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Word 2007 Quick Reference Card

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Word 2007
Quick Reference Card
Word 2007 Screen
Open a Document <Ctrl> + <O>
Create New <Ctrl> + <N>
Save a Document <Ctrl> + <S>
Print a Document <Ctrl> + <P>
Close a Document <Ctrl> + <W>
Help <F1>

Cut <Ctrl> + <X>
Copy <Ctrl> + <C>
Paste <Ctrl> + <V>
Undo <Ctrl> + <Z>
Redo or Repeat <Ctrl> + <Y>

Bold <Ctrl> + <B>
Italics <Ctrl> + <I>
The Fundamentals Underline <Ctrl> + <U>
The Office Button, located in the upper left-hand corner of the program window,
Align Left <Ctrl> + <L>
replaces the File menu found in previous versions of Microsoft Word. The Office Button
menu contains basic file management commands, including New, Open, Save, Print Center <Ctrl> + <E>
and Close.
Align Right <Ctrl> + <R>
¾ To Create a New
Document: Click the Justify <Ctrl> + <J>
Office Button, select
New, and click Create,
Navigation and Layout
or press <Ctrl> + <N>. Up One Screen <Page Up>
To Open a Document:
Click the Office Button Down One Screen <Page
and select Open, or Down>
press <Ctrl> + <O>.
Beginning of Line <Home>
¾ To Save a Document:
End of Line <End>
Click the Save
button on the Quick Beginning of <Ctrl> + <Home>
Access Toolbar, or press Document
<Ctrl> + <S>.
¾ To Save a Document End of Document <Ctrl> + <End>
with a Different Open the Go To <F5>
Name: Click the Office
Button, select Save As, dialog box
and enter a new name
for the document.
Text Selection
¾ To Preview a Bold <Ctrl> + <B>
Document: Click the
Office Button, point to Italics <Ctrl> + <I>
the Print list arrow, and select Print Preview. Underline <Ctrl> + <U>
¾ To Print a Document: Click the Office Button and select Print, or press <Ctrl>
+ <P>. Align Left <Ctrl> + <L>

¾ To Undo: Click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar or press <Ctrl> Center <Ctrl> + <E>
+ <Z> Align Right <Ctrl> + <R>
¾ To Close a Document: Click the Close button or press <Ctrl> + <W>.
Justify <Ctrl> + <J>
¾ To Get Help: Press <F1> to open the Help window. Type your question and
press <Enter>.
¾ To Exit Word: Click the Office Button and click Exit Word.
The Mouse Training Company Tel: +44 (0) 20 79209500 http://www.mousetraining.co.uk

Formatting Mail Merge

¾ To Cut or Copy Text: Select the text you want to cut or copy and click the Cut ¾ Select a document type: Click the Mailings tab
or Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. on the Ribbon, click the Start Mail Merge button in
¾ To Paste Text: Place the insertion point where you want to paste and click the the Start Mail Merge group, and select the type of
document you want to create.
Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.
¾ To Format Selected Text: Use the commands in the Font group on the Home
¾ Connect the document to a data source: In the
Start Mail Merge group on the Mailings tab, click the
tab, or click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Font group to open the Font dialog
Select Recipients button.
¾ To Copy Formatting with the Format Painter: Select the text with the
¾ Refine recipients: In the Start Mail Merge group
formatting you want to copy and click the Format Painter button in the on the Mailings tab, clickmthe Edit Recipient List
Clipboard group on the Home tab. Then, select the text you want to apply the button.
copied formatting to. ¾ Insert merge fields: Position the insertion point
¾ To Change Paragraph Alignment: Select the paragraph(s) and click the where you want to insert the merge field(s) and use
appropriate alignment button (Align Left, Center, Align Right,or Justify) in the commands found in the Write & Insert Fields
the Paragraph group on the Home tab. group on the Mailings tab.
¾ To Indent a Paragraph: Click the Increase Indent button in the Paragraph ¾ Preview your letters: In the Preview Results
group on the Home tab. group on the Mailings tab, click the Preview
Results button.
¾ To Decrease an Indent: Click the Decrease Indent button in the Paragraph
group on the Home tab.
¾ Complete the merge: In the Finish group on the
Mailings tab, click the Finish & Merge button and
¾ To Add a Tab Stop: Click the Tab alignment box on the Ruler until you see the
select an option from the list.
type of tab you want to insert. Then, click on the Ruler where you want to insert

the tab stop.
To Adjust or Remove a Tab Stop: Click and drag the L tab stop to the desired
Drawing and Graphics
position on the Ruler. Click and drag the tab stop off the Ruler toremove it. ¾ To Insert a Clip Art Graphic: Click the Insert tab
¾ To Change Paragraph Line Spacing: Click the Line Spacing button in the on the Ribbon and click the Clip Art button in the
Paragraph group on the Home tab and select an option from the list. Illustrations group. Type the name of what you’re
¾ To Create a Bulleted or Numbered List: Select the paragraphs you want to looking for in the “Search for” box and click Go.
bullet or number and click the Bullets or Numbering button in the Paragraph ¾ To Insert a Picture: Click the Insert tab on the
group on the Home tab. Ribbon and click the Picture button in the
¾ To Change a Document’s Margins: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, Illustrations group. Find and select the picture you
click the Margins button in the Page Setup group, and select a setting. want to insert and click Insert.
¾ To Change Page Orientation: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, click ¾ To Adjust Text Wrapping: Double-click the object,
the Orientation button, and select an option from the list. click the Text Wrapping button in the Arrange
¾ To Insert a Header or Footer: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the group, and select an option from the list.
Header or Footer button in the Header & Footer group. ¾ To Draw a Shape: Click the Insert tab on the
¾ To Insert a Manual Page Break: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click Ribbon, click the Shapes button in the Shapes
the Page Break button in the Page Setup group. group, and select the shape you want to insert.
¾ To Insert a Section Break: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Then, click where you want to draw the shape and
Breaks button in the Page Setup group, and select the type of break you want to drag until the shape reaches the desired size. Hold
insert. down the <Shift> key while you drag to draw a
perfectly proportioned shape or straight line.
¾ To Correct a Spelling Error: Right-click the error and select a correction from the
contextual menu. Or, press <F7> to run the Spell Checker. ¾ To Move an Object: Click the object and drag it to
a new location. Release the mouse button when
¾ To Find Text: Click the lioJ Find button in the Editing group on the Home tab. To
you’re finished.
Replace Text: Click the Replace button in the Editing group on the Home tab.
¾ To Move Text with the Mouse: Select the text you want to move, drag the text
¾ To Resize an Object: Click the object to select it,
click and drag one of its sizing handles (o), and
to a new location, and release the mouse button.
release the mouse button when the object reaches
Tables the desired size. Hold down the <Shift> key while
dragging to maintain the object’s proportions while
¾ To Insert a Table: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click the Table button in resizing it.
the Tables group, and select Insert Table from the menu. ¾ To Delete an Object: Select the object and press
¾ To Insert a Column or Row: Click the Layout tab under Table Tools and use the <Delete> key.
the commands located in the Rows & Columns group. ¾ To Format an Object: Double-click the object and
¾ To Delete a Column or Row: Select the column or row you want to delete, click use the commands located on the Format tab.
the Layout tab under Table Tools, click the Delete button in the Rows & Columns ¾ To Insert a WordArt Object: Click the Insert tab
group, and select an appropriate option from the menu. on the Ribbon, click the WordArt button in the Text
¾ To Adjust Column Width or Row Height: Select the column or row you want group, and select a design from the WordArt
to adjust, click the Layout tab under Table Tools, and use the commands located Gallery. Enter the text you want WordArt to format
in the Cell Size group. and adjust the font type and size, if necessary. Click

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