Introduction ICPTA

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International Close Protection Training Association (ICPTA)

The ICPTA has specialized in professional protective training services since 2003. Headquartered in Solms/Germany, the ICPTA has trained thousands of students in more than 30 countries, including experienced CPOs of Fortune 500 companies and foreign governments worldwide. Our main goal is:

To take care and maintain a professional, universal and worldwide Close Protection Training Standard.

The ICPTA gives you and your employees the knowledge to be well prepared for real risks and situations in the world. Participants will receive state of the art and advanced training on proven methods to cope with current and future threats. Our instructors teach not only their skills, they practice them. Our training courses consists all necessary principles and we apply them in real situations. The ICPTA trains you or your staff according the same methods used for its own staff and to the latest methods derived from the various doctrines of Secret Services and the private security industry best experiences or applications. Learning "one on one with the I CPTA-instructors, ensures that the participants acquire the skills and knowledge that are vital to success in real settings and situations. The ICPTA can provide you the following training services: 2-days Basic Refresh Training 8-days Short Basic Close Protection Training 16-days Basic Close Protection Training 27-days Full Basic Close Protection Training 27-Saturdays Full Basic Close Protection Training Close Protection Instructor Courses ICPTA Close Quarter Combative Courses (Evasive) Driving Courses Firearms Training Mobile Training Team (MTT)

FOR MORE INFORMATION about IACPO services visit us online at or contact us With our Gountry Director on SERBIA.MOBILE.

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