Company's Letter Head

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Company's LetterHead

Date: | | TheManager BRACBankLimited Loanto Mr./Ms (hereinafter This is to certifythat Mr./MS------(Nameof has beenworking called"TheApplicant") for joining). permanent (Date He/sheis a the Company) since ---- l-_*- l_--of employee of (Name of the Company). Currently, heishe is working -(Designation). in our as ------ Division/Department His/her is as follows salary structure :
Basic Of Other Facility Breakdown

: Tk.

Less: Deductions :
BreakdownOf Deductions

(if any) Loanlnstallments (please Otherdeductions specify) Net Take-home Salary

Tk. Tk. Tk. : Tk.

you. Thanking

Yours, Sincerely

(Signature & Company Stamp)

Name Chairman/Managing Director/Head of HRi/Head of Admin/Head of Finance/Accounts

- Loan installment(s)means applican's monthly loan repayment to the company against the loan(s) taken by himlher from Employer.ll Should also include monthly installmentamount paid by the employeefor any other loan from any other banklfinancialinstitution etc. that Employer is aware of.

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