Mercado v. Manzano, 307 SCRA 630, 1999

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The key takeaways are that the case discusses the dual citizenship of a candidate for vice mayor and whether he is disqualified from running due to holding dual citizenship under Philippine law.

The main issue is whether private respondent Manzano possesses dual citizenship and, if so, whether he is disqualified from being a candidate for vice mayor of Makati City.

The petitioner contends that the COMELEC en banc erred in ruling that private respondent renounced his US citizenship and is qualified to run for and hold the position of vice mayor.

G.R. No. 135083 May 26, 1999 EN BANC MENDOZA, J. ERNESTO S. MERCADO vs.

EDUARDO BARRIOS MANZANO and !" COMMISSION ON E#ECTIONS $ACTS% Petitioner Ernesto S. Mercado and private respondent Eduardo B. Manzano were candidates for vice mayor of the City of Makati in the May 11 1!!" e#ections. $he other one was %a&rie# '. (aza ))). $he resu#ts of the e#ection were as fo##ows* Eduardo B. Manzano + 1,- ".-/ Ernesto S. Mercado+ 1,, "!0/ %a&rie# '. (aza )))+ .0 12.. $he proc#amation of private respondent was suspended in view of a pendin3 petition for dis4ua#ification fi#ed &y a certain Ernesto Mamari# who a##e3ed that private respondent was not a citizen of the Phi#ippines &ut of the 5nited States. )n its reso#ution the Second (ivision of the C6ME7EC 3ranted the petition of Mamari# and ordered the cance##ation of the certificate of candidacy of private respondent on the 3round that he is a dua# citizen. C6ME7EC said* $he petition is &ased on the 3round that the respondent is an American citizen &ased on the record of the Bureau of )mmi3ration and misrepresented himse#f as a natura#+&orn 8i#ipino citizen. 9espondent admitted that he is re3istered as a forei3ner with the Bureau of )mmi3ration under A#ien Certificate of 9e3istration No. B+ -1:-1 and a##e3ed that he is a 8i#ipino citizen &ecause he was &orn in 1!.. of a 8i#ipino father and a 8i#ipino mother. ;e was &orn in the 5nited States San 8rancisco Ca#ifornia on Septem&er 10 1!.. and is considered an American citizen under 5S 7aws. But notwithstandin3 his re3istration as an American citizen he did not #ose his 8i#ipino citizenship. Manzano is &oth a 8i#ipino and a 5S citizen. )n other words he ho#ds dua# citizenship. 5nder Section 0,<d= of the 7oca# %overnment Code those ho#din3 dua# citizenship are dis4ua#ified from runnin3 for any e#ective #oca# position. $he C6ME7EC en &anc rendered its reso#ution reversin3 the ru#in3 of its Second (ivision and dec#ared private respondent 4ua#ified to run for vice mayor of the City of Makati in the May 11 1!!" e#ections* >;e was a#so a natura# &orn 8i#ipino citizen &y operation of the 1!-. Phi#ippine Constitution as his father and mother were 8i#ipinos at the time of his &irth. At the a3e of si? his parents &rou3ht him to the Phi#ippines usin3 an American passport as trave# document. ;is parents a#so re3istered him as an a#ien with the Phi#ippine Bureau of )mmi3ration. ;e was issued an a#ien certificate of re3istration. $his however did not resu#t in the #oss of his Phi#ippine citizenship as he did not renounce Phi#ippine citizenship and did not take an oath of a##e3iance to the 5nited States.)t is an undisputed fact that when respondent attained the a3e of ma@ority he re3istered himse#f as a voter and voted in the e#ections of 1!!1 1!!. and 1!!" which effective#y renounced his 5S citizenship under American #aw. 5nder Phi#ippine #aw he no #on3er had 5.S. citizenship.A Pursuant to the reso#ution of the C6ME7EC en &anc the &oard of canvassers proc#aimed private respondent as vice mayor of the City of Makati. $his is a petition for certiorari seekin3 to set aside the aforesaid reso#ution of the C6ME7EC en &anc and to dec#are private respondent dis4ua#ified to ho#d the office of vice mayor of Makati City. Petitioner contends that B $he C6ME7EC en &anc E99E( in ho#din3 that* A. 5nder Phi#ippine #aw Manzano was no #on3er a 5.S. citizen when* 1. ;e renounced his 5.S. citizenship when he attained the a3e of ma@ority when he was a#ready -2 years o#d/ and 1. ;e renounced his 5.S. citizenship when he <mere#y= re3istered himse#f as a voter and voted in the e#ections of 1!!1 1!!. and 1!!". B. Manzano is 4ua#ified to run for and or ho#d the e#ective office of 'ice+Mayor of the City of Makati/ C. At the time of the May 11 1!!" e#ections the reso#ution of the Second (ivision adopted on 2 May 1!!" was not yet fina# so that effective#y petitioner may not &e dec#ared the winner even assumin3 that Manzano is dis4ua#ified to run for and ho#d the e#ective office of 'ice+Mayor of the City of Makati.

ISSUE% C6N private respondent Manzano possesses dua# citizenship and if so whether he is dis4ua#ified from &ein3 a candidate for vice mayor of Makati City. RATIONA#E% $he dis4ua#ification of private respondent Manzano is &ein3 sou3ht under D0, of the 7oca# %overnment Code of 1!!1 <9.A. No. 21:,= which dec#ares as >dis4ua#ified from runnin3 for any e#ective #oca# position* <d= $hose with dua# citizenship.A $his provision is incorporated in the Charter of the City of Makati. )nvokin3 the ma?im dura #e? sed #e? petitioner as we## as the So#icitor %enera# who sides with him in this case contends that throu3h D0,<d= of the 7oca# %overnment Code Con3ress has >commandEedF in e?p#icit terms the ine#i3i&i#ity of persons possessin3 dua# a##e3iance to ho#d #oca# e#ective office.A $o &e3in with dua# citizenship is different from dua# a##e3iance. $he former arises when as a resu#t of the concurrent app#ication of the different #aws of two or more states a person is simu#taneous#y considered a nationa# &y the said states. Considerin3 the citizenship c#ause <Art. )'= 1 of our Constitution it is possi&#e for the fo##owin3 c#asses of citizens of the Phi#ippines to possess dua# citizenship. (ua# a##e3iance refers to the situation in which a person simu#taneous#y owes &y some positive act #oya#ty to two or more states. Chi#e dua# citizenship is invo#untary dua# a##e3iance is the resu#t of an individua#Gs vo#ition. Cith respect to dua# a##e3iance Artic#e )' D. of the Constitution provides* >(ua# a##e3iance of citizens is inimica# to the nationa# interest and sha## &e dea#t with &y #aw.A (ua# a##e3iance is not dua# citizenship. (ua# a##e3iance is #ar3er and more threatenin3 than that of mere dou&#e citizenship which is se#dom intentiona# and perhaps never insidious. $he phrase >dua# citizenshipA in 9.A. No. 21:, D0,<d= and in 9.A. No. 2".0 D1, must &e understood as referrin3 to >dua# a##e3iance.A Conse4uent#y persons with mere dua# citizenship do not fa## under this dis4ua#ification. 5n#ike those with dua# a##e3iance who must therefore &e su&@ect to strict process with respect to the termination of their status for candidates with dua# citizenship it shou#d suffice if upon the fi#in3 of their certificates of candidacy they e#ect Phi#ippine citizenship to terminate their status as persons with dua# citizenship considerin3 that their condition is the unavoida&#e conse4uence of conf#ictin3 #aws of different states. (ua# citizenship is @ust a rea#ity imposed on us &ecause we have no contro# of the #aws on citizenship of other countries. By e#ectin3 Phi#ippine citizenship such candidates at the same time forswear a##e3iance to the other country of which they are a#so citizens and there&y terminate their status as dua# citizens. )t may &e that from the point of view of the forei3n state and of its #aws such an individua# has not effective#y renounced his forei3n citizenship. $his is simi#ar to the re4uirement that an app#icant for natura#ization must renounce >a## a##e3iance and fide#ity to any forei3n prince potentate state or soverei3ntyA of which at the time he is a su&@ect or citizen &efore he can &e issued a certificate of natura#ization as a citizen of the Phi#ippines. $he determination whether such renunciation is va#id or fu##y comp#ies with the provisions of our Natura#ization 7aw #ies within the province and is an e?c#usive prero3ative of our courts. $he #atter shou#d app#y the #aw du#y enacted &y the #e3is#ative department of the 9epu&#ic. No forei3n #aw may or shou#d interfere with its operation and app#ication. Private respondent was &orn in San 8rancisco Ca#ifornia on Septem&er 0 1!.. of 8i#ipino parents. Since the Phi#ippines adheres to the princip#e of @us san3uinis whi#e the 5nited States fo##ows the doctrine of @us so#i the parties a3ree that at &irth at #east he was a nationa# &oth of the Phi#ippines and of the 5nited States. ;owever the C6ME7EC en &anc he#d that &y participatin3 in Phi#ippine e#ections in 1!!1 1!!. and 1!!" private respondent >effective#y renounced his 5.S. citizenship under American #aw A so that now he is so#e#y a Phi#ippine nationa#.
1 <1= $hose &orn of 8i#ipino fathers andHor mothers in forei3n countries which fo##ow the princip#e of @us so#i/ <1= $hose &orn in the Phi#ippines of 8i#ipino mothers and a#ien fathers if &y the #aws of their fathersG country such chi#dren are citizens of that country/ <-= $hose who marry a#iens if &y the #aws of the #atterGs country the former are considered citizens un#ess &y their act or omission they are deemed to have renounced Phi#ippine citizenship. $here may &e other situations in which a citizen of the Phi#ippines may without performin3 any act &e a#so a citizen of another state/ &ut the a&ove cases are c#ear#y possi&#e 3iven the constitutiona# provisions on citizenship.

)n ho#din3 that &y votin3 in Phi#ippine e#ections private respondent renounced his American citizenship the C6ME7EC must have in mind D-0! of the )mmi3ration and Nationa#ity Act of the 5nited States which provided that >A person who is a nationa# of the 5nited States whether &y &irth or natura#ization sha## #ose his nationa#ity &y* . . . <e= 'otin3 in a po#itica# e#ection in a forei3n state or participatin3 in an e#ection or p#e&iscite to determine the soverei3nty over forei3n territory.A $o &e sure this provision was dec#ared unconstitutiona# &y the 5.S. Supreme Court in Afroyim v. 9usk as &eyond the power 3iven to the 5.S. Con3ress to re3u#ate forei3n re#ations. ;owever &y fi#in3 a certificate of candidacy when he ran for his present post private respondent e#ected Phi#ippine citizenship and in effect renounced his American citizenship. 5nti# the fi#in3 of his certificate of candidacy on March 11 1!!" he had dua# citizenship. $he acts attri&uted to him that he ho#ds an American passport to trave# to the 5nited States on Apri# 11 1!!2 can &e considered simp#y as the assertion of his American nationa#ity &efore the termination of his American citizenship. By dec#arin3 in his certificate of candidacy that he is a 8i#ipino citizen/ that he is not a permanent resident or immi3rant of another country/ that he wi## defend and support the Constitution of the Phi#ippines and &ear true faith and a##e3iance thereto and that he does so without menta# reservation private respondent has as far as the #aws of this country are concerned effective#y repudiated his American citizenship and anythin3 which he may have said &efore as a dua# citizen. Private respondentGs oath of a##e3iance to the Phi#ippines when considered with the fact that he has spent his youth and adu#thood received his education practiced his profession as an artist and taken part in past e#ections in this country #eaves no dou&t of his e#ection of Phi#ippine citizenship. ;is dec#arations wi## &e taken upon the faith that he wi## fu#fi## his undertakin3 made under oath. Shou#d he &etray that trust there are enou3h sanctions for dec#arin3 the #oss of his Phi#ippine citizenship throu3h e?patriation in appropriate proceedin3s. DIS&OSITI'E% Petition for certiorari is ()SM)SSE( for #ack of merit.

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