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111. Determine the moments at A, B, and C and then draw the moment diagram. EI is constant. Assume the support at B is a roller and A and C are fixed.




A 3 ft 3 ft 3 ft

B 10 ft 10 ft

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover (FEM)AB = (FEM)BA 2(3)(9) 2PL = = - 6 k # ft 9 9 2(3)(9) 2PL = = 6 k # ft = 9 9


4(20) PL = = - 10 k # ft 8 8 4(20) PL = = = 10 k # ft 8 8

Slope-Deflection Equations. Applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For span AB, I 2EI MAB = 2E a b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + ( - 6) = a b uB - 6 9 9 I 4EI MBA = 2E a b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 6 = a b uB + 6 9 9 For span BC, MBC = 2E a MCB = 2E a I EI b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + ( - 10) = a b uB - 10 20 5 I EI b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + (10) = a b uB + 10 20 10 (3) (4) (1) (2)

Equilibrium. At Support B, MBA + MBC = 0 Substitute Eq. 2 and 3 into (5), a EI 4EI b uB + 6 + a b uB - 10 = 0 9 5 uB = 180 29EI (5)

Substitute this result into Eqs. 1 to 4, MAB = - 4.621 k # ft = - 4.62 k # ft MBA = 8.759 k # ft = 8.76 k # ft MBC = MCB = - 8.759 k # ft = - 8.76 k # ft 10.62 k # ft = 10.6 k # ft Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The Negative Signs indicate that MAB and MBC have the counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of span AB and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a and b, respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. c and d respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



112. Determine the moments at A, B, and C, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. The moment of inertia of each span is indicated in the figure. Assume the support at B is a roller and A and C are fixed. E = 29(103) ksi.

2 k/ ft

30 k C

IAB 900 in.4 24 ft

B I 1200 in.4 BC 8 ft 8 ft

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = (FEM)BA 2(242) wL2 = = - 96 k # ft 12 12 2(242) wL2 = = = 96 k # ft 12 12


30(16) PL = = - 60 k # ft 8 8 30(16) PL = = = 60 k # ft 8 8 407

2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



Slope-Deflection Equations. Applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For span AB, MAB = 2E c 900 in4 d [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + [ - 96(12) k # in] 24(12) in (1)

MAB = 6.25EuB 1152 MBA = 2E c 900 in4 d [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 96(12) k # in 24(12) in

MBA = 12.5EuB + 1152 For span BC, MBC = 2E c 1200 in4 d [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + [ - 60(12) k # in] 16(12) in


MBC = 25EuB - 720 MCB = 2E c 1200 in4 d [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + 60(12) k # in 16(12) in


MCB = 12.5EuB + 720 Equilibrium. At Support B, MBA + MBC = 0 Substitute Eqs. 3(2) and (3) into (5), 12.5EuB + 1152 + 25EuB - 720 = 0 uB = 11.52 E



Substitute this result into Eqs. (1) to (4), MAB = - 1224 k # in = - 102 k # ft MBA = 1008 k # in = 84 k # ft MBC = MCB = - 1008 k # in = - 84 k # ft 576 k # in = 48 k # ft Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MAB and MBC have counterclockwise rotational senses. Using these results, the shear at both ends of spans AB and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a and b, respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. c and d respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



113. Determine the moments at the supports A and C, then draw the moment diagram. Assume joint B is a roller. EI is constant.
A 3m

25 kN

15 kN/m

B 3m 4m

MN = 2E a MAB = MBA = MBC = MCB =

I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L

(25)(6) 2EI (0 + uB) 6 8 (25)(6) 2EI (2uB) + 6 8 (15)(4)2 2EI (2uB) 4 12 (15)(4)2 2EI (uB) + 4 12

Equilibrium. MBA + MBC = 0 25(6) 15(4)2 2EI 2EI (2uB) + + (2uB) = 0 6 8 4 12 uB = 0.75 EI MAB = - 18.5 kN # m MCB = 20.375 kN # m = 20.4 kN # m MBA MBC = 19.25 kN # m = - 19.25 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*114. Determine the moments at the supports, then draw the moment diagram. Assume B is a roller and A and C are fixed. EI is constant.

15 kN 15 kN 15 kN 25 kN/m

3m 6m

B 2m 2m 2m

C 2m


11(25)(6)2 = - 51.5625 kN # m 192

5(25)(6)2 = 23.4375 kN # m 192 - 5(15)(8) = - 37.5 kN # m 16

(FEM)CB = 37.5 kN # m MN = 2E a I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L

I MAB = 2E a b (2(0) + uB - 0) - 51.5625 6 MAB = EIuB - 51.5625 3 (1)

I MBA = 2E a b (2uB + 0 - 0) + 23.4375 6 MBA = 2EIuB + 23.4375 3 (2)

I MBC = 2E a b (2uB + 0 - 0) - 37.5 8 MBC = EIuB - 37.5 2 (3)

I MCB = 2E a b (2(0) + uB - 0) + 37.5 8 MCB = EIuB + 37.5 4 (4)

Equilibrium. MBA + MBC = 0 Solving: uB = 12.054 EI MAB = - 47.5 kN # m MBA = 31.5 kN # m MBC = - 31.5 kN # m MCB = 40.5 kN # m (5)

Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

115. Determine the moment at A, B, C and D, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. Assume the supports at A and D are fixed and B and C are rollers. EI is constant.
A 5m B

20 kN/ m

C 3m 5m

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = 0 (FEM)BC = (FEM)CB = (FEM)BA = 0 (FEM)CD = 0 (FEM)DC = 0

20(32) wL2 = = - 15 kN # m 12 12

20(32) wL2 = = 15 kN # m 12 12

Slope-Deflection Equation. Applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For span AB, I 2EI MAB = 2E a b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uB 5 5 I 4EI MBA = 2E a b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uB 5 5 For span BC, I 4EI 2EI MBC = 2E a b [2uB + uC - 3(0)] + ( - 15) = a b uB + a b uC - 15 3 3 3 I 4EI 2EI MCB = 2E a b [2uC + uB - 3(0)] + 15 = a b uC + a b uB + 15 3 3 3 For span CD, I 4EI MCD = 2E a b [2uC + 0 - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC 5 5 I 2EI MDC = 2E a b [2(0) + uC - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC 5 5 Equilibrium. At Support B, MBA + MBC = 0 a 4EI 4EI 2EI b uB + a b uB + a b uC - 15 = 0 5 3 3 a 2EI 32EI b uB + a b uC = 15 15 3 (7) (5) (6) (3) (4) (1) (2)

At Support C, MCB + MCD = 0 a 4EI 2EI 4EI b uC + a b uB + 15 + a b uC = 0 3 3 5


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2EI 32EI b uB + a b uC = - 15 3 15


Solving Eqs. (7) and (8) uB = 225 22EI uC = 225 22EI

Substitute these results into Eqs. (1) to (6), MAB = 4.091 kN # m = 4.09 kN # m MBA = 8.182 kN # m = 8.18 kN # m MBC = - 8.182 kN # m = - 8.18 kN # m MCB = 8.182 kN # m = 8.18 kN # m MCD = - 8.182 kN # m = - 8.18 kN # m MDC = - 4.091 kN # m = - 4.09 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative sign indicates that MBC, MCD and MDC have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of spans AB, BC, and CD are computed and shown in Fig. a, b, and c respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. d, and e respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

116. Determine the moments at A, B, C and D, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. Assume the supports at A and D are fixed and B and C are rollers. EI is constant.

9k 2 k/ft


B 15 ft 15 ft

C 5 ft 5 ft

D 5 ft

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = (FEM)BA 2(15)2 wL2 = = - 37.5 k # ft 12 12 2(152) wL2 = = 37.5 k # ft = 12 12

(FEM)BC = (FEM)CB = 0 (FEM)CD = (FEM)DC 2(9)(15) - 2PL = = - 30 k # ft 9 9 2(9)(15) 2PL = = = 30 k # ft 9 9

Slope-Deflection Equation. Applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For span AB, MAB = 2E a MBA = 2E a I 2EI b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + ( - 37.5) = a b uB - 37.5 15 15 I 4EI b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 37.5 = a b uB + 37.5 15 15 (1) (2)

For span BC, MBC = 2E a MCB = 2E a I 4EI 2EI b [2uB + uC - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uB + a b uC 15 15 15 I 4EI 2EI b [2uC + uB - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC + a b uB 15 15 15 (3) (4)


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



For span CD, MCD = 2E a MDC = 2E a I 4EI b [2uC + 0 - 3(0)] + ( - 30) = a b uC - 30 15 15 I 2EI b [2(0) + uC - 3(0)] + 30 = a b uC + 30 15 15 (5) (6)

Equilibrium. At Support B, MBA + MBC = 0 a 4EI 4EI 2EI b uB + 37.5 + a b uB + a b uC = 0 15 15 15 a 8EI 2EI b uB + a b uC = - 37.5 15 15 (7)

At Support C, MCB + MCD = 0 a 2EI 4EI 4EI b uC + a b uB + a b uC - 30 = 0 15 15 15 a 8EI 2EI b uC + a b uB = 30 15 15 (8)

Solving Eqs. (7) and (8), uC = 78.75 EI uB = 90 EI

Substitute these results into Eqs. (1) to (6), MAB = - 49.5 k # ft MBA = 13.5 k # ft MBC = - 13.5 k # ft MCB = 9 k # ft MCD = - 9 k # ft MDC = 40.5 k # ft Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MAB, MBC and MCD have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of spans AB, BC, and CD are computed and shown in Fig. a, b, and c respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. d, and e respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

117. Determine the moment at B, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. Assume the supports at A and C are pins and B is a roller. EI is constant.

40 kN 20 kN

A 6m 2m

B 4m 4m

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)BA = a (FEM)BC = 22(6) P a2b 40 2 2 b a b a + b c 6 (2) + b = a d = 52.5 kN # m 2 2 L2 82 3(20)(8) 3PL = = - 30 kN # m 16 16

Slope-Deflection Equations. Applying Eq. 1110 Since one of the ends support for spans AB and BC is a pin. MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N For span AB, I 3EI MBA = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 52.5 = a b uB + 52.5 8 8 For span BC, I 3EI MBC = 3E a b (uB - 0) + (- 30) = a b uB - 30 8 8 Equilibrium. At support B, MBA + MBC = 0 a 3EI 3EI b uB + 52.5 + a b uB - 30 = 0 8 8 a 3EI b uB = - 22.5 4 uB = 30 EI (2) (1)


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



Substitute this result into Eqs. (1) and (2) MBA = 41.25 kN # m MBC = - 41.25 kN # m Ans. Ans.

The negative sign indicates that MBC has counterclockwise rotational sense. Using this result, the shear at both ends of spans AB and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a and b respectively. Subsequently, the shear and Moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. c and d respectively.

*118. Determine the moments at A, B, and C, then draw the moment diagram. EI is constant. Assume the support at B is a roller and A and C are fixed.
A 8 ft


0.5 k/ ft

B 8 ft 18 ft


PL = - 12, 8


wL2 = - 13.5 12

PL = 12, 8

wL2 = 13.5 12

uA = uC = cAB = cBC = 0 MN = 2E a MAB = MBA = MBC = MCB = I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L

2EI (u ) - 12 16 B 2EI (2uB) + 12 16 2EI (2uB) - 13.5 18 2EI (uB) + 13.5 18

Moment equilibrium at B: MBA + MBC = 0 2EI 2EI (2uB) + 12 + (2uB) - 13.5 = 0 16 18 uB = 3.1765 EI


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Thus MAB = - 11.60 = - 11.6 k # ft MBA = 12.79 = 12.8 k # ft MBC = - 12.79 = - 12.8 k # ft MCB = 13.853 = 13.9 k # ft Left Segment c + a MA = 0; - 11.60 + 6(8) + 12.79 - VBL(16) = 0 VBL = 3.0744 k + c a Fy = 0; Right Segment c + a MB = 0; - 12.79 + 9(9) - Cy(18) + 13.85 = 0 Cy = 4.5588 k + c a Fy = 0; At B By = 3.0744 + 4.4412 = 7.52 k VBK = 4.412 k Ay = 2.9256 k Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

119. Determine the moments at each support, then draw the moment diagram. Assume A is fixed. EI is constant.

4 k/ft

12 k

B 20 ft 15 ft

C 8 ft 8 ft

MN = 2E a MAB = MBA = MBC = MCB =

I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L

4(20)2 2EI (2(0) + uB - 0) 20 12 4(20)2 2EI (2uB + 0 - 0) + 20 12 2EI (2uB + uC - 0) + 0 15 2EI (2uC + uB - 0) + 0 15 I b (uN - c) + (FEM)N L

MN = 3E a MCD =

3(12)16 3EI (uC - 0) 16 16 417

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Equilibrium. MBA + MBC = 0 MCB + MCD = 0 Solving uC = 178.08 EI 336.60 EI Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

uB = -

MAB = - 167 k # ft MBA = 66.0 k # ft MBC = - 66.0 k # ft MCB = 2.61 k # ft MCD = - 2.61 k # ft

1110. Determine the moments at A and B, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. EI is constant.
200 lb/ ft 2400 lb

A 30 ft

B 10 ft


1 1 (w )(L2) = - (200)(302) = - 15 k # ft 12 12

2EI (0 + uB - 0) - 15 30 2EI (2uB + 0 - 0) + 15 30 MBA = 2.4(10)

a MB = 0; Solving, uB = 67.5 EI

MAB = - 10.5 k # ft MBA = 24 k # ft

Ans. Ans.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1111. Determine the moments at A, B, and C, then draw the moment diagram for the beam. Assume the support at A is fixed, B and C are rollers, and D is a pin. EI is constant.
A 4 ft



3 k/ft

B 4 ft 4 ft 12 ft

C 12 ft

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = (FEM)BA = 2(6)(12) 2PL = = - 16 k # ft 9 9

2(6)(12) 2PL = = 16 k # ft 9 9 3(122) wL2 = = - 54 k # ft 8 8

(FEM)BC = (FEM)CB = 0 (FEM)CD = -

Slope-Deflection Equations. Applying Eq. 118, for spans AB and BC. MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For span AB, MAB = 2E a MBA = 2E a I EI b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + ( - 16) = a b uB - 16 12 6 I EI b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 16 = a b uB + 16 12 3 (1) (2)

For span BC, MBC = 2E a MCB = 2E a I EI EI b [2uB + uC - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uB + a b uC 12 3 6 I EI EI b [2uC + uB - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC + a b uB 12 3 6 (3) (4)

Applying Eq. 1110 for span CD, MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N MCD = 3E a I EI b (uC - 0) + ( - 54) = a b uC - 54 12 4 (5)

Equilibrium. At support B, MBA + MBC = 0 a a EI EI EI b uB + 16 + a b uB + a b uC = 0 3 3 6 2EI EI b uB + a b uC = - 16 3 6 (6)

At support C, MCB + MCD = 0 a a EI EI EI b uC + a b uB + a b uC - 54 = 0 3 6 4 7EI EI b uC + a b uB = 54 12 6 (7)


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Solving Eqs. (6) and (7) uC = 1392 13EI uB = 660 13EI

Substitute these results into Eq. (1) to (5) MAB = - 24.46 k # ft = - 24.5 k # ft MBA = - 0.9231 k # ft = - 0.923 k # ft MBC = 0.9231 k # ft = 0.923 k # ft MCB = 27.23 k # ft = 27.2 k # ft MCD = - 27.23 k # ft = - 27.2 k # ft Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicates that MAB, MBA, and MCD have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of spans AB, BC, and CD are computed and shown in Fig. a, b, and c respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. d and e respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*1112. Determine the moments acting at A and B. Assume A is fixed supported, B is a roller, and C is a pin. EI is constant.
A 9m

20 kN/ m

80 kN

B 3m 3m


wL2 = - 54, 30 wL2 = 81 20


3PL = - 90 16

Applying Eqs. 118 and 1110, MAB = MBA = MBC = 2EI (uB) - 54 9 2EI (2uB) + 81 9 3EI (uB) - 90 6

Moment equilibrium at B: MBA + MBC = 0 4EI EI (uB) + 81 + u - 90 = 0 9 2 B uB = Thus, MAB = - 51.9 kN # m MBA = 85.2 kN # m MBC = - 85.2 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. 9.529 EI

1113. Determine the moments at A, B, and C, then draw the moment diagram for each member. Assume all joints are fixed connected. EI is constant.

4 k/ft B 18 ft 9 ft


- 4(18)2 = - 108 k # ft = 12

(FEM)BA = 108 k # ft (FEM)BC = (FEM)CB = 0


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



MN = 2E a

I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L I b (2(0) + uB - 0) - 108 18 (1)

MAB = 2E a

MAB = 0.1111EIuB - 108 MBA = 2E a I b (2uB + 0 - 0) + 108 18

MBA = 0.2222EIuB + 108 I MBC = 2E a b (2uB + 0 - 0) + 0 9 MBC = 0.4444EIuB I MCB = 2E a b (2(0) + uB - 0) + 0 9 MCB = 0.2222EIuB Equilibrium MBA + MBC = 0 Solving Eqs. 15: uB = - 162.0 EI





MAB = - 126 k # ft MBA = 72 k # ft MBC = - 72 k # ft MCB = - 36 k # ft

Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1114. Determine the moments at the supports, then draw the moment diagram. The members are fixed connected at the supports and at joint B. The moment of inertia of each member is given in the figure. Take E = 29(103) ksi.

20 k 8 ft IAB 800 in4 6 ft IBC 1200 in4 6 ft 15 k 8 ft B


- 20(16) = = - 40 k # ft 8

(FEM)BA = 40 k # ft (FEM)BC = - 15(12) = - 22.5 k # ft 8

(FEM)CB = 22.5 k # ft MN = 2E a MAB = I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L

2(29)(103)(800) (2(0) + uB - 0) - 40 16(144) (1)

MAB = 20,138.89uB - 40 MBA = 2(29)(10 )(800) (2uB + 0 - 0) + 40 16(144)


MBA = 40,277.78uB + 40 MBC = 2(29)(103)(1200) (2uB + 0 - 0) - 22.5 12(144)


MBC = 80,555.55uB - 22.5 MCB = 2(29)(103)(1200) (2(0) + uB - 0) + 22.5 12(144)


MCB = 40,277.77uB + 22.5 Equilibrium. MBA + MBC = 0 Solving Eqs. 15: uB = - 0.00014483 MAB = - 42.9 k # ft MBA = 34.2 k # ft MBC = - 34.2 k # ft MCB = 16.7 k # ft






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1115. Determine the moment at B, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the support at A is fixed and C is pinned. EI is constant.

2 kN/m

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = (FEM)BA 2(32) wL2 = = - 1.50 kN # m 12 12 2(32) wL2 = = = 1.50 kN # m 12 12
3m 4m

(FEM)BC = 0 Slope-Deflection Equations. Applying Eq. 118 for member AB, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N I 2EI MAB = 2E a b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + ( - 1.50) = a b uB - 1.50 3 3 I 4EI MBA = 2E a b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 1.50 = a b uB + 1.50 3 3 Applying Eq. 1110 for member BC, MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N I 3EI MBC = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 0 = a b uB 4 4 Equilibrium. At Joint B, MBA + MBC = 0 a 4EI 3EI b uB + 1.50 + a b uB = 0 3 4 uB = 0.72 EI (3) (1) (2)

Substitute this result into Eqs. (1) to (3) MAB = - 1.98 kN # m MBA = 0.540 kN # m MBC = - 0.540 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MAB and MBC have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of member AB and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a and b respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. c and d respectively.


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*1116. Determine the moments at B and D, then draw the moment diagram. Assume A and C are pinned and B and D are fixed connected. EI is constant.

8k 15 ft B 12 ft D 10 ft 10 ft C

(FEM)BA = 0 (FEM)BC = - 3(8)(20) = - 30 k # ft 16

(FEM)BD = (FEM)DB = 0 MN = 3E a I b (uN - c) + (FEM)N L I b (uB - 0) + 0 15 (1)

MBA = 3E a

MBA = 0.2EIuB MBC = 3E a I b (uB - 0) - 30 20

MBC = 0.15EIuB - 30 MN = 2E a I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L I b (2uB + 0 - 0) + 0 12


MBD = 2E a

MBD = 0.3333EIuB MDB = 2E a I b (2(0) + uB - 0) + 0 12


MDB = 0.1667EIuB Equilibrium. MBA + MBC + MBD = 0 Solving Eqs. 15: uB = 43.90 EI



MBA = 8.78 k # ft MBC = - 23.41 k # ft MBD = 14.63 k # ft MDB = 7.32 k # ft

Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.


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1117. Determine the moment that each member exerts on the joint at B, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the support at A is fixed and C is a pin. EI is constant.
6 ft

2 k/ ft B C 15 ft

10 k 6 ft A

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AB = (FEM)BC = 10(12) PL = = - 15 k # ft 8 8 (FEM)BA = 10(12) PL = = 15 k # ft 8 8

2(152) wL2 = = - 56.25 k # ft 8 8

Slope Reflection Equations. Applying Eq. 118 for member AB, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N MAB = 2E a I EI b [2(0) + uB - 3(0)] + (15) = a b uB - 15 12 6 I EI b [2uB + 0 - 3(0)] + 15 = a b uB + 15 12 3 (1) (2)

MBA = 2E a

For member BC, applying Eq. 1110 MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N MBC = 3E a I EI b (uB - 0) + ( - 56.25) = a b uB - 56.25 15 5 (3)

Equilibrium. At joint B, MBA + MBC = 0 a EI EI b uB + 15 + a b uB - 56.25 = 0 3 5 uB = 77.34375 EI

Substitute this result into Eqs. (1) to (3) MAB = - 2.109 k # ft = - 2.11 k # ft MBA = 40.78 k # ft = 40.8 k # ft MBC = - 40.78 k # ft = - 40.8 k # ft Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MAB and MBC have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of member AB and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a and b respectively. Subsequently, the shear and Moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. c and d respectively.


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1118. Determine the moment that each member exerts on the joint at B, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the supports at A, C, and D are pins. EI is constant.

D 6m

B 6m 8m 12 kN/ m

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)BA 12(82) wL = = = 96 kN # m 8 8

(FEM)BC = (FEM)BD = 0

Slope-Reflection Equation. Since the far end of each members are pinned, Eq. 1110 can be applied MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N For member AB, I 3EI MBA = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 96 = a b uB + 96 8 8 For member BC, I EI MBC = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 0 = a b uB 6 2 For member BD, I EI MBD = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 0 = u 6 2 B Equilibrium. At joint B, MBA + MBC + MBD = 0 a 3EI EI EI b uB + 96 + a b uB + u = 0 8 2 2 B uB = 768 11EI (3) (2) (1)

Substitute this result into Eqs. (1) to (3) MBA = 69.82 kN # m = 69.8 kN # m MBC = - 34.91 kN # m = - 34.9 kN # m MBD = - 34.91 kN # m = - 34.9 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MBC and MBD have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of members AB, BC, and BD are computed and shown in Fig. a, b and c respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagrams can be plotted, Fig. d and e respectively.


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2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1119. Determine the moment at joints D and C, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the supports at A and B are pins. EI is constant.

3 k/ ft D C

12 ft

A 5 ft 10 ft 5 ft

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, 3(102) 3(102) wL2 wL2 (FEM)DC = = = - 25 k # ft (FEM)CD = = = 25 k # ft 12 12 12 12 (FEM)DA = (FEM)CB = 0 Slope-Deflection Equations. For member CD, applying Eq. 118 MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N MDC = 2E a I 2EI EI b [2uD + uC - 3(0)] + (25) = a b uD + a b uC - 25 10 5 5 I 2EI EI b [2uC + uD - 3(0)] + 25 = a b uC + a b uD + 25 10 5 5

(1) (2)

MCD = 2E a

For members AD and BC, applying Eq. 1110 MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N MDA = 3E a MCB = 3E a Equilibrium. At joint D, MDC + MDA = 0 a 2EI EI 3EI b uD + a b uC - 25 + a b uD = 0 5 5 13 a At joint C, MCD + MCB = 0 a 2EI EI 3EI b uC + a b uD + 25 + a b uC = 0 5 5 13 a Solving Eqs. (5) and (6) uD = 1625 28EI uC = 1625 28EI 41EI EI b uC + a b uD = 25 65 5 (6) 41EI EI b uD + a b uC = 25 65 5 (5) I 3EI b (uD - 0) + 0 = a b uD 13 13 I 3EI b (uC - 0) + 0 = a b uC 13 13 (3) (4)

Substitute these results into Eq. (1) to (4) MDC = - 13.39 k # ft = - 13.4 k # ft MCD = 13.39 k # ft = 13.4 k # ft MDA = 13.39 k # ft = 13.4 k # ft MCB = - 13.39 k # ft = - 13.4 k # ft 430 Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

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The negative signs indicate that MDC and MCB have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of members AD, CD, and BC are computed and shown in Fig. a, b, and c respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagrams can be plotted, Fig. d and e respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Determine the moment that each member exerts on the joints at B and D, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the supports at A, C, and E are pins. EI is constant.

12 kN/m 10 kN D 4m E

16 kN/m

15 kN

Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)BA = (FEM)BD = (FEM)DB = 0 (FEM)BC 16(32) wL2 = = = - 18 kN # m 8 8 12(32) wL2 = = - 13.5 kN # m 8 8


(FEM)DE = -

Slope-Deflection Equations. For member AB, BC, and ED, applying Eq. 1110. MN = 3Ek(uN - c) + (FEM)N I 3EI MBA = 3E a b (uB - 0) + 0 = a b uB 4 4 I MBC = 3E a b (uB - 0) + (- 18) = EIuB - 18 3 I MDE = 3E a b (uD - 0) + (- 13.5) = EIuD - 13.5 3 For member BD, applying Eq. 118 MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N I EI MBD = 2E a b [2uB + uD - 3(0)] + 0 = EIuB + a b uD 4 2 I EI MDB = 2E a b [2uD + uB - 3(0)] + 0 = EIuD + a b uB 4 2 Equilibrium. At Joint B, MBA + MBC + MBD = 0 a 3EI EI b uB + EIuB - 18 + EIuB + a b uD = 0 4 2 a At joint D, MDB + MDE = 0 EIuD + a EI b uB + EIuD - 13.5 = 0 2 EI b uB = 13.5 2 (7) 11EI EI b uB + a b uD = 18 4 2 (6) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3)

2EIuD + a Solving Eqs. (6) and (7) uB = 39 7EI

uD =

75 14EI


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Substitute these results into Eqs. (1) to (5), MBA = 4.179 kN # m = 4.18 kN # m MBC = - 12.43 kN # m = - 12.4 kN # m MDE = - 8.143 kN # m = - 8.14 kN # m MBD = 8.25 kN # m MDB = 8.143 kN # m = 8.14 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MBC and MDE have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of members AB, BC, BD and DE are computed and shown on Fig. a, b, c and d respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. e and f.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1121. Determine the moment at joints C and D, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the supports at A and B are pins. EI is constant.

8 kN/m


Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)DA = 8(62) wL2 = = 36 kN # m 8 8
A B 5m

(FEM)DC = (FEM)CD = (FEM)CB = 0 Slope-Deflection Equations. Here, cDA = cCB = c and cDC = cCD = 0 For member CD, applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N I 4EI 2EI MDC = 2E a b [2uD + uC - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uD + a b uC 5 5 5 I 4EI 2EI MCD = 2E a b [2uC + uD - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC + a b uD 5 5 5 For member AD and BC, applying Eq. 1110 MN = 3Ek (uN - c) + (FEM)N I EI EI MDA = 3E a b (uD - c) + 36 = a b uD - a b c + 36 6 2 2 I EI EI MCB = 3E a b (uC - c) + 0 = a b uC - a bc 6 2 2 Equilibrium. At joint D, MDA + MDC = 0 a EI EI 4EI 2EI b uD - a b c + 36 + a b uD + a b uC = 0 2 2 5 5 1.3EIuD + 0.4EIuC - 0.5EIc = 36 At joint C, MCD + MCB = 0 a 4EI 2EI EI EI b uC + a b uD + a b uC - a bc = 0 5 5 2 2 0.4EIuD + 1.3EIuC - 0.5EIc = 0 Consider the horizontal force equilibrium for the entire frame + : a Fx = 0; 8(6) - VA - VB = 0 Referring to the FBD of member AD and BC in Fig. a, a + a MD = 0; 8(6)(3) - MDA - VA(6) = 0 VA = 24 and a + a MC = 0; - MCB - VB(6) = 0 VB = MCB = 0 6 434 MDA 6 (6) (5) (3) (4) (1) (2)

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Thus, 8(6) - a 24 MCB MDA b - ab = 0 6 6

MDA + MCB = - 144 a EI EI EI EI b uD - a b c + 36 + a b uC - a b c = - 144 2 2 2 2 (7)

0.5EIuD + 0.5EIuC - EIc = - 180 Solving of Eqs. (5), (6) and (7) uC = 80 EI uD = 40 EI c = 240 EI

Substitute these results into Eqs. (1) to (4), MDC = 64.0 kN # m MCD = 80.0 kN # m MDA = - 64.0 kN # m MCB = - 80.0 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MDA and MCB have counterclockwise rotational sense. Using these results, the shear at both ends of members AD, CD, and BC are computed and shown in Fig. b, c, and d, respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. e and f respectively.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1122. Determine the moment at joints A, B, C, and D, then draw the moment diagram for each member of the frame. Assume the supports at A and B are fixed. EI is constant.


Fixed End Moments. Referring to the table on the inside back cover, (FEM)AD 30(32) wL = = = 13.5 kN # m 20 20

A 30 kN/m 3m


30(3 ) wL = = 9 kN # m 30 30

(FEM)DC = (FEM)CD = (FEM)CB = (FEM)BC = 0 Slope-Deflection Equations. Here, cAD = cDA = cBC = cCB = c and cCD = cDC = 0 Applying Eq. 118, MN = 2Ek(2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N For member AD, I 2EI MAD = 2E a b [2(0) + uD - 3c] + ( - 13.5) = a b uD - 2EIc - 13.5 (1) 3 3 I 4EI MDA = 2E a b (2uD + 0 - 3c) + 9 = a b uD - 2EIc + 9 3 3 For member CD, I 4EI 2EI MDC = 2E a b [2uD + uC - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uD + a b uC 3 3 3 I 4EI 2EI MCD = 2E a b [2uC + uD - 3(0)] + 0 = a b uC + a b uD 3 3 3 For member BC, I 2EI MBC = 2E a b [2(0) + uC - 3c] + 0 = a b uC - 2EIc 3 3 I 4EI MCB = 2E a b [2uC + 0 - 3c] + 0 = a b uC - 2EIc 3 3 Equilibrium. At Joint D, MDA + MDC = 0 a 4EI 4EI 2EI b uD - 2EIc + 9 + a b uD + a b uC = 0 3 3 3 a At joint C, MCD + MCB = 0 a 4EI 2EI 4EI b uC + a b uD + a b uC - 2EIc = 0 3 3 3 2EI 8EI b uD + a b uC - 2EIc = 9 3 3 (7) (5) (6) (3) (4) (2)


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2EI 8EI b uD + a b uC - 2EIc = 0 3 3


Consider the horizontal force equilibrium for the entire frame, + : a Fx = 0; 1 (30)(3) - VA - VB = 0 2

Referring to the FBD of members AD and BC in Fig. a a + a MD = 0; 1 (30)(3)(2) - MDA - MAD - VA(3) = 0 2 VA = 30 and a + a MC = 0; - MCB - MBC - VB(3) = 0 VB = Thus, MDA MAD MCB MBC 1 (30)(3) - a 30 b - ab = 0 2 3 3 3 3 MDA + MAD + MCB + MBC = - 45 a 2EI 4EI 4EI b uD - 2EIc + 9 + a b uD - 2EIc - 13.5 + a b uC - 2EIc 3 3 3 + a 2EI b uC - 2EIc = - 45 3 (9) MCB MBC 3 3 MDA MAD 3 3

2EIuD + 2EIuC - 8EIc = - 40.5 Solving of Eqs. (7), (8) and (9) uC = 261 56EI uD = 9 56EI c = 351 56EI

Substitute these results into Eq. (1) to (6), MAD = - 25.93 kN # m = - 25.9 kN # m MDA = - 3.321 kN # m = - 3.32 kN # m MDC = 3.321 kN # m = 3.32 kN # m MCD = 6.321 kN # m = 6.32 kN # m MBC = - 9.429 kN # m = - 9.43 kN # m MCB = - 6.321 kN # m = - 6.32 kN # m Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans.

The negative signs indicate that MAD, MDA, MBC and MCB have counterclockwise rotational sense.Using these results, the shear at both ends of members AD, CD and BC are computed and shown on Fig. b, c and d, respectively. Subsequently, the shear and moment diagram can be plotted, Fig. e and d respectively.


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2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

1123. Determine the moments acting at the supports A and D of the battered-column frame. Take E = 29(103) ksi, I = 600 in4.

4 k/ft B C

20 ft

A 15 ft 20 ft 15 ft

(FEM)BC = uA = uD = 0 cAB = cCD = cBC = 1.2 20

wL = - 1600 k # in. 12


wL = 1600 k # in. 12


cBC = - 1.5cCD = - 1.5cAB c = - 1.5c MN = 2E a (where c = cBC, c = cAB = cCD)

I b (2uN + uF - 3c) + (FEM)N L 600 b (0 + uB - 3c) + 0 = 116,000uB - 348,000c 25(12) 600 b (2uB + 0 - 3c) + 0 = 232,000uB - 348,000c 25(12) 600 b (2uB + uC - 3( - 1.5c)) - 1600 20(12)

MAB = 2E a MBA = 2E a MBC = 2E a

= 290,000uB + 145,000uC + 652,500c - 1600 MCB = 2E a 600 b (2uC + uB - 3( - 1.5c)) + 1600 20(12)

= 290,000uC + 145,000uB + 652,500c - 1600 MCD = 2E a 600 b (2uC + 0 - 3c) + 0 20(12)

= 232,000uC - 348,000c MDC = 2E a 600 b (0 + uC - 3c) + 0 25(12)

= 116,000uC - 348,000c Moment equilibrium at B and C: MBA + MBC = 0 522,000uB + 145,000uC + 304,500c = 1600 MCB + MCD = 0 145,000uB + 522,000uC + 304,500c = - 1600 (2) (1)


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using the FBD of the frame, c + a M0 = 0; MAB + MDC - a MBA + MAB b (41.667)(12) 25(12) a MDC + MCD b (41.667)(12) - 6(13.333)(12) = 0 25(12)

- 0.667MAB - 0.667MDC - 1.667MBA - 1.667MCD - 960 = 0 464,000uB + 464,000uC - 1,624,000c = - 960 Solving Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), uB = 0.004030 rad uC = - 0.004458 rad c = 0.0004687 in. MAB = 25.4 k # ft MBA = 64.3 k # ft MBC = - 64.3 k # ft MCB = 99.8 k # ft MCD = - 99.8 k # ft MDC = - 56.7 k # ft Ans. Ans.


2012 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*1124. Wind loads are transmitted to the frame at joint E. If A, B, E, D, and F are all pin connected and C is fixed connected, determine the moments at joint C and draw the bending moment diagrams for the girder BCE. EI is constant.

E 12 kN B C


cBC = cCE = 0 cAB = cCD = cCF = c Applying Eq. 1110, MCB = MCE = MCD = 3EI (uC - 0) + 0 6 3EI (uC - 0) + 0 4 3EI (uC - c) + 0 8 (1)
6m 4m A D F

Moment equilibrium at C: MCB + MCE + MCD = 0 3EI 3EI 3EI (uC) + (uC) + (uC - c) = 0 6 4 8 c = 4.333uC From FBDs of members AB and EF: c + a MB = 0; VA = 0 c + a ME = 0; VF = 0 Since AB and FE are two-force members, then for the entire frame: + : a FE = 0; VD - 12 = 0; VD = 12 kN From FBD of member CD: c + a MC = 0; MCD - 12(8) = 0 MCD = 96 kN # m From Eq. (1), 96 = uC = From Eq. (2), c = Thus, MCB = - 38.4 kN # in MCE = - 57.6 kN # m Ans. Ans. - 332.8 EI 3 EI(uC - 4.333uC) 8 - 76.8 EI Ans. (2)


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