Knerr's Repertory

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State of being of the same heart and mind, harmony.

Arrangement in ABC order of important words used by the author or in a book.



Repertory belongs to the Puritan group

of repertories where the symptoms are given in their original form without much change or is based on alphabetical arrangement of original symptoms of Materia Medica i.e. indexing the symptoms without much modifying them.

Father was a homoeopathic practitioner.

Graduated from Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia in 1869

Assistant to Dr. C Hering

Got married to Ms Mellita

Pauline Hering at age of 27years in 1874 Church of New Jerusalem) passed away

Swedenborgian (Member of the

September 30,1940 at 93 years

Knerrs Repertory (1896) Co-editor of the 7 volumes of the Herings Guiding Symptoms of our Materia

Medica(1881-1891) Drug relationship (1936) Repertory of Headache (1846) The conversations, talks, life and times of Hering(1940)


Name: Repertory of Herings

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Author: Calvin Brobst Knerr Published: 1896 48 Chapters, 1 volume, 1232 pages and 428 medicines in the repertory Source: Herings Materia Medica

While comparing Herings Guiding Symptoms the remedies missing are Citrus vulgaris Iodoform Uva ursi

Remedies that present in knerrs repertory but missing in Herings Guiding Symptoms Aurantium Polyporus officinalis Castoreum Euphrasia officinalis Euphorbinum Hydrocotyle Illicum anisatum





Preface Contents Abbreviations Chapters Index


About Arrangement Of Rubrics

About Marking Of Distinction

About Index Of Localities And

Terms Acknowledgement to those who helped him to complete the work

! Proof Assistance Dr. Joseph C.

Guernsey ! Clerical Assistance Dr. W.H Phillips, Messrs, Douty, Ziegler and Field. ! Composition and Press work Brotherin-Law Walter E. Hering and reliable foreman Wm. Baetzel

DOUBLE THICK BLACK VERTICAL LINES : Symptoms repeatedly verified (Carries highest mark)

SINGLE VERTICAL THICK BLACK LINE Symptoms verified by cures

TWO ORDINARY VERTICAL LINES: Symptoms more frequently confirmed, or, if but once confirmed, strictly in character with the genius of the remedy


Less occasionally verified

Sometimes synonyms are given within brackets. E.g. Mind and disposition, chagrin (mortification) Treatment results are given within brackets. E.g.Upper Face, Face, cancer, obstinate lupus (improved), Graph Upper Face, Face, cancer, on right malarbone (relieved), Syph

(Hand symbol) : cross reference (theta mark) : standing between the cured symptom and the pathological condition, or the physiological general state symptom observed on the sick only

: --The Perpendicular Dotted Line Marks observation taken from the old school such as harmonize with our law of cure. t -Toxicological Extracts

Chapters and

From Abies nigra

Page numbers

to Zizia aurea 428 medicines


Symptoms arranged in the Original Form

And Alphabetical The order of arrangement or method of classification -- inaugurated by Hahnemann developed, perfected and used by Hering throughout his entire work on Materia Medica

This organ wise classification follows following order above downward from inside outward functional symptom first then organic conditions. First the parts then the whole body.

Begins With Chapter Mind and Disposition Ends With Chapter On Drug Relationship along with Complete Index Of Localities And Terms. The Organ-wise Classification Follows Hahnemannian schema till 34th chapter and the remaining chapters represent The Reaction Of The Whole Body

2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8.

Mind & Disposition Sensorium Inner Head Outer Head Eyes Ears Nose Upper Face

9. 10. 11.

13. 14.

16. 17. 18.


Lower Face Teeth & Gums Taste & Tongue Inner Mouth Throat Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversion Eating & Drinking Hiccough, Belching, Nausea & Vomiting Scorbiculum & Stomach Hypochondria Abdomen

20. 21. 22. 23.

25. 26.


Stool & Rectum Urinary Organs Male Sexual Organs Female Sexual Organs Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation Voice, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi Respiration Cough & Expectoration Inner Chest & Lungs


31. 32. 33. 34.

36. 37. 38.

Heart, Pulse & Circulation Outer Chest Neck & Back Upper Limbs Lower Limbs Limbs in General Rest, Position & Motion Nerves Sleep Time

40. 41.

43. 44. 45. 46.


Temperature & Weather Fever Attacks, Periodicity Locality & Direction Sensations in General Tissues Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries Skin Stages of Life & Constitution Drug Relationship


Starts from the rubric Abandoned

and ends in Zoo Magnetic. This chapter has plenty of rubrics and cross references. It has 553 rubrics.

Confusion, Dizziness, Falling,

Giddiness, Intoxication, Lightness, Reeling, Staggering, Swaying,


Apoplexy, Brain, Forehead, Head,

Headache, Occiput, Parietal, Temples, Vertex

Rubrics -- 14

Dandruff. Eruption. Fontanelles.

Hair. Head. Scalp. Scalp. Skull. Tumors Rubrics -- 9

Accommodation. Anterior Chamber. Aqueous humor. Canthi. Choroid. Ciliary Body. Circumorbital. Conjunctiva. Cornea. Eyes. Illusions. Iris. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation. Optic Nerve. Orbit. Photophobia. Pupil. Retina. Sclerotica. Sight. Supraorbital. Vitreous. Rubrics - 30

Auditory Nerve. Ears. Eustachian tubes. Hearing. Illusions of hearing. Membrani Tympani. Tympanic cavity.
Rubrics - 7

Auditory Nerves Atrophy Weakness Neuralgia Paralysis Vertigo Ears Abscess

Anemic / cross reference Erysipelas Fissures Suppuration Wax

EUSTACHIAN TUBES HEARING Deafness Impaired Reverberation While in sleep also can hear..

Illusion of Hearing: Chirping Drumming Ticking Tinnitus Whizzing Membrana Tympani: Adhesions Calcareous deposits perforation

Coryza. Nose. Smell Rubrics - 3

Coryza Alternates Bloody Children Diarrhea Heat in face Gray Neck stiff Periodic Weather

Smell Hallucinations Sensitive to,

Nose Abscess Bleeding Bluish Noli Me Tangere Comedones Chapped / cross ref Rhinitis Plugs Choanae Yellow saddle across Sinusitis Smell objective / cross ref Spots Tumor Ulcertation Warts

Eruption. Expression. Face. Face ache Rubrics - 4

Eruption Acne Barbers Itch Boils Comedones Crusty / eczema cross references Hives Rhus poisoning Ringworms Phagedenic

Expressions Face Anemic Beard Cachectic Cadaverous Cancer Greasy / oily Paralysis Risus sardonicus Sickly Prosopalgia Neuralgic Wind

Chin. Lips. Lower Jaw. Outer Mouth.

Rubrics - 4

Chin Carbuncle, comedones Warts Lips Black Bleeding Cancer Coating Flabby / hanging Licks heat during Tumors

Lower Jaw Caries Exostoses Masseter muscles necrosis Parotid Gland Sub maxillary glands Lock jaw Outer Mouth Blue around Cancer Ulcers

Dentition. Gums. Teeth. Toothache Rubrics - 4

Dentition Carried Sleeplessness Slow Gums Bleeding Bluish Epulis Injuries Purple Scorbutic ( Scurvy) Colors

Teeth Caries Converge Cupped Grinding Numb Serrated Tartar

Toothache Air Beer Carious Changing locality Eye teeth Stomach teeth Summer

Speech. Taste . Tongue

Rubrics - 3

Speech Aphasia Lisping Unintelligible Taste Acrid Bitter Burnt Ink Metallic Woody Watery

Tongue Aphthae; Black; Broad Cancer ; Furred; Cracked Dry; Fraenum Hair; Glossitis Leadcolored Mapped; Red Sticky; Ulcers White; Yellow

Mouth. Saliva. Rubrics - 2

Mouth * Aphthae * Gangrene * Hemorrhage * Cancer * Stomatitis * Syphilitic affections * Scurvy * Ulcers * vesicles

Saliva * Bloody; frothy * Ptyalism; Saltish * Tenacious * White * Yellow

Fauces. Oesophagus. Palate. Pharynx. Swallowing. Throat. Tonsils. Uvula

Rubrics - 8

Fauces Abrasions Coppery Gangrene Tingling ; formication; Crawling Oesophagus Burning Foreign body Spasm Stricture Worms

Palate Burning Caries Dry Exudate Inflamed Rough Swollen Ulceration

Pharynx Anesthesia Cancer Constricted Eccymosis

Appetite. Aversion. Desire. Thirst Rubrics - 5

Drinking. Eating. Rubrics - 3

Eructation. Gagging. Heartburn. Hiccough. Nausea. Retching. Seasickness. Vomiting. Vomiturio. Waterbrash.
Rubrics - 10

Epigastrium. Stomach Rubrics - 2

Diaphragm. Hypochondria. Liver. Spleen

Rubrics - 5

Abdomen. Colic. Flatulence, also see Flatus Chap. 20. Inguinal Region. Intestines. Perineum. Pubis Rubrics - 7

Anus. Cholera Asiactica. Cholera Infantum. Cholera Morbus. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Flatus. Haemorrhoids. Rectum. Stool . Before Stool. During Stool. After Stool. Worms. Rubrics - 15

Bladder. Kidneys. Ureters. Urethra. Urination. Before Urination. During Urination. After Urination. Urine. Rubrics - 9

Coition. Erections. Penis. Genitals. Glans. Gonorrhea. Masturbation. Seminal Emissions. Penis. Prostrate Gland. Scrotum. Semen. Seminal Emissions. Sexual Excess. Sexual Excitement. Sexual Power. Spermatic Cord. Sycosis. Syphilis. Testicles.
Rubrics - 17

Climacteric Period. Clitoris. Coition. Genitals. ( Labia. Mons Veneris. Pudendum. Vulva). Leucorrhoea. Mammae Chap. 24. Menses. Before Menses. During Menses. After Menses. Ovaries. Sexual Excess. Sexual Excitement. Sterility. Uterus. Vagina Rubrics - 15

Abortion. Infants. Lactation. Lochia. Mammae. Nipples. Parturition. Placenta. Post-partum. Pregnancy . Puerperal
Rubrics - 11

Air Passages. Bronchia. Epiglottis. Glottis. Larynx. Trachea. Voice Rubrics - 7

Asphyxia. Asthma. Breathing. Dyspnea. Expiration. Inspiration. Suffocation Rubrics - 7

Cough. Before Cough. During Cough. After Cough. Whooping Cough. Expectoration
Rubrics - 6

Clavicle. Inner Chest. Lungs. Sternum

Rubrics - 5

Blood. Blood vessels. Heart. Palpitation. Pericardium. Pulse.

Rubrics - 6

Axillae. Male Nipples. Outer Chest. Rubrics - 3

Back. Coccyx. Lumbar region ( Loins, Small Of Back). Neck. Sacrum. Scapula. Spine. Spinal Cord.
Rubrics - 8

Arms. Elbows. Fingers. Hands. Shoulders. Wrists.

Rubrics - 6

Ankles. Feet. Heels. Hips. Knees. Legs. Nates. Tendo-Achillis. Thighs. Toes. Walking.
Rubrics - 11

Joints. Limbs.
Rubrics - 2

Motion. Position. Rest

Rubrics - 3

Activity (Strength). Catalepsy. Chorea. Convulsions. Fainting. Faintness. Hysteria. Lassitude(Fatigue). Malaise. Nerves. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Restlessness. Sensations. Chap. 43. Starting. Trembling. Twitching. Weakness. Rubrics - 18

Awaking. Dreams. Drowsiness. Sleep. Falling asleep. During Sleep. After sleep. Sleeplessness. Yawning
Rubrics - 9

Afternoon. Evening. Forenoon . Morning . Night. Before Midnight . After Midnight

Rubrics - 7

Air. Cold. Dark. Light. Seasons. Temperature. Warmth. Water. Weather. Rubrics - 10

Chill. Chilliness. Fever. Heat. Sweat. Temperature.

Rubrics - 6

Rubric 1

Direction. Locality.
Rubrics - 2

Rubric - 1

Adipose. Bones. Cancer. Cartilages. Decomposition. Degeneration Emaciation. Excretions. Fibrous. Fluids. Gangrene. Glands. Granulations. Hypertrophy. Indurations. Inflammation. Ligaments. Metamorphosis. Mucous membranes. Muscles. Nerves. Nutrition. Parenchymatous organs. Periosteum. Plague. Pyaemia. Secretions. Serous membranes. Stenosis. Suppurations. Swelling. Tubercles. Tumors. Ulcers.

Injuries. Passive Motion. Touch. Rubrics - 3

Eruption. Skin
Rubrics - 2

Age. Complexion. Constitution. Habit. Occupation. Size. Temperament Rubrics - 7





To Effects of massive and molecular doses, chemical antidotes in poisoning, to the lasting or chronic effects super induced by the drug
Side Relations belonging to Same or Allied Botanical Family or Chemical Group Drugs Following Well

Supplying the Part of Another Drug Drugs Disagreeing, Incompatible, Do Not Follow Well Comparison for Reason of SIMILARITY

Its for reference work and Not For Systematic Repertorisation. The hierarchy of the repertory benefits the practitioners if the totality of the case fits into the following order.






1. 2. 3.

Temperament And Stages Of Life And Constitution Mind And Dispositions With Described Symptoms/ Concomitants Physical Generals (Appetite, Aversions,



Desires, Perspiration, Etc..) Complaints With Special Features (Modalities, Concomitants, Directions, Etc) Tissue Affinities Sensations and Modalities Single Symptoms can also be referred with the details, which would help one to prescribe in an acute case.

Mental condition given in all particular sections. * Pregnancy, Parturition, lactation, chapter is well represented * Concomitants in urine, stool, menses, and headache are well represented in this repertory.

In Stages of Life and Constitution

chapter, especially size, occupation, constitution, diathesis, and temperament is well represented In urinary organs urine specific gravity is given. Pulse rate is given with remedies. Temperature is also given in

Repertory With Provers Language Vast Information Section For Stages Of Life Under Constitution Rubric 26 Types Under Temperaments 7 Types Drug Relation Ship Chapter Cross Reference


rubric. Single remedy rubric difficult In repertorisation has a less number of medicines and needs upgradation. Nosodes are not represented well. Finer rubrics and sub rubrics very difficult to distinguish each other. Lack of detailed introduction part by the author regarding how to use the repertory.

column arrangement difficult to find out sub rubric, sub sub

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