40927981XII Economics March End
40927981XII Economics March End
40927981XII Economics March End
$e%e&'( )%st&uct)o%s: 1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. . Marks !or questions are indicated a"ainst each. 3. #uestions $o. 1%& and 1'% 1 are (ery short answer questions carryin" 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. ). #uestions $o. *%10 and % * are short%answer questions carryin" 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed *0 words each. &. #uestions $o. 11%13 and '% + are also short%answer questions carryin" ) marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed '0 words each. *. #uestions $o. 1)%1* and 30%3 are lon"%answer questions carryin" * marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. '. Answers should be brie! and to the point and the abo(e word limits should be adhered to as !ar as possible. #.1. # . #3. #). #&. #.*. #.'. #.6. *SEC+I"# , A: MICR"- EC"#"MICS,i(e two examples o! micro economic studies. /e!ine an indi!!erence cur(e. 0hen is the demand !or a "ood said to be per!ectly inelastic1 0hat is meant by producer2s equilibrium1 3n 0hich market !orm can a !irm not in!luence the price o! the product1 4xplain the central problem2 5!or whom to produce2. 4xplain the law o! demand with the help o! a demand schedule. /istin"uish between 7increase in quantity demanded2 and 7increase in demand2. -01. -01. -01. -01. -01. -03. -03. -03.
"R 4xplain brie!ly any three causes o! 7decrease in demand2 8rom the !ollowin" cost schedule o! a !irm9 calculate mar"inal cost and a(era"e (ariable cost at each le(el o! output. -03. :utput -units. 1 3 Total cost -;s.. 60 +* 1 0 A(era"e !ixed cost-;s.. *0 30 0
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#.11. The price elasticity o! demand o! a commodity is -%. 1.& . 0hen its price !alls by ;s. 1 per units its quantity demanded rises by 3 units. 3! the quantity demanded be!ore the price chan"e was 30 units9 what was the price at this demand1 <alculate. -0). #.1 . 4xplain the relationship between Mar"inal product -M.=.. and a(era"e product -A.=.. with the help o! a dia"ram. -0). "R >rie!ly explain any !our !actors a!!ectin" elasticity o! supply. <omplete the !ollowin" table: -0). :utput -?nits. A(era"e ;e(enue -;s.. Mar"inal ;e(enue -;s.. 1
% 1& % % % * 3 11 % % ) % 3 % 0hat is consumer2s equilibrium1 4xplain consumer@s equilibrium with the help o! indi!!erence cur(e Analysis approach. ?se dia"ram. -0*. 4xplain the law o! returns to a !actor with the help o! total product and mar"inal product schedule. ?se dia"ram also. -0*. /e!ine equilibrium price. Aow is it determined1 4xplain with the help o! a schedule and dia"ram. "R 4xplain throu"h a dia"ram the e!!ect o! a ri"htward shi!t o! both demand and supply cur(es on equilibrium price and quantity. *SEC+I"# , !: MICR"- EC"#"MICSBtate the component o! money supply. 0hat is the relationship between mar"inal propensity sa(e and multiplier. ,i(e the meanin" o! de!lationary "ap. /e!ine Tax. Btate two sources o! demand !or !orei"n exchan"e. -0*.
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<alculate the net (alue added at !actor cost -$CA!.c. !rom the !ollowin" data 3tems 1. =urchase o! machinery to be used in the production unit. ;s. in <rores 100
# 3.
. Bales 00 3. 3ntermediate costs +0 ). 4xports &0 &. 3ndirect taxes 1 *. <han"e in stock 10 '. Bubsidy * 6. Btock o! raw material & 4xplain the main obDecti(es o! a ,o(ernment >ud"et. # ). 4xplain 7the medium o! exchan"e2 !unction o! money. -03. # &. Btate <omponents o! the current account o! balance o! payment account. -03.
"R /istin"uish between autonomous and accommodatin" transactions o! balance payment account. #.% * 4xplain the main merits o! !lexible exchan"e rate. #. ' 4xplain the @banker to "o(ernment@ !unction o! a central bank. -0). #. 6 ,i(in" reason state whether the !ollowin" statement are true or !alse. -i. 0hen in(estment multiplier is 19 the (alue o! mar"inal propensity to consume -M=<. is Eero. -ii. Bum o! mar"inal propensity to consume and a(era"e propensity to sa(e is always equal to 1. /istin"uish between: -i. <apital expenditure and re(enue expenditure. -ii. 8iscal de!icit and primary de!icit. 3n an economy9 the consumption !unction is <F1&0G0.* H9 0here <F <onsumption 4xpenditure9 HF 3ncome and in(estment expenditure F ;s. 9 000. <alculate% -1. 3ts equilibrium le(el o! national income. - . Ba(in" at equilibrium le(el o! national income. -3. Calue o! Multiplier. Aow will you treat the !ollowin" while estimatin" national income o! 3ndia1 ,i(e reasons !or your answer.
-03. -03.
- 9 .
#. +
- 9 .
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-1. =ro!its earned by !orei"n bank in 3ndia. - . =ayment o! bonus to school employees. -3 Bcholarship "i(en to 3ndian students studyin" in 3ndia by a !orei"n company. -). 0innin" o! a lottery priEe."R 4xplain the main steps taken in estimatin" national income throu"h the income method. #.3 8rom the !ollowin" data calculate "ross national product at !actor cost -,$=!.c. by -39 3. -a. 3ncome Method and -b. 4xpenditure method. 3tems ;s. in <rore 1. $et domestic capital !ormation &00 . <ompensation o! employees 16&0 3. <onsumption o! !ixed capital 100 ). ,o(ernment !inal consumption expenditure 1100 &. =ri(ate !inal consumption expenditure *00 *. ;ent )00 '. /i(idend 00 6. 3nterest &00 +. $et exports -%. 100 10. =ro!it 1100 11. $et !actor income !rom abroad -%. &0 1 . $et 3ndirect taxes &0
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