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Forgotten Realms - Volo's Guide To Waterdeep

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VoLos GuIoe

1o Va1enoeep
A Toas1 1o Va1enoeep
Hcrc's io iIc Ciiy of Slcndors
Dcc waicr wIcrc iIc cdgc of iIc sca
Mccis rivcrs of gold; all iIc coins cvcr nadc
Flow asi gods, iIrow sonc io nc!
(A trudtonu toust, sung n tIc tuucrns o{ tIc Vutcrdcc)
DcsIgn: Ld Creenvood
EdItIng: }uIia Marlin
Cnvcr Art: Rolh RuppeI
IntcrInr Art: VaIerie VaIusek
Cartngraphy: }oeI Meyer and
Dennis Kaulh
TypcscttIng AngeIika Lokolz
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ISBN 1-56O76-335-3
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UnItcd KIngdnm
Prcfacc: Frnm E!mInstcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
VoIos Ralings Syslen. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IntrnductInn: A Wnrd Frnm Vn!n . . . . 5
Cast!c Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Landnarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 7
IIaces of Inleresl
in CaslIe Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Hones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Shops .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Taverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Inns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
IeslhaIIs ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
AIIeys .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .37
5ca Ward 51
Landnarks . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Tespergales .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 55
The Iiery IIagon. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
lher IIaces of Inleresl
in Sea Ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . 58
Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Taverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .6O
Inns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
IeslhaIIs. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .64
AIIeys . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 65
Nnrth Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Landnarks . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
The CenlIe Mernaid . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Havkvinler House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
The Misly Beard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9O
lher IIaces of Inleresl
in Norlh Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Hones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Taverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Inns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
AIIeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OO
Tradcs Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O5
Landnarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... 1O5
The BoveIs of lhe Larlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O8
The Inn of
lhe Dripping Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
lher IIaces of Inleresl
in Trades Ward . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 116
Hones . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .12O
Taverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Inns . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 126
AIIeys . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .129
5nuthcrn Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Landnarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Kappiyan IIurnaslyrs House . . . . 138
The Moon Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
The Id Monsler Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
The House of Cood
The }ade Dancer
Spirils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
. . .. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . 155
lher IIaces of Inleresl
in Soulhern Ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 159
Taverns ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 159
AIIeys . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Dnck Ward . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 169
Landnarks . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .17O
The Hanging Lanlern . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
HeInslar Warehouse . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .173
The Id XolIol Shop . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 .
SerpenliI Books & IoIios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18O
Three IearIs NighlcIul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
The Thirsly SaiIor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
The Ships Irov. . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 19O
The BIushing Mernaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
The Copper Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .197
lher IIaces of Inleresl
in Dock Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Taverns . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2OO
Inns . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2O5
IeslhaIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 2O7
AIIeys . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2O8
AppcndIx I: Fn!k Of Watcrdccp . . . . 214
AppcndIx II: Indcx nf P!accs ............ 235
AppcndIx III: Cn!nr Map Kcy ........... .238

The engaging rogue VoIo has done a
leller jol on lhis lone, knov ye, lhan on
his nisguided voIune on nagic ( Vc|c's
Guic |c A|| Tnings Magica|). Il vere lesl
he shouId Ieave dallIing in Arl lo lhose
vho knov leller.
NaelheIess, he nissed a Iol of Waler-
deep lhal even an occasionaI visilor such
as nyseIf can spol. Much, no doull,
passed unseen lenealh his very nose. Hes
gol sone lhings quile vrong, loo~lul
yeII discover vhal vhen ye neel lhen,
even if lhals (ahen) jusl a nighl Iale.
My coIIeague, Ld of lhe Creenvood,
has prevaiIed upon ne lo incIude sone
snaII ilens of inporl lo ganers. ReIuc-
lanlIy I have done so, adding prolalIe
delaiIs~lrusl nol in lheir veracily I varn
ye!~of various Walerdhavians al lhe lack
of lhis lone (incIuding lhe inpeluous
VoIo hinseIf). AII lhe resl, errors and aII,
Ive Iefl. I nusl varn ye. KheIlen and his
Iady LaeraI Iaughed lo lears on severaI
occasions vhiIe reading lhis vork~and
as I can find IillIe anusing in il, I can onIy
concIude lhey found hiIarious errors!
May lhe gods sniIe upon ye, lraveIer,
lroader lhan lhey do upon VoIo.
I.S. IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n
renains lhe definilive guide lo fealures
of Walerdeep, augnenled ly lhe Ci|q
Sqs|cn and Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain
loxed sels, lhe Knign| cf |nc |iting Dca
ganelook, and lhe noduIe IRL3 la|cr-
ccp. Those desiring lo expIore aIIeys VoIo
nenlions vouId do veII lo consuIl vhere
lhe aIIeys neel vilh lhe severs, on page
28 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n, if lhey
vish lo avoid (or find, I suppose) danger.
ne nole nore: Ior lhe safely of
Walerdeep, Ive refrained fron passing
on delaiIs of lhe alodes or persons of
Durnan, KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun,
LaeraI, Mirl, Iiergeiron, and cerlain
olhers~and cul oul nuch or aII of vhal
VoIo had lo say aloul lhen, loo. If youd
knov such foIk, neel lhen yourseIves~
and Iearn vhal lheyII granl ye. Lnjoy lhy
read. . .
VoLos Ra1Imgs 5s1em
Iipes Tankards
(|nns) (Tatcrns)
A Vono [nom VoLo
his guidelook is lhe
resuIl of exlensive,
oflen hazardous
expIoralions of lhe
Cily of SpIendors,
nosl coIorfuI cily of lhe Svord
Coasl. Il is lhe drean of nany
foIk across Iaerun lo soneday
visil lhis falIed, luslIing narkel-
pIace and grandesl of alodes.
This lone allenpls lo sleer
visilors lo sighls and foIk lhey
vanl lo see~or avoid.
No one lraveIer can go every-
vhere and see aII in Walerdeep,
and vilh passing line, sone-
lhings I have vrillen viII change.
Wilh a fev exceplions, I
couIdnl enler lhe viIIas and
vaIIed hones of lhe nolIes
vilhoul invilalion, so lhey do nol
appear herein (and for olvious
reasons, I dare nol vrile of ny
fev coverl gIinpses of lheir
spIendors~Iadies, III nol forgel).
If you visil a guiIdhaII in
Walerdeep and are nol a nen-
ler, you are lypicaIIy shovn (as I
vas) inlo a snaII nunler of
neeling roons, and are nol free
lo vander. Walching, allenlive
guards deler prying, and lhe
resuIl is a loring visil unIess you
have lusiness vilh lhe guiId.
CuiId nenlers vouId nol Iook
favoralIy on ny giving avay
secrels, eilher, and so I avoid
descriling guiId luiIdings. Ior
lhe sane reason, lenpIes, shrines,
and olher pIaces reslricled lo
lhose of one failh arenl expIored
in lhese pages.
My forays inlo lhe Cily of lhe
Dead, lhe severs, and various
Cily forlresses vere aIso severeIy
Iiniled, and lheir coverage here
refIecls lhal. I leIieve onIy a
Iongline cilizen of Walerdeep-
vhich In nol~shouId allenpl a
guide lo lhe pIeasanl parkIand
lhal houses lhe cilys Iegions of
Anyone draving near any gale
of lhe cily can see Mounl Waler-
deep~and lhals as cIose as nosl
of us are ever going lo gel. Lvery-
one goes lo gavk al CaslIe Waler-
deep and al Iiergeirons IaIace
(again, seeing IillIe indeed of lheir
inside, excepl ly invilalion of lhe
Lords), so Ive IargeIy Iefl lhose
oul, loo.
A lraveIer couId spend a
Iifeline in Walerdeep and nol
fuIIy sanpIe ils every nuance,
pIeasure, lack aIIey or experi-
ence. There nusl le nany
nolevorlhy pIaces Ive nissed.
Those onissions aside, I lhink
youII agree lhis is lhe lesl guide-
look lo Walerdeep avaiIalIe. I
urge you aII lo renenler vilh
favor lhe nane of:
(VoIolhanp Ceddarn)
Cas1Le Vano
one lo nosl of Waler-
deeps adninislralive
luiIdings and luiId-
ings of slale, lhis firsl
vard of lhe cily is
lhe hearl of pover in Walerdeep
loday. Ils aIso lhe area nosl foIk
vhoII leII you of Walerdeep laIk
aloul. Much has leen vrillen
aloul il, so in lhese pages, III
lreal il nore IighlIy lhan any
olher vard of Walerdeep. Any
fooI can see lhe nounlain and
lhe caslIe fron far off. You donl
need ny vords lo find lhen!
AIlhough il Iooks Iarge on a
nap, nuch of il is laken up ly
Mounl Walerdeep, lhe rugged
heighl lhal prolecls nuch of lhe
cily fron lhe fuII fury of lhe
vinler slorns (vhich lIov fron
vesl-norlhvesl). The nounlain is
honeyconled vilh caverns and
passages vhere lhe cily guard
nainlains ils arnories, lhe cilys
granary and ils fIying griffon
sleeds. These caverns are Iinked
lo CaslIe Walerdeep, fron vhich
lhe vard lakes ils nane, and
various cIiff lop eyries (Ianding
and springing-aIofl areas for lhe
griffons)~and, il is runored, lo
lolh Iiergeirons IaIace and lhe
nany IeveIs of Undernounlain,
lhe vasl dungeon or suller-
ranean cily lenealh Walerdeep.
Cily valch and guard palroIs
are heavy in lhis vard. The cily
guard deIileraleIy puls on a
shov of force in lhis dislricl.
The nosl proninenl Iandnarks
of CaslIe Ward are lhe nounlain
and lhe caslIe. The nexl nosl
inporlanl is lhe nany-spired
IaIace of Walerdeep, popuIarIy
knovn lhese days as Iiergeirons
IaIace, afler lhe Iirsl, and onIy
IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n descriles fealures of Mounl Walerdeep (page 22), CaslIe Ward (page
23), and aII cily fealures al sone Ienglh. The Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel incIudes delaiIed naps of lhe nain
aloveground slruclure of CaslIe Walerdeep, as veII as delaiIed slreel naps of lhe cily, and a seIeclion
of luiIding fIoor pIans. ModuIe IRL3 la|crccp conlains noles on lhe Yavning IorlaI inn and a parliaI
nap of BIackslaff Tover.
The Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain loxed sel descriles lhe uppernosl IeveIs of vasl Undernounlain,
incIuding ils surface conneclions and lhe infanous sullerranean snuggIing porl knovn as SkuIIporl.
The noveI ||fsnacu gives lhe reader a lasle of Walerdhavian sociaI Iife, and a gIinpse of nany
fealures of lhe cily~incIuding sone ancienl ga|cs Iinking il vilh far pIaces.
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. In lhis vard,four-svord
delachnenls pass a given poinl aloul every 8 ninules and Iook inlo a lavern or inn dining roon aloul
every 2O ninules.
As delaiIed on pages 15-16 and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn sel lookIel, lhe cily guard aIso palroIs CaslIe
Ward, in six-nan delachnenls. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are as given lherein, on page 23. Reinforcenenls
viII le a dozen LC hn I3s lo I6s cIad in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, daggers, sIings,
and a poIearn appropriale lo lhe silualion.
Cuard palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion aloul every 15 ninules, lul appear in 1d4 ninules vhen
a cily valch palroI lIovs a varning horn in lhis vard.
pulIicIy knovn, Lord of Waler-
deep. His courl is heId lhere, and
he enlerlains visiling enlassies
and envoys lhere on an aInosl
daiIy lasis. Acconpanying one of
lhen is prolalIy lhe lesl vay lo
gel a Iook inside. The paIace has
four gales. Iron lhe norlh, lhese
are Horn Cale, SaIIy Cale, Main
Cale, and Cuard Cale. YouII le
chaIIenged if you lry lo use any
vay in lul lhe Main Cale.
So pass lhrough il. The enlry
haII leyond is inpressive
enough~an echoing roon aII of
poIished narlIe, enply excepl
for lenches aIong lhe vaIIs
carved inlo lhe Iikenesses of
sealed Iions, and lhe nassive
piIIars lhal hoId lhe upper fIoors
of lhe paIace up.
Ior ne, lhough, lhe nosl
inpressive lhing in lhe paIace
vas lhe scaIe nodeI of lhe enlire
cily~luiIding ly luiIding~sel on
a huge slone lalIe in lhe office of
lhe cily cIerks. To find il, lurn
righl and go lhrough lhe arch-
vay al lhe end of lhe enlry haII.
The Iarge, grand slairs Ieading
oul of lhe haII in lhe olher
direclion are lhe vay lo Iier-
geirons courl and audience
The paIace slands vilh ils lack
hard againsl a cIiff face of Mounl
Walerdeep. To lhe norlh and
soulh are larracks. A snaII
lover sel inlo a nounlain cIefl lo
lhe norlh guards an enlrance lo
lhe lunneIs of Mounl Walerdeep.
Knovn, inaginaliveIy enough, as
lhe Mounlain Tover, il is slriclIy
off Iinils lo lhe pulIic.
There is a Iarge open courl-
yard in fronl of lhe paIace. To
even gel lo lhe Main Cale, you
nusl pass a Ione lover in lhe
nidsl of lhis open space: Ah-
ghairons Tover.
This sIin slone lover has leen
lolaIIy encIosed alove, around,
and lenealh in a series of polenl,
invisilIe nagicaI larriers since
lhe dealh of lhe fanous vizard,
nany years ago. Donl approach
loo cIoseIy~on lhe norlh side, a
skeIelaI figure sliII slands facing
lhe lover vilh arns raised,
aloul 1O feel avay fron ils side.
Il is aII lhal renains of a vizard
vho lried lo gel inlo lhe lover in
order, no doull, lo seize Ahghai-
rons nagic for hinseIf. He
ispc||c lhe oulernosl larrier, a
fcrcccagc, lul vas lrapped
lelveen il and lhe prisna|ic
spncrc vilhin vhen lhe force-
cage reforned lehind hin.
The nans nane has leen
forgollen vilh lhe passage of
years, and his roles and fIesh
have lolh rolled avay, lul lhe
nagic of lhe lover hoIds lhe
lones in posilion. UnliI Iier-
geiron forlade il sone years ago,
il vas a favorile gane of IocaI
chiIdren lo rearrange lhe
vizards lones. They can le
disIodged vilh a slick, lul lhey
aIvays drifl sIovIy lack inlo lhe
sane posilion, fIoaling uprighl,
Ior delaiIs of lhe defenses of Ahghairons Tover, see page 22 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
vilh arns oulspread.
If you lraveI norlh aIong lhe
norlhern longue of Mounl
Walerdeep fron lhe paIace, and
lurn vesl al ils end, you viII
cone lo lhe sea al lhe end of
}uIlhoon Slreel, vhich is lhe
norlhernnosl loundary of lhe
vard. The Iand here faIIs avay
sviflIy so you are higher lhan
lhe cily vaII and can readiIy Iook
over il, far oul lo sea. Here, in var,
greal engines have leen sel up lo
hurI rocks and fire al ships
approaching lhe shore. In peace-
line, lhese are aII hidden avay
inside Mounl Walerdeep and,
runor has il, in slorage on lhe
elhereaI pIane
~aIong vilh six
conpanions of lhe siIenl senlineI
vhoII le slanding Iooking oul lo
sea vilh you: lhe WaIking Slalue
of Walerdeep.
This 9O-fool-laII slone goIen
vas crealed ly KheIlen BIack-
slaff Arunsun, lhe Archnage of
Walerdeep. ne of seven idenli-
caI conslrucls, il is inlended lo fiII
and defend any gap in Waler-
deeps vaIIs crealed ly a lesieg-
ing foe. f gray granile, il Iooks
Iike a regaI hunan vilh an
inpassive face~and il spends lhe
years here, enduring lhe lirds, as
il slares endIessIy oul lo sea,
availing a caII lo service lhal
Walerdhavians hope viII never
Il is sonelines used as a
guiding leacon for expecled
ships during very rough slorns.
Wizards of lhe WalchfuI rder
casl Iighl speIIs upon il, and
Iiergeiron noves il lo a desired
signaIing Iocalion.
The cIiff lhal you and lhe
WaIking Slalue are slanding on
lop of is knovn as lhe CuII Leap
for lhe sealirds lhal nesl here,
and for ils use ly nisguidedIy
depressed peopIe and slanped-
ing callIe lefore lhe cily vaII vas
luiIl. If you slay cIose lo lhe vaII
and lurn soulh, going aIong lhe
veslern side of lhe longue of
Mounl Walerdeep, youII le in a
IillIe hidden corner of Waler-
deep lhal even nany foIk in lhe
cily have never seen, and knov
aloul onIy vagueIy. A slreel
caIIed lhe CIiffride runs lo four
Iuxurious viIIas lhal sland here
anid lrees and lerraced gardens
in a IillIe Iedge vaIIed in ly
Mounl Walerdeep.
These grand slone houses
vere luiIl Iong ago ly various
nolIe faniIies in lhis excIusive
and readiIy defensilIe encIave.
They soon feII oul of favor.
Lashed ly lhe fuII fury of lhe sea
slorns, lhey are danp aII year
round and a nighlnare of sIick
Runor, LIninsler leIIs us, has il correclIy. The elhereaI pIane aIso hoIds nany exlra seclions of cily
vaII lhal can appear in posilion aIong lhe easlern loundary of lhe cily if Walerdeep is lhrealened.
Localion #44 on lhe coIor nap. The WaIking Slalue is AC1, MV 4, has 18 HD and 14O hp, allacks once
per round al THACO 3, doing 6d1O danage vilh ils nighly fisls (againsl luiIdings 3 poinls of slrucluraI
danage per round if lhe AD&D 1sl Ldilion ruIes governing siege danage are used), and is harned ly
speIIs as a nornaI slone goIen is (see VoI. 1 of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun). To danage lhe WaIking
Slalue, you nusl slrike il vilh a +3 or leller nagicaI veapon. Il is a ninor crine of lhe Second IIainl
(see la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n, pages 18-19) lo deface lhe Slalue ly narking il.
ice everyvhere oulside and
dealhIy chiII inside during
vinler. They can le renled fron
lheir ovners for 25 gp/nonlh
and up (5O gp/nonlh during lhe
sunner), and are residences
Iarge enough lo house up lo 4O
peopIe each. As one proceeds
soulh, lhey are: Iair Winds, on
lhe sea side of lhe road, MarlIe-
hearlh, on lhe Iand side, Slorn-
valch, on lhe sea side, and,
lucked inlo lhe end of lhe Iand,
overhung ly a frovning cIiff,
Heroes Resl. Heroes Resl vas
nicknaned CoId Conforl ly lhe
Conpany of Crazed Venlurers,
vho spenl a vinler here. The
nane has sluck in lhe cily, and
fev nov renenler lhe proper
nane. If youre veaIlhy enough
and donl nind fighling off lhe
lhieves vhoII inevilalIy cone lo
invesligale anyone rich enough
lo slay here, lhese can le pIeasanl
pIaces indeed for a visilor lo
Walerdeep lo slay for a nonlh or
nore during a varn sunner.
lhervise, le gIad your lones
sIeep sonevhere nore dry.
The Iargesl Iandnark of lhe
luiIl-up area of CaslIe Ward is
aIso lhe Iargesl open space in lhe
cily: lhe Markel. The Markel is
encircIed ly Traders Way on lhe
norlh and Bazaar Slreel on lhe
soulh. Il is a huge narkelpIace
oflen cranned vilh a naze of
slaIIs and canped vendors. You
can easiIy spend days and
nighls~excepl in vinler~Iosl in
lhe nyriad shopping opporluni-
lies here. The pIace never cIoses
for nere darkness. Bul le avare:
Many lhieves spend days and
nighls lhere, loo.
Il has leen said nany lines
lhal you can luy anq|ning in
Walerdeep, fron ancienl speIIs lo
fIoaling cIoud caslIes. WeII, if you
canl find il eIsevhere in lhe cily,
cone here.
The fornaI loundaries of
CaslIe Ward are dravn ly lhe
valer of lhe harlor and lhe coasl
up lo }uIlhoon Slreel, and run
aIong lhe soulh side of }uIlhoon
Slreel lo ShieId Slreel, vhere lhey
lurn soulh lo Traders Way, run
easl lo encIose lhe Markel, and
lhen lurn soulh aIong lhe High
Road aII lhe vay lo SnaiI Slreel.
CaslIe Ward lakes in lhe vesl side
of SnaiI Slreel dovn lo Shesslras
Slreel, vhere il lurns vesl lo Cul
AIIey runs norlh on il lo BeInin-
lras Slreel, and lhence lo Lack-
purse Lane. Dock Ward is lo lhe
easl and soulh of Lackpurse
Lane, and CaslIe Ward on ils
norlh and vesl as il runs lo lhe
IoIk in Iove vilh pover lul
nol yel rich enough lo rise alove
lhe pursuil of il are said around
lhe cily lo dveII in lhal parl of
CaslIe Ward norlh of lhe lroad
avenue of Walerdeep Way More
soulherIy parls of lhe vard are
doninaled ly lhe larracks and
varehouses allached lo lhe caslIe
and ly lhe BeII Tover (used lo
signaI fires, allacks, and caIIs for
assenlIy al lhe paIace
), or are
IargeIy indislinguishalIe fron
lhe neighloring Dock Ward and
lhe Trades Ward. CaslIe Wards
dockside is, hovever, far nore
heaviIy palroIIed lhan Dock
Ward, and hence safer for goods
and visilors.
Theres aIso an inleresling
fealure in a varehouse Iocaled in
lhe docks here al lhe fool of Coin
AIIey on ils easl side. In lhe
varehouses ceIIar is a shafl
opening inlo a lidaI vash under
lhe luiIding~a lasin filled vilh
iron gralings. When lhe lide is in,
fish oflen svin in. The gralings
prevenl sone fron svinning
lack oul. Al Iov lide, lhe vare-
house ovner can go dovn and
fish in his ovn pond for fish lo
seII or for a neaI.
The nosl fanous fealure of
CaslIe Wards docks, hovever, is
Mirls Mansion. This forlress-
hone neslIes on lhe sIopes of
Mounl Walerdeep anid slands of
lrees. Il can le reached fron
Coin AIIey or Tarnished SiIver
AIIey lolh of vhich run lo il, or
fron ils ovn dock, lhe aplIy
naned SnuggIers Dock.
Mirl lhe MoneyIender is
videIy leIieved lo le a Lord of
Walerdeep. When in lhe cily, lhis
gruff ex-nercenary opens his
house (lefore highsun onIy) for
suppIicanls needing lo lorrov
noney. AIlhough he seens a very
Localion #9 on lhe coIor nap. Map 3 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel gives a lypicaI larracks fIoor pIan
and one for lhe paIace slalIes.
palienl, even kindIy sorl vhen il
cones lo lhe repaynenl of Ioans, il
doesnl seen lhal vay lo laIk lo
hin~and anyone lhinking of
paying an unaulhorized visil lo
his hone is varned lhal il lrislIes
vilh nore hunan, nonslrous,
and nagicaI guards lhan Ive ever
seen in one pIace lefore.
The vard is aIso hone lo
perhaps lhe nosl Iuxurious inn
in Walerdeep, lhe }ade }ug, and
lo a Iarge and spIendid lenpIe
dedicaled lo Lalhander Consisl-
ing of eighl Iinked lovers sland-
ing in lheir ovn vaIIed,
lree-cIoaked conpound, lhe
Spires of lhe Morning rise lo
greel lhe norning sun in lhe
angIe lelveen }uIlhoon Slreel
and CaIanaslyr Lane. Traders
Way runs righl lo lhe lenpIe
Belveen lhe lenpIe and lhe
IaIace, aIong lhe easlern face of
Mounl Walerdeep, anolher
spIendid lover rises, surrounded
ly ils ovn vaII. This is BIackslaff
Tover, hone of lhe Archnage of
Walerdeep, KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun, his Iady LaeraI, and
lheir apprenlices.
LaeraI is a
nage of pover herseIf, vho vas
once Ieader of lhe advenluring
conpany knovn as lhe Nine, and
sisler lo AIuslrieI, High Lady of
SiIverynoon, The SinluI, Wilch
Queen of AgIarond, Slorn
SiIverhand, lhe Bard of Shadov-
daIe, and olhers.
The vard is aIso hone lo
nany guiIdhaIIs: lhe House of
Cens, of lhe }eveIIers CuiId,
lhe Map House, headquarlers of
lhe Surveyors, Map & Charl-
Makers CuiId,
IeIIovship HaII,
of lhe IeIIovship of Innkeep-
lhe Masler Bakers HaII, of
lhe Bakers CuiId,
CuiIdhaII of
lhe rder, of lhe SoIenn rder
of Recognized Iurriers & WooI-
lhe Ievlerers and Casl-
ers CuiIdhaII,
lhe House of lhe
Iine Carvers, of lhe CuiId of Iine
and lhe Markel HaII, of
lhe CounciI of Iarner-Crocers.
The nosl speclacuIar of lhese
headquarlers is lhe Tover of lhe
Localion #1 on lhe coIor nap. LIninsler refuses lo furnish any delaiIs of Mirl or his nansion-
vhich shouId confirn lo nosl of you, as il did lo Ld, lhal Mirl nus| le a Lord of Walerdeep. IarliaI
nansion fIoor pIans appear on Map 2 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
Localion #43 on lhe coIor nap. IarliaI fIoor pIan naps of lhe lenpIe appear on Map 4 of lhe Ci|q
Sqs|cn loxed sel.
Localion #32 on lhe coIor nap. IarliaI naps of lhe lover appear in IR3 la|crccp, and il aIso
fealures in lhe noveIs ||fsnacu and la|crccp. LIninsler refused lo pass on any delaiIs of KheIlen,
LaeraI, or lhe lover. Iages 52 and 58 of IR5 Tnc Satagc |rcn|icr nenlion LaeraIs fale prior lo KheIlens
rescuing her and lhe leginning of lheir reIalionship.
Localion #11 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #15 on lhe coIor nap. Ils fIoor pIan appears on Map 3 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
Localion #16 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #22 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #34 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #37 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #39 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #42 on lhe coIor nap.
rder, seal of lhe WalchfuI rder
of Magisls & Iroleclors,
rises on lhe Slreel of BeIIs, and is
visiled ly nany desiring lo
arrange a guiId fireguard on
lheir properly or lo purchase lhe
casling of a speII.
SeveraI shopkeepers in lhe
vard are aIso lhe heads or spokes-
nen for lheir guiIds. If you Iike
lhe lasle of pover and aulhorily
CaslIe Ward is lhe pIace lo go.
PLaces o[
Im1enes1 Im
Cas1Le Vano
Hnusc nf Lncnc
The vaIIed hone of lhe leaulifuI
advenluress Loene resenlIes a
ninialure caslIe. Tovers and
lurrels are everyvhere, IargeIy
lecause Loene Ioves round
roons and curving slairs.
By nighl, or vhen expecling
unveIcone visilors, Loene
aclivales lhe nagic of lhe ornale,
2O-fool-high iron fence sur-
rounding her house. Any vho
louch il suffer ninialure Iighl-
Loenes hone fronls on Waler-
deep Way and lacks onlo Cen
Slreel. During her renodeIing of
lhe nansion she purchased on
lhis sile, she lore dovn ils exlen-
sive, varehouse-Iike rear and
had a Iavn, a garden, and a
nalure eIn lree nagicaIIy
lranspIanled here~an inleresl-
ing projecl lhal kepl lhe nage
Nain KeenvhislIer lusy for quile
sone line.
Loenes Iuxurious hone is said
lo le furnished vilh leaulifuI
lhings and lo conlain hidden
Localion #3O on lhe coIor nap. Iage 44 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n gives speIIcasling prices
charged ly lhis guiId, and expIains sonelhing of lheir services (see aIso page 32). AII of lhe guiIds are
covered in lhe IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n sourcelook.
Loene (pronounced |Ol-cnn) is delaiIed on page 53 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n, and aIso fealures
in lhe noveI ||fsnacu. Her fence deaIs 2d4 poinls of eIeclricaI danage per conlacl or per round of
conlinuaI conlacl, and has a speciaI spc||guar upon il. When ispc| nagic or isin|cgra|c speIIs are
casl on il, lhey are alsorled, lheir energy lransforned inslanlIy inlo cnain |ign|ning lhal slrikes firsl
al lhe source of lhe nagic, and deaIs d6 of danage per IeveI of lhe casler of lhe originaI allacking speII.
nagic ilens acquired during her
advenlures, lul il is open onIy lo
her friends. Il has olher nagicaI
defenses, In loId, lhal nake il a
verilalIe forlress.
Hnusc nf 5hyrrhr
This Lady of lhe Courl is good
friends vilh Iiergeiron, vhon
she aids ly chaperoning visiling
dipIonals and Iearning aII she
can fron lhen lo pass on lo lhe
Iirsl Lord of Walerdeep. Her
snaII lul Iuxurious house on
Walerdeep Way is sinpIy lul
coziIy furnished, vilh carpels,
Iounge cushions, lhree ledroons
vilh round canopied leds, a
round lalhing pooI, and a fornaI
dining roon vhere she can
Aurnra's Whn!c Rca!ms
5hnp Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
Throughoul lhis guide, I nenlion
lhe oulIels of lhis popuIar
ReaIns-vide relaiI chain in each
vard of lhe cily lecause nosl
The house of Shyrrhr (pronounced SHLLR-hur) ls #14 on lhe coIor nap. Il conlains IillIe lul a grand
seIeclion of vines, a roon-sized cIosel of fine govns, aloul 2O gp, and~on nany nighls~Iiergeiron,
vho has sIipped lhrough a secrel lunneI connecling lhe panlry of Shyrrhrs house vilh lhe paIace.
They Iike lo reIax and laIk logelher, and lrusl each olher alsoIuleIy. Iiergeiron pays Shyrrhrs fev
expenses in relurn for her spying and hospilaIily services lo lhe cily.
cily-lred lraveIers Iive near one,
or al Ieasl are faniIiar vilh
Auroras calaIogue. This nakes
for nininaI deIay and uncer-
lainly vhen energency pur-
chases nusl le nade, and resuIls
in goods of knovn quaIily.
The CaslIe Ward Auroras
oulIel is lhe firsl shopfronl vesl
of lhe }ade }ug, on lhe norlh side
of Walerdeep Way. Il provides
hone deIivery for palrons ly
neans of a coach and a six-nan
lean vilhin CaslIe Ward onIy. Il
aIso has four guards vho vork
in shifls of lvo and lvo, a caInIy
cuIlured, niddIe-aged Iady
counler cIerk, CalhaI Sunspear,
and a service-nage, Xanalrar
HiIIhorn. Xanalrar is knovn for
his exceIIenl singing al parlies
and vhenever he vanls lo
inpress a good-Iooking Iady.
Ba!thnrr's Rarc
and Wnndrnus Trcasurcs
This shop slands on lhe easl side
of lhe Slreel of lhe Svord, soulh
of SeIdulh Slreel. The veaIlhy
shopper can luy a vide seIeclion
of curios here, especiaIIy coins
fron aII over ToriI, gens, and
regaIia. The proprielor is an
experl on lhe currency uniforns
and ladges used ly nosl reaIns
and niIilary unils of Iaerun, and
can nake up coIorfuI slories
aloul lhe hislory of parlicuIar
ilens on lhe spol. Ive heard lhal
heII luy lhings vilhoul asking
queslions as lo lheir origin~
naking hin very handy for
advenlurers vho vanl lo ex-
change lallIe lrophies for noney.
Prcpric|cr. BaIlhorr lhe BoId
Iaskos, a hearly, Ioud-voiced,
lullIing feIIov vilh a ready
sniIe and firn handshake, is lhe
Thc Gn!dcn Kcy
This shop, on lhe easl side of
Warriors Way, norlh of Waler-
deep Way,
seIIs Iocks and faslen-
ings of aII sorls cxccp| Iarge,
vauIl-Iike doors, door lars, and
slrongchesls. The proprielor
nakes cuslon Iocks lo order, and
guaranlees lhal hes never soId a
key lhal viII open lhe Iock you
luy fron hin lo anyone eIse. (In
olher vords, your Iock is unique.)
Many of his Iocks require severaI
keys lurned in cerlain conlina-
lions lo open. AII producls are
nade on lhe prenises, excepl for
cerlain door chains, vhich are
inporled fron lhe norlhern
coins, gens, and regaIia (see la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n pages 31-32).
Localion #21 on lhe coIor nap. AnsiIver has al Ieasl four gargoyIe guardians in his shop lo prevenl
lhefls. He aIso vears a nagicaI nasler key around his neck, lhal he lries lo keep very secrel. ver lhe
years nany have seen hin use il and have deduced lhal il opens aII nornaI Iocks on conlacl. If il
encounlers nechanicaI or nagicaI lraps on a Iock, il reveaIs lhis lo lhe vieIder vilhoul lriggering lhen,
lul does nol open lhe Iock or deaclivale lhe lraps. Ils precise povers are nol knovn lo any in Walerdeep
excepl AnsiIver.
Moonshaes vhere lhey have
leen hardened in dragon fire!
Prcpric|cr. AnsiIver lhe Lock-
snilh, a vhile-haired, eIderIy lul
aIerl nan, is lhe proprielor. He
vears lhick speclacIes, has a
sharp-leaked nose, and has a
halil of hunning conlinuaIIy.
Ha!ambar Lutcs & Harps
This shop, found on lhe easl side
of lhe Slreel of lhe Svord and a
good vaIk up fron Walerdeep
Way seIIs aII sorls of slringed
nusicaI inslrunenls, fron lhe
Iyre of Ann lo lhe lvoslring of
Minlarn. Il is fanous up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl for lhe
This snaII, dark lraveIing harp
sils on ils ovn veIvel-covered
pIinlh, safeIy alove lhe reach of
inquisilive (or acquisilive!) visi-
lors, and soflIy pIays oId airs,
laIIads, and Iays of lhe Norlh. Il is
said ly sone lo have leIonged lo
lhe fanous lard Minliper Moon-
siIver, lul nosl dispule lhis. Il is
oIder lhan he, and vas knovn lo
have leen in SiIverynoon vhen
he vas vandering lhe Norlh. Ils
fuII povers arenl knovn lo any
aIive in lhe ReaIns loday and il is
a unique nagic ilen, lruIy
leyond price. HaIanlar vonl Iel
dislinclive neIIov sound of ils
Iules, lul even Inner Sea foIk have
heard of lhe shops prize allrac-
lion: lhe Harp lhal Sings ly IlseIf.
Prcpric|cr. Kriios HaIanlar,
guiIdnasler of lhe CounciI of
Musicians, Inslrunenl-Makers,
and Chorislers ovns and runs
lhis shop. He is an inscrulalIe,
heavy-Iidded nan of Iong lIack
hair, Iarge lIack-pupiIed eyes, and
a slrong slreak of snollery.
Thc Ha!!s nf HI!mcr,
Mastcr Armnrcr
This shining shop has a fronl of
arnor pIale~oId arnor fron
vanquished foes of Walerdeep,
palrons louch il and vonl seII il.
loIled logelher, poIished a deep,
(I have discovered lhal lhe pIinlh
gIeaning lIue, and prolecled
il sils upon is acluaIIy a covered
fron vealher and lhefl ly
slone goIen, pIaced lhere ly
polenl speIIs. Bevare Iighlning-
KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun lo
Iike arcs of energy shouId you
slrike or vrench al a piece! Il
prolecl lhe harp.)
slands on lhe vesl side of lhe
HaIanlars inslrunenls
Slreel of BeIIs norlh of Waler-
lypicaIIy cosl 1,OOO gp each or
nore. He has snaIIer, pIainer
deep Way ils gIean visilIe up and
dovn lhe slreel.
pieces nade ly his apprenlices
Inside is a shovroon and
or secondhand pieces lhal go for
nere hundreds of goId pieces. A
filling roon, vilh doors inlo a
pIace lo visil, even if youre nol
veapons praclice roon for
cIienls lo praclice running,
Heres a speciaI gifl idea, for lhe
lurning, fighling, and cIinling
rich onIy: Ior 6OO gp, you can luy
slairs in arnor, and lhe huge,
a jeveI case or snuff lox en-
cIullered vorkshops of HiIner
chanled lo pIay a shorl neIody
and his apprenlices. IIale arnor
vhen opened. Lxquisile, lul
hangs~or, in lhe forn of fuII
sonehov I feeI youd grov lired
suils, slands everyvhere. HiIner
of lhe sane lune quickIy.
onIy nakes pIale, lul hes gener-
aIIy acknovIedged as lhe lesl, or
Localion #26 on lhe coIor nap. The dislinclive sounds of HaIanlar Iules are IargeIy due lo his
secrelIy soaking lhe vood he nakes lhen of in Walerdhavian harlor valer in his ceIIars. The precise
povers of lhe Harp are Iefl lo lhe DM. Anyone vho successfuIIy nakes off vilh il viII le pursued ly
lhe Harpers~lo vhon lhe inslrunenl is a lreasure~as veII as ly agenls hired ly HaIanlar. Il acluaIIy
has nolhing lo do vilh Minliper and vas nade Iong ago in Iosl and faIIen Mylh Drannor.
generaIIy cosl 4,OOO lo 6,OOO gp,
anong lhe lesl, in aII lhe Svord
Coasl Iands. His cuslon suils
depending on lhe size of lhe
vearer and lhe ornanenlalion.
He hales chasing and over-
eIalorale fIuling, lul has done
enaneIed arnors for CaIishile
salraps, al 8,6OO gp each.
louch if ils nelaI is suspecl or if a
HiIner knovs al a gIance if
arnor fils properIy and al a
vearer is using a lIade or shieId
loo heavy for hin. He is a nasler
craflsnan and reguIarIy ignores
offers of eslales and lhousands
in goId lo lecone nasler ar-
norer of lhis or lhal kingdon.
HiIner viII seII exisling arnor
apprenlice pieces and repIace-
nenl pieces, such as gaunlIels,
lhal are nol cuslon filled for
nere hundreds of goId pieces,
lul he viII nol sel his nark (a
slanp of a gaunlIel cIosing on a
svord, and lreaking il inlo lhree
pieces) on such sheIf slock.
HiIner arnor is a|| cuslon nade.
Thieves Ieave his shop aIone.
Ils nuch easier lo sleaI HiIner
arnor fron lhose vho have
loughl il~lecause severaI of lhe
suils of arnor are aninaled
nelaI conslrucls, lhal defend lhe
pIace al aII lines! lhers prolecl
his nearly nelaIs varehouses.
Prcpric|cr. HiIner, lhe propri-
elor, is a laII, slrong, and sofl-
spoken nan, vilh shouIders as
vide as nosl doors and hands
vilh a grip of iron. He is a jusl,
honesl nan.
O!mhazan's Jcwc!s
This gIillering shop slands on lhe
vesl side of lhe High Road, jusl
across fron lhe noulh of Spend-
lhrifl AIIey. Ils fronl is fashioned
of siIvered and poIished slone lo
resenlIe a huge faceled gen.
Inhazan, said one nolIe lo ne
al a feasl, has never leen re-
slricled ly such lrifIes as good
Inside, aII lhe gens one can
lhink of, excepl very rare or
nagicaI sorls, such as anaralha,
kings lears, and rogue slones,
can le loughl. A scallering of
leIjuriI shards nakes lhe inpres-
sive dispIay of gens vink and
sparkIe conlinuaIIy.
Thieves are fev since one vas
parliaIIy devoured ly lhe guard-
ians of lhe shop: lvo lrained
ninics. ne nasquerades as a
gen dispIay counler, and lhe
olher as parl of lhe fronl door-
janl and lhe giganlic gen
Prcpric|cr. }haunlar In-
hazan, CenlIenan Speaker for
lhe }eveIers CuiId, ovns and
runs lhis shop. He is a sneering,
superior sorl, vho disnisses aII
counlry foIk and lhose vho
dveII around or easl of lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars as larlarians.
Pha!antar's PhI!trcs &
This shop can le found on lhe
easl side of lhe Slreel of BeIIs, jusl
norlh of Walerdeep Way. The
odor of exolic spices vafls oul
onlo lhe slreel vhenever ils
circuIar door is opened. Inside is
a slrange vonderIand of dried
lranches, firnIy sloppered jars,
and inleresling-Iooking sheIIs,
skuIIs, laskels of lones, and
IaleIed dravers.
Here you can luy nedicines,
herls, and rare sulslances used
in lhe naking of perfunes,
scenled oiIs, poisons, and as
naleriaI conponenls in lhe
casling of speIIs. The herls arenl
very fresh, lul a vizard viII find
lhe seIeclion here leller lhan
anyvhere eIse Ive ever seen-
and lhe proprielor doesnl ask
queslions aloul vhy you vanl
laalezu lIood or deadIy nighl-
Localion #28 on lhe coIor nap. HiIners guardians are lallIe horrors, vhich are varianl heIned
horrors (delaiIed in IA1 Ha||s cf |nc Hign King). His heIned horrors are IavfuI neulraI and lound in
IoyaIly lo hin. Runor has il lhal he acquired lhen in lhe ruins of Mylh Drannor in his earIy
advenluring days.
They are INT High (14), AL LN, AC 2, MC 12, II12 (A) pIus incnsicn ccr 1/day, up lo 6O yards, HD 16,
THACO 12, #AT 1 pIus lvo 2-5 hp dng nagic nissi|cs every 3 rounds, Dng ly veapon or 1d4, SD speII
innunilies, SZ M, ML 2O, see Ha||s cf |nc Hign King, page 42, for delaiIs.
Localion #38 on lhe coIor nap. Add 15-25 gp lo lhe lase prices of aII genslones lo arrive al
Inhazans seIIing prices.
shade or ask your nane. Try nol lo lrush againsl hin.
Thefl is discouraged ly lhe 'TvouId le a pily if he feII and
shallered. dusl-covered, innoliIe slone
forn of a nan, face elernaIIy
frozen in a Iook of fear, vhos
propped, arns spread and in a
franlic running posilion, againsl
a vaII inside lhe door, h yes,
lhe proprielor purred, vhen I
asked aloul hin. He lried lo
Ieave vilhoul paying, Iale one
nighl vhen I vasnl even open.
He ran afouI of a cerlain sul-
slance I keep handy. I havenl
decided vhen lo reIease hin yel.
NolIes leII ne lhis shop
guarded nol onIy vilh us| cf
pc|rifica|icn, lul vilh lraps lhal
reIease various paraIyzing and
sIeep-inducing gases. They leII
ne lhe ovner viII seII you scroIIs
and any ninor nagic ilens he
has on hand, loo~if you ask
quielIy, and arenl knovn lo have
any conneclions lo lhe cily
valch or cily guard.
Prcpric|cr. IhaIanlar rivan, a
Localion #33 on lhe coIor nap. IhaIanlar is a fence for sloIen goods al 35 of lheir slreel price (see
pages 31-32 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n). He is very rich. He sponsors sone advenluring lands in
relurn for a share of lheir Iool (sulslances he can seII in his shop, incIuding eviI or fIaved nagic ilens
lhey donl vanl) and lankroIIs sone nercenary conpanies in lhe Svord Coasl Iands, loo, in relurn for
a share of lheir profils.
nan of sofl, snoolh novenenls,
vho aIvays seens lo le genlIy
sniIing, is lhe proprielor. He is
said lo deaI vilh advenlurers
and nages reguIarIy and lo le
faluIousIy rich.
Thc B!uc Jack
This valering hoIe is naned for
lhe lIue Iealher arnor vorn ly
lhe proprielor in his Iong-ago
advenluring days. The arnor sliII
hangs, in rolling lallers, alove
lhe lar. The lavern speciaIizes in
Iov prices and fasl service. This
speciaIizalion is a success, lhe
pIace is aIvays cranned. IoIk go
eIsevhere lo sil and chal or do
lusiness, lul duck in here lo Ioad
up on food and drink lefore
hurrying on aloul lheir day. The
}ack, as cilizens caII il (a shorl
forn of lhe nane, lrue, lul nosl
caII il lhal lecause of lhe nany
drinking jacks you can enply
lhere), slands on lhe vesl side of
lhe High Road, jusl norlh of ils
inlerseclion vilh Walerdeep Way.
In such a lusy pIace, encoun-
lers lelveen enenies are nol
unconnon~lul lhe slaff can
hurI drinking jacks hard and
accuraleIy fron lehind lhe lar,
and six alIe-lodied scrappers
can le nuslered if lhe kilchens
and lar are enplied ly lhe
Ialrons are nol encouraged lo
slay Iong~lhere are slooIs and
sland-up eIlovresls, lul no
loolhs or seals, and IillIe food.
nIy coId cul pIallers, garIic
sauce, pickIes, handvheeIs of
cheese, and hol liscuils covered
vilh neIled luller are avaiIalIe
(1 cp per serving, each).
The drinkalIes are siniIarIy
Iiniled: aIe al 1 cp/jack, lillers al
2 cp, sloul al 3 cp, zzar al 4 cp, and
vine al 4 cp/laIIgIass (eilher
Nevervinler vhile or red vine
fron Ann).
Prcpric|cr. Innilhar lhe CIove,
a fasl-noving, canny feIIov, is lhe
lavern's proprielor. He is quick
vilh a joke or lo ninic~per-
feclIy~lhe speech of olher foIk.
Thc Craw!Ing 5pIdcr
This slrange pIace has a nock
underground decor done vilh
pIasler sIurry and rock rullIe.
CIoving nosses and Iichens have
leen pIaced on lhe vaIIs and
ceiIing and are valered reguIarIy.
These, pIus a fev nelled g|cuing
gIoles, provide a din Iighl for lhe
pIace. Sluffed spiders have leen
affixed lo lhe ceiIing or hang
fron lhreads. The vailresses,
hired for lheir sensuous vaIks
and Iove of naIe conpany, vear
lIack lodysuils and nasks lo
nake lhen Iook Iike drov.
Who drinks here` Dvarves,
haIf-orcs, and olher sullerra-
Localion #36 on lhe coIor nap.
nean dveIIers vho niss hone,
advenlurers, and~surprisingIy~
priesls of aII failhs, Iooking for a
lhriII! They forn a reguIar
cIienleIe, and have ever since lhis
pIace opened. f aII lhe laverns
in Walerdeep, lhe CravIing
Spider has lhe nosl dedicaled
palrons. They viII cone cIear
across lhe cily lo drink here,
ignoring olher pIaces.
The Spider never seens lo cIose.
The visilor soon discovers lhal
one of lhe cave noulhs Ieads lo
lhe jakes and anolher lo a ceIIar
dance fIoor. Many cave noulhs
open off lhis fIoor and Iead lo liny
privale caverns used for inlinale
personaI conferences and for
pIanning shady lusiness.
If visilors cause lroulIe, palrons
viII Ieap lo lake care of il. And
lhey incIude nany veleran adven-
lurers anong lheir nunler!
The fare differs each nighl, lul
ils aIvays 1 sp/head, and aIvays
incIudes soup, a Ioaf of lread,
neal, and fried greens. Drinks
are exlra. AIe is 2 cp/lankard,
sloul 4 cp, and zzar or vine is 5
cp/laIIgIass. Whiskey is 1 sp/
fIagon, and ils viIe!
Prcpric|rcss. WeIvreene
ThaInil, a shorl, rav-voiced, and
aIIuring vonan vilh dark eyes,
is lhis lavern's proprielress. She is
ronanlic al hearl vho Ioves
Localion #23 on lhe coIor nap.

Thc Dragnn's Hcad

unIikeIy lo le haiIed ly anyone
or dravn inlo an argunenl.
The sluffed, nounled lIue
dragon's head for vhich lhe
This nodesl pIace calers lo
oIder Walerdhavians: narried
coupIes, relired ex-advenlurers,
shopkeepers, nerchanls, and
olhers vho Iike lo sil quielIy and
laIk over lheir drinks.
Iipe snoke usuaIIy hangs
heavy in lhe air in lhis pIace,
and~lecause lhis pIace faces
Ahghairons Tover and lhe
paIace leyond~laIk is oflen of
poIilics, lhe fulure of Walerdeep,
and of grand pIans. DipIonals
and visilors Iike lo drop in here
lecause ils safe and lheyre
lavern is naned vas fron a
halchIing. Il is dusly and nolh-
ealen vilh age, lul sliII lhrusls,
Iarge and nenacing, veII oul inlo
lhe laproon. ne of lhe larlend-
ers oflen hangs loveIs lo dry
fron ils leelh.
Tolacco (5 cp/pouch) and
drinks can le loughl al lhe lar~
lul aside fron sausage roIIs (4
cp/pIaller or 2cp/ handpIale)
and slev (1cp/lovI), lheres IillIe
food lo le had here. Drinks are 1
cp/lankard for aIe, 2 cp for sloul,
2 cp/laIIgIass for vine, and 3 cp
for zzar. The lar has an exlensive
seIeclion of lrandies, Iiqueurs,
and rarilies (such as firevine
and eIverquissl), vhich are soId
ly lhe gIass. These cosl fron 7
sp/gIass for lrandy lo 9 gp/gIass
for eIverquissl or TashIulan
Prcpric|cr. The proprielor,
Vorn Laskadarr, is shorl, slullIe-
faced, and unIoveIy lo lhe eye, lul
aIso quick, efficienl, and kindIy.
Thc E!fstnnc Tavcrn
This oId, dinIy Iil lavern slands
on lhe easl side of lhe Slreel of
lhe Svord, norlh of Walerdeep
Way. Il calers lo eIves and haIf-
eIves, and is an earlhy-sneIIing
pIace, vhere Iiving lrees have
leen encouraged lhrough eIven
palience and foreslry skiII lo
grov up fron lhe ceIIar and
lhrough lhe laproons. By day,
rooflop shullers are puIIed aside
lo Iel rain and sunIighl in for lhe
lrees. By nighl, ancing |ign|s
speIIs lalhe lhe pIace in sofl,
fIoaling, lIue noles of Iighl.
Here eIves galher lo drink
Lvereskan cIearvaler (2 gp/
laIIgIass), noonvine (4 gp/
laIIgIass), eIverquissl (14 gp/
Localion #2O on lhe coIor nap. Ils fIoor pIan appears on Map 3 in lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
laIIgIass), guIdalhen neclar (16
gp/gIass) and naerIalhen lIue
vine (17 gp/gIass), and dine on
liscuils spread vilh roe, shrinp,
spiced siIverfin, cral neal, or
ninl jeIIy (aII 1 gp/pIaller). You
can aIso eal skevers of sizzIed
squirreI, rallil, or venison done
in a green sauce (2 gp each).
These are so good lhal lhe gods
vouId ask for nore!
CenlIe harp, pipe, fIule, and
choraI nusic is perforned and
service is fasl, near-siIenl, and
gracefuI. This is a pIace vhere
dvarves and haIf-orcs viII le
driven avay, sone hunans and
haIf Iings are loIeraled in snaII
parlies, and even haIf-eIves are
jusl accepled~eIves can le very
superciIious vhen lhey choose lo
le. I sav even lhe various sorls of
eIves ignoring or olhervise
leing rude lo each olher. Hov-
ever, lhe nood is usuaIIy Iighl or
serene, and lhe ovner and slaff
are noon eIves, vho veIcone aII.
They viII nol aIIov anylhing lo
gel loo far oul of hand.
If lhe eIven palrons verenl
such snols, Id give lhis pIace five
fuII lankards. Co lhere lo lasle
lhe food, if nol lo Iinger.
Prcpric|rcss. Yaereene IIlae-
relh is lhe lavern's seeningIy
unaging proprielress. She is a laII,
charning and regaI eIven
vonan vilh siIvery eyes, vho
goes aloul vilh a grinning faerie
dragon perched deIicaleIy on her
Thc Rcd-Eycd Ow!
This is lhe cIosesl lhing Waler-
deep has lo a IocaI~a conforl-
alIe, uninpressive, veIconing
galhering pIace for lhe neighlor-
hood. Il is lhe kind of pIace
vhere friends viII cone in and
haiI each olher across lhe roon,
lhe food and drink viII le pIeas-
anl, if unspeclacuIar, and youII
le aIIoved lo sil in peace and
vhiIe an evening avay over a
lankard or lvo.
Iood is a heaviIy spiced sea-
food slev (caIIed coasl chovder)
or roasl oxen done vilh a sveel-
and-sour sauce and a dash of
lrandy lo fIane lhe oulside as ils
lroughl, lIazing, lo your lalIe.
Lilher vay, ils 5 cp for a heaping
pIaller or huge lovI (vilh huge
sIals of fresh, varn crusly
lrovn lread).
Drink is 1 cp/lankard for aIe, 2
cp for lillers, 3 cp for sloul, 4 cp/
laIIgIass for zzar or red vine, and
5 cp for lhe ralher sour vhile
vine lhal is lroughl in fron lhe
proprielor's ovn Iand, and
vhich hes inordinaleIy fond of.
Il goes veII vilh aII sorls of
cheese, lhough (especiaIIy lhe
firner, hearlier sorls), and he
seIIs il for carry-oul al 2 sp/lollIe
or 1 gp for a haIf-anker keg.
The vI faces vesl. Il is a
ranlIing oId vooden luiIding
lhal Iooks as if ils aloul lo faII
Localion #24 on lhe coIor nap.
inlo lhe slreel. Bul il has Iooked Thc 5aI!nrs' Own
lhal vay for al Ieasl 4O vinlers,
palrons assured ne, and hasnl
faIIen dovn yel. Il is lhe poinl of
an arrovhead-shaped lIock
lounded ly Rainrun Slreel, lhe
confIuence of Cul AIIey and
BeIninlras Slreel, SnaiI Slreel,
and an unnaned aIIey.
Prcpric|cr. BaIarg Tvofisls
Dalhen, a lIuff, lrislIe-learded
nan vilh Iong, unkenpl red
hair, ovns and runs lhe lavern.
His rough voice is nuch used for
coarse jesls, and he has an unul-
leralIy deadIy ain vilh a hurIed
pIaller or lankard vhen anyone
lries lo slarl lroulIe.
Localion #5 on lhe coIor nap.
This dockside lavern slands on
SaiI Slreel, across fron lhe noulh
of Tarnished SiIver AIIey vilh
valer Iapping al lhe docks onIy a
fev slrides avay. The reek of
fish~and rolling seaveed~hangs
slrongIy aloul lhe vhoIe area.
Inside lhe lavern, lhe saiIors seen
lo le lrying lo lIol il oul vilh lhe
sneIIs of lheir various and oflen
exolic lolaccos.
The pIace is Iov-leaned and
crovded, vilh veary saiIors
sIunped on lenches pIaying al
loard ganes, cards, or nereIy
gelling lhoroughIy drunk. They
are oflen Iefl lo sIeep lhe nighl
lhrough here.
Anyone vhos going lo le sick
is expecled lo nake il oul lhe
dockside door firsl. Anyone vho
slarls a fighl viII le lhrovn
lhrough lhal sane door~IuckiIy,
il usuaIIy opens al lhe inpacl~ly
lhe proprielor, a nan of prodi-
gious slrenglh. I sav hin Iifl an
enlire lalIe vilh one hand vhiIe
he reached under il lo snalch up
a drunken saiIor vilh lhe olher!
His ain and slrenglh are suffi-
cienl lo hurI a slruggIing lravIer
lhrough lhe dockside door lools
firsl~high enough lo jusl cIear
lhe lhreshoId and saiI across lhe
quayside leyond, slraighl inlo lhe
valer. Ils vorlh a fev coppers
jusl lo see lhis, lul you donl vanl
lo le anyvhere near vhen such
lroulIe slarls.
This pIace is jusl vhal ils nane
inpIies. Il leIongs lo lhe saiIors,
and lhey donl reaIIy vanl
anyone eIse here. If youre nol
one, duck inlo il lo avoid lad
vealher or lhugs, lul olhervise
sleer cIear.
InlereslingIy, saiIors here donl
Iike lo eal any sorl of seafood~
lhey gel IillIe eIse on Iong voy-
ages, I suppose. The fare here is
pork, ox, or horse, eilher in roasl
porlions (2 cp/pIaller) or sleved
vilh onions and greens (1 cp/
lovI). Drink is aIe (2 cp/lankard),
sloul (3 cp/lankard), zzar or
Thc 5IngIng 5wnrd
lrandy (4 cp/laIIgIass), or vhis-
key (1 sp/laIIgIass). Thals lhe
enlire nenu.
This lavern has an inleresling
This lusy lavern slands on lhe
sideIine. The proprielor seIIs
norlh side of Bazaar Slreel, al lhe
charls (vilh an enphasis on
head of lhe Slreel of BeIIs. Three
naulicaI usefuIness) of nany
fIoors of lusy diners enjoy one
areas aIong lhe Svord Coasl and
of lhe Iargesl nenus in Waler-
around lhe knovn Sea of Svords
deep, incIuding lhe juslIy fanous
for 45 gp each and up. A good or
lurlIe soup-served in a lurlIes
rare one viII run inlo lhe hun-
upside-dovn sheII~here each day.
dreds of goId pieces.
They are enlerlained ly lhe high-
Prcpric|cr. The proprielor,
voiced laIIads of lhe vondrous
CulhIakh Hands Inyiir, is huge,
nagicaI lIade for vhich lhe
sIov, and deIilerale. He is aIso
lavern is naned.
very slrong and sIov lo sniIe,
This lIack-lIaded Iong svord
lul nol surIy ly any neans.
vas lroughl lo Walerdeep Iong
Localion #3 on lhe coIor nap.
In u cuuc tIcrc ucd un od tro
Hs dct grs, Is munncrs dro.
Mun u outI Ic cuugIt und utc,
"Huu, utI currotsrcu grcut.
In u custc tIcrc ucd u IngIt
Hs uncc uus ong, Is urmor IrgIt.
Mun qucsts Ic curc{u unncd
Hut ncucr ucnt, Is courugc unmunncd.
In u uugc tIcrc duct u mud
TIc {urcst tIut c`cr tIc gods mudc.
Poor Iut roud; sIc ucd uonc
Hcuut nuugIt Iut sIn und Ionc.
In u dcc {orcst Icrrcs grcu
HrgIt und rcd, good Iut {cu.
HtIcr ucnt tIc ud {ur
Hcr suuugc Iungcr to rcur.
In onc sn{{ tIc tro Incu
TIc muIngs o{ u smu mcut stcu
Hud uundcrcd ncur Is Iddcn Iomc.
To Ic uIo uuts, u mcus roum.
In u Iu{{ tIut IngIt so Iod
Rcc out to scnd grudgng god.
For Is cuIourd uus Iurc, uc ou
And tIrougI tIc {orcst Ic dd go.
In u trcc, tIc ud {ound Icr {ood.
Hcrrcs rc, und Icrrcs good.
H tIc Iund{u sIc dd cut.
(TIc tro uroucIcd on nmIc {cct.)
Fu, tIc mudcn turncd to go.
Out cucd tIc tro, crng, "So!
M dnncr`s comc, n cu und goun!
And tIc IngIt, unsccng, rodc Im doun.
"OI, m Icro!" sgIcd tIc ud,
"M {c s tIncmurr mc!
TIc IngIt, u{rud, IucIcd Is stccd
Hooucs ugun trcudng tro mcud.
"Good ud," stummcrcd tIc uurror Iod,
"M sgIt s oor, m mIs urc od.
Am I tIcn tI on cIocc"
"Ycs," sIc crcd, "And I rcocc!"
OI, dcur," tIcn sud noIc IngIt
And {untcd dcud uuu {rom {rgIt.
Oucr IucIuurds Ic dd crusI.
Hs urmor muIng tro IusI.
"OI, nq ord!" crcd tIc gcntc mud.
So noIc, so modcst, so gcnt mudc!
And oung urms uround Im ut,
Trumng tro cuIcs undcr{oot.
"VIut Ho! tIc duzcd IngIt dd moun.
I um Icutcn und oucrtIroun!
H m Ionor, I surrcndcr mc
To m {oc tIc uctor!
And Ic struggcd to onc Incc
Hs conqucror IrgIt to scc
HcIcd n uondcr IusIng mud.
(Undcr IotI, tro tcs tIn ud.)
"I um ours! Commund mc, I Icg!
uotI tIc IngIt, muIng u cg.
"U tIcn, sr! sud tIut ud
"M ord und IusIund tIou sIut Ic!
And u Ic got, urmor u-cunI,
(Tro Iood unuttng surs drunI),
And sct Is ud uon Is Iorsc.
TogctIcr tIc rodc o`cr troo{ coursc.
And uIcn tIc Iooucs Iud dcd uuu,
TIc tro on tIc ground dd stu,
Fccng cucr ttc It o{ un
As Is Its cumc togctIcr ugun.
Hut mcn, Ic tros, ncucr curn
Hcuut{u mudcns sIur to surn,
And so tIc song gocs round ugun
TIc {ucn uuus su{{crng un.
OI, n u cuuc tIcrc ucd un od tro . . .
(Song rccuts)
ago, and is lhoughl lo have leen
forged in ancienl NelheriI. Il
cuslonariIy slands uprighl, hiIl
uppernosl, in lhe open cenlraI
veII of lhe lavern, encircIed ly
lhe spiraIing slairs lo lhe upper
fIoors, and is siIenl.
nce an hour, one of lhe
lavern slaff~usuaIIy a prelly girI
in nock arnor, slruggIing under
lhe veighl of lhe lIade~Iifls lhe
lIade and hoIds il high, for il viII
onIy sing vhen grasped and
ordered. The viII of lhe hoIder
acluaIIy delernines lhe song-
and angry or upsel hoIders
lhoughls have leen knovn lo
nake lhe lIade segue inlo a
second song afler il has legun
The svords nagic has never
faiIed yel. Il seens innune lo lhe
effecls of ispc| nagic ~in facl,
appIying one vhen lhe lIade is
heId ly a Iiving leing causes il lo
snarI in anger and scorn! Il
seens lo knov 3O or so songs,
nainIy lragic laIIads, Iove Ia-
nenls, or roaring varriors
songs, vilh a fev conedy pieces
lhrovn in. Ils voice is high, cIear,
and aInosl leII-Iike on high
noles, lul sonehov naIe-
lhough il has leen knovn lo
ninic lhe voices of olhers vho
sing aIong vilh il in order lo
leller harnonize.
Ive incIuded lhe Iyrics of
Trc||scng, a conedy laIIad lhal
seened a speciaI favorile of lhe
palrons, so lhal you can sing
aIong if you visil lhe Svord and
nol feeI oul of pIace. Lveryone in
lhe pIace roars and ninces lheir
vay lhrough lhis one, and leI-
Iovs for il lo le sung al Ieasl
lvice lhrough each line.
The Svord has a sinpIe vay of
deaIing vilh prices: AII neaIs are
1 gp per pIaller, vhalever you
order. This incIudes a laIIgIass or
lankard of vhalever you vanl.
Sulsequenl drinks are 1 sp/
lankard for any leer or 1 gp/
laIIgIass for zzar or any vine.
The exolic drinkalIes (eIver-
quissl, dragonslongue, firevine,
and Iires of Miralar vhiskey)
are fev or nissing aIlogelher-
no surprise, al lhese prices.
Whenever I venl, I found lhe
Svord lo le a IiveIy pIace, lrighl-
Iy Iil and fuII of crovds of foIk
enjoying lheir neaI~and lheir
visil vilh friends al adjacenl
lalIes. This is olviousIy a popu-
The Singing Svord is Iocalion #41 on lhe coIor nap. The Singing Svord is a chaolic good, inleIIigenl
|cng sucr +2, vhich has lhe exlraordinary povers of Ievilalion and |c|cpcr|a|icn (as delaiIed in lhe
Cuide, page 187). When vieIded ly a lard, il aIIovs hin or her lo slrike one exlra
allack vilh il per round, al an addilionaI +2 allack lonus (so lhe allack roII is al +4, lhough lhe danage
roII renains +2). Il is innune lo ispc| nagic, isin|cgra|c and aII Iighlning or eIeclricaI speIIs or
nagicaI effecls, and confers lhis proleclion lo ils vieIder and aII vilhin a 5 radius. Such effecls are
dravn inlo lhe svord and harnIessIy alsorled lo suslain and renev ils ovn nagic.
The Svord sings vhen il pIeases. Il perforns for Colhnorgan lecause il Iikes hin~and viII use ils
exlraordinary povers lo eIude anyone il doesnl vanl vieIding il. Il viII onIy aIIov Colhnorgan, a
good-aIigned lard (or in an energency, if Colhnorgan, his slaff, or lhe lavern are lhrealened, anyone
viIIing lo vieId il lo defend lhen) lo vieId il. Il nay have olher, as yel unknovn, povers~and LIninsler
leIieves il is of Nelherese origin.
Iar pIace vilh nany reguIars.
The foods good, loo. Any visilor
lo Walerdeep viII find lhis pIace
vorlh a visil lo hear lhe Singing
Svord lursl inlo song.
Prcpric|cr. Colhnorgan
IIiluId, lhe proprielor, is laII,
Iaconic, and aIvays valchfuI, lul
ever lhe poIile hosl.
Thc 5!ccpy 5y!ph
This popuIar lavern slands al lhe
soulhvesl corner of lhe inlersec-
lion of Rainrun and SnaiI Slreels,
al lhe olher end of lhe sane
snaII lIock of luiIdings as lhe
Red-Lyed vI. Ils frankIy risque
signloard depicls lhe syIph lhe
lavern is naned for.
Bul vhiIe lhe vI is a cozy
IocaI valering hoIe, lhis pIace
calers lo visilors. Lols of coIored
rif|g|cocs fIoal aloul, and
nany scanliIy cIad vailresses
(vearing diaphanous roles and
fairy vings of siIken gauze
slrelched over fine vire) hurry
aloul, dodging lhe slroIIing
ninslreIs hired ly lhe lavern.
Under lhe nany-hued, drifling
Iighls, palrons can eal aInosl
nolhing and drink as nuch as
lhey can afford. nIy skevered
vhoIe fovI~chicken, quaiI,
lurkey, or pheasanl~are on lhe
nenu (1 gp each). Lach fovI
cones vilh a darklread lren-
cher and a pIale of Ienon sIices
lhal nosl palrons use lo cul lhe
grease fron lheir fingers afler
ealing lhe fovI.
Drink is 3 cp/lankard for aIe, 5
cp for lillers, 7 cp for sloul, 1 sp/
laIIgIass for zzar or house red or
vhile vine, and 2 gp lo 25 gp ly
lhe lollIe for nore exolic lhings.
LocaIs in lhe neighlorhood no
doull cone here for a singIe
drink, lo enjoy lhe nusic and lo
valch lhe vailresses~and lhen
go lo lhe vI, jusl sleps avay lo
eal and drink al aloul a lhird lhe
price. (I sav nore lhan valching
going on, lul lurned nodeslIy
lack lo ny gIass, vhich vas
praclicaIIy solling lo have nore
IillIe drinks poured inlo il.)
Ior lhe noney, lhough, you gel
spolIess vhile lalIecIolhs, good
food lroughl lo you in a hurry,
nusic, and a chance lo see olher
rich foIk dining. If you arenl
rich, vhy are you here`
Prcpric|cr. The ovner and
operalor of lhe SIeepy SyIph is
CaIIanler RoIIingshouIder, a laII,
fal nan dressed in dark siIken
roles and a red CaIishile sash,
vilh lhe lushy ends of his lruIy
nagnificenl nuslache adorned
vilh liny, goIden, chining leIIs.
Thc Jadc Jug
n lhe norlhvesl corner of lhe
inlerseclion of lhe High Road
and Walerdeep Way slands vhal
Localion #6 on lhe coIor nap.
has leen caIIed Walerdeeps
pIushesl inn. Il deserves ils prine
Iocalion~nany nolIe faniIies
vouId envy lhe spolIess, Iuxuri-
ous acconnodalions. Lvery
delaiI, fron handsoap lovIs
leside lhe piped-valer lalhs,
vilhin easy reach of a recIining
lalher, lo lhe ledside icelox
fiIIed vilh shrinp snacks and
chiIIed vine, has leen lhoughl of.
Cuesls are allended ly a per-
sonaI servanl of lheir choice for
lhe duralion of lheir slay fron
lhose nol presenlIy engaged vilh
anolher cusloner. Their every
need is allended lo: Iood is
lroughl, a coach (or, in icy vinler
vealher, a sIedge) is lroughl
around if lhe guesl vishes lo go
oul in lhe cily, and anylhing a
guesl gels dirly is inslanlIy
vhisked avay and repIaced vilh
a cIean dupIicale.
Decor is nuled, nol garish or
in lad lasle (unIike lhe Unicorn's
Horn across lhe vay). Quile
sinpIy I feIl Iike a panpered
king during ny one-nighl slay.
Bul vilh roons 12 gp lo 3O gp/
nighl and suiles 25 gp lo 5O gp,
one nighl vas sinpIy aII I couId
hope lo afford!
UnliI youve leen lalhed ly a
cheerfuI, skiIIfuI, leaulifuI naid
vho vears vhile gIoves as she
soaps you, you havenl Iived. If
youve goId enough, go lo lhe
}ade }ug. III never sneer al
panpering again.
Prcpric|rcss. The charning,
leaulifuI, one-arned hosless is
Anaralha Ruendarr. She nolices
every delaiI, and renenlers lhe
nanes of guesls pels, chiIdren, or
nales fron lheir Iasl visil, a year
or nore ago!
Thc Pampcrcd Travc!cr
This inn, vilh Iarge, conicaI-
roofed, nany-vindoved lurrels
al ils eilher end, slands Iike an
exolic caslIe, dark and sonehov
inviling, on lhe norlheasl corner
of lhe neeling of SeIdulh Slreel
and lhe Slreel of BeIIs. Roon
rales here run fron 6 gp lo 12
gp/nighl, depending on lhe roon
you choose.
The Ianpered TraveIer's
nane sels high expeclalions, and
lhey are nol disappoinled. Ser-
vanls conducl you lo your Iarge
and veII-furnished roons, vhich
are kepl varn lul nol over-
varn, and cone vilhin lrealhs
if you ring for lhen. Lach roon
has a leII puII ly lhe door.
n lhe nain fIoor is a huge
snoking roon vilh a roaring
hearlh fuII of oId, sofl, vasl
arnchairs lhal can easiIy svaI-
Iov up snaIIer visilors, a pIay-
nursery for lhe chiIdren of
Localion #35 on lhe coIor nap. VoIo had a Iasl-ninule lhoughl aloul lhe }ug. He reconnends lhal
nerchanls vilh goId enough lo lring lheir nale lo Walerdeep once a year for a veek's shopping and
sighlseeing save lhe }ug for lhe Iasl nighl. Have lhe house slaff pack aII your purchases for lhe journey
and engage a coach lo lake you lo your lransporlalion hone, vhiIe you reIax and Iel your personaI
servanls panper you! BIiss!
guesls (a rare and lhoughlfuI
fealure), a ganing roon, and
lhree snaII, privale neeling
roons for lhe use of guesls.
There is aIso, surprisingIy, a
Iilrary fiIIed vilh looks hand-
copied ly lhe slaff and a reading
lalIe vilh a gIass lop, under
vhich can le seen as fuII and
conpIele a nap of lhe knovn
ReaIns as far vesl as lhe Moon-
shaes, as far easl as Thay, and as
far soulh as lhe Shaar, as Ive seen
anyvhere. (The slaff spends one
norning a veek, each, on lhe
lask of hand-copying lhe looks.)
The proprielor is keenIy
inleresled in expIoralion. Iresenl
in lhe Iilrary aIong vilh a
chaplook pul oul ly lhe Mer-
chanls League descriling lhe
expIoils of lhe fanous Dalron
Sashenslar and his napping of a
lrade roule Iinking knovn Iands
lo SossaI, lhere are even copied
Iellers fron sea caplains vho
have reached Mazlica, far avay
across lhe sea.
AII of lhe guesls are veIcone
lo read~lhough I gel lhe feeIing
anyone vho deparled vilh as
nuch as a singIe page vouId le
pursued ly lhe nasler of lhe
house unliI he separaled lhe
lhief fron his head! I have aIso
heard of a nan slaying free al
lhe inn for a veek in exchange
for gifling lhe proprielor vilh a
parlicuIar highIy vaIued look.
When I cauliousIy discussed
reading naller vilh lhe nasler,
he said lhe onIy lhings he didnl
vanl in his Iilrary vere nagicaI
lexls. They inlrigued hin, lul
lhey aIso lroughl polenliaI
danger inlo his inn and allracled
lhe vrong sorl of readers. Tvice
he had lo lreak dovn lhe doors
of his Iilrary and pul oul fires~
and once run peII-neII lhrough
lhe slreels lo BIackslaff Tover lo
caII on KheIlen Arunsun hin-
seIf lo cone and lind a sun-
noned alishai laalezu!
Mosl of lhe slaff are niddIe-
aged, nolherIy, pIeasanl vonen
(Young, prelly ones lring onIy
lroulIe, lhe nasler loId ne).
They do a good jol of cIeaning
up afler nessy guesls as lhey go
aIong and of lringing vine, hol
cider, aIe or sloul lo guesls upon
requesl. (These drinks are in-
cIuded in your roon price).
In lhe norning, lheres conpIi-
nenlary hol egg, vegelalIe, and
leef lrolh soup (leller lhan il
sounds), and each evening guesls
are veIcone lo cone dovn lo
lhe connon roons and cul
lhenseIves sIices of leef, goal,
venison, or pork fron lhe side-
loard pIallers. Muslards, pickIes,
horseradish, and hol soulhern
sauces are on hand lo garnish
lhe neal. AII of lhis is incIuded in
your roon fee~lul if you lring
in your ovn guesls (vho are nol
slaying al lhe inn) lo dine vilh
you, lheir fare cosls you an
addilionaI 1 gp/neaI per head.
AII in aII, a quielIy Iuxurious
pIace lo slay. This is undoulledIy
lhe veaIlhy schoIar's choice of
Prcpric|cr. The Ianpered
TraveIer is run ly Bralhan
ZiIner, guiIdnasler of lhe IeI-
Iovship of Innkeepers. He is a
soIenn, carefuI, darkIy hand-
sone nan vilh an air of nyslery
and variness aloul hin.
Mnthcr Tath!nrn's Hnusc
nf P! casur candHca! I ng
|cs|na|| c Spa
This is lhe nosl fanous house of
pIeasure in Walerdeep, and lhals
nol surprising. Localed on Cen
Slreel, jusl off Walerdeep Way,
and across fron lhe fool of lhe
road dovn fron lhe Crain Cale
of CaslIe Walerdeep, ils a Iarge,
five-fIoored luiIding vilh lvo
addilionaI IeveIs of dungeons
leIov ground, in vhich also-
IuleIy no expense has leen
spared on props.
There are vardroles fuII of aII
sorls of cIolhes, fron siIk and
Iace nighldresses lo pirale oulfils,
fuII pIale arnor (nade of siIver-
painled padding, lo Iessen inju-
ries), and larlarian lerserker
garl. There are severaI roons
fuII of jungIe pIanls, vilh healed
Localion #4O on lhe coIor nap.
pooIs in lhen and carefuIIy
lended nossy lanks. There are
four-posler leds vilh lranpo-
Iines and rings lhal can le sel
afIane. There are even pairs of
rings cf |cti|a|icn lo le used in
roons vilh g|cuing g|cocs and
fIoaling nirrors. If you can
lhink of il, soneone aIready has,
and il can le found here.
The slrenglh of any feslhaII,
hovever, Iies in ils slaff, vho
nusl le skiIIed and nusl enjoy
lheir vork. The nen and vonen
in lhis feslhaII are experls. (Molh-
er TalhIorn ovns anolher fesl-
haII~she vonl reveaI vhich
one~in vhich slaff are lrained
on lhe jol. They donl gel lo vork
here unliI lhey are skiIIed al
lheir crafl.)
Molher TalhIorns has on slaff
severaI priesls of Sune. In relurn
for offerings lo lhe goddess, lhey
heaI lorn nuscIes and sprained
Iinls. AInosl aII of lhe resl of lhe
slaff are lrained and capalIe
nasseuses~and in facl, lhe nosl
popuIar service perforned al
Molher TalhIorns is nassage and
lalhing, especiaIIy of eIderIy
naIe and fenaIe cilizens of
Walerdeep vho are veaIlhy
enough lo afford il~eilher daiIy
or vhenever lhey can nusler
coins enough.
Here in varn, cozy, privale
conforl, your aches and pains
can le soolhed avay in a scenled
or nineraI valer lalh or in
healed slean lalhs, and you can
drifl off lo conlenled sIunler,
secure in lhe knovIedge lhal
your person and veII-guarded
leIongings are safe. r, you can
visil vilh a friend, or even
slrangers, vhiIe aII of you are
nassaged. UnIike in sone olher
reaIns, in Walerdeep lheres
nolhing enlarrassing aloul
going lo a feslhaII. Ils sinpIy parl
of Iife for lhose vho enjoy il.
There are lvo privacy fIoors,
vhere slaff and lhe nany doors,
hangings, din Iighling and secrel
passages nake sure palrons donl
see each olher. These fIoors aIso
have separale enlrances via
lunneIs inlo an adjacenl luiIding
lo lhe vesl on Cen Slreel, so lhal
palrons vho denand discrelion
vonl le seen enlering or Ieav-
ing. Molher TalhIorn aIso has six
skiIIed louncers~one a vizard
arned vilh a uan cf para|qza-
|icn and si|cncc speIIs~for
palrons vho lecone difficuIl.
AII of lhis Iuxury and pIeasure
doesnl cone cheapIy. Lxpecl lo
spend 4 gp al lhe door, pIus 25 gp
per slaff person vho assisls you.
Ialrons vho donl pay lhe fuII
shol vhen lhey deparl nusl
Ieave coIIaleraI. Lacking coIIal-
eraI, lhey nusl go hone vilh
onIy a lhin cIoak and lhe keys lo
lheir Iodgings (a praclice lhal
affords lhe Walch nuch inno-
cenl anusenenl~especiaIIy on
snovy nighls). Mosl reguIar
palrons run a credil accounl~
lul aIso lip slaff nenlers very
handsoneIy, oflen effecliveIy
doulIing lheir fee.
Prcpric|rcss. The feslhaIIs
prioprielress, Molher TalhIorn, is
oId and sloul, lul charning. She
is skiIIed al nassage and in
reading lhe needs of a cusloner
vho is shy, drunk, or unfaniIiar
vilh lhe connon longue.
Thc 5mI!Ing 5Ircn
NIghtc!ub & Thcatcr
slands in lhe cenler of a lIock of
shops and aparlnenls, in lhe fork
of ils ovn access slreel, Siren
Ils hone lo a conpany of
popuIar IocaI aclors vho can
perforn everylhing fron rovdy
conedy (lheir slock in lrade) lo
high lragedy.
This Iarge, lul pIain-Iooking,
slone and nudlrick luiIding
NolIes oflen hire lhe pIace for
an evening for excIusive perfor-
nances invoIving lhe aclors and
aclresses saying and doing vhal
lhe nolIe aIvays vanled lhen lo
in a parlicuIar pIay ralher lhan
Localion #12 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion#31on lhe coIor nap.Whenlhehaunledlhealerfealuredin lhe Knign| cf |nc |iting Dca
advenlure ganelook cIosed, lhe lraveIing lroupes cane here inslead. (See #42A in lhal look. The
haunled lhealer vas on lhe soulh side of Walerdeep Way, lhe lhird luiIding vesl of IeIIovship HaII).
Thal lhealer has leen cIosed for over five vinlers nov, and has lecone knovn as lhe HaII of lhe
}uggIing Chosl. Il vas previousIy RaeraIs SpIendors.
lhe vay il vas vrillen. Such
privale perfornances of len
invoIve risque audience parlici-
palion or privale jokes~or even
enlireIy nev (sonelines
vrelched) pIays, vrillen ly lhe
nolIe vhos hired lhe conpany.
More oflen, hovever, lhe Siren
is hone lo lraveIing lroupes of
vaudeviIIe juggIers, conedians,
and nearIy nude dancers or
lurIesque dancers. When lhese
arenl avaiIalIe, lhe lhealer
conpany perforns~usuaIIy a
veekIy revue consisling of line-
honored gag roulines and
skelches revrillen lo incIude
references lo daiIy happenings
and currenl jokes.
Adnission varies fron 4 cp/
head lo 6 gp/head, depending on
vho or vhal is perforning.
Ianous lards are lhe nosl
expensive~and faslesl seIIoul~
dravs. The lake is spIil evenIy
lelveen lhealer and perforners.
The lhealer in aII cases provides
healing via varn fIue pipes fed
ly a hearlh under lhe slage,
Iighling (usuaIIy g|cuing g|cocs)
and securily. Mosl lraveIing
lroupes charge fron 2 sp lo 8 sp/
head (1 gp/head if lurIesque
dancers are invoIved). The
veekIy revue pul on ly lhe IocaIs
is aIvays 4 cp.
Before and lelveen perfor-
nances, lhe pIace is used for
drinking and dancing lo Iive
nusic, sonelines vilh shov
dancers on lhe slage. AIe is 3 cp
per lankard, sloul is 6 cp, and
zzar or vine is soId ly lhe lollIe,
al 7 sp each.
Prcpric|cr. IerendeI Win-
laner, a young, earnesl, nusla-
chioed nage, runs lhis nighlcIul.
He oflen nusl use his speIIs lo
cIear lirds oul of lhe dark upper
reaches of lhe luiIding.
CaslIe Wards aIIeys are anong
lhe safesl in lhe cily. Since nosl
foIk of inporlance lraveI aloul
vilh lodyguards or friends,
lhieves arenl in lhe halil of
naking slrikes in lhis vard. The
nosl frequenl users of lhe aIIeys
ly day are lradesnen naking
deIiveries. By nighl lhey are used
nosl oflen ly cily valch or cily
guard palroIs hurrying fron lhis
pIace lo lhal.
Many of lhe so-caIIed aIIeys in
lhis vard have Iong since le-
cone proper slreels, such as Coin
AIIey and Tarnished SiIver AIIey,
and are nol incIuded here.
Asmagh's A!!cy
Running soulh off SeIdulh Slreel
lhrough lhe inlerior of lhe Iong
cily lIock lelveen lhe Slreel of
SiIver and Warriors Way, lhis
Iong, vinding aIIey is considered
lo end vhen il neels IaIfrey
Lane lo lhe soulh.
Il is naned for a nolorious
apolhecary vho fIourished (if
lhals lhe vord) in Walerdeep
sone 6O vinlers ago. He vas a
poisoner, and luried his viclins
ly nighl, Iifling lhe slones of lhis
aIIey lo pIace lhen undernealh
and carrying avay lhe dirl Iefl
over in his carl. Afler he vas
discovered al il and sIain, lhe
Walch uncovered over 8O lodies
under lhese fIagslones, and
searched diIigenlIy lo le sure
lhey nissed none. Ils an oId
Walerdhavian joke lo refer lo
Asnagh as lhe Anlassador
lecause, lhey say He veIconed
so nany foIk lo lhe Cily (lhe
Cily lo a cilizen of Walerdeep,
neans lhe Cily of lhe Dead).
Today, lhis Iong vay is crovd-
ed vilh deIivery crales, larreIs,
scallered garlage, and rals.
Thugs sonelines nug foIk here
on lhe darker nighls, lrusling lo
lhe Ienglh of lhe aIIey lo run
dovn prey. Sonelines lhey even
scaller narlIes, leforehand, so
lheir fIeeing prey is sure lo lake
a nasly faII.
Buck!c A!!cy
This narrov passage vinds easl
and veslvard across four cily
lIocks, fron lhe High Road in lhe
easl lo lhe hearl of lhe lIock vesl
of lhe Slreel of SiIver al ils olher
end. Il Iies aloul a lhird of lhe
vay soulh fron SeIdulh Slreel lo
Walerdeep Way and has aIvays
leen a lusy lhoroughfare used
ly carlers, lradesnen naking
deIiveries, and IocaI foIk on fool.
Il is naned for an oId saying.
Cily guardsnen vere loId lo
luckIe on lheir lIades lefore
lhey sel fool in il, as il vas once
lhe hearl of Thieves CuiId
lerrilory, lefore lhal organiza-
lion vas driven oul of Waler-
f oId, lhieves used lo sil on
slooIs in lhis aIIey drinking, dravn
svords Iaid naked across lheir
Iaps in case lhe cily valch shoved
up. Their favorile lippIe vas BIack
Crog AIe, fron lhe pirale isIes of
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars.
Winding lhrough lhe inlerior of
lhe cily lIock lounded ly Waler-
deep Way, lhe High Road, BuckIe
AIIey and lhe Slreel of BeIIs, lhis
narrov passage has nany con-
fusing lvisls and lurns. Many a
visilor lo lhe cily has lecone Iosl
in ils nud and dark corners.
DeIiveries are nade here, and
Thal lrev is sliII a favorile in
lhis area loday. BarreIs of il are
inporled aII lhe vay fron
Innurks HoId for lhe IocaIs lo
luy here, or lo consune al IocaI
Cat A!!cy, a.k.a. Cats A!!cy
lhere are rovs of aparlnenls
and varehouses lhal sland in lhe
inlerior of lhe lIock and can
onIy le reached ly neans of lhis
aIIey. TradilionaIIy, gangs of slreel
youlhs have lallIed for conlroI of
lhis nany-lranched passage, lul
in recenl years, heavy cily valch
palroIs have ended lhe viIdesl
lurf lallIes and nade lhis a fairIy
safe pIace lo vaIk.
RecenlIy hovever, a nasked,
rapier-vieIding, quielIy chuck-
Iing assaiIanl has nade lhis a
dangerous pIace for vonen
afler dark. By his dress and
nanner he is veaIlhy and prol-
alIy nolIe, lul he has nol yel
leen apprehended, and has cul
frighlened a Iol of foIk, and
caused al Ieasl lvo dealhs: one
Iady vho couIdnl escape hin
and vas found run lhrough, and
a vouId-le rescuer vas kiIIed on
anolher occasion. The chuckIing
nasked nan caInIy cul lhe
rescuer's lhroal, and lhen slroIIed
avay, Ieaving lhe Iady he had
lrapped unlouched.
Thc Cat's TaI!
The soulhernnosl Ioop of Cal
AIIey, lhis passage runs lehind
lvo guiIdhaIIs, lhe BIue }ack
lavern, and lhe }ade }ug, vhose
slalIes sland across il. The infIu-
avay a Iol of fenaIe garnenls,
ence of lhe noney and pover
vesled here has caused lhis aIIey
lo le lrighlIy Iil ly g|cuing
g|cocs ly nighl lhal are firnIy
fixed in high vaII lrackels and
on roof overhangs and palroIIed
ly privale guards, vho are
arned vilh varning horns,
cIuls, and daggers. Ialrons fron
lhe }ack have leen knovn lo aid
lhese guards vhen lhey sound
lheir horns~and as a resuIl, lhe
nasked assaiIanl vho haunls Cal
AIIey keeps cIear of lhis soulhern
Ioop, and lhieves are fev indeed.
The guards Iike lo gossip aloul
evenls in lhe cily and for a
copper piece or lvo viII even
reconnend laverns, shops, inns,
cerlain foIk, feslhaIIs~and even
DuIr's A!!cy
This aIIeyvay enlers lhe cily
lIock lounded ly lhe Slreel of
BeIIs, lhe Slreel of lhe Svord,
Walerdeep Way and SeIdulh
Slreel on ils easl side, jusl leside
(lo lhe norlh of) lhe HaIIs of
HiIner. Il forks, going norlh and
soulh pasl HiIners lvo nelaIs
varehouses lo run dovn lhe
vesl side of lhe inlerior of lhe
lIock. The aIIeyvay lranching
off lo run dovn lhe easlern
inlerior of lhe lIock is caIIed
LhoriIs AIIey.
Today, lhis lusy, vinding
passage is oflen lhe scene of speII
denonslralions and praclice, as
palrons or slaff spiII oul of lhe
rear of lhe LIfslone Tavern and
unIeash nagic dovn lhe aIIey~
sonelines lo lhe vasl surprise of
soneone coning aIong il!
More lhan once, visilors lo
Walerdeep coning lo lhe aparl-
nenls in lhe cenler of lhis lIock
afler dark have leen aslonished
lo find lvo or nore eIves chal-
ling, vinegIasses in hand, as lhey
fIoal in nidair, surrounded ly a
gIoving ninlus of lIue Iighl.
The eIves generaIIy ignore such
passersly~lul if soneone slops
and is olviousIy Iislening, lhey
have leen knovn lo drive lhe
eavesdropper avay vilh speIIs.
E!sambu!'s Lanc
This shorl aIIeyvay runs up and
dovn lhe inlerior of lhe cily
lIock lounded ly Bazaar Slreel,
lhe Slreel of lhe Svord, CynlriIs
WaIk, and Warriors Way. Il is
crossed, and nosl easiIy reached,
ly Lanp Slreel.
LIsanluI vas a priesl of Mask,
vho Iived sonevhere aIong lhis
aIIey over 7O vinlers ago. He heId
lhe viev lhal lhieves shouId nol
le crude snalch-and-gral lhugs,
lul a defl, sullIe lrolherhood of
organized conpanions. He legan
lo galher a land under his
The cily valch and guard viII respond lo lhese in 1d4+1 ninules.
Consider lhese guards as I1s vilh 8 hp each. They palroI in groups of five, lhe Ieader leing an I2
vilh a shorl svord and 18 hp. Iences are Iisled on pages 31-32 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
Ieadership, lul vas lelrayed ly Many of lhe nessages hinl al
an underIing. He feII fighling lreasure lo le von, dragons lo le
defianlIy here, using his nagic lo duped or deslroyed, and greal
lake as nany foes as, possilIe advenlure. lhers pronise
vilh hin~a defianl Iasl sland revenge or lhal sonelhing viII
lhal Iefl lhe aIIey red vilh lIood nol le forgollen. Advenlures
and slrevn vilh lodies (or parls
shouId find lhen inlriguing~
of lodies), IocaI lavern laIes allesl. and perhaps even usefuI.
LIsanluI legan lhe praclice of
vriling cryplic nessages for his
gang aIong lhe vaIIs of lhis Iane,
and lhis graffili vriling has leen
laken up ly olhers. Il is alsenl
fron aInosl everyvhere eIse in
Walerdeep. Today, lhe visilor can
see sone anusing, puzzIing, and
disgusling nessages fron one
Walerdhavian lo anolher (nosl
of lhen unallriluled).
Il heIps lo le a confidenl
advenlurer jusl lo go inlo lhis
aIIey. You never knov jusl vho
(or vhal~In sure I sav purpIe
lenlacIes under lhal hood!) you
nay find reading lhe nessages.
Hnw!Ing Cat Cnurt
This snaII open space inside a cily
lIock (vesl of lhe Slreel of SiIver
and easl of lhe Slreel of SiIks, and
soulh of SeIdulh Slreel) is infa-
nous as a cIandesline neeling
pIace for Iadies of lhe evening and
lheir cIienls, slreel gangs, and
olhers. Thieves Iurk here, loo. The
cily valch cones here oflen,
frequenlIy in lripIe palroI
slrenglh~lecause lhey never
knov jusl vho lheyII find here.
nce il vas a dozen angry heaviIy
arned ninolaurs, reIeased fron
nagicaI slasis ly an eviI nage!
Jcstcrs' Cnurt
This fanous IocaI Iandnark and
neeling pIace Iies norlh of HovI-
ing Cal Courl, jusl soulh of SeIdulh
Slreel in lhe sane lIock. Ils a Iarge
courlyard used ly Iadies of lhe
evening and ly ninslreIs (sone-
lines lolh are lhe sane person, as
vilh lhe fanous Masked MinslreI).
Sonelines on varn sunner
evenings il lecones an inpro-
vised dance courl for lhe IocaIs, Iil
ly facric firc or ancing |ign|s
conjured ly a nage or apprenlice.
f oId, juggIers and conics
used lo perforn here for lhrovn
coins (hence ils nane), lul none
are Iefl nov lul a fev nen loo
oId lo perforn. They sonelines
cone here of aflernoons lo jusl
sland and renenler.
By nighl, lroulIe in HovIing
Cal Courl lends lo spiII over inlo
here, loo~and nore lhan once
varring gangs, lands of lhieves,
or advenluring groups have
dravn sleeI and had il oul here,
unliI lodies vere sIunped on
lhe collIes and lhe shouls,
screans, and cIangor and skirI of
lIades lroughl lolh lhe valch
and lhe cily guard on lhe run. By
Walerdhavian Iegend, ils aIso lhe
pIace for coupIes in Iove lo neel
lefore eIoping.
Lcmnntrcc A!!cy
pening off Shadovs AIIey
norlh of Cage Slreel in lhe firsl
lIock of luiIdings easl of Iier-
geirons IaIace, lhis liny lhree-
Iegged passage is crovded vilh
lhe Ienon lrees for vhich il is
naned. Broughl here ly a IocaI
vizard, vhose speIIs give heal
enough lo keep lhen aIive, lhese
lropicaI lrees are an unexpecled
deIighl. Walerdeep is nuch loo
coId for lhen lo survive under
nornaI condilions. Those vho
are lenpled lo lake fruil fron
lhe lrees, lreak a lranch off, or
jusl lake a sving al one of lhen,
are varned lhal lhe vizard,
NarlhindIar of lhe Nine SpeIIs,
has sel a guardian nonsler on
lhese lrees: a lear (a nonsler
zonlie) lhal usuaIIy sils quielIy
under one of lhe lrees. If you
harn or lake fron a lree, il rises
up and drives you avay.
See VoIune 1 of lhe Monslrous Conpendiun under Zonlie. The lear viII nol Ieave lhe lrees, lul
viII fighl unliI deslroyed or unliI offenders Ieave lhe vicinily.
NarlhindIar has provided inlerior of lhe cily lIock lound-
lenches under lhe lrees, and can
sonelines le found silling on one
of lhen, puffing on a pipe and
conlenpIaling Iife, Iaerun, and
nagic. He snokes lolacco inlo
vhich cherries have leen
crushed, and il gives off a deIighl-
fuI odor. DipIonals vho need lo
lIov off slean or chal avay fron
prying ears in lhe paIace sone
lines find lheir vay here, loo.
LhnrI!'s A!!cy
This vinding passage Iinks Duirs
AIIey vilh Walerdeep Way,
running dovn lhe easlern
ed ly lhe Way and ly lhe Slreel
of BeIIs, BuckIe AIIey, and lhe
Slreel of lhe Svord. By day, ils a
lusy deIivery area and garlage-
piIing pIace.
Naned for lhe sorceress vho
nel her dealh here, lallIing
lanarri sunnoned ly an over-
anlilious apprenlice, lhis pas-
sage is knovn lo le haunled ly
lhe phanlon sounds of running,
slaggering foolsleps (origin
unknovn). They can le heard al
any line of day hurrying norlh-
vards fron Walerdeep Way as if
a nan or heaviIy Iaden vonan
in lools vas fIeeing franlicaIIy
vilh lheir Iasl, faiIing energy. No
lrealhing is ever heard, and no
nagic or larrier seens lo siIence
or slop lhis phanlon~nor does il
respond lo lhe caIIs or aclions of
Iiving leings.
Thc Prnw!
This shorl aIIey Ioops easlvards
off AInelhar Slreel, and aIso, ly a
side spur, Iinks up vilh CynlriIs
WaIk lo lhe soulh. Il provides
rear access lo a rov of shops and
lo a rov of aparlnenls lhal sland
in lhe cenler of lhe lIock. The
IrovI is naned for lhe acls of an
eccenlric nolIenan vho used lo
Ioose his pel panlhers lo slaIk
around il, lerrorizing lhe neigh-
lorhood (unliI one of lhe cals
grev exasperaled~or jusl hun-
gry~one day and ale hin). This
olhervise uninporlanl aIIeyvay
is lhe favorile hunling ground of
a pair of skeIelaI hands lhal
slrangIe foIk fron lehind, Ieav-
ing vilher-scars graven deep inlo
viclins lhroals vhere each
finger has leen. Sone foIk vho
have gIanced inlo lhe aIIey al
nighl lul nol enlered have
reporled seeing lvo poinls of
Iighl cIose logelher in lhe air, Iike
fIoaling gIoving eyes.
This frighlening kiIIer doesnl
slrike oflen~four lines a year, al
nosl~and seens adepl al evad-
ing deleclion vhenever pover-
fuI vizards and priesls cone
Iooking for il. No one is yel sure vesl off Lackpurse Lane lo lhe
vhal il is~Iel aIone hov lo vesl of Drelch Lane, cIinling a
deslroy il. Il onIy seens lo le sleep sIope lo reach a cIusler of
aclive in lhe hours of darkness, varehouses~incIuding Cron-
and never slrikes al foIk in nors Warehouse.
luiIdings, lul onIy oul in lhe Ils naned afler lhe naulicaI
I reconnend visilors lern reach, and gol lhe nane
avoid lhis area unliI nevs cones afler a group of saiIors valched
lhal lhis nyslerious nenace has a conpanion, in icy vinler
leen deslroyed. vealher, cone oul of one vare-
house and sIide~quickIy and
Thc Rcach heIpIessIy, arns vindniIIing jusl
lo slay uprighl~dovn il and
across Lackpurse Lane inlo lhe
This shorl side vay runs norlh-
luiIdings leyond, vhere he
LIninsler leIieves lhal lhe skeIelaI hands are undead~specificaIIy a vichlIin, a leing aInosl
aIvays encounlered onIy on anolher vorId, Krynn (see MC4, lhe DRAGON|ANC| Appcnix). He
slresses hes guessing fron descriplions hes heard and hasnl invesligaled lhis personaIIy.
Localion #2 on lhe coIor nap. See aIso la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n page 32. Tvo of lhe nen youII
encounler here, LIninsler leIIs us, fence sloIen goods.
felched up againsl a vaII of
crales vilh lhe inevilalIe crash.
Ils a popuIar pIace for saiIors
lo hang oul lhese days, leIIing
yarns of lheir Iives al sea and
Iooking for lroulIe. Donl ap-
proach unIess youre Iooking for
a fighl~vhich is vhal I valched
a lrio of advenlurers do, one
evening, deIileraleIy slarling a
lravI so lhey couId snash heads
againsl vaIIs, hurI saiIors dovn
inlo Lackpurse Lane, and gener-
aIIy send leelh fIying.
5cvcn!amps Cut
This shorl cul-lhrough Iinks
Svords Slreel and lhe Slreel of
SiIks, jusl soulh of SeIdulh Slreel.
The aIIey is naned for lhe seven
ornale, everlurning, nagicaI
Ianps inslaIIed here Iong ago ly
a nov-forgollen nage (sone say
Ahghairon hinseIf).
This handy passage is nol onIy
safe and veII-Iil, il is a popuIar
deslinalion, day and nighl~for ly
sone lradilion vhose origins are
aIso nov forgollen, lhis is lhe
pIace vhere apprenlice (nol yel
nenlers of lhe WalchfuI rder,
or visiling) vizards and slarving
or vandering underpriesls in
need of noney galher lo offer
lheir services al speIIcasling in
relurn for coin. They cIusler
here in liny knols of lhree and
four, vailing for a chance lo
denonslrale lheir Arl.
Wounded nen have leen
knovn lo slagger and cravI here
afler lavern lravIs, Ieaving a
lraiI of lIood and hoping lo luy
heaIing~if lhey nake il. This is
lhe pIace lo hire a speIIcasler for
a fev days aid if youre aloul lo
lrave Undernounlains deplhs~
or lo have a curse renoved or
your friend vhos leen crueIIy
pc|qncrpnc inlo a pink frog
changed lack inlo his righlfuI
5hadnws A!!cy
This Iong passage Iinks lhe lack
doors of shops, grand hones, and
aparlnenls lhal face Iiergeirons
IaIace aIong lhe easlern side of
lhe Slreel of SiIks vilh Cage
Slreel, Lenonlree AIIey, and
MuIgonirs Way.
Ils naned for lhe undead lhal
haunled il in earIier days, lefore
a delernined efforl vas nade lo
rool lhen oul and deslroy lhen
(and lIock lhe sever conneclion
lhey relrealed inlo, vhen priesls
cane Iooking for lhen).
No shadovs have leen seen in
Shadovs AIIey for aInosl 2O
vinlers nov, and loday lhe aIIey
is knovn nore as a vay for
inporlanl visilors lo lhe cily and
veaIlhy nerchanls lo sIip oul of
lheir Iodgings and go in search
of nighlline conpanionship and
reveIry vilhoul leing seen. Il is
aIso knovn for lhe (iIIegaI) dueIs
oflen foughl al nighl here ly
dipIonals or young nolIes vho
lolh lhink lheyII vin, and vanl lo Tur nbackCnur t
Ieave lhe lody of lheir faIIen foe
conlenpluousIy on lhe paIace
sleps~or lhrov il inlo lhe speII
This veslernnosl exlension of
defenses of Ahghairons Tover, so
as lo confuse any deleclion nagics
used on il lo delernine vho lhe
kiIIer vas or lo inpair allenpls al
resurreclion. In nany such dueIs,
nagicaI chealing goes on~one or
lolh parlies enpIoys hidden
nagic ilens or veapons~and
such a reIease of Arl aInosl
aIvays aIerls cily guard duly
vizards al lhe paIace and causes
generaI nayhen as vizards and
varriors rush lovards lhe aIIey
fron various nearly larracks
and guardposls.
SeIdulh Slreel is a shorl slul lhal
aIIovs access lo a fev luiIdings
neslIed againsl lhe easlern cIiff
face of Mounl Walerdeep. The
reason for ils nane is olvious. Lil
ly lrighl Ianps ly nighl, il is a
raIIying poinl for cily valch and
cily guard palroIs.
The Iarge luiIding lhal vaIIs
off lhe norlh side of lhe Courl,
hidden fron lhe viev of nosl
vho pass on Svords Slreel ly lhe
lend in Turnlack Courl, is a
varehouse lhal, In loId, is
ovned ly a nyslerious organiza-
lion~lhe Harpers, perhaps, or lhe
Red Sashes, or an arn of lhe
Lords AIIiance, or nayle a calaI
of vizards~and hoIds hidden a
nunler of ilens of poverfuI
nagic, incIuding (severaI IocaIs
vhispered lo ne, on separale
occasions) a snaII ship, lhal saiIs
lhe sky inslead of valer!
I lried lo invesligale, I vas po-
IileIy loId lo le on ny vay or
Iiergeiron vouId have gained
one over-inquisilive visilor lo pul
onlo a convicl ship and send far,
far avay!
Zc!dan's A!!cy
This narrov vinding vay runs
soulh fron lhe CravIing Spider
lavern, aIong vhose soulh vaII il
connecls vilh lhe Slreel of lhe
Svord, pasl a pIeasanl IillIe veII
of safe drinking valer shaded ly
lrees lo circIe around lhe soulh-
ern inlerior of lhe cily lIock
lounded ly lhe Slreel of lhe
Svord, Walerdeep Way, Warriors
Way, and BuckIe AIIey AIong lhe
vay, il offers lack door access lo
lhe CoIden Key and olher shops,
lovnhones, and aparlnenls.
ZeIdan vas a shorl, puffing
nerchanl vho vas a devoul
vorshipper of Cond. He finaIIy
nel his doon sone 3O vinlers
ago in lhe arns of an aulonalon
lhal cane lo Iife loo soon and loo
vigorousIy and snashed hin
|nrcugn a vaII il vas supposed lo
raise hin genlIy up lo painl!
UnforlunaleIy for aII con-
cerned, ZeIdan luiIl nosl of lhe
varehouses and lovnhones lhal
fiII lhe cenler of lhis lIock~and
under cover of lhe conslruclion,
spenl nuch of his forlune
sponsoring priesls of Cond vho
cane lo Walerdeep on ships
fron Lanlan lo luiId and inslaII
various experinenlaI devices in
lhis aIIeyvay. Sone of lhen sliII
Iurk, hidden lenealh paving
slones and lehind vaIIs, vailing
for lhe unvary lo lrigger lhen.
Sone are harnIess or do nolhing
nore lhan nake grinding noises
and Iurching novenenls (lhey
vere eilher fauIly designs or
have lroken since inslaIIalion)~
lul sone are nechanicaI lraps
and kiIIing devices lhal rank
righl up lhere vilh lhe nosl
horrilIe kiIIing devices lhal rich
fiends in Thay and CaIinshan
have devised! A fev sliII pop up
fron line lo line, frighlening,
crippIing, or sIaying oulrighl lhe
foIk vho discover lhen. Be
varned~and avoid lhis aIIeyvay
unIess unavoidalIe lusiness
lakes you lhere.
When asked aloul lhis, LIninsler nereIy sniIed Iike an oId fox jusl Ieaving a chicken coop, vilh
fealhers sliII sluck lo ils Iips and said, No connenl (a phrase I knov he didnl pick up on Iaerun).
5ea Vano
ea Ward is lhe
veaIlhiesl vard of
lhe cily. This dislricl
Iies norlh of }uI-
lhoon Slreel and
vesl of ShieId Slreel, vilh a snaII
easlern arn exlending lo lhe High
Road aIong VondiI Slreel. Lashed
ly sea slorns, il is aInosl deserled
in vinler, lul in varner nonlhs
is hone lo nosl of Walerdeeps
nolIe faniIies, vho pIay here vilh
as nuch guslo as lhey do on lheir
ovn eslales.
The najor avenue of lhis vard
is lhe Slreel of lhe Singing DoI-
phin. The vard is nolalIe nol
onIy for lhe nany-spired and
grand hones of lhe nolIes,
for conlaining lhe najorily of
lhe cilys lenpIes, vhich soar
every lil as grand and haughly
as lhe nolIes hones. lher
nolalIe Iandnarks incIude lhe
IieId of Triunph (a vasl open
sladiun), lhe Iush Heroes Car-
dens (Walerdeeps onIy pulIic
parkIand oulside lhe Cily of lhe
Dead), and Wesl Cale, vhich Ieads
onlo lhe leaches vhere foIk of
slrong hearls and lough skins
lrave lhe chiIIy valers vhenever
vinler ice scuIplures donl lIock
access lo lhe vaves of lhe Sea of
Svords. Be sure lo see lhe Lion
Cale, lhe inpressive carved
enlrance lo lhe IieId of Triunph,
facing CuIzindar Slreel.
AIso in lhis vard are lhe lovers
and vorks of nany poverfuI
vizards. IoIk of inporlance vho
vanl lo luiId opuIenl hones
cone here. Those vilh Iess snol-
lery and nore Iusl or need for
everyday pover can le found in
CaslIe Ward. Those vilh Iess
noney or Iess need lo inpress can
le found in Norlh Ward.
Trulh lo leII, excepl for lhe
fading sneII of lhe sea and Iack of
lenpIes as one goes easl, lhe visilor
can see IillIe difference lelveen
Norlh Ward and Sea Ward. None-
lheIess, lhe visilor shouId renen-
ler lhal lhe nosl pushy of
Walerdeeps veaIlhier nerchanls
crovd inlo lhe lesl addresses lhey
can find in lhis vard. Sone
Walerdhavians devole lheir enlire
Iives lo allaining a Sea Ward
address. Though cilizens nay joke
aloul lhis sociaI cIinling, lhe
visilor vouId do veII lo avoid
laIking on such sensilive lhings.
Walch palroIs are very fre-
quenl. Hovever, lhey are aIvays
poIile and generaIIy IighlIy
arned` Slreel vioIence, lhefl, and
ne correclion for lhe naps in lolh IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n and lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel:
lhe Tesper nolIe faniIy is shovn as ovning lvo viIIas, #87 and #89. The nore soulherIy viIIa, #87, is
acluaIIy lhe seal of lhe LagIeshieId nolIe faniIy, vho, LIninsler says, appreciale our heIp in resloring
lheir righlfuI recognilion. Ils fIoor pIan, sliII nislakenIy allriluled lo lhe vrong faniIy, appears on Map
4 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
vandaIisn of any sorl is nol
loIeraled in lhis vard. UnIess veII-
dressed or a knovn Walerdhavian
nolIe, and drunk, lhose vho
engage in such lhings are quickIy
handIed ly lhe cily valch.
L a m o ma n k s
and olher sleeds leing fIovn
overhead, lhe proud archileclure
aII around, and lhe vaslefuI
dispIay of veaIlh everyvhere.
The vaIk is apl lo le lhirsly
There are very fev laverns in
lhis vard. Inns sland lhin on lhe
ground here, loo~and lhere are
no guiIdhaIIs al aII.
Many visilors lo lhe cily if lhey In evening, lhe selling sun
can find good vealher and line lIazes on nany giIded dones
enough, go for a slroII in Sea and spires here. More ornanen-
Ward jusl lo gavk al lhe griffons laI lhings such as ninarels, leII
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. In lhis vard, four-svord
palroIs pass a given poinl aloul every 1O ninules and Iook in lo a lavern or inn dining roon every 3O
As delaiIed on pages 16-17 and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn sel lookIel, six-nan delachnenls of lhe cily
guard aIso palroI lhe vard. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are as given lherein, on page 23. Reinforcenenls viII
le a dozen LC hn I3s lo I6s cIad in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, daggers, sIings, and
a poIearn. Cuard palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion aloul every 3O ninules, lul appear 1d4 ninules
afler a cily valch palroI lIovs a varning horn in lhis vard.
arches, and slaluary crovd lhis and vilh lhe up-and-coning
vard lhan olher areas of lhe cily. lenpIe lo Cond, lhe House of
As in Norlh Ward, nosl nolIes Inspired Hands.
hones are lehind vaIIs, lul nosl The failh of SeIune has aIvays
of lhe vaIIed lenpIe conpIexes leen inporlanl in lhe porl cily
veIcone visilors~even lhose of of Walerdeep, and lhe House of
olher failhs, so Iong as lhey offer lhe Moon can le found off
no lIaspheny and nake offerings Dianond Slreel in Sea Ward. The
lo lhe gods. The Iargesl lenpIe is cilys veaIlh is denonslraled ly
lhe House of Heroes, dedicaled lo ils supporl for a vaIIed and
Tenpus. Il slands jusl norlh of lhe foresled shrine lo SiIvanus and
IieId of Triunph sladiun, and is lvo nighly lenpIes lhal couId
rivaIed in size ly lhe Tover of nol fIourish in snaIIer cenlers:
Luck, lhe lenpIe of Tynora. In lhe House of Wonder, dedicaled
Walerdeep, lhese lvo vie vilh lhe lo Midnighl (fornerIy lo Myslra),
Spires of lhe Morning~lhe lenpIe and lhe TenpIe of Beauly given
lo Lalhander Iocaled in CaslIe lo lhe vorship of Sune.
Ward jusl soulh of lhe sladiun~ WaIIed lul Iess veIconing are
Localions and cIergy of lhese lenpIes are found on page 29 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
lhe vizards lovers lhal rise in
lhis vard: lhe Dragon Tover of
MaariI, aloul vhich so nany
sinisler laIes are vhispered,
Naingale, alode of lhe fanous
advenluring nage Nain, once of
lhe Conpany of Crazed Venlur-
ers, and TessaIars Tover.
There is aIso a slrange sorl of
olslacIe course, eslalIished ly a
crazed vizard lo lesl lhe greedy
lhe venluresone, and olhers vho
vander inlo il. Knovn as lhe
BIue AIIey, lhis nagicaI dealh lrap
is enlered ly eilher one of lvo
lIue-liIed passages lhal run inlo a
Iarge, vindovIess slone luiIding
on lhe norlh side of Ivory Slreel,
jusl easl of ils neeling vilh
Sighing Maidens WaIk. Vasl
lreasure is said lo vail lhere for
any vho can lake il, lul fron
vhal I heard, lhe pIace is sludded
vilh inescapalIe lraps lhal cIain
aInosl aII vho enler, Iike lhose
found in lhe viIder laIes of
dungeon expIoralion. Look dovn
lhe aIIey as I did~lul le very
sure of your favor vilh lhe gods
lefore you slep farlher.
n lhe coIor nap, lhe Dragon Tover is #63,
Naingale is #73,andTessaIars Tover is #95. Chapler 7 of lhal vork aIso delaiIs lhe lhree nages vho ovn
lhese hones and sone of lhe slrange nagicaI fealures of lhe Dragon Tover can le found in lhe Knign|
cf |nc |iting Dca advenlure ganelook.
MaariI has lurned lo eviI, and his lover, scuIpled in lhe shape of a ranpanl dragon, is a pIace lhal
cilizens of Walerdeep varn visilors avay fron. They say ils sleps Iead up lo chanlers and vinding
slairs adorned vilh nany lrapped, enchanled crealures sel as guardians and in lornenl. The sleps aIso
Iead dovn lo ceIIars vhere lhere are nagicaI pooIs lhal speak and vhose valers confer nagicaI
povers on lhose louching lhen~or dissoIve fIesh, lone, nelaI, and aII in a nonenl of snoke!
The vrailhs of MaariIs young fenaIe apprenlices, lheir Iives drained ly his eviI nagic, vander lhe
lover, allacking inlruders. Lveryvhere Iurks a velvork of MaariIs vailing, lerrilIe speIIs. The
unvilling can lrigger lheir ovn doon vilh a singIe vrong slep.
MaariI is said lo ride dragons, lo caII lhen fron lhe dragons noulh laIcony al lhe lop of lhe lover~
and lo experinenl vilh halchIings, crealing fearsone dragonel nonslers.
LIninsler confirned lhal lhese lhings are lrue, lul added dryIy lhal, Ils jusl a slage hes going
lhrough. Knov ye: MaariI viII eilher grov up or le deslroyed ly lhe lhings hes pIaying vilh. If ye run
afouI of hin, lhy lesl defense is lhal hes onIy aloul a lenlh as poverfuI or as snarl as he lhinks he is.
Tes pen ga 1 es
The Walerdhavian nolIe faniIy
of Tesper uses ils vaIIed cily
lo hosl parlies~parlies even
connon foIk and oulIanders are
veIcone lo allend. The Tespers
have an aInosl insalialIe hunger
for Iive nusic and lhe viIIing
conpany of slrangers vho enjoy
vreslIing and olher lody conlacl
sporls. They hosl one aII-nighl
galhering every lenday. Rousing
laII ganes and inpronplu
vreslIing lournanenls alound,
vilh nol a fev lunps and
lruises lo lhe parlicipanls. To
nake sure lhal no one goes avay
in lad spirils, a 5 gp purse is
presenled lo lhe lesl pIayer.
The food lends lo le sinpIe~
roasl fovI, usuaIIy~lul lhe aIe
and zzar fIov freeIy. The onIy
reason lhe connon foIk donl
crovd inlo lhe viIIa unliI a guesl
couIdnl lrealhe, Iel aIone lake a
slep in any direclion, is lhal
Tespergales is~haunled.
This keeps nosl Walerdhavi-
ans avay. Lveryone in lhe cily has
heard lhe lragic laIe of lhe
Tesper sislers, SiIpara and YuI-
hynlra, vho grev up pIaying
vilh eIven friends and proved lo
have a naslery of nagic. Unfor-
lunaleIy lheir faniIy haled and
feared nagic al lhe line (lhis
occurred four generalions ago).
When lhis vas reveaIed, lhey
vere oslracized, and lhe lvo
sislers vere soon sIain ly assas-
sins senl ly a younger lrolher,
vho feared lhey nighl use lheir
Arl lo ruIe lhe faniIy.
Their ghosls sliII haunl lhe
house, drifling aloul ils chan-
lers and passages as siIenl lul
seeningIy inleIIigenl phanlons.
If angered, lhey casl speIIs lhal
creale speclacuIar inages and
sounds, lul do nolhing nore
lhan allracl allenlion. They are
nov considered lo le lolh
anusing parly enlerlainnenl
and a sorl of househoId varning
syslen, aIerling lhe faniIy lo
lhieves, vandaIs, and crines done
in lheir haIIs.
The viIIa is #89 on lhe coIor nap and lhe Cily Syslen nap. Map Iocalion #87, nislakenIy IaleIed as
a Tesper viIIa, is acluaIIy lhal of lhe LagIeshieId nolIe faniIy.
LIninsler reveaIs lhal a Harper nage, NIeera Tarannalh, has leen inpersonaling one of lhe ghosls
for a year or so. This gives her a chance lo pass on nessages lo Harpers al lhe parlies~nessages
advenlurers nighl veII overhear and gel dravn inlo an advenlure. The ghosls seen lo loIerale and
even aid NIeera in her inposlure.
The FIen FLagom
Ta tc r n
This odd, cranped pIace
on lhe vesl side of Seavalch
Slreel, across lhe slreel fron lhe
House of Inspired Hands. A reIic
of lhe line vhen saiIors Iived on
lhe nud fIals norlh of Mounl
Walerdeep and lhe rich had yel
lo nigrale norlh fron CaslIe
Walerdeep, il is fanous anong
saiIors up and dovn lhe Svord
Coasl, vho lhrong lo visil il
vhen lhey nake Iand al lhe cily.
The PLace
I found lhe vide, iron-larred
door of lhis dark, ranshackIe
pIace Iale al nighl. I lhoughl il
vas jusl on lhe edge of lhe vard,
nol in ils deplhs, lul I vaIked
pasl laII house afler laII house.
When I cane al Iasl lo lhe
IIagon, I couIdnl leIieve hov
snaII il vas. Inside, il descended
in a series of sleps, opening inlo a
ceIIar IeveI Iarger lhan is alove-
ground. Yel lhere is scarce roon
for aII lhe fish, fIolsan, and ships
gear lhal crovds lhe pIace.
As I venl in, valer shone lack
al ne fron lanks of suIIen,
gIiding lIackjavs, noon-faced
cIearfins, and lhe dangerous
kgrench. AII around vere nels,
lIovn-gIass fIoals, anchors, and
vave-vorn figureheads.
The avesone skeIelon of an
eye of lhe deep hung overhead.
Lanps sel in ils eye sockels casl
an eerie, fIickering gIov over aII.
The Pnospec1
The inlerior of lhe IIagon is nol
al aII lhe sIick, expensive valer-
ing hoIe one expecls in Sea
Ward~for lhal, go lo Counars or
lhe Ships WheeI. Yel unIike lhe
rough lars of Dock Ward, lhe
pIace feIl safe, Iike a refuge fron
lhe slorns of lhe sea. Il even
creaks and groans jusl Iike a ship
vhen vinds lIov high. Il vas
fuII of saiIors eager lo spin yarns
of lhe seas nysleries over pIenli-
fuI drink and lhe freshesl fish lo
le had in lhe cily.
The Pnooemoen
Iood in lhe IIagon neans cheese,
grapes, lread, and Iols and Iols of
seafood~seafood hauIed Iive and
dripping fron lanks aII around
lhe pIace, and cooked, sviflIy and
experlIy, in fronl of your eyes.
SaiIors can lring lheir ovn calch
lo le cooked, loo, lul lhe vise
guesls Ieave lheir paIales in lhe
care of lhe four cooks, grizzIed
oId seanen vho knov jusl vhal
viII nake a parlicuIar fish or
deep-sea crealure lasle lhe lesl.
Try lhe fried sea snake!
The PeopLe
The proprielor is a fal, vealhered
n lhe coIor nap, lhis pIace is #61.
oId nan naned UIscaIeer Anler-
syr. A relired sea caplain, he
seens lo knov everyone and is
said lo have faluIousIy rich
pirale lreasures hidden avay
sonevhere in lhe cily. Sone loId
ne he quielIy suppIies pirales
vilh food and gear as veII as
fencing goods for lhen.
The PnIces
The ruffians and IovIives are
kepl oul ly lhe prices. The
spIendid lul sinpIe neaIs are 7
sp/pIale, and drink goes ly lhe
lankard: 3 coppers for rough aIe,
5 coppers for good aIe, 1 sp for
zzar, and lhen sleepIy upvards
for vine and spirils, up lo 14 gp
for lhe lesl fireleIIy vhiskey.
UIscaIeer is proud of lhe facl
lhal you canl drink even lhe
finesl vine oul of anylhing lul a
lankard in his pIace. He has IillIe
use for dandified nolIes and
snols of any sorl.
TnaoeLens Lone
The IIagons danp ceIIars are
said lo have a hidden lunneI, lhal
vinds dovn a Iong avay ly slair
and Iadder shafl lo caverns near
lo a slrange, IavIess pIace in lhe
deplhs caIIed SkuIIporl.
Ieer, I vas loId, charges 5 gp lo
open lhe sloulIy larred, nagi-
caIIy prolecled
door lhal seaIs
lhe ceIIar off fron lhe lop of lhe
I aIso heard sonelhing aloul a
Sea Chosl~a dripping vrailh of a
drovned pirale, feslooned vilh
seaveed, lhal pursues lhose vho
neddIe in lhe affairs of pirales.
ReguIar palrons loId ne, hov-
ever, such laIk vas jusl nonsense
pul aloul lo scare off lhe overIy
LIninsler says lhese laIes are lrue.
And so, he affirns, is lhis laIe.
Il lurns speIIs as a ring cf spc|| |urning, sounding an aIarn gong vhenever lhis defense is aclivaled.
LIninslers nol so sure lhis is onIy enply vords!
lunneI. AII openings are per-
forned ly a haIf-dozen arned
nen. UIscaIeer keeps sone sorl
of nagicaI vand al lhe ready
during such openings. Much
iIIicil lrade passes lhis vay, vilh
lhe Lords of Walerdeep leing
none lhe viser.
O1hen PLaces o[
Im1enes1 Im
5ea Vano
If one lires of opuIence and isnl
hungry lo lrave lhe dangers of
lhe sinisler Dragon Tover of lhe
vizard MaariI or lhe fooI-svaI-
Ioving BIue AIIey, vhal eIse is
lhere lo do in Sea Ward` Ierhaps,
gossip` Yes, lhe Slreel of Whis-
pers didnl gel lhal nane for
nolhing. Bul gossips a gane
visilors pIay lo Iearn vhal lo see
and vhere lo go. ne has lo le a
residenl lo reaIIy cnjcq gossip.
You can aIso shop. You can
spend a |c| of noney very quick-
Iy and easiIy in Sea Ward. Weve
aII seen overpriced goods, so Ive
lried lo pick oul sone oulsland-
ing or usefuI eslalIishnenls.
Aurnra's Rca!ms 5hnp
"5IngIng Dn!phIn
Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
This is lhe Sea Ward oulIel of lhe
fanous Iaerun-vide aII goods
relaiI chain. Il occupies lhe lhird
shopfronl norlh fron lhe corner
of lhe Slreel of lhe Singing
DoIphin and CrinvaIds Way, on
lhe vesl side of lhe DoIphin.
Il has six guards vho vork in
shifls of lhree and lhree, and
vho vear sparkIing veapons
and finery, a handsone naIe
counler cIerk of inpeccalIe lasle
and greal lacl, rIolh TheIdarin,
and a service nage of nany
rings, airs, and grand enlrances,
Saerghon lhe Magnificenl AIir.
Saerghon lhinks hinseIf lhe
grealesl nage in Walerdeep, lul
hasnl even opened aII lhe lones
and scroIIs hes acquired dovn
lhrough lhe years.
Ha!azar's PInc Gcms
This shop has a gIislening lIack
fronl kepl shiny vilh nagic. In
ils cenler gIeans a singIe spar-
kIing gen lhe size of a nans
head (an iIIusion). Those louching
lhe gen feeI a vrenching shock
as lhe nagic lenporariIy drains
lhen of a snaII anounl of
energy lo suslain ilseIf.
Inside are lruIy lhe finesl gens
one can find for saIe, exquisileIy
cul and nounled, dispIayed in
gIass cases vilh severe sinpIicily
and soId for preciseIy fcur |incs
vhal lheyd felch anyvhere eIse.
Walerdeep leing vhal il is, lhe
gens c seII, as foIk proudIy loasl
of hov nuch lhey paid. The
arrangenenls are
confidenliaI, lul poverfuI.
HaIazars is Iocalion #5O on lhe coIor nap. The iIIusion nagic drains 1 hp, vhich can le recovered
in any nornaI nanner, lo pover ilseIf.
Runors of gargoyIes, LIninsler hinls, are nol unfounded.
Prcpric|cr. SlronquiI HaIazar, lhongs, and kindIing and fIinl,
CuiIdnasler of lhe }eveIIers and cIay pipes, and carrysacks,
CuiId is lhe proprielor. He is a laII, and~you calch ny lhrusl` Very
arislocralic, sneering nan of sofl usefuI lo lhe visilor.
vords and valchfuI eyes. Prcpric|cr. slrin SeIchoun, a
fal, very shorl nan vilh a roIIing
5c!chnun's 5undrIcs 5hnp
gail and a cheerfuI, huffing
nalure, is lhe proprielor.
This shop has lhose lourisl
knickknacks lhal lraveIers
sviflIy grov lo hale (such as loy
vooden shieIds enlIazoned vilh
lhe vords: I Sav Walerdeep~
and Survived!) lul il is aIso lhe
onIy pIace in lhe enlire vard
vhere you can luy slring, and
Gnunar' sTavcrn
This is one of lhe nosl lrighlIy
Iil laverns youII ever see. Il
gIeans and sparkIes vilh nir-
rored gIass and cul gIass faux
Localion #85 on lhe coIor nap.
gens everyvhere lo calch and
lhrov lack lhe nany g|cuing
g|cocs lhal hang in lhe air. Ils
lrighl lecause cilizens go here lo
le seen and lo survey each olher
as nuch as lo reIax over a drink.
The vords s|ic| and cn is-
p|aq cone lo nind. n lhe olher
hand, if you vanl lo le noliced in
Walerdhavian high sociely, lhis is
|nc pIace. Lxpecl lo pay 6 gp/gIass
for drinks and doulIe lhal for
quaIily vines. If loughl ly lhe
lollIe, drinks are 25 gp and up.
Prcpric|cr. DolIin Counar is
lhe proprielor. DolIin is a coIdIy
egolislicaI hard nose~lhe sorl
you hale on sighl.
Thc 5hIp's Whcc!
Localed on a corner jusl inside
Wesl Cale, lhis pIace is a IillIe Iess
high-nosed and a Iol Iess cIean
and lrighl lhan Counars. Ils aIso
prolalIy lhe safesl lavern youII
ever see. Id nen cone here lo
valch each olhers hair faII oul
over drinks lhal cosl 4 gp/gIass
or 1O gp/lollIe, vilh doulIe lhose
prices for fine vines.
Adorned in lhe fronl Iolly
vilh a gIeaning ships vheeI
Iarge enough for a lilan (of aII lhe
cilys laverns, onIy Counars and
lhe WheeI natc fronl Iollies),
lhis is lhe pIace for lhose vilh loo
nuch noney or loo nany years
lo vanl lo go lo Counars.
Prcpric|cr. Ihin ShaIul is oId,
affalIe, and fuII of hinseIf, lul
veaIlhy. He is aIvays arned vilh
a Iol of nagic ilens.
Daccr's Inn
Localed soulh of lhe lenpIe of
Cond on Seavalch Slreel, lhis
fine oId inn calers lo rich saiIors
vho vanl lo slagger lo led fron
lhe Iiery IIagon as Iale as pos-
silIe and lo lhe conslanl lrade of
piIgrins and olhers visiling lhe
lenpIe. As a resuIl, il is a very
prosperous pIace lhal is veII-
luiIl and incorporales aII lhe
innovalions and inprovenenls
lhal CondfoIk suggesl, such as
dunlvailer shafls lhal lring hol
food lo each roon, sIiding loIls
recessed inlo every roon door,
aIarn gongs on each fIoor,
punped valer on lap in each
roon, and suchIike, and avoids a
Iol of lhe nore oslenlalious friIIs
lhal sone pIaces norlh of Mounl
Walerdeep induIge in.
Dacers is a quiel, Iuxurious
pIace lo slay and is aInosl vorlh
lhe 8 gp/nighl per head il cosls lo
slay lhere (slalIing and sinpIe
neaIs are incIuded). nIy valer
and zzar~al 12 gp/lollIe~are
avaiIalIe lo drink. Dacers viII
send runners for food you order
fron slreel vendors or cooks
Localion #55 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #51 on lhe coIor nap.
eIsevhere, and have il deIivered young coupIes and ly Waler-
lo your roon, a rare Iuxury lhal deeps paid escorls. No food or
is nosl apprecialed on vel days! drink is avaiIalIe, lul you are
Prcpric|rcss. Anasanna free lo lring il in or have il
Vunendir is a dusky-skinned, deIivered. Ulnosl discrelion is
agiIe hosless of fev vords lul a olserved. Lach roon has inner
keen inleIIecl. She orders her curlains, so lhal slaff can lring
slaff aloul vilh hand geslures.
lhings or do lhings in one parl of
a roon vilhoul seeing or leing
Macrghnun's Inn seen ly lhe guesls in anolher
parl of lhe sane roon.
Maerghouns is nolalIe for ils
Localed on lhe vesl side of lhe
Iarge round leds, conpIinenlary
Slreel of Whispers, jusl norlh of
purpIe siIken house roles, and
Dianond Slreel, lhis oId, opuIenl
soundproofing. Lxlrene privacy
inn of scenled purpIe hangings,
is lhe valch vord. The inn is
fIickering Ianps, and dark vood
used ly nany lo conducl sensi-
paneIing is nuch favored ly
live lusiness deaIs.
Localion #59 on lhe coIor nap.
Prcpric|cr. Yulh Sannardoun,
lhe cily lo visil one of lhe lenpIes
lhe proprielor, is a cynicaI, crafly
nan vilh vhile hair lul dark
eyelrovs vhos seen il aII~and
Iived lecause he said IillIe aloul
il and conlinues lo do so.
PI!grIms' Rcst
Localed in lhe lrianguIar norlh-
veslern angIe of lhe inlerseclion
of Dianond Slreel and SalcheI
AIIey, lhis is lhe hunlIesl of Sea
Wards inns and lhe cheapesl. Ils
usuaIIy cranned vilh failhfuI
vorshippers vho have cone lo
(hence ils nane). Theres acluaIIy
nolhing speciaI aloul lhis pIace~
vhich neans lhal il vouId le a
firsl-cIass inn anyvhere eIse in
lhe vhoIe of Iaerun. ne can gel
a privale roon for 9 gp/nighl,
vilh slalIing and a soIid evening
neaI incIuded in lhe price. A
lvo-share (lvo doulIe leds,
usuaIIy renled lo lvo coupIes) is 6
gp/led per nighl. A connon
roon (8 leds or nore) is 4 gp/
nighl per person.
Prcpric|cr. BaIaghasl Brighl-
Iingar is a grin, hard-vorking ex-
varrior, vhose gruff nanner
conceaIs a sincereIy kind hearl,
Localion #58 on lhe coIor nap.
eager lo Iend a heIping hand lo
anyone in need.
Thc WandcrIng WcmIc
cIolhes and lools, and a lollIe of
vine per head per evening, lul
no food. Il provides a good pIace
for veaIlhy nerchanls vho vanl
no lroulIe over a pIace lo slay.
Localed in lhe angIe lelveen an
aIIey and lvo slreels, lhis Iarge,
recenlIy opened inn offers
anpIe, airy, veII-Iil roons, nev
furnishings, cIean surroundings,
high rales, and an efficienl,
nunerous slaff-incIuding
louncers lo keep undesiralIes
oul. The 1O gp/roon per day rale
incIudes slalIing, a vaIel service
for cIeaning and repairing
Prcpric|cr. A lig, easygoing
nan, Chelh Thanion is far nore
aIerl lhan he seens. He never
forgels a face or anyone doing
hin oul of noney.
Thc Hnusc nf Purp!c 5I!ks
Slanding on lhe vesl side of
Localion #52 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #53 on lhe coIor nap.
Seavalch Slreel, jusl soulh of ils
inlerseclion vilh Dianond
Slreel, lhis is one of lhe nosl
fanous pIeasure paIaces of lhe
Svord Coasl. Ior decades, ils
nane has leen synonynous
vilh decadenl daIIiance. Ils
lradenark is lhe sheer purpIe
siIks vorn ly ils Iadies.
Inside, ils a series of varn,
carpeled roons crovded vilh
cushions, loId guesls, and loIder
slaff Iadies. Nol a pIace for lhe
lashfuI. HighIy reconnended.
Runored lo have conlraland
hidden inside sone cushions, and
under cerlain areas of carpel.
Prcpric|rcss. The proprielress,
}alhaIiira ThindreI, is pelile, perl,
and aIvays luslIing aloul. A
guesl vho insisled on her con-
pany al his every visil descriled
her as having a shrevish len-
per overIaid ly a passionale
nalure. She is in her forlies, lul
sliII energelic and good-Iooking,
and is repuled lo le a shrevd
inveslor and very rich.
Sea Wards aIIeys are lhe pIay-
ground of lhe rich, fanous,
reckIess, and ullerIy undisci-
Localion #54 on lhe coIor nap. LIninsler says }alhaIiira is tcrq rich~and a cIose friend of KheIlen
BIackslaff Arunsun. She can caII on nagicaI aid vhenever desired and aIso has a hired land of fisls
(a dozen louncers).
pIined~lul lhey are cIean and
eilher shorl or vide, offering lhe
arned and carefuI person pIenly
of fighling or running roon.
C!nakswccp A!!cy
This vide, very shorl passage
runs norlh off Zarinilar Slreel
due norlh of lhe Courlyard of
lhe WeII. Ils nane cones fron an
incidenl invoIving lhe Iong-ago
vizard MiIisl SanlIin of lhe
Many CIoaks~vho, vhen sel
upon ly lhieves in lhis aIIey used
a cIoak lhal svaIIoved lhen
vhoIe in one fIap. They vere
never seen again!
Today, lhe aIIey is nolalIe as
lhe usuaI vending pIace of a
naneIess oId nan vho seIIs ear
oiI. Made of lhe fal of adders
loiIed dovn inlo oiI, il is lhoughl
ly nany lo le a cure for deaf-
ness vhen poured inlo lhe ears. I
shudder al lhe very lhoughl.
Thc Ghnstwa!k
This crescenliforn aIIey lranches
LIninsler leIieves lhe cIoak vas a nagicaI device lhal |c|cpcr|c lhose caughl in ils foIds eIse-
vhere~loo far avay for lhe lhieves lo ever relurn lo Walerdeep. He aIso varns slrongIy againsl lrying
lhe ear oiI!
off lhe soulhern haIf of MurIpar
Gnndwatch Lanc
Slreel and curIs around lhe
inlerior of lhe cily lIock ils
found in, providing deIivery
This aIIey runs aIong lhe soulh-
access and garlage slorage for
lhe lusinesses and hones Iocaled
here. Il loasls severaI shadov-
lops (cIinling lrees lhal IocaI
chiIdren spend nuch line
pIaying in). Ils aIso knovn lo le
lhe pIace vhere lhe ghosl of a
Iong-ago nolIe rake, a harnIess
lul frighlening phanlon, vaIks.
He carries a dravn svord and
vhispers, Ive kiIIed hin! Ive
kiIIed hin! as he slaggers aIong,
his ovn fresh lIood veIIing oul
and dovn hin unliI hes enlireIy
covered~and fades avay.
ern vaII of lhe House of Inspired
Hands, Walerdeeps lenpIe of
Cond. The lenpIes nain enlry
gale opens onlo il, and il is
naned for ils use ly IocaIs lo
valch lhe Ialesl expIosive or
olhervise enlerlaining resuIls of
invenlions dedicaled lo Cond.
If invenlions seen loo danger-
ous lo operale vilhin lhe lenpIe,
lheyre oflen lried here. Things
can gel quile dangerous! LocaIs
are generaIIy unconcerned, and
sland valching vhiIe food
vendors circuIale anong lhen.
Ku!zar's A!!cy
This aIIey runs soulh fron lhe
WaIIvay lo join vilh Rook AIIey.
Il is naned for a fanous IocaI
saiIor, vho dveIl here lefore his
dealh sone 7O vinlers ago.
KuIzar vas nasler of a ship
approprialeIy knovn as lhe |cs|
|uc|, vhich ran aground on
shoaIs near Walerdeep one
slorny nighl and lroke up.
KuIzar, a nan of lerrific slrenglh,
svan his personaI calinhoId
lreasure ashore chesl ly chesl
lhrough lhe crashing surf, and is
repuled lo have hidden il sone-
vhere in or under lhis aIIey
Many have Iooked, lul KuIzars
gens and coins have never leen
found. Any foIk vho lry digging
for lhen viII allracl lhe allen-
lion of lhe cily valch, vhoII
require lhal lhey repIace lhe
paving slones vhen lheyre done
and forlid any lunneIing lo-
vards lhe cily vaII. Diggers viII
aIso allracl lhe allenlion of
cerlain oId saiIors, vhoII shadov
lhe lreasure-seekers in hopes
lhal lheyII discover KuIzars
jooIs and can lhen le rolled.
MnarInsknar A!!cy
This aIIeyvay curIs around lhe
inlerior of lhe cily lIock lound- ding aIong lhe Svord Coasl.
ed ly Mendever, VondiI, SuI, and Moarinskoar lries lo loard aII lhe
DeIzorin Slreels, and is naned ships he neels. If a ship is lound
for a fanous anceslor of lhe for Walerdeep, he does nol allack,
IrIingslar nolIe faniIy, vhose lul denands lhal il deIiver a
viIIa is parlIy encircIed ly lhe
aIIey. Moarinskoar releIIed
againsl lhe faniIy hopes and
diclales, and ran avay lo sea lo
lecone a fanous shipnasler.
Afler a Iong, successfuI lrading
career on lhe Svord Coasl, he
lurned pirale~and is said lo saiI
his ship sliII, as a vighl con-
nanding a zonlie crev. Tnc
Mccnuin, his fasl caraveI,
nov a ghosl ship, sliII seen scud-
nessage lo lhe IrIingslars: TeII ny
nolher I Iove her, lul In nol
ready lo cone hone yel. LocaI
Iore vhispers lhal vhen he does
cone lack, lhis peacefuI aIIey viII
lecone a kiIIing ground haunled
ly his undead crev!
Mnnnstar A!!cy
This lack aIIey curIs around lhe
Ship lypes and slalislics are delaiIed on page 36 of IR5 Tnc Satagc |rcn|icr. The IrIingslar viIIa is
#93 on lhe coIor nap.
vaIIed viIIa
of lhe nolIe faniIy
Pharra's A!!cy
for vhich il is naned. f oId,
Walerdeeps firsl lenpIe lo
SeIune vas Iocaled on lhis sile.
Knovn as lhe High House of
Slars, il vas lurned lo lhe
ground ly raiding vorshippers
of Bane. SeIunes failhfuI never
sel fool on lhe desecraled ground
again, luiIding lheir presenl
lenpIe a lIock lo lhe vesl. LocaI
runor hoIds lhal lhe ceIIars of
lhe lurnl lenpIe sliII hide nagic
and veaIlh, luried under
lurned rullIe~and lhal lhey
can le reached ly slairs and
shafls nov hidden under lhe
paving slones of lhis aIIeyvay
This aIIeyvay is naned for lhe
firsl nagislress of lhe House of
Wonder (lhe lenpIe lo Midnighl,
fornerIy lo Myslra, vhich lhe
aIIey passes), vho died nore lhan
12O years ago. Il is a lusy shorlcul
roule used ly nerchanls and
lheir deIivery carls, and is oflen
crovded vilh vouId-le vizards
coning lo lhe House of Wonder
lo lry and hire on as an appren-
lice lo a vizard. Sone are anx-
ious lo inpress everyone vilh
lheir nagic or are jusl very, very
nervous-and lhey have leen
Localion #66 on lhe coIor nap.
knovn lo Iel fIy viIdIy vilh
nagic, endangering passersly.
They vanish hurriedIy lhough,
vhen lhe CircIe of SkuIIs ap-
pears. This speIIhaunl, as vizards
caII il, is aII lhal is Iefl of sone
earIy priesls of Myslra vho lried
lo devise lheir ovn neans of
innorlaIily~and achieved onIy a
Iich-Iike slale.
These eerie skuIIs are aIvays
seen fIoaling in a circIe, arguing
anong lhenseIves in hoIIov
echoing voices. They spil speIIs
fron lheir enply noulhs or hurI
leans of fire fron lheir enply
eye sockels vhen angered ly
lhose lhey encounler, lul are
unprediclalIe and nay heIp
soneone vilh infornalion
inslead of allacking. They seen
lied lo Iharras AIIey and never
appear anyvhere eIse in lhe cily,
lhough lhe infornalion lhey pass
on indicales lhal lhey nusl le
alIe lo see and hear lhings in
olher parls of Walerdeep.
Praycr A!!cy
Running soulh off Aureenar
Slreel al ils easlern end, lhis
aIIeyvay hooks around inside a
cily lIock lo paraIIeI IhaslaI
Slreel, lo lhe soulh, for nuch of
ils Ienglh. Il is naned for lhose
caughl in il in nore IavIess days
ly lhieves. Such unforlunales
didnl have a prayer of escape
due lo lhe Ienglh of lhe aIIey and
ils Iack of side exils.
A disused varehouse encircIed
ly il (Iocaled jusl easl of ils Ione
lree) is sonelines nagicaIIy
repIaced ly an infanous vanish-
ing shop lhal deaIs in nagic, speII
conponenls, veird arlifacls, and
oljecls fron olher vorIds and
pIanes. This pIace, rareIy seen
lhese days, is knovn as WhislIe-
vinks Revenge, afler lhe crazed
oId vizard vho runs il.
Rngucrun A!!cy
This narrov aIIey runs up lhe
inlerior of lhe veslernnosl cily
lIock on lhe norlh side of lhe
Slreel of CIances. A fanous inn,
lhe House of lhe IIying Horse,
once lacked onlo lhis aIIey. The
inn vas used ly snuggIers as a
cIearinghouse for fencing sloIen
goods and vas uIlinaleIy de-
slroyed in a speII dueI lelveen
rivaI vizards. A lreasure of
uncIained snuggIers Iool is sliII
said lo Iie hidden sonevhere
around or under lhis aIIey vhich
gol ils nane fron lhe nunler of
lines snuggIers ran fuII liIl
dovn il lo escape cily guardsnen
raiding lhe inn.
Rnnk A!!cy
This aIIey jusl norlh of SkuIIs
Slreel, curIs around lhe inside of
lhe cily lIock enlered ly KuIzars
Il is naned for a nolalIe lhief,
lhe Rook, vho fIourished aloul
5O years ago and had his secrel
headquarlers here. He died
fighling in il vhen discovered ly
officers of lhe cily guard. The
Rooks hoId vas a series of oId
crypls~lhe oId luriaI grounds
lhal give SkuIIs Slreel ils nane~
lhal he lunneIed dovn lo fron
lhis aIIey. The lunneI, lIocked off
vilh slones, is said lo sliII exisl,
aIong vilh his lreasure. Il is
guarded ly undead fron lhe
crypl vho allacked lhe Iasl foIk
lrave enough lo unseaI lhe
Runcr's A!!cy fIed vhen her parenls loId her
vhon lo narry and escaped
discovery for aInosl 3O years.
This shorl, lhree-lranched
passage vinds lhrough lhe
lrianguIar cily lIock lhal slands
lelveen }uIlhoon Slreel, HaIl-
over Slreel, and lhe SulherIane. Il
is naned for lhe Runer, a nin-
slreI vho sIepl here for years.
A vizard once nislakenIy
lhoughl Runers pipes vere
enchanled and his song a nagi-
caI allack, so he used a ispc|
nagic on lhe ninslreI. Il slripped
avay Runer's nagicaI disguise,
reveaIing hin lo le a nissing
nolIevonan, ShryIIa Manlhar.
This eccenlric free spiril had
Unnasked, she refused lo relurn
lo her house and slalion and
Iived on in lhis aIIey leconing
knovn as ShryIIa of lhe Spiders.
Her Iong, fanlaslicaIIy coifed hair
hid nol onIy needIe daggers and
Iockpicks, lul a poisonous spider
lrained lo defend her.
IeeIing dealh coning, she
cIinled Mounl Walerdeep lo see
one Iasl davn and died lhere. Her
lody vas nol discovered for
nonlhs anong lhe rocks~and
lhe spider Iived on in her skuII,
using one enply, slaring eye
sockel as ils door.
5abbar's A!!cy lIance of veII-cooked, spiced
leef roasls, jusl lefore guesls
vere served al a feasl.
This liny, dogIeg aIIeyvay opens
Novadays, lhis aIIey is lhe
easlvards off lhe Slreel of lhe
galhering pIace for a IocaI slreel
Singing DoIphin, jusl soulh of
gang, vho can sonelines le
Aureenar Slreel.
Il is naned for
Sallar, an unscrupuIous vizard
vho dveIl al ils innernosl end
unliI he disappeared, sone 8O
vinlers ago.
Sallar vas knovn lo hurI
firelaIIs al loys vho venlured
inlo lhis aIIey lo pIay, and vas
infanous for once naIiciousIy
lransforning luckels of rav, Iive
fishlail vorns inlo lhe sen-
hired lo valch or foIIov a person
ly anyone loId enough lo con-
lacl and pay lhen.
5atchc! A!!cy
This shorlcul runs norlhvesl
fron Dianond Slreel. Il vas
naned for lhe lags of gens and
vaIualIes lhal jeveIers used lo
n lhe IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n nap, Aureenar Slreel isnl IaleIed. Ils lhe najor slreel soulh
of and curving paraIIeI lo lhe Slreel of Lances, in lhe exlrene norlhern lip of Walerdeep. Ils shovn on
lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn naps and lhe coIor nap in lhis accessory.
carry aIong il lefore vailing
lhieves nade lhe lrip loo danger-
ous (in lhe days vhen Walerdeep
had a Thieves CuiId). Ils nov a
pIace vhere lhe coaches, carls,
and nounls of lhe lraveIers
slaying al lhe inns aII around il
Ioad and unIoad lheir passengers
and cargo, and as a resuIl is veII-
paved vilh dung.
5cawInd A!!cy
Running soulh fron lhe Slreel of
Lances, lhis aIIeyvay offers rear
access lo lhe luiIdings in ils cily
lIock. UsuaIIy shrouded in sea
nisl, il once Ied lo a nov-van-
ished inn, lhe Banshee al Bay
(olher, unreIaled inns aIso lear
lhis nane in Cornyr and in
Ann). The inn vas deslroyed,
over a hundred vinlers ago,
afler everyone inside il vas
found dead of sone unknovn
disease. Their reslIess spirils are
sliII said lo haunl lhe aIIey
lhough fev have seen anylhing
eerie in recenl years.
5hank A!!cy
This aIIey
circIes lhe inlerior of
a lrianguIar cily lIock norlh of
n lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn naps, lhis aIIey is nisIaleIed as Shark AIIey.
Aureenar Slreel and easl of off lhe Slreel of Whispers and
Slornslars Ride. Il is naned for connecls vilh Moonslar AIIey. Il
an anliqualed sorl of knife is naned for Sharra of lhe
knovn as a shank, vieIded ly InvisilIe Dragon, lhe fanous
lhieves vho used lo galher in archnage vho roused Never-
lhis aIIey.
Today, il is a crovded pIace
slacked vilh fish crales vhere
nany cily lirds galher lo feed.
LocaI youlhs and visilors skiIIed
vilh a sIing or hurIed slicks and
slones kiII lhe lirds lo seII lo
cooks lhroughoul lhe cily or for
lheir ovn neaIs.
5harra's F!Ight
This vide courlyard opens easl
vinler in a Iong-ago coaslaI var
ly using a speII lo lring her cry
inlo every ledroon of lhe cily:
Avake, and lo arns! Avake, or
lhe princes of SunduI viII cone
for us in our leds! Due lo her
efforls lhe forces of Nevervinler
rose up, defended lheir cily
againsl lhe navaI allack, and
foIIoved lheir foes hone lo
deslroy lhe CaIishile reaIn of
Sharra crealed lhis roule
vhen sliII an apprenlice lo
escape leing caughl in a nagicaI Slreel. Il vas IileraIIy used lo
lallIe lelveen rivaI nages of skuIk pasl lhe noses of lhe cily
pover. She lIasled dovn a luiId- guard vhen lhey eslalIished a
ing and ran lhrough lhe space slalionary valch al lhe cross-
shed jusl cIeared. The open space roads againsl snuggIers. Al lhe
has renained lhal vay ever
since. Il is loday used ly severaI
slreel vendors, vho cran lheir
slaIIs inlo il, seIIing candies,
sveels, exolic Iiqueurs, eeI pie
and rare deIicacies of lhe deep,
and cul-rale jeveIry lo passersly.
Thc 5ku!kway
This shorl passage culs across lhe
soulhern corner vhere lhe
Slreel of CIances neels WeslvaII
line, lhe SkuIkvay vas occupied
ly a luiIding~or so aII lul lhe
snuggIers lhoughl. Il vas aclu-
aIIy an enply sheII, vilh hoIes in
each vaII Iarge enough for a carl
lo le driven lhrough. The hoIes
vere covered ly iIIusions crealed
ly an enlerprising vizard, and
during lhe day doors vere roIIed
across lhe openings under lhe
cIoaking iIIusion lo avoid unin-
lenlionaI discovery of lhe nagic.
This Iasled unliI one day lhe
luiIding vanished~iIIusions,
slonevork, roof and aII. Sone
cIain lhe snuggIers foughl
anongsl lhenseIves, and de-
slroyed lhe pIace. lhers lhink
lhe Lords~or a poverfuI vizard
acling for lhen~nade lhe
luiIding vanish. The cause of lhe
disappearance vas a hol lopic for
argunenls anong IocaI cilizens.
None knev lhe lrulh.
5nIff A!!cy
Iron lhe norlh end of CorI
Slreel, lhis aIIey curves easl and
lhen norlh lo neel lhe Slreel of
CIances. Naned for lhe sneII of
lhe fishlone piIe lhal vas Iocaled
here unliI lhe Lords lighlened
Iavs aloul garlage, lhis is loday a
pIeasanl, paved lack vay vilh a
lree, lenches for reIaxing under
ils shade, and a snaII handpunp
of cooI valer for pulIic use. Ils a
good spol for lhe visilor lo resl in
for avhiIe~lul il aIso seens lo le
a favorile neeling pIace for
vhispered conversalions
anongsl shady characlers. Try
very hard lo Iook uninleresled
and hun or yavn lo indicale lhal
youre nol Iislening if youre
gelling lhe eye.
LIninsler loId us, vilh a genlIe sniIe, We shouId ask KheIlen aloul lhal. He grovs reslIess fron
line lo line, Iike aII lhe resl of us.
Wagnns!Idc A!!cy slones are snaII hoIIovs or pils,
This aIIey Iinks WeslvaII Slreel
vilh Seavalch Slreel lhrough lhe
lIock lounded ly Dianond
Slreel on lhe soulh and Crin-
vaIds Way on lhe norlh. Ils nane
cones fron lhe sleep, sIippery
sIope Ieading up il fron lhe vesl
lhal has nade nany a vagon sIip
dovn il in vel or icy vealher. In
vinler, sea rine is aInosl unle-
IievalIy fasl lo freeze here.
To inprove lraclion, lhe slones
of lhis slreel are Iaid Ioose, so
lhey sil unevenIy. Tripping is
easy if you go loo fasl or donl
Iook dovn. Under nany of lhe
sone undoulledIy dug ly chiI-
dren pIaying in lhe slreel. LocaIs
loId ne lhal nol onIy are nes-
sages oflen Iefl under cerlain
slones, lul sone of lhen conceaI
nagicaI veapons Iefl ready ly
lhieves vho operale in lhe cily
fron line lo line. These are
invisilIe veapons cached in
pIain sighl under lhe slones~lul,
since lhey are invisilIe, no one
can see lhen. HorridIy cIever, eh`
Il is cerlain lhal vhenever I
venl up or dovn lhis aIIey, I
couId feeI lhe heavy gaze of eyes
fron vindovs alove, vhere oId
nen sil seeningIy aII day vilh
nolhing lo do.
Non1h Vano
orlh Ward is lhe
quielesl vard of lhe
cily. This dislricl is
hone lo nosl of
Walerdeep's veaIlhi-
er niddIe cIasses and Iesser nolIe
faniIies. Il is an area of quiel
neighlorhoods doninaled ly
privale, vaIIed nolIe viIIas. LillIe
of inleresl neels lhe visilor's eye,
lul IocaI laIk says nuch pIolling
and parlying goes on lehind
cIosed doors in lhis reach of lhe
cily~inlrigue lhal affecls lrade,
vars, and veaIlh as far avay as
Thay. Yel, unIess you cone lo lhe
cily aIready in lhe knov as a
nenler of lhis or lhal guiId,
calaI, nerchanl aIIiance, or
underground nelvork, lhere is
acluaIIy IillIe in Norlh Ward for
you lo see.
Aside fron foIk slroIIing lo or
fron lheir hones or privale
parlies, lhis area praclicaIIy shuls
dovn al dusk. Il is oflen so quiel
lhal a nan laIking in lhe slreel
can le heard ly olhers ouldoors
severaI slreels avay!
Walch palroIs are frequenl,
lul are poIile and IighlIy arned.
Rovdiness and slreel vioIence of
any sorl are nol loIeraled in lhis
vard unIess one is nolIe or veII-
dressed and drunk. Those vho
engage in such aclivilies are
quickIy and roughIy handIed ly
lhe cily valch.
The onIy videIy knovn vard
Iandnark is lhe CenlIe Mer-
naid, vhose fane as a ganlIing
haII has spread up and dovn lhe
Svord Coasl. A nore inleresling
evening can le spenl al lhe Misly
Beard lavern, a refined lul oflen
IiveIy drinking spol slaffed
IargeIy ly exolic and nonslrous
leings fron aII over lhe ReaIns.
The vard is doninaled ly lhe
ornale vaIIs, spires, vroughl
iron vork, and laIconies of
nany vaIIed viIIas and grand
houses, lul onIy lhe Iucky or
priviIeged visilor sees nore of
lhese lhan can le gIinpsed fron
lhe slreel. Tvo nolIe faniIies, lhe
Havkvinlers and lhe Roaring-
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. In lhis vard,four-svord
delachnenls (nore oflen fenaIe officers lhan in any olher vard of lhe cily) pass a given poinl aloul
every 15 ninules, and Iook in lo a lavern or inn dining roon aloul every 4O ninules.
As delaiIed on pages 17 and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn sel lookIel, lhe cily guard aIso palroIs Norlh Ward,
in six-nan delachnenls. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are as given lherein, on page 23. Reinforcenenls viII le
a dozen LC hn I3s lo I6s cIad in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, daggers, sIings, and a
poIearn appropriale lo lhe silualion.
Cuard palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion aloul every 5O ninules, lul appear in 1d6 ninules vhen
a cily valch palroI lIovs a varning horn in lhis vard.
Localion #114 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #155 on lhe coIor nap.
horns, oflen give Iarge, spIendid
parlies al lheir viIIas.
III give you
vhal I can recaII of lhese spIen-
did houses. My nenory is ralher
spolly lhough, as lhe deIicious
vines served vere lolh pIenlifuI
and slrong!
nIy lvo guiIdhaIIs sland in
lhis vard: lhe House of CryslaI
and lhe House of HeaIing.
House of CryslaI houses lhe
headquarlers of lhe CuiId of
CIasslIovers, CIaziers, & Specu-
Iun-Makers, vhere one can luy
lhe finesl cryslaI laIIs and nir-
rors, ranging in prices fron 1 sp
for a curved Iadies handgIass lo
6OO gp for a sphere of perfecl
cryslaI as Iarge around as a snaII
shieId. The House of HeaIing is
lhe headquarlers for lhe CuiId of
Apolhecaries & Ihysicians, vho
do very veII here as an ener-
gency hospilaI and vendor of
nedicines and polions. The
House of HeaIing is a pIace nany
lragicaIIy diseased foIk or lheir
agenls cone speciaIIy lo Waler-
deep lo visil.
SeveraI shopkeepers in lhis
veaIlhy cIean dislricl, hovever,
are heads~spokenaslers~of
lheir respeclive guiIds. Darion
SuInesl of SuInesls SpIendid
Shoes & Bools
is lhe pulIic
conlacl of lhe rder of CollIers
& Corvisers. (His lools and shoes
are spIendid, loo. In vearing a
varn, springy pair of his IifeIong
svashlools righl nov and lhey
are vorlh every singIe copper of
lhe 12 gp lhey cosl ne. Iairs nol
guaranleed lo Iasl as Iong as lhe
vearer can le had for 8 gp or
Iess.) ShaIrin Maerados of
Maerados Iine Iurs
is CenlIe-
nan Keeper of lhe SoIenn rder
of Recognized Iurriers & WooI-
nen. And ReIchoz Hriial of
Hriial Iine Iaslries
speaks for
lhe Bakers CuiId.
There are aIso vhispers aloul
sloIen goods (and even snug-
gIing!). The Iargesl and nosl
exolic lhings, lhey say~ships and
goIens, for exanpIe~can le
loughl and soId lhrough a
cerlain nolIe residenl in lhe
vard. I vas unalIe lo conlacl
hin, and dare nol reveaI his
nane here, for fear of spreading
naIicious, lIaded longuevork.
Discreel vord can le Iefl for hin
al lhe Crinning Lion lavern.
The Havkvinler faniIy viIIa is #151 on lhe coIor cily nap, and lhe house of lhe Roaringhorns is
On lhe coIor cily nap, lhe House of CryslaI is #1O4. Ils nirror-ledecked facade doninales lhe vesl
side of Copper Slreel, jusl norlh of lhe Markel.
Localion #117 on lhe coIor nap.
The shop is #111 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #112 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #134 on lhe coIor nap. In aII cases, reIevanl guiIds and nolIe faniIies and sonelhing of
lheir currenl doings, inleresls or fees, and currenl heads, are covered in lhe la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n
Localion #135 on lhe coIor nap. A cerlain fal nan silling on a larslooI aInosl every nonenl lhe
Lion is open,HaIa Myrl, is eyes and ears for lhe nolIe rIpar Husleen, vho deaIs IargeIy in spices, scenls,
vines, and various polions. His house is #16O on lhe coIor nap.
The Gem1Le
NenmaI o
Tatcrn, Gano|ing Hcusc, c
Like lhe unreIaled BIushing
Mernaid feslhaII in Dock Ward,
lhe CenlIe Mernaid is a pIace of
Iuxury, offering no acconnoda-
lion save for a fev dungeon ceIIs
reserved for dellors, sharpers,
and lhieves. Il does loasl lhe
Iargesl and richesl ganlIing
roons in aII Walerdeep~perhaps
in aII Iaerun.
Ils Iarge, carpeled cenlraI
ganing chanler has a soaring,
paviIion-Iike roof, lhrough vhich
sIovIy shifling Iighls pIay in a
sofl, conlinuaIIy changing shov.
The roon hoIds lvo dozen or so
circuIar, cIolh-covered lalIes,
vhere Walerdeeps veaIlhiesl
pIay al dice and cards.
The alnosphere here is re-
fined, reIaxed, cIean, and free of
danger. Many an oId nolIe
nalron pIays soIilaire, or lvo
dovagers nay sil and gossip, sip
lheir favorile drinks, and lolh
pIay soIilaire.
lul valching vizards
uizar cqcs), ensures lhal guesls
arenl dislurled ly lhieves,
ruffians, leggars, or harassnenl
of any sorl. This is a pIace lo see
and le seen, lo neel peopIe, lul
nol lo do lusiness~unIess il can
le nanaged vilhoul lolhering
anyone, or youII le ejecled.
The PLace
AIone in lhe inlerior of a cily
lIock lounded ly lhe High Road
and Copper, SuInoor, and Hassan-
lyrs Slreels, lhe CenlIe Mernaid is
a huge slone piIe of lurreled and
laIconied spIendor. Ils exlerior is
lhe resuIl of severaI rich ner-
chanl ovners vilh nore veaIlh
lhan lasle adding lheir ideas onlo
an aIready oslenlalious lul alan-
doned nolIe house.
Wilhin, everylhing is carpels,
lapeslries, curlains, and hangings.
Sofl Iighls, sullIe perfunes, and
nagicaI heal doninale lhe roons
and passages lo nake lhe Mer-
naid a pIace of cozy varnlh,
aclive lhe nighl and day lhrough,
vilh evening lhe lusiesl line.
Many cone lo Iose noney al lhe
ganing lalIes~or spend il lo
enjoy lhe conpany of lhe charn-
ing and leaulifuI escorls of lolh
The allenlive Slaff of over 2O
louncers, reinforced ly unseen
genders on lhe Mernaid slaff.
The upper fIoors have leen
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhe CenlIe Mernaid is #114.
Ior an unusuaIIy quiel viev of lhis chanler, see page 63 of lhe Knign| cf |nc |iting Dca
advenlure ganelook.
These vizards are senior nenlers of lhe WalchfuI rder (nages of 8lh IeveI or higher), hired al
lhe princeIy rale of 77 gp/shifl. A day and a nighl consisls of four six-hour shifls. There are lvo vizards
per shifl, equipped vilh vands, rings, scroIIs, and ilens lhey expecl lo le effeclive in quickIy and
decisiveIy queIIing any dislurlances~such as holheaded oulIander nages vho slarl nagicaI dueIs.
lurned inlo a Ialyrinlh of
Iounges, cozy lovers, privale
roons, and secrel passages vhich
are used ly slaff and ly cerlain
fanous cIienls vho vish lo avoid
leing seen. Al Ieasl one such
passage enlers lhe Mernaid
underground, running fron lhe
rear of a nearly shop. I couIdnl
Iearn vhich shop.
The Pnospec1
The Mernaid prides ilseIf on
serene, alove-snollery Iuxury in
crealing a hone lhal nolIes viII
prefer lo lheir ovn. UnpIeasanl-
ness of any sorl is slanped oul,
sviflIy and rulhIessIy and lhe
veaIlhy are encouraged lo spend
as nuch line Iosing noney al lhe
ganing lalIes as lhey vish. The
Iess veaIlhy are encouraged lo
drifl aloul valching~lefore
leing deflIy chosen ly escorls
vho sleer lhen upslairs lo a
Iounge vhere each guesl can
choose a conpanion lo vhiIe
avay a pIeasanl line vilh.
The Pnooemoen
TalIe fees are a goId piece a seal.
This enlilIes a guesl lo a slarler
gIass of vhalever sparkIing
vinlage is leing served al lhal
lalIe and lo as nany snacks fron
passing siIver pIallers as lheyre
loId enough lo lake. The canaps
consisl of cral roIIs, snoked
saInon and siIverfin daggers
(sIivers of fish, served on sIices of
Ienon or Iine), pickIe and cheese
skevers, oIive or nul cups, and
spicy sausage finger roIIs. They
are ullerIy deIicious!
Wine and spirils of aII sorls
nay le had, lul lhey are dear: 1
gp/gIass or 12 gp/lollIe, regard-
Iess of vhal is leing drunk.
Lscorls seII lheir line and con-
pany for 6O gp for an hour lo 1O
lines lhal for an enlire evening,
depending on lhe escorls fane,
vhin, and leauly. The Mernaid
lakes 2O of aII fees coIIecled.
The PeopLe
The Mernaid has over 4O effi-
cienl, hard-vorking escorls, a
dozen of vhon are naIe. In lhe
pasl al Ieasl one doppIeganger
has leen ferreled oul of lheir
nidsl. The Mernaids ovner nov
inlervievs and audilions each
escorl carefuIIy. BeaulifuI foIk of
veaIlhy or refined lreeding and
nerry sensuaI nalures are
desired. Walerdeep allracls nany
such foIk~and lhe Mernaid
ignores lhe pasl of any slaff, so
Iong as lhey perforn suilalIy
vhiIe on duly.
There are lvo dozen or so
securily slaff (louncers), under
lhe connand of Housenasler
LirakIon Marinnalar, vho sils
vilh lhe valch vizards vhiIe his
second in connand, UIlhIo
ReIajalyr, narshaIs and direcls
lhe slaff on lhe fIoor. Theres a
very oId Mernaid joke: More
lhan jusl Iooking` Look dovn,
lhen. The escorl on lhe fIoor viII
heIp you.
The Mernaid vas founded
and for a Iong line ovned ly
Lady Shaeroon Brossfealher a
coIorfuI oId dovager of slrong
viII, vil, and inleIIigence vho
sponsored poels and olher free
lhinkers and speakers, had nany
dear~er~friends, and lacked
unusuaI causes, gelling herseIf
Ioved ly lhe connon foIk and
disovned ly her kin in lhe
process. She died recenlIy. vn-
ership of lhe Mernaid passed lo
lhe nyslerious }hanl Daxer, a
caravan ovner and noneyIender
IillIe knovn in lhe cily.
The PnIces
A guesl vho onIy ganlIes for
parl of an evening can expecl lo
pay oul 12 lo 15 gp in fees and
usuaIIy Iose lvo lo lhree lines
lhal. Large vins are rare. SnaII
vins occur jusl oflen enough lo
keep guesls coning lack for
Tipping is connon. Sone
reguIar guesls give lripIe a lalIe
fee lo gel a seal al lheir favorile
lalIe. To gel a lalIe aIone or lo
gel conlroI of vho sils lhere,
such as lhe nolIe nalrons pIay-
ing soIilaire, cosls 14 gp, lul lhal
incIudes a personaI vailer or
vailress vhose gender is of lhe
guesls choice. To gel lhe use of
one of lhe curlained, privale
}hanl is onIy a fronl for Xanalhar, lhe lehoIder crine Iord (delaiIed in IR1 la|crccp an Tnc
Ncr|n). Anyone nixing vilh hin or lhe Mernaid viII arouse Xanalhars enlire organizalion.
ganing side chanlers cosls
doulIe lhal. Lach hoIds one lalIe.
A dozen of lhese privale ganing
side chanlers open off lhe nain
ganing roon.
TnaoeLens Lone
SeveraI laIes cIing lo lhe Mer-
naid invoIving guesls vho have
nysleriousIy disappeared~and a
fev Iucky vinners vho slag-
gered oul lurdened ly nany
goId pieces. The lvo nosl inler-
esling laIes are aIso lhe darkesl:
lhe dealh card and lhe haunled
chessnen. These are nol popuIar
lopics of discussion in lhe Mer-
naid. Those inquiring over-
loIdIy can expecl lo sviflIy see
lhe slreel oulside.
The dealh card is sliII dravn
fron line lo line, lhough no
slaff nenler ever puls il in a
deck, nor has il a pIace in any
gane. Il is lhoughl lo le lhe
resuIl of an ancienl vizards
curse, and consisls of a card lhal
appears in any deck used in lhe
Mernaid. Ils face consisls of a
Iaughing skuII on a lIack fieId.
A chiIIing Iaugh is heard as lhe
card is uncovered, and a speclraI,
covIed figure rises up fron lhe
card, fIying aloul and svinging
a scylhe. Il allacks lhe leing vho
drev lhe card, and ils veapon
can sIay. The louch of aInosl any
speII nakes il and lhe card
disappear. The valch vizards are
aIvays aIerl for lhe appearance
of lhis Hooded Dealh.
The haunled chessnen are
nov deslroyed or hidden avay.
They are a sel of pieces of un-
knovn origin, used in lhe
slrange gane lroughl lo Waler-
deep ly vizards vho Iearned il,
ReaInsIore generaIIy allesls, on
olher vorIds. These chessnen
noved aloul lhe loard of lheir
ovn accord vhen unallended. In
lheir ovn eerie ganes, caplured
pieces loppIed over and changed
forns lo resenlIe Iiving foIk~
vhose dealh lhey foreloId. Whal
aninaled lhese grin ganing
pieces, and vhere lhey are nov
none can or viII say.
The Hooded Dealhs povers change fron line lo line, lul nosl vho have seen il say il seens lo le
a vrailh (an undead crealure~ see MC1) arned vilh a scylhe (2d4 danage, 6 arc reach).
The cily viIIa of lhis quielIy
poverfuI Walerdhavian nolIe
is lhe sile of nany
spIendid parlies.
n a slralegic corner Iocalion
in a lIock of fine nerchanls
houses and Iuxury aparlnenls,
lhe vaIIed Havkvinler con-
pound consisls of lhree spired,
laIconied slone houses nade in
lhe Iikeness of ninialure caslIes~
vilh creneIalions, gargoyIe-
shaped dovnspouls and arched
vindovs onIy found in lhe
uppernosl reaches of lhe vaIIs.
The onIy exceplions lo lhis
design Iie in lhe laII-peaked liIed
roofs, vhich shed copious snov
dovn onlo passersly in vinler.
Sone foIk leIieve lhe dovn-
spouls are reaI gargoyIes lhal lhe
faniIy can reIease lo defend lheir
hone. These are kepl innoliIe
ly slrong enchanlnenls con-
lroIIed ly lhe Havkvinlers.
These ninialure caslIes are
Iinked ly vinding garden palhs,
overhung ly nany oId, carefuIIy
lended lrees, hung vilh Ianps.
When parlies are lhrovn,
nany-hued rif|g|cocs Iighl
every corner of lhe gIoony haIIs,
passages, and ceIIars of lhe
caslIes, and perfune is added lo
lhe Ianps anid lhe lrees.
Musicians pIay in chanlers
here and lhere, and nages are
hired lo perforn ninor iIIu-
sions~eilher of Ianguid leauly in
lhe earIy evening or of nyslery
danger, and spice Ialer, vhen
lhose vho ceIelrale unliI lhe
davn chase each olher around
lhe laIconied roons and dun-
geons. h, yes, lhese caslIes have
dungeon ceIIs. They ceIIs are very
cIean and Iil vilh red lorches for
shov lul funclionaI~and, I
TradilionaIIy a slrong arn of lhe cily guard and lroops fieIded ly lhe Lords of Walerdeep, lhe
Havkvinlers hunl and lreed highIy prized var horses on exlensive counlry eslales norlh of nearly
AnphaiI. They spend nuch of lheir line lhere, and nake nosl of lheir noney seIIing horses in
peaceline. In lines of var, lhey serve as nercenary generaIs and guides, hire oul lheir ovn cavaIry, and
vork as high-priced, Iighlning-fasl lroop oulfillers.
Their lesl nounls are lIack vilh siIver nanes and laiIs. A rare fev have lIue eyes lhal gIov in lhe
dark~lhey have 12O infravision and, sone varriors svear, a rarer fev can even see intisio|c crca|urcs
an i|cns as auras, vilhin 7O. Wizards are especiaIIy eager lo purchase Havkvinler horses. They are
lred lo accepl speIIs hurIed nearly and fron lheir lacks caInIy.
The viIIa is #151 on lhe coIor nap. Aparlnenls in lhe sane lIock rareIy faII vacanl. When lhey do,
roons are lypicaIIy 35 gp/nonlh and up, vilh lhe firsl season (six nonlhs) paid in advance.
doull nol, used fron line lo
Conversalion and laIes fron
afar are vaIued lo slave off lhe
loredon lhal lhrealens nolIes,
so advenlurers and lhose nevIy
arrived in lhe cily are veIcone
as guesls. The doors are nol open
lo aII, lhough. Walerdhavian
nolIes invile a seIecl Iisl of foIk:
usuaIIy Iiergeiron, oul of cour-
lesy aIlhough he lul rareIy
allends such feles, olher nolIes
vilh vhon lhe faniIy is on
speaking lerns, nages and olher
fashionalIe or poverfuI person-
ages, such as guiIdnaslers, and
lhe occasionaI very successfuI
nerchanl in sone sorl of digni-
fied lrade.
These guesls are expecled lo
lring lheir spouses or an escorl,
and fron lvo lo six guesls each~
vho nay le anyone, such as lhe
aforenenlioned advenlurers and
olher vaIking enlerlainnenl.
Those vilh ideas of sIipping such
feasls (eIsevhere in Iaerun, lhe
lern crasning is oflen used) are
varned lhal nolIes doorvards
and louncers are nighly, experi-
enced, quick, and reinforced ly
nagic and nighl of arns lhal
even successfuI advenlurers
respecl~fron a safe dislance`
Wanl lo gel inviled` Lel il le
knovn around lhe cily lhal
youre nevIy arrived and eilher
an advenlurer of inporl or lhal
inleresling lhings lefeII you lhal
you can leII or, even leller, shov
sonelhing aloul. Wilh a sniIe or
lvo fron lhe gods, soneone viII
invile you. A young, ardenl
fenaIe escorl inviled ne lo lhe
parly I allended, on lhe condilion
lhal I vear a ralher huniIialing
oulfil and address her in an
exlreneIy deferenliaI nanner. In
lhe inleresls of seeing vhal
vouId olhervise le denied ne, I
agreed~and vas lrealed lo a viId
evening of fIirlalion, drink,
spIendid food,
and gossip.
As lo lhe goings-on, Iel ne say
nereIy lhal on such occasions,
lhe nolIes of Walerdeep are
ruIed ly lheir vhins. Iancy
coslunes, exolic food and drink,
even nore exolic enlerlain-
nenl~Iel ne leII you, laIes you
nay have heard in your IocaI
lavern of lhe decadence and viId
vays of Walerdeep are aII lrue.
There are presenlIy four I12s in lhe Havkvinler ranks, and even lhe sIighlesl Havkvinler
naiden can caII on lhe gargoyIes and on nore lhan lvo dozen nagicaI crosslovs lhal vail lehind
vaIIs lolh inside and oulside of lhe caslIes.
LIninsler assures us lhe gargoyIes are reaI and 1OO IoyaI lo lhose of lhe faniIy lIood. nce Ioosed,
lhey nusl lasle lIood lefore lhey can le connanded lack inlo slalion. When connanded ly vord
and viII, lhe nagicaI crosslovs appear (slone paneIs sIide aside) and fire lvo heavy quarreIs per round,
al THACO 7, for nornaI danage (1d4+1 vs.M). Their aclivalor nusl le of lhe faniIy lIood and need onIy
speak lhe correcl vord vilhin 9O of a conceaIed lov and nenlaIIy seIecl lhe largel or largels. The
vord is differenl for each crosslov. A lov can fire al up lo lvo largels per round.
Walerdeep loasls nany hire-cooks, nolalIy Brazaun of BaIdurs Cale and KalhIiira SaIarlh, vho
descend on your kilchens and vhip up fanlaslic hand-food for feasls if you slock your Iarders
leforehand lo lheir specificalions. NolIe faniIies pride lhenseIves on having kilchen slaff vho can
oulshine lhese juslifialIy fanous cuIinary arlisls.
As lo lhe gossip: Al parlies,
nolIes can neel~lo exchange
ilens, for exanpIe~vilhoul eyes
nolicing or longues vhispering,
lul rareIy conducl inporlanl
lusiness. Thals vhal lhey have
Iarge vaIIed houses vilh nany
cIosed doors for. They c use
parlies lo neel vilh, nanipuIale,
and arrange fulure neelings and
lusiness vilh underIings, oulsid-
ers, and nevconers. I sav nore
lhan lvo advenluring lands
hired in lhe line il look ne lo
drain a liny gIass of firevine al
lhe feasl I allended.
AIso, such parlies are lhe onIy
pIace lhal oulsiders and connon
foIk are IikeIy lo hear nolIes
gossiping aloul nolIes firslhand.
The aIerl Iislener can Iearn a Iol
fron a lone of voice, raised
eyelrov or Iip, or vhen and hov
Iong soneone pauses vhen lhey
are speaking.
The foIk vho allend Havk-
vinler parlies are eccenlric and
poverfuI~and, if lheyre nolIe,
up lo sonelhing aII lhe line. The
scenl of nasked danger is aIvays
in lhe air.
TruIy, a Walerdhavian nolIes
feasl is sonelhing aII shouId
enjoy. If you nanage lo acquire
an invilalion lo one, ly aII neans
go oul of your vay lo ensure lhal
you gel lo go. Hovever, I pIan lo
allend ny nexl one in ny ovn
cIolhes~or al Ieasl in a sIighlIy
nore dignified oulfil.
The NIs1 Beano
Ta tc r n
This inleresling pIace slands on a
corner hard ly lhe easl vaII of
lhe cily, vhere ils noise and
crovding creale as fev prolIens
vilh lhe refined neighlorhood
as possilIe. Ils signloard depicls
a Iaughing learded saiIor, vilh
leads of valer gIislening in a
rainlov aII over his leard.
Minor enchanlnenls nake lhese
dropIels gIean, sparkIe, and
change hue fron line lo line.
The Beard is fanous up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl lecause il
is slaffed IargeIy ly exolic and
nonslrous leings fron aII over
lhe ReaIns: haIfIings, Iizard nen,
kiIInouIis, nyconids, faerie
dragons, speclalors, and even, in
lhe kilchens and ceIIars, skeI-
elons and zonlies
under lhe
connand of olher leings. There
are aIso shapeshifling and iIIu-
sion-using crealures on slaff. As
one reguIar palron pul il, You
never knov jusl vhal youII see~
and for nosl of us, ils lhe onIy
line vere every IikeIy lo see
sone of lhese crealures.
Their presence allracls a Iol of
lhriII-seekers, and nany visilors
of lhe crealures ovn kind. AII
are veIcone, in an uneasy lruce
enforced ly lhe nagicaI povers
of lhe vand-vieIding ovners.
The PLace
This cIean, veII-nannered lavern
(in such nixed conpany aII foIk
lend lo le exlra poIile) is a soIid-
Iooking slone luiIding vilh Iarge
arched vindovs, dovnspouls
carved inlo lhe Iikenesses of
leaulifuI vinged naidens, and a
sleepIy pilched sIale roof. Il rises
four fIoors alove lhe slreel. This
vas once a lavern knovn as lhe
Cal and Songlird, lul ils ovners
vere nenlers of lhe Thieves
CuiId, and perished lIoodiIy in
an assassinalion allenpl on lhe
galhered Lords of Walerdeep.
This pIace is #155 on lhe coIor cily nap.
These crealures appear in VoIunes 1,2, and 3 of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun.
The Pnospec1
The inlerior of lhe Misly Beard is
a veII-Iil junlIe of loolhs and
cozy chairs saIvaged fron saIes
aII over lhe cily. The roons aII
open inlo a cenlraI veII, vhere
various slairs curve and zigzag
up and dovn, and vinged vail-
ers darl fron lar lo lalIe vilh
singIe gIasses. The vailers are
spriles, vho are hired here for
nonlh-Iong shifls, ly vhich line
lheyre usuaIIy sick of lhe cily
and fIil hone.
variely. The garIic luller is juslIy
fanous, and a vonderfuI goose-
lerry jan is nade on lhe pre-
nises. The fruil is lroughl in
fron High HiII, lhe ovners
eslales norlheasl of lhe cily.
There is aIso very good sausage
and norkolh soup, vhich varies
in ingredienls. Morkolh soup is
one of lhose sinner-aII-day
lhrov-in-vhalevers aloul
concoclions. The food is fiIIing,
lul lIand. The varied cIienleIe
hoId IillIe seasoning in connon
high regard.
The Pnooemoen The PeopLe
Iood in lhe Beard lends lo le of
lhe lreadslick and cheese dip
The haIf-eIven nages vho ovn
lhe pIace are lvo vand-vieId-
sislers, AIIel and Vindara
Tzunlzin, vho once ran lhe BIack
Cryphon inn in LIlureI. Their
nonslrous friends and visilors
vere nol veIconed in lhal cily, so
lhey soId oul and cane lo cosno-
poIilan Walerdeep, vhere lhey
soon lired of naking leds, so lhey
lurned lheir inn inlo a lavern. The
laverns nane refers lo a privale
joke lelveen lhen, invoIving a
lel, a Walerdhavian saiIor, and
sone nagic.
The larlender al lhe Beard is
Munzrin MarIpar, a dignified,
fearIess Iizard nan of unusuaI
heighl and inleIIecl. He vas
oulcasl fron his kin in lhe Marsh
of CheIinler lecause of lhose
fealures. Hes usuaIIy lo le found
deep in conversalion vilh a
lehoIder-Iike, deadIy Iooking
speclalor fIoaling lehind lhe lar:
Thoin ZaIann, vho is sone-
lhing of a phiIosopher, and
sonelines drifls oul over lhe
rooflops of lhe cily on dark
nighls lo spy on lhe endIessIy
enlerlaining doings of hunans.
The PnIces
The Beard has a nore varied and
veII-slocked ceIIar lhan any-
vhere in Walerdeep excepl
perhaps Iiergeirons IaIace ilseIf.
The nany drinkalIes run fron 3
sp/lankard for aIe and 4 sp/jack
for zzar (lhe largains) up lo 12
gp/laIIgIass for nosl vines and
exolic drinks. BollIes are aIvays
six lines lhe price of a gIass.
MeaIs are 1 gp/head for as nuch
as you vanl lo consune in one
evening fron vhals on lhe
nenu lhal nighl.
TnaoeLens Lone
There are nany laIes of lhe
parlies~and occasionaI lravIs~
al lhe Beard. The lvo sislers are
quick lo use lheir vands lo keep
raciaI fears and hosliIilies fron
erupling inlo fuII-scaIe sIaughler,
and lhis pronise of safely is
enough lo allracl a sleady slrean
of lhe curious. A rare fev cili-
zens are conforlalIe drinking al
lhe Beard as reguIars, lul il is a
very popuIar pIace for Iov-
incone nerchanls lo use lo
inpress oul-of-lovn visilors and
a connon neulraI ground
neeling pIace for nerchanls and
olhers engaged in difficuIl
negolialions. A fev privale
roons can le renled for shorl
periods al 1O gp/hour. Sone
nighls lhings lurn inlo raucous
sing-aIongs~and as one Waler-
dhavian loId ne, UnliI youve
seen a speclalor and a faerie
dragon dancing on air logelher
and slruggIing lo harnonize~
veII, youve nol seen Walerdeep!
Lach carries al Ieasl six vands on her person, one or lvo shealhed openIy al her leIl, and lhe olhers
hidden dovn loollops, up sIeeves, and so on. They ovn nany, nany vands, lul a lypicaI carried
assorlnenl is as foIIovs:
AIIel: cncnq c|cc|icn, frcs|, nagic nissi|cs, nisp|acc cojcc|s, ncga|icn
Vindara: fcar, firc, f|anc cx|inguisning, i||usicn, |ign|ning, para|qza|icn, pc|qncrpning.
The uan cf nisp|acc cojcc|s is delaiIed in lhe Tcnc cf Magic. AII olhers can le found in lhe DMG.
O1hen PLaces o[
Im1enes1 Im
Non1h Vano
Thc HIgh Hnusc nf
This cily viIIa of lhe Waler-
dhavian nolIe cIan fanous for ils
lravIs, parlies, and svashluck-
Iing, pranksone approach lo Iife
is used lo hosl a seeningIy end-
Iess succession of feasls. AInosl
everyone is veIcone. The Roar-
inghorns deIighl in lreaking lhe
heads of vandaIs and vouId-le
lhieves. AIlhough such galher-
ings can le so crovded and noisy
as lo resenlIe a herd of oxen
niIIing aloul, lhe dovn-on-lheir-
Iuck of Walerdeep can oflen gel
food and drink al one of lhese
feslive galherings and neel lo
conducl shady lusiness, loo~
lhough ils a lil Iike vhispering
secrels in a roon fuII of Iisleners.
Their hospilaIily has nade lhe
Roaringhorns deepIy Ioved
anong lhe cilizenry of Waler-
deep. Id nen and slreel youlhs
aIike have leen knovn lo Ieap lo
lhe defense of a drunken Roar-
inghorn in Dock Ward al nighl.
Bul lheir lehavior has reduced
lhis once-fine, huge vaIIed viIIa
lo a veII-vorn shanlIes of lorn
and slained lapeslries, spIinlered
furnilure, and enply roons.
The Roaringhorns seen nol lo
care and never run shorl of
funds. If ils anliance you seek,
lheir hone is Iike an alandoned
hoId slripped lare~lul lheres
aIvays fun lo le had lhere al
Ieasl lvo nighls in a lenday. The
faniIys never shorl of voIunleers
vhen il announces nercenary
hirings, eilher.
Aurnra's Rca!ms 5hnp
Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
This is lhe Norlh Ward oulIel of
lhe fanous Iaerun-vide aII
goods relaiI chain. Localed nexl
lo lhe House of HeaIing in a
narrov lul grand oId hone
converled lo Iuxury aparlnenls
alove lhe shop, Auroras Norlh
fronls on lhe High Road. Il has
four guards vho vork in shifls
of lvo and lvo, a slunningIy
leaulifuI lul sharp-longued
Localion #145 on lhe coIor nap. A parliaI fIoor pIan of lhe everyday parl of lhe viIIa appears on Map
9 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel, aIong vilh lhose of severaI olher nolIe faniIy viIIas.
counler cIerk, IhandaIue Tarin-
lhiI, and a service-nage, Quirlan
ndever, vho deIighls in acling
nyslerious and sinisler.
Macradns FInc Furs
This shop seIIs slyIish and veII-
nade furs~vinler cIoaks, vesls,
and caps for aII, and year-round
fashions for lhe Iady of lasle,
lreeding, and deep pockels.
Secrel pockels are slandard in
such garnenls, as are conceaIed
push-daggers. Iurs can le per-
funed lo order, lul phiIandering
nolIes frovn on lhis~il Ieaves a
dislincl scenl lraiI lo vho one has
leen vilh.
Runors speak of a guardian in
lhe shop. ne of lhe furs is reaIIy
a Iiving leasl~sone say a greal
cal, olhers a sorl of sIy furry
cIoaker~lhal preys on inlruders
vhen lhe shop is cIosed.
Prcpric|cr. ShaIrinMaerados,
lhe CenlIenan Keeper of his
guiId, is lhe proprielor. He is
olservanl and sofl-spoken. He
advenlures in his spare line and
conceaIs severaI veapons on his
person and in his shop.
HrIIat FInc PastrIcs
This shop is a luslIing pIace.
LocaIs Iine up here vhen lhe
sneIIs leII lhen a fresh lalch of
sonelhing is ready for ealing.
Hriials pIace (say Hur-RLL-alz)
is knovn nol jusl for sveels, lul
for savory paslries, nolalIy lhe
lile-pie or lhe neaI Ioaf. Anong
lhe sveels, lhe hand-sized aI-
nond-and-appIe sugar larls, al 1
cp each, are especiaIIy fine. Bile-
pies nade of pork, leef, or cur-
ried nixed neals run lo 2 cp
each, and nixed fish lile-pies
cosl onIy 1 cp each. The neaI Ioaf,
a Hriial originaI, is an egg-shaped
sluffed roII as Iong as lvo nans
hands fuII of a slir-fried nix of
cooked vegelalIes and neal
doused in a spicy nushroon
sauce lhal visiling nerchanls
lrol across lhe cily lo gel.
AII lhese vares are nade for
ealing in lhe slreel as one vaIks.
Hriial seIIs fine cIolh leIl-loveIs
for lhis purpose. Hriial food is a
hearly lreal nol lo le nissed!
Prcpric|cr. ReIchoz Hriial, lhe
pulIic conlacl for lhe Bakers
CuiId, ovns and runs lhis shop.
He is shorl, sloul, and joIIy. He is
aIvays sanpIing his vares and
offering liles lo cusloners.
5u!mcst's 5p!cndId 5hncs
& Bnnts
Ioolvear here can cosl as nuch
as 1O lines lhe going rale eIse-
vhere in lhe cily lul any repairs
lo a SuInesl producl are haIf lhe
Localion #112 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #134 on lhe coIor nap.
going rale, and nany lools can
le loughl vilh IifeIong guaran-
lees of free repIacenenl for any
reason save Ioss due lo lhefl.
Mens shoes, sIippers and lools
for lolh sexes are nade lo cus-
lon fil lhe cusloners fool. ff
lhe sheIf sizes are nuch cheaper
lhan cuslon vork, going for onIy
lvice lhe average cosl. AII vork is
slyIish~so nuch so, In loId, lhal
Lady CaIinda Ravenlree once
allended a nolIes parly cIad onIy
in her lhigh-high SuInesl lools!
Prcpric|cr. Darion SuInesl,
lhe sarcaslic and handsone
spokesnan for his guiId, is lhe
proprielor. He is a louch snol-
lish lul aIvays inleresled in laIes
of advenluring.
A MaIdcn's Tcars
No lavern in lhis vard conpeles
in prices vilh lhose eIsevhere~
drink is dear, and rovdiness
slrongIy discouraged. NolIes
vilh a lasle for lravIing, coIor, or
danger vaIk lo nore soulherIy
vards for lheir fun. This pIace,
naned for lhe oId Svord Coasl
Iegend lhal lhe lesl vine is lhe
lears of a naiden vhose suilor
Localion #111 on lhe coIor nap.
lurns avay (or is sIain), is quieler
lhan nosl.
Sofl Iighling, deflIy quiel
service, and curlained loolhs
nake lhis a perfecl and popuIar
pIace for neelings~lolh for
privale inlrigue, and encounlers
vilh Iadies of lhe evening. nce
youre sealed, il is rare lo even see
olher palrons, and lhe snoring
lelrays jusl hov nany unhappy
nolIes cone here lo drink zzar
unliI lhey faII asIeep.
The Tears is raled highIy for ils
privacy and quiel. Sone viII find
il a excrulialingIy loring pIace lo
Iifl a cup.
Zzar is 4 cp/jack. Wines go up
fron lhere lo 2O gp/gIass for
TashIulan dragonslongue. No
nenu is offered, lul aII drink
orders incIude conpIinenlary
saIled crackers, garIic-and-cheese-
neIl lreads, and ceIery.
Prcpric|rcss. Zolia Shrinsha is
lhe proprielress. She is quiel,
valchfuI, and shy~Iike a IillIe girI
speaking lo slrangers.
Thc GrInnIng LInn
Tucked avay inside a lIock of
hones and lusinesses jusl norlh
of lhe lig lend in CoIden Ser-
Localion #154 on lhe coIor nap.
penl Slreel, lhis pIace, adorned
vilh lallIe lrophies (or faked
lallIe lrophies) fron aII over
Iaerun is as raucous as laverns
gel in Norlh Ward. An oId joke
cIains lhe Riven ShieId Shop
sends aII shieIds leyond repair
here, lo hang on lhe vaIIs.
The nusic is Ioud, vilh naIe
and fenaIe dancers in fanlasli-
caIIy slyIed and reveaIing nock
arnor svaying and pirouelling
anong lhe lalIes. ReaI, if lroken,
veapons hang on lhe vaIIs
everyvhere, so dispules are
sviflIy discouraged ly lhe
louncers. Crasping a palrons
upper Iip is an effeclive vay lo
lov hin lo lhe door, one loId ne.
Iood consisls onIy of pIallers
of fried onions and eeIs. In loId
you gel lo enjoy lhen, lul I
couIdnl gel pasl lhe revoIling
Iook and sneII.
IoIk reaIIy cone here lo
drink~and drink lhey do, copi-
ousIy al a price of 3 cp/lankard
of zzar and upvards. Mosl vine
is 2 sp/gIass.
In loId lhal a cerlain fal nan
on a slooI al one end of lhe lar
can heIp visilors luy and seII
goods lhal are ralher varn.
The onIy such palron I spoke lo
vas very rude and enphalic in
his rejeclions.
Prcpric|cr. Unger IarshaI, vho
ovns and runs lhe Crinning
Lion, is laId, cIose-noulhed, and
Thc C!Iffwatch
Al lhe norlheasl corner of
LndcIiff Lane and Nindalar
Slreel slands lhis ranlIing oId
inn~recognizalIe for ils exlerior
gaIIeries. These are conlinuous
laIconies running lhe enlire
Ienglh of lhe oulside, a fealure
seen in Dock Ward and Soulh
Ward, lul rareIy in lhis veII-lo-do
By nighl, find il ly
going lo lhe LndcIiff Tover on
lhe cily vaII, and head vesl
dovn lhe narrovesl Iane you
can see. Ils on lhe firsl corner on
your righl.
Inside, ils veII vorn, even
shally~lul lhe cheerfuI, under-
slanding keeper nakes up for
lhis. Hes quick lo hide varn
goods or vanled foIk, direcl
advenlurers or visilors lo vhere
lhe oddesl lhings can le found in
lhe vasl cily, and lo chal aloul
runors, lreasure laIes, and
doings in lhe cily in lhe oId
oversluffed arnchairs in fronl
of his roaring firepIace. Ior foIk
vanling onIy a conforlalIe,
hone-Iike pIace lo slay, lhis is one
of lhe lesl Iodgings in lhe cily.
h, ly lhe vay, laIes of secrel
passages Ieading dovn lo snug-
gIers slorage ceIIars and lhence
lo navigalIe reaches of lhe
ceIIars are lrue. Bul lhe kindIy
Localion #135 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #156 on lhe coIor nap.
keeper advised ne nol on invesli-
gale loo far unIess I feIl confidenl
of ny aliIily lo defeal a lehoIder!
Prcpric|cr. The anialIe, lul
olhervise unrenarkalIe, propri-
elor of lhe CIiffvalch is IeIslan
Thc Ga!!npIng MInntaur
WideIy knovn anong lraveIers,
lhis inn has legun lo sIip in ils
service, reIying on ils nane and
convenienl Iocalion
for narkel
vendors and for shoppers lo keep
ils roons fuII. And lhey are fuII,
ils rare lo find Iodgings here,
lecause lhe keeper has insliluled
lhe cilys firsl syslen of advance
lookings. Merchanls vaIuing lhe
guaranlee of a pIace lo slay in lhe
cily have gone for il lo such an
exlenl lhal lhe Minolaur has
expanded lo lake in a forner
varehouse lehind and a slore-
fronl leside lhe originaI inn. The
cheaper roons are Iocaled in lhe
forner varehouse, alove lhe
slalIes and leIov lhe servanls.
Inside, lhis pIace is aII luslIe.
Lrrandloys and nevsIungs
(youlhs vho arrive every hour or
so, and for a handfuI of coppers
fron lhe innkeeper leIIov oul
lhe currenl nevs lo aII in lhe
saIon) are aIvays coning and
going, nerchanls fuII of lheir
ovn inporlance are aIvays
slriding in aII direclions (al
once, as one serving naid dryIy
pul il), and lhe nuller of lusiness
deaIings fiIIs lhe enlire ground
fIoor. The ground fIoor is given
over lo a Iolly, lhe saIon, and
four privale, renlalIe neeling
roons. The saIon is an open
Iounge used ly nosl guesls and
lhose lhey have deaIings vilh.
Servanls lend lhe privale roons
ly neans of passages lehind lhe
paneIed vaIIs in ansver lo lhe
lug of a leIIpuII. Be varned lhal
lhey can easiIy eavesdrop on
vhal goes on vilhin. AII in aII, a
noisy, overpriced pIace~ralher
Iike paying high goId lo sIeep in
an arny canp.
Prcpric|cr. WaendeI Ulhrund,
a leady-eyed, sardonic nan vho
is aIvays aIerl, is lhe proprielor.
Thc RagIng LInn
This IillIe-knovn, fine oId inn is
highIy reconnended. Doni-
naled ly dark vood paneIing,
lhick lul vorn carpels under-
fool everyvhere, and a slricl ruIe
againsl open fIanes of any sorl
incIuding snoking, il is a quiel
refuge fron lhe luslIe of lhe cily
leing as cIose lo lhe easl vaII as
one can gel.
Lighl is provided
ly an assorlnenl of g|cuing
g|cocs of differenl hues.
Dvarves and al Ieasl lhree
lands of Iady advenlurers have
adopled lhis pIace. Sone Iive here
Localion #11O on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #153 on lhe coIor nap.
Tvo dvarves seen lo Iive in
lhe dining roon, vhillIing IillIe
chains and Iock nechanisns
pernanenlIy, heIping lhe propri-
elor keep order, and olhers use il
as a lase lelveen expedilions
inlo lhe norlhern Svord Coasl.
The Svordnaidens in parlicuIar
are an inpressive sighl as lhey
slride lhrough lhe haIIs or dining
roon in fuII arnor.
AII roons have lheir ovn lalh
and garderole, and aII have
doors lhal can le Iocked and
larred fron vilhin. AII have
Iocking lar-grales on lhe vin-
dovs lhal can le svung up oul
of lhe vay fron vilhin onIy. AII
have canopied four-posler leds
of lhe sorl usuaIIy reserved for
noliIily or royaIly.
The ground fIoor is given over
lo kilchens and lo a dining roon
vhere one can choose lelveen
leef, pork, or goal slevs nighlIy
each avaiIalIe eilher highIy
spiced as favored in lhe Soulh or
nore noderaleIy seasoned
(vhich is nore lo ny lasle~I Iike
lo lasle vhal In ealing firsl, and
lhe spices second).
During ny neaI, I found
sonelhing lhal Ied lo a very
inleresling advenlure~aloul
vhich III say onIy lhal in lhe
leller vards of Walerdeep,
aIvays check lhe underside of
any chair or slooI you sil in (if,
and onIy if, you can do lhis
unolserved ly olhers!). Messages,
coins, gens, veapons, and olher
vaIualIe oljecls are oflen sluck,
vedged, or filled inlo recesses
lhere for soneone lo pick up al a
Ialer line.
fron various exolic voods, and
sipping leer as lhey vhiIe each
day avay. I leIieve lhey lake
nessages fron dvarves, lo pass
on lo olher dvarves vho cone
here lo find lhen. Their nanes
are IInairen and }aerIoon. They
nereIy sniIed vhen I asked lheir
cIan. They loId ne nany inleresl-
ing laIes of lhe cily in exchange
for a lankard or lvo~incIuding
sone lhings aloul a curious cuIl,
enlraced ly sone nolIes of
Walerdeep, lhal once used lhis
inn as a pIace of vorship.
Their lenpIe sliII exisls, as a
ceIIar nov crovded vilh casks,
polaloes, nushroon franes and
lhe Iike, lul il vas once a pIace of
frenzied dancing and sacrificiaI
offerings lo KanladIan, lhe
BIack Torloise of Nighl. I nusl
adnil I Iaughed al lhis, lul afler I
vas shovn lhe lenpIe and lhe
lurnl lones sliII on ils aIlar, ny
nirlh Iefl ne hurriedIy.
This is lhe origin of lhe seI-
don-heard Walerdhavian oalhs:
By lhe BIack Torloise! and By
lhe sheII of KanladIan! The cuIl
is nov exlincl~I leIieve. Yel
sonelhing of ils dark and dan-
gerous nyslery sliII cIings lo lhis
oId pIace~or perhaps sone olher
pIols Iurk here`
Prcpric|cr. The laII lul sloul
proprielor of lhe Raging Lion,
LhaerhIin Masran, is inpassive-
faced lul affalIe.
Norlh Wards aIIeys are ly far lhe
safesl of any vard of Walerdeep.
ChiIdren have leen knovn lo
safeIy pIay unallended in lhen
on lrighl noonIil nighls. Lan-
lern guides lend lo le Ione nen
or youlhs and sonelines even
naids, and lhe aIIeys have a
repulalion nore as a pIace for
drunks lo snore avay lhe nighl
undislurled, lhan pIaces lo le
avoided due lo danger.
B!ack Dng A!!cy
This shorl vay circIes around lhe
inlerior of a lIock of luiIdings
due soulh of Iarvalch Tover,
Iinking up vilh Walch AIIey. Il is
naned for lhe siIenl phanlon of
a lIack dog lhal is seen padding
sleadiIy aIong here on nany
nighls. The hound vears a
spiked hunling or var coIIar,
slands as laII a goal, and has
lIazing red eyes. Il Iooks al no
one direclIy and sinpIy vaIks
lhrough peopIe and oljecls aIike.
CatchthIcf A!!cy
This shorl, narrov passage runs
norlh off CoIden Serpenl Slreel,
aIong lhe easl vaII of lhe HeIn-
fasl nolIe faniIy viIIa con-
Ils nane cones fron ils
sile as lhe dovnfaII of lhe infa-
nous lhief UIuryk MaIogh, vho
vas sIain ly a haiI of poisoned
arrovs here nany vinlers ago
afler he kiIIed lhe heads of lvo
nolIe houses in a lavern lravI
and launled lheir kin ly reveaI-
ing hinseIf as an agenl of lhe
lanished Thieves CuiId, vho had
leen ordered lo lring aloul
lheir doon.
He escaped inlo lhe severs and
ceIIars of lhe cily vhich he knev
as fev olhers do, lul lhe CuiId
lhoughl hin insane and a risk lo
lhenseIves, and senl agenls inlo
lhe cily lo sIay hin. The agenls of
lhe CuiId caughl hin in lhis aIIey.
Sone foIk svear lhey have heard
lhe ghoslIy lullIing vhisper of
his Iasl vords, pronouncing a
curse on aII lrailors, and Ianenl-
ing lhal lhe poison ourns so.
There are persislenl runors
lhal he nade an exlensive nap of
lhe ceIIars and severs, delaiIing
lraps, larriers, and Iocks. If il
exisls, il has never cone lo Iighl.
The aIIey is aIso nolalIe for lhe
facl lhal nuch of il vas once
deslroyed ly a vyrn lursling up
fron leIov! There is an oId
Iegend in lhe cily of a dozen or
nore dragonels lhal once
halched earIy and ale lheir vay
lo freedon, escaping fron an
inporler of dragon eggs inlo lhe
cily severs. They dined on rals,
lhieves, and olher skuIking
nonslers, groving sIovIy in size
and povers. This laIe has prol-
alIy grovn a greal deaI in lhe
leIIing, lul a singIe dragon
undenialIy lroke oul of sone
ceIIar, ceII, or sever leIov lhe
videsl parl of lhis aIIey sone 7O
vinlers ago and fIev avay over
lhe cily lo escape inlo lhe nearly
nounlains lo lhe norlh. Ils
origin, if il vas Iearned al lhe
line, has leen forgollen.
Manycats A!!cy
This vay crosses lvo cily lIocks
and vinds lhrough lhe inlerior
of a lhird, running lelveen and
for lhe nosl parl paraIIeI lo
}uIlhoon Slreel and Traders Way.
Il passes jusl lo lhe soulh of lhe
Adarlrenl nolIe faniIy viIIa,
and is nolalIe nol onIy for lhe
nany cals lhal roan il (for vhich
il is naned), dining on Ieavings
fron severaI lulcher shops
Iocaled aIong ils run, lul aIso for
lhe nany carved slone heads lhal
adorn luiIdings aIong lhe aIIey.
The carved heads are of lolh
sexes and nany races and are
very IifeIike~Ieading sone
fancifuI foIk lo cIain lhey are
pelrified, severed heads of once-
Iiving leings. Whalever lheir
origin, il is videIy leIieved in lhe
cily lhal lhe heads speak aIoud
fron line lo line, ullering
cryplic nessages.
Localion #144 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #1O6 on lhe coIor nap.
5hattcrcrnck A!!cy
This shorl aIIeyvay circIes soulh
fron Slalled SaiIor AIIey onIy lo
neel vilh il again, encircIing lhe
Margasler nolIe faniIy viIIa.
Il is
naned for a fanous incidenl,
nany sunners ago, vhen a
vizard~Ihanlanos of lhe IurpIe
CIoak, vho venl on lo lecone
nighly in Arl, a Iegend across lhe
Norlh~vas Iearning lo fIy ly
neans of nagic and svooped
viIdIy |nrcugn a huge carl of
crockery leing pushed aIong lhis
aIIey lo nake deIivery lo a shop
here. Ior nany years a lavern, lhe
Wizard vilh Wings, lacked onlo
lhis aIIey fronling on SuIdoun
Slreel, lul il lurned dovn of
suspicious causes a decade ago. A
fine shop offering speclacuIar
hals, vigs, and lody-nanes lo
Iadies slands on lhe sile nov.
5tabbcd 5aI!nr A!!cy
This aIIeyvay Iinks Vhezoar
Slreel vilh WhaeIgond Way. Al
ils nidpoinl slands a cIunp of
nagnificenl shadovlop lrees of
greal age and heighl (sone 9O),
lhal shade lhe slreels around and
provide a hone lo nesling lirds.
Localion #129 on lhe coIor nap.
ganlIing gangs~lored, veaIlhy
youlhs vho vasle lheir noney
This aIIey Iinks vilh Shaller-
crock AIIey and is Iinked lo lhe
Slreel of lhe Manlicore lo lhe
norlh ly a liny aIIeyvay knovn
as SprangaIars Svordcul.
The Svordcul and Slalled
SaiIor gol lheir nanes in lhe
aflernalh of a lIoody slreel
fighl, years lack, vhen cilizens
foughl vilh foIIovers of lhe CuIl
of lhe Dancing Bear and eilher
deslroyed il or drove il under-
The aIIeyvay is a lusy
lul safe deIivery roule loday. Ils
shade nakes il a favorile slroII on
hol, sunny days.
Trn!!sku!! A!!cy
A narrov, IillIe-knovn passage
vinding lhrough lhe inlerior of
a cily lIock jusl norlh of, and
paraIIeI lo, lhe easlern end of
DeIzorin Slreel, lhis aIIeys dead-
end is a favorile nighl haunl of
on dares and ganes of chance. By
day il is safe and crovded vilh
carls of garlage and deIivered
goods for lhe lusinesses lhal
lack onlo il. By nighl, il is lhe
lurf of aggressive youlhs of lolh
sexes~vho oflen peIl lhe cily
valch vilh slones.
Wat ch A! ! cy
A shorl passage lhal runs due
soulh fron Iarvalch Tover
lefore Iooping lack lo neel ilseIf,
lhis Iane serves as an assenlIy
poinl for cily valch palroIs and a
quick roule soulh for lhen~
hence ils nane. Il is as safe as an
aIIey can le, excepl for a curious
lhing, as yel unexpIained: Iron
line lo line, singIe, severed,
lIoody lare hunan feel are
found Iying in il.
The CuIl of lhe Dancing Bear vas lorn seven or nore generalions ago, vhen Walerdeep ceI-
elraled lhe IeslivaI of Dancing Bears once a year. This larlarian cuslon preceded lhe cily~lhe
nonadic hunan lriles of lhe norlh sinpIy shifled lhe pIace of lheir annuaI galhering lo Walerdeep.
During lhe feslivaI, lhe larlarians cane dovn lo lhe cily vilh peIls and horns lo seII and lrinkels,
good svords, and nuch leer lo luy. They danced far inlo lhe nighl, and lhe grealesl of lheir dances vas
lhe Dance of lhe Bear. In lhis dance, a hunler danced vilh a caplured lear, hoIding ils allenlion (and
cIavs) ly skiII and slralagens so il vouId nol nenace lhe crovd around. The hunler vore lear-cIav
gIoves lipped vilh a drug,and if lhe lear vas scralched deepIy enough, il vouId le affecled, faIIing ever
so sIovIy asIeep. Many hunlers vere kiIIed in lhis dangerous dance, and Walerdhavian vorshippers
of MaIar look il up afler lhe larlarians slopped coning, dancing vilh a lrained lear or even a nan
vearing lhe preserved peIl, cIavs, and head of a lear.
The CuIl of lhe Dancing Bear is presenlIy
as delaiIed in lhe |ORGOTT|N R|A|MS
Ied ly Urinlorn, vho is secrelIy a speciaIly priesl of MaIar,
Atcn|urcs hardcover sourcelook, and is a snaII, under
ground failh. Ils foIIovers are narked, usuaIIy on sone parl of lheir lody nornaIIy hidden ly cIolhing,
ly lhe paraIIeI scars of lhe raking cIavs of lhe lear. The failhfuI neel secrelIy al Ieasl once a nonlh,
usuaIIy in a ceIIar sonevhere in lhe cily. RiluaIs invoIve drinking lhe lIood of aninaIs, dancing vilh
lhe Bear (Urinlorn,in coslune),dedicaling any hunling aclivilies lo lhe Bear,and nock-fighling feIIov
cuIl nenlers vilh lare hands and leelh unliI lIood is dravn. CuIl nenlers are lrained in aggressive
allacking lehavior, and lo enjoy a lIoodIusl. They fierceIy avenge any sIighl or allack on any nenler
of lheir feIIovship, and lry lo run dovn in a hunl ly nighl al Ieasl one visilor lo lhe cily a year.
LIninsler says lhis is an oId Thieves CuiId punishnenl, and nay heraId lheir relurn lo lhe cily. Il
cones, he said dryIy, fron a lad pun aloul defealing your opponenls.
Tnaoes Vano
f aII lhe vards in
Walerdeep, lhis vard
has lhe Ieasl connu-
nily feeI. You cer-
lainIy can'l leII ly
vaIking lhrough lhe slreels
vhere il ends and Soulh Ward or
Dock Ward legins.
Trades Ward is aInosl enlireIy
given over lo connerce. MiddIe-
cIass vorkers and nerchanls
dveII and pIy lheir lrades lhere.
The vard vraps around nosl of
lhe Cily of lhe Dead, running oul
fron ils vaIIs aIong Andanaars
Slreel lo lhe High Road, dovn
lhal lroad slreel lo SnaiI Slreel,
and dovn SnaiI Slreel lo Shess-
lras Slreel, vhere il lurns easl.
The loundary jogs soulh al Book
Slreel lo Drakiir Slreel, runs easl
aIong il lo lhe Way of lhe Dragon,
keeps lo lhe norlh side of TeI-
shanlras Slreel as il runs on easl
lo lhe High Road, and lhere jogs
norlh again lo lurn easl al Sah-
lyras Lane. Il lakes in Caravan
Courl and lhen foIIovs BeIzors
WaIk norlheasl lo lhe cily vaII.
The cily vaII, and lhose of lhe
Cily of lhe Dead, nake up lhe
resl of ils loundaries.
Inside lhis area are nany
Iandnarks lhe visilor vonl vanl
lo niss. Besides, ils aInosl inpos-
silIe lo lraveI anyvhere in
Walerdeep vilhoul passing
lhrough Trades Ward. Ils slreels
are aIvays lusy. n dark nighls,
so nany Iighlers are al vork
here lhal il Iooks Iike a sea of
lolling slars fron afar.
Walch palroIs are very fre-
The proleclion of prop-
erly is paranounl in lhis
vard~lhefl and vandaIisn are
lhe vorsl eviIs. Crovding, push-
ing, shoving, and cursing are
connonpIace al lhe days heighl.
The congesled slreels nake
vaIking vhiIe Iooking up in lhis
vard~or even slopping for a
good Iook~hazardous al nosl
lines of day. This is quile a pily,
lecause lheres a Iol lo see.
The firsl lhing lhal slrikes
ones eye is lhe laIIesl luiIding:
lhe IIinlh, a lenpIe al vhich aII
failhs can pray. No person can le
larred enlry fron il. In facl, in
vinler ils varnlh keeps a Iol of
poorer cilizens aIive.
This nighly lover slands Iike a
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. In lhis vard, four-svord
palroIs pass a given poinl aloul every 1O ninules and Iook inlo a lavern or inn dining roon every 3O
ninules. As delaiIed on pages 18,19 and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn look, six-nan cily guard delachnenls aIso
palroI lhe vard. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are given lherein on page 23. Reinforcenenls viII le a dozen LC
hn I3s lo I6s in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, sIings, daggers, and a poIearn. Cuard
palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion every 45 ninules or so, and appear 1d1O ninules afler a cily valch
palroI lIovs a varning horn in lhis vard.
needIe-Iike, laII and lhin pyranid
vilh lhe lop cul off. The fIal roof
is a Ianding pIace for aeriaI sleeds
used ly lhe veaIlhy and pover-
fuI. Al nany IeveIs on lhe IIinlhs
sides are laIconies. Cily Iavs
forlid sacrifices of inleIIigenl
leings lo any god, lul a Iol of foIk
Ieap or are heIped lo faII fron
lhese heighls each year.
The nexl nosl proninenl
fealures of lhe vard are lhree
open spaces~lhe Courl of lhe
While BuII, vhere Iiveslock is
loughl and soId, Caravan Courl,
vhich is usuaIIy a dusl-shrouded
neIee of cursing vhip-vieIding
drovers, lavIing leasls of lur-
den, and creaking vagons and
carls, and Virgins Square, vhere
varriors galher lo avail hire.
There are pIenly of inns and
laverns in lhis vard, lul aside
fron lhe IIinlh, no lenpIes.
There are aIso counlIess shops,
nosl rising lhree fIoors alove
lhe slreel, vilh aparlnenls alove
lhe slores~lul onIy one nages
In sure nany vizards of
niddIing povers dveII here, lul
lheres onIy one of pover and
veaIlh enough lo erecl a lradi-
lionaI vizards lover vho has
eIecled lo slay in Trades Ward.
The nain fealure of lhis vard
are lhe nany guiIdhaIIs~a
vearying Iisl of pIaces lhal vie
Mhairs Tover, hone of Mhair SzeIlune, Lady
Masler (head) of lhe WalchfuI rder of Magisls &
Iroleclors (Walerdeeps vizards guiId) is Ioca-
lion #171 on lhe coIor nap. Ils a conicaI slone
lover on lhe easl side of SpindIe Slreel vilh an
ovaI, nilhriI and copper fronl door.
for lhe allenlion of passersly
vilh Iarge repIicas of vhalever
goods lhe guiId produces, giIded
Iellering, and grand facades.
These are vorking headquarlers,
and nany foIk lraveI a Iong vay
lo gel inside lhen, lo deaI vilh
lhe guiIds. The guiIdhaIIs are: lhe
CiladeI of lhe Arrov headquar-
lers of lhe IeIIovship of Bovyers
& IIelchers,
Cosluners HaII, of
lhe rder of Masler TayIors,
CIovers, & Mercers,
lhe House of
Song, of lhe CounciI of Musicians,
Inslrunenl-Makers, and Choris-
lhe ffice of lhe League of
Baskelnakers & Wickervork-
and lhe House of CIeanIi-
ness, of lhe Launderers CuiId.
This vard is aIso hone lo lhe
Id CuiIdhaII, headquarlers lo
lhe CeIIarers and IIunlers
lhe Zoarslar, headquar-
lers of lhe Scriveners, Scriles,
and CIerks CuiId,
lhe House of
TexliIes, of lhe Mosl LxceIIenl
rder of Weavers and Dyers,
lhe CuiId Iaddock, of lhe SlalIe-
naslers and Iarriers CuiId,
CollIers & Corvisers House,
lhe house of Iighl,of lhe CuiId
of ChandIers & LanpIighlers,
Slalioners Ha11,
and WheeI HaII,
of lhe WheeIvrighls CuiId.
The Zoarslar, in parlicuIar, is
aIvays crovded. Aside fron aII
lhose vho need Iellers vrillen,
gavkers are aIvays peering
lhrough lhe vindovs al lhe
naps, charls, and archilecluraI
renderings on dispIay on easeIs
al ils fronl. ne such nap is
aIvays an overaII viev of lhe cily
as a kindness lo visilors. Co lhere
if you gel Iosl. The Zoarslar is on
lhe norlhvesl corner of QuiII
AIIey and Wide Way norlhvesl of
lhe Courl of lhe While BuII.
Shoppers shouId expIore al
nighl in a IeisureIy nanner vilh
a Iighler and a group of arned
friends, lhen lraverse lhe vard in
an organized shopping roule ly
day. Ils oflen said you can luy
anq|ning in Walerdeep. A vaIk
around Trades Ward viII have
you leIieving lhal. (III adnil I Iel
lhe guaranleed unical faniIiar
go even lefore ils iIIusory uni-
corn horn slarled lo fade. Il
slopped cIaving ne and hurried
lack lo ils shop lo le soId again.)
Localion #174 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #176 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #181 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #183 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #185 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #186 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #189 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #19O on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #195 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #199 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #2OO on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #2O2 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #2O5 on lhe coIor nap. In aII cases, lhe guiId ovning lhe headquarlers, and sonelhing of
ils doings, fees, and currenl heads, is covered in lhe la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n sourcelook.
The BoueLs
o[ 1he Ean1h
This rough, rovdy lavern slands
on lhe soulheasl corner of lhe
inlerseclion of SnaiI Slreel and
SinpIes Slreel, jusl vesl of Vir-
gins Square.
Il is a cheap lul
cozy dive popuIar vilh nerce-
naries and advenlurers. If youre
a nercenary or an advenlurer or
are Iooking lo neel or hire one
or lhe olher, you nusl go lo lhis
pIace~if youre naIe, lhal is, and
Iook Iike youd le lroulIe for
soneone in a fighl. Lady adven-
lurers are usuaIIy loId enough lo
go in~lul lhey sonelines have
lo enply lhe pIace vilh lheir
fisls or speIIs lo vin lhe respecl
lhey need lo slay and enjoy
lhenseIves unlroulIed!
The PLace
The BoveIs is an oId slone luiId-
ing lhal Ieans nolicealIy lo lhe
norlh inlo SinpIes Slreel. The
vindovs are covered vilh sloul
vooden shullers, larred fron
vilhin, lecause lhey Iong ago Iosl
aII lheir gIass and screens. The
lavern fronls on SnaiI Slreel,
vhere ils hanging signloard
vividIy depicls a piIe of nanure
lransfixed ly a spade. LocaI
chiIdren and drovers aIike pIay
an oId, oId gane ly fIinging
spadefuIs and handfuIs of dung
al lhe sign, lrying lo nake il slick
lo vhere lhe piIe is painled.
The Pnospec1
Inside, lhe BoveIs of lhe Larlh is
chiefIy nenoralIe for leing ar|.
Hooded candIeIanps al each lalIe
provide lhe onIy iIIuninalion. Ils
easy lo inagine a lIade leing
dravn in sleaIlhy siIence and
sIiding in and oul of a nans rils
vilhoul varning unliI he crashes
forvard onlo his lalIe~and In
sure ils happened here a line or
lvo. The pIace is a haunl of lhe
Shadov Thieves, ils said, lhe pIace
vhere lhe lhief Morialh of lhe
Conpany of Crazed Venlurers
nel his end al lheir hands.
There are severaI privale,
renlalIe roons off lhe laproon.
They are Sparlan culicIes fur-
nished onIy vilh Ianps hanging
on chains alove luiIl-in lenches
and lalIes. Behind lhe lar are lhe
kilchens, and leside il is a door
Ieading lo lhe aIIey lehind lhe
lavern. Slairs Iead up lo a cesspil/
jakes al lhe lack of lhe pIace, a
sel of forner ledroons
cranned vilh slores, and a dusl-
fiIIed allic. Slairs lehind lhe lar
Iead dovn lo a Iov-ceiIinged
ceIIar crovded vilh kegs as laII
This pIace is #198 on lhe coIor cily nap.
Ior nore aloul lhis lavern, see BIazidon ne-Lyes enlry on page 5O of IR1 la|crccp an |nc
Ncr|n and lhe advenlure enlilIed The Unnourned Iassing of Roungoze HalaIIanler on page 64.
BIazidon ovns lhe BoveIs of lhe Larlh and oflen sIeeps in ils allic.
as a nan and aloul as fal around
as any four nen. Lven lefore you
find lhe lrapdoor lehind lhen,
you can sneII lhal lhis pIace is
connecled lo lhe severs.
So vhy do advenlurers, vho
can oflen afford leller, cone lo
lhis dunp` WeII, lhe prices are
Iov veII-lanked fires keep il
varn in vinler, and in lhe cIose
darkness lhere are aIvays laIes
leing loId lack and forlh~laIes
of laning and fIying dragons, of
heving Iiches and laalezu Iinl
fron Iinl, and vilhslanding lhe
hurIed nagic of archnages or
lehoIders. The Iislener can visil
far, exolic corners of ToriI~fron
falIed Lverneel lo lhe chiII ice of
lhe Creal CIacier, and fron lhe
deplhs of lhe Deep ReaIn of lhe
dvarves lo lhe unreIenling heal
of Zakhara, lhe Land of Iale~
vilhoul ever Ieaving lhe safely of
his or her chair.
Bul nore inporlanlIy lhan
lhal, Iislening quielIy and per-
haps snoking in lhe darkness
are usuaIIy one or nore vho
have cone lo hire advenlurers or
sinpIy nercenary svords for a
lask. They sil, and Iislen, lake
lheir neasure of lhe speaker, and
nay Iay dovn a coin for a hire-
svord lo lake up and so enler
lheir service.
The Pnooemoen
Iood in lhe BoveIs is sinpIe fare:
coarse, rich dark rye lread in
circuIar Ioaves, served lo accon-
pany sIals of cheese, sausage, and
fovI pale. Theres aIso soup~
usuaIIy a lhick concoclion of
peas and IenliIs sinnered vilh
aII lhe neal scraps, fal, and lones
lhal have cone vilhin reach of
lhe pIace.
To vash aII lhal dovn, lheres
Iols lo drink~in quanlily. The
seIeclion isnl greal. AII lhal
lurns going dovn and isnl veII
lhoughl of can le had, lul if you
vanl fancy vines, vaIk eIse-
The PeopLe
ReguIar palrons are hard lo
recognize in lhe darkness~
vhich is jusl as veII for lhe cily
guard undercover agenl vhos
usuaIIy Iislening here or for Mirl
lhe MoneyIender, lhe coIorfuI
and sloul ex-nercenary.
The laId-headed proprielor
vears a goId earring and is
aInosl as vide as he is laII (in
olher vords, aloul five feel in
each direclion). His liceps are as
Iarge around as a fal nans lhigh!
This genlIe gianl is capalIe of
snalching an unruIy guesl off his
feel one-handed and hurIing hin
across lhe laproon lo slrike lhe
door so hard lhal il fIies open
and he saiIs oul a good 1O feel
inlo lhe slreel~and lounces. No
viId laIe~I sav lhis nyseIf. This
larlender, nganar TaIlhIoon, is
(lhankfuIIy!) sIov lo anger.
The PnIces
Drink goes ly lhe lankard: 1
copper for rough aIe, 3 coppers
for good aIe, 7 cp for zzar, and 1
sp lo 6 sp for vine and spirils,
depending on quaIily. A pIale of
food is 1 cp. A lovI of soup is 1
cp, lul free vilh a pIale of food.
TnaoeLens Lone
The BoveIs of lhe Larlh has so
nany laIes connecled lo il lhal I
couId fiII anolher look lhis size,
lul lheres one lhal every lrav-
eIer finds inleresling: The lavern
has leen ovned ly nore lhan
one vizard in lhe pasl~and ils
said in lhe cily lhal lheres sliII
nagicaI lreasure hidden in lhe
pIace sonevhere. Many foIk
have sleaIlhiIy casl deleclion
speIIs~onIy lo find lhal lhe enlire
pIace radiales slrong nagicaI
auras~Iayer upon Iayer, so lhal a
ispc| nagic doesnl cIear lhings!
So far, onIy one nagicaI ring has
leen found~in lhe lollon of one
of lhe vine kegs, vhen il rolled
You vonl find Mirl, or KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun eilher, for lhal naller, in lhe IoIk of
Walerdeep appendix al lhe lack of lhis look. LIninsler refused lo say anylhing aloul eilher of lhen.
He did say sonelhing Iike, The safely of aII lhe ReaIns is loo inporlanl lo jeopardize jusl lo sale lhy
Try chipping inlo lhe slone roof piIIars lhal hoId up lhe ceiIings in lhe laproon and ceIIar,
LIninsler advised sarcaslicaIIy vilh a grin. }usl one snaII naller, he added: Renenler lhal lheyre
hoIding lhe pIace up, and youre in il! h, anolher varning: The piIIars refIecl lack aII nagic casl al
lhen, 1OO on lhe source.
The Imm o[ 1he
DnIppImg Daggen
Tatern S lnn
This cozy oId inn slands on lhe
easl side of lhe High Road, soulh
of SeIdulh Slreel and norlh of
lhe Coffinnarch.
Ils veII-
knovn as lhe favorile valering
hoIe and resling pIace for hire-
svords, and has a repulalion for
joviaI horsepIay lhal keeps lhe
nore linid nerchanls and
piIgrins avay fron ils doors.
The PLace
This lavern has a fieIdslone
slreel-IeveI fIoor pierced ly a fev
squal, iron-larred arched vin-
dovs. A rov of iron and anler-
gIass Ianps run aIong ils fronl,
iIIuninaling lhe hanging drip-
ping dagger signloard and lhe
enlry door, vhich is covered vilh
nany lIoodslains and veapon
scars. The ovner used lo Ieave aII
lhe veapons lhal had sunk inlo il
in pIace as grisIy lrislIing adorn-
nenl, lul lhey slarled proving
loo handy for lhose vishing lo
snalch up a veapon and vork a
IillIe nayhen, and lhe cily valch
asked hin lo renove lhen.
The linler upper fIoors have
necessilaled a no snoking/no
fires ruIe excepl in lhe laproon.
They conlain lvo fIoors of
conforlalIe roons, an allic vilh
a secrel cIosel for hiding incrini-
naling lhings (such as lodies)
fron lhe cily valch, and a fIal
roof vilh severaI carved slone
griffons on il, vhich serve lo give
pigeons sonelhing lo adorn and
peopIe using lhe roof lo Iook for
lhe valch or jusl lo enjoy lhe cily
viev sonelhing lo Iean againsl. If
foIk visiling lhe Dripping Dagger
use aeriaI sleeds, lhe griffons
have rings sel inlo lhen for lhe
easy lelhering of nounls.
There is a slalIe lehind and a
IillIe soulh of lhe inn reached ly
a passage off SpindIe Slreel, and a
fev gnarIed oId lrees lhal one
can reIax under. This lack aIIey
is frequenlIy fuII of fighling nen
al praclice.
The Pnospec1
Inside, lhe inn has a dark, Iov-
ceiIinged laproon Iike nany a
lavern. A slair leside lhe lar
Ieads up lo lhe inn roons, and
lhere is a privale dining roon
around lehind lhe slairs lhal has
leen used for nany var counciIs
and privale lusiness neelings
dovn lhrough lhe years.
The pIace is sinpIe, lul con-
forlalIy furnished and veIcon-
ing. The varrior guesls seen lo
reIax conpIeleIy here, and Iaugh,
joke, and pIay al dice, cards, or
loard ganes vilh easy, Iazy
enjoynenl. Songs and pIay-acling,
vherein one hairy varrior gels
This pIace is #168 on lhe coIor cily nap.
up and Iisps and fIirls his vay
lhrough an inilalion of a nolIe
Iady or ninics a ponpous
nerchanl nel during lhe day, are
Laughler rings oflen around
lhis laproon. I can see vhy
guesls Iove lhis pIace so and
lecone reguIars. Those vho are
nol fighling nen are greeled
affalIy and lrealed vilh courlesy
ralher lhan leing nade lo feeI
unveIcone or oul of pIace. n
ny firsl visil, I sav lhree huIking
nercenaries on lheir knees on
lhe fIoor soIennIy pIaying orc
VeLcome 1o 1he DnIppImg Daggen
A|| Priccs arc pcr Pcrscn, pcr P|a||cr cr 8cu|
Ior The Hungry Li ghler Iare
Roasl x (cooked vilh onions or Ieeks~
CoId Meals (served vilh Ielluce
garIic oplionaI) ........ . ............................................... 1 sp or endive) .............................................................. . ........... 4 cp
Venison (narinaled in red vine and Slev (nixed neals and
spices) ...................................................................................
vegelalIes) ...................................................................... 3 cp
VeaI (aIvays fresh) .......................... . ..................... 2 sp Soup (fish and vegelalIes,
Coal (in red vine) ................................................... 1 sp seasoned) .......................................................................... 2 cp
Iork (chops or rils) ...............................................
1 sp
Soup (nixed neals) ...............................................
Bacon (rav lo crisped, as you prefer, Iasly (neal and vegelalIe,
lhick-sIiced and served on a led of hol-spiced or niId) ................................................ 1 cp
parsIey, vilh roIIs) .................................................. 6 cp
Iork Iie (hol-spiced or niId) ....................... 1 cp
Rallil (cooked in red vine vilh luller Sleak and Kidney Iie .......................................... 1 cp
and chives) ..................................................................... 4 cp (Pics atai|ao|c cc| cr pac|c in icc an
(Mc| |c cnccsc 1 cp cx|ra) |catcs fcr |ratc|.)
Hol Sausage and Sauce (your choice of
sauces and hov spicy) ....................................... 5 cp To Dri nk
(Sausagcs a|sc atai|ao|c |c gc2 cp/ Priccs oq Tan|ar cr Ta||g|ass,
sna||, 5 cp/|argc, cr 1 sp/cci|) an |ncn oq 8c|||c
QuaiI (if avaiIalIe) ...................................................
4 c p
(Han Kcg cr Ha|f-An|cr fcr 8ccrs)
Iheasanl (vhen avaiIalIe, sleaned vilh AIe ....................................... .................. 1 cp .................. 4 cp
vine) ....................................................................................
Sloul ...................................................... 2 cp................... 8 cp
LeIs (done in our ovn vhile sauce) .. .. .3 cp Mead ..................................................... 3 cp................ 12 cp
Tripes (cooked vilh onions in Zzar ....................................................... 6 cp ................... 1 sp
a vine gravy) ............................................................... 3 cp Sherry ................................. 7 cp ................... 1 sp
Herring, Ian-Iried................................................ 4 cp AInond Brandy
Longfin and lher IIeasures of lhe (Moonshae) ...............................
................... 1 sp
Deep (vhen avaiIalIe fresh, served vilh (Minlarn) ......... ........................ 6 cp ................... 1 sp
sauces and your choice of greens)...... .6 cp Iruil Liqueurs (apricol, cherry, goose-
Cooked Beans (niId or hol-spiced). ..... .3 cp lerry peach, pear) ................ .4 cp ................... 1 sp
(Sa|| pcr| cnun|s 1 cp cx|ra) Whiskey ............................................ 1 sp ................... 1 gp
Lggs (done lo your lasle, in sausage and Iirevine .......................................... 1 gp .................. 9 gp
lreading nesls): LIverquissl .................................... 4 gp ............... 2O gp
Coose ......... . .......................................................................
Iine Wines and Lxolic
Duck ..................................................................... ................ 5 cp DrinkalIes ...................................... 1 sp................... 1 gp
Chicken .............................................................................
4 c p
Lxolic IovI (vhen avaiIalIe) ..................... 6 cp
squash vilh a IillIe loy as his
nolher Iooked on in pIeased
The Pnooemoen
The nenu al lhe Dripping
Dagger is lypicaI for a good inn,
and Ive reproduced il in fuII
here (page 113). I vouId hope lhal
lhose pIanning lo open lheir ovn
eslalIishnenls eIsevhere viII
lake lheir neasure of ils sinpIe
lreadlh and prices!
The PeopLe
The proprielor is IiIiare, a joviaI,
niddIe-aged ex-nercenary vhos
BIazidon ne-Lyes chief conpeli-
lor in lhe lusiness of gelling
nercenaries hired. Many foIk
cone here seeking hiresvords in
a hurry and IiIiare is knovn lo
aII and lrusled ly nosl. He has
Iols of spare veapons and gear
given lo hin ly fighling nen
vho never cane lack or vho
paid hin in goods vhen lhey
Iacked coin, vhich he viII seII or
renl lo advenlurers. He has aIso
knovn lo lrin his prices a lil for
guesls lhin in lhe purse.
IiIiare presides over a slaff of
four vailresses, four chanler-
naids, six kilchenfoIk, and four
hoslIers (in lhe slalIe lehind).
The PnIces
Iood prices are as given on lhe
nenu. A roon renls for 5 sp/day
fron highsun lo highsun, vilh
slalIing incIuded, or 2O sp/
lenday. BedroII (lunking on lhe
fIoor of lhe allic vilh olhers) is 1
sp/nighl. A lovI of soup, a nug
of aIe, and a round Ioaf of lread
are incIuded vilh ledroII service.
TnaoeLens Lone
Many fanous nercenaries and
conpanies have slayed here
vhiIe in Walerdeep. By connon
consenl, lhe inn is neulraI
ground vhere rivaIs and svorn
enenies slay anicalIy~or al Ieasl
loIeranlIy~logelher. Before lhey
luiIl lheir ovn keep (since
deslroyed), lhe Conpany of
Crazed Venlurers Iived here, and
il vas aIvays lheir favorile pIace
lo drink. Longline reguIars sliII
laIk aloul lhe line lhey used a
uisn speII lo |c|cpcr| lack fron
disasler in a nearly dungeon and
shallered lhe lar vilh lheir
arrivaI. UnforlunaleIy lhey
appeared vilhoul any of lheir
equipnenl~and cIoseIy foIIoved
ly lheir |c|cpcr|ing foes! (If you
shouId neel vilh a forner
nenler of lhe Conpany lhis is
nc| a good lopic lo discuss.)
Many olher laIes are Iinked lo
lhe Dripping Dagger, lul III leII
onIy one olher. AIusair Nacacia,
princess of Cornyr, vhen sliII a
sIip of a girI, gave her Iady allen-
danls and guards lhe sIip vhiIe
her falher vas neeling vilh
Iiergeiron. She vandered in here
and vas happiIy pIaying vilh lhe
varriors in lhe laproon vhiIe
lhe cily valch and cily guard
vere franlicaIIy lurning lhe cily
upside dovn searching for her
and dreading having lo reporl
her disappearance lo KheIlen lo
gel nagicaI aid in lracing her~
vhereupon her falher vas sure
lo hear of her disappearance.
Afler lhe Daggers palrons had
nock-vreslIed vilh her, lossed
her fron hand lo hand unliI she
vas quile vinded, Iel her sip
slrong lhings lhal shed aIvays
leen forlidden lo lasle, and
disarned her and shoved her
hov lo do il lo soneone eIse, lhey
vere in lhe nidsl of shoving her
hov lo lhrov daggers vhen lhe
cily valch cane in. Ils a good
lhing lhe valchs Iead officer vas
svifl~AIusair had jusl fIung a
dagger al lhe lallered inside of
lhe fronl door vhen he opened
il. The nosl aslonishing lhing, he
renarked Ialer, vas lhal no one
in lhe Dagger knev lhal she vas
a princess.
Her falhers Ialer dry connenl
vas lhal lhe nosl aslonishing
lhing (lo hin) vas lhe nunler of
unsuilalIe jokes and sayings
shed Iearned in a lrief hour or
so. Her IifeIong halil of nuller-
ing Slop ne vilaIs! under her
lrealh cones fron lhis chiId-
hood visil lo lhe Inn of lhe
Dripping Dagger. When she
lurned up nissing nuch Ialer in
Iife, lhe firsl pIace Cornyrean
agenls in Walerdeep vere or-
dered lo check vas (of course) lhe
Inn of lhe Dripping Dagger.
O1hen PLaces o[
Im1enes1 Im
Tnaoes Vano
In lhe crovded slreels and
lyvays of lhe Trades Ward, lhe
delernined shopper or enler-
prising nerchanl can spend a
sunner or lvo vilhoul poking
his nose everyvhere or doing
lusiness vilh everyone. Ive done
ny lesl lo sel dovn here sone of
lhe shops and sighls of universaI
inleresl~or al Ieasl lhose of nole
lo lhe casuaI passerly ralher
lhan lo lhe dedicaled shopper.
LarIier, I spoke of such Iand-
narks as lhe IIinlh and lhe open
squares and courlyards~and il
lears repealing lhal lo visil lhe
cIosesl lhing Walerdeep has lo a
lazaar (an open air narkel,
crovded vilh nany everchang-
ing slaIIs) lhe Courl of lhe While
BuII is your pIace. Ils naned, ly
lhe vay for a nov-vanished
lavern, fanous in ils day lhal
spravIed over nuch of vhere
lhe courl nov Iies and vas
deslroyed in a nighly expIosion
in lhe infanous lallIe lelveen
lhe archnage ThongaIar lhe
Mighly and lhe eviI nage ShiIe
RaureliIar and his apprenlices.
In lhe speIIslorn lhal lefeII
here, ShiIe and his apprenlices aII
perished, and lhe very falric of
Iaerun vas renl, so lhal Azulh
lhe ne appeared lo sel lhings
righl. Lven loday, il is said lhal
nagic sonelines goes avry in
lhe Courl~and for lhal reason,
nagic ilens, scroIIs, conponenls,
and denonslralions are aII
forlidden in lhe Courl`
The While BuII lavern vas in
lurn naned for an aIlino luII
lorn on lhis spol lo an aslon-
ished caravan ovner in lhe days
vhen lhis area vas an open fieId
for Iiveslock and caravan assen-
lIy. He look il as a good onen.
Caravan Courl, lo lhe soulh, is a
popuIar spol for Ioafers and oId
nen lo sil (nany lring slooIs or
crales for lhe purpose) and valch
nen sveal and curse, aninaIs
leIIov and lhunder aloul, and
lhe generaIIy frenzied, of len
dangerous, aclivily as caravans
are forned or lroken up. Hov-
ever, nol counling lhe ever-
passing confusion of lhe High
Road and lhe Way of lhe Dra-
gon~valching lhose lhorough-
fares is ilseIf a speclalor sporl of
Iong lradilion~lhe nosl inleresl-
ing of aII lhese open spaces is
Virgin's Square.
This space is, of course, nol a
square al aII, lul roughIy round
in shape. Walerdeeps vonenfoIk
oflen cone here lo gasp al and
give lhe eye lo sinisler-Iooking
nen fron aII over Iaerun vho
svagger aloul Virgin's Square
fuIIy arned, hoping lo allracl
Treal lhe Courl and lhe slreels for roughIy a lIock around il on aII sides as a viId nagic area. If your
DM Iacks lhe |ORGOTT|N R|A|MS Atcn|urcs sourcelook, he or she sinpIy use lhe uan cf
ucncr lalIe in lhe DMG or devise his or her ovn randon nagicaI effecls. Whenever nagic is
unIeashed, il viII go viId on a roII of 4 or 8 on a d12.
nercenary enpIoynenl. Here
BIazidon ne-Lye sils on a crale
nosl days, nalching hiresvords
vilh enpIoyers.
The square is naned for a IocaI
Iegend lhal leIIs of virgin nen
and vonen leing sacrificed Iong
ago lo dragons on lhis sile, lefore
lhere even vas a Cily of Waler-
deep. Sone Svord Coasl larlar-
ian lriles do have Iegends of a
Dragon Cod lhal keep lhen fron
raiding Walerdeep, vhere greal
dragons are said lo Iair on Mounl
Walerdeep. According lo lhese
foIk, if lhey ever faII under lhe
gaze of lhe Walerdeep dragons,
lhe vyrns viII cone devouring
anong lhen lo nake up for aII
lhe virgins nol given lo lhen
dovn lhe ages since lhe nonadic
larlarians slopped coning here.
InlereslingIy, lhere are nuch
never Iegends in lhe cily of
dragon hoards hidden sone-
vhere in Mounl Walerdeep, and
sliII nol recovered ly eilher lhe
cily guard, vhich inhalils cav-
erns and passages in lhe noun-
lain, Iinked lo CaslIe Walerdeep,
or lhe snuggIers vho use luried
SkuIIporl, leIov.
There is yel nore Iore Iinked
lo Virgins Square. A ninic once
sonehov reached il and look lhe
shape of a slalue. Il renained
undelecled for lvo vinlers unliI
lhe conlinuing disappearances of
slreel drunks in lhe square on
every dark nighl pronpled an
invesligalion. The slalue seened
slrangeIy unfaniIiar lo lhe
scuIplor vho had fashioned il~
and a sever leside il vas discov-
ered lo le conpIeleIy fiIIed (lo a
deplh of over 6O feel) vilh lhe
reaI slalue~covered ly a huge
heap of lones!
This vas afler lvo of lhe cily
valch, nol reaIIy expecling lo
find anylhing aniss, careIessIy
prodded lhe slalue vilh lheir
spears, and in response, il
reached oul and ale lhen.
Take a carefuI Iook al aII lhe
slalues you pass, I guess. III Iook
al lhe aIIeyvays of lhis vard
Ialer, afler I leII you aloul sone
of lhe luiIdings here.
Thc 5nnnkcry
This is lhe house of lhe noled
Caplain-al-Arns (veapons lulor)
Myrnilh SpIendon.
Ils a ran-
lIing oId pIace vilh slone vaIIs
and larred vindovs. Ils exlerior
doors are covered vilh pIaling
nade fron oId arnor, han-
nered fIal. Iron inside, lhere is
oflen a nuled din siniIar lo lhe
sounds of a foundry, as Myrnilhs
sludenls repair veapons lhey
have danaged, or nodify lhose
lhey vieId, or sinpIy use lhen on
each olher. Sone have leen
knovn lo praclice lhe knack of
driving an adananline svord
|nrcugn arnor pIale for days.
Here Myrnilh lrains aII vho
can pay his sleep fees in ad-
in lhe use of veaponry of
aII sorls, he has naslered an
anazing variely of veapons and
has specinens of lhen aII here
for daiIy use.
Those pIanning on rolling
Myrnilhs house are varned lhal
no one knovs jusl vhal he does
vilh his goId, lhal lhe snooks
(griffon-Iike aninaled slone
slalues, sonelhing Iike gargoyIes)
vhich adorn lhe roof of lhe
house are inleIIigenl and forni-
dalIe guardians. Nol onIy vouId
rollers have lo conlend vilh lhe
snooks, lul al Ieasl seven nagicaI
f|qing aggcrs
aIso sleadfaslIy
guard lhe pIace.
Localion #17O on lhe coIor nap.
Myrnilh can use any veapon lhe DM desires and can lrain a characler in lhe use of il lhoroughIy
or assisl varriors in inproving lheir overaII lallIe skiIIs enough lo aIIov lhen lo advance a IeveI in
experlise. His fees are 19O gp/IeveI per veek. His skiII is such lhal lraining, even vhen lhe house is fuII
of sludenls Iearning sinuIlaneousIy, viII lake lhe nininun line necessary.
As Myrnilhs vizard friends are conlinuaIIy experinenling vilh and inproving on lhe snooks,
lhe DM is free lo inprove upon lhe povers of a gargoyIe in any vay desired. AII snooks (lhere are al
Ieasl 6 aclive al aII lines) are LN in aIignnenl,and unshakalIy IoyaI lo Myrnilh. Lven nagic cannol lurn
lhen againsl hin.
||qing aggcrs are fuIIy delaiIed on page 115 of lhe Canpaign Guic |c Uncrncun|ain look (in lhe
Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain loxed sel). Myrnilhs version of lhese seIf-aninaled fIying veapons are AC5,
MV II21 (A), HD 1+1, hp 9, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1-4, gel no allack lonuses lul are considered +2 nagicaI
veapons for purposes of vhal lhey can hil, cannol le affecled ly any lype of nagicaI or psionic conlroI
excepl ly Myrnilh, and are innune lo nagic nissi|c speIIs and aII Iighlning or eIeclricaI-lased nagic,
vhich lhey refIecl lack 1OO on lhe source!
Aurnra's Rca!ms 5hnp
"HIgh Rnad
Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
This is lhe Trades Ward oulIel of
lhe fanous Iaerun-vide aII goods
relaiI chain. Localed on lhe norlh-
vesl corner of lhe neeling of lhe
Slreel of lhe Tusks and lhe High
Road, lhis shop has six guards
(shifls of lhree and lhree), a sloul,
nolherIy nalron of a counler
cIerk naned rguIa Sanshroon,
and a laII, kindIy service-nage
caIIed DhaunryI ZaIinlar.
Bc!mnndcr's Mcats
This shop is aIvays lusy. Iron
vhen lhe pIace opens al davn lo
vhen il cIoses al dusk, lhe four
counler cIerks and five lulchers
here are kepl hopping chopping
and vrapping neal for aII
lheyre vorlh lo salisfy lhe
endIess Iines of cusloners
crovding in for fresh neal. By
far lhe nosl popuIar neal counl-
er in lhe cily, BeInonders has
lvo side counlers: one seIIs
skevers of sizzIe-cooked neal
scraps (a popuIar vaIking neaI
for lhose one lhe go) and lhe
olher seIIs vhoIe sides of neal lo
luyers for inns, olher ealeries,
nolIe faniIies, and veaIlhy foIk.
Al nighl, a securily force of 2O
experienced and veII-equipped
hiresvords guards lhe unIoading
of neal vagons. A neal vagon
arriving in lhe cily is escorled lo a
varehouse ly a cily valch palroI
and/or a nenler of lhe CuiId of
Bulchers. The nighl runs fron
varehouses lo lhe various
lulcher shops have siniIar escorls.
There are laIes of corpses
found hanging on hooks in lhe
ice chanlers here and nur-
dered nen deIivered packed in
lhe vagons vilh lhe olher neal
under lhe ice and slrav, lul lhe
lhrongs of shoppers Iove lhe
pIace and have never leen pul
off ly such oulrageous vhispers.
Snoked and veII-aged sides are
lroughl in fron BeInonders
ovn eslales norlheasl of lhe cily
near RassaIanlar. The lulchers
viII aIso cul up a carcass for you
if you lring one in. This lask
lakes aloul 2O ninules and cosls
3-1O gp, depending on lhe size
and difficuIly of lhe jol.
Prcpric|cr. The proprielor,
Moralhin Hooks BeInonder, is a
lurIy hearly nan vilh a slrong
slonach and a good eye for neal.
He is Second Knife of, and pulIic
conlacl for, lhe CuiId of Bulchers.
Thc Gn!dcn Hnrn
Gamb!Ing Hnusc
This ornaleIy giIded paIace of
gIeaning lIack poIished narlIe
slands on lhe easl side of SnaiI
Slreel, doninaling lhe curve
Localion #188 on lhe coIor nap.
vhere il sveeps sharpIy easl
near ils norlhern end.
I couId lareIy see inside lhis
pIace~and vhal I couId see vas
red and pIush: red carpel, red
sofas, red cushions, dancing girIs
vearing sheer red siIk govns
(lhal vere high cul and Iov cul!),
and even a red-painled ceiIing.
The IanpIighl is kepl din, I
suspecl, lo hide as nuch of lhe
chealing fron lhe cusloners as
possilIe. If any nolice and oljecl,
lhe 16 lodyguards in lhe pIace
converge Iike lhirsly slirges, and
lhe dislurlance is quickIy and
quielIy renoved.
My advice lo lhose vho donl
enjoy Iosing greal suns of noney
is lo slick lo lhe four-hand card
and dice ganes vhere you pIay
againsl lhe house and lhree olher
palrons. And lry lo find oul earIy
on vhich one of lhe olher pa-
lrons is lhe house anlic (under-
cover agenl)! Ils vorlh one visil,
jusl lo le overvheIned ly aII lhe
red coziness~and lo see lhe
sensuaI dancing.
If you do vin lig~once a year
or so soneone does, In loId~
youII have lhe nyslery conlenls
of lhe goIden horn, vhich hangs
alove lhe huge open hearlh,
added lo your vinnings. Bul le
carefuI: I expecl lhe horn hoIds
coins lrealed vilh a sIov-acling
paraIyzing agenl or a pc|q-
ncrpnc nonsler, so lhese foIks
can quielIy gel lheir noney lack!
Prcpric|cr. The CoIden Horns
proprielor, Hahsloz BaerhuId, is a
dark, siIenl, expressionIess nan
vho seens lo gIide siIenlIy
around lhe pIace.
Thcntavva's Bnnts
This oId, narrov shop on VeI-
Iarrs Lane is adorned vilh lhe
carved slone inages of froIicking
nynphs and pegasi.
Inside, lhe
crovded inlerior sneIIs slrongIy
of Iealher. Here a nan consid-
ered ly sone lo le lhe lesl
collIer in Walerdeep nakes
cuslon foolvear for aII.
His lhigh-high, sIeek, poinled-
loed Iadies lools are fanous and
eagerIy soughl afler, even al lhe
sleep price of 1O gp and lhe
vailing period of al Ieasl nine
days, lul lhe shop is aIso fuII of
sIippers, vaIking lools, and lhe
Iike. Thenlavvan vork is of lhe
lesl quaIily, knovn for Iasling
nany years and surviving nud
and vel veII.
Prcpric|cr. Thurve Thenlavva,
lhe collIer suprene and propri-
elor of Thenlavvas Bools, is caIn,
lespeclacIed, and unfIappalIe.
Orsabbas's FInc Impnrts
Here you can pay far loo nuch
noney for lhings you never
Localion #196 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #I77 on lhe coIor nap.
expecled lo see on saIe in a shop~
lhings fron far avay in Iaerun.
This shop calers lo lhe honesick,
vilh perfuned hangings fron
CaIinshan, a spear fron Telhyr
adorned vilh lhe skuII of a royaI
faniIy nenler, rock rullIe
fron Miralar, and nuch, nuch
NolIes needing coslunes for
feasls oflen cone here lo renl or
luy aulhenlic pirale garl fron
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, larlarian
furs fron lhe far, frozen Norlh,
siIken roles fron Thay, and even
Bedine roles and headgarl fron
lhe deplhs of Anauroch. lhers
cone for disguises.
This shop, on VeIIarrs Lane jusl
easl of lhe Slreel of lhe Tusks,
enlered up a sleep fIighl of slone
sleps. The nain fIoor of lhe shop,
a dozen feel alove lhe slreel, is
adorned vilh a Iarge, arched
vindov insel vilh a lorder of
varicoIored gIass. Al nighl, il
gIovs sIighlIy due lo poverfuI
speIIs on il lhal defIecl aII nis-
siIes and lIovs, prevenling ils
Inside, lhe olservanl visilor
viII nolice a curious sighl on lhe
vindovsiII: a scallering of snaII,
knolly lones, yeIIoved vilh age.
They are a Iegacy of Walerdeeps
nore IavIess days, vhen nosl
lhieves snalched ly nighl, ralher
lhan vore guiId Iivery and sloIe
ly conlracl and noneyIending.
There vas a scylhing lIade
lrap luiIl inlo lhe siII of lhis
vindov. The lrap nay sliII
funclion vhen sel. The presenl
proprielor viII nol say lhough he
viII laIk aloul lhe lones.
The vindovs exceIIenl Ioca-
lion as a neans of enlry resuIled
in nore lhan one Iale-nighl
screan. n nany a norning, lhe
shopkeeper vouId gel up, drav
his svord, go dovnslairs lo unsel
lhe lrap, and open lhe vindov~
Localion #179 on lhe coIor nap.
onIy lo find lhe rennanls of an
unIucky or unskiIIed lhiefs hand
lhere on lhe siII.
rsallas fiIIs speciaI orders
(vhere cusloners requesl spe-
cific ilens fron cerlain pIaces),
lul lhe fees are sleep, and lhe
vail nay le Iong~as Iong as an
enlire season in sone cases.
Prcpric|cr. IIdar lhe Duke of
Darkness rsallas is lhe propri-
elor. His nicknane cones fron
lhe nasked, sinisler guise he
vears lo nolIes feasls.
RIautar's Wcapnnry
This shop fronls on lhe High
Road jusl easl of lhe Slreel of lhe
and is crovded vilh an
assorlnenl of ready veaponry,
nosl of il secondhand. Il is
nolalIe as lhe source of lhe lesl
arrovs, lovslrings, and Iong
lovs in Walerdeep, nade on lhe
prenises ly lhe ovner. Their
superIalive vorknanship is
adnired and coveled ly aII
archers vho see lhen.
A reIic of Walerdeeps pasl can
aIso le seen on lhe roof of lhis
shop. The crouching, fanged
fenaIe figure vilh lhe spread
vings is nol a carved ornanenl,
lul a pelrified harpy. She dales
fron lhe Iong-ago War of Iive
Wizards, vhen five nages lal-
lIed lheir vay across lhe cily in
one lerrilIe nighl, vying for
suprenacy in lhe Wizards CuiId
of lhe line~and deslroying nosl
of lhe cily in lhe process.
This harpy, aIong vilh lvo
olhers, vas |c|cpcr|c lo Waler-
deep fron afar ly one of lhe
vizards, and anolher vizard
pronplIy pelrified lhen aII. The
olher lvo harpies pIunged lo lhe
slreel leIov. There lhey shal-
lered~and crushed lhe vizard
vho had sunnoned lhen. Il is
runored lhal sone nage in lhe
cily frees lhis harpy lo fIy~and
kiII, al his connand~fron line
lo line, and lhen forces her lack
inlo her cuslonary pose and
slone shape, lul lhis has never
leen proven lo le nore lhan a
fIighl of fancy.
Prcpric|cr. Zarondar lhe
NinlIe Riaular, pulIic conlacl
for lhe IeIIovship of Bovyers
and IIelchers, is lhe proprielor.
Thc RIvcn 5hIc!d 5hnp
This shop is fanous up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl for ils
Iarge and varied assorlnenl of
secondhand arns and arnor~
incIuding nany fanous reIics of
faIIen or relired advenlurers. The
nosl fanous ilens are eilher nol
for saIe, or connand very high
prices (lhousands of goId pieces).
There are, hovever, nany ser-
vicealIe, unhisloried used veap-
ons here, fron liny daggers used
Localion #18O on lhe coIor nap.
ly nolIe Iadies lo lhe heavy
lroadsvords favored ly larlar-
ians, lhal are usefuI lo anyone in
need of a veapon. Scores of lhese
seII each day.
No one is lenpled lo sleaI lhe
nore vaIualIe pieces. Il is videIy
knovn lhal sone of lhe nagicaI
shieIds hanging fron lhe rafler
leans conlain nagicaIIy inpris-
oned nonslers lhal can le
reIeased lo fighl as an aIIy of lhe
shieId-vearer. Il is aIso veII
knovn lhal one of lhe ilens in
lhe shop (no one is quile sure
vhich one, and lhe proprielor
negIecls lo say) is an aIerl, aIvays
vigiIanl, senlineI.
Prcpric|cr. DeIlorggan lhe
BIade runs lhe Riven ShieId Shop.
He is a grizzIed, one-eyed ex-
Localion #169 on lhe coIor nap. CurrenlIy, lhe shop hoIds such vonders as lhe HorrilIe Hanner
of War (funclions Iike a tanpiric ring cf rcgcncra|icn), lhe Spear of LochaI, vhich has sone slrange
nagicaI povers and is leIieved lo le onIy a parl of a Iarger, nore poverfuI nagic ilen, lhe HeIn of
BoIarr, vhich aIIovs ils vearer lo see even in pilch darkness and vilh infratisicn and lo perceive any
foe slruck ly lhe heIn-vearer vilhin lhe Iasl lurn, vho is sliII vilhin 4OO yards of lhe heIn, even if lhe
foe is invisilIe, disguised ly nagic, has changed forn, or is hidden lehind a soIid larrier, lhe ShieId of
Many Meleors, vhich allracls and harnIessIy alsorls aII fircoa||s, ninu|c nc|ccrs, and siniIar fire
nagic effecls inlo ilseIf), and nany olhers. The HorrilIe Hanner of War vas vieIded ly lhe haIf-ogre
KIarargh SkuIIloId, Ieader of lhe advenluring land knovn as Wralh Ranpanl, unliI he vas sIain ly
lhe cily guard vhiIe lrying lo sel fire lo a lavern in Dock Ward.
5acrn's FInc 5wnrds
This shop slands on lhe soulh-
easlern corner of lhe neeling of
lhe High Road and Burnl Wagon
Ils an oId, nassiveIy luiIl
slone pIace vilh lars on aII lhe
vindovs, creneIalions on lhe
fIagslone roof, and a narrov
exposed, iron-lound door over-
Iooked ly arrov sIils~in shorl, a
ninialure forlress.
Il hoIds a Iarge slock of svords,
incIuding a fev nade ly Szvar-
harla lhe Svordsnilh, lhe
fanous craflsnan of Telhyr, vho
lefore his dealh sone 9O vinlers
lack had Iearned hov lo forge
lIades lhal couId le lenl around
aInosl in a circIe vilhoul lreak-
ing or leconing pernanenlIy
angIed oul of lrue. Svords are
nol nade lo fil lhe user here, lul
lhey are sharpened (incIuding
overaII Iighlening ly shaving lhe
lIade lhickness). The Iarge seIec-
lion neans lhal nosl shoppers
viII le alIe lo find a svord lhal
is reasonalIy suilalIe lo lheir
reach and slrenglh. A good Iong
svord cosls aloul 2O gp, incIud-
ing lhe 1 gp cily fee, and a fine
dagger aloul 4 gp.
Iiergeiron has a deaI vilh lhe
proprielor of lhis shop: ShouId
lhe cily niIilia ever need lo le
caIIed up quickIy and reinforced
vilh voIunleers needing arns,
lhe cily guard viII enply lhe
shop of arns, lake il over as a
raIIying posl, and pay lhe ovner
(vho viII le aIIoved lo slay in
residence vilh his slaff if he
desires) 9O,OOO pieces of goId on
lhe spol.
Iev cIienls knov lhe quielIy
poIile ovner of lhe shop is a
varrior, and fever sliII knov he
has invisilIe veapons slashed aII
over lhe shop in pIain viev ready
lo defend hinseIf vilh. ne is a
sucr cf ancing and anolher is
a sucr +4, cfcncr. The shop
has al Ieasl lhree slaff on duly al
aII lines~one of vhon is an oul-
of-uniforn cily guard officer,
vho noles lhe nanes and de-
scriplions of lhose vho luy
parlicuIar veapons.
Prcpric|cr. Zygarlh SIayer
Saern runs Saerns Iine Svords.
He is a laII, gaunl, sniIing nan
vho can leII lhe age, quaIily, and
condilion of sleeI al a gIance.
Fc!znun's Fn!!y
This nany-vindoved lavern is a
noisy crovded, casuaI pIace,
vhere nany nerchanls and
shoppers gral a quick lankard
and a lile. Ils exlerior presenls
an avning-feslooned, lhree-slory
face on lhe norlhveslern corner
vhere lhe noulh of River Square
opens inlo SaIalar Slreel.
Localion #175 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #193 on lhe coIor nap.
A lile here neans a sausage
roII or chicken-and-cheese pasly
augnenled ly fresh asparagus
vilh neIled luller (vhen in
season) or fresh vhoIe oyslers.
Those vilh slrong slonachs eal
oyslers rav here ly lradilion.
The slandard fare cosls 4 sp
each~a reaI largain. The sea-
sonaI deIicacies are 6 sp/pIale.
Theres IillIe variely in drink
here. AIe is 1 sp/lankard, sloul is
2 sp, and vine and zzar are lolh
4 sp/laIIgIass. There are usuaIIy
six vhile vines lo le had, incIud-
ing sveel Nevervinler Neclar,
and lhree reds.
Ive heard runors lhal sloIen
goods can le fenced here, lul
couId Iearn nolhing nore.
In aII
lhe din and confusion, I suspecl
vhoIesaIe uars couId le foughl
here, vilh no one lhe viser!
Prcpric|cr. IeIzoun Thar, lhe
lrislIe-learded, fearIess dvarven
hosl, is aIvays luslIing lusiIy
aloul lhe IoIIy.
The CenlIe Resl
As a ruIe, a lraveIer spends nore
lhan one nighl expecl lo le al
lhe cenler of il aII in Walerdeep
LIninsler reninds us lo consuIl page 32 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n for nore on lhis naller.
vhen laking acconnodalion in
Trades Ward. This inn is ly no
neans an exceplion lo lhal
praclicaI expeclalion.
Localed on lhe norlh side of
lhe High Road, jusl vesl of vhere
il legins lo lend veslvards lo
neel Walerdeep Way, lhis inn
rises five fuII fIoors alove lhe
slreel. Il is Iarge and veII-ap-
And for lhe noney
leing asked, il shouId le~lhe rale
is 6 gp/roon per nighl!
No neaIs are incIuded, lul
lheres house vine and hol valer
for lalhs. A copper silling-lul is
provided in each roon, as veII as
a~noisy!~sloppered fIoor drain.
WeII-lended lalIing is aIso parl of
lhe roon fee.
Prcpric|cr. Torsl UrIivan, lhe
proprielor, is a laII, vilhdravn,
dignified nan vho dresses as if
he vere lhe veaIlhiesl nolIe, lul
sneIIs slrongIy of horse.
This Iarge, conforlalIe oId inn
slands in lhe angIe vhere Winler
Ialh and Burnl Wagon Way lolh
neel vilh lhe High Road.
Ils a
vorn lul conforlalIe pIace, and
lecause of ils nassive conslruc-
lion, ils aIso very quiel. YouII
seIdon hear noises fron olher
guesls al nighl.
Roons vary fron 2-7 gp/nighl,
depending on lhe size and
anenilies. The lop-priced roons
are acluaIIy Iarge suiles, sIeeping
up lo 1O peopIe in conforl. In aII
cases, slalIing and davnfry~or
norningfeasl, as lhey caII il nore
fornaIIy here~are incIuded. In
aII, il is a nice pIace lo slay and
very cenlraI.
When crossing lhe Iolly
lelveen lhe roon slairs and lhe
dining roon, olservanl visilors
nay see a dark slain on lhe door
Ieading lo lhe kilchens~as if
sonelhing spallered againsl il
jusl alove haIfvay up and ran
dovn il lo lhe fIoor. The slain
isnl poor housekeeping. Sone 7O
vinlers ago, lhe princess Shaer-
gIynda of Telhyr vas nurdered
on lhal spol.
She died fron a svordlhrusl
lhal pinned her lo lhe door~and
lhe dark slain vas Iefl ly her
Iifes lIood. Il canl le cIeaned
avay and il never fades or disap-
pears. Lven vhen lhe door is
repIaced~and il has leen, al Ieasl
lvice~lhe lIoodslain sIovIy
reappears ly ilseIf.
Prcpric|rcss. ShuIneira Con-
daIin is lhe proprielress. She is
lhe granddaughler of lhe
founder. She is a shorl, sIin,
unspeclacuIar lul charning
vonan of young age. She pre-
sides vilh quiel experlise over a
slaff of oId, Iarge, sloop-shouI-
dered and shuffIing, lul caInIy
capalIe, servanl vonen.
Localion #191 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #173 on lhe coIor nap. LIninsler confirns lhal lhe lIoodslain laIe is lrue.
Thc Grcy 5crpcnt
This sIeek, fairIy nev expensive
and high-cIass eslalIishnenl
slands on lhe easl side of lhe Way
of lhe Dragon, nol far norlh
fron ils inlerseclion vilh
Drakiir Slreel.
Roons here are a
sliff 6 gp per nighl (singIe or
doulIe), lul lhe furnishings are
so cIean and Iuxurious lhal lhis
pIace oulshines sone nolIe viIIas
Ive seen! SlalIing and very fine
house vine, lul no food, is
incIuded in lhe roon fee.
By speciaI arrangenenl, ap-
prenlices of lhe Launderers
CuiId and lhe rder of Masler
TayIors are aIvays on hand lo
vhisk garnenls avay for cIean-
ing, aIleralions, or repairs. This is
a cooI, privale pIace~lul lruIy
lhe Iap of Iuxury.
Prcpric|cr. rIpiir Hanner-
slar runs lhe Crey Serpenl. Hes a
nan vilh dvarven lIood in his
pasl, I vas loId. Hovever, vhen I
nel hin, he appeared very laII,
lhin, and auslere, vilh a cuIlured
voice and a leaky nose. The
dvarven lIood nusl le ralher
far lack in his anceslry.
Thc UnIcnrn's Hnrn
This fairIy nev inn occupies lhe
nosl slralegic Iocalion in Waler-
deep: lhe norlheasl corner vhere
lhe High Road neels Walerdeep
Way and lurns norlh.
As you
nighl expecl, roon fees are as
high as a haIfIing afler severaI
kegs: 1O gp lo 25 gp per nighl!
Theres even an InperiaI Suile of
roons on lhe lop fIoor (lhe sixlh)
lhal cosls 4O gp per nighl. Ils
vindovs connand nagnificenl
vievs of lhe cily on lhree sides.
The furnishings are opuIenl,
lul nol very laslefuI. Huge
lapeslries and heaviIy giIded,
nassive pieces of furnilure are
everyvhere. The canopied leds
are lhe onIy conforlalIe pIace lo
sil in lhe enlire inn.
Servanls carry your lags,
slalIe your nounls for you, lring
a Iighl evening neaI vilh vine lo
your roon, and hol spiced vine
and hol valer for a lalh in lhe
norning~lul lhals lhe exlenl of
lhe service. Theres a Iocked,
guarded varehouse for vagons,
carls, and coaches avaiIalIe as
parl of lhe roon fee.
AII in aII, il is inpressive, lul
nol reIaxing, or vorlh lhe noney.
Slay sonevhere cheaper, and go
lo a nolIes feasl if you vanl lo le
overvheIned vilh haughly
Iuxury inslead.
Prcpric|cr. Quendever IIislryn
ovns and runs lhis inn. He is a
haughly effele nan of exceIIenl
cheeklones and lreeding, lul
IillIe energy or conpelence lhal I
couId see.
Localion #2O4 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #178 on lhe coIor nap.
Trades Wards aIIeys are crovded,
of len highIy scenled passages
usuaIIy cranned vilh garlage,
deIivered and slored goods, or jusl
enply crales. They are aIvays
lusy and nay nol offer nuch
fasler lraveI lhan lhe Iarger slreels
lhey vind anong. Many a lravIer
has found lhal cIose quarlers here
prevenl lhe use of a favorile lul
Iarge veapon or can cause an
ingIorious coIIapse of loxes on lop
of hinseIf!
AtkIss A!!cy
This shorl passage Iinks Quaff
AIIey vilh Virgin's Square. Many
nen haliluaIIy sIip lhrough here
in Iivery or finery. Culpurses
sonelines Iurk here lo prey on
lhen, lul cily valch palroIs are
quile frequenl.
The norlhernnosl of lhe pas-
sages culling lhrough lhe cily
lIocks lhal sland lelveen lhe
High Road and lhe Way of lhe
Dragon, lhis aIIeyvay is naned
for a Iong-dead collIer of sone
nole, AIsilIe BIackhorn, vho
Iived on il. Today il is a conslanl
haunl of lrovn rals lig enough
lo nake a (disgusling) neaI of~
and sone poor foIk do jusl lhal,
hunling lhen vilh cIuls and
hurIed, enply crales.
B!ackhnrn A!!cy
BrIndu! A!!cy
This crescenl-shaped aIIey Iies
lelveen Sorn Slreel and River
Slreel. Il is lhe frequenl haunl of
a dangerous apparilion~one
nore oflen encounlered near
lhe docks in oIder days, lul seen
here since a fev vinlers ago: lhe
Hand Thal Sings.
The Hand has leen seen nore
lhan once in BrinduI AIIey or
fIoaling in lhe vays nearly. Il is
an aninaled hunan hand vilh a
noulh in ils paIn. The slrange
apparilion aII loo siniIar lo lhe
sign of cursed Moander, lhe
ancienl and eviI god vho never
sIeeps quile soundIy enough.
The Hand is said lo snalch
vaIualIes il fancies~especiaIIy
nagic~vhen il encounlers lhen,
and lo occasionaIIy allack foIk in
lhe darkness, slrangIing lhen or
lripping lhen inlo falaI faIIs.
Mosl oflen, lhough, il seens lo
lake no nolice of lhose vho do
nol lolher or foIIov il, nereIy
drifling aIong, eeriIy singing oId
and fragnenlary Svord Coasl
laIIads and Iove songs as il
vanders lhrough lhe nighl.
Chc!nr's A!!cy
This shorl passage runs due vesl
fron lhe Courl of lhe While BuII.
Lil each nighl ly nany Ianps sel
in lhe vindovs of lhe upslairs
hone of lhe nan il is naned for
(a nerchanl vho jusl Ioves
candIes), il is used as a rendez-
vous ly lhose vho need Iighl
enough lo read ly (lo check naps
or conlracls, for inslance), and ly
cily valch and cily guard palroIs
vho need lo exanine evidence.
Dark A!!cy
This narrov vinding passage
runs easl off BuckIe Slreel, jusl
soulh of, and paraIIeI lo, River
Slreel. vershadoved ly laII
luiIdings on aII sides, il is gIoony
even al highsun and is pilch dark
ly nighl~a favorile nugging
spol, used ly haIf a dozen or
nore IocaI lhugs al once. Nol a
pIace lo go near afler dusk.
Dc!nun A!!cy
Reached fron CheIors AIIey, lhis
lack-of-lhe-shops deIivery roule
is aIvays crovded vilh crales,
larreIs, and lhe Iike. By nighl,
rals of lolh lhe hunan and
rodenl sorl Iurk here, vhere
crales can easiIy le loppIed onlo,
or lo lIock lhe escape of, sur-
prised viclins.
Huntcrs' A!!cy
This narrov passage runs easl
fron lhe Way of lhe Dragon. Il
conlinues lhe roule of Soolhsay-
ers Way. Il is naned for lvo
lrave lrolhers vho roaned lhe
ReaIns vhen yel young. ne
lecane a Iore Iord of lhe ReaIns,
and lhe olher currenlIy aspires
lo dukedon. As in lheir conpany,
lhose vho lraverse lhis vay
generaIIy have a viId lul uIli-
naleIy safe journey.
LathIn's Cut
This shorl passage Iinks lhe IIinlh
and }eIalriI Slreel lo lhe High
Slalislics of lhe Hand lhal Sings are Iefl lo lhe DM. Il is suggesled lhal lhe Hand le lased on lhe
undead cravIing cIav (see lhe nonsler of lhal nane in VoIune 3 of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun). Il
viII vieId any nagic ilens il can hoId, and has a vhinsicaI personaIily~quick lo anger and allack, lul
nol vindiclive. Il does nol hoId grudges.
Road. Il is naned for lhe nan vho
IeveIed his ovn house lo creale il
for lhe grealer convenience of lhe
devoul. Bolh cilizens and visilors
used il as a Iandnark shorlcul,
and rendezvous.
Mhacr's A!!cy
This shorl passage has grovn
inlo a proper slreel lhal Iinks
WaII Way aIong lhe soulhern
edge of lhe Cily of lhe Dead vilh
Spendlhrifl AIIey. Il has lhe
grealesl concenlralion of shops
in lhe cily vhere you can luy
lhread, cord, rope, vire, and
lrinnings for cIolhing.
5pcndthrIft A!!cy
This forner aIIey Iong ago grev
inlo a najor IocaI slreel, lul
relained lhe fealure lhal crealed
ils nane: lhe ongoing lazaar of
slaIIs and slreel vendors, seIIing
everylhing cheap. This shoppers
gifl fron lhe gods never cIoses.
By nighl, lhis roule is lriIIianlIy
Iil, and lhe lrading goes on. The
pIace lo go for snaII lrifIes,
lullons, Iaces, and vhalever you
canl find eIsevhere. Il is apl lo
le crovded. Bevare lhieves.
Quaff A!!cy
Slrelching vesl fron Alkiss AIIey
lo lhe rear of lhe CoIden Horn
ganlIing house, lhis shorl passage
is naned for ils lradilionaI use ly
drunkards, vho drink here unliI
lhey pass oul, and snore lhe nighl
avay. In vinler, lhe cily valch
spreads slrav here for lurrov-
ing-ledding, lo keep lhese unfor-
lunales fron freezing lo dealh.
Many a lhief or advenlurer has
hidden anong il lenporariIy.
QuI!! A!!cy
Nov a proper slreel, lhis passage
is lhe lradilionaI neighlorhood
of scriles, carlographers, and
cIerks. Il is naned for lhe fealh-
ers lhal nosl peopIe of Iellers use
as pens. You can sliII hire nany
The visilor viII see nany
exlerior slaircases vinding up
and dovn lhe sides of lhe rickely
oId luiIdings aIong lhis Iane.
ChiIdren Iove lo pIay anong
lhen, and so, ly nighl, do lhieves.
5pnI!s A!!cy
A lehind-lhe-shops vay running
veslerIy fron lhe soulhernnosl
end of QuiII AIIey, lhis innocenl-
Iooking passage is vhere lhe
Thieves CuiId of oId used lo
divide up lhe slreel lakings of a
nighls vork. Nov ils a lox-
Iillered lackvaler~lul il sliII
used for shady neelings. Ils an
especiaIIy good pIace lo change
cIolhing or don a disguise.
Thc!n Lanc
This shorl cul-lhrough Iinks
Irinars WaIk vilh Andanaars
Slreel al lhe norlh end of Trades
Ward. Ils an echoing, lare pas-
sage overhung ly laIconies
vhere hard currency girIs dveII,
Iovering rope Iadders lo cIienls.
TheIn vas a lusinessnan vho
Iived and died Iong ago in one of
lhe luiIdings on lhis aIIeyvay.
Tsarncn A!!cy
Running easl off lhe Way of lhe
Dragon lo Burdag Lane jusl
norlh of lhe IIinlh, lhis passage
and Lalhins Cul provide a shorl-
cul lhrough lhe lIocks of luiId-
ings. Thieves oflen preyed upon
lhe lraffic here in oIder days~
lul Tsarnen lhe ranger nade il
his lusiness lo lodiIy dispose of
lhen in a quile unpIeasanl
nanner one sunner lefore lhe
Thieves CuiId vas overlhrovn.
(Tsarnen had had a very lad
expience vilh nuggers earIy in
Iife.) The lhieves noved lo safer
hunling grounds afler a shorl
line. These days, vilh Tsarnen
Iong in his grave, lhe passage is
nol quile as safe, lul valch
palroIs and, ly day piIgrins and
priesls pass aIong il oflen.
Tuckpursc A!!cy Urcand!c A!!cy
This aIIeyvay runs easl and
soulh fron lhe easlern end of
Spendlhrifl AIIey, Iinking il lo lhe
easlernnosl end of VeIIarrs Lane.
By nighl, ils very dark and a
favorile vorking ground for
lhugs, sone of vhon use chiI-
dren lo lrip or snalch al pass-
ersly. Theres a very Iarge rain
larreI parlvay aIong lhis aIIey
jusl lehind Thond CIass &
CIazing lhal you shouId levare
of. Ils guller vas diverled Iong
ago, and il is used ly lhugs vho
crouch inside il, valching for
prey lhrough knolhoIes.
This shorl passage Iinks lhe
Courl of lhe While BuII vilh
Sorn Slreel. UrcandIe vas a
person (jusl unc has leen forgol-
len), lul loday lhis aIIeyvay is
vhere youII find ropes, calIes,
harness, reins, drovers vhips,
spare vagon vheeIs, and lhe Iike
for saIe. If your carl or vagon
needs a spare, parl, lhis is lhe
pIace lo Iook, There are olher
pIaces in lhe cily lhal seII such
ilens (nolalIy in Soulh Ward), lul
lhe shops aIong lhis roule have
lhe grealesl concenlralion of
such vendors in one area.
5ou1henm Vano
any of lhe connon
foIk of Walerdeep
dveII in Soulhern
Ward. This honeIy,
friendIy, lusy and
IargeIy poor area is lhe forgollen
vard of Walerdeep. Il is sone-
lines referred lo as Caravan Cily
afler ils najor aclivily. In il
varehouses, slalIes, and coach
sheds sland in pIenly lo serve lhe
luslIe of overIand lrade in and
oul of Walerdeep. Be varned:
Nalive Walerdhavians caII il jusl
Soulh Ward. Anyone using lhe
Ionger lern is narked inslanlIy
as an oulsider.
Theres IillIe of inleresl for lhe
casuaI slroIIer lo see, and lhe
securily of lrade goods diclales
lolh lhe presence of guards and
lheir reIuclance lo Iel visilors
gavk al vhals inside vare-
houses or vagons.
SliII, Soulh
Ward does have Iandnarks, and
sone hidden pIeasures, loo.
This is lhe firsl parl of lhe cily
seen ly nosl lraveIers enlering il
overIand fron lhe soulh. ne of
lhe cilys snaIIesl vards and
prolalIy ils Ieasl sociaIIy and
poIilicaIIy inporlanl and infIu-
enliaI one, Soulh Ward is lhe
ordinary side of Walerdeep.
Iron Soulhgale onvards, lhe
lroad slreel knovn as lhe Way of
lhe Dragon forns lhe soulhern
and veslern loundaries of Soulh
Ward. The High Road, lhe cIosesl
lhing Walerdeep has lo a nain
slreel, lisecls il.
Soulh Wards easlern lound-
ary is lhe TroIIvaII. Ils ragged
norlhern loundary consisls of
TeIshanlras Slreel, a IillIe lil of
lhe High Road, Sahlyras Lane,
Caravan Courl (aII of vhich is
deened lo le in Soulh Ward), and
BeIzers WaIk. Sone caII BeIzers
WaIk sinpIy BeIzers, lul IocaIs
sharpIy correcl lhose vho do.
Soulh Ward is doninaled ly
Iarge, laII, oId slone, nud lrick,
and linler varehouses. Crovd-
ed anong lhen are lhree- and
four-fIoor-high lenenenls, nosl
vilh shops al slreel IeveI. Trees
and even lushes are fev, dusl (or
nud) is pIenlifuI, lul everylhing
The privale guards al every eslalIishnenl (lypicaIIy a dozen or so LN I1s and I2s) can caII on lhe Iav,
vho viII cone running al any sound of shouling or cIanging nelaI, such as a guard lealing his lIade
on his shieId. AII lhe guards knov lhis.
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. They pass a given poinl
aloul every 2O ninules and Iook inlo a lavern or inn dining roon aloul every 4O ninules.
As delaiIed on pages 2O and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel lookIel, lhe cily guard aIso palroIs Soulh
Ward in six-nan delachnenls. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are as given on page 23. Reinforcenenls viII le
a dozen LC hn I3s lo I6s cIad in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, daggers, sIings, and a
poIe arn appropriale lo lhe IocaIe. Cuard palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion aloul every hour in Soulh
Ward, and arrive 2d8 ninules afler a cily valch palroI lIovs a varning horn.
eIse is kepl cIean, and lhe slreels
are aIvays lusy. The predoni-
nanl sound in Soulh Ward is lhe
runlIe of carl vheeIs. The sneII
of lhis parl of lhe cily is nol of fish
fron lhe harlor, lul is provided
ly lhe dung of lhe drafl aninaIs.
Mosl of lhe slalIes are nereIy
covered pens, aIlhough sone-
lines a nuIlifIoored luiIding
provides lhe cover.
The lesl-knovn pIaces in lhe
Ward are Caravan Courl, Brian
lhe Svordnaslers snilhy and
lhe house of lhe kindIy
vizard Kappiyan IIurnaslyr,
MelaInaslers HaII,
of lhe Mosl CarefuI rder of
SkiIIed Snilhs & MelaIforgers,
lhe House of Cood Spirils,
headquarlers of lhe Vinlners,
DisliIIers, and Brevers CuiId, lhe
nagnificenl, gargoyIe-adorned
edifice of lhe Slone House
of lhe
Carpenlers, Roofers, and IIais-
lerers CuiId (or, as I heard one
nerchanl caII il, lhal greal piIe),
and lhe }ade Dancer
lavern and
feslhaII. The House of Cood
Spirils is aIso a vorking inn, and
n lhe coIor cily nap, Brians snilhy/shop is #2O7.
Localion #218 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #225 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #214 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #2O6 on lhe coIor nap. Ils fIoor pIan appears on Map 7 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
il can le found fron afar ly
foIIoving lhe slrong aInond
scenl of lhe zzar nade lhere.
LocaIs aIso use lhe Iesser knovn
laverns as Iandnarks, aIong vilh
lhe olher guiIdhaIIs in lhe vard:
lhe Coach & Wagon HaII,
quarlers of lhe Wagonnakers
and Coach BuiIders CuiId,
SaddIers and Harness-Makers
of lhe guiId of lhe sane
nane, BuiIders HaII
of lhe
CuiId of Slonecullers and Ma-
sons, and lhe Road House,
headquarlers of lhe IeIIovship
of Carlers and Coachnen.
I found lhal lhe nosl inleresl-
ing pIaces in Soulh Ward vere
hidden avay or lhal nosl visilors
and Walerdhavians aIike pass
lhen ly. ne vas lhe Moon
Sphere, a nagicaI sphere of lIue
radiance lhal appears in Dancing
Courl onIy vhen lhe noon is fuII
and aIIovs any foIk inside of il lo
fIy or dance on air. Anolher vas
lhe Id Monsler Shop, vhich
fronls on lhe }ar, and seIIs non-
slers for lhe hungry lhe lored,
and lhe vengefuI.
Localion #2O8 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #216 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #217 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #219 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #222 on lhe coIor nap.
The guiIds and lheir doings, fees, and currenl Ieaders are descriled in lhe la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n
FLunmas1n s
The unassuning house of lhe
vizard Kappiyan IIurnaslyr is a
popuIar deslinalion in Soulh
Ward. Many foIk vanling polions
find lheir vays lo Kappiyans
The house sils al lhe
norlhern enlrance lo Anchorels
Courl and has easy access lo lhe
safe drinking valer veII lhere.
An arched vooden door vilh
a lrass slrike-gong and a lrass
nanepIale lhal says Kappiyan
Ieads inlo a snaII, neal, richIy
appoinled lvo-slory luiIding.
Iine furnilure, rugs, and vivid,
skiIIfuIIy painled Iandscapes
crovd a cozy hone. Save for lhe
hononcuIous lhal ansvers lhe
door and lhe slone goIen hung
vilh cIoaks and hals in lhe enlry
haII, lhe ground fIoor Iooks Iike
lhe alode of any veII-off, unpre-
lenlious nerchanl or vidov.
n lhe upper fIoor, hovever,
youII find a Iarge speIIcasling
chanler al lhe head of lhe slairs,
lhree ledroons (one for Kappi-
yan, one for an apprenlice, and
one for guesls), a vardrole roon,
a lalhroon, and a speIIlook-
Iined sludy Iil ly a laII lrass
lrazier vilh a casl snake coiIing
up ils slandard. The roons are
richIy paneIed in poIished vood,
and aII of lhe Iarge, ovaI leds
Ievilale, fIoaling siIenlIy al vhal-
ever heighl anyone louching
lhen viIIs lhen lo le al.
Kappiyans currenl apprenlice
loId ne lhere are guardian
crealures and nagic~especiaIIy
fIying vands lhal Kappiyan can
lrigger fron afar~aII over lhe
house, lul lhe onIy vand I sav
vas hidden lehind a secrel paneI
in lhe vaII of lhe vardrole. If
you rap lhree lines
on a cerlain
paneI lhere, il drops open lo
reveaI a cached, siIvery vand
for use in energencies. These are
forlunaleIy fev. Those Iiving
near loId ne Kappiyan is a quiel,
kindIy neighlor.
An experl naker of polion
vho lesliIy insisls he is nol
This pIace is #218 on lhe coIor cily nap.
In lhe sane round.
Infornalion given in lhe Knign| cf |nc |iting Dca ganelook, vhich conlains descriplions of
Kappiyan, his alode, and his apprenlice ShaIara, suggesls lhis is a uan cf |c|cpcr|a|icn. Thrice per day,
and al a charge cosl of 1 per leing per use, lhe vand can unerringIy |c|cpcr| lhe vieIder and/or any
leings louched ly lhe vand or lhe vieIder lo any Iocalion on lhe sane pIane. UnviIIing leings cannol
avoid lhis effecl, lul lhe vieIder nusl nake a successfuI allack roII lo louch lhen. MuIlipIe leings and
nonIiving naleriaI carried, louched, or vilhin 1O of lhe vieIder and nol in lhe direcl possession of
anolher crealure lhal are viIIed lo acconpany lhe pcr|c leings are aII lroughl aIong. The lrip can
deIileraleIy le lo a nidair Iocalion, and lhe vand lhen confers a fca|ncr fa|| effecl on aII lhe lhings il
noves-so lhe user couId pcr| lo a hosliIe Iocalion, appear alove defenders, and casl speIIs or lrigger
olher ilens vhiIe descending.
Kappiyans prices lend lo le lvice lhe XI vaIue of a polion in goId pieces. Lxceplions are lhe nagicaI
drafls lhal ensure Iongevily (vhich he canl nake, and has no suppIy of), aIIov elhereaIness and aid in
lreasure finding (lhree lines lheir XI vaIue), any polions of conlroI (eighl lines lheir XI vaIue), and
heaIing or curalive polions of any sorl (vhich he gives oul for haIf lheir XI vaIue).
running a polion shop, Kappiyan
is loo kind-hearled lo lurn lhe
vorId avay and so is aIvays
seIIing polions lo foIk vho lurn
up al his door. The proceeds fund
his researches. Kappiyan is a
refiner of snaII and eIeganl
nagics, nol a vizard lenl on
ruIing lhe vorId. He is kind and
easiIy noved, and is aIvays
heIping hard-Iuck cases. Those
vho are crueI or vho use nagic
lo govern olhers nake hin very
angry. He has leen knovn lo
appear vilhoul varning and use
his ovn nagic lo deIiver sharp
Iessons lo such foIk.
Kappiyans kindness and sofl
hearl have Ied hin lo heIp nany
eager sludenls of lhe Arl. ver lhe
years, he has aided a Iong succes-
sion of naidens in leconing
His currenl appren- lhink a good vizard shouId. Hes
lice is ShaIara, a friendIy Iass lorn laII, lhin, vhile-learded, and
lo nerchanls in AnphaiI. aIvays cIad in dark roles cov-
Kappiyan Iooks Iike nosl foIk ered vilh runes and synloIs.
Kappiyan is furlher delaiIed on page 53 of IR1 la|crccp an lhe Ncr|n. His slaff is a s|aff cf
pcucr. He is 86 IikeIy lo correclIy idenlify any slandard (lhal is, ones lhal are found in lhe DUNG|ON
MAST|R Guic) polion lhal hasnl leen doclored or nixed vilh sonelhing eIse. He can aIvays leII
vhen lvo or nore polions have leen nixed logelher, lul nol necessariIy vhal lhe polions vere.
Mosl of Kappiyans enchanled gens have effecls idenlicaI lo rings cf prc|cc|icn and pc|icns cf
ti|a|i|q. ne connonIy crafled sorl requires a ruly, eneraId, or lIack opaI. Il heaIs 4-16 poinls of
danage/day, operaling ly ilseIf vilh a visilIe fIash and gIov vhen ils learer is injured. RoII 4d4 vhen
il firsl aclivales. If lhe lolaI is higher lhan lhe hil poinls Iosl, lhe renainder vails for anolher aclivalion,
Ialer in lhe day lul is Iosl if il doesnl occur vilhin 24 hours or 144 lurns.
Kappiyan aIso nakes pcriap|s cf nca||n, pcriap|s cf prccf agains| pciscn, and grccns|cnc anu|c|s
(delaiIed in IR4 Tnc Magis|cr and nany olher ReaIns sources).
Lven LIninsler vas envious of lhe rosler of apprenlices Kappiyan had accunuIaled over lhe
years. Hes so kindIy lhal young Iasses lrusl hin conpIeleIy (and righlIy). He has aided lhe foIIoving
sorceresses of nole, anong nany olhers, lo lecone acconpIished vieIders of lhe Arl:
-CalhIiira of LIlureI (CN hf W9)
-IIphara of Annvaler (NC hf W1O)
-InlaerI of BaIdurs Cale (CC hf W12)
-Larilhnae of AInraiven (CC hf W12)
-MinlhaIue of SuzaiI (CN hf W9). When she cane lo Kappiyan, she vas a fanous CaIishile exolic
dancer. Tongues vagged furiousIy aII over Walerdeep for over a year.
-Nesnorae of CaIIidyrr (CC hf W11)
-Ihanlrara of IriapurI (NC hf W8)
Hes going laId, Iooks very dislin-
guished, and aIvays carries a
slaff. He can idenlify nany
polions ly Iook and sneII aIone,
and is especiaIIy skiIIed al lurn-
ing gens inlo nagicaI ilens lhal
prolecl or aid lheir learers.
Kappiyan Iives vilh ShaIara,
vho is perhaps 16 years oId. She
has dark hair and eyes, and is
earnesl and easiIy upsel. She
prefers lo and vears panls and
lunics, as do loys her age, for
grealer freedon of nolion.
SpeII lallIes in and around
Kappiyans house nay le disap-
poinlingIy fev (lo lourisls, nol
neighlors), lul lhis vas nol
aIvays so. Lighly years ago, one
of Walerdeeps firsl nighlcIuls
slood on lhis sile. Il vas knovn
as lhe Rusly HaIidon and vas
deslroyed one nighl in a nagic
fighl lelveen drunken vizards,
vho lIev il aparl vilh aII lhe
guesls, vine kegs, and dancers
sliII inside. There are sliII runors
of luried lreasure leing Iosl in
lhe vreckage and paved over
nov in lhe aIIeyvay oulside lhe
house. ShaIara doulls such laIes.
Il is in lhe slreels around
Kappiyans house lhal lhe Chosl
Knighl is nosl oflen seen`
This phanlon, and lhe advenlure connecled vilh hin, appears in lhe Undernounlain Advenlures
lookIel of Tnc Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain sel.
The Noom
any nagic vilhin, or inlo, lhe
Dancing Courl for fear of dis-
rupling lhe nagic. By lradilion, a
cily guard palroI, acconpanied
ly a nenler of lhe WalchfuI
This slrange, leaulifuI fealure of
rder (aIvays a vizard of sone
Soulh Ward appears onIy on
pover) keeps valch over lhe
Dancing Courl vhen lhe Sphere
nighls vhen lhe noon is fuII.
The Moon Sphere is a nagicaI
is presenl.
gIole of lIue radiance lhal
appears in Dancing Courl as lhe
The Pnospec1
resuIl of an ancienl, poverfuI The Moon Sphere has exisled for
al Ieasl a cenlury due lo a pover-
The courlyard vas Iefl cIear
fuI nagic crealed ly lhe goddess
lecause of il, and lhe adjacenl SeIune. There have aIvays leen
}ade Dancer vas luiIl lo lake
runors lhal she, various avalars
advanlage of il. Ior generalions of her, or her agenls reside in
foIk have cone lo Walerdeep lo Walerdeep, conceaIing lhen-
see il, and Walerdhavians have
seIves anong lhe connon foIk.
used il lo reIax and in courling The ideaI pIace of vorship lo
each olher. SeIune is open lo lhe sky~on a
lare hiIIlop or cIearing in a
The PLace foresl. In a cily, a rooflop or open
Dancing Courl is a snoolh-
space is preferalIe lo an encIosed
finished courlyard paved in
chanceI. Because of lhis, nany
fIagslones. Ils cenlraI space is
services al lhe House of lhe Moon
lake pIace on ils roof, visilIe lo aII
perhaps 6O feel across. In lhe
nearly. The Moon Sphere is said
nidsl of lhis a 4O-fool-dianeler
lo le lhe saiIors lenpIe, open lo
sphere of lransIucenl, vivid lIue
aII. Whenever il appears, any
radiance fades inlo leing as lhe
saiIors in lhe cily soler enough
rays of lhe fuII noon faII on lhe
Courl and fades avay vilh
lo nake lhe journey lraveI lo il lo
exlend a hand inlo lhe lIue gIov
vaning noonIighl.
By Walerdhavian Iav no one is
and vhisper a prayer lo lhe Lady
lo see lhen safe lo lheir nexl
aIIoved lo reslricl access of
anyone eIse lo lhe sphere or
porl. The danger raling for lhe
Sphere is for vho you nighl
charge any fee for adnillance lo
neel vilh, around, or near il, nol
ils confines. And no one is aI-
Ioved lo casl any speII or unIeash
for lhe Sphere ilseIf.
The Moon Sphere is in lhe Dancing Courl, lhe open space jusl vesl of lhe }ade Dancer (#2O8) on lhe
coIor nap.
Whal nakes lhe Sphere allrac-
live lo lhose vho do nol vorship
SeIune is ils najor nagicaI
Living leings vho
enler il and viII lhenseIves lo
rise can fIy aloul inside lhe
spheres radianl confines.
TradilionaIIy, courling coupIes
cone here lo dance in lhe air and
kiss on high, fIoaling so onIy
lheir Iips louch. There are laIes
of even nore ardenl aclivilies
lelveen inlinale conpanions
vilhin lhe Spheres radius.
Cuesls in lhe }ade Dancer
cuslonariIy exlend lheir feslivi-
lies inlo lhe Courl on nighls of
lhe fuII noon and drifl or fIy
vhiIe drinking. The nore daring
even Ieap fron lhe laIcony of
lhe }ade Dancer inlo lhe Moon
Sphere. Il is a nark of sociaI
daring and delonair noncha-
Iance lo do lhis vilhoul spiIIing
even a drop of ones drink.
TnaoeLens Lone
There are nany laIes of dancers
finding lheir lrue Iove in lhe
sphere~even Iiergeiron, High
Lord of Walerdeep, is said lo have
firsl nel his lride, Maelhiira
Vc|c. There are olher povers. Lven high-ranking prieslesses of SeIune donl knov lhen aII. Devoul
vorshippers of SeIune can le heaIed of vounds, poisoning, insanily, diseases, and nagicaI curses ly
conlacl vilh lhe Sphere, lul jusl hov, vhen, and vhal riluaIs are invoIved renain unknovn lo ne. The
cily guard palroIs slrongIy discourage any experinenlalion inlended lo Iearn lhe secrels of lhe Sphere.
||nins|cr. Lels keep lhings lhal vay.
LIninslers assislance has given us lhese delaiIs:
Any senlienl leing can fIy al viII, vilh ManeuveraliIily CIass A and a novenenl rale of 7. Up lo lhe
fIying leings ovn veighl in vorn or carried naleriaI can le supporled. ne person cannol drag
anolher dovn ly grasping lhen and viIIing descenl. The Spheres nagic parls lhe lvo, so onIy one faIIs.
Descenl vilhin lhe Sphere is governed ly condilions equaI lo a fca|ncr fa|| speII.
Beings vho pass enlireIy oul of lhe Sphere ly neans of lheir ovn navigalion or vho are forced oul
(and oljecls fired, hurIed, or dropped oul) faII lo lhe ground leIov vilh nornaI speed and danaging
effecls. If lhey faII lack inlo conlacl vilh lhe Sphere, ils nagic reasserls ilseIf over lheir faII. The Sphere
exlends 3O feel alove lhe Courl al ils highesl poinl.
The Moon Sphere aIso affecls nagic casl vilhin il. SpeIIs of lhe aljuralion, enchanlnenl/charn, and
grealer divinalion schooIs vhen casl ly a vizard of chaolic good aIignnenl onIy and, vhen casl ly a
priesl of SeIune onIy, lhe spheres aII, charn, crealion, divinalion, guardian, heaIing, necronanlic,
proleclion and vards viII have lhe fuIIesl possilIe effecls (naxinun duralion, elc.) vhen casl or
lriggered in lhe Sphere. The Sphere does lhe sane lhing lo nagic connecled vilh slarIighl and
noongIov (lhe povers of a ring cf sncc|ing s|ars, for exanpIe). Iire-lased speIIs, hovever, are aIvays
reduced lo lhe nininun possilIe danage (1 poinl per die) and effecls.
Cerlain nagics are lvisled ly lhe Sphere inlo viId nagic resuIls~hence lhe prohililion againsl
nagic. Advenlurers are varned lo curl any reckIess lehavior or lendencies vhiIe in Dancing Courl
or lhe Moon Sphere.
SeIune herseIf is said lo
sonelines appear conferring
povers, punishnenls, and gcas-
Iike direclives upon foIk. Her
prieslesses lry lo send al Ieasl one
of lheir nunler lo dance and
pray in lhe Moon Sphere each
line il appears.
There is aIso a ghoslIy laIe
aloul lhe phanlons of seven
nurdered princesses sonelines
seen dancing in lhe Sphere.
These young Iadies, aII of lhe
royaI house of Telhyr, vere sIain
in Walerdeep sone 8O vinlers
lack ly a crueI hosl: lheir uncIe,
vho vanled lhe lhrone.
Afler a nighl of joyfuI dancing
vilh handsone young nen in
lhe Moon Sphere, vhich lhey
found vondrous, lhe princesses
vere very lired. Their uncIe
repIaced lhe piIIovs in lheir leds
vilh ninic gruls (fIalvorn-Iike
reIalives of ninics vho dissoIve
fIesh ly louch). The unforlunale
girIs vere found dead in lhe
norn, inlacl excepl for lheir
heads, vhich had leen ealen
avay lo cIean, lare skuIIs.
Many lravos and young lIades
of Walerdeep have spoken, dovn
lhe nany nighls since, of dancing
vilh prelly naidens in rich
govns. They are siIenl, lul seen
sonehov sad, lheir eyes lrighl
Maelhiira has leen dead for aInosl 14 years.
Iiergeiron has nol renarried and doles on lheir
daughler, AIeena, vho is laII, grave, leaulifuI,
recIusive, and said lo dallIe in nagic.
This runor is lrue. LIninsler refused lo re-
veaI lhe riluaI, lul did say lhal uans cf nagic
nissi|cs are anong lhe ilens aided ly lhe Sphere.
vilh unshed lears~and lheir
faces, vhen approached cIoseIy
(for a kiss, perhaps), are inslanlIy
lransforned inlo grinning skuIIs!
Cerlain poverfuI vizards of
Walerdeep are aIso said lo cone
here on rare occasions, vhen
deep in lhoughl, and drifl aloul,
slaring al lhe slars as lhey pon-
der. Ils lhe cIosesl sone foIk of
Walerdeep ever gel lo lhe greal
KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun,
and, for lhal naller, his nore
sinisler rivaI, MaariI, and lhe aged
head of lhe nolIe house of
Wands, Maskar.
There is aIso a runor anong
vizards lhal lhe louch of lhe
Moon Sphere can recharge
cerlain ilens, if lhe righl vords
are spoken.
The OLo
Noms1en 5hop
This IillIe-knovn shop fronls on
lhe }ar, a cIose lhal opens off
TiInans Lane nol far fron lhe
TroIIvaII. There a slone vare-
house sporls a door narked vilh:
Bevare Cuardian Monslers
Wilhin. Il is fIanked ly a pair of
laII, nassive, arched carl doors.
Inside, a nondescripl-Iooking
nan naned IeIdyn CoadoIfyn
seIIs nonslers lo lhe hungry, lhe
lored, and lhe vengefuI.
The PLace
This ugIy poorIy luiIl varehouse
is Iillered vilh dusl and rullIe. Il
sneIIs of aninaI dung and danp.
The upper fIoors are IargeIy
lul visilors enlering ly
lhe door are innedialeIy con-
fronled ly a hungriIy inleresled
gargoyIe perched on lhe sving-
ing gale of a service counler.
Behind lhe counler sils IeIdyn,
vhos usuaIIy exanining a nap
or a vorn copy of a crude
nonlhIy iIIuslraled chaplook. He
aIvays appears caIn, even lored.
An advenlurer vho once sav
hin lhrealened vilh a cockalrice
said he didnl even lIink, lul
nereIy yavned and loId lhe
cockalrice-hoIder lo slale his
The Pnospec1
Shops vhere one can luy Iive
nonslers are rare anyvhere in
A surprisingIy Iarge
nunler of foIk nake lheir vays
as unollrusiveIy as possilIe lo
IeIdyns doors. His cIienleIe
incIude jaded nolIes Iooking for
exolic lhings lo hunl, eal, or pIay
vilh, lhose vho vanl lo creale a
sensalion al parlies or vilh
lraveIing shovs, or jusl acquire a
vaII lrophy lhey can loasl aloul,
advenlurers in need of praclice,
lreeders and vizards needing
Iive naleriaI for lheir researches,
and so on.
In pooIs, cages, and a variely of
inprisoning conlainers in his
ceIIars, IeIdyn keeps an ever-
changing rosler of nonslers lo
seII lo lhen. He aIso has a roon
of jugged, jarred, or coffered
rennanls, fron horns and
lollIed gore lo peIls and scaIes.
These vaIualIes are guarded
ly a IoyaI (lrained or nagicaIIy
conlroIIed) slaff of guardian
nonslers: four valchspiders,
lvo gargoyIes (IeIdyn conlroIs
lhen vilh a ring cf gargcq|cs
lvo ninics (a kiIIer ninic lhal
poses as a lar on lhe inside of lhe
IeIdyn nakes a fev coppers each nonlh fron seIIing guarded safe slorage space lo cilizens,
nerchanls, and fences of Walerdeep vho deIiver craled goods lo hin. He uses lhe lhree ranlIing, run-
dovn upper fIoors of lhe varehouse lo house lhese crales, and vonl accepl uncraled lhings.
And in al Ieasl a dozen olher vorIds, LIninsler added dryIy.
See Spider, Sullerranean on pages 123-124 in IR2 Tnc Drcu cf |nc Uncrar|.
DelaiIed in lhe Canpaign Cuide of Tnc Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain sel.
carl doors, and a space ninic
lhal prelends lo le lhe door al
lhe lollon of lhe ceIIar slairs
nosl of lhe line), and a fenaIe-
Iooking slone goIen knovn as
uIdra. In case of allack, IeIdyn
viII fIee lo lhe ceIIars,
lo his ring cf spc|| |urning lo
keep hin safe as his nonslers
spring lo lhe allack.
adopl vhalever disguises he
deens necessary vhen foIIoving
foes lhrough Walerdeep. When-
ever oulside his shop, IeIdyn is
arned vilh a pair of goIden Iion
figurincs cf ucnrcus pcucr.
IeIdyn viII purchase nonslers,
incIuding eggs and young. He
does nol Iike lo handIe nagicaIIy
lransforned or pelrified non-
slers (lo nininize his personaI
The PeopLe
danger). BadIy vounded or dead
The ovner of lhe Id Monsler
leasls felch very IillIe fron hin.
Shop, IeIdyn, is eviI, coIdIy caIn,
He sonelines hires advenlur-
and unscrupuIous. He gels even,
ers vho have lroughl hin Iols of
lul he does nol hale. He uses his
nonslers lo gel specific nonslers
unrenarkalIe appearance lo
lo order or lo sIay or kidnap foIk
In MC7 lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun SP|||]AMM|R Appcnix.
If necessary, he'II duck lhrough one of his gates, laking his lesl chesl of accunuIaled lreasure.
vho have lecone his foes.
Anong residenls of Walerdeep,
his recenl conlacls have incIuded
lhe Conpany of lhe BIoody
Banner, a feIIovship of a dozen
eviI fenaIe haIf-eIves, and lhe
Weird Conpany, an eviI adven-
luring land doninaled ly six
The PnIces
IeIdyn luys cheap and seIIs
expensive. Mosl leasls go for al
Ieasl 1OOO gp. Irices increase vilh
a crealures danger and rarily.
Monsler parls are nuch
cheaper~usuaIIy 4O gp lo 25O gp,
depending on vhal lhey are.
Whenever aulhorilies Iook
inlo his shop, IeIdyn cIains lo le
in lusiness IargeIy lo serve lhe
kilchens of Walerdeep, vilh a
fev nolIe palrons vho Iove
hunling as speciaI palrons. He
shovs his seIeclion of nonsler
parls, keeps his guardian non-
slers (excepl for lhe goIen) oul of
viev and gives oul free copies of
lvo of his nosl fanous recipes:
dragon soup and roasled cocka-
lrice. Nol leing a nenler of lhe
cily guard, I had lo pay 1 sp per
recipe~lul Ive since leen alIe lo
lry lhen lolh, and lhe resuIls
vere deIicious!
TnaoeLens Lone
Sone vho Iive near lhe Id
Monsler Shop cIain lheyve seen
foIk go inside il and never cone
oul again~and aIso seen foIk (and
vorse!) cone oul lhal lhey svear
never venl in.
Menlers of lhe WalchfuI
rder vho have loo nuch drink
say nore. Sone cIain IeIdyn has
sone sorl of nonsler in lhe
deplhs of his ceIIars lhal gives
lirlh lo olher crealures. lhers
cIain lhal he has severaI ga|cs
lhal Iink hin lo faravay pIaces in
lhe ReaIns.
As a ruIe of lhunl, IeIdyns price in goId pieces viII equaI lhe Iisled XI vaIue of a nonsler.
Bolh of lhese laIes are lrue. IeIdyn has a deepspavn hidden in his ceIIar (a nonsler delaiIed in IR11
Duartcs Dccp) and a rov of unnarked cIosel doors lhal are acluaIIy lhe enlrances lo a velvork of
lvo-vay gales connecling his shop vilh
-An Underdark cavern, near Menzolerranzan (a drov cily delaiIed in lhe Mcnzcocrranzan sel)
-Sonevhere in lhe jungIes of ChuIl
-A ravine in lhe SloneIands norlh of Cornyr near lhe Haunled HaIIs (delaiIed in IRQ1 Tnc Haun|c
Ha||s cf |tcnings|ar)
-A gIade deep in lhe High Ioresl (see IR5 Tnc Satagc |rcn|icr)
-A knoII in lhe Svord Coasl Norlh, near LverIund (Tnc Satagc |rcn|icr)
-A vaIIey in Ann in lhe hiIIs norlh of Annvaler (scc IR3 |npircs cf |nc Sans)
-The edge of Anauroch near SpeIIgard (see IR13 Anauroch)
-A cIearing in lhe WiId Wood (DenaII Ioresl) in AIaron in lhe Moonshae IsIes (see IA1 Ha||s cf |nc
Hign King and IR2 Mccnsnac)
-Sonevhere on lhe lhird IeveI of Undernounlain, jusl oulside SkuIIporl.
IeIdyn and his hired advenlurers use lhese lo galher nonslers. They have caches of food and gear
hidden near nosl of lheir exil ga|cs.
In his shop, IeIdyn has over 56,OOO gp, in lags of 1OO gp each, slashed inside hoIIov piIIars in lhe ceIIars.
He aIso has a chesl visilIe for lhe laking (conlaining 54O goId pieces and severaI faIse lreasure naps) and
his lesl chesl. His lesl chesl is a dark coffer high on a gIoony sheIf alove and inside a doorvay on lhe
ceIIar slairs lhal hoIds 12 rulies, 8 slar sapphires, and 2 eneraIds~each vorlh 5,OOO gp~as veII as 4 lrade
lars of siIver, vorlh 25 gp each, and lvo pc|icns cf cx|ra-nca|ing in sleeI viaIs.
LIninsler varns lhal dragon neal shouId le properIy prepared lefore ealing (see page 82 of
IR1 Draccncniccn) and lhal cockalrices shouId nol le louched for al Ieasl lhree hours afler
dealh~and even lhen, gIoves shouId le used lo pIuck oul lhe Iarger fealhers and lhrov lhen
avay. The Iarge fealhers sonelines relain lhe pover lo pelrify for days.
Dnagom 5oup
G Lange, nI pe 1oma1oes
3A ho1 omIoms on G shaL-
Lo1s amo cLooes o[ ganLIc)
3 pI mch saL1
3 hamo[uL oILL
3 hamo[uL pansLe
3 pImch bLack peppen
3 skIm goa1 s mI Lk
much cLeam ua1en
onagom mea1 ImgneoIem1s
LIs1eo oo up 1o 3O poumos)
Im a cauLonom, bnImg ua1en
1o a boIL amo uI1h a LaoLe
oIp 1oma1oes Im [on 1he
space o[ a shon1 1naIL joke.
Take 1hem ou1 amo peeL
1hem uI1h a shanp kmI[e.
La 1he skIm asIoe. 51In 1he
nes1 back Im1o 1he ua1en.
Chop 1he omIoms amo
ganLIc, I[ useo) [ImeL. 51In
1hIs Im 1oo, aooImg saL1, oILL,
amo peppen TO 1he po1.
Remooe am scaL, Imeo-
lble ouIe hIoe [nom 1he
onagom mea1. Cu1 1he mea1
Im1o mamageabLe pon1Ioms,
amo onop I 1 I m1o 1he po1~
uhI ch mus1 be a1 a noLLI mg
boIL. Le1 boIL uhILe am Imch
Is bunmeo ooum om a
1humb-1hI ck camoLe.
Them, 51op [eeoImg 1he
[Ine. As 1he po1 cooLs, s1In
Im 1he goa1 s mILk amo 1he
pansLe. Le1 s1amo um1I L
1he [a1 amo oIL pnesem1 Im
aLL onagom mea1 comes 1o
1he sun[ace. 5kI m 1hI s o[[
amo 1hem nehea1 1he mI -
1une [on oImImg.
Umcookeo onagom mea1
keeps sI sumnIses. Cookeo
mea1 keeps [on 1uIce
1 ha 1 .
He aIso leIIs ne one pour is a neasure achieved ly lipping a shaken lollIe upside dovn and
lhen innedialeIy uprighl again. A knife is an anounl lhal slays on lhe lIade of a knife.
Merilhian sauce is equivaIenl lo a slrongIy spiced sleak sauce. Nighlcap nushroons are found
onIy in lhe ReaIns. Be very caulious vilh nushroon sulslilulions.
These recipes aIso shov sone line neasures used ly cooks in lhe ReaIns. The 16 verses of
song caIIed for (al Ieasl, as LIninsler sang lhen) equaI aloul 8 rounds, gane line, and lhe space
of a good svord-sharpening seens lo le aloul 6 lurns.
Roas1eo Cocka1nIce
J cockaIlce cacass
hamo[uLs o[ moneLs on 3
hamo[uL mIgh1cap mushnooms)
pLam1s uhoLe s1aLks, uI1h
hean1s) ceLen on mansh Le11uce
3 hamo[uL beam 1ubens on
mansh gnass noo1s)
3 pImch 1hme
3 pImch saL1
pImches peppen
3 pouch [Lask's uon1h o[ neo
L1h1om on o1hen semI-suee1) uIme
pouns ho1 bnoum NenI1hIam
kmIoes o[ amImaL [a1
Im a skILLe1 on upemoeo Inom
shIeLo ooen a smaLL [Ine, chop amo
mI Leeks uI1h saL1, peppen, beam
1ubens. 5IzzLe Im amlmal aI umIll
Leek pIeces gnou so[1. VhILe 1he
Leek cooks, push I1 anoumo jus1
emough 1o pneoem1 bunmImg.
Cu1 o[[ 1he bom heao amo
ouI 1he gIzzano uI1h I1s some-
1Imes-poIsomous com1em1s) amo
o1hen ongams.
The cocka1nIce meeo mo1 be
skImmeo. I1s Lea1hen, scaL ou1en
skIm pno1ec1s 1he 1emoen [Lesh
ounImg cookImg. Dom1 Le1 bLooo
amo [LuIos onaIm aua on 1he
bIno uILL cook 1oo on. Tough on
onIeo cancasses shouLo be oouseo
Im oILu1eo uIme 3 pan1 1o pan1s
ua1en) be[one noas1Img.
51u[[ 1he cancass uI1h ceLen
amo 1hme. Pu1 Im 1he skILLe1
a1op sIzzLImg Leeks, noas1 [on 3G
oenses o[ "The UmIconm amo 1he
NaIoem," amo 1unm.
Vhem bo1h sIoes ane bnoum,
1unm 1he cancass so I1 LIes uI1h
1he [La11es1 sIoe ooum, amo oouse
I1 uI1h 1he uIme. Vhem bubbLImg
amo sIzzLImg oIes, bas1e 1he
cacass ul Ih Ihe boum sauce.
Roas1 [on 1he space o[ a gooo
suono-shanpemImg, bas1Img o[1em
amo 1unmImg uhem meeoeo 1o keep
1he coLon eoem.
meck o[ 1he cocka1nIce, uhIch cam
La1en be boILeo [on soup. 5LI1 1he
cancass up 1he bneas1, 1unmImg
The skIm uILL cnack amo on
LIke oLo panchmem1, LI[1Img amo
[LakImg aua LIke uooo ash uhem
1he meaL Is oome. Take [nom 1he
[Ine amo Le1 cooL um1IL I1 cam
be heLo [on ea1Img. Goes ueLL uI1h
aLe amo gneems.
The House o[
Gooo 5pInI1s
Tatcrn, |nn, lincrq c Hca-
quar|crs cf |nc Vin|ncrs',
Dis|i||crs', an 8rcucrs Gui|
Localed on lhe norlhvesl side of
lhe Rising Ride (al lhe cresl of lhe
snaII knoII for vhich lhal slreel
is naned) lelveen lhe noulhs of
}ulh AIIey and Rolin's Way, lhis
conpIex of luiIdings is fronled
ly a linler, vallIe and daul
lavern. Il exlends norlh and vesl
aIong Tornsar AIIey as far as
BuckIe Slreel, vhere an aIIeyvay
offers access lo lhe inn and ils
slalIes al lhe lack of lhe lavern.
The House of Cood Spirils has
aIvays leen a guiId headquarlers
and a vinery vhere sIulh
zzar are nade. (Zzar is nade
fron sIulh ly forlifying il vilh
aInond Iiqueur.)
Sone 6O vinlers ago, a snaII
lrevery vas added on lhe
corner of lhe Rising Ride and
Tornsar AIIey and lhen lhe
lavern vas opened. Aloul four
vinlers ago, lhe operalors of lhe
House expanded inlo an adjacenl
varehouse lo open ils doors as a
4O-led inn prinariIy for lhe
convenience of visiling grape-
grovers and vine nerchanls.
vned ly lhe guiId, lhis
conpIex has enriched aII guiId
nenlers and nov serves lhen
as a hone avay fron hone lase
in vhich lhey can slay vhen
lheir hones are overcrovded or
leing vorked on, go for a quiel
lankard vhen lhe vorking day is
done, and house, enlerlain, and
neel vilh lusiness guesls.
The PLace
The enlire conpIex sliII Iooks
Iike a coIIeclion of varehouses
and faclories inside and oul.
Massive, exposed leans and lare
nud lrick vaIIs are everyvhere,
and lhe Ianp Iighling is din.
SnaII passages, cozy nooks, odd
doorvays, and surprise sleps up
and dovn are nunerous, and
furnishings are lare-lones and
vorkaday, lul conforlalIe and
ruggedIy servicealIe.
The inn, lavern, vine slore,
vinery, and lrevery are direclIy
joined inside, lul a narrov
courlyard separales lhe slalIes
fron lhe resl.
The Pnospec1
The House of Cood Spirils loasls
lhe lesl and cheapesl seIeclion of
Iiqueurs and slrong drink in lhe
enlire Cily of SpIendors~even if,
as a nolIe I overheard snooliIy
pul il, You have lo sil in lhe
slinking lrevery lo drink ils
vares. Iiery lIacklhroal fron
This is #214 on lhe coIor cily nap.
SIulh is dry, sparkIing vhile vine.
The Harpers noveI LIfshadov descriles an arrivaI (pages 114-117) and slay al lhe House.
far Lanlan is as pIenlifuI in ils
spacious ceIIars as is ruly-red
eIverquissl, leIoved of lhe eIves.
Il is a conforlalIe, if disorga-
nized, inn, nosl of lhe roons
sporling lvo singIe leds and
lare loard fIoors. There are no
Iuxuries, lul lired lraveIers viII
find il a conforlalIe pIace lo
sIeep. The Iov prices allracl a
reguIar cIienleIe of hard drink-
ers, lul lhe slaff
keep order.
BravIs are frequenl, lul lake
pIace on lhe slreel oulside, nol
vilhin. Breaking one of lhe Iong,
Ieaded vindovs of lhe lavern~
or forcing anolher palron lo do
so ly hurIing hin lhrough il~
cosls a lravIer 4 gp. During
dayIighl hours, guiId represenla-
lives are aIvays on hand for
lhose vho vanl lo deaI in spirils.
Irivale neeling roons are
avaiIalIe for conferences.
The Pnooemoen
The inn provides onIy a lasic
nenu: roasl loar, rallil-and-
snaIIs slev (fovI, vegelalIes,
squirreIs, and lhe Iike, aIvays
sinnering in lhe kilchen), and
cheese-and-nuslard saIllread
neIls (snaII, circuIar Ioaves of
very lasly lread).
The PeopLe
The guiId slaff nunlers 4O or so,
fron LIgulh lhe slalIeloy (an
experl guide lo lhe ganlIing
houses and feslhaIIs of Waler-
deep) lo Sinon Thrilhyn lhe
innkeeper. The residenl chief
guiId luyer and seIIer is DIarna
Suone. Her second is Cordryn
ZhavaII. DIarna is lhe onIy sharp-
lenpered and sharp-villed
person in lhe pIace. The olhers
lend lo le sloIid, caIn foIk~even
lhe seven lurIy louncers, vho
are Ied ly Mrorn BIack Bracers
The PnIces
A roon cosls 2 gp/led per nighl.
If one person vanls a privale
roon, he nusl pay for lvo leds,
lul can invile a nonslaying guesl
lo eal lhe second food share. This
rale incIudes slalIing for aII
nounls and aII neaIs desired~
jusl ask. Drafl leasls are each 1
cp per nighl exlra. The dining
fare is reslricled lo lhe spare
nenu I Iisled. AIso incIuded is aII
lhe aIe lhe guesl vanls lo drink.
Wine and spirils are exlra, and
are soId ly lhe lollIe. Irices
range fron 2 cp/lollIe for sIulh
nade on lhe prenises (a cul
rale~oulside lhe lavern, such a
lollIe seIIs for 8 cp) lo 6 sp/lollIe
of house zzar. Irices lhen rise
rapidIy lo a high of 33 gp/lollIe
for lhe finesl, and vilh IocaI
unresl, very rare, Telhyrian
disliIIed dragonslIood.
Slaff acling as louncers lypicaIIy arrive as foIIovs: 1d4 I2s in 1d4 rounds, an I1 a round afler lhe
firsl arrivaI, lhen 1d4 I2s and an I3 1d3 rounds Ialer.
A fev popuIar vines and lheir prices per lollIe: Nevervinler lIack icevine, 7 sp, Besl Id Minlarn
vhisky, 1 gp, Wyvern Whisky, 2 gp (nade in NinlraI~a vyverns scaIe fIoals in every lollIe).
TnaoeLens Lone
Il is videIy runored lhal a Iarge
anounl of lreasure~a dragon
hoard, lroughl lack lo Waler-
deep ly an advenluring con-
pany sponsored ly lhe guiId Iong
ago~is hidden sonevhere in or
under lhe House. WouId-le
prospeclors are varned lhal lhe
slaff lake a very din viev of
peopIe vho dig or pry al vaIIs,
fIoors, and ceiIings.
The advenluring land, lhe
CuiId Advenluring Conpany
(coIIoquiaIIy knovn as lhe IIying
IIagons) aII perished al Yarlar,
defending il againsl raiding orcs.
This is renenlered in lhe IaII
of lhe Conpany vrillen ly lhe
Conpanys lard, IeIeslin, and
senl ly speII lo a conrade a days
hard ride dislanl as lhe adven-
lurers foughl lheir Iasl fighl.
These days, nosl guiId nen-
lers can recaII onIy a snalch of
lhe song. Bul visilors levare: If
you Iaugh or offer disrespecl
vhen lhis slanza is sung, aII lhe
nen singing vilh lears in lheir
eyes are apl lo rise up and sepa-
rale you fron your Iife.
An nc cnc ui|| s|an |ncrc |c
ncar cur rcp|q,
An nc cnc ui|| ccnc |ncrc |c
scc ncrccs ic.. .
On, raisc f|agcns nign
An sucrs |c |nc s|q
|cr gui| an atcn|urc
Dic uc|| uncn qcu ic!
The )aoe Damcen
Tatern S |estha||
This raucous haunl of lhe young,
free, and ardenlIy ronanlic
opens onlo Dancing Courl,
soneline sile of lhe eeriIy leauli-
fuI Moon Sphere, jusl norlh of
SIop Slreel in lhe Tveen Run (lhe
IocaI nane for lhe aIIeys and
luiIdings lelveen lhe High Road
and lhe Way of lhe Dragon).
The PLace
BuiIl of linler and slone coI-
unns, ils ouler vaIIs seaIed ly a
sIalher-coal of pIasler inlo vhich
nud lricks have leen pressed in
sIanling courses, lhe Dancer
Iooks Iike vhal il is: a varehouse
vilh a grand fronl lacked on. Ils
upper fIoors open onlo a lroad,
lvo-lier laIcony overIooking lhe
Dancing Courl, vhich loasls
inlricale ornanenlaI vroughl
iron raiIings and polled fruil
lrees. Inside, ninslreIs pIay on a
hanging gaIIery suspended fron
lhe ceiIing on chains alove a
raised cenlraI slage vhere
dancers and singers perforn.
The slage and gaIIery doni-
nale an open cenlraI veII lhal
soars up lo a roof skyIighl. Inle-
rior laIconies or pronenades of
lhe upper fIoors open onlo lhe
veII and Iook dovn on lhe slage.
Three Iarge, vide-curving circu-
Iar slaircases rise around lhe veII
lo Iink lhe fIoors. They provide
good vievs of shovs, and are
oflen Iined vilh slanding
The kilchens, panlries, and
slaff quarlers are hidden leIov
ground IeveI. The nain fIoor is
enlireIy given over lo a lar, a
ring-shaped dance area around
lhe slage, and slurdiIy luiIl,
round vooden lalIes Iinked ly
fIoor-chains lo quarlels of pIain,
heavy-duly chairs for palrons.
The upper fIoors are devoled
lo Iarge, pIanl-adorned drinking
parIors on lhe Dancing Courl
side and feslhaII roons (opening
off lhe pronenade) around lhe
resl of lheir exlenl.
The Pnospec1
This cIean, lrighlIy Iil, noisy
pIace is leIoved of young
Walerdhavians vanling lo le in
lhe rush of nev fashion and in
lehavior~and lo le seen lo le
parl of il. As nosl nighls pass, lhe
visilor can see and sneII lhe
sleadiIy rising excilenenl. If haIf
lhe loo-Ioud, exciled young loys
svaggering around knev hov lo
use lhe huge veapons lhey vave
aloul, lhe nighlIy sIaughler
vouId nake Dancing Courl run
red vilh gore.
The }ade Dancer is #2O8 on lhe coIor nap.
The chairs have leen lhoughlfuIIy chained lo lhe lalIes. nIy an incredilIy slrong nan (ST 18 or
grealer) can Iifl and hurI a lalIe and four chairs as one~lhough nany palrons svear lheyve seen il
The Dancer has a slaff of
experl, good-Iooking escorls vho
ningIe vilh lhe palrons. Mis-
guessing vho is a palron and
vho is an escorl has Iefl nany a
visilor lo lhe cily vilh a face red
and ringing fron a hard sIap. A
hinl: You can recognize an escorl
ly lhe roon keys vorn around
lheir necks on fine chains.
The roons are nol aII for lhe
use of escorls. CoupIes vho find
each olher anong lhe drinks can
renl roons. Those lhinking of
laking Iilerlies vilh escorls or
guesls are herely varned lhal
lhe }ade Dancer aIso has as a
louncer a valchfuI vizard,
SeIcharoon Nrin, vho vears a
ring cf intisioi|i|q and a ring cf
junping, and alIy vieIds a uan
cf para|qza|icn.
The eslalIishnenl is naned
for ils slar dancing allraclion:
}ade, a nagicaIIy aninaled,
incredilIy leaulifuI, Iife-sized
jade slalue, fashioned Iike a
hunan fenaIe.
UsuaIIy found
LIninsler reveaIs lhal }ade is a speciaI sorl of figurinc cf ucnrcus pcucr, nenlaIIy aninaled ly
lhe ovner of lhe cIul, lhe sorceress CalhaIishaera. Il viII crunlIe inlo dusl if laken nore lhan 2OO paces
fron CalhaIishaera or if CalhaIishaera shouId die. She cuslonariIy keeps il in a |ccnuns sccrc| cncs|,
and lhe liny haIf of lhis ilen is carried on her person, avoiding lhe deslruclive effecls of noving lhe
slalue loo far avay.
The sorceress cuslonariIy sils in a Iocked, hidden roon during perfornances, seeing lhrough lhe
slalues eyes and noving il ly viII in response lo lhe nusic and lhe caIIs of lhe crovd. She Ioves lhis
vork, lul is loo shy lo ever dare dance in person.
dancing on lhe slage in acrolalic
poses no hunan dancer vilh any
dignily or nerve endings couId
endure for Iong, il legins an
evening vilh no hair lul grovs
iIIusory fIoving hair as il
noves~unliI a fIoor-Ienglh lrain
of lresses fIovs lehind and
around il. The hair lhen vanishes,
lo legin groving again. The cycIe
lakes aloul an hour.
The Pnooemoen
A viId variely of drinkalIes can
le had here, fron gIoving
anler dvarven |ncr| oc|ara|u|
(Id Tricksler) lo cooI, ninly
green sncna|n icevine, favored
ly sone eIves and haIfIings.
Anong hunans, AI & TaIs SIurp
Syrup (veII-spiked cherry syrup)
is popuIar, aIong vilh IooIs
Thirsl-Quencher (a nix of six
leers and vinler vine), and, of
course, zzar, vhich can le had al
doulIe slrenglh. AII drinks here
are 5 sp for a handgIass and 1 gp
for a laII fIagon.
To go vilh lhe drinkalIes, lhe
Dancer slaff serves free lovIs of
saIled nuls, Ioaves of hol garIic-
lullered lread (2 sp/round Ioaf),
and skevered roasl fovI lvo lo a
skever for 3 sp/skever. These
are snaII pIucked chickens vilh
head, feel, and organs renoved,
cooked over an open fire.
The PeopLe
The proprielress of lhe Dancer is
lhe seIdon-seen sorceress Calha-
Iishaera, vho reIies on her
louncer SeIcharoon and her
slaff of aloul 2O fenaIe and 12
naIe escorls, aloul haIf of vhon
are on shifl on a given nighl, and
lhe house slaff of 1O lar and
kilchen vorkers.
The lesl-knovn of lhe house
slaff is lhe fal, laIkalive, vise-
cracking Iady larlender, KhaIou
Mazeslar. She Ioves lo laIk lo
guesls al lhe lar and is a greal
source of jokes, infornalion on
currenl fads and inleresls anong
lhe svinging young of Waler-
deep, and gossip aloul vhos
invoIved vilh vhon anong
Walerdeeps nolIe and nonied
faniIies. Shes especiaIIy envious
of lhose peopIe vho can afford
lo fesloon lhenseIves vilh
precious jeveIs, and never lires
of hearing or passing on nevs of
Lady ShanderpIasls naveI car-
luncIe or Lord Lunkoons huge
eneraId earpIugs.
The PnIces
Aside fron lhe lar prices aIready
given, lhe Dancer charges 2 cp
per gIass or fIagon lhrovn or
lroken, and 1 sp per pIanl ealen
or deslroyed, and 1 gp per piece
of furnilure sel afire or de-
slroyed. An hours use of a roon
key runs 1 gp, vilh a naxinun
of 1O gp for use of lhe roon lhe
vhoIe nighl.
Lscorls charge 6 lo 12 gp per
visil lo a roon. No exlra roon
charges appIy, lul lhe rale covers
haIf an hour or Iess of lhe escorls
line. Those vho vanl conpany
for Ionger nusl pay nuIlipIe
TnaoeLens Lone
TaIes connecled lo lhe Dancer
eilher have lo do vilh Iove,
Iegendary drinking louls, or lhe
Moon Sphere oul fronl. The
nusicians hired lo pIay here are
very good. Cone earIy for a good
seal and lhe Ieasl anounl of
drunken drink-hurIing al per-
forners. Bards knovn up and
dovn lhe Svord coasl sonelines
perforn fron lhe hanging
gaIIery. nce, a fev vinlers lack,
a syIph sang haunlingIy nourn-
fuI Iove caIIs and reduced lhe
vhoIe pIace lo lears.
There are persislenl vhispers
aloul lhe }ade Dancer leing a
lransforned, lrapped hunan
fenaIe~perhaps a princess or
nolIe Iady. There are aIso laIes of
her occasionaIIy laking a naIe
palron up lo one of lhe roons~
and lhal lhe nen vere never
seen again.
The laIes aloul lhe }ade Dancer leing a lrapped or lransforned hunan are faIse. So is any
reference lo her enjoying lhe conpany of a hunan nan. LIninsler says laIes of lhe }ade Dancer
Ieading nen lo lhe roons are prolalIy lrue. CalhaIishaera used lo use lhis nelhod lo renove
lroulIenakers or lhe hopeIessIy drunk or lo gel shy nen and vonen logelher, lul il has lecone loo
allenlion-gelling, and she no Ionger does il. Belveen shovs, lhe }ade Dancer vanishes dovn lhrough
lhe kilchens and inlo an air shafl (disused chinney) Ieading lo lhe upper fIoors, vhere shes unIikeIy
lo le found ly a vouId-le lhief. As disassenlIed jade, lhe figurines lody is vorlh aloul 9,OOO gp.
O1hen PLaces o[
Im1enes1 Im
5ou1henm Vano
Nucth's FInc Ncts
This shop seIIs fineIy nade ropes,
nels, hannocks, ship shrouds and
Iines, rope lridges, vindov and
larp nesh, gauze, and lhe Iike.
Thieves cone here lo luy coiIs of
lhin, vaxed cIinling calIe al 3O
gp per 12O. Il is soId in one-piece
nuIlipIes of lhal Ienglh up lo four
nuIlipIes (48O). A one-nan lhrov-
ing nel for fish goes for 7 gp, and a
sloul lov rope for 2O gp per 1OO.
Tov rope is avaiIalIe in Ienglh
nuIlipIes up lo 1O (1OOO).
Prcpric|cr. Thunir Aingahulh
is lhe sarcaslic, ral-faced, lul
ever-aIerl proprielor.
Pc!auvIr's Cnuntcr
This huge, crovded forner
varehouse seIIs aloul everylhing
excepl food and drink, fron pols
lo Iolions and carls lo narlIes.
Prcpric|cr. Braun IeIauvir
ovns and runs IeIauvirs Counl-
er. Hes laII, leefy and joviaI.
Aurnra's Rca!ms 5hnp
Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
This is lhe Soulh Ward oulIel of
Auroras. Localed nexl lo lhe Red
CaunlIel lavern in a crunlIing
lenenenl, lhis shop fronls on lhe
Way of lhe Dragon. Il has four
guards, vho vork in shifls of
lvo and lvo, a prelly haIf-eIven
counler cIerk naned MriI }ulh-
luck (an odd nane for an eIf~
}ulhluck is usuaIIy a haIfIing
surnane), and a darkIy hand-
sone, arroganl service-nage
naned Logros HIandarr.
Thc 5pnutIng FIsh
Large, noisy (A lil Iike drinking
in lhe lhick of a slreel lravI, one
lravo loId ne, correclIy), and
popuIar, lhis lrighlIy Iil eslalIish-
nenl succeeds IargeIy lecause of
ils reIenlIess slreel-crying adver-
lising and ils slralegic Iocalion.
Many foIk enlering lhe cily via
Soulhgale gel lo ils huge, uprighl,
spouling fish valer founlain and
decide lheyre lhirsly.
Inside ils a nany-IeveIed
Ialyrinlh of loolhs, lenches,
posls, and leans, aII unpainled
and very fIannalIe. Tvo hired
nenlers of lhe WalchfuI rder
Localion #2O9 on lhe coIor nap. CIinling calIe is raled lo lake lhe veighl of a dozen Iarge nen al
once and lo lurn aside daggers. Since il conlains lvisled vire al ils core, 7 hp danage nusl le appIied
lo a singIe spol lo sever il.
Localion #212 on lhe coIor nap. Slandard P|aqcrs Hanocc| prices appIy. If a desired ilen is nol
Iisled, exlrapoIale fron a given ilen~and lhen add sone goId pieces! The shops fIoor pIan appears on
Map 6 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
are aIvays on duly lecause of lering oId lallIes and sIighlIy
lhe fire hazard. Zzar, vines, and shady nerchanls conducling
leers are avaiIalIe, lul lhe paIlry sIighlIy shady deaIs in Iov, nul-
roasl fovI, lread, and sausages (1
sp/serving of each) are heaviIy
saIled lo nake you drink nore.
Prcpric|rcss. }aness Inrislar is
a snaII, luslIing, nousy vonan
vhose Ioud voice and fearIess
deneanor leIie her size.
Thc Rcd Gaunt!ct
This oId, shalliIy highlrov
pIace is dinIy Iil. Ils loolhs are
aIvays fuII of oId nen renen-
lering voices. Theres IillIe food lo
le had leyond fried fish, vay-
lread, and rallil-and-fovI slev,
and IillIe seIeclion (house vines
and house aIes), lul everylhing is
cheap: 3 cp/pIaller of food and 2
cp/fIagon or lankard. IoIk are
aIIoved lo drink lhenseIves lo
sIeep here. Those vho lecone
noisy or feisly vhen laken vilh
drink are sinpIy sIipped a IillIe
sIeep syrup in lheir nexl drink.
Loud snorers are laken lo a lack
roon. lhers sIeep vhere lhey
sil, valched over againsl lhieves
Localion #21O on lhe coIor nap.
ly lhe proprielor, Daunl Buirune, lhe ReaIns, and lheres aIvays a
vho knovs vhal lo valch for.
vhoIe ox, loar, or deer~or aII
Prcpric|cr. Daunl Buirune, lhe lhree~lurning on a spil, so
proprielor, is a relired nasler hearly neaIs (1 sp/pIaller) can le
lhief, aIlhough lhal is nol con- had al any line. pen fron
non knovIedge. highsun (noon) lo davn, daiIy.
Prcpric|cr. The proprielor,
Thc 5wnrds' Rcst BeIiarge Id Boar Maduskar, is
This quiel, IillIe-knovn lavern is
lhe varriors drinking pIace, lhe
chosen valering hoIe of lhose
vho sving svords for a Iiving. Il
is a good pIace lo hire oul-of-
vork fighling nen. This lavern
has slrong aIe, zzar, and exolic
drinks fron lhe far corners of
caIIed BeI ly his friends.
Thc Fu!! Cup
ne of lhe seediesl drinking
hoIes in Walerdeep, lhis lallered
pIace is used ly lad-lenpered
drovers and carlers. Mosl are loo
exhausled lo fighl vhen lhey gel
Localion #211 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #213 on lhe coIor nap.
here, vhich is for lhe lesl. Ils a
snaII, din pIace doninaled ly a
Iong lar vilh slooIs and an
inpressive, lul IargeIy dusl-
covered, seIeclion of lollIes
lehind il. Theres aInosl aIvays a
piIe of lhe rennanls of snashed
furnilure oulside lhe fronl door.
The IuII Cup is nolalIe for
lhree lhings: lhe lravIs lhal
occur here vilh dislressing
reguIarily lhe lruIy incredilIe
coId vinler drafls lhal send icy
fingers slalling inlo every
corner of lhe pIace, and lhe
lovIs of hol lullered nush-
roons (1 cp/Iarge vooden lovI)
grovn in lhe laverns ovn dung
ceIIars. The dung is IargeIy fron
lhe horses and oxen lhal crovd
lhe slreels around, and Iies
severaI feel deep in lhe noisone
Those vho knov hov lo
discreelIy ask lhe proprielor (and
pay aloul 5 gp/ilen) can have
ilens hidden under lhe dung for
a nonlh or Iess. Afler lhal, lhe
hider forfeils lhe ilen. Be
varned lhal lhe cily valch
searches here reguIarIy for sloIen
ilens and lhe Iike and once
found a luried skeIelon vilh a
dagger in ils rils. Ialrons nereIy
grunled as lhe lones vere leing
carried oul, Lrrh. Soneone vho
didnl pay up.
Prcpric|cr. CuIlh Djanczo is
lhe IuII Cups proprielor, and a B!ack!nck A!!cy
nasaI-voiced, coIdIy poIile veaseI
of a nan.
This Iong, narrov vay runs
Soulh Wards aIIeys can le jusl as
dangerous as neighloring Dock
Wards~especiaIIy for Ione vaIk-
ers Iale al nighl. Lanlern parlies
lend lo le a haIf-dozen slrong or
nore. If you carry a Iighl, you
drav lhieves, lhugs, and lhe Iike
lo you~of course, if you donl,
you canl see lhen coning!
nIy lhe nosl inleresling of
lhese lack vays appear here. Ior
your ovn safely see lhen ly
paraIIeI lo lhe Way of lhe Dragon
soulh of Brians Slreel in lhe
Tveen Run area. Il is naned for
lhe BIackIock, a vaisl-high slone
oleIisk aloul haIfvay dovn ils
Ienglh. The BIackIock has a hoIe
vorn in il, and youlhs pIay ganes
lhal invoIve hurIing a coconul or
rag-and-rock laII lhrough lhe
hoIe lo score poinls. LocaI Iore
says lhal anyone pure in hearl
vho puls parl of lheir lody such
as an arn or Ieg, lhrough lhe
hoIe viII le heaIed.
Localion #22I on lhe coIor nap. Tnc Knign| cf |nc |iting Dca ganelook gives a gIinpse of lhis
pIace (on lhe page facing enlries 84A-84D).
Cangs and sneak-lhieves roan slone vaII can le nagicaIIy
lhis aIIey. Anyone lrying lo lroughl fron lhe elhereaI pIane
lo lIock najor roads in lhe cily al
slralegic poinls, forning an
inner ring of defensilIe vaIIs.
}usl soulh of lhis aIIeyvay one
such vaII viII lIock lhe High
Road~and lhe Iorcelar, aIong
vilh TiInans Lane, viII forn a
roule for defenders aIong lhe
inside of lhis vaII.
renove, chip pieces fron, or casl
speIIs al lhe BIackIock viII le
allacked ly a generaI rising of
lhe neighlorhood, aII of vhon
leIieve lhe BIackIock lrings
lhen Iuck and vards off any
lanarri lhal nay roan near.
Thc Fnrccbar
This shorl, veII-lraveIed passage
is naned for ils inlended defen-
sive use. In lhe evenl lhal Waler-
deep is invaded, huge seclions of
AIlhough al Ieasl one gang has
used lhe Iorcelar lo crash
caravan vagons on lhe High
Road ly spurring fasl carls oul of
il inlo conlacl vilh lhen and
lhen Iaunching a sudden and
LIninsler says lhe BIackIock is reaIIy a rennanl of lhe aIlarslone of an oId, nov-vanished lenpIe
lo Lalhander. Il acls as a curc |ign| ucuns speII on neulraI good leings onIy, once per crealure per day.
veII-arned allack on lhe goods
and vagon crev lhis passage is
heaviIy used ly lolh lhe cily
guard and lhe cily valch, and so
is fairIy safe.
I!Isar's A!!cy
This aIIey runs soulh fron
TeIshanlras Slreel onIy lo Ioop
around and rejoin il again.
Sonelines niscaIIed IIIinars
AIIey lhis slreel is naned for a
fanous IocaI laiIor vho grev
very rich. When he died of
lIacklongue fever, lhe luIk of his
veaIlh vas never found. Sone
lhink ils luried or vaIIed up in
one of lhe luiIdings here, le-
cause he ovned lhe vhoIe lIock.
Before IIisars line, lhis lack
roule had a grinner nane:
Crave AIIey In lhe days lefore
lhe vizard Anacasler eslalIished
ga|c- lonls in lhe Cily of lhe
Dead, cilizens of Walerdeep loo
poor lo afford a crypl or lo have
a counlry viIIa lo le luried al
vere inlerred here. Coffins vere
pul in verlicaIIy under each
fIagslone. The eruplions of
undead lhis caused forced alan-
donnenl of lhis praclice very
Iong ago~lul IocaIs vhisper lhal
sonelines vighls, ghouIs, zon-
lies, and skeIelons cone up fron
lhe deplhs of lhe earlh here!
Mnusc A!!cy
This very shorl, curving run
Iinks BIackIock AIIey lo Brians
Slreel, jusl vesl of Iishvife AIIey
Il is naned for a fanous nouse
lhal ran aIong il in fronl of lhe
vizard Ahghairon and lurned
oul lo le, as he suspecled, a
shapeshifled sorceress of greal
pover~lhe goddess Myslra, in
facl! Il is loday lhe haunl of one
of Walerdeeps lesl~if lhals lhe
proper lern~infornanls and
eavesdroppers: RuufdeideI
Roove Ressalar, a shorl, inp-Iike
IillIe nan vho is perpeluaIIy
sniIing and has a laIenl for
hiding, noving siIenlIy and
passing unnoliced. He can usu-
aIIy le found here Iounging
againsl a vaII availing hire.
The aIIey is said lo le sacred lo
Myslra. Here she aids lhose
failhfuI lo her and punishes any
vho vouId harn her failhfuI
laking refuge here.
f oId, lhe vizard Thunlurn,
Rooves prices vary vilh lhe danger of lhe snooping lask sel hin, rising fron a lase of 2 gp/day. Ior
lhis, he agrees lo neel vilh lhe cIienl al Ieasl once a day al a pIace nuluaIIy agreed upon, lul viII never
accepl any vork lhal invoIves hin doing anylhing nore aclive lhan Ieaving a nessage or sign. Hes
slriclIy an eavesdropper, nol a lhief, go-lelveen, or assassin. He viII aIvays have conceaIed, hired aIIies
presenl al such neelings lo prevenl an enpIoyer doulIe-crossing hin. His aIIies are ninics and
Any vizard vho vorships Myslra (or Midnighl) fIeeing inlo lhis aIIeyvay viII le inslanlIy
rendered intisio|c, and have any speIIs lhey casl since lhe Iasl line lhey sludied reslored lo lhen. In
addilion, lhey regain 1 hil poinl (if lhey have Iosl any), and viII suddenIy reaIize lhal lhey can dinension
door oul of lhe aIIeyvay, if lhey vish. This lenefil is Iosl if lhey Ieave lhe aIIeyvay ly olher neans.
vhose hair vas vhile vilh age,
cane here in his pride and
pover lo chaIIenge Myslra for
naslery of aII nagic~and she
senl hin avay hunlIe, slripped
of aII Arl, his hair lurned jel
lIack fron lhe frighl of con-
fronling Her.
Rcdnnsc A!!cy
cone up enply-handed, and
fugilives fron lhe Iav. They fighl
each olher oflen, driven ly
hunger and loredon~and Ieap
al lhe chance lo allack or rol
anyone vho passes lhis vay vho
Iooks veak enough for a haIf-
dozen or so of lhen lo overcone.
The aIIeys nane cones fron lhe
nany lIoody noses lhey incur
fighling vilh each olher vhen
lhey pul avay lheir daggers lo
This aIIey runs due vesl fron
avoid svifl dealhs.
TezanlriI Slreel, jusl soulh of ils
junclion vilh Rolin's Way. The
RuId's 5trn!!
disused varehouses lhal Iine il
house gangs of honeIess youlhs,
driflers vho have cone lo
This shorl, curving passage Iinks
Walerdeep seeking forlune and
Caravan Courl vilh lhe nearesl
TroIIvaII Tover (lhe one easl of is shaken ly a lerrilIe chiII,
lhe RedlridIe SlalIes) and is lhereafler Iearns a lrulh.
fairIy safe lhanks lo lhe heavy use
ly lhe cily guard and lhe valch. 5cthma's Cnurt
Il is naned for lhe ghosl of a
Iong-dead nage vho appears on
foggy nighls, vaIking siIenlIy
Naned for an oId vise vonan
dovn il vilh his slaff in hand
vho dveIl here unliI her dealh
and lhe covI of his dark roles
dravn over his head. He appears
sone 3O vinlers ago, lhis collIed
al lhe Courl end in svirIing nisls
courlyard is a galhering pIace for
and fades avay again as he
aII sorls of lirds fIying over lhe
reaches lhe vaII lover.
cily. They drink valer fron lhe
roof cislerns aII around il. No one
The ghosl never reacls lo
Iiving leings, lul il is said anyone
knovs vhy lhis pIace aInosl
vho louches or passes lhrough il
nagnelicaIIy allracls lhen so.
Conlacl vilh lhis slrange phanlon, vhich cannol le lurned or dispeIIed, causes a Ioss of 1d4+1 hp
vhich can le regained ly nornaI heaIing neans. By neans of a nole, lhe DM shouId inforn lhe pIayer
of a characler conlacling lhe phanlon lhal lhey viII receive one lrue, fuII ansver on sonelhing lhey
fornaIIy requesl lhe lrulh aloul during fulure pIay. This loon vorks onIy once per characler~lul
lhe hil poinl Ioss viII happen each line lhe characler conlacls Ruids phanlon.
Dock Vano
erhaps lhe nosl
nolorious and
coIorfuI of lhe
vards of Walerdeep,
Dock Ward is
knovn lo lhousands aII over
Iaerun fron lraveIers laIes. Mosl
porlray il as a IavIess, lravIing
pIace of drunks, snuggIers,
roaning nonslers and feII nagic,
vhere lravIs are frequenl.
Those laIes arenl far vrong.
AII lhey Ieave oul is lhe heavy cily
valch palroIs
and lhe nonslop,
day-and-nighl vork lhal goes on
around aII lhal fun.
The harlor is very nuch a
vorking pIace, fuII of svealing,
svearing dock-vaIIopers Ioading
and unIoading vesseIs, assisled ly
crevnen. Carls groan hasliIy lo
and fron varehouses aII over
lhe soulhern haIf of lhe cily
carrying ship goods. Sighlseers
are nol veIcone.
Anyone vho is crazy enough
lo vanl lo lour lhe harlor can
renl snaII loals fron AIlaeron
HaIenlic of lhe Iishnongers
IeIIovship al lhe Iish Ware-
The cosl is 4 gp/day or 2
gp/haIf-day. The loal cones vilh
oars, a snaII nasl, lvo Iong
fending poIes, and a relired
fishernan as skipper (vho nusl
le kepl on loard and in con-
nand of lhe vesseI al aII lines).
Those daring or fooIish
enough lo vanl lo deIve lenealh
lhe valers of lhe harlor are
advised lhal lhe cily guard keeps
a very cIose valch for snuggIers
and ilens dropped for recovery
ly soneone eIse Ialer. AIso, lhe
nernen vho palroI lhe deplhs
do nol veIcone lourisls, and viII
lurn lhen lack pronplIy.
A furlher varning for lhose
vishing lo sighlsee here: UnIess
lhe saIly lang of rolling fish and
sea Iife hoIds a speciaI allraclion
for you, avoid lhe docks~or do
nol larry overIong. I can allesl lo
ny cosl lhal vhen lhe danp
nighl and evening dev or norn-
ing nisls are presenl and lhe
cIearing vinds arenl slrong, lhe
slink of lhe harlor cIings lo your
cIolhes and lraveIs vilh you for
aInosl a day.
Cily valch palroIs are delaiIed on page 17 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n. They pass a given poinl
aloul every 2O ninules and Iook inlo a lavern or inn dining roon aloul every haIf-hour.
As delaiIed on pages 2O-22 and 23 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel lookIel, lhe cily guard aIso palroIs
Dock Ward in 12-nan delachnenls. TypicaI palroI delaiIs are as given on page 23. Reinforcenenls viII
le anolher dozen LC hn I3s lo I6s cIad in chain naiI and arned vilh naces, Iong svords, daggers,
sIings, and a poIe arn appropriale lo lhe silualion.
Cuard palroIs pass a given slreel Iocalion aloul every haIf-hour. They appear in 2d4 ninules vhen
a cily valch palroI lIovs a varning horn in Dock Ward.
n lhe cily nap in coIor, lhe Iish Warehouse is #237.
Sone delaiIs of underharlor fealures and nernan palroIs can le gIeaned fron lhe Knign| cf |nc
|iting Dca advenlure ganelook. More is given on pages 25-26 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
AII saiIors vho reguIarIy saiI inlo
Walerdeep have lheir favorile
laverns and Iodgings, lul aII are
faniIiar vilh Cookhouse HaII
lhe Iarge, echoing, hannerlean-
ceiIinged haII vhere hol neaIs
(usuaIIy roasl leef, slir-fried
vegelalIes, and a highIy peppered
slev) are served lo aII vho Iine
up and pay 2 cp for a neaI.
Minled drinking valer is even
provided. You donl have lo le a
saiIor lo eal here. Ils open fron
davn lo dusk, and has fed nany
a veary (or poor or dovn on his
Iuck) lraveIer vho doesnl nind a
IillIe coarse conpany and dinner
The Shipnaslers HaII, ly
conlrasl, is a privale inn and
dining cIul for caplains, firsl
nales, and ship ovners and lheir
escorls onIy. Ils very oId and
eIeganl, vilh poIished dark vood
paneIing everyvhere, shining
lrass fillings, conforlalIy cush-
ioned lrocade seals, and heavy
pIush drapes.
ne of lhe Iargesl privaleIy
ovned luiIdings in Walerdeep is
lhe shipluiIding shed of Arna-
gus lhe Shipvrighl, vhos crafled
nany of lhe fine ships lhal pIy
lhe Svord Coasl. ving lo lhe
dangers of salolage and fire, he
doesnl veIcone visilors, lul
nany foIk go lo lhe docks vhere
lhe sIipvay fron his shed runs
dovn lo lhe harlor lo peer in al
lhe vork going on. A ship
Iaunching aIvays dravs greal
crovds. Ils lhe nearesl lhing
afler lravI valching lo a specla-
lor sporl lhal Dock Ward has.
The foIIoving guiIdhaIIs can
aII le found in lhis vard: lhe
Bulchers CuiIdhaII,
Mariners HaII,
SeasveaIlh HaII,
Shippers HaII,
vrighls House,
and lhe MelaI
House of Wonders.
The Mosl DiIigenl League of
SaiI-Makers and Cordvainers has
as ils headquarlers lhe IuII SaiIs
The MuIeskuII Tavern
serves as headquarlers for lhe
Dungsveepers CuiId.
Localion #23O on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #243 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #252 on lhe coIor nap. Map 7 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel has a fIoor pIan of one of his
nearly vorkshop luiIdings.
Localion #235 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #241 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #242 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #244 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #25O on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #255 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #256 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #266 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #279 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #251 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #263 on lhe coIor nap. In aII cases, lhe guiId ovning lhe headquarlers, and sonelhing of
ils doings, fees, and currenl heads, is covered in lhe la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n sourcelook.
The HamgImg
Matchnaker S |estha||
The Lanlern, an escorl service
knovn for lhe slunning leauly
of ils vorkers, and for lhe skiII of
ils nalchnakers, is fanous up
and dovn lhe Svord Coasl.
There are nany laIes of cIienls
vho found a Iong-Iosl sveelhearl
al lhe Lanlern or nel lhe girI or
loy of lheir dreans lhere. Mer-
chanls and lhe IoveIorn cone
fron up and dovn lhe Svord
Coasl lo visil lhe Lanlern, vhich
is lucked inlo a square of shops
and varehouses lounded ly
Shrinp Slreel, Iresslov Lane,
ar AIIey and Ship Slreel.
The PLace
The Lanlern is a Iarge, vindov-
Iess luiIding lhal rises a fuII six
fIoors alove lhe slreel. Thanks lo
fIooding and oId sever lunneIs, il
has no ceIIars. Ils din inside, and
hushed~excepl for lhe conslanl,
genlIe fIule and harp nusic. Bolh
lhe nusic and lhe sound-ealing,
In loId, are due lo nagic.
The Pnospec1
IoIk cone lo lhe Lanlern for jusl
one purpose, sIipping in any of
ils seven doors inlo snaII, inli-
nale roons. In each roon, a
nalchnaker vails.
There cIienls are inlervieved,
pay and are ushered inlo one of
nany narrov dark passages and
slairs lhal Ieads lo lhe roon of
lheir chosen. In loId lhal nol a
fev slallings and slrangIings
occur in lhese dark passages
vhen one palron Iies in vail for
anolher. SeIecled escorls can aIso
neel cIienls ly appoinlnenl. Yes,
lhey nake house caIIs.
The nalchnakers seen experl
al knoving exaclIy vhal cIienls
vanl~even lhose vho refuse lo
say. A vizard I nel Ieaving lhe
Lanlern, in exchange for ny
pronise nol lo nane her, leIIs ne
lheyre nol experl nalchnakers,
lul reaIIy doppIegangers! They
nind read lo Iearn vhal foIk Iike,
and use lheir shapechanging lo
suppIy il, vhen lheir hired girIs
and loys canl.
The WalchfuI rder of Magisls
& Iroleclors knovs lheir secrel,
lul preserves il, aIong vilh lheir
Iives and conlinued operalion, in
exchange for lheir soIenn
pronise nol lo sIay any guesls.
There are runors of occasionaI
eviI oulIander vizards disap-
pearing al lhe Lanlern, lhough.
The PeopLe
No one, nol even lhe Lanlerns
hired escorls, is sure hov nany
nalchnakers vork al lhe Lan-
lern. In loId lhere are acluaIIy
six doppIegangers, lul lhey shifl
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhe Hanging Lanlern is #262.
lheir shapes oflen enough lo
laffIe any exacl accounling.
The spokesvonan for lhe
Lanlern is a dignified eIderIy
Iady of rich dress and cuIlured
nanners, lul ils nol knovn if
lhis is a reaI person, or a shape
laken ly nore lhan one 'ganger.
The PnIces
Lscorls can le had for as IillIe as
1O gp for on-lhe-arn service onIy.
If acling is invoIved, such as
pIaying a faIse parl in a conversa-
lion neanl lo le overheard or
prelending lo veaIlh or idenlily
in lusiness deaIings, lhe nini-
nun fee is 25 gp. If nore is
desired, fees rise fron lhere lo a
high of around 75 gp. The nalch-
nakers have an uncanny aliIily
lo knov hov nuch a cIienl can
pay. Discrelion is assured.
If a cIienl jusl vanls lo hire
lodies~a group of foIk lo accon-
pany her on a slroII or lavern
cravI lhrough Dock Ward, say as
a lodyguard parly, or lo fooI
soneone inlo lhinking lhe cIienl
is parl of a group or has Iols of
friends~lhey can le had for as
IillIe as 7 lo 9 gp/head per eve-
ning. The Lanlern has a caII Iisl
of lhose dovn on lheir Iuck, and
charges 3 gp for lhe lroulIe of
sending a runner loy for lhen
and providing suilalIe garl.
TnaoeLens Lone
The lusiness lhe Lanlern do
forces il lo deaI in a IillIe-knovn
sideIine. Ils lhe cIosesl lhing lo a
coslune renlaI service Waler-
deep has, providing fooIing
cIolhing for nany occasions.
Coslunes are sonelines renled
oul, lypicaIIy for 1 gp per nighl.
Renlers nusl pay for repIace-
nenl of any danaged garnenls.
There are nany nany laIes of
finding Iong-Iosl hearlnales here
(lhanks lo lhe shapeshifling of lhe
'gangers), lul lhere are aIso ru-
nors lhal drugged caplives are
kepl here lo avail a sIavers ship or
recovery ly kidnap gangs. I sav
no evidence of lhal~lul I did see
carried oul lhe lody of an unfor-
lunale nerchanl vhod nel a
credilor on lhe slairs and leen a
lil loo sIov vilh his dagger.
Iacing lhe fuII fury of vinler sea
slorns hovIing across lhe har-
lor, lhis varehouse slands on
Dock Slreel, on lhe norlheasl
corner of ils junclion vilh
CrookedcIav AIIey.
The PLace
This oId, sIighlIy Ieaning slone
slruclure Iooks nosl inpressive~
in a vorn, seedy vay. Ils carved
harpies and vyverns, encrusled
vilh vhile caps of lird drop-
pings, gIare dovn endIessIy on
lhe luslIe of lhe docks.
The Pnospec1
The HeInslar Warehouse is
presenlIy run ly one of lhe lhird
generalion of HeInslars lo lrade
on lhe docks of Walerdeep:
ChuIdan HeInslar.
ChuIdan is one of lhe leller-
knovn fences of Walerdeep. He
luys carvings and slaluary of aII
sorls, no naller hov recogniz-
alIe and hol, for 35 of lhe
currenl nev-nade narkel price.
No vaIue is given for any en-
chanlnenls on or nagicaI pov-
ers of ilens, onIy on lheir
naleriaI, size, and vorknanship.
ChuIdan is one of very fev
Walerdhavians aIIoved ly lhe
guiIds invoIved lo hoId duaI
nenlership in guiIds lhal are
of len conpelilors: lhe IeIIovship
of SaIlers, Iackers, and }oiners
and lhe CuiId of Walernen. He
nainlains lhis rare posilion ly
handsone annuaI paynenls over
and alove his dues lo lolh guiIds.
Il aIIovs hin lo carry on his
iIIicil lrade, vhich is lhe greal
najorily of his lusiness. SloIen
goods find shiploard vays oul of
Walerdeep in a variely of inge-
nious packagings devised and
conslrucled ly ChuIdan and his
skiIIed, discreel slaff of fourleen.
The PeopLe
ChuIdan is a cIose-noulhed, lird-
Iike, suspicious nan vilh jel
lIack eyes and hair. AIvays
expecling doulIe-deaIing and
lelrayaI, he is sleps ahead of foes
vilh conlingency pIans, escape
roules, and surprises up ones
sIeeve~and seens salisfied vhen
such deceils occur, as if lhey
confirn his forelhoughl and
vievs on lhe lrue nalures of aII
inleIIigenl races.
The PnIces
ChuIdan deaIs in lhe handIing of
snaII cargo, fron six larreIs or a
nolIes coach lo individuaI crales
lound for friends and coIIeagues
up and dovn lhe Svord Coasl.
His rales are high (2 lo 6 gp per
conlainer), and he guaranlees
onIy sane-season deIivery. Hov-
ever, he has a Iarge cIienleIe,
lecause he is discreel, lakes exlra
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhis pIace is #267.
care in packing lo ensure cargo
safely and underlakes lo lhreal-
en, lrace, check on, and olhervise
persuade hired carriers lo nake
sure cargo lhey lake coin fron
hin lo deIiver is in facl deIivered
lo lhe righl parly as soon as
TnaoeLens Lone
Iev lolher ChuIdan, his goods,
or his slaff-vord of his defenses
and neans of vengeance has
spread. The high-vauIled,
crovded varehouse is guarded
ly a land of nargoyIes vhose
IoyaIly lo ChuIdan seens unshak-
alIe. No one knovs exaclIy hov
nany of lhese crealures are
Iurking around lhe varehouse
and ChuIdans rooflop aparl-
nenls, or ly vhal neans he
conlroIs lhen. They hunl dovn
any vho noIesl hin, lrespass, or
lry lo sleaI.
n occasions ChuIdan has
found il necessary lo expIain
cerlain lhings lo professionaIIy
curious nen of lhe cily valch.
UsuaIIy his expIanalions concern
a severed head, nevIy added lo
lhe end of a rov of vilhered
feIIov lrophies alove ChuIdans
fronl counler. ChuIdans vords
lend lo refIecl lhe viev lhal lhis
Ialesl head, Iike lhe earIier ones,
cane in a recenlIy unIoaded
cargo fron far and larlarous
Iands, and has sonelhing lo do,
he underslands, vilh larlarian
leIiefs aloul guardian spirils
lhal valch over goods vhiIe lhey
lraveI afar. Thal cerlain of lhe
heads seen faniIiar, cIoseIy
resenlIing recenlIy vanished
rogues and ruffians of lhe cily is
sonelhing lhal lroulIes, puzzIes,
and indeed nyslifies ChuIdan
over and over again.
ChuIdan inviles aII passersly
lo poke lheir noses inlo his
varehouse lo see lhe care he
lakes over cargo and lhe speed
and voIune of his lusiness. He
hopes (correclIy) lhal nany viII
le inpressed~eilher lo use his
services or lo refrain fron lrying
lo sleaI fron hin.
The Iore of Dock Ward says lhe
ghosl of ChuIdans fanous adven-
luring falher, lhe learded and
lravIing varrior ThaIagar, drifls lhe varehouse are crunlIing
around lhe varehouse~ils sever avay. A shallered, faIIen harpy
door, in parlicuIar~in lallered vas recenlIy found on Dock
spIinl naiI, lallIe axe in hands, Slreel one norning leIov ils
defending HeInslar lerrilory. cuslonary perch. Under il vas
The ghosl is said lo have rouled lhe fIallened lody of an unforlu-
nore lhan one lhieving land nale lhief, sliII cIulching lhe
vho used nagic lo neulraIize lhe cIinling Iine lhal had puIIed lhe
nargoyIes. ThaIagar especiaIIy carving dovn alop her. ChuIdan
haled Iizard nen, and on cerlain HeInslar had lhe nissing roof-
nisl-shrouded nighls, oId saiIors lop carving repIaced vilh a
say he can le seen slriding delaiIed carving lhal shovs a
siIenlIy lul speediIy aIong lhe crouching, lerrified-Iooking
Ienglh of Dock Slreel, slorn-Iike hunan fenaIe in Iealhers hoId-
of visage, axe in hand.
ing one end of a cIinling cord,
Sone of lhe carvings on lhe and look greal pIeasure in
second fIoor Iedge and roof of poinling il oul lo visilors for lhe
nexl fev rides.
These are aIvays nighls vhen Iizard nen have cone near lhe harlor (as crev, caplives, passengers,
or visilors~perhaps disguised~lo lhe cily).
The OLo
XobLob 5hop
The Id XolIol Shop is a curio
shop IillIe knovn oulside Waler-
deep, lul fanous in lhe cily for
ils lrophies of lallIe, advenluring
lands, and exolic, faravay pIaces.
Iron drov scuIplures lo lhe
huge, eyeIess, sluffed lehoIder
lhal overhangs everylhing, lhe
shop is cranned vilh an unlidy
assorlnenl of lIades, lreasure
naps, coiIs of rope hundreds of
feel Iong, slaluelles of forgollen
nore. The shop is naned for lhe
lehoIder, kiIIed ly lhe proprielor
in singIe conlal Iong ago. Xco|co
is aII he couId pronounce of ils
This lreasure lrove is nexl
door lo lhe IurpIe IaIace feslhaII,
on lhe norlhvesl corner of lhe
neeling of IiIIel Lane and SIul
Slreel. }usl lvo doors dovn fron
lhe Dock Ward oulIel of Auroras
ReaIns Shop CalaIogue Counler,
lhe Id XolIol Shop carries aII
lhe lhings lhe calaIogue chain
doesnl, fron Iizard nan lrilaI
loundary narking poIes lo
dvarven runeslones learing
lreasure nessages. Ior advenlur-
ers and con arlisls, ils lhe pIace lo
nake and nyslerious origin, and find aII lhose necessary props
The Id XolIol Shop is a laII,
ugIy oId slone and linler luiId-
ing. Windovs are fev and dusl is
pIenlifuI. The slreel-IeveI fIoor of
lhe inlerior is lhe shop, one huge
roon vilh exposed ceiIing leans
supporled ly an irreguIar foresl
of piIIars. ne of lhe piIIars, In
loId, is hoIIov. The joIIy propri-
elor, DandaIus, sonelines uses il
lo hide shoppers on lhe run fron
lhe cily valch or foes, keeping a
dispIay rack hoIding lvo gIoving
hunan skeIelons in lhere lhe
resl of lhe line.
lhal no one eIse seIIs anyvhere!
The PLace
A slair hidden lehind lhe
serving counler Ieads dovn lo a
high-ceiIinged lasenenl, conlain-
ing a luckel fIush jakes, vhich is
connecled lo lhe severs via fool-
lreadIe lrapdoor, a kilchen, and a
rov of huge vine casks. Danda-
Ius does nake his ovn vine, lul
one of lhe casks is hoIIov. Ils
fronl svings open lo reveaI a
hidden roon vhere foIk on lhe
run can hide for a fee. A kilchen
cuploard has a sIiding lack
opening inlo lhe cask, aIIoving a
snaII person roon lo squirn oul
of il or food and drink lo le
passed in.
DanduIus seIIs his vine for 2
sp/gIass or 1 gp/lollIe. He nakes
a sparkIing green anong lhe lesl
vines Ive ever lasled. Ils vorlh
1O lines vhal he asks for il.
A lroad slair Ieads up fron
lhe shop lo a Ianding, vhere a
narrov slair Ieads on up lo lhe
lop fIoor. DandaIus and his vife
Iive on lhe lop fIoor in a suile of
roons connecled lo a roof
garden. The Ianding aIso opens
inlo a Iarge slorage Iofl lhal fiIIs
lhe second fIoor. Il is vindovIess,
has a 6O-fool-high ceiIing, and is
usuaIIy nearIy enply~a good
lhing, loo, lecause a |c|cpcr|
fron a cerlain spol on lhe sec-
ond IeveI of lhe dungeon of
Undernounlain lrings adven-
lurers (and sonelines nonslers!)
The chanler is Iil ly a
rif||ign| (g|cuing g|coc), and
conlains an aIarn-gong lhal
rings vhenever any veighl is
added lo lhe roons fIoor.
DandaIus usuaIIy caIIs oul
cheerfuIIy Cone dovn sniIing!
No veapons oul, pIease! He aIso,
jusl in case, reaches under lhe
counler for his uan cf para-
|qza|icn. He has slanding ar-
rangenenls vilh KheIlen
Arunsun and vilh lhe nanager
of lhe Three IearIs NighlcIul,
Xandos Waeveryn, for lhe dis-
posaI of paraIyzed nonslers.
Advenlurers are usuaIIy reIieved
of lheir veapons, and olvious
speIIcaslers are hand-hollIed
and hooded lefore lhe paraIysis
vears off. If lhe shop is cIosed,
DandaIus or his vife viII le
upslairs, lhe vand vilh lhen,
The Id XolIol Shop, lhe ga|c Iinking il lo Undernounlain, and lhe rif||ign| nagic ilen are aII
delaiIed in lhe Canpaign Guic |c Uncrncun|ain, in lhe Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain loxed sel. See page
12 for an iIIuslralion of DandaIus and page 115 for rif||ign| delaiIs.
and viII acl lhe sane. In loId
DandaIus has a lackup vand
lhal deaIs danage of sone sorl.
The lop fIoor aparlnenls are
privale, lul Ive Iearned herls are
grovn on lhe roof, lhal lhere is a
IillIe lover lhere for reIaxing
and ronance on sofl-slarred
sunner nighls, and lhal lhe
lhird fIoor conlains al Ieasl lvo
guesl ledroons.
The Pnospec1
The Id XolIol Shop is perhaps
lhe lesl source of curios, lro-
phies, and oul-of-lhe-ordinary
advenlurers gear in six vorIds
according lo KheIlen,
and lhe
vine lhere is aIso firsl-rale.
DandaIus cheerfuIIy luys aII
sorls of lric-a-lrac, paying a sixlh
of ils vorlh. He is especiaIIy fond
of lhings he can reseII as speII
conponenls~or as genuine, no-
guaranlees nagic ilens.
The shop is nol a good pIace
for lhieves or lhe leIIigerenl. The
sluffed lehoIder is hoIIov, and
conceaIs a hired vizard vho can
fire a uan cf para|qza|icn oul
of ils noulh lo lake cusloners ly
surprise. (Yes, lhis is a second
vand of lhe sane lype. Ior aII I
knov, DandaIus has a lox of
lhen under lhe led upslairs!)
DandaIus hinseIf is a vaIking
arsenaI of nagic, his vife has
surprises of her ovn, and lhe shop
lrislIes vilh conceaIed looly-
lraps lo deler niscreanls, incIud-
ing sone DandaIus can lrigger
fron afar. The shop aIso sporls
sone nol-so-hidden proleclions,
such as an iron goIen, Curain lhe
CenlIe Iersuader, vho slands in a
corner of lhe shop, spending nosl
of his line as a rack for coIored,
scenled candIes.
The PeopLe
DandaIus Iire-Lye RueII is a
laIding, learded, lig-leIIied
This lackup vand, LIninsler reveaIs (he nade il), is a speciaI uan cf nagic nissi|cs. Lach
lriggering reIeases a lursl of eilher 6 or 12 loIls (as lhe vieIder nenlaIIy direcls: haIf or fuII pover). The
vand is Iinked lo lhree olher vands hidden inside a vaII of lhe shop and can caII on lheir charges via
a speciaI Iinkage~so each nissiIe drains a charge in lhe usuaI vay, lul lhe vand in effecl has 3OO exlra
charges lo expend!
LIninsler agrees.
feIIov vhos aIvays cheerfuI and
sees Iife for lhe Iong running joke
lhal il so oflen is. He nakes no
enenies. Those vho allack or
svindIe hin he nereIy charges
doulIe or nore. He is aIvays cIad
in lreeches vilh luIging pockels,
sonelines overIaid ly an apron
vhose pockels are jusl as
cranned. The pockels conlenls
aIvays incIude a seIeclion of
Iockpicks, skeIelon keys, snaII
looIs, and garnenl pins for
dislressed Iadies vilh lorn garl.
Aralhka RueII (IovingIy caIIed
ReIIa ly DandaIus) lends lo lhe
cIeaning and cooking, lul is jusl
as charning and Iearned a
shopkeeper as her nan, if qui-
eler. UnIike DandaIus, she doesnl
dispense lad jokes and puns ly
lhe dozen. Shes a priesless of
sone sorl, lul I never Iearned
vhal pover she serves. Shes nol
forlhconing aloul il.
The vizard hired ly lhe RueIIs
is an ugIy one-Iegged, nisshapen,
and lherefore very shy, IillIe nan
vho is fierceIy IoyaI and prolec-
live of his enpIoyers.
His nane
is HIondagIus Shrin, and he
spends aII lhe line lhe shop is
open, fron an hour afler davn
lo lvo hours afler dusk, up in lhe
lehoIder, ealing sandviches and
vhillIing. Hes lhe source of
occasionaI shovers of shavings
lhal drifl dovn lo sellIe on
shoppers and shop aIike.
TnaoeLens Lone
The vares in lhis shop have lheir
ovn Iore, hundreds of IillIe laIes
of dark nagic, lelrayaI, and viId
advenlures. The shop ilseIf is
veII-knovn lo neighlors for lhe
deeds of DandaIus, such as lhe
line he vreslIed a ninic lo
dealh in lhe slreel oulside and
lhe line a Iich cane lhrough lhe
ga|c. SpeIIs in pIenly lursl oul lhe
vindovs of lhe shop lefore lhe
undead crealure vas deslroyed
(ly Aralhka, lhe vhispers say).
DandaIus refuses lo go adven-
luring, lul has leen knovn lo
cone lo lhe rescue of friends and
Iong-line cusloners lrapped in
Undernounlain. He once vaded
inlo a lravI slarled ly haIf-orcs
in a nearly lavern, lhe SIeeping
Wench, and Iaid oul every con-
lalanl invoIved. When an arriv-
ing valch palroI nislook hin for
lhe source of lhe lroulIe, he Iaid
lhen aII oul coId loo. (nce lhe
naller vas sellIed, he lrealed lhe
palroI lo sone of his vine.)
This is definileIy a shop lo
coIIecl such laIes. DandaIus can
leII you lhe Iore or supposed Iore
of nosl of vhal he seIIs, and can
recaII lhe deeds of advenlurers
in and around Walerdeep for lhe
Iasl 3O years or so. He Iikes lo laIk.
Those Iooking for lreasure Ieads
shouId pay hin a visil and luy
vine lo laIk over.
The IoIk of Walerdeep seclion aIso speaks of Aralhkas failh and povers. LIninsler knovs aII.
Any allenpls lo cnarn HIondagIus lo do anylhing hosliIe or harnfuI lo lhe RueIIs viII aulonali-
caIIy lreak lhe speII and goad HIondagIus inlo a kiIIing rage.
Ior delaiIs of lhe arsenaI of nagic DandaIus carries on his person, see lhe IoIk of Walerdeep
appendix al lhe lack of lhis look.
5enpem1 Books
& FoLIos
This is one of lhe dusliesl lul
nosl excIusive shops in Waler-
deep. Sone have caIIed il lhe
singIe lesl source of naps, charls,
and looks in aII lhe ReaIns~and
nosl vizards Ive knovn agree.
Localed in a nodesl sandslone
shopfronl on lhe easl side of
Book Slreel,
}annaxiI SerpenliIs
shop is frequenled ly lhose vho
have cone fron afar in search of
lhe rare, lhe unusuaI~and a
chance lo seII sloIen goods.
The PLace
The lallered SerpenliI sign
hangs alove an oId, unkenpl
slone luiIding vhose vares
vindov is loarded over, and
vhose lIack door enlry is aIvays
forliddingIy cIosed. (When
}annaxiI is open for lusiness, a
snaII, sIiding vieving paneI in
lhe upper parl of lhe door is Iefl
open.) MagicaI guardian gIyphs
adorn lolh lhe loards and lhe
doors and gIov fainlIy afler dark.
Iev care lo lry lheir pover.
Inside, lhe shop is very dark. Il
is cranned vilh deep-hued
looksheIves, and lhe vaIIs are
paneIed vilh vood. The soIe
Iighl here cones fron nagicaI
g|cuing g|cocs lhal drifl aloul al
SerpenliIs viII. IoverfuI fire-
guards speIIs prevenl anylhing
fron igniling.
Aside fron }annaxiIs desk and
lhree chairs (lvo for visilors),
looks are lhe furnishings of lhis
shop. More looks are piIed and
sheIved logelher here lhan nosl
foIk of Iaerun viII ever see.
The Pnospec1
}annaxiI handIes aII sorls of
prinled naleriaIs, fron nagicaI
lones lo naps and charls of lhe
Svord Coasl valers. He Iikes lo
varn foIk sageIy lhal speIIlooks
give off green fIanes vhen lhey
lurn. MagicaI lones and Svord
Coasl naps are his lvo speciaI-
lies, lul he can aIso find you a
lone of foIklaIes of Cornyr or
lhe coIIecled laIIads of lhe Iong-
dead lard DeIshryn of Miralar.
}annaxiI aIso luys prinled Iore,
and is a coId, hard haggIer. He
gives 3O of lhe narkel vaIue of
aII ilens he knovs lo le sloIen. If
any sorl of Iilerary lhefl occurs
in Walerdeep, he lypicaIIy knovs
aloul il ly lhe nexl day!
The PeopLe
Mosl peopIe lhink of }annaxiI
SerpenliI as jusl a nasly, coId-
nannered oId schoIar, lul fron
earIier nagicaI researches I
knov hin lo le al Ieasl a dallIer
in nagic and far oIder lhan he
Iooks. He is no doull prolecled ly
nagic, and has leen knovn lo
n lhe coIor cily nap, SerpenliI Books & IoIios is #275.
cIulch a cerlain sIin lIack voI-
une lo his lreasl vhen allacked
in his shop. Mosl foIk lhink ils
jusl his accounl look~lul I lhink
il conlains a lone guardian
nonsler lhal he uses lo prolecl
hinseIf. There is nuch of lhe
covard aloul hin.
If }annaxiI has any faniIy or
slaff, none have ever seen lhen.
He is lhoughl lo sIeep alove his
shop, in vindovIess aparlnenls.
Runor says lhey incIude a Iarge
speIIcasling chanler vhere
}annaxiI conjures up laalezu lo
do his lidding.
The PnIces
No deaIs vilh }annaxiI cone
cheap. Lven lhe shalliesl chap-
look viII sel you lack al Ieasl 1
gp. ShopIiflers are varned lhal
}annaxiI has sone vay of knov-
ing vhen one of his vares is
Ieaving unpaid for, and lhal a
linding speII prevenls lhe guiIly
parly fron exiling. }annaxiI
never confronls anyone, lul
sinpIy vails for lhen lo renove
lhe hidden oljecl and eilher pay
for il or sel il dovn and Ieave.
Mosl usefuI lones, such as
engineering inslruclions, nalh-
The lone guardian nonsler is delaiIed in lhe sourcelook IR4 Tnc Magis|cr. }annaxiI nighl veII
have lrained or aIIied nonslers, loo, such as valchspiders (delaiIed in IR2 Tnc Drcu cf |nc Uncrar|
and in Tnc Ruins cf Uncrncun|ain loxed sel) and ninics.
enalicaI lexls, nolIe faniIy
hislories, and delaiIed sludies of
lhe geography and hislory of a
parlicuIar area, cosl 15 lo 5O gp.
SpeIIlooks are in unreIialIe
suppIy, of course, and are pur-
chased as is, vilh no guaranlees
as lo lhe alsence of curses or lhe
efficacy of lhe speIIs vilhin.
}annaxiI lypicaIIy charges a lase
price of 5O gp for each one pIus
3OO gp per speII or speII fragnenl
conlained vilhin. SpeIIs of lhe
fourlh or grealer IeveI connand
a surcharge of 1OOO gp per speII.
SpeIIs of 7lh IeveI and up add
3OOO gp each lo lhe cosl of a look.
Il is IikeIy }annaxiI copies lhe
usefuI speIIs fron looks he seIIs
for hinseIf, lul no one has ever
found his cache of nagic. LocaIs
laIk in lhe laverns of Iong cravI-
lunneIs vhere guardian non-
slers Iurk, Ieading lo a privale
sludy vhere }annaxiI keeps
poverfuI nagic.
}annaxiI does look searches
for a deposil of 1O gp pIus 4 gp
per year lhereafler. If lhe look is
found, he charges doulIe lhe
usuaI price for il.
Iapers (accounls and Iellers)
find lheir vay nosl oflen lo
}annaxiIs shop. He does a lrisk
lusiness in lIacknaiIing Waler-
dhavians vilh Iove Iellers and
lhe Iike lhal a naIicious or
careIess person soId lo hin.
}annaxiI lypicaIIy luys such
vares for 1 lo 5 copper pieces a
sheel, and seIIs lhen for 1 sp per
sheel or nore.
TnaoeLens Lone
Il seens lhal }annaxiIs shop has
aIvays leen lhere, lul oId Waler-
dhavians leII ne ils leen open
sone 6O years or so. During lhal
line, }annaxiI has carried on
running feuds vilh severaI
schoIars of lhe cily~feuds car-
ried on in lhe forn of insuIling
geslures, gifls, and Iellers, or in
dillies lhal lavern singers have
leen hired lo perforn in lheir
laverns, for lhe anusenenl of aII.
}annaxiIs covardice has Ied
hin lo piIe up so nany nagicaI
defenses lhal nosl foIk lhink hin
lo le a poverfuI vizard. There
are nany laIes of lhieves leing
lIasled off his roof, or lorn aparl
in lhe slreel oulside his shop ly
huge lIack laIons lhal appeared
fron lhin air afler lhey dis-
lurled one of lhe loards cover-
ing his vares vindov.
}annaxiI is said lo have a
speciaI halred of eIves. He vas
recenlIy vounded ly LIailh lhe
Serpenl CrauInolur~vho
pinned one of his hands lo his
desk vilh a lhrovn dagger.
}annaxiI Ioves good looks. He
hungers lo Iook inside jusl aloul
any look he sees or hears of,
especiaIIy iIIuninaled lones, oId
naps, and veII-iIIuslraled voI-
unes depicling fenaIe leauly. He
is knovn lo pay exlreneIy veII
for such lhings.
LIninsler leIIs us lhe seIf-reneving guardian gIyphs on lhe shop are 99 in nunler. A ispc| nagic
viII negale any one gIyph (onIy) for 1 lurn per IeveI of ils casler. CIyphs can fire once per day and are
ready again 24 hours (144 lurns) Ialer.
Thirly-lhree of lhe gIyphs are spc|| |urning nagics (enough viII aclivale in conlinalion lo refIecl
lack any speII 1OO al lhe source).
Thirly-lhree nore are Ca|igarcs c|au nagics (a speII delaiIed in lhe |ORGOTT|N R|A|MS
A tcn|urcs hardcover). Sone 2d4 of lhen viII aninale lo allack any one leing vho lries lo renove a
loard, pick lhe Iock of }annaxiIs door, renove or harn lhe door, or chiseI (or vork nagic on, incIuding
lhe vriling of runes) any parl of }annaxiIs shop vaIIs.
The Iasl 33 gIyphs are nagic nissiIe speIIs. Any leing fIying up lo lhe roof of }annaxiIs shop or
forcing a nagicaI or physicaI vay lhrough vaIIs, fIoors, or roof viII le slruck ly 2d12 of lhese nissiIes,
and a nagicaI aIarn viII avaken }annaxiI lo fuII aIerlness of lheir aclivalion, vherever he nay le in
As reIaled in lhe noveI ||fsnacu, ly LIaine Cunninghan.
Thnee PeanLs
IearIs, as il is caIIed, is a popuIar
evening deslinalion for Waler-
dhavians, offering sland-up
conics, lrained aninaI acls,
iIIusionisls recilaIs, lards, ora-
lors, and exolic dancing.
nane cones fron ils purchase
price. When lhe ovner of lhe
lavern lhal slood here (lhe BIack
BuckIer) decided sourIy hed Iosl
his Iasl goId piece pouring aIe
dovn parched lhroals and
offered lo seII lhe pIace lo anyone
vhod give hin lhe price of a
neaI, one of his ovn dancers
slopped up on lhe slage, lore off
lhree lIack pearIs~nearIy aII she
vas vearing~and lhrev lhen lo
hin, cIaining lhe pIace as her
ovn. The dancer, HaIidara Urin-
shoon, is seIdon on slage lhese
days. Shes loo lusy ealing choco-
Iales and drinking anlerjack
sherry in Norlh Ward vhiIe her
riches piIe up.
AInosl every evening, crovds
slrean up IearI AIIey lo lhe
Three IearIs, excepl on nighls
vhen a guiId or olher Iarge
group renls il for a neeling or
for privale enlerlainnenl. Typi-
caIIy il renls oul al prices ranging
fron 5O gp for lhe space lo 1OO
gp for lhe space and shovs
lhrovn in, cash up fronl.
The PLace
The Three IearIs is nov one
huge roon (pIus jakes, opening
off a cIoak haII dovn one side). Il
has a Iov ceiIing and is usuaIIy
hol and snoky. Sloul Iov-lacked
vooden lenches radiale oul-
vards fron lhe raised cenlraI
slage, vhich is Iil fron alove and
has a ranp enlrance up inlo ils
cenler via lrapdoor fron leIov.
The cenlraI slage has a conicaI
raised ceiIing alove il, conpIele
vilh a relraclalIe circuIar
slaircase and drop ropes for
dranalic enlrances.
The Pnospec1
n lhe slage of lhe IearI, nen
have raised arnies, vonen have
raised eyelrovs, and everylhing
fron yeli lhrough lroIIs have
nade javs drop, leIIies shake
vilh heIpIess Iaughler, and hands
ilch lo hurI lhings. n a lypicaI
nighl, conics aIlernale vilh
dancers, nusicians, and acling
lroupes~of len presenling saliri-
caI laIIads or skelches reIaled lo
recenl cily evenls. More lhan
once Iiergeiron or KheIlen has
leen porlrayed as a luffoon, lo
lhe audiences greal anusenenl.
The Pnooemoen
The Three IearIs offers finger
food (hol sausages inside crisp-
fried luns, pickIes, and crean-
coaled fruil, aII al 2 cp/serving),
n lhe coIor cily nap, Three IearIs NighlcIul is #273.
and drink~Iols and Iols of drink.
Drinks are served in Iighl cIay
a conversalion crusher, lo have
ealen such-and-such.
cups lhal canl le lhrovn loo far
or do nuch danage.
The PeopLe
A speciaI, adverlised allraclion
shouled oul ly loys al lhe door
and on nearly slreels, vhen
avaiIalIe, is nonsler fare, such as
laked slirge on loasl, roasl
nanlicore, or vyvern sleaks.
These rarilies connand high
prices, sonelines going for up lo
7 gp/serving. IoIk luy lhen
nainIy so lhal lhey can casuaIIy
cIain for lhe resl of lheir Iives, as
Too nany perforners of nole
nave lrod lhe slage al IearIs lo Iisl
lhen here, fron lhe falIed lard
Minliper lo lhe oralor Ihaeros
Iorklongue of BaIdurs Cale.
The ovner of lhe IearIs
seIdon visils her goId nine lhese
days, lul neels daiIy vilh lhe
nanager lo look acls and pIan
The nanager, Xandos Waeve-
Advenlurers are paid veII for fresh kiIIs, and even nore for Iive. The nore fearsone repulalion
a nonhunanoid nonsler has, lhe leller price il felches. Lggs felch a Iover price, and undead, poisonous,
and pelrifying leasls, or hunan-Iike crealures such as lroIIs and ogres, are nol vanled al aII. RecenlIy,
lhe Conpany of lhe IIaning Bool soId a nearIy inlacl, dead halchIing vhile dragon lo lhe IearIs for 5OO
gp~a price lhe nighlcIul nade lack severaI lines over ly seIIing sizzIing vhile dragon sleaks for 1O
lo 2O gp each, depending on size.
ryn, is knovn as lhe Dandy
around Walerdeep: a dapper,
slrulling IillIe popinjay of a nan,
ponpous and conicaI~lul
deepIy connilled lo enlerlain-
ing, and vilh a keen sense of
hunor and a reading for vhal
lhe pulIic viII go for. He oversees
a slaff of 14 louncers, 16 run-and-
shoul slreel loys, 12 dancers, and a
house lard (currenlIy ZaIanlhess-
daughler-of-ZaIanlhar, an accon-
pIished singer and harpisl fron
The PnIces
There is a 3 cp cover charge al
lhe door (4 lo 5 cp on sone
speciaI nighls), and everylhing
inside cosls exlra. In addilion lo
lhe food, leer goes for 1 cp/cup,
house vine (very lad) for 2 cp/
cup, good vine for 1 sp/laIIgIass,
and zzar for 4 sp/laIIgIass.
Ialrons can aIso luy peering
gIasses, vhich are curved gIass
Ienses lhal nagnify lhings for
lhose far fron lhe aclion, for 2 gp
each. HurI lirds are aIso for saIe
for 2 cp/each lo lhrov al lhe
slage lo regisler disapprovaI or
pIeasure. These snaII hoIIov cIay
spheres are veighled vilh dried
leans for good lhroving and are
covered vilh gIued-on fealher
scraps galhered fron nearly
fovI-pIuckers. They are loo Iighl
lo danage nore lhan lhe dignily
of perforners.
Ialrons aIso lend lo spend
coins ly lhroving lhen al lhe
slage. There are no roons for
renl, and cIoak slorage is free.
uler garl is valchfuIIy guarded
vhiIe slored againsl lhieves and
prankslers, lhough palrons can
pay~usuaIIy 1 sp/nessage~lhe
guards lo sIip a nessage parch-
nenl inlo a parlicuIar garnenl
in order lo pass noles.
There are lhree privale loxes.
These Iook dovn lhrough vin-
dovs in lhe ceiIing al ils edge
vhere lhe conicaI cenlraI roof
peak legins lo rise. These snaII
roons can each hoId up lo 1O
peopIe cranned logelher, and
can le renled for 1O gp/evening.
These have Iong vailing Iisls.
A fourlh privale lox is reserved
ly lhe nighlcIul for ils ovn use,
and is oflen offered for free lo
Iiergeiron or KheIlen if lhey
shov up lo lake in an evenings
fare. These lvo personages usuaIIy
donale 25 gp or nore lo lhe cIuls
coffers, lul olher dignilaries nay
give nolhing.
TnaoeLens Lone
Sone say lhe IearIs is haunled ly
lhe phanlons of a running,
veeping vonan pursued ly a
nan vilh a dravn svord~lul I
couIdnl find anyone vho couId
recaII any delaiIs of lhis runor,
or lhal lhe haunling had leen
seen recenlIy.
A laIIgIass is jusl vhal il sounds Iike: a very laII, lhin gIass nade ly seaIing a lone lule al lhe lollon
vilh curved, fired cIay. Il is hard lo spiII and easy lo carry in lhe crovd~lul a neighlor can easiIy cause
a drinker lo choke vilh skiIIfuI use of an eIlov vhen lhe Iong gIass svings up!
The ThIns1
curses or lavdy songs are lhose
vho have aIready passed oul.
Ils so rough lhal none of
Walerdeeps hard currency girIs
viII venlure inlo lhe pIace. Any
vonan one neels lhere is as
hard-drinking a saiIor or dock-
This infanous dive faces lhe
vaIIoper as lhe resl of lhe cIien-
Ships Irov across lhe inlersec-
leIe, vilh fisls lo nalch. ne has a
lion of Iish and Ship Slreels. Il is
piece of ny ear as a keepsake, lul
on lhe easl, vhereas lhe Ships
lhals anolher slory.
Irov connands lhe vesl side.
CandIes are fev and soon
lroken. Nighl or day lhe Thirsly
The PLace
SaiIor is snoky and iII-Iil.This
This ugIy, poorIy luiIl lavern
vouId nake il ideaI for shady
legan as fieIdslone vilh vooden
deaIs~if il verenl so noisy, and
upper IeveIs, lul nany fires and
you verenl so apl lo sIip in
viId lravIs vilh nagic as veII as
spiIIed drink, or find a lhiefs
axes and hurIed lalIes have
fingers or a lored drinkers fisl
changed ils face. Hasly palches
unconforlalIy cIose. A fair lil of
have leen nade vilh nore vigor
hushed lusiness does go on
lhan skiII, and IillIe enough
anong lhose vise enough lo renl
enlhusiasn. f scavenged, nis-
an upper roon.
nalched naleriaIs, lhey lhrusl
The Pnooemoen
Iike uneven lullresses fron lhe
lurn-scarred, loarded-over
The Thirsly SaiIor nanages lo
vaIIs. Nol a vindov renains al
achieve ils nininaI raling for
slreel IeveI. Those higher up Iook
one reason onIy: If lhe firsl cause
nore Iike lrapdoors lhan porlaIs
of visiling a lavern is lo drink,
lo adnil Iighl or air.
and anolher is lo le enlerlained
vilh a lravI or lvo, lhen lhis
The Pnospec1
lavern neels lhose requirenenls
The inlerior of lhe Thirsly SaiIor
adniralIy The drink here is
is no leller lhan ils lallered
slrong, nol valered (1 cp/lankard
exlerior. This is lhe sorl of pIace
for leer, 3 cp/vhisky and 1 sp/
aII genlIer foIk lhink every
firevine). And one never vanls
saiIors drinking hoIe is: one
for lravIs lo valch, lhough ils
fiIlhy IavIess, ongoing drunken
oflen hard lo renain a nonpar-
lravI, vhere lhe onIy palrons
licipanl vilh lhe lalIes crovded
vho arenl fighling or roaring
so cIose logelher.
This pIace is #269 on lhe coIor cily nap.
The PeopLe
vanpiric sorl, I leIieve, fron
The proprielor is Kaeroven
vhal I sav happen lo vounds he
suffered in a lravI he vaded
SniIes YuIulh, a laII, rolund,
inlo lhe nidsl of~and is aInosl
unpIeasanl-Iooking nan vilh
liny deep-sel eyes vhose slare is
aIvays cIad in a lIood-sneared
as hard and coId as lvo dagger
apron lhal reeks of cheap
poinls. He has lIond, curIy hair
vonens perfune and lears lhe
and is cIean-shaven, vilh razor
slilched Iegend: See Nevervinler
scars lo prove il. His nicknane
ly Nighl/Bring a BIade and Live
cones fron lhe facl lhal no one
Longer! Why lhe apron sneIIs of
has ever seen hin sniIe save
perfune I dared nol ask hin. No
one eIse seened lo knov
vhen hes dragging lhe Ialesl
Kaeroven is knovn lo le a
corpse lo lhe rear of lhe lavern
for disposaI inlo lhe severs.
conlacl and infornalion galh-
SniIes vears a nagicaI ring~a
erer for lhe Kraken Sociely
lo sonelines hire lhieves and
ring cf rcgcncra|icn of lhe
lravos lo sleaI sone ilen or
The SaiIor and nuch of lhe innediale neighlorhood is on lhe oIdesl of Walerdeeps severs, lhe
lidaI fIush SnuggIers Runs: ancienl, crunlIing lunneIs lhal a snaII poIe-punl can sIip lhrough lhal
enply righl inlo lhe harlor.
More aloul lhe Kraken Sociely is in IR5 Tnc Satagc |rcn|icr.
rough up a cilizen. He no doull
acls for soneone vho pays lo
have lhe deed done, lul doesnl
vanl lo le connecled vilh il.
Many in Dock Ward suspecl he
is Iinked lo shadovy unnaned
snuggIing concerns~and even
say lhese provide hin vilh nosl
of his incone. Ive heard runors
of CaIishile conneclions and even
laIk of lhe kidnapping of cilizens
lo seII lhen inlo sIavery in CaIin-
shan! Those vho cross Kaeroven
openIy do have a halil of lragi-
caIIy disappearing very soon.
SniIes nainlains a slaff of
seven louncers and six surIy
dvarven vailers. There are no
larnaids or any vonen on slaff
and no houseloys lo cIean up
lroken gIass and spiIIs, presun-
alIy lecause prolecling lhen
fron drunken palrons vouId le
endIess vork. ne louncer is
runored lo le a doppIeganger
vho inpersonales nurdered
palrons vhen lhe Walch caIIs.
Kaerovens sidekick, errand
runner, and spy is a furlive, ral-
Iike nan vho goes ly lhe grand
nane of Wineslal. He haliluaIIy
eavesdrops on nosl upper roon
conversalions~fron lhe roof
alove, if need le. This unsavory
sneak lhiefs proper nane is
AIdaegulh. Sone oIder cilizens
renenler hin as Idy-gul, lul
his surnane (if any) and origins
renain olscure. Wineslal has a
vicious lenper and Iong nenory
Many have found hin a danger-
ous, persislenl foe. His halil of
surviving lraps sel for hin
argues lhal he has one or nore
nagic ilens dovn his lool vhen
he goes oul lo slaIk lhe roofs,
severs, and aIIeys of lhe Cily of
SpIendors ly nighl.
The PnIces
An upper roon renls for 1 gp per
evening or any parl of il, or 4 gp
for lhe nighl. There are no leds
nor sanilary faciIilies save lhe
aIIey lehind (via vindovs).
Renlers nusl lring lheir ovn
Iighls. There are no Iocks, lul
doors can le larred fron inside.
The roons are loo dirly lo lenpl
anyone soler enough lo see or
sneII lo pul lhen lo any ronan-
lic uses~or any olher uses, Iike
sIeep. Mosl vho use lhe roons
are IovIives pIolling cIunsy
crines or snuggIing deaIs.
TnaoeLens Lone
A cerlain dark-cIoaked, sofl-
spoken nan is seen in lhe SaiIor
fron line lo line~a nan vhose
fealures are hidden ly a nask
and a hood, vho sonelines
visilIy shifls forn inlo a fenaIe
lody as he Ieaves, and vho is
aInosl cerlainIy a nage of sone
pover. Al Ieasl once, lhis one nel
in lhe lavern vilh olher
shrouded foIk vho nusl have
leen, ly vhal lhey inadverlenlIy
reveaIed, nind fIayers. AII in aII,
lhis lavern~if nol as Iarge and
noisy as, say lhe BIoody Iisl
nearly~is a dangerous spol.
The 5hIps Pnou
As ils nane suggesls, lhis inn juls
inlo lhe lroad, usuaIIy cranned,
neeling of Iish Slreel and Ship
Slreel Iike lhe fronl of a ralher
fal ship.
Ils veII-knovn anong
saiIors up and dovn lhe Svord
Coasl. More lhan lhal, ils veII
lhoughl of, and if ny slay is lo le
lrusled, juslIy so. Ils lesl suiled lo
foIk vho can sland lhe fishy
slink of deep-sea lraps and lrine
larreIs~and lhe noises of dock
vork, drunken reveIry and
fighling, lhe nighl lhrough-
vafling inlo lheir roons.
The PLace
The Ships Irov rises four fIoors
alove lhe slreel. Years of vind
and vealher have lurned lhe oId
loards of ils upper fIoors and
oulside laIconies siIvery. In lhe
noonIighl on a cIear nighl, il
gIeans fron afar dovn lhe dark
dockside slreels. Inside, lhe fIoors
are so varped lhal lhey rise and
faII in snoolh curves, Iike lhe
deck of a ship in lhe sveIIs. The
pIace is shally, lul feeIs conforl-
alIe and honeIike.
The Pnospec1
This inn is surprisingIy quiel
inside, and a cozy pIace lo sIeep
as such lhings are judged in Dock
Ward. Il provides an ideaI haven
for lired lraveIers nevIy arrived
in lhe cily and nol fIush enough
lo find leds in a leller area. Ils
aIso a lrysling pIace for nasked
young nolIes of Walerdeep oul
on a Iark, nol vanling lo le seen
ly lheir peers (I narked al Ieasl
11 such coupIes on ny slay), and a
refuge for drunken saiIors
Iooking for a led lo snore in,
ralher lhan lhings lo snash or
lodies lo cuddIe or punch.
The Pnooemoen
Theres nolhing slronger lhan
valer lo le had, nor can you gel
anylhing nore lo eal lhan
snoked firefin, slrong cheese,
and hardIoaf lread, loIslered in
vinler onIy vilh a lovI of hol
fish-head soup (for 1 sp a person,
in addilion lo roon rales). The
valer is lroughl ly lhe larreI
fron veIIs near AnphaiI and
Iaced vilh crushed ninl. Il
slands in jugs in every roon, and
can aIso le had for lhe asking as
cIear, hol lea.
The PeopLe
The inns peace and survivaI in
lhe face of lhe ever-presenl
danger of fire is due lo lhe
inlervoven proleclive speIIs of
lhe residenl vizard and parl-
line cook, ShryndaIIa Were-Lye
ChauIdulh. Shes an ugIy lul
cheerfuI oId souI vho pads
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhe Ships Irov is #268.
around in vorn sIippers and nenls vilh lhe guiIds for sup-
food-slained roles, acconpanied
ly an enlourage of cals.
pIies. He lurns avay rovdy
vouId-le guesls and lhose deaI-
The nasler of lhe house is a
one-eyed, scarred and siIver-
ing in shady goods vilh coId
learded relired saiIor, }hanlrole
Iooks and grin vords, and seens
Harkhardesl. Hes geniaI and sofl-
lo have no lruck vilh snug-
spoken, lul ever aIerl~and never
gIers~nor vilh lhe cily valch.
Iacks a shorl svord and an axe al
The PnIces
his leIl. The axe is nagicaI. I sav
an eye open on ils lIade and
Roons can le had for 4 sp lo 1 gp
sviveI around lo lake in aII
per nighl (Iarger roons and
presenl. Il vinked shul in an
higher fIoors are dearer), or 3 gp
inslanl vhen il sav ne valching,
lo 7 gp per len day. Mosl are 6 sp
lul I sav vhal I sav.
per nighl or 5 gp per lenday.
}hanlrole doesnl go oul
Linen is changed daiIy and lhe
nuch, and has slanding arrange-
fee luys a singIe lalh per nighl, if
one desires, slalIing for a singIe
Warning: ShryndaIIas cals spy for her! Donl neel soneone on lhe sIy here if you donl vanl her
lo knov. The cals cIinl aIong lhe oulside vaIIs and sIip aIong hidden passages. YouII hear lhe sofl
lhunps as lhey pounce on rals and nice aIike al aII hours.
aninaI, and unIiniled drinking
valer. I, nyseIf, vouId advise nol
avaiIing oneseIf of a lalh in
harlor valer, vhich sneIIs of
fish or vorse. The slalIing is
around lhe lack and is crovded
and unhealed, lul feed is pro-
vided for slalIed nounls.
TnaoeLens Lone
In given lo undersland
inn is nolorious anong Iongline
inhalilanls lecause il once
housed eviI leings of lhe infa-
nous CuIl of lhe Dragon. The
Lords of lhe Cily are said lo have
given lhe presenl proprielor lilIe
lo lhe pIace lo keep an eye on il
afler lhe speclacuIar passing of
his predecessor.
Aloul 2O vinlers lack, lhe inn
vas kepl ly one HaIagasler
Brulheen, vho acquired il in
nyslerious circunslances fron
UIcap Rhiddyn, vho jusl disap-
peared one day. When lhe Bran-
dished BIade, a conpany of
advenlurers, cane lo slay (ly
chance, nosl say), lhe fury of lhe
gods reigned in lhe Ships Irov~
for on sighl lhey knev HaIa-
gasler as a nagicaIIy disguised
red dragon on lhe run fron
lhen. This HaIagasler-vyrn had
devoured lhe unforlunale
Rhiddyn and laken his pIace,
aided and paid courl lo here ly
lhe feII foIk of lhe Dragon CuIl.
There vas greal lallIe lhal
nighl, and if lhe WalchfuI rder
had nol leen aIerl and pIenlifuI,
nuch of lhe vard nighl veII
have lurned. In lhe end, lhe
vyrn vas sIain, and lhe Dragon
CuIl rouled lhrough lhe slreels.
No lrace vas found of lhe
vyrns hoard. CuIlisls have
skuIked aloul lhe inn and kepl a
valchfuI eye over il ever since-
seeking lhe dragons hoard or
sonelhing eIse of vaIue lheyve
nol yel found.
Sone say lhe dragon hoIIoved
oul a Iarge ceIIar lenealh lhe
pIace, devouring unforlunales
vhose adjoining ceIIars he lroke
inlo. No lrace of such a varren
has leen found, and a docker I
laIked vilh loId ne lhal in lhal
area a Iarge ceIIar vouId soon
fIood or luiIdings alove vouId
coIIapse dovn inlo il.
When I asked hosl Hark-
hardesl aloul lhis disguised
dragon, he roIIed a sIov and coId
eye around lo slare IeveIIy inlo
ny gaze, and suggesled I laIk lo
lhe cily valch, if I vas so very
inleresled in such dangerous
My source is Shalra lhe Beggar Queen, an oId, sloul, ralher unvashed vonan vho slyIes herseIf
an experl on Dock Ward. She can oflen le found al lhe Spilling Cal lavern, nursing a cup of lrolh-and-
lrandy as lhe hours pass. She can le induced lo laIk of doings and nevs of lhe area for lhe price of a
good neaI.
When I lackIed ShryndaIIa aIone on lhe sane suljecl, she Iaughed, said shed heard aloul ne fron
sone of her arcane coIIeagues, vinked, and vouId say no nore. I suspecl she vas referring lo lhe
unforlunale receplion lhal Vc|cs Guic |c A|| Tnings Magica| received, lul I vrapped nyseIf in
dignily as if il vere a fine cIoak and lurned our laIk lo Iighler nallers. SeveraI lines since, lhough, I have
seen ShryndaIIas cals valching ne, as I vaIk lhe slreels of lhe cily.
The BLushImg
Tatern, lnn, S |estha||
The Mernaid is one of lhe nosl
Iuxurious eslalIishnenls in
Dock Ward. Lverylhing is unhur-
ried, Iuxurious, and sensuaI, vilh
no delaiI overIooked. The slaff
vear facenasks of lIack arnor
pIale vilh allached lIack gauze
veiIs lo conceaI lheir faces.
The PLace
Ironling on Nel Slreel vilhin
easy reach of lhe harlor slench-
lhe BIushing Mernaid spans
lhree luiIdings. Scenls slrean
fron anler hanging Ianps.
Cauzy curlains, cushions, and
sound-ealing carpels are every-
vhere. SpeciaI, exlreneIy expen-
sive enchanlnenls prevenl any
sorl of open fIane fron igniling
lhen. Lven fire nagic is foiIed.
Lvery guesl has a pIush, decadenl
privale ledroon, a privale
lalhroon, and an office/recep-
lion roon in vhich lo enlerlain.
Il is videIy knovn lhal lhe
Mernaid is honeyconled vilh
secrel passages, reached ly
sIiding vaII paneIs in every
roon~lul fev guesls nanage lo
gel lhose paneIs lo vork.
The Pnospec1
The originaI Iighl pIeasure paIace
of Walerdeep, conlining a pIace
lo slay vilh pIaces lo drink and
have fun, lhe Mernaid has
aIvays calered lo lhe veaIlhy ly
nainlaining an alnosphere of
quiel decadence. The Mernaid
lends nosl of ils allenlion lo
crealing a cozy alnosphere for
feslhaII aclivilies~and so ils food
and lavern faciIilies suffer. True
lo ils nane, lhe Mernaid does
offer one speciaI drinking and
dining experience: a healed,
scenled connunaI lalh in
vhich palrons soak as lhey eal
and drink, served ly nernaids,
vho svin in fron lhe harlor
via veII-guarded secrel lunneIs.
Messy foods can sinpIy le
vashed avay in lhe Iavender-
linled valers.
The Pnooemoen
Seafood~and, surprisingIy, vhoIe
roasl pig~are lhe speciaIlies of
lhe Mernaids kilchens. Lvery-
lhing is good, if a IillIe undersea-
soned, lul runs expensive: 1 gp lo
3 gp/person per neaI. Drinks are
exlra, vilh a fuII vine ceIIar (1 gp
lo 22 gp/lollIe, depending on
your choice), pIenlifuI zzar (lhe
aInond-fIavored sherry favored
ly nany in Walerdeep) al 1 sp/
gIass, and very ordinary leer al 2
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhe BIushing Mernaid is #249.
These lunneIs vere no doull used for snuggIing in lygone days, lul lhey are nov lIocked ly
Iocked gralings vilh aIarns, and are used ly nernen and nernaids lo reporl for shifls al lhe Mernaid
and lo dine: a speciaI seclion of lhe BIushing Mernaids kilchens caler lo lhe nerfoIk.
The PeopLe
The Mernaid has a lusy slaff of
over 2O very efficienl, hard-
vorking naids vho frequenlIy
give personaI allenlions lo lhe
needs of guesls. They gel lo keep
any lips lossed lheir vay, and aIso
gel a percenlage of aII lhe Mer-
naids earnings. A seven-fool-laII,
nuscuIar lIonde of norlhern
larlarian slock naned Reelha is
videIy knovn around lhe cily as
is an agiIe Iass fron lhe jungIes of
ChuIl, LeiIalha Sulraira, vho is
covered fron head lo loes in
lalloos and Iikes lo oiI her skin lo
keep lhen coIorfuI and herseIf
hard lo gral.
The pIeasanl alnosphere of
lhe Mernaid is an enforced
serenily. Ialrons and slaff are
guarded againsl rovdiness and
vioIence ly lhe valchfuI eye and
ready speIIs of lhe proprielress,
Lady AIalhene Moonslar. The
secrel paneIs can onIy le opened
ly her hand~or ly four nagicaI
hands fashioned of siIver, en-
chanled ly her and carried ly
slaff nenlers on securily duly.
If one goes nissing, she aIlers lhe
pass speIIs vilhin a fev hours.
Lady AIalhene is oId and very
leaulifuI, her leauly kepl up ly
nagic. She gIides siIenlIy around
lhe Mernaid dressed in fuII
fornaI govns vilh ornale,
uplhrusl lodices and head veiIs,
oflen vearing lhe sane sorl of
facenask as her slaff.
She is quick lo use her nagic,
and fearIess vhen facing dovn
even drunken nages~I sav her
enpIoy disalIing speIIs Ive seen
novhere eIse, harnIessIy confin-
ing a leIIigerenl drunkard
vilhoul injury lo hin or lo lhe
The PnIces
Roons are 3 gp lo 9 gp per nighl
(Iarger roons and Iover fIoors
are dearer), or 1O gp lo 5O gp per
lenday. Mosl are 5 gp per nighl or
2O gp per lenday. Scenls of your
choice, fresh Iinen as needed, and
unIiniled, sparkIing cIear, scenl-
ed lalh valer (olviousIy pro-
cured fron eIsevhere or
nagicaIIy cIeaned) are aII in-
cIuded in lhese prices.
Tipping is connon. Sone
reguIar visilors give a slandard 1
gp/day exlra and ask lhal il le
shared anong lhe slaff, as veII as
giving exlras lo lhose escorls
vho see lo lhen personaIIy.
TnaoeLens Lone
There are severaI pIeasanl
slories, prolalIy pure Iegend,
aloul nen and nernaids faIIing
in Iove vilh each olher in lhe
pooI and Ieaving eilher Iand or
valer vilh lhe heIp of lhe young
nans nagic, or lhe heIp of a
friendIy vizard, lo le logelher.
The cuslon of lhe Hour of
Darkness provides nany anus-
ing laIes and naughly pranks. In
lhe earIy hours of each norning,
aII Iighls in pulIic areas of lhe
Mernaid are exlinguished, and
aside fron lhe siIver hands
carried ly lhe slaff, vhich give
off a lIue-siIver gIov Iike noon-
Iighl gIeaning on a svord,
everyone has lo find lheir vay
aloul ly feeIing. This cuslon
causes nuch Iaughler.
In addilion, lhere are darker
vhispers~of guesls sonelines
vanishing in lhe Mernaid, never
lo le heard of again. These laIes
seen lo le Iinked lo a circuIar
slaircase rising fron lhe cenlraI
nernaid pooI haII lo a gIass-
covered rooflop garden or
cupoIa, vhere herls and fIovers
are grovn. Il is adorned vilh
lones lound lo ils raiIs and
risers vilh fine vire.
LIninsler leIIs us lhe laIes of disappearing
guesls are lrue-and are due lo lhe Lady AIalhene
Moonslar, an archIich vhose unIife is nainlained
ly fauIly, faiIing enchanlnenls. She keeps lo lhe
Mernaid lecause she Iikes lo see young IiveIy
foIk having fun around her (and ly nagic, keeps
a cIose valch on lheir aclivilies).
AIlhough she is seen ly lhe Lords of lhe cily as
a force for good (sonelines sending vord lo
Iiergeiron aloul iIIicil deaIs and doings lhal she
overhears in lhe Mernaid), she is forced lo nain-
lain her unIife ly draining lhe Iife forces of Iiv-
ing, inleIIigenl leings (lvo lo lhree a year). She
nusl do lhis ly direcl lodiIy conlacl, and usuaIIy
chooses lo so use guesls she disIikes or sees as eviI.
Their lones end up on lhe slaircase.
Her faniIy, lhe nolIe Moonslars of Walerdeep,
knovs aII aloul her, lul keeps quiel aloul il. In
pulIic, she ignores lhen and lhey ignore her, lul
privaleIy she heIps in lhe lraining of young
Moonslars vilh nagicaI laIenl and aIso provides
safekeeping for cerlain lreasures and incrini-
naling ilens for lhe faniIy. (Ior nore delaiIs of
Lady Moonslar, see lhe IoIk of Walerdeep ap-
pendix al lhe end of lhis look.)
The Coppen Cup
Tatern, lnn, S |estha||
The Copper Cup is one of lhe
lusiesl and nosl fanous pIaces
in Dock Ward, a nusl-see spol for
nany visilors. A Iarge, roaring,
nany-IeveIed larn of a pIace, lhe
Cup is a lavern, inn, and feslhaII,
aII in one. Il opens off lhe Soulh-
yard, jusl inside lhe cilys Soulh
Cale, and is easiIy reached ly lhe
High Road or lhe Way of lhe
Dragon, and easiIy fIed fron
dovn SnuggIers Run aIIeyvay.
TraveIers overvheIned ly lhe
size and luslIe of lhe Cily of
SpIendors can easiIy find lhe
Cup, gel nuch Walerdeep offers
vilhoul ever Ieaving il, and loasl
vhen lhey gel hone of having
slayed al one of lhe viIdesl pIaces
in lhe nolorious Dock Ward!
The PLace
The Cup goes severaI ceIIars deep
as veII as four~in sone pIaces
five~fIoors up. Il is acluaIIy lhree
Iinked oId, converled varehouses
luiIl laII and nassive of dressed
slone vilh oulside calvaIks and
lack aIIey Iadders.
The ceIIars are prone lo fIood-
ing, and reek of niIdev. Lxcepl
for dunping carrion and gar-
lage, lhey are IillIe used. AII of
lhe fIoors alove, lhough, are used
lhe day and nighl round~so
nuch lhal lhe oId fIoorloards
oflen shake fron aII lhe luslIing.
The Pnospec1
As an inn, lhe Cup is prelly poor.
A palrons slay is ruIed ly con-
slanl noise. The Cup is aIvays
lusy vilh feslhaII lraffic in lhe
haIIs and vacanl roons al aII
hours. Ils a Iousy pIace lo lry lo
gel sone sIeep.
The Cup is rescued ly ils
services. Lverylhing is avaiIalIe
for a price, fron having lools
nended lo naling riding slaI-
Iions. If lhe slaff peopIe person-
aIIy donl provide il, lhey have
slanding arrangenenls vilh
soneone vho viII.
As a lavern, lhe Cup has an
ever-changing cIienleIe, and no
quiel pIaces for inlinale laIk,
haggIing, or invoIved pIanning
unIess you renl a roon. Il does
have cheap, pIenlifuI, and fairIy
lad (valered dovn) aIe, as veII as
good (lul expensive!) vine, soId
ly lhe lollIe.
As a feslhaII, lhe Cup is one Iong,
ongoing parly. Ils nol a pIace lo
visil and renain unseen or lo
reIax and slrelch~ils vhere one
goes lo ronp. The dancers are
acrolalic and experl conlorlion-
isls. Their connon coslune is
IillIe nore lhan a sheen of sveal!
The Pnooemoen
Mosl food al lhe Cup is order in.
Il is lroughl up lo your roon
n lhe coIor cily nap, lhe Copper Cup is #232.
fron olher pIaces in lhe cily al
lheir prices pIus 1 cp per dish for
lhe runners of lhe Cup lo lring il
lo you, hol, lhrough lhe slreels.
AIe cosls 1 cp/lankard. Dark
aIe (lhe good sluff) is doulIe lhal.
Wine goes for 2 sp lo 3 gp/lollIe,
depending on quaIily and scar-
cily Cood vinlages are aloul 1
The Cups kilchens are fanous
for lvo lhings: hol fish chovder,
lhal lasles nainIy of pepper and
oId leer (2 sp for a Iarge vooden
lovI), and cinnanon luller loasl
(1 cp/pIale of six hol, dripping
sIices). The cinnanon luller loasl
is nuch favored ly everyone
vho sanpIes il for afler lhe fesl
Iighl dining.
The conpany of lhe Cups
leauleous and veII-lrained
conpanions (of eilher gender)
cosls 1O gp per evening or any
parl of il. These escorls knov lhe
Cily veII, can pIay nosl ganes
alIy and knov hov lo have a
good line.
The PeopLe
Iev knov lhal lhe Cup is ovned
and run ly six of ils dancers:
VivaeIia Sunder, Lvelhe Unlusk,
YuIuIee Lanlannar, and }handriI
Nelh (lhe fenaIes), and IIinlar
BeIerelh and TiirIon Windslar
(lhe naIes).
They lake lurns dancing,
renling oul as escorls, and lend-
ing lar vilh lheir Iarge slaff, and
seen lo Iove lhe Iife lheyve luiIl.
The PnIces
Roons can le had for 1 gp lo 7 gp
per nighl (Iarger roons and
Iover fIoors are dearer) or 1O gp
lo 4O gp per lenday. Mosl are 2 gp
per nighl or 15 gp per lenday.
Linen is changed daiIy and lhe
fee luys a singIe scenled-valer
lalh per nighl, if one desires,
unIiniled drinking valer, and
slalIing for one or lvo aninaIs
in a covered and conslanlIy
allended slalIe. AddilionaI leasls
are 1 gp/nighl each.
TnaoeLens Lone
Lvery visilor lo lhis ongoing
parly has lheir ovn favorile laIe
of goings-on al lhe Cup, vhelher
ils Ieaping fron lalIe lo lalIe or
viIder pursuils, lul lhis pIace
has no hidden pIols or deeds (or
does il` I did see a Iol of foIk
sIipping dovn lovards lhe
ceIIars . . .).
O1hen PLaces
o[ Im1enes1
Im Dock Vano
Rcd 5aI!s Warchnusc
Lnply culicIes of up lo lvo
Iongloxes deep and eighl high
are avaiIalIe~nuIlipIy lhe fee
accordingIy. If cooIing is needed,
ice and valching cosls an exlra 2
cp/day per Ionglox.
Prcpric|cr. The proprielor,
rlIaer Thronnox, is fal, leard-
ed, and very slrong.
Gc!furI! thc Tradcr
This varehouse offers renlaI
space lo aII, no queslions asked.
MaleriaI lo le slored canl le
aIive or fIannalIe. Space is 1 cp/
CeIfuriI, vho runs lhis cranned
day per Ionglox. The Iongloxes
shop, viII seII or lrade jusl aloul
are nore or Iess coffin sized.
anylhing. He deaIs in larler (lul
does nc| run a pavnshop) as veII
Localion #265 on lhe coIor cily nap. Used ly a knovn fence, ne-Lyed }ukk (see Chapler 4 of
la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n).
as coinage. Much of his vares are
oId or heaviIy used, lul his prices
are very reasonalIe. CeIfuriI is
nore lhan he appears. As IocaIs
viII leII, he once feIIed a fIeeing
lhief vilh a f|anc s|ri|c.
Prcpric|cr. CeIfuriI lhe Trader,
lhe proprielor, is a sofl-spoken,
sloul IillIe nan.
Thc Rnusc nf PrIdc
This veII-slocked perfune shop
carries exolic scenls fron aII
over Iaerun~fron ashes of
lurnl snovsnake lo lhe nusk of
lhe fenaIe gianl sIug. The shop is
run ly lvo sislers and is guard-
ed ly lrained hunling dogs of
conpacl luiId and exlreneIy
IoyaI lenperanenl.
The House of Iride is
cranned vilh a foresl of gIass
lollIes of aII sizes, shapes, and
hues. Il is prolecled ly a speciaI
enchanlnenl lhal prevenls gIass
fron lreaking. The gIass here
can sliII le vaporized or neIled,
lul viII nol shaller or faII aparl.
Prcpric|rcsscs. The lvo sislers
vho run lhe House of Iride,
ArIeelh and IIileI Harnelh, have
vhinsicaI senses of hunor. The
lvo of lhen aIvays nodeI sev-
eraI of lheir vares on various
Iocalions on lheir lodies.
Aurnra's Rca!ms 5hnp
Cata!nguc Cnuntcr
This is lhe Dock Ward oulIel of
lhe fanous Iaerun-vide aII
goods relaiI chain. Localed in a
nondescripl lenenenl luiIding
nexl door (lo lhe norlh across a
narrov side aIIey) lo lhe IurpIe
IaIace feslhaII, lhis shop fronls
on SIul Slreel.
I vas unalIe lo Iearn jusl vho
lhe nage on slaff al lhis shop vas.
The fIinl-eyed order cIerk vouId
nol even voIunleer her ovn nane,
and as she slood seven feel laII and
vas nore lhan lvice as vide as
ne, I did nol press her for delaiIs.
She is fIanked al lhe counler ly
lvo lurIy nen-al-arns al aII lines
vhen lhe shop is open (davn lo
dusk), lul she overlops even lhen,
and hardIy seens lo need lhe
Thc B!uc McrmaId
A cIean, veII-appoinled lul vorn
pIace, frequenled ly safe foIk.
Cood aIe, lad vine, and an
ullerIy safe, loring alnosphere.
Prcpric|rcss. Molher }aIylh
HIonnoralh, a pIeasanl, veII-
neaning, nalernaI sorl, runs lhe
BIue Mernaid.
Localion #231 on lhe coIor nap. Ior a shop fIoor pIan, see Map 6 of lhe Ci|q Sqs|cn loxed sel.
Localion #259 on lhe coIor nap.
LIninsler reveaIs lhal lhe leefy order cIerk is one AgIalha Shrey (her size is due lo haIf-ogre lIood),
and lhe nage vho |c|cpcr|s goods inlo lhe shop is one Beradyx HaIfvinler, a fal and Iazy IackspeII
(veak) vizard.
Localion #257 on lhe coIor nap.
Thc FrIcnd!y F!nundcr exlra. The food is hearly and nol
over spiced. The fev lollIes of
vine in ils ceIIar are far nore
This snaII, unassuning IocaI
pricey~lul nany Walerdhavians
lavern slands on lhe vesl side of
lhrive on an affordalIe daiIy
Book Slreel, jusl across fron lhe
neaI of fry al lhis drinking spol.
noulh of CandIe Lane. Il serves
The IriendIy IIounders un-
lolh good and lad leer, and
speclacuIar fare and nodesl
palrons can gel hol lullered
slruclure keep il unknovn lo
lIacklread and fried fish vilh
nosl visilors lo Walerdeep, lul il
lheir drinks.
is a reaI find for no-lolher ealing.
Irices are 1 cp/lankard for
Prcpric|cr. LaenguI SkuII-
fIounder leer (lhe lad sluff,
crovn, vho ovns and runs lhe
caIIed leelhrinse ly everyone), 2
IriendIy IIounder, is a genlIe,
cp/lankard for lesl and loId aIe,
laIding gianl of a nan. Hes
and 1 sp for aII-one-palron-can-
repuled lo have a naluraI laIenl
for seeing lhe auras of nagicaI
ilens and enchanlnenls.
5O eal of fish, vilh lread 1 cp/Ioal
LIninsler has lroughl us lIacklread. Ils sonelhing Iike punpernickeI (noIasses gives il lhe hue).
Thc Hangcd Man
The Hanged Man is a galhering
pIace for poels, scriveners, vril-
ers, caIIigraphers, and olher
Iilerary foIk, and is a good pIace
lo hear a laIe. The palrons lend
lo snoke pipes, snore a Iol, and lo
le hopeIessIy lehind on everyday
nevs. They aIso lend lo le rude
and opinionaled, lul nol of lhe
luiId or lenperanenl lo acluaIIy
engage in physicaI dispules. A
surprisingIy good seIeclion of
vine is avaiIalIe, as veII as aII
sorls of aIes.
Prcpric|cr. AuIdenulh r-
lrynn is lhe proprielor. Ialrons
vho cone up shorl on a lar lal
are occasionaIIy aIIoved lo vork
il off ly hin ly lealing lvo of
lhe reguIars al a laII laIes conlesl
(if lhey Iose, lhey do dishes).
Thc 5!ccpIng 5nakc
This rovdy pIace is roughIy
furnished in hasliIy nended
furnilure. The dockhands vho
drink here spend a Iol of line
lreaking il over each olhers
heads. There are runors lhal a
fence of sloIen goods can le
conlacled here~if you can do
any lusiness anid lhe hovIs and
hools lhal ring oul as hunan,
haIf-eIven, and even haIf-orc
venches dance on lhe lalIes.
(Sone even lry lo sing!) There is a
fine of 1 sp for hilling a dancer
vilh any hurIed oljecl. Dancers
viIIing lo do nore lhan dance
negoliale olher fees. The sland-
ing joke goes lhal any snake alIe
lo sIeep lhrough aII lhis nusl le
very, very dead.
Prcpric|cr. AIard BeIaerI, lhe
proprielor, is a laII, gaunl,
halchel-nosed nan vilh an
annoying nasaI voice.
Thc 5!ccpIng Wcnch
This lavern is a quieler, cheaper
aIlernalive lo lhe SIeeping Snake
(see alove). Theres sliII dancing
on lhe lalIes and lhe cheaper
sorl of drink, lul lhis pIace has a
leller cIass of cIienleIe and
lackground nusic (of lhe Iules
and lools variely).
I sliII canl piclure anyone
sIeeping in here unIess he vere
deaf, lul ils quiel enough lhal
you can overhear conversalions
al nearly lalIes~usuaIIy laIk of
nerchanl feuds, cily gossip, and
lhe vorsening slale of lhe
ReaIns in generaI.
Prcpric|cr. IeIdan ThraeI, vho
ovns and runs lhe SIeeping
Wench, is niddIe-aged, of nid-
dIing heighl, nondescripl, and
Localion #258 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #245 on lhe coIor nap. The fence runor is faIse, lul aIIovs a dockhand agenl of lhe Red
Sashes lo olserve a slrean of foIk engaged in shady lusiness. See page 35 of la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
Localion #261 on lhe coIor nap.
nuslachioed. veraII, lhe lype
vho lIends veII inlo crovds.
Thc ThIrsty Thrnat
This lavern is as ranshackIe an
eslalIishnenl as ils nane in-
pIies. A nerchanl descriled il lo
ne as a piIe of vood laking ils
ovn Iazy line aloul faIIing inlo
lhe slreel, and he gol il righl. AII
lhe furnilure is crovded lo-
gelher and loIled dovn.
lravI lend lo go eIsevhere. This
pIace is fuII of quiel nen drink-
ing lhenseIves inlo sIunler vilh
a handfuI of coppers.
Crovded, dark, and sneIIs of
slaIe leer, I vrole, years ago, on
ny firsl visil~and il hasnl
changed a lil. Whal il does have
lo offer is nediocre leer al Iov
The vashroons are inleresl-
ing. You cIinl dovn a Iadder
inlo a IillIe anlechanler opening
righl inlo a harlorlound sever
channeI. Men cIinl dovn one
Iadder, and Iadies dovn an-
olher~and end up facing each
olher in lhe sane roon, aloul an
arns slrelch aparl. Ils an ideaI
pIace for exchanging ilens on
lhe sIy, dunping incrininaling
lhings inlo lhe sever, or even for
prices. A lankard as lig as a
nans head cosls 1 copper piece.
Those vho Iike lo Iaugh and
easiIy gelling inlo Walerdeeps
sever nelvork.
Prcpric|cr. BuIaedo Iisls
LedgiIeer, a nonslrousIy fal, load-
Iike nan vilh forearns as lig as
lhe Iarger hans youII see for saIe
dovn lhe slreel, runs lhe Thirsly
Throal. His nicknane cones
fron his halil of knocking nen
coId vilh one punch.
Thc B!nndy FIst
I suppose lhis nolorious dive is a
good exanpIe of jusl hov lad a
lavern can possilIy le. Repealed
Localion #274 on lhe coIor nap.
furnilure lreakage has resuIled
in onIy vaII lenches and a sland-
up eIlov lar in lhe cenler of lhe
roon leing Iefl. Wooden nugs
have repIaced nelaI, ceranic, and
gIass vesseIs, and lhe leer larreIs
are chained dovn lo prevenl
lheir easy use as nissiIes.
Drinkers sland herded lo-
gelher Iike rolhe in a pen, snarI-
ing and leIching, and fighls are
aInosl conslanl. BuIIies and
angry peopIe cone here lo pick
fighls, and a roon upslairs is
relained for a succession of
novice priesls of Tenpus, vho
dress lroken lones and perforn
ninor heaIing nagics in relurn
for donalions lo lhe var god.
ne IocaI lard, TaIashanler of
lhe IIane Talard, even dulled
lhis pIace lhe Walching Wargod
in a sarcaslic dilly aloul lhe lvo-
fisled heroes of Walerdeep, and
9=H *A@I
lhe nicknane has passed inlo
generaI usage, as in: Lels drain a
fev al lhe Wargod. Men dovn
on lheir Iuck can le hired here,
lul lhere is IillIe eIse of inleresl.
Prcpric|cr. UgIukh VorI is a
haIf-orc vho has leen knovn lo
yavn in lhe nidsl of a fuII-scaIe
svordfighl. He defends hinseIf
vilh a sIeep-poisoned, doulIe-
lIaded lallIe axe vhose cenlraI
shafl ends in a spear lIade.
This eslalIishnenl deIivers jusl
vhal il pronises~and IillIe nore.
Lach led is varned ly lhree
healed slones pIaced in il lefore
lhe renler relires. There is hol
valer avaiIalIe for vashing,
healed ly lhe luckel leside lhe
sane gianl hearlh lhal varns
lhe ledslones. Roons vilh one lo
four singIe leds are avaiIalIe.
This inn has no slalIing (nosl
palrons seII lheir nounls or
slalIe lhen al a caravan slalIe in
Localion #272 on lhe coIor nap.
inn. Her nanner is one of upper-
crusl, nolIe dignily.
Thc 5p!Intcrcd 5taIr
Soulh Ward), and provides no
food of any kind. Quiel is ex-
pecled afler dark, lul as Iong as
lheres no noise alove Iov-
pilched voices, renlers can use
lheir roons for vhalever pur-
pose lhey pIease (such as confer-
ences or neelings)`
Prcpric|rcss. ShaIalh Lylhryn
runs Warn Beds. She is kindIy,
pIain, niddIe-aged, and very, very
Thc B!ackstar Inn
This dignified, even haughly inn
is Iike a forlress on lhe oulside,
vilh larred vindovs, slone
vaIIs, and a sIale roof. Ils Iolly
has lvo arned guards, and lhe
four hoslIers in lhe Iocked slalIes
are aIso arned.
Iees are high (lypicaIIy 1 gp per
head per nighl, pIus 1 sp per
aninaI slalIed), lul in relurn,
guesls gel aInosl soundproof
roons (a rarily). Lach roon has a
hip-lalh, a doulIe led, valer and
vine provided for drinking and
various panphIels and chaplooks
provided for Iighl reading. Lach
roon aIso has ils ovn firepIace,
aIleil vilh a niserIy suppIy of
firevood, and lhe palrons lend lo
keep lo lhenseIves. A good pIace
lo gel a Iong sound sIeep.
Prcpric|rcss. Asiyra BoId-
vinler is lhe proprielress of lhis
The enlry haII of lhis roon rises
up lhree fIoors, overIooked ly
inlerior laIconies Iinked ly
eIeganlIy spiraIing slairs. Ils
nane cones fron a nenoralIe
fighl lelveen advenlurers, 2O
vinlers ago, in vhich lhe fury of
vieIded lIades Iefl one slair
danaged aInosl leyond repair. I
Iove lhe opuIenl enlry haII, lul . . .
The slair has leen repIaced, lul
IillIe eIse has leen done lo nake
guesls veIcone. The Iarge, Iuxuri-
ous roons are coId and dark, and
chanler pols provide lhe onIy
sanilary faciIilies. Rales are 1 gp/
nighl for a person and nounl or 5
sp/nighl for a person onIy. Lxlra
aninaIs, and exlra persons shar-
ing lhe sane roon, are 4 sp each.
Prcpric|rcss. ShaIanna Dulh-
nere is a paIe, vorn-Iooking Iady
fron Daggerford vho direcls
her six daughlers in running lhe
inn. She is a vidov and is very
lighl vilh noney.
Thc RcarIng
This is prolalIy lhe cIassiesl inn
in Dock Ward, and is favored ly
Localion #27O on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #276 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #277 on lhe coIor nap.
nany caravan naslers and ly Hidden BIade for a shorl line, lul
nerchanls vho vanl a good, has reverled lo ils forner ovner
secure pIace lo sIeep vilhoul
announcing lheir arrivaI lo
olservanl eyes in leller vards.
Adorned vilh a Iife-sized
carved vooden hippocanpus oul
fronl, lhis inn offers lrolh and
loasl al aII hours, privale roons
vilh canopied leds (varner lhan
nosl acconnodalions in Dock
Ward, especiaIIy in vinler) and
carpeled fIoors. Il is favored ly
nany reguIar visilors lo lhe cily
vho have lusiness near lhe
harlor. Il recenlIy lecane a
dangerous lavern knovn as lhe
and favored repulalion.
Prcpric|cr. BarI Shardrin, lhe
proprielor, is a quiel, allenlive,
poIile nan.
Thc McrmaId's Arms
lnn, Tatern S |estha||
This Iarge, fairIy nev eslalIish-
nenl is adorned vilh rich sea-
lIue draperies and lakes lhe
forn of a series of eIeganl dining
Localion #278 on lhe coIor nap. Ils lrief career as lhe Hidden BIade is nenlioned in lhe Harpers
noveI ||fsnacu, ly LIaine Cunninghan.
Iounges, in vhich one dines or
jusl drinks vilh an allraclive
hosl or hosless (or aIone). ne can
lake roons for lhe nighl aIone, or
vilh soneone eIse. IncreasingIy,
lhe Arns (having acquired a safe
repulalion) is leing used ly
singIe genlIefoIk on lhe provI for
a nighl of Iove. In olher vords,
palrons are going lhere lo neel
each olher, nol lo hire a hosl or
hosless for lhe nighl.
The Arns is Iarge, veII-Iil,
aIvays lusy, and can le quile
expensive for lhe vorks (slalIing,
a roon, neaIs, drinks, and con-
panionship are aII liIIed sepa-
raleIy). Ils nalure nakes il ideaI
for visilors inlending lo use il for
sone purposes. A nerchanl
couId lake a roon lhere, neel a
lusiness coIIeague lhere and eal
dinner (perhaps vilh allraclive
house escorls), lhen go eIsevhere
for drinks and a pIay or shov.
The nerchanl couId lhen slagger
hone Iale, knoving a conforl-
alIe roon avails.
This is an inleresling lrend.
The onIy lhing I regrel aloul lhe
Arns is lhal In far loo apl lo
neel friends or lusiness parl-
ners in ils Iounges vhen I vanl
lo sIip up lo ny roon unseen~or
sIip oul unolserved.
Prcpric|rcss. The Arns is run
ly CaIalhia Irosl, a handsone
and vinning Iady vilh a gor-
geous, lhroaly voice. She keeps lo
herseIf and does her jol.
Thc Purp!c Pa!acc
This is lhe cIosesl lhing Walerdeep
has lo a CaIishile siIks-loudoir. Ils
Iavender siIk draperies and gauzy
hangings are heaviIy perfuned.
Lverylhing is cushions, sofl
carpels, nusic, and purpIe-linled,
spiced vine.
Conpanionship is expensive
and (repuledIy) very good. Sone
of lhe nosl fanous are NaneelhiI
of lhe Svord Talloo and Dessra
of lhe Dark Desires.
Prcpric|rcss. The proprielress,
TalhIa IIanehair Nighlslar, vas
fanous as a courlesan in CaIin-
porl 3O years ago, and is sliII a
greal leauly. Her lIood-red hair
surrounds her Iike a cIoak, and is
so Iong lhal il lraiIs lehind her
on lhe ground!
Dock Ward loasls lhe nosl coIor-
fuI and dangerous aIIeyvays and
courlyards in lhe Cily of SpIen-
dors. Tourisls are advised lo le
very sure of lheir personaI de-
fenses lefore vaIking any of lhese
ly nighl, even if nol aIone.
Arun's A!!cy
Running easl off Wards Way
lelveen Lackpurse Lane Iand
BeIninlras Slreel, lhis vide
Localion #264 on lhe coIor nap.
Localion #26O on lhe coIor nap.
neeling pIace of nany gangs of
slreel ruffians, lhugs, and cuIlisls
over lhe years. As such, il is
carlers vay services nany vare-
houses and lusinesses aIong ils
shorl Ienglh. Il can le a fascinal-
ing pIace lo valch skiIIed Ioaders
and unIoaders, vho can lhrov
and calch heavy larreIs and crales
vilh speed and accuracy.
Lxcepl for lhose vho Iook
lhrealening and have veapons al
lhe ready lhis is as safe as an aIIey
gels. Irivale guards leIonging lo
lhe lusinesses and lo lhe IeIIov-
ship of Carlers and Coachnen
guiId are everyvhere, vigiIanl
and arned vilh crosslovs, cIuls,
and shorl svords.
B!ack Wagnn A!!cy
Running easl off Book Slreel lo
lhe norlh of CandIe Lane, lhis
narrov vay Ieads lo a varren of
houses of lhe poor, incIuding
sone lhieves. Cily valch palroIs
are oflen lusy culling avay
lripvires and slrangIevires
fron ils nore easlerIy slrelches.
Il is naned for lhe ghoslIy appari-
lion of a lIack pIague vagon lhal
is sonelines seen sIovIy and
siIenlIy noving up lhe aIIey,
vilhoul horses or a driver!
B!ack Wc!! Cnurt
pening vesl off Book Slreel,
across fron lhe end of Drakiir
Slreel, lhis cranped courlyard is
knovn for ils Iong-poIIuled veII
(lhe valer is lIack!) and as lhe
reguIarIy palroIIed ly lhe cily
guard and lhe valch~lul lhey
of len encounler lhugs, Dragon
CuIlisls, or vorshippers of
Lovialar ninislering lo sone
poor viclin kidnapped fron
sonevhere nearly.
There are aIso runors of
scnc|ning Iiving under lhe
lIack valer in lhe veII lhal
cones oul al nighl lo snalch and
feed on passersly.
Cand!c Lanc
Sonelines caIIed CandIe AIIey,
lhis vinding vay Iinks Book
Slreel and lhe Way of lhe Dragon.
Ils nane cones fron ils exlrene
gIooniness (ils overhung ly laII
houses), vhich nade lookish
sorls Iil largels for lhieves. Il is
nov heaviIy palroIIed. The
Thirsly Throal lavern slands al
ils easlern end.
Cacdcrmnn's Wa!k
Linking Shipnaslers HaII vilh
Wharf Slreel, lhis roule is naned
for lhe ghoslIy ship caplain vho
oflen vaIks up il, vooden cIogs
echoing in lhe nisl, Ieaving vel
foolprinls in his vake.
Caerdernon vas drovned in
lhe harlor ly his nale, and rose
as a revenanl lo foIIov his kiIIer
lo Shipnaslers HaII. A fearfuI
vizard lhere lIasled hin lo dusl
lefore he couId sIay lhe nale~
and ever since, Caerdernons
phanlon has vaIked lhis aIIey.
There are vhispers lhal lhe sea
caplains ghosl can sIay or harn
lhose vho lIock his palh.
By day, lhis roule is lusy vilh
carls serving lhe lusinesses aII
around. Il is one of lhe aIIeys
doninaled ly nuscuIar nen
noving heavy larreIs vilh one-
nan push-doIIies.
FIshnct A!!cy
Linking Spice Slreel and Dock
Slreel in a dogIeg vesl of Wharf
Slreel, lhis narrov crovded aIIey
gels ils nane fron lhe drying
nels lhal are hung across il al
various IeveIs fron vaII hooks ly
nighl or for repair ly day.
Dovn lhe years, lhese nels
have lroken lhe faII of nany
lhieves and Iovers Ieaping fron
vindovs, or have leen dropped
fron alove ly lhugs lo enlrap
peopIe passing aIong lhe aIIey.
AIlhough il Iooks Iike lhe vel-
choked Iair of sone gianl spider,
lhis aIIey is usuaIIy quile safe.
Hovever. . .
Manystcps A!!cy
Running paraIIeI lo and lelveen
SIul Slreel and lhe Way of lhe
Dragon, lhis Iong, vinding lack
vay is hone lo nany soolhsayers,
shady noneyIenders, nessage
runners, and fix-il-for-you lhug
lands. Avoid il if veII-dressed or
carrying olvious veaIlh. Thieves
are never far off.
Mc!Intcr's Cnurt
Behind (easl of) lhe Hanged Man
lavern, lhis dark courlyard is
of len fuII of pipe snoke, as
phiIosophers spiII oul of lhe
lavern, lankards in hand, lo
conlinue delales legun inside.
Naned for lhe eviI nage vho, a
decade or so ago, forned a gang
of lhieves lhal nel here lo pIan
lheir viIIainy, lhis courlyard
conlinues lo le used fron line
lo line ly lhe eviI nages vho
vere once MeIinlers apprenlices.
MeIinler is dead, lul al lines
nages arrive al nighl, s|ccp any
palrons in lhe courlyard, and
neel lo pIan dark deeds. I
couIdnl find anyone viIIing lo
leII ne very nuch aloul lhese
vizards, lul I did hear lhe nanes
Azilar of lhe Seven SkuIIs,
IeIilarr BIackIance, and nshaII
CoIdcIoak nenlioned.
PhI!nsnphcr's Cnurt
Beller knovn lo IocaIs ly ils
derisive nane, lhe IooIsquare,
lhis sunny courl has aIvays leen
vhere oId nen, drunkards,
young lhinkers, and lhe nore
daring of lhe cilys veaIlhy
inleIIecluaIs have galhered vhen
lhe vealher is good lo argue,
fIapping lheir javs on a raised
dais and vealhered chairs.
Drunks sIeep under lolh lhe dais
and lhe chairs ly nighl.
Cerlain naneIess nolIes pay for
lorches and a slanding cily valch
palroI lo keep proceedings fron
leing inlerrupled ly lhieves,
ruffians, crilics, or nighlfaII. Sone
vhisper lhal Iiergeiron or KheI-
len Arunsun or Mirl pay for lhe
arrangenenls, lul nany nolIes
have leen heard lo say lhal an
aflernoon slroII lo hear lhe fooIs is
leller nirlh lhan nosl shovs
lhrice lhe price.
Rnund AgaIn A!!cy
IaraIIeIing WaslreI AIIey on lhe
vesl, fron norlh of Adder Lane
lo BeIninlras Slreel, lhis narrov
aIIey doulIes lack on ilseIf
(hence ils nane), and is lhe
favored lesling ground of sone-
one vho can creale nagicaI
iIIusions of lehoIders.
Many Walerdhavians have
seen siIenl, nenacing eye lyranls
gIiding aIong lhe aIIey eyeslaIks
vrilhing~onIy lo fade avay al
lhe louch of hurIed oljecls, or
upon reaching lhe end of lhe
vay. Whal lhis neans, and if il is
dangerous, is nol yel knovn.
Thc!tcn's A!!cy
lesl efforls have nol yel suc-
ceeded in deslroying TheIlens
slrange rennanls.
Running norlhvesl off Walch-
run AIIey, across fron lhe end of
Dravn Svord AIIey lhis shorl
vay is naned for lhe crazed
vizard vho dveIl here. Through
sone arcane nagic, he survives
as a vizshade,
and can sliII le
encounlered here or in TheIlens
Courl, vhich opens off lhis aIIey
lo lhe norlh.
This sonelines-seen nagicaI
apparilion nay vhinsicaIIy
ignore or aid foIk, lul nore oflen
allacks. The WalchfuI rders
Thrcc Thrnwn Daggcrs
Linking BIackslar Lane and
Spidervel AIIey lhis vinding
vay is fanous for lhe curse casl
here ly lhe nage Arundoon.
Slruck in lhe lack ly lhree
daggers hurIed ly a lreacherous
apprenlice, he survived lo lake
revenge. nce for each of his
eighl years of apprenliceship, lhe
apprenlice vas driven ly nagi-
DelaiIed in VoIune 7 of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun (lhe firsl SILLL}AMMLR Appendix).
caI fcar lo fIee up lhe aIIey and
lhere face lhree aninaled dag-
gers that swooped out of thin air
al randon poinls up and dovn
lhe aIIey.
The speII survives, despile lhe
efforls of Ialer vizards lo eradi-
cale il. Because of lhis, anyone
using lhe aIIey nusl levare
lhree randon allacks.
Thugs sonelines Iure or chase
inlended viclins inlo lhe aIIey lo
gel lhen injured. This roule is
sonelines caIIed jusl Throvn
Dagger AIIey.
Trn!!crnnk A!!cy
norlh across ilseIf lo reach lhe
lroad vay of Iish Slreel. The
lack vay inlo lhe Thirsly SaiIor,
lhis sliII-dangerous passage is a
haunl of lhieves, lhugs, and Iadies
of lhe evening vho defend
lhenseIves or feII vouId-le
cusloners vilh sIeep-poisoned
rings or Iong naiIshealhs. Ils
nane cones fron an oId joke
aloul needing lo drink lvo
fIasks of vine lo have lhe cour-
age lo vaIk dovn il.
Watchrun A!!cy
Linking SnaiI Slreel and SIul
Slreel, lhis reIaliveIy open, safe
passage is loday nuch used ly
carlers~rushing vagons are ils
chief danger. f oId, il vas fre-
quenled al nighl ly a vicious
gang of lroIIs dveIIing in lhe
cilys severs. They sIev nany
cilizens lefore leing hunled
dovn. Sone sages nisnane lhis
aIIey TroII crusn AIIey.
Twnf!ask A!!cy
Running due vesl fron lhe
nidpoinl of Biller AIIey, lhis vay
lurns soulh and lhen Ioops lack
This norlheasl/soulhvesl roule
Iinks NeInuks WaIk vilh Red-
cIoak Lane and Cul AIIey and
gels ils nane fron ils frequenl
use ly lhe cily valch and lhe cily
guard lo hurry across lhis parl of
Dock Ward. Being in lhe palh of a
running (or nounled, and charg-
ing!) palroI is ilseIf a danger~and
carlers al lines race each olher
aIong lhis roule.
Thieves and crueI prankslers
have leen knovn lo slrelch
lripvires and slrangIevires
across lhis aIIey ly nighl. Il is
connon knovIedge in lhe vard
lhal najor gangs in lhis area
have hired eyes valching lhis
roule lo keep lrack of lhe cily
guard and lhe cily valch.
Make lhree Dexlerily checks. Success neans a gIeaning dagger fIashes oul of novhere, passing
cIose ly, and vanishes again. IaiIure neans il slrikes lhe viclin, hiIl-deep, for a chiIIing 4 hp of danage,
and lhen fades avay.
Iersislenl runors leII of crosslovs vailing lehind sIiding vaII paneIs aIong lhis roule-Iarge
lripod-nounled veapons firing spear-sized quarreIs (one per 3 rounds, range: S5, M1O, L15 danage: 2d6
vs. S- or M-sized largel, 1d8 vs. L-sized largel).
AppemoI I:
FoLk o[ Va1enoeep
s has leen said lefore,
lhe peopIe of Waler-
deep arc Walerdeep.
No guide lo lhe cily is
conpIele vilhoul a
nenlion of lhe nore
coIorfuI and infIuenliaI foIk vho
Iive lhere and shape Walerdeep inlo
vhal lhe cily is.
Wilh LIninslers heIp, veve
incIuded a lesl guesses Iisl here of
lhe prolalIe cIasses, IeveIs, and
aIignnenls of sone of lhe Waler-
dhavians VoIo nenlions. Advenlur-
ers le varned: Much of vhal is said
here nay le vrong!
This Iisl is aIphalelicaI ly firsl
nane (or onIy knovn aIias) lecause
so nany cilizens of Walerdeep Iack
surnanes. nIy aliIily scores of 16 or
grealer are Iisled, and lhe slandard
ReaIns characler slalislic allrevia-
lions are used.
AGLATHA 5HREY (LN haIf-ogre fenaIe
I5, ST 18/74). AgIalha is an order
cIerk for lhe Auroras Shop in Dock
Ward, and enjoys parlicipaling in
lavern lravIs~her speciaIly is
lhroving nen lodiIy lhrough doors,
vindovs, or lalIes.
laII, gaunl, halchel-nosed nan vilh a
nasaI voice, AIard uses his dancers as
spies, seIIing infornalion aloul rich
visilors lo lhieves.
W19, an archIich~delaiIed in S}R1
|cs| Snips vhose unIife enchanl-
nenls are fIaved). Lady AIalhene
can lurn her undead allacks and
povers on and off al viII, canl le
lurned, can use aII nagic and Iearn
nev speIIs, and nainlains her unIife
ly sIaying lvo lo lhree Iiving, sen-
lienl leings a year lhrough cncrgq
rain speIIs. She has fev friends and
aIvays seeks soneone she can lrusl.
AIlhough AIlaeron is grizzIed and
eIderIy, he is a skiIIed heInsnan and
ALDAEGUTH. See Wineslal.
16, INT 18, WIS 16, CHA 16) AIeena is
lhe daughler of Iiergeiron, and
secrelIy apprenliced lo KheIlen
BIackslaff Arunsun. She dveIIs in
lhe paIace. She is grave, recIusive, and
A|eena Pa|adlnstar
laII~enough so lhal she once vore
her falher's arnor and deceived
peopIe inlo lhinking hin presenl ly
aping his slride and novenenls.
DLX 18, IN 18, CHA 17). AIIel is a haIf-
ovner of lhe Misly Beard lavern in
Norlh Ward. She is sIin, Iilhe, and
dark-eyed, and has nany suilors. Her
viII of sleeI is hidden under sofl
speech. She is firnIy IoyaI lo her
sisler, Vindara. She pIans lo narry
inlo a nolIe house or found her ovn
cIan of nagic-vieIding haIf-eIves,
soneday AIIel ovns and vieIds
nany vands (see Misly Beard
foolnoles for a parliaI seIeclion).
16, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 16). Anaralha
is lhe charning and leaulifuI
proprielress of lhe }ade }ug inn in
CaslIe Ward. An advenluress vho
relired vhen a Iichs curse deslroyed
her righl arn (her svordarn) and
prevenled any knovn nagic, lhus
far, fron regeneraling il, she has pul
her noney inlo running Walerdeeps
nosl Iuxurious inn. Anaralha runs
lhe }ade }ug as lhe sorl of pIace shed
Iike lo slay in~and does, as a guesl,
vhen ils nol fuII. She has a perfecl
nenory and nakes a poinl of
Iearning lhe nanes and delaiIs lhal
guesls vanl lo give her, so lhal she
can lake an inleresl in lheir doings
and nake lhen feeI inporlanl on
lheir nexl visil. This aliIily has nade
her very usefuI lo lhe cily valch on
nany occasions. AIlhough her profil
nargin is snaII, she grovs sleadiIy
veaIlhier, as vord of noulh nakes
lhe }ug a nore popuIar pIace, despile
ils prices, year afler year. The }ade
}ug is aIready |nc pIace for visiling
noliIily lo slay, or for Walerdhavian
Anasanna Vunendlr
nolIes lo slay vhiIe lheir viIIas are
leing reluiIl, repaired, or sinpIy
cIeaned up afler a parlicuIarIy
successfuI parly.
18, INT 18, WIS 17). Anasanna is lhe
proprielress of Dacers Inn in Sea
Ward. She vas lorn lo sIave parenls
fron ChuIl, vho escaped fron
CaIishile sIavery. This is vhy she has
dusky skin and a halred of CaIishiles
and sIavers. She is agiIe and energelic,
speaks seIdon, lul sees and knovs
aII. She uses hand geslures vilh her
veII-lrained slaff, vho Iove her and
are ullerIy IoyaI lo her.
of Cond, DLX 18, INT 18, WIS 17).
AnsiIver keeps his slalus as a priesl
of Cond secrel even fron olher
cIergy of Cond. He is lhe proprielor
of lhe CoIden Key shop in CaslIe
Ward. AIlhough eIderIy AnsiIver
renains aIerl. He vears lhick
speclacIes, and has a sharp-leaked
nose and a halil of aIvays hunning
lo hinseIf. AnsiIver is a veaIlhy
Iandovner, and has nany hoIdings
in Soulh Ward and in lhe farnIand
easl of Walerdeep.
of SeIune, DLX 16, INT 16, WIS 18).
Aralhka RueII is lhe vife of Danda-
Ius RueII, co-ovner of The Id
XolIol Shop. She vorships fron her
rooflop lover and is lhe secrel hand
of lhe Iady in Walerdeep (as opposed
lo lhe veII-knovn prieslesses of lhe
House of lhe Moon). She sponsors
and aids nany advenlurers, and has
acled as den nolher lo such fanous
lands as lhe Conpany of lhe CaIlrop
and lhe IIanehurIing Iive.
CHA 17).
ST 17, DLX 16, CN 17, INT 17, WIS 17,
CHA 16). The veaIlhiesl, and prol-
alIy lhe nosl skiIIed, shipluiIder in
Walerdeep, Arnagus is a very infIu-
enliaI nenler of nol onIy his guiId
lul of lrade nallers lhroughoul lhe
cily. He is friendIy lo aII, lul says IillIe,
and keeps oul of lhe pulIic eye as
nuch as possilIe. His sharp gaze
nisses IillIe, and he has leen knovn
lo reporl lhieves, snuggIers, nurder-
ers, and lhe Iike lo lhe cily valch.
(Ior shipluiIding fees and lines, see
la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.)
Lovialar). Asiyra eyes aII guesls for
possilIe converls/largels/feIIov
devolees, lul olhervise keeps her
failh secrel (lhough sone have heard
her vhip in lhe ceIIars, Iale al nighl).
Her oulvard nanner is one of
upper-crusl, nolIe dignily lul Iike
nany devolees of lhe Mislress of
Iain, she vears a lIood-lurrs leIl
under her govns lhal sonelines
lelrays her devolion.
|reliredj) AuIdenulh is a nasler
forger, lul is relired.
W9) Azilar is knovn for lhe en-
chanled fIying skuIIs lhal are aIvays
vilh hin, darling and hovering~and
spilling speIIs al his foes.
ST 17, WIS 16, CN 16). The propri-
elor of lhe IiIgrins Resl inn in Sea
Ward, BaIaghasl is a gruff, hard-
vorking relired nercenary. His
nanner conceaIs kindness and
viIIingness lo heIp lhose in need.
I5, ST 17, DLX 16, CN 16). Tvofisls,
lhe proprielor of lhe Red-Lyed vI
lavern in CaslIe Ward, is prone lo
lravIing and venching vilh equaI
vigor and noise. He is lIuff and
lrislIe-learded, vilh Iong, unkenpl
red hair. His rough voice is oflen
heard caIIing oul coarse jesls lo
lavern palrons, and his arn has a
deadIy ain vilh hurIed pIallers or
lankards. He is aIvays viIIing lo
pilch in lo a fighl.
T8, ST 16, DLX 17, WIS 16, CHA 16).
BaIlhorr is lhe Ioud-voiced and
friendIy proprielor of BaIlhorrs
Rare and WonderfuI Treasures in
CaslIe Ward. His haiI-feIIov veII-
nel, sincere alliludes are leIied ly
lhe facl lhal he secrelIy fences sloIen
goods and is synpalhelic lo lhe
Shadov Thieves (lhe oulIaved
Thieves CuiId).
BARL 5HARDRIN (CN hn I3). BarI is a
quiel, allenlive, poIile nan vho can
reveaI nuch aloul Walerdeep lo
anyone vho lolhers lo sil and laIk
vilh hin.
Ianpered TraveIer inn in CaslIe BELIARGE "OLD BOAR MADU5KAR (LN
hn I8, ST 17, CN 16) BeIiarge,
knovn as BeI lo his friends, is lhe
proprielor of lhe Svords Resl
lavern. This vary oId varrior is
grizzIed and sloul, lul sliII capalIe.
fal and Iazy vizard vho enjoys good
vine, aIe, and cheese, Beradyx
pursues speIIhurIing for hire in lhe
safe confines of a cily. He hires oul
for onIy nonconlal and IegaI
silualions. His speIIs are fev and his
Arl veak, earning hin lhe conlenpl
of nages Iike LIninsler. He vorks as
lhe lransporlalion nage for Auroras
Shop in Dock Ward.
|novj, ST 16). This veleran varrior
cones oul of relirenenl fron line
lo line, lul spends nosl of his days
uniling~for a snaII fee~hiresvords
vilh caravan naslers and olhers
vishing lo hire lhen. By day hes
usuaIIy lo le found silling on a slooI
in Virgin's Square, vhere lhe fighl-
ing nen have Iearned lo galher. By
nighl, hes lusy in one of lhe privale
roons of lhe BoveIs of lhe Larlh
lavern in Trades Ward~vhich he
ovns, aIlhough fev in lhe cily knov
lhal-or naking lhe rounds of olher
laverns and inns, Iooking for var-
riors vho need vork. ne-Lye is
grizzIed, hairy and sloul vilh lhickIy
nuscIed forearns lhal lrand hin as
a fighler fron far off. He aIvays
vears a ring cf |nc ran and a
tanpiric rcgcncra|icn ring and
carries al Ieasl one pc|icn cf supcr-
ncrcisn and one of cx|ra-nca|ing.
INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 16). Bralhan,
CuiIdnasler of lhe IeIIovship of
Innkeepers and proprielor of lhe
Ward, is soIenn, vary, and darkIy
handsone. Bralhan is lhe Iasl
survivor of an advenluring land
sIaughlered ly a nage il allacked in
a norlhern ruin. The nage, a horned
nan in purpIe roles vho caIIed
hinseIf ZuIorr Thaeran, svore hed
sIay every Iasl one of lhen sIovIy
and painfuIIy (lhough lhal vas lvo
decades ago). Bralhan is aIvays aIerl
for sone sign lhal lhe nage has
found hin al Iasl and is coning lo
lornenl and sIay hin.
DLX 16). Braun is proprielor of
IeIauvirs Counler slore in Soulh
Ward. Braun, vho is laII, leefy and
joviaI, has a nenory decades-Iong
and sharp vilh delaiI. He has IargeIy
relired fron lallIe.
IO, DLX 18, INT 18, CHA 16) Brazaun, a
feasl cook for hire of lriIIianl skiII, is
noled for his savory paslries and
vine-fIavored ices. His Iovesl fee is
1OO gp/nighl, payalIe in advance-
pIus, of course, lhe cosl of lhe ingre-
dienls he requires. These ingredienls
lypicaIIy cosl aloul 1O gp/guesl, and
nusl le Iaid in ly his cIienl, nol ly
lhe quick-lenpered, dashingIy
handsone Brazaun hinseIf. Brazaun
is given lo dancing and singing as he
vorks in lhe kilchen. Hes a Iady-
chaser and lippIer of Iegendary
ST 18/I2, CN 18, 7O hp~lhe naxi-
nun nunler possilIe). During
BuIaedos career as a varrior, he vas
poisoned nany lines, so is 4O IikeIy
lo le innune lo any poison used on
CHA 17). The Mernaid's Arns is run
ly CaIalhia Irosl, a handsone and
vinning Iady vilh a gorgeous,
lhroaly voice. She usuaIIy keeps lo
herseIf and does her jol, lul viII nol
condone any aclivilies lhal she
considers eviI going on in lhe inn.
She keeps her favorile Iong svord (a
|cng sucr +2) and a suil of chain
naiI in a cedar chesl al lhe fool of
her led, undernealh sone lIankels.
I1, ST 16, CN 17). CaIIanler is lhe
proprielor of lhe SIeepy SyIph lavern
in CaslIe Ward. He is laII, fal, and
dresses in CaIishile siIken finery,
vilh goId leIIs on lhe ends of his
nugc nuslache.
WIS 16). This cuIlured, niddIe-aged
counler cIerk of lhe CaslIe Ward
oulIel of lhe Auroras relaiI chain
vas lorn lo a veaIlhy faniIy of
Telhyr. CalhaI is nov an inveslor
deepIy inleresled in lhe lehind-lhe-
scenes deaIs of guiIds and nolIe
INT 18). CalhaIishaera, lhe recIusive,
shy ovner of lhe }ade Dancer, Ioves
lo aninale lhe fanous dancing
slalue for vhich her eslalIishnenl is
naned, lul vouId never dare lo
dance in pulIic herseIf. She is a one-
line apprenlice of Kappiyan IIur-
naslyr vho once soughl advenlure
lul vilhdrev in lerror fron lhe
dark nagic of laalezu lo a Iife of
hiding and using her nagic for snaII
lhings. She secrelIy dreans of
neeling a lrave, Ioving, young
vizard lo prolecl her and lo lasle
advenlure vilh hin again.
INT 16, WIS 16). Chelh, proprielor of
lhe Wandering Wenic inn in Sea
Ward, devoles his Iife lo luiIding his
inn inlo a speciaI pIace. He is lig and
lurIy vilh lIond hair and lroad
shouIders. AIlhough he conveys an
easygoing nalure, he is far nore aIerl
lhan he seens, and never forgels a
face or any dells or chealing.
ChuIdan is a sIy nan of nany secrels.
He reninds sone of a fox or a
I14, ST 18/O2, DLX 17, INT 16, WIS 17,
CN 16, CHA 16).This fal, joIIy laIding
learded proprielor of lhe Id
XolIol Shop aIvays has luIging
pockels and aIvays carries on his
person lhe foIIoving nagic: a ring cf
frcc ac|icn, a ring cf spc|| |urning, a
grccns|cnc anu|c|, 2 pc|icns cf
cx|ra-nca|ing, an c|ixir cf nca||n, 2
ircn oans cf 8i|arrc spheres, and 6
ocas cf fcrcc. He nay veII carry
nore nagic and definileIy has an
intisio|c orca sucr +3 sonevhere
near al hand.
INT 17, WIS 17). WhiIe he is spokes-
nan for lhe rder of CollIers &
Corvisers, Darion is aIso lhe propri-
elor of his ovn very expensive, lul
lop-quaIily, shop in Norlh Ward.
Darion is sonelines sarcaslic,
exlreneIy veaIlhy, and handsone.
He is runored lo have severaI nolIe
Iadies as inlinale conpanions and lo
hoId lhe ear of lhe Lords of Waler-
deep. Darion is secrelIy a vislfuI
vouId-le advenlurer vho aIvays
Iikes lo hear laIes of danger. He
sonelines sponsors advenluring
DLX 18, INT 16). Daunl Buirune is
relired fron lhieving and is nov lhe
proprielor of lhe Red CaunlIel
lavern. He is siIenl, valchfuI, and
aIvays pIeasanlIy vary.
ST 17, WIS 17, CN 17). DeIlorggan is
a grizzIed, one-eyed ex-advenlurer.
IornerIy he vas a fanous hero of
norlhern expIoralion vho Ied lhe
nen of Lilh lhrough nany nonslers
and icy periIs lo reach isoIaled
Snovkeep. He is a nan driven lo
advenluring ly grief (as he says, Ior
il is an iII lhing~a heavy lhing~for a
loy lo le nol Ioved ly his falher),
vho nov vievs lhe vorId vilh
luoyanl, if cynicaI, good hunor. As
lhe proprielor of lhe Riven ShieId
Shop in Trades Ward, hes aIvays
arned vilh nagic ilens, incIuding
(under his eyepalch) a vailing
nagicaI eyecusp lhal can spoul
leans of fire vhen he desires
(delaiIs of lhis ilen Iefl lo lhe DM).
I2, DLX 16, CHA 16).
INT 18). DhaunryI ZaIinlar is lhe laII,
kindIy, gangIing and ralher shy
service-nage of lhe Trades Ward
oulIel of lhe Auroras relaiI chain. A
sludious sorl vilh IillIe lasle for
danger or advenlure, DhaunryI is a
coIIeclor and sludenl of heraIdic
devices. He skelches aII ladges, cresls,
and esculcheons he sees in Waler-
deep, as veII as noling dovn and
nenorizing nosl of lhe nolloes he
17). DIarna Suone is lhe chief guiId
luyer and seIIer for lhe Vinlners (el
aI,) CuiId. She resides al lheir head-
quarlers, lhe House of Cood Spirils.
Sharp-lenpered and sharp-villed,
she is quick lo size up a person and
lo sneII deceil. Her hollies are
lreeding cals and racing horses. (She
Iikes lo le in lhe saddIe.)
IN 16). DolIin, proprielor of Counars
Tavern in Sea Ward, is a coId, seIf-
inporlanl, crueI and arroganl nan
of culling nanners and an open Iack
of caring for olhers.
17, CN 18). A genlIe, laIding gianl of
a nan, LaenguI SkuIIcrovn is
descended fron a nov-faIIen nolIe
faniIy of Ann. He is nov lhe propri-
elor of lhe IriendIy IIounder in
Dock Ward. Hes repuled lo have a
naluraI laIenl for seeing lhe auras of
nagicaI ilens and enchanlnenls.
ST 17, DLX 17). As housenasler
(securily chief) of lhe CenlIe Mer-
naid in Norlh Ward, LirakIon
oversees lhe daiIy running of lhe
pIace, lul is seIdon seen ly palrons.
He suspecls lhal shady noney lacks
lhe Mernaid, lul dares nol lry lo
invesligale. His suspicions have
arisen lecause lheres so nuch
noney passing lhrough lhe Mer-
naid, and ils spending is never
queslioned ly anyone. LirakIon aIso
has lhe conslanl feeIing of leing
valched. Xanalhar (lhe lehoIder
crine Iord of Walerdeep) vanls an
unvilling, respeclalIe agenl doing
his lesl for lhe Mernaid, and so
LirakIon has a free hand in hiring
and nanaging in order lo nake lhe
Mernaid lhe lesl possilIe pIace of ils
kind. His efforls nake lhe Mernaid
profilalIe in ils ovn righl and a
neans of allracling inlo lhe cily
veaIlhy foIk vho can lhen le
is lhe slalIeloy al lhe House of Cood
Spirils, and an experl guide lo lhe
ganlIing houses and feslhaIIs of
Walerdeep. He is a nenler of lhe
Vinlners (el aI.) CuiId.
EVETHE UNTU5K (CC haIf-eIf f I4,
DLX 18, CHA 17). Lvelhe is a dancer,
larlender, escorl, and parl-ovner of
lhe Copper Cup. She is knovn for
her Iove of nusic, especiaIIy eIven
songs and hunan laIIads aloul
17, INT 17). IeIdyn is lhe nondescripl-
Iooking, coId slralegisl vho is lhe
ovner of lhe Id Monsler Shop. He
has leen descriled as a dangerous,
palienl eneny.
IeIilarr BIackIance is lhe deveIoper
of lhe o|ac||ancc lIasl lean speII.
He is a crueI kiIIer.
16, INT 16). IeIslan is lhe anialIe
keeper of lhe CIiffvalch Inn in
Norlh Ward. He is quick lo heIp-
advenlurers and a greal fund of free
Iore lo Iodgers on lhe laIk of lhe cily
and advenluring deeds.
17, WIS 17, CN 18). IeIzoun is lhe
proprielor of IeIzouns IoIIy lavern
in Trades Ward. He is a Ioud-voiced,
incredilIy energelic hosl vho is
aIvays luslIing aloul. He fears no
one and aIvays carries lvo lhroving
axes under his apron. IeIzoun is
lrislIe-learded and laIding, vilh a
red face and red leard.
FILIARE (LN hn I5 |novj, ST 16, INT
16, CHA 16). IiIiare, a joviaI ex-nerce-
nary, is lhe proprielor of lhe Inn of
lhe Dripping Dagger in Trades Ward.
He has leen knovn lo shov kind-
ness lo advenlurers and nercenaries
dovn on lheir Iuck. He is aIso lhe
falher confessor lo, and soneline
inlinale friend of, nany unhappy
nolIevonen of Walerdeep.
DLX 16, INT 16, CHA 16). This cally
young nolIe is devoled lo feslive
frivoIily, fighling vilh her sociaI
rivaIs, and sanpIing as nany young
nen as she can enlice inlo her reach.
Lady CaIinda can lriefIy le seen al
lhis vork in lhe noveI ||fsnacu.
Tynora). CeIfuriI is a relired priesl.
DLX 16, WIS 16). Cordryn is a caIn,
expressionIess nan vho is second
guiId luyer (afler DIarna Suone) for
lhe Vinlners (el aI.) CuiId. He resides
al lheir headquarlers, The House of
Cood Spirils. He is secrelIy a ganlIer
and heaviIy in dell. Cordryn is a
knovn nasler lIender of vines.
18). Colhnorgan is lhe proprielor of
lhe Singing Svord lavern in CaslIe
Ward. He is a IikalIe forner adven-
lurer vho relired vhen he found
lhe svord (of lhe lavern's nane) in a
nonsler-haunled ruin. Colhnorgan
is laII and poIile. WhiIe he is aIvays
valchfuI, he is knovn prinariIy for
his dry hunor. His veaIlh increases
CuIlh is lhe proprielor of lhe IuII
Cup lavern. A nasaI-voiced, coIdIy
poIile veaseI of a nan, he prolalIy
has hidden nagic ilens on his
person for defense.
ST 1B/OO, CN 16). CulhIakh slands
nore lhan six-and-a-haIf feel laII,
vilh corded nuscIes and a lallered,
svord-scarred face. He is lhe propri-
elor of lhe SaiIors vn, a dockside
lavern in CaslIe Ward. His deneanor
is sIov and deIilerale, and he seIdon
DLX 18). Hahsloz is lhe crooked
proprielor of lhe CoIden Horn
CanlIing House in Trades Ward. A
dark-haired and conpIexioned,
haliluaIIy expressionIess nan, he
noves vilh a siIenl grace.
HALA MYRT (NL hn I5, ST 16). HaIa
Myrl, a fal, resenlfuI nan, spends
nosl of his days silling on a larslooI
al lhe Crinning Lion lavern, as a
conlacl for lhe fence rIpar
Husleen. He is a vary nan and
carries a capsuIe of drean sauce in
his hair. If he liles il, heII faII in-
slanlIy inlo a sIunler of viId,
svirIing dreans fron vhich he canl
le roused for Id6 days. During lhis
line, even nagicaI neans vonl
arouse hin or enalIe olhers lo Iearn
lhings ly conpeIIed queslioning or
16, CHA 15). HaIidara, vho is lhe
ovner of lhe Three IearIs NighlcIul,
an exolic dancer and a shrevd
inveslor, Iives a Iife of Iuxury and
parly-going in lhe cilys Norlh Ward
and parlakes oflen and heaviIy of
chocoIales and anlerjack sherry
18, INT 17, CN 16, CHA 16). HiIner is
a nasler arnorer and proprielor of
his ovn shop in CaslIe Ward. AI-
lhough he is nov relired, as an
advenlurer he vas knovn lo have
expIored Mylh Drannor and nuch
of Undernounlain. He is laII vilh
lroad shouIders. He is knovn lo le
jusl, honesl, and sofl-spoken. He is a
cIose friend of suspecled Lords
Durnan and LaeraI.
18, WIS 18). HIondagIus is a shorl, shy
ugIy IillIe nan vilh nisshapen
fealures and one vooden Ieg. He is
fierceIy IoyaI lo lhe RueIIs (Aralhka
and DandaIus).
ILDAR OR5ABBA5 (CL hn IO). IIdar, lhe
sloul, fun-Ioving, sIighlIy ponpous
proprielor of rsallass Iine In-
porls in Trades Ward, is nicknaned
lhe Duke of Darkness for lhe
nasked, sinisler guise he vears lo
nolIes' feasls. WhiIe he is vearing
lhis coslune, he Ioves lo lhrealen,
dance, and seduce. He goes lo such
feasls parlIy lo sanpIe lhe lapeslries,
vines, and perfunes lhal he has
leen knovn lo fence~a lrade lhal
has earned hin his olher nicknane:
ST 17, DLX 17, CHA 16). IIinlar is a
dancer, escorl, larlender, and parl-
ovner of lhe Copper Cup. He sees aII
lul says IillIe.
CHA 16).
ST 17, CN 17). IInairen, a fal, dark-
eyed dvarf, acls as a conlacl vilh his
friend }aerIoon for dvarves visiling
Walerdeep. He vorks fron lhe
dining roon of lhe Raging Lion inn
in Norlh Ward. He is a skiIIed
vhillIer and ninic, and has oflen
leen knovn lo sing as sveelIy as any
hunan soprano as he parodies a
singers perfornance.
DLX 17, INT 17, CHA 16). Innilhar
ovns and runs lhe BIue }ack lavern
in CaslIe Ward. He is a fasl-noving
and quick-villed feIIov vho is
knovn as a joker, a good slralegisl,
and a good judge of characler and
consequences. He is aIso an experl
ninic. He relired fron lhieving, and
nov invesls in shipping and renlaI
I7, ST 16, DLX 16, CHA 16). }aerIoon,
vilh his friend, IInairen, acls as a
conlacl for dvarves in Walerdeep
fron a lase in lhe dining roon of
lhe Raging Lion inn in Norlh Ward.
He is a vhile-learded, vealher-faced
lul kingIy dvarf, vho is a skiIIed
]atha|llra Thlndre|
vhillIer and vreslIer. }aerIoon is
uncanniIy adepl al slriking nissiIes
oul of lhe air or calching lhen
(consider his DLX lo le 21 vhen
deaIing vilh nissiIes).
18, INT 17, CHA 16). }alhaIiira is lhe
pelile, perl, and aIvays-luslIing
proprielress of lhe House of IurpIe
SiIks feslhaII in Sea Ward. She is
sharp-lenpered lul passionale,
niddIe-aged, and veaIlhy. She has
luiIl up a Iarge forlune (aInosl a
niIIion gp in ready cash) ly shrevd
inveslnenls in Walerdhavian
conpanies and ly carefuIIy purchas-
ing vaIualIe cily reaI eslale. (The reaI
eslales vaIue is cIose lo anolher four
niIIion gp.) She has arrangenenls
vilh lhe WalchfuI rder lo rescue
her in lhe case of kidnapping and
ranson, vhen she caIIs lhen ly
neans of a cerlain nagicaI leII lhal
she vears in her hair. Lach use of lhe
leII cosls her 4O,OOO gp, lul shes onIy
had lo use il lvice. Lach line she
seized nore lhan lhe fee fron her
vouId-le caplor. }alhaIiira can aIso

caII on her louncers and her friend,

KheIlen Arunsun, for supporl and
hf I1). Molher HIonnoralh is fal,
luslIing, and gossipy. Any secrel loId
lo her is aII over lhe cily vilhin lhe
JANE55 IMRI5TAR (CN hf I3, INT 16).
}aness Inrislar ovns and runs lhe
Spouling Iish lavern. She is a shorl,
nousy Ioud-voiced vonan vho is
aIvays luslIing. She is quile fearIess.
18). This coId, nuch-haled lookseIIer
and fence is a covard lorn Iong ago
in ruraI Ann vho earIy on discov-
ered hov lo nake pc|icns cf |cngct-
i|q and lhen kiIIed lhe nan he
Iearned lhal Iore fron. Hes galhered
nuch nagicaI Iore over lhe years,
and has sunnoned laalezu, lrained
and nagicaIIy lound various guard-
ian crealures, and coIIecled lhe
foIIoving nagicaI ilens lhal he
carries on his person or keeps near
al hand in his office: a uan cf
para|qza|icn, a orcccn cf snic|ing, a
lag of us| cf |racc|cssncss, a pair of
cqcs cf ninu|c sccing Ienses, a pair
of gaun||c|s cf cgrc pcucr, a pair of
gaun||c|s cf suinning an c|ino-
ing, a na| cf isguisc, severaI jars of
Kccgn|cn's cin|ncn|, a ncc||acc cf
aap|a|icn, a pcriap| cf prccf
agains| pciscn, and a coIIeclion of an
unknovn nunler of Quaa|'s fca|ncr
|c|cns. }annaxiI aIso possesses an
unknovn nunler of speIIlooks and
olher nagicaI ilens, hidden in a
cache sonevhere underground in
CHA 14). }andriI is a dancer, escorl,
larlender, and parl-ovner of lhe
Copper Cup. She is knovn for her
frequenl changes in her (ralher
inpassioned) reIalionships vilh her
inlinale friends, vhich usuaIIy end
in lenpesluous fighls in vhich
nany lhings gel lroken.
INT 17, CHA 16). }hanl, a vary, sharp-
fealured, fox-Iike, unpIeasanl and
rulhIess nan, is officiaIIy ovner of
lhe CenlIe Mernaid in Norlh Ward.
He is acluaIIy a fronl nan for lhe
lehoIder crine Iord Xanalhar Before
leconing Xanalhars agenl, }hanl
vas a caravan ovner and noney-
Iender operaling oul of BaIdurs Cale,
aIlhough il is nol a veII-knovn facl
in Walerdeep. }hanl runs snuggIing,
noney drop, kidnapping, and goods
reaIIocalion errands for Xanalhar,
and is seIdon al lhe Mernaid.
INT 18, CHA 16). Al over 9O years of
age, Kappiyan is laII, lhin, and dislin-
guished. He is knovn as Walerdeeps
polion vizard and is lhe kindIy
lulor lo a succession of fenaIe
apprenlices. A noled naker of
polions and periapls, Kappiyan is aIso
aIvays researching lhe leller
speIIcasling of Iov-IeveI nagics. He is
noved lo anger ly lhe nisuse of
nagic. He aIvays vears roles, vilh a
uan cf para|qza|icn up one sIeeve,
a uan cf nagic nissi|cs up lhe
olher (in forearn shealhs), and a
uan cf ncga|icn dovn one lool. Al
his leIl he carries a pIain, non-
nagicaI dagger, a Iighl purse, and al
Ieasl lhree pc|icns cf nca|ing.
17, INT 18, CHA 16). KalhIiira is a
fanous hire cook vho goes lo a
cIienl's kilchen and vhips up lhe
food for a feasl vilh ingredienls
aIready Iaid in. Her sveels are
Iegendary up and dovn lhe Svord
Coasl, lul LIninsler and KheIlen
BIackslaff Arunsun lolh agree her
soups are her lrue naslerpieces.
Theyre lhe lesl lheyve ever had on
any vorId! KalhIiiras fee is aIvays
2OO gp/nighl. flen connon foIk
join purses logelher lo hire her for a
house parly, vhereas nosl hire cooks
onIy caler lo lhe veaIlhy and nolIe.
INT 16). KhaIou is lhe fal, laIkalive,
vise-cracking Iady larlender of lhe
}ade Dancer. She Ioves lo laIk lo
guesls, and is knovn as a greal
source of jokes, infornalion on
currenl fads and inleresls anong lhe
young, and gossip aloul Walerdeeps
rich and nolIe foIk~especiaIIy
envious laIk of gens and exlrava-
INT 18). Kriios, guiIdnasler of lhe
CounciI of Musicians, Inslrunenl-
Makers, and Chorislers, is a nalch-
Iess Iulenaker and a skiIIed
harpnaker. He is lhe proprielor of
HaIanlar Lules & Harps in CaslIe
Ward. Kriios is haliluaIIy expression-
Iess and has unusuaI, Iarge, lIack-
pupiIed eyes. He is a very veaIlhy
snol and a severe crilic of nusicians.
He hoIds hinseIf as loo exaIled lo
arrange nusic for a nolIes feasl, lul
is a suppIier of inslrunenls lo nany
nusicians vho nusl pIay al such
feasls lo nake a Iiving.
17, CHA 15). LeiIalha is an escaped
sIave fron ChuIl vho gave her
CaIishile naslers lhe sIip in Waler-
deep Iong ago and kiIIed lhen vhen
lhey cane Iooking for her. Her enlire
lody is covered in lalloos. She keeps
her skin oiIed excepl vhen creeping
around rooflops al nighl lo go
16). LhaerhIin is lhe affalIe lul slone-
faced proprielor of lhe Raging Lion
inn in Norlh Ward. A laII, sloul nan
of nany secrels, he aIvays vears a
ring cf spc|| |urning and a ring cf
|ign|ning (equaI lo a uan cf |ign|-
LOENE (CC hf I9 |novj, ST16, DLX
17, CHA 16). Loene, a gracefuI, sensu-
ous forner pIeasure girI, vas res-
cued fron sIavery ly lhe Conpany
of Crazed Venlurers. She von a pIace
in lheir ranks, and Ialer lecane a
ganlIer, advenluress for hire, and
lhe Iady Iove of Mirl. Today she is a
rich IandIord in lhe cily. She sliII
lrains varriors and can le hired as
an advenluress for 2 gp/day. She
vears a ring cf spc|| s|cring hoIding
ispc| nagic, f|q scning, and ua||
cf fcrcc. She has Iarge hazeI eyes, a
nagnificenl lavny lody and dark
lIonde hair. She viII use lhe scning
lo caII on lhe |nov 14lh IeveIj nage
Nain KeenvhislIer for aid vhen her
Iife is in periI.
16, INT 18 CHA 16). Logros is service-
nage lo lhe Soulh Ward Auroras
oulIel. Arroganl and given lo acling
inporlanl and nyslerious, he
desperaleIy vanls lo le parl of reaI
inlrigue~vilh a nininun of
DLX 17, INT 16, CHA 17). None knov
lhe lrue nane of lhis nyslerious
Iady of lhe evening vho frequenls
}eslers Courl in CaslIe Ward. She can
le found lhere on varner evenings,
pIaying a harp, Iyre, or Iule. She has a
pIeasanl singing voice, and aIvays
appears nasked. She enlerlains
cIienls nearly on lhe vooded sIopes
of Mounl Walerdeep. Sone say shes a
Harper agenl, olhers lhal shes
denenled or sone sorl of spy for a
foreign reaIn. Her lrue origins, ains,
and pasl renain olscure.
17, INT 18, CHA 16). Lady Masler of
lhe rder Mhair SzeIlune is head of
lhe WalchfuI rder of Magisls &
Iroleclors. A serene, efficienl, pelile
Iady of iron viII, she is an uncon-
nonIy good judge of characler. She is
friend lo KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun, has Iong, gIossy lIack hair,
and very, very lIue eyes. She usuaIIy
carries a slaff vhen in pulIic~
Mhalr Ste|tune
repuled (correclIy, LIninsler says) lo
le a s|aff cf |nc nagi. Mhair oflen
vanders lhe cily in lhe nagicaI guise
of an oId crone Ieaning on her slick
(lhe slaff) in order lo see vhal
lrealnenl sheII gel and vhals going
on vhen lheres no one inporlanl lo
see. She has leen knovn lo leach
advenlurers vho lease or lornenl
lhe ugIy oId Iady a sharp Iesson.
Hovever, Mhair can le a kind, IoyaI
hn IO, ST 17, DLX 17). Moralhin is a
lurIy hearly nan skiIIed al lulchery.
He is an experl, slrong-slonached
judge of nuscuIalure, and lhe lype,
age, and condilion of neal. (He can
leII diseased neal vilh 88 accuracy
and lainled/poisoned neal 94 of
lhe line.) Moralhin is Second Knife
of, and pulIic conlacl for, lhe CuiId
of Bulchers. He nakes over 4OO gp
cIear profil on a lypicaI lusiness day
and is considered a very rich nan.
16, CHA 16). MriI is lhe counler cIerk
al lhe Soulh Ward Auroras oulIel.
She Ioves drinks, jokes, and dancing,
and is friendIy lo aII.
hn I6, ST 17,DLX17,CN17).
Mrorns nicknane cones fron lhe
lracers he never renoves, vhich are
lIack-hued oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC2.
He Ieads lhe seven louncers al lhe
House of Cood Spirils, and is a caIn,
no-nonsense, unlaIkalive nan of
quiel voice and iron slrenglh.
n I6, ST 16, IN 16). Rare anong his
kind for his inleIIecl and nine fool
heighl, lhis dignified, fearIess indi-
viduaI lends lar al lhe Misly Beard
lavern in Norlh Ward. Munzrin is
sensilive and caring. Hes a keen
sludy of hunan Iife, and is greal
friends vilh a speclalor naned
Thoin ZaIann. Hunan fenaIes
have legun lo inleresl hin~and he
has lefriended nol onIy his enpIoy-
ers, lul severaI reguIar palrons.
ST 18/O4, WIS 16). This noled veap-
ons lulor nakes a good Iiving
lraining aII vho pay his fees in lhe
experl use of veapons. Myrnilh is
aIvays aIerl, and il is said he never
sIeeps and can see lehind hin.
Myrnilh, vho is a very slrong nan,
is an ex-advenlurer and nercenary
vho accunuIaled quile a fev nagic
ilens and goId pieces lefore sellIing
dovn in Walerdeep. He aIso picked
up nany poverfuI vizards up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl Norlh as
hf T3, DLX 16, CHA 16). NaneelhiI is
fanous for lhe lalloo of a verlicaI
svord, hiIl uppernosl, lhal runs
dovn her fronl fron lhroal lo
crolch. Il is nol acluaIIy a laloo, lul a
lrand, forcilIy lesloved on her ly
orc sIavers inlending lo seII her lo
Thayan luyers. She escaped lhen
years ago.
hn W12, INT 18, WIS 16, CN 16).
NarlhindIar is a vizard vho Ioves
nagic concerned vilh groving
lhings and has a fondness for
Ienons. He inslaIIed lhe Ienon lrees
in Lenonlree AIIey and nagicaIIy
nurlures lhen. A shy reliring, ralher
paranoid feIIov, he is knovn as
NarlhindIar of lhe Nine SpeIIs
lecause he vorked vilh a priesl of
SiIvanus lo deveIop a speciaI ccn|in-
gcncq speII lhal lriggers nine precasl
firsl IeveI priesl speIIs upon his
person vhen he is lroughl lo 4 hp
or Iess or vhen he speaks a secrel
aclivalion vord. These speIIs are
o|css, curc |ign| ucuns, pass
ui|ncu| |racc, prc|cc|icn frcn cti|,
and sanc|uarq. He has used lhis speII
lvice~once vhen lesel ly raiding
orcs in lhe viIds and once vhen
allacked ly lrigands in an aIIey in
Walerdeep~so nosl of lhe cily foIk
have heard of il.
18, INT 18, CHA 16). NIeera is a Harper
nage vho has recenlIy legun lo acl
as a conlacl for Those Who Harp ly
inpersonaling one of lhe Tesper
faniIy ghosls~vilh lhe aid of lhe
ghosls lhenseIves~during pulIic
parlies al lhe Tespergales viIIa in Sea
Ward. She is denure, caulious, and
veII arned vilh nagic ilens and
speIIs, incIuding one lhal viII sun-
non lhe cily guard al fuII speed
shouId she need lhen.
17). Ihin ShaIul, a veaIlhy inveslor
and relired advenlurer, is lhe
proprielor of lhe Ships WheeI lavern
in Sea Ward. He is oId, affalIe, and
ponpous. He aIvays vears or carries
a ring cf o|in|ing, a ring cf prc|cc-
|icn +3 a rc cf |cr|q nign|, an ircn
oans cf 8i|arrc sphere, and a sncr|
sucr cf quic|ncss (+2). He aIso
ovns olher nagic ilens, vhich he
viII use vhen expecling lroulIe.
18/OO, CN 17). nganar lends lar in
lhe BoveIs of lhe Larlh lavern and is
lhe friend and confidanl of lhe
ovner, BIazidon ne-Lye. He is even-
lenpered, laId, and incredilIy
nuscuIar He vears lvo goId ear-
rings~an carring cf spc|| |urning,
vhich funclions as lhe nagicaI ring
of lhe sane nane, and an carring cf
prc|cc|icn +3 vhich aIso funclions
as lhe ring of lhe sane nane.
nshaII vorks vilh lanarri. He is
knovn for aIvays vorking revenge
on lhose vho deaI hin even lhe
sIighlesl of sellacks.
18/O4). rlIaer is fal and vears a fuII
WIS 17). rguIa is lhe counler cIerk
of lhe Trades Ward oulIel of lhe
Auroras ReaIns Shop calaIogue
relaiI chain. She is a sloul, niddIe-
aged nolherIy sorl, vhose easy
nanner and encycIopedic knovI-
edge of lhe ReaIns~and of Auroras
slock~have nade her fanous anong
palrons. She never forgels a face and
has a perfecl nenory for delaiIs of
dress and descriplion. She serves as a
Or|piir Hanncrs|ar
Harper conlacl and one of nany sels
of eyes for Iiergeiron.
17, INT 17, CHA 17). rIolh is lhe
counler cIerk for lhe Sea Ward oulIel
of lhe Auroras relaiI chain. He is a
nan of effeninale nanners (len-
pered vilh lacl and courlesy) vho
has superl lasle and lhe knack of
recaIIing coIors preciseIy even vhen
seen onIy once and Iong ago.
INT 17). rIpar is lhe lored, lhriII-
seeking, cunning younger lrolher of
rlos, head of lhe Husleen nolIe
faniIy. Iron his house on CoIden
Serpenl Slreel, he operales as a fence,
deaIing IargeIy in spices, scenls,
vines, and various polions, lul
occasionaIIy in Iarge and unique
lhefls. Unleknovnsl lo aInosl
everyone in Walerdeep, rIpar has
conneclions lo lhe lehoIder Xana-
lhar, vho has given hin a snaII
dealh lyranl (an undead lehoIder,
nissing severaI of ils eyes) lo defend
his vauIls, vhich have sever lunneI
conneclions lo areas used ly Xana-
lhars organizalion. rIpar prolalIy
aIso has a hired nage and nagic
ilens lo defend hinseIf vilh.
oneline cily guardsnan, rIpiir is
nov proprielor of lhe Crey Serpenl
inn in Trades Ward. rIpiir is a nan
vilh dvarven lIood in his renole
pasl (hence lhe faniIy nane), lul he
hinseIf is aInosl seven feel laII. He is
lhin and auslere, vilh a cuIlured
voice and a leaky nose. rIpiir is
very rich. He aIvays vears a ring cf
spc|| |urning, vhich is his onIy
nagicaI lreasure.
WIS 16). slrin is lhe fal, very shorl,
red-faced proprielor of SeIchouns
Sundries Shop in Sea Ward. He
aIvays seens oul of lrealh, lul has a
roIIing gail and an energelic, cheer-
fuI nalure.
PELDAN THRAEL (LN hn I2). IeIdan is
niddIe-aged, of niddIing heighl,
nondescripl, and nuslachioed.
veraII, he is lhe lype vho lIends
veII inlo crovds.
DLX 16, INT 18). IerendeI is lhe
proprielor of lhe SniIing Siren
lhealer and nighlcIul in CaslIe Ward.
He is a sIin, young, inlense Iover of
lhe arls, and lhe learer of a dapper
lhin nuslache. IerendeI dreans of
neeling and narrying a leaulifuI
fenaIe lard. He is hopeIessIy snillen
vilh lhe SinluI, vhon he sav once
fron afar. She vas using speIIs lo
lIasl a land of orcs lo so nuch
snoking neal.
18, INT 16). IhaIanlar is a rich nan
vho sponsors advenlurers and
nercenaries, and guards hinseIf
vilh nagicaI dusls and poisonous
gases. He has lecone parliaIIy or
vhoIIy innune lo nany. He is lhe
proprielor of IhaIanlars IhiIlres &
Conponenls shop in CaslIe Ward.
IhaIanlar aIvays sniIes genlIy and
noves snoolhIy and quielIy.
CHA 17). IhandaIue is lhe lrealhlak-
ingIy leaulifuI counler cIerk of lhe
Norlh Ward Auroras oulIel. Despile
her sharp longue and shorl loIer-
ance for fooIs, she is conslanlIy
pursued ly haIf lhe young nolIe
naIes of Walerdeep.
16). Quendever IIislryn ovns and
operales lhe Unicorn's Horn inn in
Trades Ward. A haughly effele, very
rich nan of Annian descenl and
nolIe airs, he Iikes lo ganlIe and
puls on disguises lo go lavern
cravIing in Dock Ward for excile-
nenl. He is indoIenl and unskiIIed,
lul exceedingIy handsone and veII-
18). Quirlan is lhe service-nage of lhe
Norlh Ward Auroras oulIel. He is
secrelIy a linid fan of advenlurers
and high-Iiving nolIes, and he aIvays
acls nyslerious and sinisler, as if al
lhe hearl of aII inlrigue in Waler-
deep. This nanner anuses nany, lul
aIso gels hin inviled lo a Iol of
parlies. To an advenlurer, Quirlan is
usefuI onIy as a source of inforna-
lion overheard al such feasls.
REETHA (CC hf I9, ST 18/O4, CN 16).
A larlarian of genlIe hunor vilh
an inpish derision for cuIlured vays
and snollery, Reelha has a Iove of
vreslIing vilh nen as Iarge and as
slrong as herseIf, parlicuIarIy
WIS 16, CHA 16). ReIchoz is lhe shorl,
joIIy, gIullonous proprielor of Hriial
Iine Iaslries in Norlh Ward. He is lhe
pulIic conlacl for lhe Bakers CuiId
and~lhough nosl Walerdhavians
vouId le aslonished lo Iearn il~one
of lhe veaIlhiesl inveslors in lhe cily
vho has a share in aInosl a fiflh of
aII currenl nonguiId-excIusive
lusiness concerns.
T6, DLX 17, WIS 17). RuufdeideI is a
shorl, inp-Iike nan vho is aIvays
sniIing and is good al hiding, noving
siIenlIy, and passing unnoliced.
Roove is one of lhe lesl eavesdrop-
pers in Walerdeep, and can usuaIIy
le found for hire in Mouse AIIey.
5ABBAR (CL hn W17`). LIninsler
has no idea if lhis infanous vizard is
sliII aIive or nol. He had Iearned lhe
neans lo lraveI lhe pIanes vhen he
disappeared, and his sanily vas nol
lhen vhal nosl foIk vouId caII
slalIe, eilher. He is prolalIy dead, lul
nay yel reappear.
hn W1O). Saerghon lhe Magnificenl
is lhe service-nage for lhe Sea Ward
oulIel of Auroras. A ponpous nan
of airs and fIourishes, Saerghon
hasnl naslered haIf lhe nagic he
ovns, and depends for his safely on
lhe rings cf spc|| |urning and spc||
s|cring lhal he vears. (The ring cf
spc|| s|cring conlains: intisioi|i|q
f|q, |tar's o|ac| |cn|ac|cs, uizar
cqc, and fcco|cnin). AIong vilh
lhese lvo rings, Saerghon vears
nany olher sparkIing legenned
rings, so lhal every finger is adorned.
17). SeIcharron is lhe louncer al lhe
}ade Dancer. An aIerl, grinIy serious
nan vho has gone laId young, lul
relains a rally red leard, Secharoon
is proud of his Iarge, ornale (and
enchanled~jusl vhal lhey do, he
keeps secrel) goIden earrings. When
on duly, he vears a ring cf intisioi|-
i|q and a ring cf junping and vieIds
a uan cf para|qza|icn.
Shalra vas once a priesless of
Tynora~unliI she grev loo caulious.
Shes sliII a 7lh~IeveI priesless lecause
Tynora sliII renenlers her youlh-
fuI advenluring expIoils fondIy.
Shalra viII fighl or allenpl any-
lhing dangerous onIy in an ener-
gency and has nov 54 vinlers. The
disarrangenenl lhal a speciaIIy
enchanled intisio|c nacc +4 hang-
ing al her leIl causes is conceaIed ly
a ragged haIf-cIoak.
ShaIanna Dulhnere is a paIe, vorn-
Iooking Iady fron Daggerford vho
direcls her six daughlers in running
lhe inn. She is a vidov and is very
lighl vilh noney. She secrelIy
dreans lhal a dashing, handsone
advenlurer viII ride in soneday and
nake her happy for lhe resl of her
days. The leauly of her leen-aged
daughlers nakes il nore IikeIy lhal
any dashing heroes viII go for lhen
16, INT 18, CHA 16). ShaIar is lhe 16-
year-oId currenl apprenlice of
Kappiyan IIurnaslyr. She is an
earnesl and enolionaI Iass vho
keeps house for Kappiyan and vears
lreeches, lools, lunic, and a pcriap|
cf prc|cc|icn +1 (equaI in effecls lo a
nagicaI ring cf prc|cc|icn).
is kindIy pIain, niddIe-aged, and very,
very olservanl.
5HALRIN MERAEDO5 (LN hn I6 |novj,
ST 16, INT 18, WIS 16). ShaIrin, CenlIe-
nan Keeper of lhe SoIenn rder of
Recognized Iurriers & WooInen, is
lhe carefuI, olservanl, sofl-spoken
proprielor of Maerados Iine Iurs.
The fur haIf-cIoak he aIvays vears
conceaIs lvin shouIder-shealhed
sucrs cf ancing lhal fIy lack lo
hin vhen he caIIs lhen. He is
knovn lo use olher proleclive
nagics and is runored lo have
recenlIy legun a sleIIar advenluring
career in Undernounlain and lhe
ReaIns BeIov. He viII nol speak of
such nallers.
hf W21`). This vizardess dveIIs
sonevhere in lhe Norlh, lul is
runored lo have an alode in Waler-
deep lo vhich she cones onIy in
nagicaI disguise. Her nicknane
cones fron speIIs shes deveIoped
lhal aIIov her lo dupIicale nany
dragon povers, so lhal Iesser nages
have svorn she had an invisilIe
dragon presenl lo aid her. LIninsler
doesnl knov vhal shes up lo lhese
days. She has leen knovn lo send
varnings and infornalion lo IocaI
Harpers fron line lo line.
(CC hf W16).
17, INT 17). ShuIneira CondaIin is
lhe proprielress of CondaIins inn in
Trades Ward, and lhe granddaughler
of ils founder. She is young, shorl,
sIin, and pIain, lul charning. She
runs lhe inn vilh quiel experlise.
5HYRRHR (NC hf IO, DLX 16, CHA 16).
Shyrrhr is a Iady of lhe courl vho
vorks for Iiergeiron chaperoning-
and spying on-dipIonals and olher
inporlanl visilors. She vas lorn in
DeepingdaIe, lul is nov ranked as a
nolIe in Walerdeep. A laII, perceplive
vonan vilh green eyes and Iong,
slraighl lronze-hued hair, Shyrrhr is
eIeganl, kind, sofl-spoken, and can
drink greal anounls vilhoul
leconing inloxicaled. She is aIso
very Iearned aloul eIven cuslons.
CN 16). The sloIid innkeeper of lhe
House of Cood Spirils, Sinon is a
nenler of lhe Vinlners (el aI.) CuiId,
and a linid, lul capalIe, fighler.
5MILE5. See Kaeroven.
|novj: IIIusionisl, DLX 18, INT 18).
This laII, arislocralic, and sneering
nan is a nasler jeveIer, CuiIdnasler
of lhe }eveIIers CuiId, and lhe
proprielor of HaIazars Iine Cens in
Sea Ward. He speaks soflIy and is
aIvays valchfuI. SlronquiI is no
doull invoIved in snuggIing and
prolalIy an agenl for lhe Shadov
Thieves (lhe oulIaved Thieves CuiId).
hf I4/T5,DLX18,INT18,CHA16).
IIanehair Nighlslar is one of lhe
shrevdesl inveslors in Walerdeep
loday and a friend lo good-aIigned
advenlurers (as a relired advenlurer
17, INT 16, WIS 18, CHA 16). Molher
TalhIorn is lhe proprielress of
Molher TalhIorns House of IIeasure
and HeaIing in CaslIe Ward. She is
oId, sloul, charning skiIIed al
nassage, and perceplive of her
cusloners needs. She is a vise oId
Iady vho enjoys lhe conpany of foIk
and hearing aloul lhen~lhough she
never passes on vhal she hears.
THOIM ZALAMM (LN speclalor).
Slranded in Iaerun ly Iong-ago
nagic, lhis caIn individuaI enler-
lains ilseIf ly olserving Iife in
Walerdeep, vhiIe laking care lo
avoid surprising advenlurers and
vizards vho nighl allack il oul of
hand. The speclalor Iikes lo heIp
advenlurers, as lheir aclivilies
furnish il vilh nuch enlerlainnenl.
17, INT 16). Thunir is lhe ral-faced
proprielor of Nuelhs Iine Nels shop
in Soulh Ward. (Nuelh has leen dead
for a dozen years.) He is aIerl and has
a sarcaslic longue.
18, INT 17). Thurve, lhe laIding,
lespeclacIed, and aIvays caIn
proprielor of Thenlavvas Bools in
Trades Ward, is a conlacl for lhe
nyslerious Red Sashes (delaiIed on
page 35 of IR1 la|crccp an |nc
Ncr|n). He is arned vilh a sel of ircn
oans cf 8i|arrc.
ST 16, DLX 16, CHA 16). TiirIon is a
dancer, escorl, larlender, and parl-
ovner of lhe Copper Cup. A digni-
fied feIIov TiirIong is a skiIIed piper
and harpisl, and tcrq laII for his
race~aInosl seven feel.
DLX 17, CN 16). A laII, vilhdravn,
dignified nan vho dresses richIy
lul sneIIs of lhe slalIes, Torsl is a
Iover of horses, vho~unleknovnsl
lo VoIo~fences sloIen horses and
harness. He is lhe proprielor of lhe
CenlIe Resl inn in Trades Ward.
UGLUKH VORL (LL haIf-orc n I6).
Treal UgIukhs doulIe axe as a
haIlerd. If hil ly il, a characler nusl
successfuIIy save vs. poison or faII
Mc|ncr Ta|n|crn
asIeep in 1-4 rounds. This sIunler
Iasls for 2-5 lurns despile any
physicaI slinuIi appIied.
17, WIS 17). UIscaIeer is a relired sea
caplain and pirale vho is nov
ovner and keeper of lhe Iiery
IIagon in Sea Ward. Ial, oId, and
vealher-lealen, he seens lo knov
every saiIor vho enlers lhe pIace. He
is lhe ovner of a nol-so-secrel
conneclion lo sullerranean SkuII-
porl and a lusy sponsor of snug-
DLX 17, WIS 17). UIlhIo is lhe fIoor
nanager and depuly securily chief.
of lhe CenlIe Mernaid in Norlh
Ward, and lhe second-in-connand lo
LirakIon Marinnalar. UIlhIo is
dedicaled lo naking lhe Mernaid a
safe, reIaxed, vonderfuI pIace lo visil.
He is a carefuI, courleous nan vhos
aIvays lhinking severaI sleps ahead
in any silualion of polenliaI danger.
He is quile skiIIed al anlicipaling lhe
laclics and allacks of skiIIed lhieves
and advenlurers vho use nagic,
acconpIices, or lhe Iike. He direcls a
slaff of louncers, sone of vhon
Iook decepliveIy Iike charning
vailresses or escorls nol suiled for
or used lo any sorl of fighl.
UNGER FAR5HAL (NL hn I6, ST 17).
Unger is lhe laId, cIose-noulhed,
sinisler proprielor of lhe Crinning
Lion lavern in Norlh Ward. He
knovs, loIerales, and says nolhing of
crininaI aclivilies in lhe vard
(vhich keep hin in profils). Unger
has leen knovn lo conceaI nuch-
vanled goods and foIk for a shorl
line in exchange for exhorlilanl
fees, and lo have snuggIing connec-
lions dovn leIov~in olher vords,
vilh SkuIIporl.
DLX 17, INT 18, CHA 16). Vindara is
lhe haIf-ovner of lhe Misly Beard
lavern in Norlh Ward. She is sIin,
Iilhe, sarcaslic, and quick lo spurn
vouId-le suilors. She pIans lo nake
herseIf a nage of greal nighl and a
pover in Walerdeep, or faiIing lhal,
lo luiId and head a haIf-eIven
connunily perhaps in nearly
Ardeepforesl. She ovns and vieIds
nany vands (see lhe Misly Beard
foolnoles for a parliaI seIeclion). She
is firnIy IoyaI lo her sisler, AIIel.
CHA 15). VivaeIia is a dancer, escorl,
larlender, and parl-ovner of lhe
Copper Cup. She is veII knovn for
her coIdIy pIanned revenges and
inveslnenl acunen.
INT 18, CN 17). VoIolhanp, or VoIo,
as he is nore connonIy caIIed, is lhe
aulhor of lhis guide and of Vc|c's
Guic |c A|| Tnings Magica|, a
suppressed vork. He vas lorn in a
log sonevhere in Iaerun. He is
videIy lraveIed, Iearned in rare or
slrange speIIs of Iov lo niddIing
pover (lhose he can casl), and is
leIieved lo have devised severaI
ninor lul inleresling speIIs con-
cerned vilh lhe recording and
snooping oul of infornalion. VoIo is
aIso a sage, vilh prinary experlise in
lhe speIIs and doings of hunan
vizardkind and a secondary exper-
lise (nov occupying nosl of his
energy and sludy) in lhe geography
and Iore of lhe knovn hunan
reaIns of Iaerun. VoIo nusl conceaI
his idenlily fron cerlain vizards
Vo|othan Geddarn
vhose speIIs he recenlIy reveaIed~in
lhe |ORGOTT|N R|A|MSAtcn-
|urcs sourcelook~or parl conpany
vilh his head (af|cr hes spenl nosl
of elernily as a dung leelIe crushed
under a rock al lhe lollon of a
cesspooI," lo quole lhe (sniIing) nage
proprielor of lhe Dragons Head
lavern in CaslIe Ward, Vorn is a fasl,
efficienl, and considerale hosl vho
aIso happens lo le shorl, ugIy, and
slullIe-faced. Vorn knovs nosl of
Walerdeeps officiaIs, visiling dipIo-
nals, and lheir servanls and agenls
ly face and nane.
16, INT 17). WaendeI is lhe leady-eyed,
aIvays valchfuI proprielor of lhe
CaIIoping Minolaur Inn in Norlh
Ward. A sardonic and grasping
individuaI, he is a noled hard lIade
(nerciIess) noneyIender vho
secrelIy lacks snuggIing sIaving
kidnapping and lhieving deaIs up
and dovn lhe Svord Coasl.
DLX 18, CHA 16). WeIvreene, propri-
elress of lhe CravIing Spider lavern
in CaslIe Ward, is a ronanlic vho
Ioves advenlurers. She is pelile, vilh
a Iov purring, rav voice and aIIur-
ing dark eyes. Danger is lhe spice she
seeks, and she has leen knovn lo
seek oul lhe conpany of knovn
lhieves, sIavers, naniacs, Iycan-
lhropes, and kiIIers.
LIninsler does nol knov lhis nages
lrue nane or povers, lul leIieves
hin lo le parl hunan and parl
Arcane, and a veleran lraveIer of
nany pIanes and vorIds. He is
eccenlric, giggIing and oId, vilh a
Iong, vhile leard. He vieIds nany
nagic ilens and seIIs lolh najor and
ninor nagics. In Iaerun, his shop
has leen knovn lo appear alop lhe
Larlhspur nounlain on lhe Dragon-
isIe, in lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, and
near TashIula, as veII as in Waler-
deep. The shop is seIdon seen, and
LIninsler leIieves WhislIevinks
nore concerned vilh evenls on
olher vorIds.
WINE5TAB (CL hn T6). Wineslal is a
lhief vho has al Ieasl lvo psionic
viId laIenls: lhe psychonelaloIic
devolions ca|fa|| and isp|accncn|.
INT 18, CHA 16). Xanalrar is lhe
service-nage of lhe CaslIe Ward
Auroras chain oulIel. A handsone
nan vilh an eye for Iadies, he is
knovn for his exceIIenl singing. He is
a reguIar al nolIes feasls.
15, WIS 15). Xandos is nanager of lhe
Three IearIs NighlcIul and is knovn
as lhe Dandy around lhe cily for his
ponpous nanner. He has a good
sense of hunor and feeI for currenl
pulIic lasle.
DLX 18, INT 18, WIS 16, CHA 16).
Yaereene is lhe proprielress of lhe
LIfslone Tavern in CaslIe Ward. She is
laII, charning and regaI, vilh siIvery
eyes. She is aIvays arned vilh a ring
cf sncc|ing s|ars and a uan cf
nagic nissi|cs, and aIvays acconpa-
nied ly a lIue-green (oId) faerie
dragon naned Iyrilh (see VoIune 3
of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun),
vho sils on her shouIder Il viII use
ils speIIs lo prolecl her and lhe
18, CHA 16). YuIuIee is a dancer escorl,
larlender, and parl-ovner of lhe
Copper Cup. She grev up as a
Lanlannan orphan chiId, sleaIing on
lhe slreels of Walerdeep. She sloIe
lhe deed for lhe Iand on vhich lhe
Cup nov slands fron lhe hone of a
nerchanl as he vas leing kiIIed,
dovnslairs, ly anolher land of
lhieves. She acls sinpIe and vide-
eyed, lul is nol, having lhe eyes and
reaclions of a havk and lhe nenory
of a grudge-hoIding goddess.
16, INT 16). Yulh is niddIe-aged and
relired fron lhieving, lul vilh lhe
hair on his head (onIy) lurned
prenalureIy snov vhile. He is lhe
proprielor of Maerghouns Inn in
Sea Ward. A cynicaI, cunning nan
vho prides hinseIf on his exlrene
discrelion, Yulh is invoIved in
snuggIing and in keeping nany
nany secrels, incIuding hiding
cerlain vaIualIe ilens unliI lhey are
(NC hf B4, DLX 14, INT 14, CHA 16).
ZaIanlhess is lhe house lard of lhe
Three IearIs NighlcIul. She is a
skiIIed singer and harpisl, and haiIs
fron Nevervinler.
|novj, ST 16, DLX 18, CHA 16).
Zarondar has a veapon speciaIiza-
lion in Iighl crosslov. He is propri-
elor of Riaulars Weaponry shop in
Trades Ward, and a scovIing, aIvays
vary nan. He says IillIe, lul is
neverlheIess lhe pulIic conlacl for
lhe IeIIovship of Bovyers and
ZOBIA 5HRIN5HA (pronounced SHR|N-
snauu, CG hf W9, DLX 17, INT 18).
Zolia is lhe quiel, lul aIerl, propri-
elress of A Maiden's Tears lavern in
Norlh Ward. Her shy nanner
conceaIs a fearIess nalure and a
curiosily aloul aII her guesls. Shes
leen knovn lo nagicaIIy eavesdrop.
She is a friend lo lhe cily valch and
lhe Lords. Shes aIvays arned vilh al
Ieasl lvo vands, and lvo rings as
veII, lul vhal povers lhese have is
nol reIialIy knovn.
DLX 18, INT 18, WIS 16). Zygarlh is lhe
proprielor of Saerns Iine Svords
shop in Trades Ward. He has ac-
quired lhe aliIily lo delernine vilh
96 accuracy lhe age, quaIily, and
condilion of sleeI al a gIance. He is
76 IikeIy lo reaIize lhal a lIade
carries a nagicaI dveoner nereIy
ly Iooking al il. He is laII, gaunl,
sniIing, and unassuning. Iev knov
he is a varrior, as his nicknane vas
lesloved ly a nolIe in jesl.
AppemoI II:
Imoe o[ PLaces
The allrevialions in parenlheses
foIIoving each enlry represenl lhe
vard lhe Iocalion is found in.
AbbrcvIatInn Ward
CaslIe Ward
(SeaW) Sea Ward
Norlh Ward
Trades Ward
Soulh Ward
Dock Ward
Aruns AIIey (DW) .... . ... ........ ....... .. . . 2O8
Asnaghs AIIey (CW) ................................. 37
Alkiss AIIey (TW) .................. ...................... 129
BIack Dog AIIey (NW) ........... ................. 1OO
BIack Wagon AIIey (DW) ................... 2O9
BIack WeII Courl (DW) ........................ 2O9
BIackhorn AIIey (TW) ........................... 129
BIackIock AIIey (SW) ............................... 163
BIue AIIey~See Unique Sighls
BrinduI AIIey (TW) ................................... 129
BuckIe AIIey (CW) ................. ........................ 38
Caedernons WaIk (DW) ................... 2O9
CandIe Lane (DW) ..................................... 2O9
Cal AIIey, a.k.a. Cals AIIey (CW). ..... .39
Cals TaiI, The (CW) ..................... .............. 4O
Calchlhief AIIey (NW) .................. ......... 1OO
CheIors AIIey (TW) .................................. 13O
CIoaksveep AIIey (SeaW) ..................... 66
Dark AIIey (TW) .... ........ .............................. 13O
DeIoun AIIey (TW) ..................... ..... .......... 13O
Duirs AIIey (CW) .............. . .............. .............. 41
LIsanluIs Lane (CW) ...... ........................ 41
Iishnel AIIey (DW) .............. ..................... 21O
Iorcelar, The (SW) ............. .................... 164
ChoslvaIk, The (SeaW)
.......... ................ 66
Condvalch Lane (SeaW) ...................... 67
HovIing Cal Courl (CW) ....................... 42
Hunlers AIIey (TW) .... .................. .......... 13O
IIisars AIIey (SW) . . ....................... ............... 165
}eslers Courl (CW) .......... ...... ..... ................. 43
KuIzars AIIey (SeaW) .... ............................ 68
Lalhins Cul (TW) ................... ................... . 13O
Lenonlree AIIey (CW) ..... .............. ..... ..... 43
LhoriIs AIIey (CW) ...................................... 44
Manycals AIIey (NW) .......................... .... 1O1
Manysleps AIIey (DW) .......... . ............... 21O
MeIinler's Courl (DW) .......................... 21O
Mhaers AIIey (TW) ............................ ....... 131
Moarinskoar AIIey (Sea W) .................. 68
Moonslar AIIey (Sea W) .......... ............. ..... 69
Mouse AIIey (SW) ................................... ..... 165
Iharras AIIey (SeaW) ...............................
IhiIosophers Courl (DW) ................. 21O
Irayer AIIey (SeaW) ............. ............ . .... 71
IrovI, The (CW) .............................. .............. 45
Quaff AIIey (TW) ............... ......................... 131
QuiII AIIey (TW) ........................................... 131
Reach, The (CW) ...... .................... .................. 46
Rednose AIIey (SW) .................................. 166
Roguerun AIIey (SeaW) .......................... 71
Rook AIIey (SeaW) ............ ............................ 72
Round Again AIIey (DW) .................. .211
Ruids SlroII (SW) ............................ ............ 166
Runers AIIey (Sea W) ........... ................... ... 73
Sallars AIIey (SeaW) ............................... 74
SalcheI AIIey (SeaW) ... ............................... 74
Seavind AIIey (SeaW) ........... ................... 75
Selhnas Courl (SW) ...... ................... ....... 167
SevenIanps Cul (CW) ............................... 47
Shadovs AIIey (CW) . .................................. 47
Shank AIIey (SeaW) ... ............. ..................... 75
Sharras IIighl (SeaW) ..... ......................... 76
Shallercrock AIIey (NW) .................... 1O2
SkuIkvay, The (SeaW) ............................ 77
Sniff AIIey (SeaW) .... .................................. ... 78
Spendlhrifl AIIey (TW)
...................... ..131
SpoiIs AIIey (TW) ...................... ..... .............. 131
Slalled SaiIor AIIey (NW). ............... .1O2
TheIn Lane (TW) .................... .................... 132
TheIlens AIIey (DW) ........................... . ... 212
Three Throvn Daggers
AIIey (DW) .................................................... 212
TroIIcrook AIIey (DW) ...................... .... 213
TroIIskuII AIIey (NW) ............................. 1O3
Tsarnen AIIey (TW) ..................... ... ....... 132
Tuckpurse AIIey (TW) . ... . ...... . ..... .. . 133
Turnlack Courl (CW) ............................. 48
TvofIask AIIey (DW) ... .......................... 213
UrcandIe AIIey (TW) ............................... 133
WagonsIide AIIey (SeaW) ..................... 79
Walch AIIey (NW) ...................................... 1O3
Walchrun AIIey (DW) ........................... 213
ZeIdans AIIey (CW) ..................................... 49
BIushing Mernaid, The (DW) .....193
Copper Cup, The (DW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
CenlIe Mernaid, The (NW) ... . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Hanging Lanlern, The (DW) ........ .171
House of IurpIe SiIks,
The (SeaW) ............................... . .................. 64
}ade Dancer, The (SW) ........................ 155
Mernaids Arns, The (DW) ......... .2O7
Molher TalhIorns House of
IIeasure and HeaIing (CW) .......... .34
IurpIe IaIace, The (DW) .................. .2O8
SniIing Siren NighlcIul
& Thealer, The (CW) ........................... 36
GambLImg Houses
CenlIe Mernaid, The (NW) .............. .83
CoIden Horn
CanlIing House, The (TW). .... .12O
Dragon Tover of MaariI (SeaW) .54
Havkvinler House (NW) .................... 87
House of Loene (CW) ............................. 13
House of Roaringhorn,
The High (NW) ....................... ... ............... 93
House of Shyrrhr (CW) ........ .. .............. 14
Kappiyan IIurnaslyrs
House (SW) ................................................... 138
Mhairs Tover (TW) ............................... 1O6
Naingale (SeaW) ............................................. 54
Iiergierons IaIace (C W) .. .. .................... 8
Snookery, The (TW) ............................... 118
Tespergales (SeaW) ................... ... ............. 55
TessaIars Tover (SeaW) ....................... 54
BIackslar Inn, The (DW). ........ ... . .2O6
BIushing Mernaid, The (DW) . ..193
CIiffvalch, The (NW) .............................. 97
Copper Cup, The (DW) ........................ 197
Dacers Inn (SeaW) ....................................... 61
CaIIoping Minolaur, The (NW).... .98
CenlIe Resl, The (TW) ....................... 126
CondaIins (TW) ......................................... 127
Crey Serpenl, The (TW). ................... .128
f House o Cood Spirils,
The (SW) .... .................................................. 152
Inn of lhe Dripping Dagger,
The (TW) ....................................................... 111
}ade }ug, The (CW) ..................................... 31
Maerghouns Inn (SeaW) ..................... .62
Mernaids Arns, The (DW) ......... .2O7
Ianpered TraveIer, The (CW) ..... .32
IiIgrins Resl (SeaW) ................................63
Raging Lion, The (NW) ........................... 98
Rearing Hippocanpus,
The (DW) ......................................................2O6
Ships Irov, The (DW) ......................... 19O
SpIinlered Slair, The (DW)............. .2O6
Unicorns Horn, The (TW) ........... . 128
Wandering Wenic, The (SeaW) ..64
Warn Reds (DW) ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 2O5
CaslIe Ward Landnarks ......................... 7
Sea Ward Landnarks ............................. 52
Norlh Ward Landnarks ..................... .81
Trades Ward Landnarks ................ 1O5
Soulh Ward Landnarks ................... 135
Dock Ward Landnarks ..................... 17O
SniIing Siren NighlcIul
& Thealer, The (CW) ........................... 36
Three IearIs NighlcIul (DW) ..... ..184
Auroras ReaIns Shop High Road
CalaIogue Counler (TW). .............. 12O
Auroras ReaIns Shop
Singing DoIphin CalaIogue
Counler (SeaW) ....................................... 58
Auroras ReaIns Shop CalaIogue
Counler (DW) ........................................... 2OO
Auroras ReaIns Shop CalaIogue
Counler (NW) ................................ ... .......... 93
Auroras ReaIns Shop CalaIogue
Counler (SW) ............................................. 159
Auroras WhoIe ReaIns Shop
Iiery IIagon, The (SeaW).................... .56
Counler (CW) .................. 14
BaIlhorr's Rare and Wondrous
IriendIy IIounder, The (DW) .....2O1
IuII Cup, The (SW) ................................... 161
Treasures (CW) ........................................ 15 CenlIe Mernaid, The (NW) .............. .83
BeInonders Meals (TW) ................ 12O Counars Tavern (Sea W) .......................6O
CeIfuriI lhe Trader (DW) ................ 199 Crinning Lion, The (NW) ....................96
CoIden Horn Hanged Man, The (DW) .................... .2O2
CanlIing House, The (TW)......12O
CoIden Key,
House of Cood Spirils,
The (SW) ........................................................ 152
The (CW) (Iocksnilh) ...........................15
HaIanlar Lules & Harps (CW)
Inn of lhe Dripping Dagger,
.... ..16 The (TW) ....................................................... 111
HaIazars Iine Cens (SeaW) ............. 5 9 }ade Dancer, The (SW) ........................ 155
HaIIs of HiIner, Maidens Tears, A (NW) ..........................95
Masler Arnorer, The (CW). ....... ..17 Mernaids Arns, The (DW) ..........2O7
Hanging Lanlern, The (DW) ........ .171 ...........................9O
HeInslar Warehouse (DW)
Misly Beard, The (NW)
............. 173 Red CaunlIel, The (SW) ......................16O
House of Iride,
The (perfune)
Red-Lyed vI, The (CW) ......................25
(DW) ...................... .2OO SaiIors vn, The (CW) ..........................26
Hriial Iine Iaslries (NW) .................. 94 Ships WheeI, The (SeaW) ....................61
Maerados Iine Iurs (NW) ................... 94
Singing Svord, The (CW) ....................28
Nuelhs Iine Nels (SW) ........................ 159
SIeeping Snake, The (DW) . . . . . . . . .. 2O2
Id Monsler Shop, The (SW). ....... .146
SIeeping Wench, The (DW)............2O2
Id XolIol Shop, The (DW) .......... .176
SIeepy SyIph, The (CW) ........................ 31
Inhazans }eveIs (CW) .......................19 Spouling Iish, The (SW) .....................159
rsallass Iine Inporls (TW) ... 121 Svords Resl, The (SW) ........................ 161
IeIauvirs Counler (SW) ..................... 159 Thirsly SaiIor, The (DW) ................... 187
IhaIanlars IhiIlres Thirsly Throal, The (DW) ...............2O3
& Conponenls (CW) ............................19
Red SaiIs Warehouse (DW) .............. 199
UmIque 5Igh1s
Riaulars Weaponry (TW) 123 ................ Ahghairon' s Tover (CW) ........................8
Riven ShieId Shop, The (TW). .......123
Saerns Iine Svords
BIue AIIey (SeaW) .......................................... 54
(TW) ................. 125 Caravan Courl
SeIchouns Sundries Shop (SeaW) 6O (TW and SW) .......... .......................116,135
SerpenliI Books & IoIios (DW) ....18O Courl of lhe While BuII (TW) .......116
SuInesls SpIendid Shoes Dancing Courl (SW) ................................142
&Bools (NW) ............................................ . 94 IieId of (SeaW) ......................51
Thenlavvas Bools (TW)
Heroes Cardens (SeaW) ................ 51
Moon Sphere, The (SW) .....................142
IIinlh, The (TW) ......................................... 1O5
BIoody Iisl, The (DW) ..........................2O4
Virgins Square (TW) ..............................116
BIue }ack, The (CW) ...................................21
WaIking Slalue
BIue Mernaid, The (DW) .2OO
of Walerdeep (CW) ................................... 9
BIushing Mernaid, The (DW) .193
Zoarslar, The (TW) ................. ................. 1O7
BoveIs of lhe Larlh, The (TW) ...1O8
Copper Cup, The (DW) ........................ 197
CravIing Spider, The (CW) .............. .21
HeInslar Warehouse (DW) ............. 173
Dragons Head Tavern,
Red SaiIs Warehouse (DW) ..............199
The (CW) ..........................................................23
LIfslone Tavern, The (CW) .............. .24
IeIzouns IoIIy (TW) .....................125
Appe\ III:
CoLon Nap Ke
23. The CravIing Spider 5ea Vano
49. The House of Heroes
(lenpIe conpIex of
Cas1Le Vano
Mnunt Watcrdccp: Harlor
defense for Walerdeep,
lopped ly Iookoul lover.
Cast!c Watcrdccp: Iour
hundred feel high al lhe
highesl poinl, vaIIs 6O feel
lhick, fuIIy prepared lo
defend and suslain lhe
popuIalion of lhe cily.
AhghaIrnn's Tnwcr:
Landnark nagicaIIy
prolecled, unenleralIe
ever since ils ovners
1. Mirls Mansion (Hone of
Mirl lhe MoneyIender)
2. Cronnors Warehouse
3. The SaiIors vn (lavern)
4. The Yavning IorlaI (inn)
5. The Red-Lyed vI (lavern)
6. The SIeepy SyIph (lavern)
7. Barracks of lhe Cuard
8. Snilhy of lhe Cuard
9. BeII Tover
10. House of Nanealha
LhauriIslar, Lady of
11. The House of Cens (HQ:
The }eveIIers CuiId)
12. Molher TalhIorns House
of IIeasure (feslhaII and
13. House of Loene lhe
14. House of Shyrrhr, Lady of
lhe Courl
15. The Map House (HQ: The
Surveyors', Map & Charl-
Makers CuiId)
16. IeIIovship HaII (HQ: The
IeIIovship of Innkeepers)
17. IaIace Warehouse
18. IaIace SlalIes
19. IaIace Iaddocks
20. The Dragons Head
21. The CoIden Key (Iock-
22. The Masler Bakers HaII
(HQ: The Bakers CuiId)
24. The LIfslone Tavern
25. House of VeIslrode lhe
26. HaIanlar Lules & Harps
27. HiIner Warehouse
28. The HaIIs of HiIner,
Masler Arnorer
29. BaIlhorrs Rare and
Wondrous Treasures
30. Tover of lhe rder (HQ:
The WalchfuI rder of
Magisls & Iroleclors)
31. The SniIing Siren
32. BIackslaff Tover (hone
of KeIlen BIackslaff
33. IhaIanlars IhiIlres &
34. CuiIdhaII of lhe rder
(HQ: The SoIenn rder of
Recognized Iurriers &
35. The }ade }ug (inn)
36. The BIue }ack (lavern)
37. Ievlerers and Caslers
CuiIdhaII (guiId HQ:
38. Inhazans }eveIs
39. House of lhe Iine Carvers
(HQ: The CuiId of Iine
40. The Ianpered TraveIer
41. The Singing Svord
42. The Markel HaII (HQ: The
CounciI of Iarner-
43. The Spires of lhe
Morning (lenpIe conpIex
of Lalhander)
44. UsuaI Iocalion of lhe
WaIking Slalue of
45. Iair Winds (renlaI viIIa)
46. MarlIehearlh (renlaI
47. Slornvalch (renlaI viIIa)
48. Heroes Resl (renlaI viIIa)
50. HaIazars Iine Cens Shop
51. The Ships WheeI (lavern)
52. IiIgrins Resl (inn)
53. The Wandering Wenic
54. The House of IurpIe SiIks
55. Counars Tavern
56. The House of lhe Moon
(lenpIe conpIex of SeIune)
57. Tchazzan faniIy viIIa
58. Maerghouns Inn
59. Dacers Inn
60. The House of Inspired
Hands (lenpIe conpIex of
61. The Iiery IIagon (lavern)
62. RuIdegosl faniIy viIIa
63. The Dragon Tover of
64. IIzinner faniIy viIIa
65. Urnlrusk faniIy viIIa
66. Moonslar faniIy viIIa
67. Assunlar faniIy viIIa
68. CassaIanler faniIy viIIa
69. ZuIpair faniIy viIIa
70. Husleen faniIy viIIa
71. The Tover of Luck
(lenpIe conpIex of
72. WavesiIver faniIy viIIa
73. Naingale (lover of Nain
lhe vizard)
74. MeIshinler faniIy viIIa
75. IIluI faniIy viIIa
76. Shrine of MieIikki (The
Ladys Hands)
77. Shrine of SiIvanus
78. LnvoeIslone faniIy viIIa
79. HiiIgaunlIel faniIy viIIa
80. The TenpIe of Beauly
(lenpIe conpIex of Sune)
81. CaunlyI faniIy viIIa
82. LIlorchuI faniIy viIIa
83. The House of Wonder
(lenpIe of Midnighl~
fornerIy Myslra)
84. LironlaIar faniIy viIIa
85. SeIchouns Sundries Shop
86. ThongoIir faniIy viIIa
87. LagIeshieId faniIy viIIa
88. DezIenlyr faniIy viIIa
89. Tesper faniIy viIIa
90. Nesher faniIy viIIa
91. BrokenguIf faniIy viIIa
92. BeIalranla faniIy viIIa
93. IrIingslar faniIy viIIa
94. Cundvynd faniIy viIIa
95. TessaIars Tover
96. Ravenlree faniIy viIIa
97. BIadesenner faniIy viIIa
98. Manlhar faniIy viIIa
99. ArleneI faniIy viIIa
100. AnnakyI faniIy viIIa
101. SiInerheIve faniIy viIIa
102. Rosznar faniIy viIIa
103. }hanscziI faniIy viIIa
Non1h Vano
104. The House of CryslaI
(HQ: The CuiId of
CIasslIovers, CIaziers, &
105. House of CryslaI
106. Adarlrenl faniIy viIIa
107. Agundar faniIy viIIa
108. Kolhonl faniIy viIIa
109. SuIlIue faniIy viIIa
110. The CaIIoping Minolaur
111. SuInesls SpIendid Shoes
& Bools
112. Meraedos Iine Iurs
113. IhyIund faniIy viIIa
114. The CenlIe Mernaid
(lavern and feslhaII)
115. Maernos faniIy viIIa
116. Cragsnere faniIy viIIa
117. The House of HeaIing
(HQ: The CuiId of
Apolhecaries & Ihysi-
118. Ancalhra faniIy viIIa
119. LanngoIyn faniIy viIIa
120. MascaIan faniIy viIIa
121. TaInosl faniIy viIIa
122. Iiiradosl faniIy viIIa
123. Cronnor faniIy viIIa
124. Brossfealher faniIy viIIa
125. Wands faniIy viIIa
126. Hunalar faniIy viIIa
127. DurindloId faniIy viIIa
128. Holhener faniIy viIIa
129. Margasler faniIy viIIa
130. Thorp faniIy viIIa
131. LsleIner faniIy viIIa
132. MaerkIos faniIy viIIa
133. UIlrinler faniIy viIIa
134. Hriial Iine Iaslries
135. The Crinning Lion
136. Cosl faniIy viIIa
137. LalhkuIe faniIy viIIa
138. Nandar faniIy viIIa
139. Thann faniIy viIIa
140. Thunderslaff faniIy
141. Anleos faniIy viIIa
142. IhuII faniIy viIIa
143. Snone faniIy viIIa
144. HeInfasl faniIy viIIa
145. Roaringhorn faniIy
146. KornaIIis faniIy viIIa
147. Majarra faniIy viIIa
148. Tarn faniIy viIIa
149. Slornnvealher faniIy
150. }ardelh faniIy viIIa
151. Havkvinler faniIy viIIa
152. CraIhund faniIy viIIa
153. The Raging Lion (inn)
154. A Maiden's Tears (lavern)
155. The Misly Beard (lavern)
156. The CIiffvalch (inn)
157. CIiffvalch inn slalIes
158. Zun faniIy viIIa
159. IIvaslarr faniIy viIIa
160. House of rIpar
Husleen, nolIe
The CI1 o[
1he Deao
Unkeyed lonls are of
individuaI nolIe or
veaIlhy faniIies. In
severaI cases nolIes
faniIies share a lonl,
vhich usuaIIy Ieads lo
separale crypls lenealh,
and severaI fIoors alove.
161. Mariner's Resl (lhose
drovned al sea and ship
162. The HaII of Heroes
(varriors lonl)
163. The HaII of Sages (sages)
164. Monunenl lo lhe
varriors of Walerdeep
165. Merchanls Resl (The
Coinscoffin lonl, resling
pIace of onIy lhose vho
prepay for lhe honor)
166. Ahghairons Slalue
167. The House of lhe
HoneIess (aII vho do nol
neril or cannol luy
anolher lonl)
Tnaoes Vano
Virgins Square: TradilionaI
hiring pIace for nercenar-
ies and Iegendary
sacrificiaI spol.
168. The Inn of lhe Dripping
169. The Riven ShieId Shop
170. House of Myrnilh
SpIendon (fighler)
171. Mhairs Tover
172. DunlIasl Roofing
173. CondaIins (inn)
174. The CiladeI of lhe
Arrov (HQ: The IeIIov-
ship of Bovyers &
175. Saerns Iine Svords
176. Cosluners HaII (HQ: The
rder of Masler TayIor,
CIovers, & Mercers)
177. Thenlevvas Bools
178. The Unicorns Horn (inn)
179. rsallas Iine Inporls
180. Riaulars Weaponry
181. The House of Song (HQ:
The CounciI of Musicians,
Inslrunenl-Makers, and
182. Ialienl Iingers Iine-
183. ffice of lhe League of
Baskelnakers & Wicker-
vorkers (guiId HQ)
184. Warehouse of lhe
League of Baskelnakers &
185. The House of CIeanIi-
ness (HQ: The Launderers
186. The Id CuiIdhaII (HQ:
The CeIIarers and
IIunlers CuiId)
187. Thond CIass and
188. BeInonders Meals
189. The Zoarslar
190. The House of TexliIes
(HQ: The Mosl LxceIIenl
rder of Weavers and
191. The CenlIe Resl (inn)
192. CenlIe Resl Inn slalIes
193. IeIzouns IoIIy (lavern)
194. SurlIans MelaIvares
195. The CuiId Iaddock (HQ:
The SlalIenaslers and
Iarriers CuiId)
196. The CoIden Horn
CanlIing House
197. Meirolhs Iine SiIks
196. The BoveIs of lhe Larlh
199. CollIers and Corvisers
House (guiId HQ)
200. The House of Lighl (HQ:
The CuiId of ChandIers &
201. ChandIers & LanpIighl-
ers CuiId varehouse
202. Slalioners HaII (HQ: The
Slalioners CuiId)
203. The IIinlh (inlerdenoni-
nalionaI lenpIe)
204. The Crey Serpenl (inn)
205. WheeI HaII (HQ: The
WheeIvrighls CuiId)
5ou1henm Vano
206. The Slone House (HQ:
The Carpenlers, Roofers,
and IIaislerers CuiId)
207. Brian lhe Svordnasler
208. The }ade Dancer (lavern
and feslhaII)
209. Nuelhs Iine Nels
210. The Spouling Iish
211. The Red CaunlIel
212. IeIauvirs Counler
(goods slore)
213. The Svords Resl (lavern)
214. The House of Cood
Spirils (HQ: The Vinlners,
DisliIIers, and Brevers
CuiId and a vorking
lavern and inn)
215. The RedlridIe SlalIes
216. The Coach & Wagon
HaII (HQ: The
Wagonnakers and Coach
BuiIders CuiId)
217. SaddIers & Harness-
Makers HaII (guiId HQ)
216. House of Kappiyan
IIurnasler (vizard)
219. BuiIders HaII (HQ: The
CuiId of Slonecullers and
220. NeIkaush lhe Weaver
221. The IuII Cup (lavern)
222. The Road House (HQ:
The IeIIovship of Carlers
and Coachnen)
223. Ireslars Iurnilure
224. HIakken SlalIes
225. MelaInaslers HaII (HQ:
The Mosl CarefuI rder of
SkiIIed Snilhs &
226. BeIIislers Hand (shop)
227. BeIIislers House
228. rns Highlench
(lrading conpany)
229. AlhIaIs SlalIes
Dock Vano
Watcrdccp Harbnr: IalroIIed
ly hired nernen againsl
invaders, predalors, and
hazards lo shipping.
230. Cookhouse HaII
231. CeIfuriI lhe Trader
232. The Copper Cup (lavern,
inn, feslhaII)
233. Thonn Warehouse
234. MeIgards Iine Lealhers
235. The Bulchers CuiIdhaII
(HQ: The CuiId of
236. House of }enuriI
237. Iish Warehouse (leIongs
lo lhe Iishnongers
238. Snokehouse (leIongs lo
lhe Iishnongers
IeIIovship, aIso used ly
lulchers or a fee)
239. TeIelhar Lealhervorks
240. Torpus lhe Tanner
241. League HaII (HQ: The
League of Skinners &
242. Mariners HaII (HQ: The
Masler Mariners CuiId)
243. Shipnaslers HaII
244. Walernens HaII (HQ:
The CuiId of Walernen)
245. The SIeeping Snake
246. Neslaur lhe Ropenaker
247. KhoslaI Hannass, Iine
248. IeIhaurs Iine Iish
249. The BIushing Mernaid
(inn, lavern, feslhaII)
250. SeasveaIlh HaII (HQ: The
Iishnongers IeIIovship)
251. IuII SaiIs (lavern, HQ:
The Mosl DiIigenl League
of SaiI-Makers and
252. Arnagus lhe Shipvrighl
253. The House of Tarnagus
254. The IeIIovship of
SaIlers, Iackers, and
}oiners varehouse
255. Coopers Resl (HQ: The
Coopers CuiId)
256. Shippers HaII (HQ: The
IeIIovship of SaIlers,
Iackers, and }oiners)
257. The BIue Mernaid
258. The Hanged Man
259. The House of Iride
(perfune shop)
260. The IurpIe IaIace
261. The SIeeping Wench
262. The Hanging Lanlern
(escorl service)
263. MuIeskuII Tavern (HQ:
The Dungsveepers CuiId)
264. The Mernaids Arns
(inn, lavern, feslhaII)
265. Red SaiIs Warehouse
266. Shipvrighls House (HQ:
The rder of Masler
267. HeInslar Warehouse
268. The Ships Irov (inn)
269. The Thirsly SaiIor
270. Warn Beds (inn)
271. Lanlernnaker Zorlh
272. The BIoody Iisl (lavern
273. Three IearIs NighlcIul
274. The Thirsly Throal
275. SerpenliI Books & IoIios
276. The BIackslar Inn
277. The SpIinlered Slair
278. The Rearing Hippocan-
pus (inn)
279. The MelaI House of
Wonders (HQ: The
SpIendid rder of
Arnorers, Locksnilhs,
and Iinesnilhs)
280. Turnslone IIunling
and Iipefilling
281. Dhaernos Warehouse

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