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Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) 14-Item

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PSS-14 INSTRUCTIONS: The questions in this scale ask you about your feelin s an! thou hts !

urin T"# $%ST &ONT"' In each case( you )ill be aske! to in!icate your res*onse by *lacin an +,- o.er the circle re*resentin "O/ O0T#N you felt or thou ht a certain )ay' %lthou h so1e of the questions are si1ilar( there are !ifferences bet)een the1 an! you shoul! treat each one as a se*arate question' The best a**roach is to ans)er fairly quickly' That is( !on2t try to count u* the nu1ber of ti1es you felt a *articular )ay( but rather in!icate the alternati.e that see1s like a reasonable esti1ate' %l1ost Ne.er 1 0airly Often 3 =ery Often 4

Ne.er 0 1' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you been u*set because of so1ethin that ha**ene! une3*ecte!ly4 5' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt that you )ere unable to control the i1*ortant thin s in your life4 6' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt ner.ous an! +stresse!-4 4' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you !ealt successfully )ith !ay to !ay *roble1s an! annoyances4 7' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt that you )ere effecti.ely co*in )ith i1*ortant chan es that )ere occurrin in your life4 8' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt confi!ent about your ability to han!le your *ersonal *roble1s4 9' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt that thin s )ere oin your )ay4 :' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you foun! that you coul! not co*e )ith all the thin s that you ha! to !o4 ;' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you been able to control irritations in your life4 1<' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt that you )ere on to* of thin s4
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So1eti1es 2

PSS-14 %l1ost Ne.er 1 0airly Often 3 =ery Often 4

Ne.er 0 11' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you been an ere! because of thin s that ha**ene! that )ere outsi!e of your control4 15' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you foun! yourself thinkin about thin s that you ha.e to acco1*lish4 16' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you been able to control the )ay you s*en! your ti1e4 14' In the last 1onth( ho) often ha.e you felt !ifficulties )ere *ilin u* so hi h that you coul! not o.erco1e the14

So1eti1es 2

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