Psionic Artifacts of Athas
Psionic Artifacts of Athas
Psionic Artifacts of Athas
Cast slay living (reverse of raise dead) upon an opponent struck by the
weapon ( 1/ week) .
17 Imbue the user with all benefits of weapon specialization.
18 Cast strength upon the user (3/day).
19 Function as a vampiric regeneration ring.
20 Cast time stop (1/month).
18 Open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Air. The passage can be traversed in
both directions and remains open for 1 hour. Any creature can use the portal.
19 Can ignore the presence of air as a 5th level cleric of air.
2 0 Send messages in a fashion similar to a whispering wind. The user need
only know the name of the recipient before whispering a message to the
sky. The users voice will reach its target within 24 hours, if that person is
on the same plane (at will).
Imbue the user with the ability to detect gems while the artifact is in hand.
Gains +2 on all saving throws versus earth-based spells.
Cast earthquake (1/month).
Cast curse of the black sand/silt by touch (3/day).
Imbue the user with the ability to assume the form of a small fire elemen-
tal, changing body and possessions into flame. All within 5 suffer 2d6
points of damage each round (successful saving throw vs. spell halves) and
the users physical blows inflict 2d8 points of damage per hit. The user is
immune to all types of fire. The form lasts 2d6 rounds.
Cast fire shield (1/day).
Cast fireball (3/day).
Cast fireflow (3/day).
Have protection from fire constantly in effect while the artifact is in hand.
Imbue the user with the ability to sculpt normal fire by hand (no damage
suffered). The fire can be fashioned into any shape the user is capable of
making, but does not gain any special powers because of this. Sculpted fire
holds its form for Id6 turns before reverting to normal.
Cast sunray (1/day).
Cast wall of fire (1/day).
Open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The passage can be traversed
both ways and remains open for 1 hour. Any creature can use the portal.
These powers grant knowledge of or control over the elemental forces of Fire.
1d20 Power
2 0
See Earth, Air, Fire, and Water (#2422) See Tome of Magic (#2121)
These powers grant knowledge of or control over the elemental forces of Water.
2 0
Cast airy water (3/day).
Cast cone of cold (1/day).
Cast conjure water elemental (1/week).
Cast soothe (3/day).
Open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. The passage can be traversed
both ways and remains open for 1 hour. Any creature can use the portal.
See Earth, Air, Fire, and Water (#2422) See Dragon Kings (#2408)
The powers on this table are charms, holds, suggestions, and other abilities to influ-
ence the mi nds of creatures. Most operate di rectl y through the arti fact-the owner
must present the device boldly when activating the power. The targets are then possi-
bly entranced by the power radiating from the artifact.
1d20 Power
1 Increase the users Charisma score by 3, with the enhancement only affect-
ing the opposite gender. The user need not present the artifact, but the
power vanishes when the artifact is no longer possessed.
2 Imbue the user with the effects of animal friendship while the artifact is in hand.
3 Cast charm monster (1/day).
4 Cast charm person (2/day).
5 Cast charm plants (5/day).
6 Cast cloak of bravery/cloak of fear (2/day).
7 Cast command (7/day).
8 Cast confusion (1/day).
9 Cast demand (1/week).
10 Cast domi nati on (1/week).
11 Cast emotion (1/day).
12 Imbue the users gaze with the effects of cause fear (reverse of remove fear)
while the device is in hand.
Cast feebl emi nd by touch (1/week).
1 4
Cast forget by touch (3/day).
Cast geas by touch. The mission must relate to the goals of the artifact, if
any (1/month).
16 Cast hold person (1/day).
17 Cast hypnotism (1/day).
18 Cast Ottos irresistible dance by touch (1/day).
19 Cast chimes of finding (1/week).
4 Imbue the user with double the normal overland movement rate as long as
the artifact is in hand.
5 Cast flame walk (3/day).
6 Cast fly (2/day).
7 Cast free action (1/day).
8 Cast haste (1/day).
9 Cast jump (5/day).
1 0 Cast pass without trace (3/day).
11 Cast passwall (1/day).
1 2 Cast rainbow (1/day).
1 3 Cast shadow walk (1/day).
14 Cast spider climb (3/day).
1 5 Cast teleport without error (1/day).
1 6 Cast transport via plants (3/day).
17 Cast water walk (5/day).
18 Cast wind walk (1/day).
19 Cast word of recall (1/day).
2 0 Cast wraithform (1/day).
See Tome of Magic (#2121)
These powers are coveted by players, due to their powerful punch. Unlike those
powers associated with Table 3: Combat, the ones listed here are not limited to
weapons or hand-to-hand combat. These powers must be triggered from the artifact
and most function as the spell of the same name.
2 0
Cast age creature (1/day).
See DARK SUN Campaign Setting (#2438) See Tome of Magic (#2121)
Life shapes are the wondrous tools of our ancient past. They are our heritage, our
birthright. Cast off the dead. Use not the unliving tool. Our ancient glory can only
be restored by embracing life, not death.
We are all that is left. We hold in our hands the fate of our people. The Rhul-
thaun are the true fruit of the rhulisti tree. The life shapes are what set us above the
other races. Only we still know the secrets of life and how to shape it. Heed not the
temptations of the powers of the mind, for they are anathema. Spurn the lesser races
for they are not of the true blood. Believe in the life shapers, for only they can deliv-
er you to the glory that is our birthright.
Loi Far-oneth, Rhul-thaun of the Jagged Cliffs
Sages note: The rhulisti are the ancient halfling race. The halflings of today are their descendants.
The Rhul-thaun are a halfling subculture living in the Jagged Cliffs.
In the Blue Age of Athas, the rhulisti (ancient halflings), known as the Shapers of Life
worked with living material the way that a smith works with iron or a carpenter with
wood. The fruits of their labors were tools and machines that lived and grew and even
reproduced. Why make a shovel when you can make a living tool that will dig by itself?
Eventually the Blue Age came to an end. The other races developed powers of the
mind that matched and even exceeded the abilities of life shaping. The rhulisti lost
thei r domi nance and thei r ci vi l i zati on fel l i nto rui n. Exactl y how and why has been
lost in the sands of time.
One small enclave of rhulisti survived the end of the Blue Age. Hidden away on
the precarious Jagged Cliffs, the Rhul-thaun still practice the ancient ways. In the
eons since the passing of the Blue Age, the Rhul-thaun science of life shaping has
deviated and evolved from the old ways. Some would even say it has mutated.
The life-shaped that are truly descended from the Blue Age are different than
those created by the Rhul-thaun. They are not so different that they bear no resem-
blance, but different enough. If an item described in this book is different than the
same item in the Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs, it is because they are close cousins
but not i denti cal twi ns.
Deflnlng lhe Llfe-Shaped
The items described in this chapter are all alive, in one way or another. All of them
are descended from life-shaped items of the Blue Age. There are several ways these
items could have survived or reproduced from that time into your campaign. These
are covered in detail later.
Life-shaped items fall into three basic categories: products, tissues, and creatures.
Furthermore, the life-shaped function in four different ways, as tools, grafts, produc-
ers, or parasites. All the items described below are labelled with these categories.
All life-shaped tissues and creatures (but not products) have hit dice, hit points
and armor class. Creatures have all the characteristics of monsters. In general, man-
sized life-shaped have two hit dice. Smaller life-shaped have one or even just a half
a hit die, while larger life-shaped have as many as three hit dice. Armor classes
range from 8 to 4. Items intended to take severe punishment or stress (such as armor)
may have armor classes as high as zero. If the item is the direct target of an attack, it
uses its armor class, or that of the person carrying it, whichever is better. The life-
shaped intended for such stress do not suffer damage if used properly. However, they
tend to live half the normal span of their kind.
Direct exposure to disease requires the life-shaped item to make a saving throw,
in addition to any saving throw made by its owner. They may still use the better of
the two saving throw scores. Even without direct exposure, there is a 1% chance per
week that an item will contract a disease. Most ailments last for 1d10 days and cut
the effectiveness of the item in half. Weapons suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and
damage rolls. Armor loses two points. 10% of all diseases are fatal.
A product is not alive. It is the by-product of another creature. For example, the
small arrowhead gecko sheds large scales that are perfectly shaped arrow heads. The
arrowhead gecko is a life-shaped creature that was engineered to create arrow
heads. The arrow head itself is an organic product. Since it is not alive, a product
does not have a lifespan. With typical wear and tear, most products last for decades.
Products subject to high stress, such as the arrow heads mentioned above, may only
last a year or so. Products are always tools, never grafts, producers, or parasites.
Products cannot heal or be healed. They can only be repaired. Caring for a product
is no different than caring for any other object.
A tissue is alive, but cannot survive by itself. It must be tended and cared for, like an
exotic plant. The tissue has only those organs or cells necessary to perform its func-
tion. It rarely has sensory organs, any form of intelligence, mobility, or the ability to
reproduce. Tissues are tools, grafts, or parasites, though a few are producers.
Tissues are almost always found in a dormant stage. They can exist for centuries in
a form of hibernation. Once the tissue is ressuscitated, and is properly cared for, it
will live for one to two years. While tissue cannot reproduce, it is possible to take a
cutting from one and have it grow into a new tissue. The original techniques for
tissue growth are known only to the long dead rhulisti. Only characters with profi-
ciency in healing or agriculture, may try. Both the original tissue and the cutting
have a 60% chance of being killed by the procedure, if the proficiency check is suc-
cessful. Tissue cannot heal itself, but can be healed by spells.
A life-shaped tissue is the most difficult of all the life-shaped to care for. Since a
tissue cannot feed itself, its owner must feed it. Grafts draw sustenance directly from
t hei r hosts. Other types of tissues must be soaked in a special nutrient bath called
cam-rahn. The formula for cam-rahn is quite simple, with components that can be
easily purchased in any city. However, the character must first get the formula. One
dose of cam-rahn will feed one hit die of life-shaped tissue for one day. The compo-
nents to mix the cam-rahn cost 10cp per dose.
The tissue created by the Jagged Cliff halflings also need to be soaked in an oxy-
genati ng sol uti on. Wi l d ti ssues have mutated and adapted over the thousands of
years si nce they were abandoned by the rhul i sti . They can draw oxygen from the ai r
and a l i mi ted amount from water or cam-rahn sol uti ons.
A creature is no different from any other life form. It could be written up as a mon-
ster, or described like a domesticated animal. However, life-shaped creatures were
designed to fulfill a single purpose. It was bred into them to do this one thing to the
exclusion of all else, even before self-preservation. Creatures can be tools, grafts,
producers, or even parasites.
Most of the creatures life-shaped by the rhulisti have the ability to reproduce,
although it has never successfully happened in captivity. Some types are sterile, but
most of those died out thousands of years ago for obvious reasons. The remaining
life-shaped creatures are not true to their ancestry. Hundreds of generations have
altered their nature somewhat. For example, todays life-shaped creatures now have
a self-preservation instinct. They will not risk their own lives foolishly or worthlessly.
It is even possible for them to turn on their owner. This does not mean that the crea-
ture will not perform risky or even highly dangerous acts relative to their original
design. Life-shaped creatures will heal one hit point per day, assuming that they are
allowed to rest for the bulk of that time.
The creatures described here are the common stock of life-shaped creatures. There
is a 10% chance that a given creature has mutated into a close relative of what is
described below. In that case, some aspect of its function has changed. It is up to the
DM to determine what, if anything, is different about the mutated life-shaped crea-
ture. Creatures life-shaped by the Rhul-thaun are always as described and never turn
on their owners. As a result, they are valued higher.
Life-shaped creatures not made by the Rhul-thaun halflings of the Jagged Cliffs
have adapted to life in the wild. They eat and drink like other animals. They do not
require the special nutrient solutions that the tissues need to survive. Most plants and
small insects. Few creatures were life-shaped to be carnivores. There are exceptions,
like the watchpack. A life-shaped creature has a life span of 3d4 years.
This is the most common form of the life-shaped. Tools are independent of the
owner, but still directly useful to him. A tool can be set aside, lost, forgotten, sold,
etc. Some tool creatures form bonds with their owners, but otherwise are no differ-
ent than a hammer or spear. Tools can be products, tissues, or creatures.
To the typical Athasian, a graft is most odd. It actually becomes a part of the owners
body. The original rhulisti grafts could be removed and reattached at will. The Rhul-
thaun still make grafts that work this way, and are valued all above other wild grafts.
However, many wild grafts that are found today are far more aggressive. These mutat-
ed grafts attack the hosts flesh, bonding in an extremely painful manner. Once
attached they cannot be removed with causing severe pain and even permanent dam-
age to the host. Fortunately, grafts that die of age or disease fall off harmlessly, just as
their predecessors did. Grafts can be tissues or creatures, but never products.
A graft cannot be overlapped with another graft on the same host body. It will just
refuse to attach to the host. For example, if a graft is meant to cover a hosts forearm,
he cannot have another graft that attaches to the forearm, elbow or wrist. This
assumes that the second graft overlaps a bit onto the forearm.
Some grafts decrease the Charisma of their host. Since the graft becomes a part of
the hosts body, the host looks more and more alien as he adds grafts to his body.
After a while, he is so alien that adding more grafts will no longer affect his
Charisma. A hosts Charisma cannot drop more than eight points due to grafts. His
Chari sma wi l l never drop bel ow three.
Grafts were created by the rhulisti, for the rhulisti. Since the rhulisti are the
ancient ancestors of the halflings, all grafts will accept a halfling as a host.
Unfortunately, this is not true of the other races. Thri-kreen, for example, cannot use
grafts at all. The table below gives the percentage chance of a character of any
given race being able to use a particular graft.
% Chance of the graft % Chance of the graft
Race accepting the host Race accepting the host
Aar akocr a 3 0 Human or Pyreen 70
Dwar f 9 0 Mu l 8 0
Elf 8 0 Pterran 10
Hal f -el f 75 Thri -kreen 0
Hal f-gi ant 2 0 Ot her 0
Hal f l i ng 100
A graft actually taps into the hosts body, feeding from his blood stream, sensing
with his nervous system, etc. A graft can react instantly to any situation because it
is hooked into the hosts own nervous system. All grafts weapons have a speed fac-
tor of +3, the same as for natural weapons such as claws and teeth.
Cpllonal Rule
The host does pay a slight penalty for using a graft. Since the graft feeds from his
blood stream, he must eat and drink more to support the graft. The table below
spells out how much more the host must eat and drink. Add up the percentages for
each graft and add them to the characters total daily needs. It is recommended that
in most campaign situations, values under 10% be ignored. Obviously there may be
extenuati ng ci rcumstances where even smal l vari ati ons make a di fference. Mul ti pl e
grafts that have nil effect on food and water needs are added together (sum the hit
di ce) before consul ti ng the tabl e bel ow
Extra Food and Water Needed
Graft Hours worn in a day Graft Hours worn in a day
hi t di c e 2 - 8 8 - 1 6 a l l da y hi t di c e 2 - 8 8- 16 al l day
ni l ni l 1 % 2% 3% 6% 1 2 %
1 ni l 1 % 2 % 3 4% 8% 1 6 %
1 1% 2% 4% 3 5% 1 0 % 2 0 %
2 2% 4% 8% 4 6 % 1 2 % 2 4 %
A life-shaped producer is usually a creature, although a few tissues do exist. It cre-
ates other life shape items, but is not itself directly useful. A few producers actually
make tissues. The arrowhead gecko in the example above is a producer.
Most producers create a tissue or a product. None have been found that create
creatures, although theoretically such a feat is possible. For each tissue and product
described, assume that there is a producer. Most producers have two hit dice and an
armor class of 8. Obviously there are variations.
Introducing a producer into a campaign must be done carefully. Before doing so,
try to gage what the worst possible scenario might be where the characters have an
unlimited supply of whatever the producer creates. For this reason, the random trea-
sure tables do not include producers for most of the items. If the DM wants to add
them, whenever a tissue or product is generated by the table, there is a 10% chance
it is a producer of the item instead.
Each life-shaped item labelled parasite is a malefic, mutated version of some other
item. They seek to do harm to their owners. As soon as the parasite has gotten its
pound of flesh, it attempts to flee. Obviously tissues cannot flee. Enterprising char-
acters might think of some dastardly use for a parasite, but in general they are
mal i gnant creati ons that need to be destroyed.
The Slale of Llfe-Shaped Cbecls
These Life-shaped items are presented as the ancient Shapers of Life created them.
The environment, and evolution may have changed them. Once the type of item
has been determined, roll on the chart below to determine the state of the object.
1d100 Roll State of the Life-Shaped 1d100 Roll State of the Life-Shaped
01- 10 Dead 81- 90 Di seased
11-45 Nor mal 91- 00 Inferi or
46- 80 Mut at ed
Dead Life-Shaped objects are utterly useless. A successful resurrection spell can be
used to restore the object to life. (A dead Life-Shaped object restored in this way
should be rerolled on the chart above. A second result of 01-10 means that the
object did not survive the shock to its system or was dead too long to be revived.
These objects are normal in all ways. A parasite that was determined to be normal
woul d sti l l be harmful . Normal obj ects act accordi ng to thei r descri pti ons.
Mutated Li fe-Shaped obj ects have changed i n one or more ways. Just how the
obj ect has changed i s up to the DM, but keep i n mi nd that the mutati on shoul d not
normal l y be benefi ci al . Some gui del i nes are provi ded bel ow:
Tools: Mutated tools either work in a less efficient manner (-1 or -5% to any
appl i cabl e rol l s) or have changed thei r basi c functi on (a mi ni ng tool whi ch ate rock
around gold deposits making recovery easier now eats the gold itself).
Grafts: Most mutated grafts bond permanentl y and pai nful l y wi th the host. The
mutated graft causes intense pain for 24-48 hours while it bonds with its hosts sys-
tem. While this is happening, it is impossible for the host to do anything more than
rest. Removing a graft does permanent damage to the host, equal to the grafts hit
points unless a regeneration spell is cast within one week of removal.
Producers: Mutated producers tend to produce mutated goods. How the created
i tem di ffers from the ori gi nal i s up to the DM to determi ne. Usi ng the exampl e of
the arrowhead gecko, a mutated arrowhead gecko coul d produce arrowheads
whi ch were bri ttl e and tended to break on i mpact (-2 damage) or were sl i ghtl y
warped causing the arrow to drift in flight (-1 to hit).
Parasites: Parasites that have been mutated can have a beneficial side effect, or
be even more deadl y than normal .
Diseased Life-Shaped items have their hit dice reduced by half and have a 10%
chance of mal functi oni ng each round they re used. The di sease i s communi cabl e to
most intelligent humanoids native to Athas (Thri-kreen are immune). There is a 1%
cumul ati ve chance per week of usi ng or carryi ng a di seased Li fe-Shaped i tem to
contract the illness. Humanoids suffering from the sickness lose 2 points from each
of their physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) until cured. The disease
can be cured with a simple cure disease spell.
These Life-Shaped items are most commonly the degenerate offspring of true Life-
Shaped items created by the rhulisti. Rather than mutating into dangerous creatures,
these items have become less specialized over the centuries, as evolution has
undone what the rhul i sti formed. Inferi or i tems tend to be l ess powerful or sure
than thei r counterparts. They most commonl y ei ther have a reduced effect (reduced
damage, reduced range, a requi red rest peri od between acti vati ons) or have a
reduced life span, burning out after a limited number of uses.
Addlng lhe Llfe-Shaped lo Your Campalgn
Adding regular magical items to a campaign is quite simple. Just change the random
treasure generation tables and the items begin showing up. The players dont think
twice about it, because the origin and nature of magical items is well established.
The DM has only increased the variety of something that was already there.
Life-shaped items are not so easy to add to a campaign. They are distinctly differ-
ent from anything the players or characters have ever seen before. They are going to
ask questions such as, what are these things? Where did they come from? Why
havent we seen them before? Who made them? How do they work?
All life-shaped creations can enter into a dormancy. Toward the end of the Blue
Age, the rhulisti began to breed this trait into their living tools. When not in use for
many months, or when subject to a prolonged hostile climate (lack of water, exces-
sive heat, etc.), the life-shaped shut down. It takes several days for one to become
dormant. Once in that state, the life-shaped can survive for centuries, or even eons,
if left undisturbed.
This is not the only way that the life-shaped have survived over the thousands of
years since the Blue Age. Creatures, but not tissues or products, can reproduce.
Those life-shaped that did not go dormant bred. Although the rhulisti created them
to breed true, thousands of years can undo even the best efforts. Mutations crept into
the bloodlines. Even with these slow changes, descendants of the life-shaped are still
alive today.
Before introducing the life-shaped to a campaign, the DM must decide on a ratio-
nale for their sudden appearance. He must have answers to all those questions.
Below are several ways to add the life-shaped to a campaign. Pick one. Each method
has the same ancient history for the life-shaped, given at the beginning of this chapter.
Once in the campaign, the DM must take care to give the players some equivalent
of an instruction manual. When the characters find a life-shaped creation, it will not
be obvious how to use it. In fact many of them look so strange that they will be mis-
taken for a dangerous creature and be destroyed rather than experimented with.
One of the easiest and best ways to handle this problem is to have the characters
find the life-shaped item in the hands of a current, usually evil, owner. By seeing
the life-shaped creation in action, they understand that it is not just some strange
A second, not so easy method, is to have them find an instruction manual. This
might be some life-shaped creature that transmits telepathic instructions, or recites
clues in ancient rhulisti. It could be a literal book, or pictograms drawn on a wall.
Finding these clues must happen before the characters encounter the life-shaped. A
character might carry around a magical item hoping to later figure out how to use it.
However, it is unlikely that he will carry around a living creature or dangerous look-
ing tissue hoping to discover how to use it.
Far. Far Avay
The characters first encounter the life-shaped in a location far removed from their
normal stompi ng grounds. Techni cal l y the l i fe-shaped can be found anywhere on
Athas. However, if the characters are visiting the far south for the first time, then that
is a good place for them to first find a life-shaped item. For that particular campaign,
such items are only found in that region. As time goes on, the life-shaped may
become more common throughout Athas.
In fact, one of the side effects of this method is that the characters themselves may
be responsible for their spread. Ever greedy characters may realize that such items
fetch a far higher price back home, where no one has ever seen them. Of course,
this also means that the characters become targets for thieves, the Veiled Alliance,
and whoever else covets the life-shaped.
The Eplc Advenlure
The characters hear rumor of a strange and wondrous treasure. This can take the
form of a map, traders whispers, someone offering them a job, the dying gasp of a
Rhul-thaun halfling from the Jagged Cliffs, or whatever else the DM can think up.
Ideally this new adventure should be of epic proportion: a trip to the long buried
city of the rhulisti halflings, a life-shaped ship found floating in the Sea of Silt, an
evil Rhul-thaun halfling from the Jagged Cliffs come to conquer all of Athas, mutated
l i fe-shaped monsters deci mated remote vi l l ages, or an i mmensel y powerful l i fe-
shaped guardian awakened after thousands of years goes on a rampage.
The result of this epic adventure would introduce the life-shaped to the campaign
region of Athas. During the adventure, it can be made clear that other adventurers and
interested parties are helping themselves to the newly discovered life-shaped items.
Alternately the adventure opens up many clues and opportunities to find more of the life-
shaped. Of course, the word will get out, no matter how careful the characters might be.
The Cerulean Slorm
For thousands of years, the life-shaped have lain dormant. The seeds and eggs from
which they sprout are buried beneath the sands. Their still bodies entombed in the
very rocks. Without water, they remained inert, unmoving. The seeds and eggs were
mistaken for rocks or unknown plants, the dormant bodies burnt or eaten in the rare
event of a discovery.
Now the rains have come again, at least around the Cerulean Storm, the life-
shaped awaken. The seeds and eggs absorb the water that falls more than once every
few years. The mummified bodies swell with fluids that seep into the hairline cracks
in the rock. Slowly they stretch and come to life. The life-shaped have arrived again
on Athas after thousands of years of drought.
Cpen Commerce vllh lhe 1agged Cllffs
This is not a very likely scenario. The Rhul-thaun halflings of the Jagged Cliffs are
xenophobic in the extreme. They consider all other races, even other halflings, to be
inferior. However, it is not totally impossible that some enterprising halfling, maybe
even a PC, wi l l open up trade wi th them. The l i fe-shaped woul d sl owl y become
avai l abl e throughout the northwestern tabl el ands.
Renegade Rhul-lhaun from lhe 1agged Cllffs
Most Rhul-thaun halflings are paranoid and jealously guard the secrets of life shap-
ing. However, one Rhul-thaun life shaper has fled his homeland. Away from the
Jagged Cliffs, he practices his art, experimenting with forbidden techniques that his
masters fear so much. Some of these life-shaped are sold, some are stolen, some just
pl ai n escape.
To make matters worse, the life shapers of the Jagged Cliffs are not about to let
one of their own escape unpunished. They send several expeditions to find the rene-
gade. Each is heavily armed and equipped with the best life-shaped items available.
Of course not all of these expeditions will survive. Many will fall prey to the dangers
of the Athasian desert.
The Avakenlng
The life-shaped have been lying dormant in hidden caves, sink holes, buried cities,
and lost enclaves. Each has been set, like a living alarm clock, to awaken at a cer-
tain time. The time has come. Before now, adventurers found life-shaped creations
but could not awaken them. Most were destroyed out of carelessness. A few were
sold as curiosities, assumed to be inanimate objects. Over the next few years, more
and more l i fe-shaped awaken.
Maglc Effecls on Llfe-Shaped Ilems
The life-shaped can be affected by spells. If an item is being carried by its owner, it
uses that persons saving throw value. If not, it has a saving throw equal to its hit
dice as a fighter. Certain spells, such as area effect spells, affect life-shaped directly,
even if they are in a characters possession. The item uses its saving throw, or that of
its wielder, whichever is better. Only life-shaped products ever use the Item Saving
Throw table. All other items save as creatures.
Those spells castable upon creatures can be cast upon life-shaped tissues or crea-
tures, but not products. The tissue or creature cannot be targeted by a spell, unless
the spell description allows for that kind of discrimination. Grafts can never be inde-
pendently targeted. They have become a part of their host.
Vlzard Spells
Animal growth: The life-shaped are an amalgam of both plant and animal. This spell,
has a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Animate dead: This spell can only be cast upon creatures, not tissues. The undead
life-shaped creature is only half as effective, and moves at half speed. Undead grafts
wi l l not functi on on a l i vi ng creature, but wi l l functi on on an undead one.
Charm plants: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus this spell
has a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Charm monster: This spell works normally. However, tissues are not quite living
creatures. There is only a 50% chance of this spell working on a tissue. If successful
the caster gains control of the life-shaped item for 1d610 days. The life-shaped item
does not directly harm its possessor, but otherwise obey the caster.
Clone: This spell works on tissues. It is one of the few ways to reproduce a tissue.
Creatures also can be cloned, and will not attempt to destroy each other.
Enchant an item: This spell will only work on products, not tissues or creatures.
Energy drain: This spell affects a life-shaped creature normally.
Forget: Only creatures are affected, not tissues. They will do nothing for 1d8 rounds.
Grease: If cast directly upon a tool, this spell may cause it to slide off the owner,
unless a successful saving throw is made.
Haste: This spell works normally. A weapon with this spell can attack twice as often.
Hold monster: This spell works normally on creatures, but has a 50% chance of failing
if cast upon tissues. If the saving throw fails, the item is useless for the spell duration.
Major creation: This spell can be used to generate a product, not a tissue or crea-
ture. Obviously the caster must have had a reasonable opportunity to examine the
particular life-shaped product he is attempting to duplicate.
Minor creation: This spell can be used to generate a product, not a tissue or crea-
ture. Obviously the caster must have had a reasonable opportunity to examine the
particular life-shaped product he is attempting to duplicate.
Ottos irresistible dance: Only life-shaped creatures can be affected. If unable to
dance, they quiver and shake for the spell duration, and are completely useless.
Plant growth: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus this spell
has a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Polymorph other: This spell works normally on creatures. Tissues are not complete
creatures and have a 50% chance of not being affected. For the caster to change
anyt hi ng into a life-shaped item, he must have a reasonable opportunity to examine
that parti cul ar i tem. Grafts are automati cal l y pol ymorphed wi th the target.
Polymorph self: Grafts are polymorphed with the caster. It is possible to polymorph
into a life-shaped creature, but not a tissue or product.
Polymorph any object: Grafts are automatically polymorphed with the target. This
spell can affect all life-shaped items normally, even products.
Power word, stun: Stunned life-shaped items are unable to function.
Ray of enfeeblement: The life-shaped items effectiveness is cut in half. Weapons suf-
fer a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Armor loses two points of AC bonus.
Reincarnation: This spell has no effect upon the life-shaped.
Repulsion: This spell works normally on creatures. Life-shaped creatures may leave
their owner, unless of course they are grafted on.
Shapechange: See polymorph self above.
Sleep: Only one item can be affected. It becomes limp and useless for 1d6 rounds.
Slow: The item is affected normally, moving half speed and acting every other round.
Stone to flesh: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus, this spell,
and its reverse, flesh to stone, have a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Stoneskin: This spell can be cast upon a life-shaped item. If the item is in a charac-
ters possession, he does not get the full benefits of the spell. However, if the stone-
skin is cast upon the character, the item does benefit. If both have the spell, each
attack upon the possessing character subtracts an attack from both spells.
Strength: This spell works normally on the life-shaped item. Weapons and armor
gain one point for attack rolls, damage and armor class.
Transmute water to dust: If the saving throw fails, the life-shaped item dies.
Vampiric touch: This spell works normally against the life-shaped. Treat any attempt
to touch and item in the possession of a character as an aimed attack.
Prlesl Spells
Animal growth: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus, this
spell, has a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Animate dead: This spell can only be cast upon creatures, not tissues. The undead
life-shaped creature is only half as effective, and moves at half speed. Undead grafts
wi l l not functi on on a l i vi ng creature, but wi l l functi on on an undead one.
Animate object: Only products are affected by this spell. No other form of life-
shaped qualifies as an object. Anti-animal shell: The life-shaped are neither plant nor
animal, but an amalgam of both. Therefore this spell, and others like it, have a 50%
chance of not affecting the life-shaped, prior to the saving throw.
Anti-plant shell: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus, this spell
has a 50% chance of not affecting the life-shaped, prior to the saving throw.
Charm person or mammal: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal.
Thus, this spell has a 50% chance of failing.
Cure light wounds: All healing spells work normally on the life-shaped.
Hold animal: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus, this spell
has a 50% chance of failing. If the life-shaped fails its saving throw, it is useless for
the spells duration.
Hold plant: This spell works normally on creatures, but has a 50% chance of failing if
cast upon tissues. If the saving throw fails, the item is useless for the duration of the spell.
Invisibility to animals: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus,
this spell has a 50% chance of not affecting any individual item. Only those that use
their own sensory organs or direct their own attacks are affected. For example, an
armblade is directed by the host, therefore it is unaffected.
Plant growth: The life-shaped are an amalgam of plant and animal. Thus, this spell
has a 50% chance of failing, prior to the saving throw.
Raise Dead: This spell has no effect on the unintelligent life-shaped.
Regenerate: This spell affects life-shaped creatures normally. Tissues are healed com-
pletely. Its reverse, wither, will immediately destroy a tissue. This is one of the few
spells that can safely destroy a graft without harming the host.
Resurrection: Any life-shaped item can be brought back from the dead.
Speak with monsters: In general it is not possible to speak with the life-shaped crea-
tures, using magic or psionics. There a few exceptions, where the life-shaped crea-
ture has a measurable intelligence.
Speak with plants: In general it is not possible to speak with the life-shaped crea-
tures, using magic or psionics. There a few exceptions, where the life-shaped crea-
ture has a measurable intelligence. Even then there is a 50% chance of failure since
the life-shaped are a hybrid of plant and animal.
Speak with animals: In general it is not possible to speak with the life-shaped crea-
tures, using magic or psionics. There a few exceptions, where the life-shaped crea-
ture has a measurable intelligence. Even then there is a 50% chance of failure since
the life-shaped are a hybrid of plant and animal.
Transmute wafer to dust: If the saving throw fails, the life-shaped item dies.
The Llfe-Shaped:
Producls. Tlssues. and Crealures
Armbl ade Tissue/Graft: AC 7, HD 1
The armbl ade i s a bony bl ade two feet l ong. Where the
hi l t shoul d be, i s a col l ecti on of i nsectoi d, poi nty
legs. When the legs are pressed against the
back of a host s forearm, they di g i nto the
fl esh and wrap themsel ves ti ghtl y
around the bones. An armbl ade has
advantages and di sadvantages.
Being a part of the hosts body, he
can never be di sarmed. The host can hol d somethi ng i n
hi s hand whi l e usi ng the bl ade. The di sadvantage i s that he can
never sheath the bl ade. It can be di ffi cul t to even pi ck thi ngs up
wi th two feet of bl ade extendi ng out from hi s wri st. The sharp
serrated bl ade does 1d8 poi nts of damage to smal l and medi um
targets, and 1d8+1 agai nst l arge.
Arrowhead Geck Creature/ Producer: AC 7, HD
Thi s smal l l i zard sheds l arge scal es that are perfectl y shaped arrow
heads. The scal es even have ri dges on the tang where the cords wi l l
be used to bi nd i t to the shaft. Each arrowhead i s about two i nches
long and razor sharp. It is so sharp in fact that it is treated as if it
were made of metal , al though i t i s not. The arrowhead gecko i s
onl y a foot l ong, i ncl udi ng the tai l . It sheds an arrowhead once
each week. The gecko l i ves on smal l i nsects and pi eces of frui t.
Bl oodcl ot Tissue/Graft: AC 5, HD
Bl oodcl ots are smal l , three i nch di ameter, oval s. The surface i s smooth, mottl ed
red and bl ue, and warm to the touch. When
appl i ed to a wound, the cl ot begi ns to throb i n
ti me wi th the user s heart, absorbi ng the
bl ood. The wound ceases bl eedi ng and begi ns
to heal . After 1d10 rounds, the cl ot i s merged
wi th the host s fl esh and the wound i s seal ed.
The host heal s one hi t poi nt i mmedi atel y. The
host heal s at hi s normal rate thereafter, but does
not need to rest whi l e heal i ng. After a few days, the
bl oodcl ot i s absorbed i nto the host s body and cannot be retri eved.
Breathermask Tissue/Tool: AC 10, HD
This organic face mask allows its wearer to breather water. It only covers the lower
face, completely hiding the mouth and nose. The breathermask is
a blue and green striped oval of a limp, pliable rubbery sub-
stance. As a side effect the breathermask also filters most
impurities and toxins, granting the wearer a +4 bonus to all
relevant saving throws.
The tissue needs to be immersed in water once a day for
at least five minutes. If it is kept dry for over three days, it
dies. This living item is seen as proof that long, long ago,
water was much more plentiful than it is today on Athas.
Otherwi se why woul d anyone engi neer a l i fe form that
allowed a person to breath water?
Burrower Creature/Parasite AC 6, HD
This foul beast looks like any one of several other small, life-shaped creations. Shaped
like a cone, it has small teeth on its large end. When placed against any
part of the body, it begins to chew its way inward. The host has two
rounds to attempt to pull it off before it has gotten too deep to be extract-
ed safely.
Once inside a host, the burrower attaches itself to his heart. The parasite
then begins to excrete a chemical which prevents the hosts blood from coag-
ulating. The hosts Constitution is lowered by one point so long as the burrower
is living inside him, and wounds continue to bleed doing an extra 1 point of damage
to the afflicted character per round until bound or magically healed. Each year there
is a 25% chance that the burrower dies and the host regains his lost Constitution.
Chameleon Cloak Creature/Tool: AC 9, HD 2
Not a true cloak, but a living creature, it none-the-less looks just like a cloak.
Anyone handl i ng i t i mmedi atel y knows somethi ng i s wrong. The cl oak i s too
thick and is warm to the touch. The mouth and sensory organs are in the
hood. Rumor has i t that parti cul arl y dul l -wi tted adventures have rai sed
the hoods on their long unfed chameleon cloaks only to have the crea-
ture take a bite out of them! Fortunately, they are not equipped with
fangs (damage of 1 hp).
A chameleon cloak changes its skin color and texture to match its
i mmedi ate surroundi ngs. Under normal ci rcumstances, where the
wearer i s movi ng cauti ousl y and not compl etel y covered by the cl oak,
it adds 10% to the hiding ability of the wearer. Characters with no such
ability suddenly gain a 15% chance. If the character is standing still, the
light is poor, and the only part of him visible is the cloak, it adds 4
the hiding ability. The DM must interpret individual situations. The
chance of remai ni ng undetected never exceeds 95%.
Chameleon cloaks, like most of the rhulisti living items, feed on waste
products produced by the body. The cloak derives nutrition from material found in
perspiration. The cloak must be worn at least one day out of every week for it to get
sufficient nutrients.
Clawgrafts Tissue/Graft: AC 8, HD 1
Clawgrafts are found in sets of up to five. They are tiny spikes one and half inches
long. When pressed onto the tips of the hosts fingers, they merge with the flesh
of the fingertips. The clawgrafts bond to the flesh of the hosts fingers, becoming
a part of his hand. The damage done by a rake or slash varies depending upon
how many clawgrafts the host has. One claw does one point of damage, two to
three claws do 1d3 points, while four to five claws do 1d6 points.
Climbing Boots Tissue/Graft: AC 8; HD 1
At a glance, these look like normal boots. They are light brown and wrinkled, like
tough leather. Upon closer inspection, an observer can see that the top of the boot
actually merges with the skin of the hosts leg. The fringe of the sole is serrated, like
t he upper jaw of a primitive lizard. Subtle cracks can be seen that separate the toes.
When climbing boots are slipped onto the feet of a potential host, they
immediately secrete a powerful adhesive, effectively grafting the boots to the flesh of
the foot. Once the bond is formed, it feels to the host as if he is barefoot. However,
rocks, hot sand, or other uncomfortable obstacles can be felt but do not hurt.
Climbing with the boots is a joy. The sole of the foot seeks out footholds and grips
them tightly. The prehensile strength of the toes is dramatically enhanced. The hosts
climbing skill is enhanced by 25%, but never exceeds 99%. If a bar or other simple
handhold is available, the host can even hang upside down, but only for three
rounds before the boots lose their grip.
Climbing boots cannot be removed once attached, but can be cut off of a
host, causing as many points damage as the graft has hit points. Once off, the
hosts feet are forever tender. He can only walk half as far as normal before need-
ing to give his feet a rest.
Cl i ngbag Tissue/Tool: AC 8, HD
Thi s uni que bag i s extremel y handy. Just bel ow the edge of the mouth i s a dark
patch that secrets a powerful adhesi ve that wi l l sti ck to j ust about anythi ng, even
a character s ski n. On the opposi te si de of the bag i s a l i ght patch of sensi ti ve
ti ssue. When squeezed, gl ue si de rel eases and the bag can be pul l ed off wi th a
qui ck j erk. Cl i ngbags are found i n a vari ety of natural col ors i ncl udi ng sandy
yel l ows, tans, browns, and grays. They come i n two di fferent si zes. Large bags
can hol d up to 40l bs., whi l e smal l bags can onl y hol d 10l bs.
Cl i ngr ope Tissue/Tool: AC 8, HD
Made f r om a si mi l ar materi al to cl i ngbags, a cl i ngrope has a three foot
l ong gl ue patch on one end and a si x i nch rel ease patch on the
other. The ropes are found i n a vari ety of l engths, but never
shorter than 20 feet l ong and never l onger than 90 feet
(1d8+1 ti mes 10 feet). If the cl i ngrope i s used to grappl e a
l i vi ng creature, treat i t as an adhesi ve l asso. Creatures ti ed
up wi t h cl i ngr ope have hal f t he nor mal chance t o br eak or
sl i p thei r bonds.
Cl ot hworms Creature/ Producer: AC 5, HD
These small (3 inches long), gray-green worms are not pleasant to look at.
However the cl oth that they make i s very beauti ful . A cl othworm must be
placed on a persons body before it will spin any cloth. As it crawls
across the person, it leaves behind a fine, silk thread. It has an instinc-
tual abi l i ty to go under and over every other thread bl ocki ng i t s path.
In this manner, it actually weaves while on the persons body. The
worm eats threads that run paral l el to i t s path, repl aci ng i t wi th new
thread. The high armor class of the worm is strictly due to its small
The worm absorbs the person s sweat and reads hi s current
emoti onal state. The col or and pattern of the cl oth i s woven
to match the current mood of the owner. Because the cl oth
i s actual l y woven on the person s body, i t i s a perfectl y tai -
l ored fi t. The cl oth wi l l begi n to deteri orate after 24 hours.
Onl y t he r i chest and most decadent of peopl e woul d buy
cl ot hwor m weave. However, t hey wi l l pay a good pri ce f or
One cl ot hwor m cannot weave f ast enough t o cl ot he even
the smal l est hal fl i ng. It takes si x cl ot hworms to keep a
hal fl i ng dressed. Most humanoi ds need about ten, and hal f,
gi ants need 20 cl ot hworms. It takes about hal f an hour to get dressed
wi t h cl ot hwor ms.
Cool cl oak Creature/ Tool : AC 9, HD 2
The cool cl oak i s not trul y a cl oak, but a l i vi ng creature.
Anyone handl i ng i t i mmedi at el y knows t he di f f er -
ence. The cl oak i s too thi ck and feel s l i ke rub-
bery fl esh. The mouth and sensory organs are on
t he i nsi de of t he hood . Occasi onal l y car el ess
adventures have fai l ed to feed thei r cool cl oaks for
over three days. When they rai sed the hoods the
creature has taken a bi te out of them!
Fortunatel y, they are not equi pped wi th fangs
(damage of 1 hp per bi te).
The outsi de of the cl oak i s a dazzl i ng whi te.
The bl ack i nteri or stays cool i n even the most
severe desert temperatures, drawi ng heat away
from i ts owner. The cl oak provi des a +1 bonus
agai nst any heat rel ated attack.
Darkboots Creature/Parasite: AC 8, HD 1
At a gl ance, these l ook l i ke normal boots. They are dark brown and wri nkl ed, l i ke
tough l eather. The fri nge of the sol e i s serrated, l i ke the upper j aw of a pri mi ti ve
l i zard. Subtl e cracks separate the toes. They l ook very much l i ke cl i mbi ng boots
or t rackboot s.
When a potenti al owner sl i p one onto hi s foot, i t cl amps down on hi s l eg. Thi s
bite is so powerful that there is a 10% chance it cuts his foot right off. Regardless,
i t causes 2d6 poi nts of damage. The beast wi l l then attempt to fl ee. If caught, i t
has no combat attack form or any other natural defenses.
Earial Tissue/Graft: AC 8, HD
These wi de, soft, fl eshy cones are onl y si x i nches i n
di amet er . They ar e f ar f r om per f ect l y r ound, i nst ead
bei ng oddl y contorted and convol uted. The ti p of the
cone is spiked with a ring of sharp thorns.
When pl aced agai nst a potenti al host s ear, the eari al
begi ns to work i ts way i n. Thi s i s obvi ousl y qui te di scon-
cert i ng. Weari ng eari al s (one or two) causes a host to l ose
a poi nt of Chari sma. Thi s poi nt l oss i s temporary, l asti ng
onl y whi l e the eari al i s bei ng worn.
The eari al compl etel y coveres the ear. The host can
now hear sounds twi ce as far or twi ce as fai nt (but not
both) as he coul d before. Wi th onl y one eari al , the host
cannot fi x on a di recti on for sounds beyond hi s normal
range. However, wi th two eari al s he can. A rogue adds 25%
to hi s Detect Noi se score wi th one eari al , and an addi ti onal
10% wi th a second eari al .
Eyestalks Tissue/Graft: AC 5, HD
These strange grafts l ook l i ke eyebal l s mounted on one foot l ong stal ks. The stal k
is actually a flesh covered, flexible spine. The base of the stalk has three tiny,
cl awed tendri l s. An eyest al k can onl y be set i nto an empty eye socket. The ten-
dri l s si nk themsel ves i nto the host s brai n. At the same ti me, the
stal k secretes a powerful anestheti c, putti ng the host i nto a
deep, dreaml ess sl eep. For the next day, whi l e the eyest al k
merges with the hosts system, the host is kept asleep. The
high armor class of the eyestalk is because of its small size,
not the toughness of the flesh.
When retracted, the eyest al k i s i ndi sti ngui shabl e from a normal
eye, except that i t has a yel l ow i ri s. The stal k l i es coi l ed behi nd the
eyebal l . The host can make the eyest al k extend out up to one foot
i n any di recti on. It can peer around corners, l ook around behi nd the
host, or even extend i nto smal l openi ngs. The eyest al k must poi nt i n
the same direction as the hosts eye, or else the host suffers from
di zzi ness and di sori entati on (make a savi ng throw versus paral yza-
ti on at -2 or di sori ented for 1d4 rounds. -1 to al l attack
rol l s.) The onl y other al ternati ve i s to l eave one eye i n
the socket, covered wi th the eyel i d.
Some eyest al ks (10%) do not requi re an empty eye
socket to attach. Instead the base of the stalk secretes a
powerful adhesi ve and can be secured to al most any
part of the body. The eye beams i mages di rectl y to the
hosts brain using a form of telepathy.
Face-eater Tissue/Parasite: AC 8. HD
Thi s nasty i tem i s a l i mp, fl exi bl e di sk that feel s l i ke rubber. It i s about a foot i n
di ameter and compl etel y transparent. It l ooks very much l i ke a mysk or a
breat hermask. When appl i ed to a potenti al host s face, i t grafts i tsel f on. It di s-
sol ves the ski n wi th a powerful aci d, so that i t can get to the bl ood vessel s. A
character wi th thi s parasi te l ooks as i f hi s face has been peel ed off. The under-
l ayi ng muscl es and bl ood vessel s are al l that remai ns. A character wi th a f ace-
eat er attached l oses three poi nts of Chari sma. Each month there i s a 10% chance
that the f ace-eat er di es and fal l s off. The host s face wi l l parti al l y heal over, but
remai ns heavi l y scarred. He recovers two of hi s l ost Chari sma poi nts, but never
the thi rd unl ess extensi ve heal i ng magi cs are used.
Farspeaker Creature/ Tool : AC 8, HD
A f arspeaker l ooks l i ke a si x i nch tal l cross between a l i zard and bi rd. It has the
shape and posture of a bi rd, wi th two back l egs and
no forel egs. Where i t shoul d have wi ngs, i t has two
l arge membranes that l ook more l i ke ears. Its tai l i s
about a foot l ong and used pri mari l y for bal ance.
Al t hough i t i s cover ed wi t h br i ght r ed and yel l ow
scal es, i t has a l arge, stubby beak, and a spi ked
Al l f arspeakers can share thei r thoughts. Thi s
does not amount to much, si nce they have few
ori gi nal or i nteresti ng thoughts of thei r own.
However, f arspeakers know the names of al l
t hei r ki nd, no mat t er wher e t hey mi ght be on
Athas. When thei r owner speaks a name, they
mental l y broadcast whatever he says next to the
f arspeaker wi th that name. The onl y way to
send a message to anyone i s to know the name
of his farspeaker.
These odd beasts prefer to perch on an
owner s shoul der. If a f arspeaker hears a mes-
sage, it whispers it into its owners ear. Their
voi ces are soft, but have amazi ng range. The
repeated voi ce does not sound l i ke the ori gi nal ,
but carri es al l the i ntonati ons and accents.
No psi oni ci st has been abl e to read the mi nd of
a f arspeaker. Nor has anyone been abl e to get a f ars-
peaker to say anythi ng of i ts own accord, other than i ts name. If asked a di rect
questi on, the f arspeaker al ways repl i es wi th i t s own name.
Flashlance Creature/ Tool : AC 6, HD 1
Thi s bony, whi te spear i s three feet l ong, wi th two overl appi ng ri dges. The si x
i nch base of the spear i s a handl e. When the handl e i s squeezed, the spear
extends to its full length of six feet. This telescoping effect is so fast that it can
puncture armor and the fl esh
beneath. Qui ck as a fl ash, the spear
contracts, to be ready for a new attack.
It takes many months of dedi cated prac-
ti ce to master thi s weapon. In-other-words,
the character must use a weapon profi ci ency sl ot
for i t. Unti l that ti me, i t can onl y be used i n one of two
ways. The wi el der may ei ther use i t as a stabbi ng short
swor d, ignoring its telescoping ability, or use it as a sort of short
range mi ssi l e weapon. In the l atter form, the wi el der poi nts and
squeezes, attempti ng to i mpal e the target. Ei ther way, the weapon does
1d6 poi nts of damage. Once profi ci ent, the wi el der can combi ne the two and
gai ns a +1 to hi t the weapon does 1d10 poi nts of damage per attack.
Flexars Tissue/Graft: AC 5, HD 1
A flexar is dark yellow, bony half-shell that can improve the Dexterity of its host.
Varying in size, the smallest is as big as a fingernail and the largest as big as a
mans palm. The inside surface of a flexar is covered with
miniature spikes. They are usually found in pairs (left and
right side), or a set of ten miniatures, one for each knuckle.
Flexar grafts are placed on one of the major joints of the
body. The spikes grip the skin and send tendrils into the joint.
The grafting process is painless, but the process causes some
swelling and stiffness for the next several days. During the
grafting process, the hosts Dexterity is reduced by two points.
Only if the flexar is destroyed by damage, can it be removed.
Damage done to a flexar is also applied to the host. for every
three flexar pairs on a host, he gains one point of Dexterity.
There are only nine pairs available, so a host cannot gain more
than three poi nts of Dexteri ty, and cannot exceed a Dexteri ty
of 24. If a host has three or more pairs of flexars, he loses one
poi nt of Chari sma, assumi ng they are not covered.
Optional Rule- If the DM wishes to get more specific with the flexars, the pairs
are appl i ed to the fol l owi ng j oi nts: wri sts, el bows, shoul ders, hi ps, knees, ankl es,
fingers, spine, neck. Unlike the tendonils, it is more difficult to apply specific
Dexteri ty awards for speci fi c j oi nts.
Glider Grafts Tissue/Graft: AC 10, HD 1
This large, thin membrane stretches from the hosts wrists, across his back, and
anchoring at his neck and hips. On a halfling or other small host they
stretch from ankles to wrists. The grafts are a fleshy color with red
tracings, highly reminiscent of blood vessels. When first attached,
the hosts back and wrists feel like they are on fire. The feeling lasts for
about a day during which time the host acts as if he were under the
effects of a slow spell because of the pain and swelling.
When unf url ed, t he gl i der grafts al l ow the host to gl i de through
the air. The host must launch himself from at least 30 feet high,
because the first 20 feet or so he is free falling before the glider grafts
catch enough air. After that, the host can glide. Halflings, and like-
sized hosts, glide 100 feet for every ten feet of launch height
(beyond the first 20). Man sized hosts glide 50 feet for every ten of
launch height. On large hosts, the glider grafts do not allow any
flight, but will break a fall such that it does no damage.
Glowpods Creature/Tool: AC 10, HD 1
A gl owpod i s a one foot di ameter sphere,
wi th a fl attened bottom. Al though i t i s
bul ky, the gl owpod onl y wei ghs two
pounds. The creatures feeding organs are on the
small, flattened side. Feeding the glowpod is as sim-
ple as setting it in a dish of food. When not glowing,
the gl owpod i s a l eathery yel l ow.
If the glowpod is in a darkened area for more than
one round, i t begi ns to gl ow. One gl owpod can i l l umi -
nate an area 30 feet in diameter with soft blue light. If
well fed, the glowpod can light this area for up to 10
hours before fadi ng.
Grappl er Creature/Tool: AC 9, HD 1
This ranged weapon fires a stream of long, sticky cords. The grappler is about two
and a half feet long and six inches in diameter. One end is open, where the cords
are coiled. The other end has a curious hole near the base, just large enough for a
thick, human finger. The weapon is bulky and awkward enough that it must be
wielded with two hands. It is fired by inserting a finger into the hole in the base and
pl ucki ng the exposed tendon.
When fired, six sticky tentacles shoot out up to 30 feet away. Upon contact, the
wrap themselves around the target. There is a 50% chance of trapping the victims
arms. The adhesive on the tentacles is quite strong, requiring a successful bend
bars/lift gates roll to escape. While entangled, the victim loses all shield and
Dexterity bonuses. There is a 25% chance of knocking the victim down with
a strong pull.
Once the tentacles are unwrapped from a victim, it takes five full rounds
for the cords to retract. Until then the grappler is inoperable. The grappler
holds its victim for ten rounds before releasing of their own accord. If the ten-
don trigger is pulled, the tentacles will release immediately.
The grappler is a plant-based creature and when not in use it feeds on
sunlight and water. Once per month a grappler should be allowed to
extend its roots and plant itself for at least one week. Each month that a grap-
pler goes without being planted it loses one hit point.
Healer Pod Creature/Tool: AC 7, HD 3
Standing seven feet tall, the healer pod looks like an overgrown seed. It has a seam
on its front face that allows access to its hollow interior. Any character can crawl
inside the pod, which slowly closes itself over him. Once inside the pod, hundreds
of tiny tendrils and roots invade the persons body. Within seconds the patient is
unconscious. Attempting to remove a patient prematurely forces him to roll a
system shock check, where failure means death. Furthermore, the patient sus-
tains 3d10 points of damage.
The more severel y wounded the pati ent, the l onger he must remai n wi thi n
the healing pod. Each hour the patient heals 1d4 hit points. On the average, it
takes a patient ten hours to heal 25 hit points. Healing a disease takes 1-10
extra hours depending upon the severity of the disease. Regenerating lost limbs
adds a full day for each limb, but only two hours for fingers, toes, ears and the
like. A healing pod cannot cure mental disorders, magical diseases or curses, or
conditions the character was born with. The healer pod was designed to handle
life-shaped grafts, healing them while leaving them attached to the patient.
A healer pod is most often found as a seed about the size of a mans palm. It
must be planted in fertile soil and tended for a full season. During that time, the
plant grows to its full size. Laying on the ground, its root structure is not imme-
diately visible. However, it takes a combined Strength of 30 to pull it from the
ground. Once pulled, the healer pod withers and dies.
Halflings are perfectly safe inside a healer pod. Most other humanoid races
have a 1% chance per use of something going wrong. Half-giants and Thri-
kreen cannot use it at all. There are many things that can go wrong. 75% of
the time it is just a cosmetic change, but 25% of the time it is more severe.
1d8 Cosmetic Severe
1 Total loss of body hair Becomes sterile
2 Skin or hair color changes Addi cted to heal er pod*
3 Joints become very large Clubbed foot or hand (-2 DEX)
4 Voi ce becomes raspy Loses 1d6 hit points permanently
5 Webbi ng between fi ngers/toes
6 Forked tongue and slitted eyes
All life-shaped grafts die
Becomes deaf
7 Grows bri ghtl y col ored feathers Healer pod dies, 3d10 damage to character
8 Grows a 3 tail, not prehensile Character dies
* Addiction to the pod causes the individual to spend at least 8 hours per day within
the pod, otherwise the character suffers 1d8 points of damage for every day away.
lngenies Tissue/Graft: AC 8, HD
Each ingeni improves its hosts Intelligence by one point. Each of the three types is
shaped like a blunt cone about four inches high. The base of the cone
has a small, sharp spike. The bulk of the cone is pliable and soft,
wi th a thi ck, l eathery ski n. The memory i ngeni i s furry, and
marked wi th a compl ex pattern of bl ack and orange di amonds.
The l ogi c i ngeni i s shi ny and smooth, col ored pal e bl ue wi th a
chaotic pattern of fine black lines. The creativity ingeni is a dull
brown, and textured l i ke human ski n. Havi ng more than one
ingeni causes the host to lose one point of Charisma, assuming
they are not covered. A host cannot have more than one of
each type of i ngeni , and al l together they cannot rai se the
host s Intel l i gence above 24.
When attached to the top or back of the head, the ingeni puts
its host into a coma for 20-30 hours while it sends filaments into
the appropriate part of the hosts brain. An ingeni cannot be
removed without killing the host. If the ingeni is killed, the host
goes insane and dies within 24 hours. A heal spell will allow the host to live, but
only a restoration or wish spell will cure the insanity.
Ironthread Product/Tool: AC -2, HD 3
lronthread does not actually have any iron in it. It is made of a
unknown, smoot h, dul l , f l exi bl e mat er i al . Al t hough i r ont hr ead
is as thin as a piece of yarn, and almost as light, it is stronger
than gi ant hai r rope. A 50 foot l ength of i ronthread wei ghs
onl y two pounds. l ronthread can hol d up to 1000 Ibs.
before snapping.
The drawback of ironthread is that it is so thin it cannot
be used to hold anything soft yet heavy, such as a person. It
wi l l begi n to cut ri ght through the fl esh. Each round the
person l oses one hi t poi nt. However, i ronthread i s perf ect
for wood, stone, bone, or even metal .
Klacker Creature/Tool: AC 7, HD
A klacker is small enough to fit around a mans wrist or ankle. It has four tentacles,
two on each side, which it uses to grasp and hold onto the character. The body is a
soft, green oval, with a dozen hair thin antenna. The top of the oval
has two chitinous plates, like misplaced insect wings.
So long as the klacker is grasping a living creature, it will
sense for the presence of planar energy. It knows if there are
any other planar creatures within 60 feet. Exactly how it
does this is a mystery. Only lead and some obscure magical sub-
stances, such as basilisks blood, will block it. When it detects
other planar energy, it taps the two chitin plates together, making a
clacking noise.
Lens Tissue/Graft: AC 3, HD
These tiny patches of tissue are clear. They are applied directly to the hosts eyeballs,
rendering him blind for about a day. Once they have adapted to the host, he can see
clearly at twice his normal range. If the host had serious vision
pr obl ems, t hey onl y cor r ect vi si on t o make i t nor mal f or
his race.
A single lens graft causes blurriness and nausea. Its ben-
efits can only be achieved by having a matching set. The
high armor class of the graft is due to its tiny size, not its
These grafts feed on tears and have two slight side effects. The
hosts eyes tend to be slightly drier than normal, becoming red if irri-
tated. While wearing lenses the character is cannot cry, he is unable
to generate sufficient moisture from his eyes to form tears.
Lens, Red Ti ssue/ Craft: AC 3, HD
These ti ny patches of ti ssue are a transparent ruby
red. They are appl i ed di rectl y to the host s eye-
bal l s, and cause bl urred vi si on for about a
day (-1 to hi t, cannot see further than 20 ).
Once they have adapted to the host, he can
see heat emi ssi ons cl earl y. If the host al ready
had i nfravi si on, i t does hi m no good.
A si ngl e red l ens onl y functi ons wi th the other eye
cl osed. In normal l i ght si tuati ons thi s i sn t a probl em. However, i n
l ow l i ght a si ngl e red l ens puts a ti nt on everythi ng and causes
ghost i mages of anythi ng wi th a strong heat si gnature (treat thi s as i f
al l cr eat ur es vi ew wi t h t he l ens were weari ng a cl oak of
di spl acement.) The hi gh armor cl ass of the graft i s due to i ts ti ny si ze, not
its toughness.
Life Leech Tissue/Parasite: AC 5, HD
A l i fe l eech l ooks very much l i ke a bl oodcl ot. It i s a
smal l , three i nch di ameter, oval . The surface i s
smoot h, and mot t l ed r ed and bl ue. Tr ue bl oodcl ot s
have more red than bl ue, but a l i fe l eech i s more
bl ue t han r ed. When appl i ed t o a wound, t he l i f e
l eech begi ns to drai n i t s host of bl ood and other
vi tal fl ui ds. He l oses 1d6 hi t poi nts i mmedi atel y. The
l eech remai ns on the host for another 1d6 days,
dr ai ni ng one addi t i onal hi t poi nt each day. When sat i at -
ed, it falls off. Cutting the life leech off of a host causes
hi m 1d4 poi nt s of damage.
The ori gi nal purpose of thi s ti ssue i s not known. It i s hi ghl y l i kel y that i t i s a
parasi ti c mutati on of the bl oodcl ot. The l eech i s al most i mpossi bl e to use i n
combat, si nce i t must be appl i ed to a wound. It does not react i f pl aced on
heal thy ski n. However, i t has been used by the unscrupul ous for torture.
Life Leech Sword Creature/ Tool : AC 3, HD 1
Thi s i s a powerful weapon, worthy of consi derabl e respect by al l adversari es. It
begi ns to gi bber and pant i n l ow tones as soon as i t i s drawn. It
sounds for al l the worl d l i ke the creature i s i nsane and hun-
geri ng for the taste of bl ood. The sound al one has been
known t o cause weak wi l l ed opponent s t o f l ee ( opponent s
of l ess than 1 hi t di e must save versus paral yzati on or
fl ee.) Thi s weapon i s consi dered a short sword for
pur poses of det er mi ni ng damage and weapon
When the bl ade stri kes a l i vi ng oppo-
nent, i t drai ns i ts vi cti m of bl ood,
water and other nutri ents. The crea-
ture utters a ghoul i sh si gh as i t
absorbs the fluids. That first strike
drai ns 1d12 poi nts of damage i n
addi ti on to the wound. Thereafter,
t he vi ct i m i s t oo dehydr at ed, and
can onl y be drai ned of 1d6 hi t poi nts
per wound. It takes a ful l day, wi th l ots
of fl ui ds, to recover from the effects of the l i fe l eech sword. The vi cti m does not
regai n any hi t poi nts, but no l onger feel s dehydrated.
Mandi bl es Tissue/Tool: AC 10, HD 1
At fi rst gl ance, thi s weapon l ooks l i ke the mancatcher pol earm. It i s ten feet l ong
wi th a Y j oi nt at the end. The
ti ps of the two prongs have
hooks poi nt i ng i n t owar d t he
j oi nt, and a spi ke at the j oi nt
poi nti ng toward the target. At the base
i s a speci al gri p. On a successful attack, the mandi bl es cl ose around thei r target,
doi ng 1d6 poi nts of damage. If the speci al handl e i s twi sted, the mandi bl es
rel ease. If twi sted the other way, they cl ench even i f no target i s trapped between
Mot her Creature/Tool: AC 6, HD 3
Thi s strange creature l ooks l i ke a l arge moni tor
l i zard over si x feet l ong. However, the tai l i s very
short and the chest ai d stomach are overl y l ari e.
Whi l e a mother has no teeth, i t does have a
serrated ri dge. A bi te can do 1d6 poi nts of
A mother is designed to care for tissues. Any tis-
sue tossed near it is snapped up as if it were a deli-
cate morsel. In reality, the tissue makes its way to a spe-
ci al stomach. There i t i s soaked i n cam-rahn and gentl y
pampered. A command word i s spoken when the ti ssue
i s gi ven to the mother. When the command word i s sai d
agai n, the ti ssue i s produced and l ai d gentl y on the fl oor. A
mother can hol d up to 10 hi t di ce of ti ssues at one ti me. A
mother i s very protecti ve. Any aggressi ve acti ons wi l l cause i t to
run or attack, whi chever i s most l i kel y to preserve the preci ous
tissues that it carries.
Mysks Tissue/Craft: AC 8, HD
A mysk raises its hosts Charisma by one point. No host can
have more than one of each type of mysk. They can never
cause the host s Chari sma to exceed 24. Unl i ke tendoni l s,
i ngeni es, or the other attri bute enhanci ng grafts, none of
the three mysks look anything like each other.
The beaut y mysk i s a l i mp, fl exi bl e di sk that feel s l i ke
rubber. It i s about a foot i n di ameter and compl etel y
transparent. It i s appl i ed to the face, where i s bonds to
the hosts skin. The mysk subtly alters his face to be more
attracti ve, smoothi ng bl emi shes and eveni ng out features.
The dul cet mysk i s a hol l ow cone, mottl ed i n vari ous
shades of red. It is placed in the hosts mouth, where it
wri ggl es down and l odges i n hi s vocal cords. The host s
voi ce becomes r i ch and mel odi ous.
The aromatic mysk is a sickly, green fleshy disk about
two i nches i n di ameter, porous on one si de and rough
on the other. If the rough si de i s pl aced anywhere on the
hosts skin it bonds there within ten minutes. The mysk alters
the sweat gl ands of the host to al ways emi t speci al i zed
pheromones that subtl y attract other creatures. Thi s attracti on
i s not strong enough to make any person or creature act abnormal l y, but i f unde-
tected can i nfl uence them. For exampl e, a woman woul d not fal l i n l ove wi th a
man because of these grafts. However, she might be more disposed to answer his
questi ons.
Mysk, False Tissue/Tool: AC 8, HD
This item is indistinguishable from a beauty mysk. It is a clear, flexible
disk that feels like rubber. Its special power is to recall the shape of
the last face to wear it. Putting it on changes the wearers face to
looks just like the last face it covered, including coloration, tat-
toos, face paints, and even make-up. Unfortunately, this means
that if the same person wears it twice in a row, it just makes him
look like himself. The mysk can be put onto a dead persons face
to pick up its impression. However, if the dead face has a
wound, the wound will be imitated as well. It takes three full
rounds for the mysk to memorize a face.
The false mysk can create a nearly perfect physical disguise, but
does nothing to alter the wearers mannerisms, voice, or knowledge.
Using a false mysk gives a character with the non-weapon proficiency dis-
guise a +5 on attempts to use the skill. Characters without the disguise proficiency
can use the mysk to give them a base disguise chance of their Charisma minus one.
Ni ghteye Creature/ Tool : AC 8, HD 1
Thi s strange creature l ooks l i ke a skul l cap wi th two fl eshy tentacl es growi ng
from the si des. The tentacl es have l arge, yel l ow spots, each wi th a dark, poi nted
center. They l ook very much l i ke cat s eyes.
A ni ghteye i s control l ed wi th the muscl es of the face and neck. The tentacl es
can be tol d to move and cause i t s spots to gl ow. The l i ght i s so strong, that i t
shi nes twi n beams up to 60 feet away. The tentacl es can be made to face to
ei ther si de, but not backwards. Both tentacl es wi l l al ways face i n the same
di recti on. The ni ghteye can control the i ntensi ty of the l i ght down to a dul l
gl ow. If an enemy sees onl y those cat eyes, set over a foot apart and over si x
feet off the ground, he may assume he faces a huge nocturnal monster.
Ol factors Tissue/Craft: AC 8, HD
There is no mistaking this graft for anything but a nose. It is as long as a
man s fi nger and as thi ck as two of them. Twi n cavi ti es on one end gi ve
away i t s functi on. The other end has a soft membrane. When the mem-
brane i s pl aced agai nst the host s nose, mol ds i tsel f to hi s nose. Once
attached, the ol factor al l ows the host to smel l as wel l as any tracki ng ani -
mal . When t he host sni f f s, t he ol factor actual l y moves around, l i ke a
very short trunk. The host s tracki ng profi ci ency gai ns a +3 bonus. He i s
abl e to detect poi son or tai nted food and dri nk 20% of the ti me. An
ol factor decreases the host s Chari sma by one poi nt whi l e worn.
Pathfi nder Creature/ Tool : AC 8 HD 1
Thi s bi zarre creature l ooks l i ke a l arge sl ug wi th l egs. It i s about a foot Iong,
wi th no di scernabl e face, but two fl exi bl e antennae. It has si x short l egs, but no
arms. It i s grey on the top, wi th bl ue spots
runni ng down the center of i t s back, and
br own on t he bel l y.
The pathfi nder l eaves a scent trai l behi nd i t.
To do thi s, i t must wal k al ong the ground. It has a
movement rate of 6. It can fi nd thi s trai l for up to
two days, presumi ng that nothi ng di sturbs i t. Powerful
scents can obscure the trai l , as can rai n or other weather.
After two days, the trai l has compl etel y evaporated. Even
the most sensi ti ve tracker cannot pi ck up i t s trai l .
The pathfinder can be ordered to retrace its path. It is impor-
tant to note that the trail is followed as the creature walked it.
Most tracki ng ani mal s fol l ow an ai rborne scent whi ch al l ows them
to make some short cuts. Even when forced to use ground trails, those
animals head toward the stronger scent. The pathfinder will only follow its own
scent, and it always follows it backwards, toward the weaker scent. The pathfinder is
the perfect tools for exploring confusing underground mazes and dungeons.
Platons Tissue/Graft: AC 3, HD 1
A platon grafts onto a part of the hosts body and acts like plate armor. In the
extreme heat of Athas, regul ar armor i s i mpracti cal . Because pl atons become a
part of the hosts body, he does not suffer the penalties for such armor. Platons
are brown and textured l i ke tree bark. Havi ng more than two pai rs of pl atons, or
j ust the head pl aton, causes the host to l ose one poi nt of Chari sma.
There are three types of pl atons, body, l i mb, and
head. A body platons is the right size for the
chest or back of the host. A limb platon is
about the si ze of a man s forearm. A head
pl aton l ooks l i ke a bowl . Al l three forms are
concave, the head more than the others.
When the concave si de i s appl i ed to the
appropri ate part of the host s body, i t mel ds
wi th the ski n. The pl aton grows to cover that
part of the body. The head pl aton grows to
cover the face as wel l , but not the l ower j aw,
and l eavi ng openi ngs the eyes and nose. For
the next 20-30 hours, the pl aton i s extremel y
soft whi l e i t mol ds i tsel f to i ts wearer, care
must be taken not to move duri ng thi s process,
as the armor can become damage easi l y. Once
the pl aton mol ds to the user s body, i t cannot be
r emoved wi t hout damagi ng t he wear er . Removi ng a
pl aton causes damage to the wearer equal to the
number of hi t poi nts the segment has.
The pl aton covered part of the host s body i s
effecti vel y AC 3, before other modi fi ers. No
other armor, except a shi el d, wi l l functi on wi th
pl atons. Li mb pl atons can be fi t onto the front
or back of the l ower l eg, upper l eg, l ower arm, or
upper arm. Body pl at ons can be fi t onto the chest or
back. The general AD&D
7 Di mi nut i on 300
8 Drake Cont rol 100
9 ESP 500
10-11 Extra-heal i ng 4 0 0
12 Fire Breath 4 0 0
13 Fire Resistance 2 5 0
14 Fl yi ng 500
15 Gaseous Form 3 0 0
16 Giant Strength
(Warrior) Athasian giants,
90% Str 23, 10% Str 24 550
17 Gr owt h 2 5 0
18- 19 Heal i ng 2 0 0
2 0 DM s Choi ce
Subtable B (3-4)
1d20 roll I tem
1 Heroi sm (Warri or)
2 Invi si bi l i ty
3 Invul nerabi l i ty (Warri or)
4 Levi tati on
5 Longevi t y
6 Mi nd Bl ank
7 Oil of Acid Resistance
8 Oi l of Ar mor
9 Oi l of Di senchantment
10 Oi l of Dryness
11 Oi l of El emental
l nvul nerabi l i ty
12 Oil of Etherealness
13 Oil of Feather Falling
14 Oi l of Fi ery Burni ng
15 Oil of Fumbling
16 Oi l of Impact
17 Oi l of Maski ng
18 Oil of Slipperiness
19 Oil of Timelessness
2 0 DM s Choi ce
Subtable C (5-6)
1d20 I tem
1 Philter of Glibness
2 Philter of Love
3 Philter of Persuasiveness
4 Phi l ter of Stammeri ng
and Stuttering
5- 6 Poison
4 0 0
2 0 0
4 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
4 5 0
4 0 0
2 0 0
4 5 0
2 0 0
The type of creature affected can be determined by die roll (see the specific item description for more
* Level Range lists the die roll to determine individual spell levels on the scroll. Ranges in parentheses
are used to determine priest spells.
The XP Value for spells scrolls is equal to the total spell levels contained on the scroll x 100.
Subtable B (5-6)
1d20 I tem
1 Ma p
2 Pr ot ect i onAci d
3 Prot ect i onEart h
4 ProtectionElectricity
5- 6 Protecti onEl emental s
7 Protecti onFi re
8 Protecti onGas
9 Prot ect i onI nsect s
10-11 Protecti onMental Invasi on
12 Protecti onPetri fi cati on
13 Protecti onPl ants
14 Protecti onPoi son
15 Protecti onPossessi on
16 Protecti onSi l t Horrors
17 Pr ot ect i onUndead
18 Scrol l of Il l umi nati on
19 Cursed
2 0 DM s Choi ce
XP Value
2, 500
1, 500
1, 500
1, 500
2, 000
2, 000
1, 000
1, 500
2, 000
1, 000
1, 000
2, 000
1, 000
1, 500
1, 000
Subtable A (1-4)
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Animal Friendship
2 Animal Influence
3 Bl i nki ng
4 Chameleon Power
5 Cl umsi ness
6 Contrari ness
7 Cool ness
8- 9 Del usi on
10 Elemental Command
11 Feather Falling
1 2 Fire Resistance
13 Free Action
14 Human Influence
1 5 Invi si bi l i ty
1 6 Jumpi ng
1 7 Life
1 8 Mi nd Shi el di ng
19 Protecti on
2 0 DM s Choi ce
Subtable B (5-6)
1d20 I tem
1 MAC Prot ect i on
2- 3 Protecti on
4 Psi oni c At t ack
5 Psi oni c Mast ery
6 Psionic Storage
7 Regenerati on
8 Si l t Wal ki ng
9 Shocki ng Grasp
10 Shooting Stars
11 Spell Turning
12 Sustenance
13 Telekinesis
14 Ti me Shi fti ng
15 Truth
Warmth 16
17 Weakness
18 Wishes, Three
19 X-Ray Vision
2 0 DM s Choi ce
1, 000
5, 000
1, 000
1, 000
1, 000
2, 000
1, 500
1, 000
1, 000
1, 000/ pl us
XP Value
1, 000/ pl us
1, 000/ pl us
1, 000/ pl us
4, 000
2, 500
5, 000
1, 000
1, 000
3, 000
2, 000
1, 000
2, 000
2, 500
1, 000
1, 000
3, 000
4, 000
1d20 Roll I tem XP Value
1-2 Al ertness 7, 000
3 Beguiling (Priest, Wizard, Rogue) 5, 000
4 Cancel l at i on 10, 000
3, 500
2, 000
6, 000
5, 000
1, 500
10, 000
8, 000
3, 000
4, 000
2, 500
3, 000
5 Divining
6 Fl ai l i ng
7 Lordl y Mi ght (Warri or)
8 Passage
9- 10 Rani ke
11 Resurrection (Priest)
12 Rul ershi p
13- 14 Securi ty
15- 16 Smiting (Priest, Wizard)
17 Spl endor
18- 19 Terror
2 0 D M s C h o i c e
XP Value
2, 500
1, 000
2, 000
3, 000
4, 500
1, 500
2, 000
3, 000
4, 000
2, 500
4, 000
3, 500
1, 500
3, 500
3, 500
2, 500
3, 500
2, 000
Subtable A (1)
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Air Burster
2 Air Filter
3 Acidic Spawn
4 Ar mbl ade
5- 6 Armspike
7 Bl oodcl ot
8 Bond
9 Breathermask
10 Bur r ower
11 Chamel eon Cl oak
12 Cl awgrafts
13 Cl i mbi ng Boots
14 Cl i mbi ng Gl oves+
15 Cl i ngbag
16 Clingpad
2 Dar kboot s
3 Dark Cloak
4 Deathspray
5 Det oxi f i er st
6 Directional Sensor
7 Disposer
8 Dry Anchor
9 Drycloak
10 Earial
11 Eyehandt
12 Eyestalks
13 Face-eater
14 Farspeaker
15 Fl ashl ance
16 Flexars
17 Gillmask
18 Glider (Graft)
19 Glow Graft
20 DM s Choi ce
XP Value
1, 000
1, 000
250 each
2 0 0
4 0 0
4 0 0
2 5 0
2 0 0
4 0 0
XP Value
2, 000
1, 200
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 5 0
1, 500
2, 000
1, 500
750 each
1, 000
4 0 0
2 Lockpick
3 Mandi bl es
4 Mandible Tool
5 Mimicskin
6 Mot her
7 Mysk
8 Mysk, False
9 Ni ght eye
10 Ol f act ors
11 Pathfi nder
12 Platons
13 Poi son Nodul e
14 Preservation Fluid
17 Qui ckst r i ke
18 Scrubslug
19 Sensel i nk
2 0 DM s Choi ce
3, 000
5, 000
3 0 0
Subtable C (3)
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Gl owpods
2 Gr appl er
3 Grasping Hook
4 Grasping Rod
5 Healer Patch
6 Heal er Pod
7 Hurling Titan
8 l ngeni es
9 Ironthread
10 Joiner
11 Kl acker
12 Lens
13 Lens, Red
14 Lifechair
15 Life Leech
16 Life Leech Sword
17 Li ghtni ng Generator
18 Lightvisor
2 0 DM s Choi ce
Subtable E (5)
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Sensor
2 Shockst i ck
3 Shockwand
4 Sl apper
5 Sl eekoi l
6 Slicksuit
7 Sool mons
8 Spi neshi el d
9- 10 Spinethrower
Irri tant
Sl eep
13 Stealthboots
14 Storage Pod
15 Suct i on Di sk
16 Swim Fins (Graft)
17 Tail, Agile
18 Tail, Gladiators
19 Tai l , Graspi ng
2 0 DM s Choi ce
6 Trackboots
7 Vel ocets
8 Venom Whi p
9 Vi grons
10- 11 Warmcl oak
12 Warneye
13 Warstaff
14 Wat chpack
15 Water Condenser
16- 17 Water Sniffer
18- 19 Watersponge
2 0 DM s Choi ce
See Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs (#2439).
XP Value
1, 000
4 0 0
1, 000
1, 500
500 each
1, 000
2 0 0
4 0 0
4 0 0
2 5 0
4 0 0
2, 500
3, 000
2, 000
XP Value
5 0 0
500 each
1, 500
4 0 0
1, 000
500 each
2, 000
500 each
5 0 0
1, 000
1, 000
1, 500
1, 000
3 0 0
Subtable A (1)
1d20 Roll I tem XP Value
1 Air Pump
5 0 0
2- 3 Arrowhead Gecko 500
4 Ber-ethern
1, 000
5 Climbdog
2, 000
6 Cl ot hwor ms 100
7 Darkstriket
1, 600
7 Dhev-sahr
8 Food Producers
Bar-edum 100
Don- egi I 50/ bul b
Chuhn- egi l 2 0 0
Vash-erat 2 0 0
9 Furnace
4 0 0
10 Gon-evauth
1, 500
11 Motive Engine
8 0 0
12 Protector
3, 000
13 Shieldswarm
3, 500
14 Spl i tter 4, 000
15 Textile Producers
Drun-sahn 100
Fis-evar 150
Ghov- er ad 2 0 0
16 Watcher
2, 000
17 Water Pump
4 0 0
18 Weeper 3, 000
19 Yihn-eflan
1, 000
2 0 DM s Choi ce
See Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs (#2439).
Subtable A (I-3)
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Amul et of the Dragon
2 Amul et of Inescapabl e Locati on
3 Amul et of Li fe Protecti on
4 Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location
5 Amulet of Psionic Interference
5, 000
4, 000
5, 000
200/ bi t di e
200 each
2, 000
1, 000
2, 000
3, 000
2, 000
2, 000
1, 000
100/hit die
Subtable B (4-6)
1d20 I tem XP Value
1 Neckl ace of Strangul ati on
(Priest) 500
5 Periapt of Foul Rotting
12 Scarab of Death
1000/ pl us
4, 500
2, 500
1, 000
3, 500
4, 500
2, 750
XP Value
1, 000
13 Gauntl ets of Fumbl i ng
14 Gauntl ets of Swi mmi ng and Cl i mbi ng
1, 000
3, 000
1, 500
1, 000
XP Value
3, 000
2, 000
2, 000
1, 000
1, 000
2, 500
1, 000
2, 500
3, 000
XP Value
3, 000
1, 000
1, 500
5, 000
2, 500
3, 000
5, 000
1, 500
1d20 Roll
6- 7
7- 8
2 0
I tem
Candl e of Rej uvenati on
Chi t i n Oi nt ment
Dust of Appearance
Dust of Di sappearance
Dust of Illusion
Dust of Psi oni c Invi si bi l i ty
Dust of Tracelessness
Dust of Sense Depravation
Dust of Sneezing and Choking
Enhancement St one
Incense of Mediation (Priest)
Incense of Obsession (Priest)
loun Stones
Philosophers Stone
Stone of Control l i ng
Earth Elementals (Priest)
Stone of Earth Passage
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
Stone of Weight (Loadstone)
DM s Choi ce
1d20 Roll I tem
1 Aur a Mi r r or
2 Brazi er of Commandi ng
Fire Elementals (Priest)
3 Brazier of Sleep Smoke (Priest)
4 Carpet Anchor
5 Maul of Power
6 Mi rror of Cl ai rvoyance
7 Mirror of Life Trapping (Wizard)
8 Mi rror of Mental Prowess
9 Mi rror of Opposi ti on
10-11 Needl e of Knowi ng
12-13 Rope of Cl i mbi ng
14 Rope of Constri cti on
15- 16 Rope of Entangl ement
17 Rug of Smothering
18 Rug of Welcome (Wizard)
19 Spade of Colossal Excavation
(Warri or)
2 0 DM s Choi ce
XP Value
1, 000
2, 000
1, 000
1, 500
50015 PSPS
5 0 0
300/ st one
1, 000
1, 500
2, 000
3, 000
XP Value
5 0 0
4, 000
2, 500
1, 500
2, 500
5, 000
1, 000
1, 500
6, 500
1, 1000
I tem
Chi me of Interrupti on
Chi me of Openi ng
Chi me of Hunger
Drums of Deafeni ng
Drums of Panic
Fire Flute
Harp of Charmi ng
Harp of Di scord
XP Value
2, 000
3, 500
6, 500
1, 000
5, 000
10 Horn of Blasting 1, 000
11 Horn of Cl ai raudi ence 7 5 0
12 Horn of Col l apsi ng 1, 500
13 Lyre of Building 5, 000
14 Lyre of Silence 1, 000
15 Pi pes of Haunti ng 4 0 0
16 Pipes of Pain
3 Censer of Control l i ng
Air Elementals (Priest) 4, 000
4 Censer of Summoni ng Hosti l e
Air Elementals (Priest)
1, 000
18 Wi nd Fan 500
19 Wings of Flying 750
2 0 DM s Choi ce
The Talisman of the Sphere is known as the Talisman of Zagy in other worlds, such as Toril or Oerth.
1d20 roll Armor type Base AC
1-6 Leather 8
7- 8 Studded Leather 7
9- 10 Ri ng Mai l 7
11-12 Hi de 6
13- 14 Scal e Mai l 6
15- 16 Br i gandi ne 6
17- 18 Shi el d +1
19 Met al
2 0 DM s Choi ce
3- 10 0
11- 14 +1 500
15- 17 +2 1, 000
18- 19 +3 1, 500
2 0 + 4 2, 000
75% of these armors are -1 due to poor quality and workmanship.
Subtable A (1-2) Subtable B (3-6)
1d20 roll Weapon 1d20 roll Weapon
1 Arrow
1 Al hul ak
2 Ax e 2-3 Bards Friend
3 Battle Axe 4 Cahul aks
4 Bolt, crossbow
5 Carri kal
5 Gyt hka 6 Crusher
6 Bullet, sling
7 Dat chi cl ub
7-9 Dagger 8 Dragon s paw
10 Chat kcha 9 Forearm axe
11 Quabone 10-11 Gouge
12-13 Spear 12 Lotul i s
14-15 Sword
13 Master s whi p
16 Wri st Razor 14 Puchi k
17 I mpal er 15- 16 Singing Sticks
18 Kni f e 17 Tortoi se bl ade
19 War hammer 18 Wei ght ed pi ke
2 0 DM s Choi ce 19 Wi dow s kni f e
2 0 DM s Choi ce
Ammo in quatlties of 2d6, 3d6, or 4d6
Includes long, short, two-handed, and bastard sword
1d20 roll Material Cost Weight Damage Hit Probability
1-3 Met al 100% 100%
4- 8 Bone 3 0 % 5 0 % - 1 - 1
9-12 Stone 5 0 % 7 5 % - 1 - 2
13- 16 Obsi di an 5 0 % 7 5 % - 1 - 2
17- 20 Wood 1 0 % 5 0 % - 2 - 3
1d20 roll Sword Adj. XP Value Other Wpn. Adj. XP Value
1-2 - 1
- 1
3- 10 0
11- 14 +1 4 0 0 +1 500
15- 17 +2 800 +1 500
18- 19 +3 1, 400 +2 1, 000
2 0 + 4 2, 000 +3 2, 000