Youth at Risk Screening Questionnaire
Youth at Risk Screening Questionnaire
Youth at Risk Screening Questionnaire
The following is a list of behaviors that are associated with Youth at Risk. Circle the items that describe the youth you are concerned about. Add the numbers up. A list of ranges are provided below. These ranges indicate a level of risk that your child's problem behavior will escalate without intervention. Professional consultation is always appropriate if you have concerns regarding mental, emotional or behavioral problems. This questionnaire should not be used to screen for medical, psychiatric or mental health disorders. No questionnaire can replace or substitute for professional consultation or face-to-face evaluation. This questionnaire is designed to help you clarify your concerns, help you discuss issues with a counselor or mental health professional and to give you an indicator of approximate risk. Name: _____________________________________ Date Of Birth: ________________ Sex: M F
1 Does not follow through with instruction and fails to complete tasks 1 Has difficulty organizing tasks or activities 1 Avoids, dislikes and is reluctant to engage in tasks that require effort 1 Has difficulty waiting or taking turns 1 Interrupts or intrudes on others 1 Is overly concerned with the opinions of friends 1 Is being used by other kids who are not good friends 1 Stealing without confronting a victim 1 Truancy from school 1 Easily frustrated or impatient with simple and reasonable rules 1 Swears 1 Pushes people away but then desperately wants them back 1 Touchy or easily annoyed by others 1 Easily frustrated and upset by events or circumstances 1 Blames others for circumstances without good reason 1 Blames others for his or her own mistakes 1 Avoids healthy family or social activities 1 Argues with adults over little things 5 Lying 5 Actively defies or refuses the requests of adults 5 Deliberately does things to annoy people 5 Quick to react with anger 5 Spiteful or vindictive 5 Often late without good reason 5 Frequent (at least daily) emotional outbursts and mood swings 5 Reckless or irresponsible behavior 5 Their efforts to solve their problems are not reasonable and are not effective 5 Doesn't seem to learn from mistakes and then change their behavior 5 Seems unable to see things from another person's point of view 5 Reacts to criticism or consequences with feelings of intense guilt, anger or depression 5 Responds with rage, profanity or yelling when their point of view is not accepted 5 Requires an excessive amount of attention and support 5 Avoids discussing or ignores the impact of their behavior on others 5 Tries to negotiate, get out of problems and avoid consequences 5 Is manipulative and deceptive 5 Does not follow through with promises 5 Running away from home (continued)
10 Deliberate destruction of property or the belongings of others 10 Mental or emotional cruelty to others 10 Justifies hurting others who resist being manipulated or controlled 10 Initiating physical fights 10 Has been in counseling or therapy and has not benefited 15 Breaking into someone's house, building or car 15 Stealing when confronting a victim 15 Friends and family suspect a drug problem 15 Refuses to acknowledge even the obvious consequences or symptoms of drug use 15 Has or is currently on medication for mental, emotional or behavioral problems 20 Threatens parents with violence, self-harming or self-destructive behavior 20 Denies solid evidence of their drug use 20 Cruelty to animals 20 Physical cruelty to others _______ TOTAL RISK SCORE Low 5 to 16 Moderate 17 to 32 High 33 to 84 Extremely High 85 or more
Additional Risk Assessment Handouts: Youth Risk of Violence Understanding and Dealing With The Risk of Violence Understanding and Dealing With The Risk Of Suicide For information regarding the "Youth At Risk Screening Questionnaire" Contact: Mentor Research Institute 818 NW 17th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 227-2027 www.OregonCounseling.Org Copyright 1998, Mentor Research Institute