Five Cases of Chatas That Are Allowed To Die

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(They are no longer fitting to be offered as a korban and they are not allowed to be used as chullin)

Offspring of a female Chatas ‫ולד חטאת‬ ‫ו‬

Animal consecrated as the
temurah of an existing Chattas ‫תמורת חטאת‬ ‫ת‬
A chatas that its owner died
prior to being offered ‫מתו בעליה‬ ‫מ‬
A chatas whose owner atoned
with another offering while ‫נתכפרו בעליה באחרת‬ ‫נ‬
original offering was missing

A chatas whose first year

passed ‫עברה שנתה‬ ‫ע‬
This law is a halacha from Moshe at Sinai (Temurah 15a)
An allusion “and Timna” from the following verse (‫)מעשי תורה פרק י"א‬
‫יב‬:‫)ותמנע היתה פילגש )בראשית לו‬
Why did Timna merit to have her name used as a mnemonic for the five "chato'os
ha'meisos?" The five chato'os are all cases of an animal having the sanctity of a sacrifice
capable of providing atonement which was not used, where instead another chatos was used
or another manner of atonement was achieved. The Hadar Z'keinim mentioned the story of
Timna's dissuading Amolek from attempting to kill Yaakov by advising him that if he would
be successful, the burden of suffering for many generations as slaves in Egypt would fall
onto his family. She saved Yaakov from possibly being killed. Golus Mitzrayim is an
atonement for a shortcoming of Avrohom as mentioned in the gemara N'dorim 32b. There
was the possibility of the atonement being achieved by either Yaakov's or Eisov's
descendants. Timna, in her saving Yaakov's life, said to Amolek that his family should not be
the one to bring about the atonement, but rather that Yaakov's should. It is therefore most
befitting that she has a place in our Torah study by the subject of atonement not being
achieved with chato'os ha'meisos, where the sinner receives his atonement through another
means. These five chato'os are instead put to death. Correspondingly, may the ze'rah Amolek
have a "kein yovdu kol oi'vecho Hashem" (novi Shoftim 5:31). (Sedrah Selections Zivi

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