Lesson Stages

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Name: _Elizabeth Gonzalez _________________ Date lesson taught: _________________

Content Area: English ESL

Course Title & Grade Level: 9th grade English
9-12.7- Adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing.
9-12.8- Determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text
9-12.1- Construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade
appropriate listening, reading, and viewing.

Objectives: Content— Students will be able to identify key points in a short story and develop new
Language—Students will be able to summarize events in the short story “The gift of the Magi” by
identifying 2 elements of the story, and defining 20 vocabulary words from the reading.

Student-friendly— I can summarize 2 events in the short story “The gift of the Magi '' and identify 20
vocabulary words from the reading.
- In class discussion
- Stations
- Talk to partner
- Self evaluation
- Observations

Proactive Management:
Expectations and Behaviors
- Transition expectation
- Modeling
- Respect and safety
- Set expectations
Technology and communication
- Visual and auditory examples
- Power Point

Instructional Strategies: In purple

Note Taking Strategy:

Questions: In blue.
Beginning of the lesson:
Review- “Let's review what we learned last class, in partners students will discuss what are the five elements
of a short story and their functions. Students will review the five elements learned in the previews class, to
reinforce their knowledge about the short stories. Think- pair-share.
Preview- “Today we will start reading our first short story “The gift of the Magi” where we will identify the
first elements of a short story and we will be learning 20 vocabulary words from the reading”. Present
information about the reading ( author and preview of the content) and present the list of vocabulary words.
Direct instructions
Hook- With your shoulder partner you will have 5 minutes to answer the following questions: what is the
most important gift you have received? What is the greatest gift you have given to someone? Making
connections (Students will we given the option to share their answers to the class)

The Lesson:
Bellwork- Students will grab material needed. Students will have a daily question related to a world topic,
and will discuss it as a class. (4 minutes)
We do ( 15 minutes)
Everything from the beginning of the lesson plan ( review, preview and hook)
State the student friendly objectives- I can summarize events in the short story “The gift of the Magi '' and
identify 10 vocabulary words from the reading.

You do together ( 25 min)

Stations: Students will work on the vocabulary activity. Each student will be separated into groups of 4, each
student will be assigned to a station. There are five stations in total, each student will rotate until they have
completed all 5 stations. In each station there is a list of 2 words which students will have to find definition,
synonym, drawing and example of a sentence. Each student in the group will be in charge of one of the boxes.
They will have five minutes in each station. It is a group activity so students must communicate and work
with each other to complete the activity.

We do ( 10 mim)
Transition- Okay everyone the five minutes are done, we have five seconds to come back to our sits and be
ready for our next activity
Students will be given a copy of the story and we will begin reading
Directions- We are just starting our first short story “the gift of Magi” i will be reading the first paragraphs of
the story out loud and then you will be helping me with the rest of the reading, please read along with me and
be ready to read to the classroom”
Students are expected to follow the reading “The gift of the Magi” and then read outloud three or four

Closure: (3 minutes)
Good job everyone for the great job, be prepared to discuss the reading for next class.

Procedural— Students will give me all activities from the peer group activity and vocabulary activity, clean
their area before leaving.
Content Summary— Today students learned 20 vocabulary words from the reading, and they finished the reading “The gift o
the magi”


Powerpoint presentation.

Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Highlight Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components of your lesson.
How did you demonstrate high expectations (be specific on what this looks like), make learning relevant,
and motivate students?
By creating activities with a low level of English vocabulary, I allowed students to engage more in the
reading as well as the activities and class discussions. I motivated students by creating class discussions and
partner activities where they all had expectations of participating. Asking high level questions creating
opportunities of discussion allowed students to practice high level thinking.

2) Italicize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components
(representation, action & expression, engagement) of your lesson. How did you differentiate to meet the
needs of ALL learners?

By creating different activities that engaged in different ways I created a more inclusive environment where
all students were able to learn in different ways. Images, videos, and visual presentations are presented to
students to ensure that all students are understanding all information given. With vocabulary activities I
created support for unfamiliar references that can be an obstacle for student’s learning. I provided models
and examples, as well as objectives to develop skill of goal setting.

(7.1, 1.3, 2.1, 5.1, 6.1, 9.3)

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