Unit 29 Production Booklet
Unit 29 Production Booklet
Unit 29 Production Booklet
Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself) Song
Mood board
Props list
Shooting schedule
Call sheet
Risk assessment
Rules for your production Your potential track must conform to the following criteria: 1. It must provide opportunities for original and creative ork !. It must have a clearly definable target audience ". It must be generically identifiable i.e as clearly belonging to a particular genre#sub#genre $. it must be of digital %uality and in an appropriate format for capturing to &dobe Premiere Pro CS' '. (he track must have been missed and recorded to a high standard) including if using an independent artist *e.g. local band+ ,. -ou need to be able to prove you have checked o nership and have sought permission to use the track. Your choices will need to: 1. .e filtered out by your teacher if unsuitable *please anticipate the likely /secondary/ aud011ience at 2enley *parents) younger children) principle etc+ !. Inspire the group to make a creative) original music video that uses and#or challenges conventions ". .e suitable for broadcast on mainstream music television so 3 4o s earing 3 4o se5ually aggressive language#imagery 3 &void drug related lyrics#imagery
What are the conventions of music videos from this genre? . Non Linear Narrative
How are you going to meet these conventions in your video? Style: This will be a music video telling the story of someone leaving another. It is a narrative but it is a short story over 4 minutes which is the length of the song. Costume Ben who plays the part of the man will be dressed in his normal clothes but guy will be dressed in more feminine clothes and a wig because he is playing the part of the girl.
Lighting The light we use will be the light on the scene we will not use and lights or lighting.
Locations Most of our locations will be shot in Henley on Thames, there are a few specific locations around the college that I thought we could use.
Shot types . Close Ups: to show the emotion of the people. . Long shots: These will be used when the one of the actors are walking away.
What music videos have you watched to research your genre?
How have these videos influenced the decisions made? Include screen shots of the key
Goodbye My Lover" Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. So I took what's mine by eternal right. ook your soul out into the night. It may be o!er but it won't stop there, I am here for you if you'd only "are. You tou"hed my heart you tou"hed my soul. You "hanged my life and all my goals. #nd lo!e is blind and that I knew when, $y heart was blinded by you. I'!e kissed your lips and held your hand. Shared your dreams and shared your bed. I know you well, I know your smell. I'!e been addi"ted to you. [x2] %oodbye my lo!er. %oodbye my friend. You ha!e been the one. You ha!e been the one for me. I am a dreamer and when I wake, You "an't break my spirit & it's my dreams you take. #nd as you mo!e on, remember me, 'emember us and all we used to be I'!e seen you "ry, I'!e seen you smile. I'!e wat"hed you sleeping for a while. I'd be the father of your "hild. I'd spend a lifetime with you. I know your fears and you know mine. (e'!e had our doubts but now we're fine, #nd I lo!e you, I swear that's true. I "annot li!e without you. [x2] %oodbye my lo!er. %oodbye my friend. You ha!e been the one. You ha!e been the one for me. #nd I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I'm asleep. #nd I will bare my soul in time, (hen I'm kneeling at your feet.
[x2] %oodbye my lo!er. %oodbye my friend. You ha!e been the one. You ha!e been the one for me. I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow. I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
Does the song have a meaning? If so, what is it? The song we are using is James Blunts Goodbye My Lover and we will use that in the music video to show to people moving apart.
How will your visuals relate to the song? (Illustrate, Amplify or Disjuncture) The visuals will be showing the story of the song.
Insert your storyboard here
Think carefully about the shots you will be using. Consider the range of shots/angles to give interest and perspective
Description of what will happen in your video inc. camera movements, angles etc
Mood board
Create a mood board showing what look your music video will have. Add images showing ideas of mise-en-scene characters costumes and colours that will be present in the different shots.
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Props List
What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your music video?
Item Flowers
Script page 1
Description pretty
Character/location On the road held by Ben Used by guy to help his character as a girl Used to record
Notes -
Blonde wig
Used to Film
!ocation recce
8eek 1
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8ednesday 9diting
(hursday 9diting
Call "heet
:II.9 PR;<=C(I;4S > (he 2enley College Production? Music :ideo Client Information? @ames .lunt Location? 2enley ;n (hames) ;5fordhire Cast and Cre ? .en as .en 6uy &s Mary Matt as Role? Phone 4umber?A001!""B0'0 &ctor &ctor Cre
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Advise cautiousne ss
-athe w /itson
Please leave this section blank: $isk Assessment checked by# 5ame<<-athew /itson<<<<<.. "igned <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (ate <<78/9:/897;<<<<<< %&'#Activity #(escribe the component part of your pursuit.)a*ard # !ist the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm. $isk# Assess the risk as either ) +)igh, - +-edium, or ! +!ow,. .hen concluding your assessment consider all of the circumstances. /recautions# Consider what
you could do to minimise / negate the risk. 0n /lace# .ill the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity= $eview (ate# .hen would it be reasonable to review your assessment= $emember it might be whilst you are undertaking the activity. $eviewer# 5ame of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment. A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.
0nsert copy of email sent to record label re>uesting permission for the use of chosen song