of having passed 10+2 and attained the age of 18 years/as on 1st
April and 1st October for January & July session respectively. In the absence of such a qualifying certificate these
students are deprived of higher education. To enable such students to enter higher education stream, IGNOU has
designed this preparatory programme. BPP is, however, not equivalent to 10+2 and has no credit weightage. It is valid
for admission to IGNOUs non-formal stream of BA/ B.Com. etc.
Eligibility: No Formal Qualification, Minimum age - 18 years
Medium of Instruction: English, Hindi, Oriya, Tamil, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Malyalam & Gujarati
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course
Choose any two of these courses
OMT 101 Preparatory Course in General Mathematics
OSS 101 Preparatory Course in Social Sciences
PCO 1 Preparatory Course in Commerce
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Nita Mathur, [email protected], Ph.011-29572720
3.7 BBA in Retailing with the Modular Apporach (BBARL)
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
Programme Structure:
The Programme is of 96 credits comprising compulsory courses with an Internship and On the Job Training (OJT) in
the first, second and third year respectively. The programme will be offered with modular approach as given below:
a) First year Diploma in Retailing (DIR)
b) Second YearAdvanced Diploma in Retailing (ADIR)
c) Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration in Retailing (BBA)
d) Three months internship in the first year and OJT subsequently in the 2nd and 3rd year.
e) A VivA Voce after submission of the Work Book for BRLT5, BRLT9 and BRLT16 under BBA.
f) DIR &ADIR are only exit points.
g) Programme will be offered once in July every year.
h) All DIR students will be offered admission into second year and subsequently in to third BBA Retailing.
56 IGNOU Common Prospectus
a) + 2/equivalent based on merit of physically fit candidates.
b) University provides reservation of seats as per Government of India rules.
c) There will be a Personal Interview at the Regional Centre prior to selection of the candidate. The Regional
Director of the Regional Centre in consultation with the Programme Coordinator will conduct the personal interview.
d) Candidates will be selected based on the personal interview during which a candidate will be judged on the
following: Appearance, Ability to communicate, Attitude, Mental Alertness, and General Knowledge. Each of
these shall carry maximum of 10 marks allotted for personal Interview. Candidate is required to secure 25 out of
50 marks to qualify.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 27,000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 9,000/- per year
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Year
BRL 1 Overview of Retailing 4
BRL 2 Retail Marketing and Communication 4
BRL 3 Retail Management Perspective and Communication 4
BRL 4 Customer Service Management 4
BRLT 5 Internship and Viva-Voce 16
II Year
BRL 6 Buying and Merchandising-I 4
BRL 7 Store Operations-I 4
BRL 8 Human Resources 4
ECO 1 Business Organization 4
BCOA 1 Business Communication and Entrepreneurship 4
AMK 1 Marketing 4
BRLT 9 On the Job Training (OJT) and Viva-Voce 8
III Year
BRL 10 Buying and Merchandising-II 4
BRL 11 Retail Operations and Store Management-II 4
BRL 12 Visual Merchandising and Store Management 4
BRL 13 Customer Value Management 4
BRL 15 IT Application in Retail 4
BRLT 16 On the Job Training (OJT) and Viva Voce 12
Total Credits 96
a) For Direct Entry (CategorY A)
The Programme Coordinators and the Regional Director concerned in consultation with officials from the Retailers
Association of India (RAI), Mumbai will arrange an Internship for a period of 3 months for all DIR students in the
first year.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 57
b) For Sponsored Admission (Category-B)
Employees of a retail company are only eligible. Under this category sponsored candidates can work and complete
their internship in the same retail store/company where they are employed without leaving their jobs.
Opportunities for Students in Retail
Opens the gate for 10+2 students to be a graduate without interruption to his/her professional career.
Earn while they learn by taking training/full-time job in a retail store.
BBA in Retailing arms a Customer Care Associate with specialized theoretical knowledge on retail practices.
Since students will acquire lots of theoretical and practical skills in retail industry would certainly prefer them.
Along with the practical work experience on the job, the student experiences fast track growth in his career
towards managerial cadre over 3 years on successful completion of a degree.
BBA Retail graduation will help students to go for further studies in Retail such as PG Diploma Retail, MBA Retail
Programme Coordinators : Prof. Nawal Kishor, [email protected], Ph. 011-29535266
Prof. N. V. Narasimham, [email protected], Ph. 011-29535266
Dr. Madhulika Lal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29573006
Dr. Rashmi Bansal, [email protected],Ph. 011-29573023
Dr. V. Venugopal Reddy
58 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.1 Post Graduate Diploma in Library
Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) aims at developing the professional
competencies of the library and information professionals in an automated and networked environment. The programme
also provides opportunities for in depth or intensive practical to enhance technological skills of the learners to independently
develop or manage a computerized library and information centre.
Programme Objectives:
The objective of the programme aims to impart to the learners knowledge and skills:
associated with fundamentals of computer technology;
of library automation and services provided by an automated library;
of the components of an information system;
of networking and Internet technology in general and library and information networks in particular;
of Internet with special reference to the information resources available in different forms and subjects;
to develop web-enabled content;
to about the legal issues associated with information;
to design and develop a programme by enhancing skills on programming based on specific languages such as
Java or Visual Basic or C++; and
to undertake a practical based project in order to specialize in one of the thrust areas on library automation and
Bachelors Degree in Library and Information Science
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 15,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
The programme is essentially a judicious mix of theory and practical components to develop technology based knowledge,
skills and aptitude of library and information professionals
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MLI 1 Introduction to Computers 4
MLIL 1 Practical
MLI 2 Library Automation 4
MLIL 2 Practical
MLI 3 Information Systems 4
MLIL 3 Practical
MLI 4 Networking and Internet Technology 4
MLIL 4 Practical
MLI 5 Internet Resources 4
MLIL 5 Practical
MLI 6 Content Development 4
MLIL 6 Practical
MLI 7 Programming 4
MLIL 7 Practical
MLIP 8 Project 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Jaideep Sharma, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572740
Dr. Archna Shukla, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572743
IGNOU Common Prospectus 59
4.2 Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The major objectives of the programme are to:
Provide comprehensive knowledge to the learners on disaster preparedness, mitigation and rehabilitation.
Enable the learners to carry out risk assessment and vulnerability analysis.
Generate community awareness, and strengthen institutional mechanism for community mobilisation and
participation in disaster management.
Develop communication skills for disaster preparedness.
Create greater awareness about effective disaster response in various emergency situations.
Equip learners with tools for meeting emergency medical requirements.
Incorporate gender sensitive disaster management approach; and
Inculcate new skills and sharpen existing skills of government officials, voluntary activists, development professionals
and elected representatives for effective disaster management.
Target Group
The Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management shall cater to the needs of the following target groups:
Government functionaries
NGO functionaries and Volunteers
Military, Para-military, Police, Home Guards, and Civil Defence personnel
Geologists, Scientists, Meteorologists, Engineers, Administrators, and other Government and Public Sector
Undertakings officials
Rural Development Functionaries, Primary Health Centres Functionaries, Relief Workers, Social Workers,
Environmentalists, etc. and
Graduate in any discipline
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 5,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MPA 1 Understanding Natural Disasters 4
MPA 2 Understanding Man-made Disasters 4
MPA 3 Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis 4
MPA 4 Disaster Preparedness 4
MPA 5 Disaster Response 4
MPA 6 Disaster Medicine 4
MPA 7 Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Recovery 4
MPAP 1 Project Work 4
MED 4* Towards Participatory Management 4
Total Credits 32
* Course is available in English only
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Uma Medury, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572741
Dr. Dolly Mathew, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572728
60 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.3 Post Graduate Diploma in Participatory Management of
Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (PGDMRR)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Participatory Management of Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation
(PGDMRR) is a proactive initiative of the World Bank and Indira Gandhi National Open University for building the skills
of both development practitioners, in general and resettlement and rehabilitation officers, field staff, desk staff and
technical experts in participatory methods of managing the concerns and issues of displacement and working for
satisfactory resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) of those displaced by development projects, in particular.
The programme is of use to those who are engaged generally in the development sector and particular in R and R
divisions of development projects of the government, private sector as project officers, technical experts, field staff or
desk staff and those working with the NGOs, industrial establishments and other agencies involved in R and R of those
displaced by development projects.
The objectives of the programme are to orient learners to:
Contextualize development caused displacement and rehabilitation.
Strategize participatory planning of resettlement and rehabilitation.
Appreciate the participatory implementation and monitoring of resettlement and rehabilitation.
Understand theoretical perspectives in the study of R&R.
Learn lessons from already executed development projects.
Imbibe specialized knowledge on different phases of R&R process.
Prepare an individual field work based Project work report that integrates the learning with specific activities of
processes in a development project.
Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 7,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
MRR 101 Understanding Development-Caused Displacement 4
MRR 102 Role of Participation in Sustainable Development 4
MRR 103 Participatory Planning of Resettlement and Rehabilitation 4
MRR 104 Participatory Implementation and Monitoring of Resettlement
and Rehabilitation 4
MRR 5 Theoretical Perspectives on R&R 4
MRR 6 Illustrative R&R Case Studies from Different Development Sectors 4
MRRP 11 Project Work to be completed by the learners 4
Optional Courses (Choose any one )
MRRE 7* Economic Planning of R&R and Implementation 4
MRRE 8* Socio-Cultural and Infrastructural Planning and Relocation 4
MRRE 9* Economic Rehabilitation of PAPs 4
MRRE 10* Monitoring and Evaluation of R&R 4
Total Credits 32
* refers to optional courses. The learner is expected to specialize in one of the themes by opting for one of the four courses. All the other
courses are compulsory.
Programme Coordinator: Director, SSC, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572511-14 & 29572516-17
IGNOU Common Prospectus 61
4.4 Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies(PGDGPS)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
To impart knowlege particularly to young people on the thoughts and ideas of Gandhi on economic, social,
political, sustainable and environmental issues.
Development skills on peace making and peace building.
To develop peace methods from the interdisciplinary perspectives.
To train the participants in peace making and conflict resolution in real life situations.
To enable the Diploma holders to join Media, NGOs, Teaching and Research.
Graduate in any discipline.
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MGP 1 Gandhi: The Man and His Times 4
MGP 2 Philosopy of Gandhi 4
MGP 3 Gandhis Social Thought 4
MGP 4 Gandhis Political Thought 4
MGPE 6 Gandhis Economic Thought 4
Optional Courses (Choose any three)
MGPE 7 Non-violent Movements after Gandhi 4
MGPE 8 Gandhi Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolutions 4
MGPE 9 Gandhi in the 21st Century 4
MGPE 10 Conflict Management,Transformation and Peace Building 4
MGPE 11 Human Security 4
MGPE 14 Gandhi, Ecology and Sustainable Development 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Prof. D. Gopal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572704/29535515
4.5 Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development provides comprehensive knowledge of socio-economic factors
affecting the transformation of rural society. The contents are designed to impart an integrated understanding to
learners about the crucial dimensions of rural development. It aims at enabling the learners to acquire skills related to
planning, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects and programmes. The Programme
also introduces the learner to the basic aspects of research and project-work. The Project Work provides its learners
an opportunity to study rural development problems, which enables them to develop necessary skills to undertake
research work in rural development. The learners of PGDRD interested in Master of Arts (Rural Development) (MARD)
are entitled for credit transfer except RDD5.
Bachelors Degree.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- for full programme
62 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
A) Compulsory Courses
MRD 101 Rural Development Indian Context 6
MRD 102 Rural Development Programmes 6
MRD 103 Rural Development Planning and Management 6
B) Optional Courses (Choose any one from the following electives)
MRDE 101 Rural Social Development 6
RDD 6 Rural Health Care 6
RDD 7 Communication and Extension in Rural Development 6
C) Project Work
RDD 5 Research and Project Work 6
Total Credits (A+B+C) 30
Programme Coordinator : Prof. Gurchain Singh, [email protected] Ph. 011-29572951
4.6 Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling and Family Therapy
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling and Family Therapy is aimed at developing professionals in this vital
field, which is gaining greater salience in the present times both from social and employment perspectives. The
contemporary social scenario has resulted in an increased need and demand for professional support in terms of
counseling and family therapy, which is being increasingly recognized as an effective approach both for
promoting positives like strengthening families, fostering positive parenting, and increasing resilience of
individuals in vulnerable situations as well as for addressing negative aspects such as social-psychological problems,
maladaptive behaviours, declining mental health and psychosomatic disorders that are being increasing witnessed
in the present times. However, though the need for counseling and family therapy professionals is being increasingly
felt, there is a dearth of professional support and experts who could lend a helping hand in promoting positive
family processes and help individual family members in distress in a comprehensive way. As a result, there is a
tremendous felt need for education and training in this area. By developing the requisite knowledge, understanding,
attitudes and skills in the area of Counseling and Family Therapy, this unique programme of study would help to
train professional cadres in the field, equipping them for both wage-employment and self-employment, and thus fill
the existing lacuna.
A unique feature of this programme of study is that on completing it the learner can enroll for the second year of M.Sc.
in Counseling and Family Therapy [M.Sc. (CFT)] through credit transfer.
Bachelors degree with specialization in subjects like Human Development and Family Studies, Child
Development, Human Development and Childhood Studies, Child Development and Family Relationships, Home Science,
Psychology, Social Work, Medicine or other allied disciplines. Allied disciplines include Anthropology, Sociology,
Education, Philosophy, MBBS or equivalent qualification in Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha or Homeopathy Medicines, Nursing
etc. from a recognized University.
Bachelors degree with a higher degree in any of the above mentioned subjects or Bachelors Degree along with a
Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from a recognized University.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 14,000/- for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 63
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MCFT 1 Human Development and Family Relationships 4
MCFTL 1 Supervised Practicum 2
MCFT 2 Mental Health and Disorders 4
MCFTL 2 Supervised Practicum 2
MCFT 3 Counseling and Family Therapy: Basic Concepts and
Theoretical Perspectives 4
MCFTL 3 Supervised Practicum 2
MCFT 4 Counseling and Family Therapy: Applied Aspects 4
MCFTL 4 Supervised Practicum 2
MCFT 5 Counseling and Family Therapy: Research Methods and Statistics 4
MCFTL 5 Supervised Practicum 2
MCFTL 8 Reflective Journal (Supervised Practicum) 2
Total Credits (20 Credits Theory + 12 Credits Practical) 32
Programme Coordinators : Prof. Neerja Chadha, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572959
Dr. Amiteshwar Ratra, [email protected]
4.7 Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT)
School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT) aims to teach Translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa. Translation
is a major professional area in our country and plays an important role in our understanding of the diversity of Indian
culture and society. Post Graduate Diploma in Translation is designed to develop the translation skills of the learners.
Besides imparting the knowledge of the theory and practice of translation, it enables the students to understand the
socio-cultural dimensions of translation. The programme consists of 4 Courses and a Project comprising Practical
Bachelors Degree
Medium of Instruction: Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
PGDT 1 Anuvad: Siddhant Aur Pravidhi 6
PGDT 2 Anuvad Ka Bhashik Aur Samajik Paksh 6
PGDT 3 Vyavaharik Anuvad Ke Vividh Star Aur Kshetra 6
PGDT 4 Prashasanik Anuvad 6
PGDT 5 Anuvad Pariyojana 6
Total Credits 30
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Rita Rani Paliwal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572751
4.8 Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
School of Management Studies, the biggest business school in Open Learning System in the world has developed an
innovative programme in the area of International Business. The main objective of this programme is to equip the
students with necessary conceptual, entrepreneurial and analytical skills required for handling the International Business
Operations. The curriculum focusses on the applied aspects of International Business.
64 IGNOU Common Prospectus
The salient features of this programme are as follows:
Focus on operational areas of International Business
Courses designed and prepared by top notch academia in the field of international business
Strong Students Support Services
Opportunity to interact with the leading experts through teleconferencing.
Prospective and In-service Head Teachers/Principal with Graduate Degree from a recognized University
Bachelors Degree
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 5,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 41 Growth and Development of Educational Management 6
MES 42 Dimensions of Educational Management 6
MES 43 Organisational Behaviour 6
MES 44 Institutional Management 6
MESP 49 Project Work 6
Optional Courses (Choose any one)
MES 45 School Education 4
MES 47 Distance and Open Learning 4
MES 48 Alternative Education 4
Total Credits 34
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Vibha Joshi, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572953
Dr. Vandana Singh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572932
4.17 Post Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary Education (PGDPPED)
School of Education (SOE)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary Education (PGDPPED) is a specialized programme for preparing teachers
for the pre-primary level. The Programme has been developed to meet the ever increasing demand for trained
manpower in pre-primary educational institutions. The programme has been designed to provide a comprehensive
view of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of preschool education in the existing and emerging educational
To systematize experiences and strengthen the professional competencies of pre-school teachers.
To enable teachers to organize meaningful learning experiences for pre-school children.
To develop skills required in selecting and organising learning experiences
To understand the developmental needs of pre-school children.
To gain knowledge and develop an understanding of various aspects of pre-school management.
Graduate in any discipline.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 8,000/- for full programme
70 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MES 81 Introduction to Pre-School Education 4
MES 82 Human Development during Early Childhood 4
MES 83 Principles of Childhood Education 4
MES 84 Practices in Modern Pre-School Education 4
MESP 85 Project 16
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinators : Dr. Sutapa Bose, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572942
Dr. Vandana Singh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572932
4.18 Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work among the Tribals
School of Social Work (SOSW)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work among the Tribals (PGDSWT) is a Professional programme and the objectives
of this programme among others are:
To provide basic knowledge and information to the learners regarding the Tribes/Tribals in India
To help the learners understand the relevance of social work in the tribal regions and/ for the tribals
To provide trained professionals for tribal development in all respects
To train social work professionals who would be able to address the issues and problems confronted by the
tribals in India
To enable employment of learners in the tribal development departments in NGOs or other institutions
Graduation in any discipline from recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 7,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MSW 1 Origin and Development of Social Work 4
MSWE 41 Understanding the Tribals 8
MSWE 42 Tribals in India 4
MSWE 43 Tribal Society 4
MSWE 44 Social Work Practice in Tribal Development 4
MSWL 45 Social Work Practicum 10
Total Credits 34
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Rose Nembiakkim, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571695
4.19 Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management
School of Vocational Education & Training (SOVET)
The basic objective of this programme is to improve career opportunities of Science and non-science graduates. The
programme is especially designed for those seeking career as a Medical Representative or for the capacity building of
those already in this profession. Science and non science graduates can take admission in the programme.
Graduate degree in any discipline with Science in 10+2 OR
Graduate degree in any discipline without Science in 10+2 but with 2 years of working experience as a medical
representative in a pharma industry.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 71
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 7,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MVE 1 Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6
MVE 2 Pharmacology and Toxicology 6
MVE 3 Pharmaceutics 4
MVE 4 Drugs Regulatory Affairs 4
MVE 5 Introduction to Management 6
MVE 6 Sales Management 6
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinators: Prof.Javed A. Farooqi, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572822
Dr.Rachna Agarwal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571647
4.20 PG Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS)
School of Vocational Education & Training (SOVET)
This PG Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS)(with an exit option of PG Certificate in Information Security (PGCIS)
after successful completion of first semester) programme has been designed to bridge the gap in the awareness and
competency required by various categories of people as the users of Internet and various IT enabled services about
deeper aspects of Information Security, responsible use and management of IT services. This is a PG Diploma level
programme with an exit option of PG Certificate in Information Security (PGCIS) after successful completion of first
semester and total 32 credits of worth. Students can complete this programme in minimum period of one or maximum
period of three years.
The Programme aims at imparting:
To spread awareness of information security and protection.
To provide protection and security to personal data and to build data oriented infrastructure in the companies.
To raise high professional ethics in the individuals and students towards providing information security.
To experiment and learn the skills and techniques needed for providing protection and security to our information.
B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ BCA/ B.Tech (Computer Sc.)/ B.Tech (IT) or its equivalent.. OR
Bachelor Degree in any discipline or its equivalent from a recognized university / Institute with CIT/CIC/ACISE/
CISE from IGNOU or a Certificate in Computer Science/ Computer Application from a Govt. recognized institute
with a minimum duration of 6 months or studied Computer Course as a part of the curriculum in Bachelor/PG
Degree. OR
Bachelor Degree in any discipline or its equivalent from the recognized university/ institute with 1 year working
experience in Computer Application/ IT
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.18,000/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 9,000/- per semester
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Semester I
MSEI 21 Introduction to Information Security 4
MSEI 22 Network Security 4
MSEI 23 Cyber Security 4
MSE 24 Policy, Standards and Laws 4
72 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Semester II
MSEI 25 Application and Business Security Developments 4
MSEI 26 BCP, DR Planning and Audit 4
MSEI 27 Digital Forensics 4
MSEP 28 Project 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Ms. Urshla Kant, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571648
4.21 Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)
School of Law (SOL)
The programme Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights has been revised by the School of Law and was
launched from July 2013. The Objective of this programmes is to:
Acquaint the learners with basic concepts of Intellectual Property Rights
Develop expertise in the learner on IPR related issues; and
Sensitize the learners with the emerging issues in IPR and the rationale for the protection of IPR.
Graduate in any discipline
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 8,500/- for full programme.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MIP 101 General Introduction to IP Rights 4
MIP 102 Patents 4
MIP 103 Industrial Design and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits and
Utility Models 4
MIP 104 Trademarks, Domain Names, Geographical Indications 4
MIP 105 Copyright and Related Rights 4
MIP 106 Plant Varieties Protection, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge 4
MIP 107 Trade Secrets, Competition Law and Protection of TCE 4
MIP 108 Management of IPRs 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Suneet Kashyap Srivastava, [email protected],
4.22 PG Diploma in Criminal Justice (PGDCJ)
School of Law (SOL)
The objectives of the programme are to:
To keep pace with emerging developments in criminal justice
To create well-informed citizens and professionals in the area of criminal justice
To enhance the competencies of the professionals already working in the area of criminal justice system.
Any Graduate, Graduate in Criminology, Social Work & Functionaries of Criminal Justice Administration.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 9,000/- for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 73
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MLE 11 Criminal Justice System 4
MLE 12 Indian Penal Code 4
MLE 13 Criminal Justice Processes 4
MLE 14 Criminal Justice Administration 4
MLE 15 Challenges to Criminal Justice System 4
MLE 16 Criminal Justice Research and Advocacy 4
MLEP 17 Project 8
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Ms. Mansi Sharma, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572992
4.23 Post Graduate Diploma in Extension and Development Studies
School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS)
Postgraduates Diploma in Extension and Development Studies has been designed with balanced blending of extension
education and development subjects with two project works. The programme will be useful to working extension and
development personnel across sectors and also to fresh graduates interested in pursuing career as extension and
development professionals. This Diploma holder can further continue for MA in Extension and Development Studies.
To impart knowledge on various aspects of extension and development.
To train and develop qualified human resources in the professional area of extension and development studies.
To develop necessary professional skills among students in formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
of extension and development programmes.
To conduct impact assessment and action research studies on extension and development issues and Programmes.
Any Graduate.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.4,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MEDS 1 Introduction to Extension and Development 4
MEDS 2 Dynamics of Extension and Development 4
MEDS 3 Problems and Issues in Development 6
MEDSP 4 Project Work I 4
MEDS 5 Planning and Management of Extension and Development Programmes 4
MEDS 6 Research Methods in Extension and Development Studies 6
MEDSP 7 Project Work II 6
Total Credits 34
Programme Coordinators: Dr. P.V.K.Sasidhar, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571665
Dr. Nehal A. Farooquee, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571664
Prof. B.K.Pattanaik, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571662
4.24 Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (PGDAE)
School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS)
This programme is the result of collaborative efforts of IGNOU, UNESCO and JNU aimed at capacity building and
professional development of adult education with an emphasis on participatory adult learning, documentation, information
dissemination and networking at national and international levels.
74 IGNOU Common Prospectus
a) To promote professional competency and capacity building of the adult education functionaries as well as all
those who are not in service, but interested in the area of adult education;
b) To develop their knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of theory and practice of adult education;
c) To promote their understanding of adult education policies and programmes;
d) To enable them to document, manage and disseminate knowledge and information on various aspects and
processes related to adult education;
e) To promote their knowledge, understanding and skills vis-a-vis diverse approaches to organizing and managing
an adult learning set up;
f) To equip them with the skills of involving the community in participatory planning, development and transaction
of curriculum and in participatory training, evaluation and research in adult education;
g) To enhance their understanding and skills of networking for their personal, social, and professional development;
h) To develop in them the ability to critically analyse, appreciate and promote the role of adult education in the
emerging social, cultural and educational situation at the national and international levels.
Programme Study Centres (PSCs)
All programme study centres of IGNOU where MA (Education) Programme of IGNOU is on offer are provisionally the
PSCs for this programme also.
Any Graduate
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.6,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
The Programme consists of 34 credits (one credit is equal to 30 study hours). The programme has 5 courses 4 theory
courses and one practical course. The course codes, titles, nature and credits are given below.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Theory Courses
MAE 1 Understanding Adult Education 6
MAE 2 Policy Planning and Implementation of Adult Education in India 6
MAE 3 Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination and
Networking in Adult Education 6
MES 16 Educational Research 6
Practical Courses
MAEL 1 Practical Work Components 10
Total Credits 34
Programme Coordinator: Dr. M.V. Lakshmi Reddy,
[email protected], [email protected],
Ph. 011-29572935 / Mobile : 9868956537
4.25 Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development
School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS)
India is 2
largest urban system in the world with more than 30% of urban population. It is expected that by 2025, half
of Indias population will be urbane. The urbanization has created manifold problems such as transportation, poverty,
unemployment, unauthorized housing colonies, slums and squatter settlements. The criticality of the urban problems
has not been properly understood due to less emphasis on urban development issues in the academic curriculum at
the graduation and post-graduation levels. Therefore, PGDUPDL will be useful for the people involved in the urban
development programmes and also to the graduates who wish to pursue urban development as a career. The
Postgraduate Diploma holders will be fully equipped to serve various Government and Non-Government Organizations
dealing with urban planning and development. The programme also strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of in-
service personnel working in Government and Non-Government Organizations, Private or Corporate sectors and handling
IGNOU Common Prospectus 75
various urban development projects and programmes viz; Functionaries and elected representatives of Municipal
Councils, Corporations, Municipal and Nagar Panchayats; Architects, City and Town Planners (Bachelors and Masters
in Architecture, Planning and Related Discipline); Civil Engineers, Corporate Real Estate Professionals; Employees of
the Autonomous Institutions/ NGOs, Private or Corporate sectors working in various urban development sectors;
Programme Officers, Project Officers, Research Investigators, and Research Assistants deling with urban development
in various International and National Organizations. Also this programme will be useful to the fresh graduates who
wish to pursue a career in urban development.
To provide opportunity to the learners to deepen their knowledge and understanding of urban development.
To expand capacities of the working urban development professionals on various theoretical and practical aspects
of urban planning and development.
To develop professional knowledge and skills in formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of urban
development programmes.
Graduation in any discipline
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January and July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,800/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MEDS 41 Introduction to Urban Development 6
MEDS 42 Issues and Challenges in Urban Planning and Development 6
MEDS 43 Dynamics of Urban Planning and Development 6
MEDS 44 Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects and Programmes 6
Elective Courses : Choose any one
MEDSP 45 Project Work 8
MEDSE 46 Development: Issues and Perspectives 8
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinators: Dr. Nehal A. Farooquee, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571664
Prof. B.K. Pattanaik, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571662
Dr. P.V.K. Sasidhar, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571665
4.26 PG Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PGDFCS)
School of Intra-Disciplinary & Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITS)
The Programme PG Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies primarily focuses on time, geography, space and literature
of the folklore and culture of the world in general, and of India in particular. The Programme aims to find out the
relation between folk culture and context through various frameworks borrowed from disciplines such as Literature,
History, Sociology, Anthropology, Folklore Studies and emerging disciplines such as Culture Studies. This Programme
is a result of the interdisciplinary approach to the paradigms of knowledge. The Programme focuses on themes such
as oral literature, material culture, social customs, performing arts, the theories and methods of folklore employed so
far such as historical-geographical, historical-re-constructional, ideological, functional, psychoanalytical, cross-cultural,
structural and contextual all of which demand an inter-disciplinary approach. The social relevance of the Programme
may be categorized as:
In a vast and diverse country like India, it is important that policy planners are sensitive to the impact of the
developmental processes on the marginalized communities. This programme can contribute to that since it has
two major concerns, first, to study the marginal society in their specificity, second, the impact of the contact with
more complex societies on the marginal communities as tribes.
This Programme seeks to address to that section of students who are not covered by formal education, mainly
those students who seek to join the NGO circles or intend to pursue higher education in trans-disciplinary subjects
such as Ethnography, Migration Studies, Marginal Studies, etc.
It has the objective of appreciating culture and folklore in all their composite forms and of evaluating the social
and political context in which culture manifests itself. It has the object of study and the location of political
criticism by its focal points such as Marginal Studies, Tribal and Folklore Literature, Language Death and
Preservation, etc.
76 IGNOU Common Prospectus
3 It has an obligation to an ethical appraisal of traditional as well as the modern society.
3 Some of the important faculty in this Programme may be categorized as Critical Theory, Cultural Critic, Cultural
Geography, Cultural History, Culture Theory, Ethnography, Feminism, Gender Studies, Museum Studies, Orientalism,
Popular Culture Studies, Post-structuralism, Social Structuralism, Language Studies, History and Anthropology,
Target Group
Any graduate who wants to enter tourism, archaeological development or management of museums, NGOs working
for Tribal Rights, academic institutes offering programmes on Folklore and Culture Studies.
Graduate in any discipline.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,200/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MFC 1 Folklore and Culture: Conceptual Perspectives 6
MFC 2 Tradition, Identity and Cultural Production 6
MFC 3 Cultural and Societal Transformation 6
MFC 4 Tribes of India: Identity, Culture and Folklore 6
MFCI 5 Project Manual 6
Total Credits 30
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Nandini Sahu, [email protected], Ph. 011-29535399
4.27 Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
The programme fulfils specified needs of a middle level administrators in hospital or health care departments. This
comprehensive programme will provide a professional qualification and an insight in managerial functional for those
serving graduates who wish to take up hospital and health administration as a career. It will also be of immediate
benefit to those currently engaged in hospital administration at senior levels.
Selection Procedure
Those satisfying the eligibility requirements will be selected on the basis of the criteria laid down by the School of
Health Sciences, IGNOU. The criteria for selection will be developed taking into account hospital experience, years of
service and educational qualification. Selection will be made on Regional Centre/PSC basis. In each Programme Study
Centre (PSC) a maximum of 40 students will be admitted. At present PSCs for the programme are at Ahmedabad,
Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Cochin, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Lucknow, Nagpur, Patna, Raipur,
Bhubaneshwar, Jabalpur & Srinagar.
Programme Design
PGDHHM is a multimedia package which includes General Management, Management of Human Resources, Finance,
Logistics and Equipment in Hospitals; also includes Organisation and Management of Hospital and Planning, Organisation
and Management of all types of services provided in a hospital; further it includes health system management including
epidemiology and biostatistics. Each course is considered as a separate entity by itself, although interrelated when
conceptually comprehended as issues of the hospital system.
a) Medical/Dental graduates from a Medical/Dental Institute of India or other countries recognized by Medical
Council of India (MCI) or Dental Council.
Graduates in Indian System of Medicine (ISM) and Homeopathy, Nursing & Pharmacy recognized by the respective
Council with three years of hospital experience.
c) Candidates holding MBA degree or PG Diploma in Financial, Material or Personnel Management with five years
hospital experience.
d) Preference will be given to applicants working in a hospital/health care institution and holding administrative
IGNOU Common Prospectus 77
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered only in January cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.21,000/- for full programme.
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Theory Practical Total
PGDHHM 1 Introduction to Management-I 3 2 5
PGDHHM 2 Introduction to Management-II 3 2 5
PGDHHM 3 Organization and Management of Hospital 3 2 5
PGDHHM 4 Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services 3 2 5
PGDHHM 5 Support and Utility Services and Risk Management 3 2 5
PGDHHM 6 Health System Management 3 2 5
Project Work 2 2
Total Credits 18 14 32
Programme Coordinator: Prof. S. B. Arora, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572811
4.28 Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
This programme has been developed to provide an opportunity to MBBS doctors in government and private sector for
updating their knowledge and developing skills in the area of Geriatric Medicine for providing comprehensive care to
the elderly.
After completion of the programme, the learners should be able to:
Upgrade their knowledge and skills for providing comprehensive health care to elderly;
Inculcate the inter-disciplinary approach for diagnosing and managing of geriatric problems and
Improve their clinical, social and communication skills by undergoing hands on training in medical colleges.
Eligibility: MBBS
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered only in January cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.21,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
More than 50% of the credit hours is devoted for hands-on-training. The programme has two theory courses (MME 4
and MME 5) and two Practical courses (MMEL 4 and MMEL 5).
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MME 4 Basic Geriatrics 6
MME 5 Clinical Geriatrics 8
MMEL 4 Basic Geriatrics 6
MMEL 5 Clinical Geriatrics 12
Total Credits 32
Selection Criteria
Five seats in each PSC are reserved for candidates sponsored by state/central govt. Selection will be made on the
basis of merit. A separate merit list will be prepared for each Regional Centre on the basis of the total score of
applicant. Separate merit lists will be prepared for different categories as per Central Govt. rules.
The scores will be calculated by considering two criteria:
Total percentage of marks secured in all MBBS examinations.
Total years of experience (Period from the date of completion of internship up to the date of beginning of
78 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Implementation
The students enrolled for the programme will be attached to the identified programme study centre which are medical
colleges or a tertiary medical care set up (programme study centre). In addition, they will have to undergo the hands-
on-training at identified district hospitals (Skill Development Centres) for 70 hours. The contact sessions at PSC will be
of 30 days divided into four spells, spread over a period of one year. Programme Study Centres once allotted will not
be changed except in case of vacancy and provided no practical training has been undertaken by the candidate.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Ruchika Kuba, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572813
4.29 Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
The programme is intended to provide an opportunity to medical personnel and private practitioners for upgrading
their knowledge and skills in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) for providing better quality of MCH services.
The programme covers the concepts, practices and application for knowledge in the field of MCH services and aims at
improving the knowledge and skills of medical personnel working both in the governmental health care delivery system
and the private sector.
After completion of this programme, a student should be able to achieve the following objectives:
imbibe comprehensive knowledge of ongoing Maternal and Child Programmes and be able to manage Health
Care Services at different institutional levels;
tackle the disease outbreaks and effectively manage the National Health Programmes especially in relation to
MCH services;
provide antenatal care including those of high risk pregnancy, conduct normal delivery, handle common emergency
care related to pregnancy and its outcome and identify referral situations;
manage common gynaecological morbidity and provide family planning services;
provide newborn care, identify high risk babies, diagnose and manage common childhood morbidity including
emergencies; and
acquire knowledge on nutritional needs, assess growth and development of children and manage their respective
Eligibility: MBBS
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.23,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
The PGDMCH programme consists of six courses. These represent three broad disciplines of conventional medical
education system. Course 1 (MME 201), Course 2 (MME 202), Course 3 (MME 203) represent the disciplines of
Community Medicine, Obstetries and Gynaecology (O&G) and Paediatrics respectively. The respective practical component
of these three courses are given in the course 4 (MMEL 201), Course5 (MMEL 202) and Course6 (MMEL 203)
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Theory Courses
MME 201 Preventive MCH 6
MME 202 Reproductive Health 6
MME 203 Child Health 6
Practical Courses
MMEL 201 Preventive MCH 6
MMEL 202 Reproductive Health 6
MMEL 203 Child Health 6
Total Credits 36
Selection Criteria: Five seats in each PSC are reserved for candidates sponsored by state/central govt. Selection will
be made on the basis of merit. A separate merit list will be prepared for each Regional Centre on the basis of the total
score of applicants. Separate merit lists will be prepared for different categories as per Central Govt. rules.
The scores will be calculated by considering two criteria:
IGNOU Common Prospectus 79
Total percentages of marks secured in all MBBS examinations.
Total years of experience (Period from the date of completion of internship up to the date of beginning of session).
Programme Implementation
The students will be compulsorily required to attend 28 days of contact sessions in five divided spells at allotted
medical college in addition to carrying out practical activities at district hospitals for 180 hours. At present there are 32
medical colleges acting as PSCs which have been listed in the prospectus regional centrewise. There are a maximum
of 30 seats at each Programme Study Centre.
Please note that students must send their forms to the Regional Centre as per their address of correspondence (refer
the operational area of Regional Centres). The programme Study Centre (PSC) once allotted will not be changed
except in case of vacancy.
Programme Coordinator: Prof. T.K. Jena, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572849
4.30 Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine Programme
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
School of Health Sciences, IGNOU in collaboration with NACO has developed a one year Post Graduate Diploma in HIV
Medicine for MBBS doctors. This programme is being offered through distance mode having 28 days contact session
for hands on skills training in the Medical College and 30 days training in the ART Centres. The programme is being
offered through 4 PSCs of which B J Medical College, Ahmedabad; Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi and
School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata are successfully conducting the Programme since 2012.
After completion of this programme, a student should be able to:
1. Imbibe comprehensive knowledge on basic of HIV as related to details of management of HIV/AIDS in tertiary
care set up.
2. Manage all complications as well as opportunistic infections due to HIV/AIDS at time of need and
3. Recognize and handle emergencies related to HIV/AIDS and its complication and take beside decision for
management whenever is required.
Eligibility: MBBS Degree recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI)
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 50,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MCMM 1 Basic of HIV Infection 4
MCMM 2 National AIDS Control Programme 4
MCMM 3 Systemic Involvement in HIV and STI 4
MCMM 4 Management of HIV/AIDS 6
MCMML 5 Basic Practical 8
MCMML 6 Clinical Practical 10
Total Credits 36
Programme Coordinators: Prof. T.K. Jena, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572849
Dr. Biplab Jamatia, [email protected], 011-29572851
E-mail: [email protected]
4.31 Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality
Management (PGDFSQM)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
The core objective of the PG Diploma Programme is to prepare professionals for development, implementation and
auditing of Food Safety and Quality Management Systems in the country. The Programme has been developed in
80 IGNOU Common Prospectus
collaboration with the APEDA and is offered online also. It seeks to develop Indias capability to meet the global food
safety and quality requirements and enhance the competitiveness of food products. In long term perspective, it would
contribute to ensure consumer safety within and outside the country. The programme is offered online through
This PG Programme shall enable the students to:
Comprehend the issues of safety and quality in food production, handling, processing and trade.
Build technical proficiency in undertaking food safety and quality assurance in food processing chain i.e., from
farm to fork.
Ensure the safety and quality of food products as per mandatory legal requirements and voluntary standards
including export regulations, if required.
Design and implement: Good Hygienic Practices (GHP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Point (HACCP), Quality Management Systems (QMS): ISO 9001, Food Safety Management
Systems (FSMS): ISO 22000, Laboratory Management System: ISO 17025 and Retail Standards.
Be able to effectively plan, conduct, report and audit as per the guidelines of the ISO 19011-2002.
Undertake Standard Microbiological and Chemical analysis of Food Products.
Apply Good Hygienic, Manufacturing, Laboratory, Transportation and Retail Practices in Food Processing/ Hospitality
industry and Retail outlets.
i) Masters Degree awarded without a first degree is not recognized for purposes of admission to IGNOUs Academic
Graduation/Post Graduation in Science with Chemistry/ Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology as one of the subject.
Degree/ Post Graduation Degree in allied Sciences like Agriculture/ Food Science/ Food Technology/ Post Harvest
Technology/ Engineering/ Home Science/ Life Science/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Horticulture/
Dairy Technology/ Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Hotel Management and Catering/ Hospitality Management etc.
Science graduate indiscipline like Geography, Statistics with Physics & Maths, Art Subjects and Medical Lab
technology and with minimum three years experience in food processing and / or quality control. These students
should have minimum 1 year experience in quality control activities.
Arts/Commerce graduate with diploma in food science/ hotel management disciplines viz fruits and vegetables,
dairy technology, meat technology, cereals, pulses and oilseeds etc. with minimum 5 years experience in Food
Processing/ Food Quality Control/ Hotel Management (food preparation/ food catering) and out of which 2 years
experience should be in quality control activities. This shall provide vertical mobility to diploma holders.
BA/B.Com graduates with minimum 7 years experience in Food Processing/ Food Quality Control/ Hotel Management
(food preparation/ food catering) or holding senior position in Govt./ Semi Govt. Units involved in Food Quality
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.12,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Theory Practical Total
MVP 1 Food Fundamentals and Chemistry 4 0 4
MVPI 1 Food Microbiology (Integrated) 2 2 4
MVP 2 Food Laws and Standards 4 0 4
MVP 3 Principles of Food Safety and Quality Management 4 0 4
MVP 4 Food Safety and Quality Management Systems 4 0 4
MVPL 1 Food Safety and Quality Auditing (Practical) 0 4 4
MVPL 2 Chemical Analysis and Quality Assurance (Practical) 0 4 4
MVPP 1 Project Work 0 4 4
Total Credits 18 14 32
IGNOU Common Prospectus 81
Job opportunities for the pass out are as follows:
Quality Control Officer or Quality Assurance/ Management professionals in food/hospitality/retail industry and
Food Safety Officer in the regulatory bodies,
Food Auditor in Certification and Inspection bodies,
Trainer/Counselor in Food Safety & Quality Management Systems
Programme Coordinator: Prof. M.K. Salooja, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572976
4.32 Post Graduate Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
The PG Diploma in Plantation Management is jointly developed by the School of Agriculture and Regional Centre,
Cochin, Kerala. India is home to many plantations and is one of the largest contributors in the world. The sector has
great significance due to its high employment potential and provides employment to the weaker section of the society,
of which majority are women. In addition, the plantation industry offers lot of potential for earning foreign exchange
by way of exporting plantation produce. The sector has scope for high-income generation, if managed well. The
programme seeks to develop competent human resource for the plantations industry. The programme provides
exposure to various management practices that are relevant and crucial for professional management of the sector as
well as provides the technical know-how required to effectively managing different kinds of plantations.
The objectives of the programme are to:
develop professionals in plantation industry;
impart knowledge and skills in production, processing, marketing and finance management in the plantation
sector, and
upgrade the technical proficiency of professional working in the plantation Industry.
Graduation in any discipline
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.5,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MAM 1 Introduction to Plantation Management 4
MAM 2 Crop Production Technology 8
MAM 3 Post Harvest Management & Value Addition 8
MAM 4 Human Resource, Marketing and Financial Management 4
MAMP 1 Project Work 8
Total Credits 32
Target group: The programme would be of helpful to the supervisors/managers presently employed in the various
plantation organizations such as tea, coffee, spices, rubber, etc. as well as to fresh graduate desirous of pursuing a
challenging career in the plantation sector.
Job Opportunities:
Managers/Supervisors/Technicians in production, post- harvest management and marketing of plantation products.
Self-entrepreneur in plantation sector.
Researchers and extension functionaries.
Market functionaries.
Trainer/Counselor in plantation industry.
Programme Coordinators: Dr. P.K. Jain, [email protected], Ph. 011-29573091
Ms. Sindhu P. Nair, [email protected], Ph. 0484-2340203
82 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.33 Post Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing (PGDBP)
School of Humanities (SOH)
The PG Diploma in Book Publishing is meant to provide an opportunity for :
Self employment to aspiring/practicing publishing professionals OR
Skill-upgradation/skill-acquisition in the various aspects of publishing OR
Training aspiring publishing professionals in marketable skills in the various areas of publishing, including specialized
editing, copyediting and proofreading online, marketing, distribution, sales etc.
The unique aspect of the programme is the month-long training/apprenticeship at a publishing house which carries a
small stipend and the possibility of employment thereafter. This training is under the auspices of the Federation of
Indian Publishers with whom IGNOU has a tie-up and trainees would get a Joint Certificate from both IGNOU and the
FIB on successful completion of the training.
Eligibility :
Bachelor Degree + knowledge of English & Knowledge of Word Processing
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.7,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
This programme has eight courses, of which Courses 1-4 are compulsory and courses 5-7 are electives (learners to
choose any two). Course 8 is a compulsory course where learners would be attached to a publishing house and do a
project for which they would be evaluated and get a separate Certificate of Completion.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
MBP 1 Introduction to Publishing and its Legal Aspects 4
MBP 2 Editing and Pre-Press 4
MBP 3 Production and Emerging Technologies 4
MBP 4 Marketing, Promotion and Distribution of Books 4
MBP 8 Apprenticeship/Training 4
Elective Courses (Choose any two)
MBP 5 Editing Books for Children 4
MBP 6 Editing Scientific, Technical and Medical Books 4
MBP 7 Editing Textbooks 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Sunaina Kumar, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572785
4.34 Post Graduate Diploma in Womens & Gender
School of Gender & Development Studies (SOGDS)
This post graduate diploma programme is meant for learners interested in acquiring conceptual, theoretical and
analytical knowledge in the areas of womens and gender studies.
Graduation in any discipline
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered only in July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 6,000/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 3,000/- per semester
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I Semester
MWG 1 Theories of Womens & Gender Studies 8
MWG 2 Gender & Power 8
IGNOU Common Prospectus 83
II Semester
MWG 3 Constructing Gender Through Arts & Media 8
MWG 4 Gendered Bodies & Sexualities 8
MWGP 1 Project Work 2
Total Credits 34
Students who have completed their undergraduate programme in any discipline can join this programme. After
completing this programme successfully learners can pursue their careers in higher studies, research work, Non-
Profit Organisations/ Non Government Organizations, both at National and International level, work as advocacy
agents for national and international Government organizations/ institutions, as well as pursue careers in specialized
areas like media, publishing, and gender training programmes.
Learners can also accumulate the credits earned in this programme towards credit transfer in to the MA programme
in Womens and Gender Studies (see programme details.)
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Anu Aneja, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571614
Dr. Himadri Roy, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571615
4.35 Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education is a unique holistic package that aims to help the learners develop
the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for working with young children (i.e. children up to 6 years of age) and
equip them to work in, organize and manage child care centres like creches, pre-schools, nursery schools and day
care centres. The programme provides indepth theoretical and practical knowledge related to Early Childhood Care
and Education. The Project Work and practicals that form a major component of the programme would help the
learners develop the requisite attitudes and skills necessary for working effectively as early childhood educators. The
Diploma Programme is very specifically vocational in nature, opening avenues for employment as well as selF
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English, Hindi & Tamil
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
DECE 1 Organizing Child Care Services 8
DECE 2 Child Health and Nutrition 8
DECE 3 Services and Programmes for Children 8
DECE 4 Project Work : Working with Young Children in a Child Care Setting 8
Total Credits 32
Project Work :
For the Project Work, the learner is placed in a nursery school for 30 working days. The learner is required to carry out
play activities with the children there. The play activities have to be planned and carried out by the learner based on
the broad parameters indicated in the Project Manual. For the duration of the Project Work, the learner will be
attached to a Guide, who will be a pre-school educator from the nursery school where the learner has been placed for
the Project Work. The Guide will supervise as well as evaluate the learner. The Project Work has been designed to give
the learners hands-on experience. Learning in the actual field situation under the guidance of a judiciously selected
professional (pre-school educators) is expected to help the learner in imbibing and developing the requisite skills,
leading to a better understanding of how the theoretical concepts may be translated into practice and make a major
contribution to the development of the learners competence.
Programme Coordinator : Prof. Neerja Chadha, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572959
84 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.36 Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The Diploma Programme is a holistic package which provides opportunities to the learner to gain knowledge about
nutrition and public health. It also enables the learners to develop skills in communicating nutrition and health related
information to the community. The aim of the programme is to develop a knowledge base in areas of nutrition and
public health, promote awareness about concepts and principles in communication and their application in nutrition
and health education and develop skill in playing the role of nutrition/health educators in the Community.
Learners with basic 10+2 qualification, and an interest in community work will find the Diploma very useful. It is a
professional training programme. People working with both governmental and non-governmental sectors in the role of
community workers would also benefit from this Programme. The Diploma will provide an additional qualification
helping them to improve their professional competence and promotion chances. The Diploma in Nutrition and Health
Educations a 32 credit programme consisting of four courses.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
DNHE 1 Nutrition for the Community 8
DNHE 2 Public Health and Hygiene 8
DNHE 3 Nutrition and Health Education 8
DNHE 4 Project Work : Nutrition and Health Education 8
Total Credits 32
Practicals : Practical Manuals are to accompany the course material.
Project Work is a vital component of the programme. Through the Project Work, the learner will be able to experience
the feel of working as a nutrition and health educator in community settings. Such an interaction would provide good
insight into the problems and possible solutions in community work. The Project will equip the learner to plan and
conduct nutrition /health education compaigns and programmes in community settings.
Programme Coordinator : Prof. Deeksha Kapur, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572960
4.37 Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
Panchayati Raj System existed in India since long. After independence a number of committees were constituted to
make recommendations for its revival. Conflicting interest at various level eclipsed the oncept as well as its practice.
It was only after a long debate spread over decades that the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992, outlined the
task of rejuvenating the Panchayati Raj System in India. As a result of this historic legislation and passing of Conformity
Acts by various status and holding of elections in the country in mid 1990s , there were more than 3 million people
elected at various levels of Panchayati Raj Institutions. While a numbers of steps are being taken by various organizations
to develop awareness programmes, for these elected members, there are more than million development functionaries
across the country surving these institutions and working shoulder to shoulder with elected representatives. There are
exercises/activities entrusted to the Panchayats that need expertise and coordinated action by various development
function arise. This diploma programme in Panchayat Level Development and Administration through distance mode
of learning is addressed towards fulfilling this task.
The major objectives of this progamme are to:
Equip panchayat level functionaries with the necessary knowledge, skills and talents needed for strengthening
local democracy and the process of decentralized planning.
Help them to work with elected representative in a cooperative and coordinated fashion.
facilitate people's participation through a de novo approach, attitude and action by the panchayat.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 85
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BPR 1 Panchayats in India The Context 6
BPR 2 Decentralized Planning and Panchayati Raj 6
BPR 3 Panchayati Raj Institutions and Anti Poverty Programme 6
BPR 4 Project Work 6
BPR 5 Basic Computer Literacy 6
Total Credits 30
Programme Coordinator : Prof. M. Aslam, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572957
4.38 Diploma in Tourism Studies(DTS)
School of Tourism & Hospitality Services Management (SOTHSM)
The programme is aimed at familiarising you with varied aspects of Tourism creating awareness about tourism,
imparting basic training in organising Tourism services and opening career opportunities.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
TS 1 Foundation Course in Tourism 8
TS 2 Tourism Development : Products, Operations and Case Studies 8
TS 3 Management in Tourism 8
Any one of the following groups of Electives
TS 4 Indian Culture - A Perspective for Tourism 8
PTS 4 Project on Indian Culture : Perspective for Tourism 4
TS 5 Ecology, Environment and Tourism 8
PTS 5 Project on Ecology, Environment and Tourism 4
TS 6 Tourism Marketing 8
PTS 6 Project on Tourism Marketing 4
Total Credits 36
Programme Coordinator: Ph.011-29571751 to 011- 29571757
4.39 Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ)
School of Sciences (SOS)
Eligibility: 10+2 Pass
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.6,500/- for full programme
86 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
BAQ 1 Basics of Aquaculture 8
BAQP 1 Project 6
Optional Courses
Freshwater Aquaculture (Stream I)
BAQ 2 Freshwater Aquaculture 8
BAQL 1 Laboratory OR 6
Coastal Aquaculture (Stream II)
BAQ 3 Coastal Aquaculture 8
BAQL 2 Laboratory 6
Total Credits 28
To successfully complete Diploma in Aquaculture you have to compulsorily complete BAQ1 and BAQP1 as listed above
and opt for either STREAM I (BAQ2 and BAQL1) or STREAM II (BAQ3 and BAQL2).
Let us explain to you more clearly in the following manner:
STREAM I : BAQ1+BAQP1+BAQ2+BAQL1(total 28 credits) STREAM II : Courses BAQ1+BAQP1+BAQ3+BAQL2 (total
28 credits)
Those interested in both the streams of Aquaculture (Freshwater as well as Coastal Aquaculture) would have to first
finish the Diploma in one stream (either Stream I or Stream II) and then join the other stream at half the fees and for
half the duration of time as compulsory BAQ 1 and BAQP 1 would have already been completed with the first Stream.
A Certificate would be given on completion of the second Stream apart from the Diploma.
IGNOU will try to make every effort to conduct Laboratory Courses in the programme at the Study Centre chosen by
you. But in case of any difficulty, you may be advised to attend the Laboratory Courses at some other Study Centre. You
should be prepared for such a situation.
Programme Coordinators: Prof. S.S.Hassan, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572810
Prof. Amrita Nigam, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572809
4.40 Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
School of Humanities (SOH)
The Programme provides understanding, skills and professional knowledge in the art of imaginative writing in order to
develop the creative ability of those interested in taking up writing as a career. Applicants for this programme are
expected to have a flair for writing. The Programme consists of two compulsory courses and four elective courses.
Eligibility: 10+2 or any one without 10 +2 but age sould be 20 years and above. Minimum 20 years
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
DCE 1 General Principles of Writing 4
DCE 6 Guided Project Work 4
Elective Courses (Choose any three)
DCE 2 Feature Writing 4
DCE 3 Short Story 4
DCE 4 Writing for Media: Radio and Television 4
DCE 5 Writing Poetry 4
Total Credits 24
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Renu Bhardwaj, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572768
Dr. Neera Singh, [email protected],
IGNOU Common Prospectus 87
4.41 Diploma Programme in Urdu (DUL)
School of Humanities (SOH)
The aim of this Programme is to enable/acquire understanding of Urdu language and literature beyond Certificate
level. It also provides knowledge of the art of creative writing, technique of translation, editing and publishing etc. The
objectives of this Programme are also to provide historical background of Urdu language and literature and comprehension
capabiilty of Urdu prose and poetry.
Eligibility: 10
Pass with Urdu as one of the subjects or its equivalent or Certificate in Urdu Language from IGNOU.
Medium of Instruction: Urdu
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
OUL3 History of Urdu Language & Literature 8
OULP1 Project 4
Elective Courses
OULE1 Contemporary Urdu Poetry 4
OULE2 Contemporary Urdu Fiction 4
OULE5 Principle of Translation 4
Total Credits 24
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Renu Bhardwaj, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572768
Dr. Gulshan Ara, [email protected],
Ph. 9868337542, 011-29572777
4.42 Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
The Diploma in HIV and Family Education aims at providing basic and accurate information about HIV/ AIDS, sex and
sexuality, family life education, alcohol and drugs and communication and counselling. The contents are designed to
impart an integrated understanding to the learners about the issues involved in HIV / AIDS and behaviour modification.
The main objective of this programme is to enhance the knowledge and skills of functionaries involved in HIV/AIDS and
related issues. The main target groups include school teachers, NGO functionaries, para-medicals, parents of adolescents
and those interested in acquiring knowledge on the subject.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU OR Matriculation with higher qualification recognized by Central/
State Govt.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BFE 101 Basics of HIV / AIDS 4
BFEE 101 Elective on HIV / AIDS 4
BFE 102 Basics of Family Education 4
BFEE 102 Elective on Family Education 4
BFEE 103 Alcohol, Drugs and HIV 4
BFEE 104 Communication and Counselling in HIV 4
BFEP 101 Project Work 8
Total Credits 32
A student who has successfully completed CAFE can pursue DAFE by making payment of the remaining fee and
requesting the university for credit transfer from CAFE to DAFE.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Rose Nembiakkim, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571695
88 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.43 Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and
Accounting (DBPOFA)
School of Vocational Education Training (SOVET)
IGNOU, in association with Accenture has designed and developed the Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing-
Finance and Accounting, an innovative programme (the first of its kind) in the open and distance learning system. This
programme will provide the opportunity to the students to develop their professional skills, to be eligible for employment
in the growing BPO industry. This Diploma programme incorporates a unique blend of theory and practical courses,
designed by eminent academicians, Accenture subject matter experts, BPO training organizations and E learning
organizations, to provide students with a comprehensive learning model.
Facts and Benefit of the Programme
The IGNOU Accenture BPO Diploma is targeted towards undergraduate, graduate and working professionals
First of its kind BPO certification launched with academia & industry collaboration
It ensures imbibing key skills related to F&A in BPO industry
First time complimenting classroom counselling with E learning sessions.
It qualifies the student to apply to all type of BPO organizations
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent with English as compulsory subject & 50% aggregate. OR
Bachelors degree and above (with English as compulsory subject at 10+2 level)
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.16,000/- for full programme to be paid Instalment wise @Rs. 11,000/- Ist Instalment &
Rs.5000/- IInd Instalment.
Programme Details:
This Programme comprises of Semester 1 and Semester 2, Sem 1: Finance and Accounting consists of 5 courses,
having 16 Credits and Sem 2 consist of 2 courses: English Communications and IT skills having 16 Credits. To be
eligible for the award of the Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and Accounting, a student has to
complete all the 07 courses as shown below. A candidate will also get an EXIT OPTION after 6 months (Sem1) and
upon successful completion he/she would get Certificate in BPO Finance and Accounting. This option is only available
for working professionals. Also all those students who have completed Semester 2 (i.e CCITSK programme) will get
exemption from taking this Semester to get the Diploma in BPO provided they full fill the other eligibility criteria.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Finance & Accounting (Semester I)
BPOI 1 Introduction to Finance and Accounting BPO 2
BPOI 2 Fundamentals of Accounting 4
BPOI 3 Procure to Pay (P2P, Accounts Payable) 4
BPOI 4 Order to Cash (O2O, Accounts Receivable) 3
BPOI 5 Record to Report 3
English Communications & IT Skills (Semester II)
BPOI 6 English Communication 8
BPOI 7 IT Skills 8
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Geetika S. Johry, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571646
4.44 Diploma in Womens Empowerment and Development (DWED)
School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS) (in collaboration with
School of Social Sciences)
The Diploma programme aims to sensitize development workers on gender issues and impart necessary expertise to
enable learners to function as specialists on womens issues. The programme also imparts necessary expertise to
IGNOU Common Prospectus 89
enable learners to function as trainers and community organizers in addressing gender issues. It caters to the needs
of persons employed in non-governmental organizations and governmental organizations engaged in gender planning
and training. The courses can also be used as multiple media training packages for use in training contexts. The
programme includes both national and international perspectives and concerns.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent OR Non 10+2 with three years working experience as development workers at any
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 4 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
The Diploma Programme consists of 32 credits. The programme structure is built around two streams focusing on
social science perspectives and training perspectives. Each course carries a weightage of 4 credits, except for one
course which carries a weightage of 8 credits.
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Social Science Perspectives
BWEE 12 Women and Society: Global Concerns and Local Issues 8
BWEE 4 Strategies for Womens Development 4
BWEE 5 Women and Development 4
Training Perspectives
BWEF 2 Gender Training Perspectives 4
BWEE 6 Organization and Leadership 4
BWEE 7 Work and Enterpreneurship 4
BWEE 8 Credit and Finance 4
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Annu J. Thomas, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571611
Prof. Debal K Singha Roy, [email protected], 011-29534715
4.45 Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP)
School of Law (SOL)
This programme aims to functional understanding of laws that affect individuals in their everyday life and to develop
elementary skills in accessing legal and judicial institutions and processes, to enable individuals to use public advocacy.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.7,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BLE1 Introduction to the Indian Legal System 5
BLE2 Introduction to Law: Substantive and Procedural 5
BLE3 Law and Vulnerable Groups 5
BLE4 Rural Local Self Governance 5
BLEP1 Project 12
Total Credits 32
Programme Coordinator: Mr. Anand Gupta, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572983
90 IGNOU Common Prospectus
4.46 Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) is for working nurses in hospital, community and health centre for upgrading
their knowledge and skill in administration.
There has been expressed need of nursing personnel who are getting promotion after 5-10 years of experience as
ward administrator without any formal training in nursing administration. This programme is designed and developed
to update the in-service nurses in managerial skills to effectively work in the hospital, community or any other setting.
On successful completion of the programme, the learner will be able to:
Strengthen the knowledge of administrative concepts and their application in improving nursing services.
Develop an understanding of recent trends in health care systems nursing.
participate co-operatively with an individual and groups for improvements of nursing services.
Develop skills in maintaining administrative competence with effective supervision to provide quality nursing
Eligibility: General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), with two years of experience in the profession. (for male nurses
or nurses who have not done midwifery in the GNM programme should have a certificate in any of the nursing
course of 6-9 months duration prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council in lieu of midwifery) OR
Medium of Instruction: Hindi
102 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MTT 1 Bharatiya Bhashaon Mein Anuvad 4
MTT 2 Bangla-Hindi Anuvad: Tulana Aur Punah Srijan 4
MTT 3 Bangla Aur Hindi Ke Vibhinna Bhashik Kshetroa Mein Anuvad 4
MTTP 1 Anuvad Pariyojana (Translation Project) 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Rita Rani Paliwal, [email protected],
Ph. 011-29536441/29572751.
5.8 PG Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation (PGCMHT)
School of Translation Studies & Training (SOTST)
PG Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation programme is intended for those who have had graduation degree with
knowledge of Hindi and Malayalam and who aspire to make their career in the area of translation. The objectives of
the programme are to facilitate inter-lingual, intra-lingual academic and cultural activity between these two Indian
languages and to promote national integration. In addition to this the programme aims to create job potential and
confidence in the people who work through these Indian languages.
Medium of Instruction: Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MTT1 Bharatiya Bhashaon Mein Anuvad 4
MTT4 Malayalam-Hindi Anuvad: Tulana Aur Punah Srijan 4
MTT5 Malayalam Aur Hindi Ke Vibhinna Bhashik Kshetron Mein Anuvad 4
MTTP2 Anuvad Pariyojana (Translation Project) 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Rita Rani Paliwal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29536441/29572751
5.9 Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
The Post Graduate Programme in Agriculture Policy seeks to develop human resource for planning, development and
implementation of national policies in agriculture. The objectives and salient features of the agriculture policy framework
along with strategies and issues should be known to all the stakeholders of the system for an effective implementation
of development programme. The Programme covers various aspects essential for the policy formulation in order to
achieve overall economic development of the country. Some of the main aspects pertain to stages and factors in Indian
agricultural development process, components of policy formulation, international and national trade policies, intellectual
property rights, research and development policy. The target group includes persons/organizations involved in policy
making and implementation at the state/regional and central levels having stake in agriculture and rural development.
The programme is also offered online at www.ignouonline.ac.in.
The specific objectives of the programme are to:
Create understanding of the salient features of the agriculture policy framework among policy makers, implementers
and other stakeholders of the system for its effective implementation.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 103
Develop human resource for:
Identification of strategic issues with reference to national policies in agriculture;
Analysis of policy aspects and its operationalization; and
Development of an implementation framework for agriculture and rural development policies.
Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognized university with diploma/certificate in Computer Science
Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognized university subject to the condition that PGCIATIVI will only
be awarded after successfully completing the CIT programme from IGNOU.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum six months and Maximum 2 Years, offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs 5,000/- for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 105
Programme Details:
Course Code Course Title Credits
MVEI 11 Understanding the Learner Integrated (50% Theory + 50% Practical) 4
MVEI 12 Assistive and Adaptive Technologies Integrated (50% Theory+50% Practical) 4
MVEI 13 Softwares for Visually Impaired Integrated (50% Theory + 50% Practical) 4
MVEI 14 Communication Skills Integrated (50% Theory+ 50% Practical) 4
Total 16
Practical: This programme has practical and hands on experience components.
Programme Coordinator: Prof. D. Venkateshwarlu, [email protected], Ph.011-29573059
5.13 Certificate in Indigenous Art Practices (CIAP)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
This programme envisages a Traditional Master (Guru) imparting traditional Knowledge and expertise on various
traditional art-forms especially the dying art-form to their disciples (Shishyas) in order to preserve the rare and
vanishing art forms. The various art-forms which are covered under the Programme include folk/tribal arts, martial
arts, oral traditions, etc.
To preserve, promote, project and disseminate the broad spectrum of the rich and varied traditions of folk
cultural practices of India.
To design and implement job oriented skill development programmes in the field of Art and Culture.
Eligibility: Functional Literate
Medium of Instruction: English/Hindi as per regional requirement of the zonal cultural
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.100/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Programme on offer through Both Eastern Zonal Cultural Center, Dimapur for the north-eastern states of the country:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 11 Folk Cultures and Traditions of India (Theory ) 2
OVAL 12 Indigenous Practices of Arts (Practical) 14
Total Credits 16
Programme on offer through North Central Zonal Cultural Centre, Allahabad for the north central states of the country:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 13 Folk Cultures and Traditions of India (Theory) 2
OVAL 14 Indigenous Practices of Arts (Practical) 14
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Govindraju Bhardwaza, [email protected], Ph. 011-29571654
5.14 Certificate in Visual Arts Painting (CVAP)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
The certificate programme in Painting aims to imparting basic knowledge and skill of drawing, medium and composition
with the development of creative and aesthetics sensibilities. The course tends to inculcate creativity, precision and
use of tool & materials.
106 IGNOU Common Prospectus
To develop the self observation, visualization and self motivation to create an art work.
Introduce them to concept of Indian Art Practices and Aesthetics.
To understand and use of Material and Technique.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.13,500/-(4,500 X 3 installments) for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
OVA 3 An Introduction to Indian Arts (Theory) 2
OVAL 4 Direct Study from Simple Objects (Practical) 4
OVAL 5 Study from Still Life (Practical) 3
OVAL 6 Composition in Painting (Practical) 3
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Mr. Lakshaman Prasad, [email protected], 011-29571653
5.15 Certificate in Visual Arts Applied Art (CVAA)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
The certificate programme in Applied Art aims to develop basic applied and design skills with creative and aesthetic
To develop the visualization and Designing sensibility to create an art work.
To understand and use of Material and Technique for graphic design.
Introduce them to concept of Indian Art Practices and Aesthetics.
To impart knowledge of Graphic designing and advertising.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.13,500/-(4,500 x 3 instalments) for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
OVA 3 An Introduction to Indian Arts (Theory) 2
OVAL 4 Direct Study from Simple Objects (Practical) 4
OVAL 7 Geometrical Design (Practical) 3
OVAL 8 Graphic Design (Practical) 3
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Mohd. Tahir Siddiqui, [email protected], 011-29571658
IGNOU Common Prospectus 107
5.16 Certificate in Performing Arts Theatre Arts (CPATHA)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
Certificate course in Theatre Arts aims to provide basic introduction to the art of theatre to the learners. This course
offers both theoretical and practical inputs to the students.
To introduce the art of the theatre to the learners.
To provide basic training in theatre.
To provide knowledge of theatre appreciation to the enthusiasts.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.13,500/- (4,500 x 3 instalments) for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
OTH 1 An Introduction to Theatre & Drama (Theory) 2
OTHL 2 Voice & Speech (Practical) 3
OTHL 3 Physical Aspects of Acting (Practical) 3
OTHL 4 Method Acting-Stanislavisky (Practical) 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Govindraju Bhardwaza,
[email protected], 011-29571655
5.17 Certificate in Performing Arts-Hindustani Music (CPAHM)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
Certificate in Hindustani Music is to enable the learner to receive the basic knowledge of theory and practical aspects
of Hindustani music. This will also enable the learner to realize that basically there is only one music in our country.
After passing through changes it converted into two distinct types of music Hindustani & Karnatak.
This programme is aimed to creating awareness and appreciation of Hindustani music. This will also help the learner
to gain knowledge of practical as well theoretical aspect of the art form.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.13,500/-(4,500 x 3 instalments) for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
OMU 1 An Introduction to Indian Music (Theory) 2
OMUL 2 Hindustani Music Performance-1 (Practical) 3
OMUL 3 Hindustani Music Performance-2 (Practical) 3
OMUL 4 Hindustani Music Performance-3 (Practical) 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Seema Johari, [email protected], 011-29571655
108 IGNOU Common Prospectus
5.18 Certificate in Performing Arts-Karnatak Music (CPAKM)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
Certificate Programme in Performing Arts (Karnatak Music) aims to provide basic knowledge of Indian Performing and
Visual Arts in broad perspective with a particular focus on Karnatak Music to the learners.
Indian Art forms, whether it is performing or visual, have a common historical background and also share a common
source of principles. These are distinguished Art forms in context of their aesthetic and functional value. This programme
is aimed at providing a holistic and integrated approach towards various Indian Art forms i.e. Music, Dance, Theatre
and Visual Art to the learners.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.13,500/-(4,500 x 3 instalments) for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
OMU 5 An Introduction to Karnatak Music (Theory) 2
OMUL 6 Karnatak Music Performance-1 (Practical) 3
OMUL 7 Karnatak Music Performance-2 (Practical) 3
OMUL 8 Karnatak Music Performance-3 (Practical) 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Mallika Banerjee, [email protected], 011-29571656
5.19 Certificate in Performing Arts-Bharatanatyam (CPABN)
School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA)
Indian classical dances bring out the quintessential cultural ethos of diverse regions of India. This programme offers
training in the basics of Bharatanatyam, the classical dance of Tamil Nadu and provides a holistic and integrated
approach to Indian performing arts through theory courses with 70% - 30% weightage for practical and theory. This
is an innovative program from IGNOU which combines the strength of both IGNOU and its Programme Study Centres
which are reputed Bharatanatyam dance schools located across the length and breadth of India and abroad. It
combines the flexibility of distance and continuing education with conventional learning system and provides for face-
to-face interaction through its program study centres, for both Theory and Practicals.
To impart and create a holistic knowledge base of Indian cultural forms of expression like Dance, Music, Painting
and Theatre.
To improve culture sensitivity and develop cultural know how.
To impart strong and solid basic practical training in dance that is fundamental for advanced learning.
Eligibility: 10
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 13,500/- (4,500 x 3 instalments) for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 109
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OVA 1 Indian Cultural Heritage (Theory) 2
OVA 2 Understanding Indian Art Forms (Theory) 2
ODN 1 Introduction to Indian Dance Forms (Theory) 2
ODNL 11 Bharatanatyam 1 (Practical) 4
ODNL 12 Bharatanatyam 2 (Practical) 4
ODNL 13 Music and Talas (Practical) 2
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Ms. P. Radhika, [email protected], 011-29571657
5.20 Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)
This programme aims at acquainting the beginner with essential rudiments of Arabic Language, and gradually and
systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and
confidence. The programme is bilingual in medium and has self learning materials which are quite simple, innovative
and learner friendly. The programme is worth 16 credits, each credit amounting to 30 hours of total study time.
Eligibility: 10+2 or 18 years of age
Medium of Instruction: English/Arabic
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BAL 1 Basics of Arabic 8
BAL 2 Communication Skills 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Mohd. Saleem, [email protected], 011-29571637
5.21 Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The Certificate in Disaster Management Programme aims at providing knowledge to the learners in the areas of
disaster preparedness, prevention, mitigation, relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. The programme is of use to
NGO functionaries and volunteers; military, paramilitary, police, home guards, civil defence personnel; professionals
such as - Geologists, Scientists, Meterologists, Engineers, Foresters, Fire-service personnel, Administrators, Government
and Public Sector Undertakings officials, Rural Development Functionaries; Urban Government Officials; Primary Health
Centres Functionaries; etc.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CDM 1 Foundation Course in Disaster Management 8
CDM 2 Disaster Management : Methods & Techniques 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Pardeep Sahni, [email protected], 011-29535140/011-29572735
110 IGNOU Common Prospectus
5.22 Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
The Programme is of use to general public, at every age and at all levels of formal and non-formal education.
Professionals, ecologists, hydrologists, foresters, landscape architects, administrators and planners, engineers,
industrialists, agriculturists, etc. will benefit from this programme. The NGOs with their dissemination capabilities shall
find it very useful.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
AHE 1 Human Environment (without AHE Project) 6
TS 5 Ecology, Environment and Tourism 8
PES 1 Project Work - Environmental Studies 4
Total Credits 18
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Ravindra Kumar, [email protected], 011-29572733
5.23 Certificate Programme in NGO Management (CNM)
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play an important role in various developmental issues across the states in
India. VAN (Voluntary Action Network India), an apex body of Indian voluntary organizations estimates that there are
1.2 million NGOs working in India. As per the data available with the planning commission, there are more than 12,000
NGOs in the country. In view of the increasingly important role of the voluntary sector in the developmental process, all
levels of policy making have stressed the importance of building its capacity to face the developmental challenge.
The emphasis of the management education process hither to, had been limited to the private sector and or large
public undertakings. The capacity building efforts for the voluntary sector have remained limited to organizing workshops
and training programmes and formal course work in universities. However, given the size of the sector, and if we add
to this the many socially spirited individuals involved in social activism, the capacity building needs of the sector can
only be catered to by undertaking distance education programmes.
The objectives of the programme are as follows:
To provide the basic managerial concepts to NGO workers;
To give a firsthand experience to the NGO workers or for that matter to the end users of the programme;
To help and enhance the skills of end users at various levels of management.
Eligibility: 10+2 or Matriculate with at least 3 years of work experience in NGO sector.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BMS 1 Introduction to NGO Management 4
BMS 2 Management Functions 4
BMS 3 Health Care Management 4
Total Credits 12
IGNOU Common Prospectus 111
Contact programme is a compulsory component, will be of 7 days in identified NGOs. The contact programme is
necessary to provide a platform for formal education to volunteers, community workers etc. working in NGOs or willing
to work in NGOs.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Neeti Agarwal, [email protected], Ph. 011-29573020
5.24 Certificate in Business Skills (CBS)
School of Management Studies (SOMS)
This programme has been developed jointly by IGNOU, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF) and Commonwealth of Learning
(COL) Canada, with an aim to enable NGOs and other agencies to develop business skills among the street children,
unemployed youth, rural and urban disadvantaged sections and women, so that these groups can avail gainful self
employment opportunities.
In order to be eligible for the award of the Certificate in Business Skills, one has to complete the following 4 courses
equivalent to 18 credits :
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent.
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
ECO 1 Business Organisation 4
PCO 1 Preparatory Course in Commerce 4
BCOA 1 Business Communication & Entrepreneurship 4
CITL 1 Laboratory Course 6
Total Credits 18
Programme Coordinators: Prof. M.S.S. Raju, [email protected], Ph. 011-29535747
Dr. Subodh Kesharwani, [email protected], Ph. 077-29573018
5.25 Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE)
School of Humanities (SOH)
This Programme is based on the communicative approach to language teaching and is designed to enhance the
teachers understanding of the learners, the learning process, and the nature and structure of the English Language.
It will also help the teachers to innovate strategies for teaching the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Graduates or 3 years of B.EL.ED OR 2 years PTT, ETT or 10+2 with 2 years teaching experience
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
I) Compulsory Courses
CTE 1 The Language Learner 4
CTE 2 The Structure of English 4
CTE 3 Teaching Strategies 4
II) Optional Courses (Select any one)
CTE 4 Teaching English-Elementary School 4
CTE 5 Teaching English-Secondary School 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Anju S. Gupta, [email protected], 011-29572776
112 IGNOU Common Prospectus
5.26 Certificate in Functional English (Basic Level) (CFE)
School of Humanities (SOH)
The Programme will improve the learners proficiency in the English language. The objective of the Programme is to
give the learners practice in the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, communicative grammar and study skills
so that they can function in English in the social and academic spheres. It will also acquaint the learners with some
professional skills which will prepare them for a job. This course enables learners to engage in conversations and
write with confidence in all the spheres of their daily life.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BEG 4 English in Daily Life 4
BEG 5 English in Education 4
BEG 6 Joining the Work Force 4
Total Credits 12
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Anju S. Gupta, [email protected], 011-29572776
5.27 Certificate In Urdu Language (CUL)
School of Humanities (SOH)
This Program is basically meant for Hindi and Urdu speakers who do not know how to read, write and correctly speak
Urdu language. It introduces script writing, pronunciation skills, communication and comprehension of Urdu prose and
poetry. The student develops the competence in the areas and also the ability to extract socio-cultural information
from the texts. Each course has 8 credits.
Eligibility: Anyone interested in studying Urdu. Minimum age 18 years
Medium of Instruction: Bilingual Hindi/Urdu
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OUL 1 Script & Pronunciation 8
OUL 2 Communicative & Comprehensive Skills 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Renu Bhardwaj, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572768
Dr. Gulshan Ara, [email protected], 9868337542
5.28 Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
School of Social work (SOSW)
The Certificate in HIV and Family Education provides comprehensive knowledge about what, why and how of HIV/
AIDS, family life education, facts of life and substance abuse. The contents are designed to impart an integrated
understanding to the learners about the issues involved in HIV/AIDS and behaviour modification. The target groups
include School teachers, NGO functionaries, para-medicals, parents of adolescents and those interested in acquiring
knowledge on the subject. The Certificate Programme has the following courses of 4 credits each. A learner has to
choose 2 compulsory courses and any 2 optionals from the 4 electives. One has to acquire 16 credits for a certificate.
A student who has successfully completed CAFE can also pursue for DAFE by completing the remaining courses of 16
credits and request the university for credit transfer from CAFE to DAFE.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 113
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU OR Matriculation with higher qualification recognized by
Central/State Government.
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
BFE 101 Basics of HIV/AIDS 4
BFE 102 Basics of Family Education 4
Elective Courses (Choose any two)
BFEE 101 Elective on HIV/AIDS 4
BFEE 102 Elective on Family Education 4
BFEE 103 Alcohol, Drugs & HIV 4
BFEE 104 Communication & Counselling in HIV 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Rose Nembiakkim, [email protected], 011-29571695
5.29 Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
School of Social Work (SOSW)
The Certificate Programme in Social Work in Criminal Justice System is to train a cadre of graduate professionals
interested in working in the correctional settings such as jails, family courts, beggars home, special schools for boys
and girls, observation home/rescue home etc. The programme would be also relevant for the various NGO professionals
who are working in the correctional settings. The programme is offered for a period of six months both in English and
Hindi. A learner has to acquire 16 credits for a certificate. Out of 16 credits, 8 credits will cover the theory and 8 credits
will be practicum. Out of 8 credits in theory 4 credits will be on Social Work and 4 credits on legal aspects.
Any Graduate
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,100/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MSW 31 Social Work Intervention in Correctional Settings (Compulsory) 4
MSW 32 Social Work and Criminal Justice (Compulsory) 4
MSWL 33 Social work Practicum Correctional Settings (Compulsory) 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Sayantani Guin, [email protected], 011-29532044
5.30 Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
The concern for bio-medical waste management has been felt globally with indiscriminate disposal of health care
waste and the rise in deadly infections such as AIDS, Hepatitis-B. The need to educate different health care professionals/
workers about health care waste management is thus very important. To cater to the needs of these health care
professionals, the School of Health Sciences, IGNOU and WHO, SEARO have developed a Certificate Programme in
Health Care Waste Management in the South-East Asia Region Countries.
114 IGNOU Common Prospectus
The programme aims to:
Sensitize the learners about health care waste and its impact on our health and environment.
Acquaint the learner about the existing legislation, knowledge and practices regarding health care waste
management practices in South-East Asia Region countries.
Equip the learner with skills to manage health care waste effectively and safely.
For hands on training, a contact session of 6 days is conducted in the identified programme study centres
Eligibility: Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Health Managers and other professional workers with a minimum of 10+2
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BHM 1 Fundamentals: Environment and Health, Health Care Waste Management
Regulations 4
BHM 2 Health Care Waste Management: Concepts, Technologies and Training 6
BHMP 3 Project 4
Total Credits 14
For hands on training, a contact session of 6 days is conducted in the identified programme study centres (PSCs).
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Ruchika Kuba, [email protected], 011-29572813
5.31 Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
Certificate in newborn and infant nursing is a six-month programme of 14 credits (4 credits in theory and 10 credits in
practical) having 3 courses (1 theory and 2 practical courses).
The programme aims to:
Enhance and update the knowledge, skills and practices of nursing personnel in care of newborn and infants
Enable Nursing personnel to provide effective nursing care to normal, at risk and sick newborn and infants.
Eligibility: Nursing Professionals (RNRM) with Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) / B.Sc. (N) or above
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.5,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BNS 15 Nursing Care of New Born and Infant 4
BNSL 15 Integrated Management of Sick Newborn and Infant 2
BNSL 16 Nursing Practices and Procedures in Care of Newborn and Infant 8
Total Credits 14
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Pity Koul, [email protected], 011-29572807
IGNOU Common Prospectus 115
5.32 Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
Certificate Programme in Maternal and Child Health Nursing is a 16 credits programme (8 credits in theory and 8
credits in practical) and has 2 theory courses and 1 practical course.
Update the knowledge and skills of health care providers in reproductive and child health
Enable the health care providers to render effective health care to mother & child
Eligibility: Nursing Professionals (RNRM) with Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) and above OR Auxiliary
Nurse Midwife (ANM) /Female Health Worker (FHW)/Health Supervisor(HS)/ Lady Health Visitor (LHV)/Public Health
Nurse (PHN).
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.5,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BNS 17 Community Health Management 4
BNS 18 Reproductive and Child Health 4
BNSL 17 Nursing Practices and Procedures in Maternal and Child Health 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Pity Koul, [email protected], 011-29572807
5.33 Certificate in Home Based Health Care (CHBHC)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
Certificate Programme for Home Based Health Care is a 6 months programme of 14 credits (Theory 4 credits, Practical
10 credits) for 10th Passed students. This programme has been developed to prepare a work force in the country with
the skills required to look after elderly and people suffering from chronic progressive illnesses. This programme will
help the family members and patients to cope with the stress of care to their long term ailing relatives which will add
to the quality of life of patients as well as of relatives.
The broad objectives of this programme are to:
provide care to people at home setting after discharge from tertiary care.
prepare a work force in the country with the skills required to look after elderly and people suffering from chronic
progressive illnesses.
Eligibility: 10
pass (Matriculation)
Medium of Instruction: English/hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CNS-HC 1 Home Based Care (Theory) 4
CNS-HCP 1 Skills Related to Home Practical Based Care (Practical) 10
Total Credits 14
Programme Coordinator: Mrs. Reeta Devi, [email protected], 011-29572817
116 IGNOU Common Prospectus
5.34 Certificate in Adolescent Health and Counselling (CAHC)
School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
Certificate programme for Adolescent Health and counselling is a 6 months programme of 14 credits. (Theory 12
credits, practical 2 credits). The programme is for teachers who are teaching in primary, middle, secondary and
higher secondary school and for graduates. This programme has been developed to prepare teachers and parents to
help adolescents to develop healthy life style.
Strength their knowledge in understanding needs and concern of adolescent.
Build knowledge on physical, cognitive, emotional and psychological changes in adolescent.
Develop skill in handling the challenges related to adolescent.
Identify role of teacher in life skills education and preventive counselling of adolescent.
Teachers who are teaching in Primary Middle, Higher Secondary & Secondary School and Graduates
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CNSAH1 Fundamental of Adolescents 6
CNSAH2 Issues and Challenges during Adolescents 6
CNSAHL1 Skills related to Adolescent Health and Counseling 2
Total Credits 14
Programme Coordinator: Mrs. Laxmi, [email protected], 011-29572846
5.35 Certificate in Community Radio (CCR)
School of Journalism & New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
Eligibility: 10
pass or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English/Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 5,500/- for full programme
Programme Detail:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Course 1 Introduction to Community Radio 4
Course 2 Operating a Community Radio 4
Course 3 Practical Manual (1 No.) 8
Internship Internship : 10 days at any CRS/Gyan Vani
(Practical Assignments = 6 credits & Final Project = 2Credits)
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. O.P Dewal, [email protected], 011-29571603
5.36 Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
School of Tourism and Hospitality Services Management (SOTHSM)
The Programme is aimed at familiarising you with varied aspects of Tourism, creating awareness about Tourism,
imparting basic training in organising Tourism services and opening career opportunities. It consists of two courses of
eight credits each.
Eligibility: 10
pass or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,500/- for full programme
IGNOU Common Prospectus 117
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
TS 1 Foundation Course in Tourism 8
TS 2 Tourism Development : Products, Operations and Case Studies 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: 011-29571751 to 011-29571757
5.37 Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
The Certificate in Foods and Nutrition is basically a Post-Literacy level awareness programme meant for people with
basic reading and writing skills. The Programme aims to acquaint the learner with the role of food in ensuring healthy
living for the individual, family and community. It includes features like food selection and preparation, nutrition from
infancy to old age, economics of food, kitchen gardening, food adulteration, consumer rights, safety and education,
etc. The programme lays primary emphasis on Nutrition with relevance to present day scenario, cost effectiveness,
environment friendly approaches that reaches to almost the entire nation, hence making the learners responsible and
aware citizens of tomorrow.
Eligibility: No formal qualification, Minimum age of 18 years
Medium of Instruction: English, Hindi, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Oriya
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,100/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CFN 1 You and Your Food 6
CFN 2 Your Food and its Utilisation 6
CFN 3 Economics of Food 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Deeksha Kapur, [email protected], Ph.011-29572960
5.38 Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
This programme of study would be of tremendous relevance and use to all those who need to have the knowledge,
understanding and skills, both with regard to Nutrition and Child Development. The Certificate in Nutrition and Child
Care is specifically vocational in nature, opening avenues for employment as well as self-employment. Doing a
programme of this nature, combining knowledge and skill development in the areas of Nutrition and Early Childhood
Care and Education would make the learner uniquely qualified to take up jobs as functionaries with Government and
Non-Government organisations working for women and children.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CNCC 1 Nutrition for the Community 8
CNCC 2 Organising Child Care Services 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinators: Prof. Deeksha Kapur, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572960
Prof. Neerja Chadha, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572959
118 IGNOU Common Prospectus
5.39 Certificate in Rural Development (CRD)
School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
This Programme in Rural Development provides a comprehensive knowledge of socio-economic factors affecting the
transformation of rural society. The contents are designed to impart the integrated understanding about the crucial
dimensions of rural development. It is primarily meant for those learners who, because of the limitations of time and
resources are unable to take up Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development but are still interested to have a
comprehensive orientation in rural development within a short period of time. The learners who have completed CRD
and further interested in programmes of rural development i.e., MARD and PGDRD are entitled for credit transfer.
Bachelors Degree
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
MRD 101 Rural Development : Indian Context 6
MRD 102 Rural Development Programmes 6
MRD 103 Rural Development Planning and Management 6
Total Credits 18
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Gurchain Singh, [email protected], Ph. 011-29572951
5.40 Certificate in Sericulture (CIS)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
This programme has been developed with the support of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. India
occupies second position among the silk producing countries in the world besides being the largest silk consumer. The
limited coverage is being made by the Central Silk Board under the educational and training components for the
farmers, entrepreneurs and technicians through its institutional network. CSB and IGNOU aim to impart scientific &
entrepreneurial principles to the farmers and technicians involved in mulberry cultivation and silkworm production
through ODL.
The main objectives of the programme are to:
prepare the rural youth/farmers for accepting sericulture as profit making enterprise;
impart knowledge and technical skills in various aspects of Sericulture; and
create awareness about the opportunities and employment in Sericulture.
Eligibility: 10
pass out OR non-10
pass-out having two years experience in the field of sericulture. The experience
certificate should be from the extension officials of the Dept of Sericulture/Agriculture/Extension/Recognized NGOs/
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BLP 1 Introduction to Sericulture 2
BLPI 2 Host Plant Cultivation 6
BLPI 3 Silkworm Rearing 6
BLP 4 Crop Protection 2
Total Credits 16
A 20-days hands-on training will be conducted at the Programme Study Centre in which all the practical aspects of
Host-Plant cultivation and silkworm rearing will be covered.
Programme Coordinator: Dr. P. Vijayakumr, [email protected], 011-29573092/011-29533167
IGNOU Common Prospectus 119
5.41 Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
This programme has been developed with the support of APEDA.
Chemical fertilizers and pesticides rob the soil health, life, and vitality and thus produce crops that lack balance
nutrition. These crops further contain residues of the poisonous chemicals that disrupt the healthy functioning of mind
and body of the consumer. Now emphasis is being laid on organic agriculture which primarily depends on the On-farm
resources and maintains the farm biodiversity for sustaining the production in long run without use of chemicals.
The present programme aims to tap the global market of organic by educating the farmers about various aspects of
organic production and certification.
to impart knowledge and proficiency in Organic production practices, Certification process and Marketing of
organically raised agricultural products, and
to promote self employment and income generation.
Eligibility: 10
pass or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU Minimum 18 years of age
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.4,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BAP 1 Introduction to Organic Farming 2
BAPI 1 Organic Production System 6
BAPI 2 Inspection and Certification of Organic Produce 4
BAPI 3 Economics and Marketing of Organic Produce 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. S.K Yadav, [email protected], 011-29573088/011-29533167
5.42 Certificate in Water Harvesting & Management (CWHM)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
Growing urbanisation and industrialisation, increasing demand for agriculture produce, has led to over-exploitation of
limited surface as well as ground water resource. This has also resulted in sharp decline in ground water table. The
situation can be effectively reversed through rainwater harvesting which essentially means collection and storage of
the rainwater from rooftop or from surface catchments for future use. Despite various initiatives including legislative
measures, very little rainfall is conserved and harvested. This certificate programme intends to generate mass awareness
and disseminate skills through trained human resources, about rain water harvesting techniques and management for
the optimal use of harvested water by all concerned.
The main objectives of the programme are to:
sensitize and educate learners on augmentation & utilization of water resources;
impart necessary skills and expertise to understand water harvesting techniques; and
enable learners to act as trainers and organizers at household and community levels for efficient water management
in terms of its usage and also for water conservation.
Eligibility: i) 10th pass
ii) BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,000/- for full programme
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120 IGNOU Common Prospectus
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
ONR 1 Introduction to Water Harvesting 2
ONR 2 Basics of Hydrology 4
ONR 3 Water Harvesting, Conservation and Utilization 6
ONRL 1 Practical Training at Water Harvesting Agency 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinators: Dr. Sanjeev Pandey, [email protected], 23392274/76/77
Dr. Mukesk Kumar, [email protected], 011-29533167/29572971
5.43 Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
Poultry Farming has been one of the most important subsidiary occupation of the farming community in India. It is a
remunerative business both in rural and urban areas due to the requirement of small space, low capital investment
and quick return throughout the year. It has a significant role in the eradication of malnutrition and poverty as well as
eliminating un- and under-employment among the rural masses. However, due to lack of modern and updated method
of poultry farming, the farmers are practicing their own way which is unproductive and not commercially viable. The
present programme aims to impart knowledge and skill to make Poultry Farming a viable business. The target group
includes: Rural youth, Women, Farmers and Entrepreneurs.
The main objectives of the programme are to:
develop and strengthen Human Resource by infusing/imparting knowledge and skill in Poultry Farming through
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode;
create awareness about the opportunities of employment and livelihood in Poultry Sector; and
impart basic knowledge and technical proficiency in Poultry Breeding, Housing, Management and Nutrition.
Eligibility: 8
Medium of Instruction: English, Hindi, Telugu & Mizo
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.3,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OLP 1 Introduction to Poultry Farming 2
OLPI 1 Poultry Housing and Management 6
OLPI 2 Poultry Feeds and Feeding 4
OLPL 1 Poultry Health Care and Bio-security Measures 2
OLPL 2 Poultry Farming Training 2
Total Credits 16
A compulsory 10-days continuous hands-on training (OLPL2) will be conducted at the Programme Study Centres
Programme Coordinator: Dr. P. Vijaykumar, [email protected], 011-29573092
5.44 Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB)
School of Agriculture (SOA)
There is always an increasing demand for the honey across the world. Most of the honey is being collected from the
wild resources (forest) and a limited population is engaged to rear the bees. Due to less technical knowledge and poor
infrastructure, the honey production is less. A great potential exists in this area, when this unorganized sector can be
established into an organized one for the betterment of the society.
IGNOU Common Prospectus 121
At village level, successful honey production provides nutritional and economic security and also empowerment to the
farmers, farm women, and rural youth. Beekeeping also helps conserve the natural resources. There is a need to
impart improved technical knowhow to the traditional beekeepers in order to facilitate the adoption of improved
technologies available in this area.
The certification may be required to the beekeeper to seek any financial help from any bank, nongovernmental or
governmental agencies, etc.
The main objectives of the programme are to:
impart education about modern beekeeping.
build human resource in the beekeeping sector.
diversification of apiculture to increase income of the farmers; and
develop entrepreneurial skills in beekeepers.
Eligibility: 8
Pass or Professional Beekeepers
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.1,100/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
OAPI 11 Introduction to Beekeeping 4
OAPI 12 Management of Honey Bee Colonies 8
OAPI 13 Hive Products and Economics of Beekeeping 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Dr. S.K. Yadav, [email protected], [email protected]
5.45 Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)
School of Law (SOL)
Certificate in Human Rights Programme is an innovative learning package of 16 credits spread over 2 courses. It has
been designed specifically to sensitize and educate professionals and workers who, as a part of their routine duty,
interact with masses daily. Besides general students, specific target groups include law enforcement personnel (police,
army, paramilitary forces) and functionaries of the lower judiciary and administrative officers, primary school teachers
and NGO functionaries. In preparing the course material, special care has been taken to address the concerns raised
by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the time of launching of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education.
Eligibility: 10+2 OR its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs.2,000/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
CHR 11 Human Rights: Evolution, Concepts and Concerns 8
CHR 12 Human Rights in India 8
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Mr. Anand Gupta, [email protected], 011-29572983
5.46 Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
School of Law (SOL)
This 16 Credit Programme on Consumer Protection is open to candidates with 10+2 qualifications or have done BPP
from IGNOU. The Programme aims at creating an overall awareness and training on Consumer Affairs with special
emphasis on Consumer Protection. After going through this Programme the students can be consumer activists, work
122 IGNOU Common Prospectus
in industries, NGOs and government departments on consumer affairs. They can file and plead their own cases in
Consumer Redressal forums created under consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Eligibility: 10+2 OR its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 1,500/- for full programme
Programme Details:
Course Code Title of the Course Credits
ACS 1 Application Oriented Courses in Consumer Studies 8
CPI Consumer Protection Issues and Acts 4
CCP Project Work in Consumer Protection 4
Total Credits 16
Programme Coordinator: Prof. K. Elumalai, [email protected], 011-29532525/9717249316
5.47 Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business
Laws (CCLBL)
School of Law (SOL)
The main objective of the programme on have complete understanding and knowledge about the promotion and
functioning of the small economic and business enterprise within cooperative framework, of acquire through knowledge
about the cooperative legal framework within which the institutions have to function and to have an overview about
various business laws governing the functioning of economic and business enterprises.
Eligibility: i) 10+2 for in-service personnel (with minimum three years service)