Two Marks Question Bank Unit-I Basics and Statics of Particles
Two Marks Question Bank Unit-I Basics and Statics of Particles
Two Marks Question Bank Unit-I Basics and Statics of Particles
1. Define Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics is defined as the branch of physical science which deals with the behaviour of a body at rest or motion under the action of forces. 2. What are the branches of Engineering Mechanics? 1. Rigid body Mechanics 2. Deformable body mechanics (also called strength of materials) 3. Fluid Mechanics 3. What are the branches of Rigid body Mechanics? 1. Statics 2. Dynamics 4. Define statics Statics is defined as the branch of rigid body mechanics, which deals with the behaviour of a body when it is at rest. 5. Define Dynamics Dynamics is defined as the branch of rigid body mechanics which deals with the behaviour of a body when it is in motion. 6. Distinguish between particle and Rigid body A body of negligible dimension is called a particle. A large number of particles which occupy fixed positions with respect to each other both before and after applying a load is called Rigid body 7. The Quantity which has only magnitude is called (Ans: Scalar) 8. Vector Quantity has both (Ans: Magnitude and direction) 9. Define Force. Force is defined as an agent which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body. It represents the push or pull exerted by one body on another. It is a vector quantity. 10. What are the characteristics of a force? 1. Magnitude 2. Line of action 3. Direction & angle of inclination 11. State Newton's laws of motion Newton's first law: Everybody preserves in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed there on. Newton's second law : The acceleration of a particle will be proportional to the force and will be in the direction of the force (ie. F = ma) Newton's third law: To every action there is an equal and opposite
12. State the Principle of transmissibility. It state that any force at a point on a rigid body can be transmitted to act at any other point along its line of action without changing its effect on the rigid body 13. What is collinear force system? Force acts on a common line of action. 14. What is like parallel forces? The parallel force which acts in the same direction are called like parallel forces. 15. What is unlike parallel forces? The parallel force which acts in the opposite direction are called unlike parallel forces. 16. Two vectors are equal if Ans: Their magnitudes, direction and the sense are the same and lie anywhere in space) 17. If A = 4i + 3j - 5k and B = 3i - 2j + 4k find A Band AxB Ans: A B = (4 x 3) -14 + (3 x -2) + (-5 x 4) = -14 AxB = I 4 3 j 3 -2 k -5 4
= i(12 - 10) - j(16 + 15) + k( -8 -9) =2i - 31j - 17k 18. the direction angles of a line are, Ox = 65 , Oy = 110. Find Oz
cos 0x +cos 0y +cos 0z = 1 2 2 2 cos 65 +cos 110 +cos 0z =1 2 0.1786+0.1168+ cos 0z =1
2 2 2
0z = 32.94
0r 147.1
19. What is coplanar force system? In coplanar force system, lines of action of all forces lie on a single plane. 20. What is Non-coplanar (or spatial) force system? In Non-coplanar (or spatial) force system, lines of action of al forces lie on different planes 21. What is collinear force system? In collinear force system, all the forces lie on a single line. 22. What is concurrent force system? In concurrent force system, lines action of all forces intersects at a point. 23. What is parallel force system? In parallel force system, lines of action of all forces are parallel to each other. 24. State Newton's law of Gravitation? It .states that two particles of mass m1 and are m2 mutually attracted with equal and opposite forces.
25. State the difference between internal and external forces. External forces: The forces which represent the action of other bodies on the rigid body considered and which are responsible for the external behaviour of the rigid body are called as 'External forces'. Internal forces: The forces which hold together the forming the rigid body or holding the component parts together are called as internal forces. 26. Define resultant force? Resultant force is a single equivalent force which can replace the given force system for an equivalence of effect 27. State parallelogram law of forces? It states that "If two forces acting simultaneously on a particle be represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram their resultant may be represented magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram which passes through their point of intersection. 28. State triangle law of forces? It states that "If two forces acting simultaneously on a particle represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides triangle, taken in order, their resultant may be represented magnitude and direction by the third side of the triangle, taken opposite order". 29. State polygon law of forces? It states that "If a number of forces acting simultaneously on a particle be represented in magnitude and direction, by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the resultant of all these forces may be represented in magnitude and direction, by the closing side of the polygon, taken in opposite order". 30. State the principle of resolution? The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction of their resultant and in the same direction. 31. What is the significance of parallelogram law in statics of particles? Parallelogram law is used to find the resultant of two concurrent coplanar forces It can be applied by both analytically and graphically. 32. Define equilibrium? A body is said to be in a state of equilibrium, if the body is either at rest or is moving at a constant velocity. 33. State Lami's theorem? It states that, "If three coplanar forces acting at a point be in equilibrium, then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two". P/Sin =Q/sin=R/sin 34. What is two force equilibrium principles? If a body is in equilibrium acted upon by two forces they must be of collinear forces of equal magnitude and opposite sense.
35. What is three force equilibrium principles? If a body is in equilibrium acted upon by three forces, then the resultant of any two forces must be equal, opposite and collinear with the third force. 36. What is four force equilibrium principles? If a body is in equilibrium, acted upon by four forces, then the resultant of any two forces must be equal, opposite and collinear with the resultant of the other two. 37. What are the three equations of equilibrium?
H=0( = )1.
The algebraic sum of the horizontal for must be zero. ie., sum of the left hand side forces must be equal to sum of the right hand side forces. 2. V=0( = ) The algebraic sum of the vertical forces must be zero. ie. Sum of the upward forces must be equal to sum of the downward forces 3. M=0 The algebraic sum of the moments about a point must be zero ie., sum of the clockwise moments about a point must be equal to sum of the anticlockwise moments about the same Point. 38. What is stable equilibrium? A body is said to be in stable equilibrium, if it returns back to its original position after it is slightly displaced from its position of rest. 39. What is unstable equilibrium? A body is said to be in unstable equilibrium, if it does not return back to its original position and heels farther away after slightly displaced from its position of rest. 40. What is neutral equilibrium? A body is said to be in neutral equilibrium, if it occupies a new position (also remains at rest) after slightly displaced from its position of rest.. 41. What is Free body diagram? Its is a sketch of the particle which represents it as being isolated from its surroundings. It reprsents all the forces acting on it
2. In the above problem, find the angles made by the moment along x, y and z axes x = cos (Mx/M) Y = cos (My/M) z = cos (Mz/M)
-1 -1 -1
0 0 0
3. Find the unit vector along the force F = 2i + 3j + 5k Unit vector = 2i + 3j + 5k / =0.324i+0.489j+0.811k 4. Define the term couple? A couple is that two forces are of equal magnitude opposite sensed parallel forces, which lie in the same plane. 5. What are the characteristics of a couple? 1. The algebraic sum of the forces is zero. 2. The algebraic sum of the moments of the forces about any point is the same and equal to the moment of the couple itself. 6. State Varignon's the orem? Varignons theorem: if a number of coplanar forces are acting simultaneously on a body, the algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces about any point is equal to the
moment of the resultant force about the same point.