Unt Lesson Plan - Reader2527s Theater
Unt Lesson Plan - Reader2527s Theater
Unt Lesson Plan - Reader2527s Theater
Teacher: Subject area: Ms. Pearce Language Arts Date: Grade Level: 2/10/14 th
Stephens Intro.
http://prezi.com/loo5va7ysdjl/?utm_campaign=share&utm_me dium=copy (20-25 minutes) The students will be grouped in four groups of 5 students. These groups will then work collaboratively to rehearse and perform their assigned readers theater.
Closing Activities (2-5 min, grouping) o The students will perform their readers theater to the class as they have practiced. Language Modifications Using big font on the presentation. Having a English-Spanish dictionary available in the classroom. Special Needs Modifications Having a print-out available of the slides or Prezi for students. Be able to work in small group and talk with students who receive Special Education services. Materials & Resources: Overhead, computer, papers, pencils, markers, Prezi, scripts, Youtube. Technology: Overhead, Computer, Prezi, Powerpoint, Youtube.