CCNASv1.1 Chp08 Lab A Site2Site VPN Instructor
CCNASv1.1 Chp08 Lab A Site2Site VPN Instructor
CCNASv1.1 Chp08 Lab A Site2Site VPN Instructor
Chapter 8 Lab A: Configuring a Site-to-Site VPN Using Cisco IOS and CCP (Instructor Version)
rey !igh"ighting indicates answers provided on instructor lab copies only
Note: ISR G2 devices have Gigabit Ethernet interfaces instead of astEthernet Interfaces!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age % of ,'
Part *: +asic ,outer Configuration #onfigure host na(es) interface I+ addresses) and access passwords! #onfigure the EIGR+ dyna(ic routing protocol!
Part -: Configure a Site-to-Site VPN Using Cisco IOS #onfigure I+sec V+1 settings on R% and R3! Verify site4to4site I+sec V+1 configuration! *est I+sec V+1 operation!
Part .: Configure a Site-to-Site VPN Using CCP #onfigure I+sec V+1 settings on R%! #reate a (irror configuration for R3! "pply the (irror configuration to R3! Verify the configuration! *est the V+1 configuration using ##+
V+1s can provide a secure (ethod of trans(itting data over a public networ5) such as the Internet! V+1 connections can help reduce the costs associated with leased lines! Site4to4Site V+1s typically provide a secure (I+sec or other) tunnel between a branch office and a central office! "nother co((on i(ple(entation that uses V+1 technology is re(ote access to a corporate office fro( a teleco((uter location such as a s(all office or ho(e office! In this lab you will build and configure a (ulti4router networ5) and then use #isco I6S and ##+ to configure a site4to4site I+sec V+1 and then test it! *he I+sec V+1 tunnel is fro( router R% to router R3 via R2! R2 acts as a pass4through and has no 5nowledge of the V+1! I+sec provides secure trans(ission of sensitive infor(ation over unprotected networ5s such as the Internet! I+sec acts at the networ5 layer) protecting and authenticating I+ pac5ets between participating I+sec devices (peers)) such as #isco routers! Note: *he router co((ands and output in this lab are fro( a #isco %/,% with #isco I6S Release %2!,(2')* ("dvanced I+ i(age)! 6ther routers and #isco I6S versions can be used! See the Router Interface Su((ary table at the end of the lab to deter(ine which interface identifiers to use based on the e7uip(ent in the lab! 2epending on the router (odel and #isco I6S version) the co((ands available and the output produced (ight vary fro( what is shown in this lab!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 2 of ,'
CCNA Security
Note: 8a5e sure that the routers and the switches have been erased and have no startup configurations! Instructor Note: Instructions for erasing switches and routers are provided in the 9ab 8anual) located on "cade(y #onnection in the *ools section!
,e/uired ,esources
3 routers with (#isco %/,% with #isco I6S Release %2!,(2')*% or co(parable) 2 switches (#isco 2&.' or co(parable) +#4": ;indows <+) Vista) or ;indows = with ##+ 2!0 installed +#4#: ;indows <+) Vista) or ;indows = with ##+ 2!0 installed Serial and Ethernet cables as shown in the topology Rollover cables to configure the routers via the console
CCP Notes: Refer to #hp '' 9ab " for instructions on how to install ##+! >ardware-software reco((endations for ##+ include ;indows <+) Vista) or ;indows = with ?ava version %!.!'@%% up to %!.!'@2%) Internet EAplorer .!' or above and lash +layer Version %'!'!%2!3. and later! If the +# on which ##+ is installed is running ;indows Vista or ;indows =) it (ay be necessary to right4clic5 on the ##+ icon or (enu ite() and choose ,un as ad0inistrator! In order to run ##+) it (ay be necessary to te(porarily disable antivirus progra(s and 6-S firewalls! 8a5e sure that all pop4up bloc5ers are turned off in the browser!
Instructor Notes:
*his lab is divided into three parts! Each part can be ad(inistered individually or in co(bination with others as ti(e per(its! *he (ain goal of this lab is to configure a site4to4site V+1 between two routers) first using the #isco I6S #9I and then using ##+! R% and R3 are on separate networ5s and co((unicate through R2) which si(ulates an IS+! *he routers in this lab are configured with EIGR+) although it is not typical for stub networ5s to co((unicate with an IS+ using an interior routing protocol! Bou can also use static routes for basic (non4V+1) co((unication between R% and R2 and between R% and R3) if desired! Students can wor5 in tea(s of two for router configuration) one person configuring R% and the other R3! "lthough switches are shown in the topology) students can o(it the switches and use crossover cables between the +#s and routers R% and R3! *he running configs for all three routers are captured after +art % of the lab is co(pleted! *he running configs for R% and R3 fro( +art 2 and +art 3 are captured and listed separately! "ll configs are found at the end of the lab!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age 3 of ,'
CCNA Security
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
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CCNA Security
;ere the results successfulC Bes! If the pings are not successful) troubleshoot the basic device configurations before continuing! b! +ing fro( +#4" on the R% 9"1 to +#4# on the R3 9"1! ;ere the results successfulC Bes! If the pings are not successful) troubleshoot the basic device configurations before continuing! Note: If you can ping fro( +#4" to +#4#) you have de(onstrated that the EIGR+ routing protocol is configured and functioning correctly! If you cannot ping but the device interfaces are up and I+ addresses are correct) use the "ow run and "ow ip route co((ands to help identify routing protocol4related proble(s!
er$ice pa
b! Issue the "ow run co((and! #an you read the console) auA) and vty passwordsC ;hy or why notC 1o! *he passwords are now encrypted! c! Repeat this configuration on both R2 and R3!
Step *:: Sa%e the basic running configuration for a"" three routers1
Save the running configuration to the startup configuration fro( the privileged E<E# pro(pt!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age 0 of ,'
CCNA Security
R1# cop! running-config tartup-config
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+age . of ,'
CCNA Security
Note: If you cannot eAecute this co((and on the router) you need to upgrade the I6S i(age to one with a feature set that includes the #isco cryptographic services! b! Establish an Internet Security "ssociation and Gey 8anage(ent +rotocol (IS"G8+) policy and view the available options! *o allow IGE +hase % negotiation) you (ust create an IS"G8+ policy and configure a peer association involving that IS"G8+ policy! "n IS"G8+ policy defines the authentication and encryption algorith(s and hash function used to send control traffic between the two V+1 endpoints! ;hen an IS"G8+ security association has been accepted by the IGE peers) IGE +hase % has been co(pleted! IGE +hase 2 para(eters will be configured later! Issue the cr!pto i akmp polic! number configuration co((and on R% for policy %'! R1(config)# cr!pto i akmp polic! 10 c! View the various IGE para(eters available using #isco I6S help by typing a 7uestion (ar5 (C)! R1(config-isakmp)# & !A"#P comman$s: aut%entication !et aut%entication met%o$ for protection suite $efault !et a comman$ to its $efaults encr&ption !et encr&ption algorit%m for protection suite e'it ('it from !A"#P protection suite configuration mo$e group !et t%e )iffie-*ellman group %as% !et %as% algorit%m for protection suite lifetime !et lifetime for !A"#P securit& association no +egate a comman$ or set its $efaults
R1(config)# cr!pto R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R1(config-isakmp)# R3(config)# cr!pto R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)# R3(config-isakmp)#
i akmp polic! 10 aut"entication pre- "are encr!ption ae 256 "a " "a group 5 lifetime 3600 end i akmp polic! 10 aut"entication pre- "are encr!ption ae 256 "a " "a group 5
+age = of ,'
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CCNA Security
R3(config-isakmp)# lifetime 3600 R3(config-isakmp)# end c! Verify the IGE policy with the "ow cr!pto i akmp polic! co((and! R1# "ow cr!pto i akmp polic! ,lo-al "( polic& Protection suite of priorit& 1. encr&ption algorit%m: A(! - A$/ance$ (ncr&ption !tan$ar$ (201 -it ke&s)2 %as% algorit%m: !ecure *as% !tan$ar$ aut%entication met%o$: Pre-!%are$ "e& )iffie-*ellman group: #0 (1031 -it) lifetime: 31.. secon$s3 no /olume limit
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age / of ,'
CCNA Security
b! 6n R% and R3) create a transfor( set with tag 0' and use an Encapsulating Security +rotocol (ES+) transfor( with an "ES 20. cipher with ES+ and the S>" hash function! *he transfor( sets (ust (atch! R1(config)# cr!pto ip ec tran form- et 50 e p-ae R1(cfg-cr&pto-trans)#e#it R3(config)# cr!pto ip ec tran form- et 50 e p-ae R3(cfg-cr&pto-trans)#e#it c! 256 e p- "a-"mac 256 e p- "a-"mac
;hat is the function of the I+sec transfor( setC *he I+sec transfor( set specifies the cryptographic algorith(s and functions (transfor(s) that a router e(ploys on the actual data pac5ets sent through the I+sec tunnel! *hese algorith(s include the encryption) encapsulation) authentication) and data integrity services that I+sec can apply!
d! Bou can also change the I+sec security association life ti(es fro( the default of 3.'' seconds or ,).'/)''' 5ilobytes) whichever co(es first! 6n R% and R3) set the I+sec security association life ti(e to 3' (inutes) or %/'' seconds! R1(config)# cr!pto ip ec R3(config)# cr!pto ip ec ecurit!-a ecurit!-a ociation lifetime ociation lifetime econd econd 1800 1800
d! #onfigure the I+sec V+1 interesting traffic "#9 on R3! -li t 101 permit ip
e! 2oes I+sec evaluate whether the access lists are (irrored as a re7uire(ent to negotiate its security associationC Bes! I+sec does evaluate whether access lists are (irrored! I+sec does not for( a security association if the peers do not have (irrored access lists to select interesting traffic!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
b! #reate the crypto (ap on R%) na(e it #8"+) and use %' as the se7uence nu(ber! " (essage will display after the co((and is issued! R1(config)# cr!pto map '()* 10 ip ec-i akmp : +;<(: <%is ne8 cr&pto map 8ill remain $isa-le$ until a peer an$ a /ali$ access list %a/e -een configure$2 c! Dse the matc" addre to encrypt! access-list co((and to specify which access list defines which traffic 101
d! *o view the list of possible et co((ands that you can do in a crypto (ap) use the help function! R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et & $entit& $entit& restriction2 p nterface nternet Protocol config comman$s isakmp-profile !pecif& isakmp Profile nat !et +A< translation peer Allo8e$ (ncr&ption9)ecr&ption peer2 pfs !pecif& pfs settings securit&-association !ecurit& association parameters transform-set !pecif& list of transform sets in priorit& or$er e! Setting a peer I+ or host na(e is re7uired) so set it to R3Js re(ote V+1 endpoint interface using the following co((and! R1(config-cr&pto-map)# f! et peer >ard code the transfor( set to be used with this peer) using the et tran form- et tag co((and! Set the perfect forwarding secrecy type using the et pf type co((and) and also (odify the default I+sec security association life ti(e with the et ecurit!-a ociation lifetime econd seconds co((and! R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et pf group5 R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et tran form- et 50 R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et ecurit!-a ociation lifetime R1(config-cr&pto-map)# e#it g! #reate a (irrored (atching crypto (ap on R3! R3(config)# cr!pto map '()* 10 ip ec-i akmp R3(config-cr&pto-map)# matc" addre 101 R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et peer R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et pf group5 R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et tran form- et 50 R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et ecurit!-a ociation lifetime R3(config-cr&pto-map)# e#it
h! *he last step is applying the (aps to interfaces! 1ote that the security associations (S"s) will not be established until the crypto (ap has been activated by interesting traffic! *he router will generate a notification that crypto is now on! i! "pply the crypto (aps to the appropriate interfaces on R% and R3! R1(config)# interface S0/0/0 R1(config-if)# cr!pto map '()* =>an 27 .?:.@:.@210.: :CRAP<;-1- !A"#PB;+B;CC: R1(config)# end R3(config)# interface S0/0/1 R3(config-if)# cr!pto map '()* =>an 27 .?:1.:0?2137: :CRAP<;-1- !A"#PB;+B;CC: R3(config)# end
!A"#P is ;+
!A"#P is ;+
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
b! Dse the "ow cr!pto map co((and to display the crypto (aps that will be applied to the router! R1# "ow cr!pto map Cr&pto #ap IC#API 1. ipsec-isakmp Peer F 1.222221 ('ten$e$ P access list 1.1 access-list 1.1 permit ip 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 Current peer: 1.222221 !ecurit& association lifetime: ?1.7... kilo-&tes9@.. secon$s PC! (A9+): A )* group: group0 <ransform setsFD 0.: D esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac E 3 E nterfaces using cr&pto map #A#AP: !erial.9.9. R3# "ow cr!pto map Cr&pto #ap IC#API 1. ipsec-isakmp Peer F 1.212121 ('ten$e$ P access list 1.1 access-list 1.1 permit ip 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 Current peer: 1.212121 !ecurit& association lifetime: ?1.7... kilo-&tes9@.. secon$s PC! (A9+): A )* group: group0 <ransform setsFD 0.: D esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac E 3
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age %% of ,'
CCNA Security
E nterfaces using cr&pto map #A#AP: !erial.9.91 Note: *he output of these "ow co((ands does not change if interesting traffic goes across the connection! Bou test various types of traffic in the neAt tas5!
interface: !erial.9.9. Cr&pto map tag: C#AP3 local a$$r 1.212121 protecte$ /rf: (none) local i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) remote i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) currentBpeer 1.222221 port 0.. P(R# <3 flagsFDoriginBisBacl3E #pkts encaps: .3 #pkts encr&pt: .3 #pkts $igest: . #pkts $ecaps: .3 #pkts $ecr&pt: .3 #pkts /erif&: . #pkts compresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompresse$: . #pkts not compresse$: .3 #pkts compr2 faile$: . #pkts not $ecompresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompress faile$: . #sen$ errors .3 #rec/ errors . local cr&pto en$pt2: 1.2121213 remote cr&pto en$pt2: 1.222221 pat% mtu 10..3 ip mtu 10..3 ip mtu i$- !erial.9.9. current out-oun$ spi: .'.(.) in-oun$ esp sas: in-oun$ a% sas: in-oun$ pcp sas: out-oun$ esp sas: out-oun$ a% sas: out-oun$ pcp sas: b! ;hy have no security associations (S"s) been negotiatedC Hecause no interesting traffic has been identified) I+sec has not begun to negotiate a security association over which it will encrypt traffic!
Step .:
a! +ing fro( R% to the R3 S'-'-% interface I+ address %'!2!2!%! ;ere the pings successfulC Bes! b! Issue the "ow cr!pto i akmp c! +ing fro( R% to the R3 a'% interface I+ address %&2!%./!3!%! ;ere the pings successfulC Bes!
+age %2 of ,'
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
d! Issue the "ow cr!pto i akmp a co((and again! ;as an S" created for these pingsC ;hy or why notC 1o S" was created! *he source address of both pings was the R% S'-'-' address of %'!%!%!%! In the first case) the destination address was %'!2!2!%! In the second case) the destination address was %&2!%./!3!%! *his is not EinterestingF traffic! *he "#9 %'% that is associated with the crypto (ap for R% defines interesting traffic as I+ pac5ets fro( the %&2!%./!%!'-2, networ5 to the %&2!%./!3!'-2, networ5! e! Issue the co((and de%ug eigrp packet ! Bou should see EIGR+ hello pac5ets passing between R% and R3! R1# de%ug eigrp packet ( ,RP Packets $e-ugging is on (JP)A<(3 R(KJ(!<3 KJ(RA3 R(P5A3 *(55;3 PL!AP3 PR;M(3 AC"3 !<JM3 ! AKJ(RA3 ! AR(P5A) R1# =>an 2@ 11:.0:?122?3: ( ,RP: Recei/e$ *(55; on !erial.9.9. n-r 1.212122 =>an 2@ 11:.0:?122?3: A! 1.13 Clags .'.3 !eN .9. i$-K .9. ii$-K un9rel& .9. pe erK un9rel& .9. =>an 2@ 11:.0:?1277O: ( ,RP: !en$ing *(55; on !erial.9.9. =>an 2@ 11:.0:?1277O: A! 1.13 Clags .'.3 !eN .9. i$-K .9. ii$-K un9rel& .9. R1# =>an 2@ 11:.0:?321?3: ( ,RP: !en$ing *(55; on Cast(t%ernet.91 =>an 2@ 11:.0:?321?3: A! 1.13 Clags .'.3 !eN .9. i$-K .9. ii$-K un9rel& .9. R1# f! *urn off debugging with the no de%ug eigrp packet or unde%ug all co((and! g! Issue the "ow cr!pto i akmp a co((and again! ;as an S" created between R% and R3C ;hy or why notC 1o! *his is router4to4router routing protocol traffic! *he source and destination of these pac5ets is not interesting) does not initiate the S") and is not encrypted!
Step 2:
a! Dse an eAtended ping fro( R% to the R3 a'% interface I+ address %&2!%./!3!%! EAtended ping allows you to control the source address of the pac5ets! Respond as shown in the following eAa(ple! +ress enter to accept the defaults) eAcept where a specific response is indicated! R1# ping Protocol PipQ: <arget P a$$ress: Repeat count P0Q: )atagram si4e P1..Q: <imeout in secon$s P2Q: ('ten$e$ comman$s PnQ: ! !ource a$$ress or interface: <&pe of ser/ice P.Q: !et )C -it in P %ea$erR PnoQ: Sali$ate repl& $ataR PnoQ: )ata pattern P.'AMC)Q: 5oose3 !trict3 Recor$3 <imestamp3 Ser-osePnoneQ: !8eep range of si4es PnQ: <&pe escape seNuence to a-ort2 !en$ing 03 1..--&te C#P (c%os to 1@2211723213 timeout is 2 secon$s: Packet sent 8it% a source a$$ress of 1@221172121 HHHHH !uccess rate is 1.. percent (090)3 roun$-trip min9a/g9ma' F @29@29@2 ms
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age %3 of ,'
CCNA Security
b! Issue the "ow cr!pto i akmp a co((and again!
R1# "ow cr!pto i akmp a P/? Cr&pto !A"#P !A $st src 1.222221 1.212121 c!
;hy was an S" created between R% and R3 this ti(eC *he source was %&2!%./!%!%) and the destination was %&2!%./!3!%! *his is interesting traffic based on the "#9 %'% definition! "n S" is established) and pac5ets travel through the tunnel as encrypted traffic!
d! ;hat are the endpoints of the I+sec V+1 tunnelC Src: %'!%!%!% (R% S'-'-')) 2st: %'!2!2!% (R3 S'-'-%)! e! +ing fro( +#4" to +#4#! ;ere the pings successfulC Bes! f! Issue the "ow cr!pto ip ec a co((and! >ow (any pac5ets have been transfor(ed between R% and R3C 1ine: five pac5ets fro( the R% to R3 pings) four pac5ets fro( the +#4" to R3 pings) and one pac5et for each echo re7uest! *he nu(ber of pac5et (ay vary depending on how (any pings have been issued and fro( where! R1# "ow cr!pto ip ec a
interface: !erial.9.9. Cr&pto map tag: C#AP3 local a$$r 1.212121 protecte$ /rf: (none) local i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) remote i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) currentBpeer 1.222221 port 0.. P(R# <3 flagsFDoriginBisBacl3E #pkts encaps: @3 #pkts encr&pt: @3 #pkts $igest: @ #pkts $ecaps: @3 #pkts $ecr&pt: @3 #pkts /erif&: @ #pkts compresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompresse$: . #pkts not compresse$: .3 #pkts compr2 faile$: . #pkts not $ecompresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompress faile$: . #sen$ errors .3 #rec/ errors . local cr&pto en$pt2: 1.2121213 remote cr&pto en$pt2: 1.222221 pat% mtu 10..3 ip mtu 10..3 ip mtu i$- !erial.9.9. current out-oun$ spi: .'C1)).07(2.327.?O2) in-oun$ esp sas: spi: .')C0O12.C(3O?O.20?23) transform: esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac 3 in use settings FD<unnel3 E conn i$: 2..03 flo8Bi$: CP,A:03 cr&pto map: C#AP sa timing: remaining ke& lifetime (k9sec): (??701@097OO) S si4e: 11 -&tes repla& $etection support: A !tatus: AC< S( in-oun$ a% sas: in-oun$ pcp sas: out-oun$ esp sas: spi: .'C1)).07(2.327.?O2) transform: esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac 3 in use settings FD<unnel3 E conn i$: 2..13 flo8Bi$: CP,A:13 cr&pto map: C#AP
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age %, of ,'
CCNA Security
sa timing: remaining ke& lifetime (k9sec): (??701@097OO) S si4e: 11 -&tes repla& $etection support: A !tatus: AC< S( out-oun$ a% sas: out-oun$ pcp sas: g! *he previous eAa(ple used pings to generate interesting traffic! ;hat other types of traffic would result in an S" for(ing and tunnel establish(entC "ny traffic initiated fro( R% with a source address in the %&2!%./!%!'-2, networ5 and a destination address in the %&2!%./!3!'-2, networ5! 6n R3) interesting traffic is any traffic with a source address in the %&2!%./!3!'-2, networ5 and a destination address in the %&2!%./!%!'-2, networ5! *his includes *+) >**+) *elnet) and others!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age %0 of ,'
CCNA Security
R3(config)#ip "ttp er$er
b! "t the ##+ 2ashboard) clic5 on the $isco%ery button to discover and connect to R%! If the discovery process fails) use the $isco%er $etai"s button to deter(ine the proble( so that you can resolve the issue!
CCNA Security
b! ;hat (ust you 5now to co(plete the configurationC *he re(ote device (R3 S'-'-%) I+ address and the pre4shared 5ey (cisco%23,0)) which will be established in *as5 2) Step ,!
#lic5 the Launch the se"ected tas' button to begin the ##+ Site4to4Site V+1 wiKard!
d! 6n the initial Site4to4Site V+1 ;iKard window) the Luic5 Setup option is selected by default! #lic5 the Vie( $efau"ts button to see what settings this option uses! ;hat type of encryption does the default transfor( set useC ES+432ES e! ro( the initial Site4to4Site V+1 wiKard window) choose the Step by Step wiKard) and then clic5 Ne9t! ;hy would you use this option over the Luic5 setup optionC So that you have (ore control over the V+1 settings used!
b! In the +eer Identity section) select Peer (ith static IP address and enter the I+ address of re(ote peer R3 S'-'-% (*:1-1-1*)! c! In the "uthentication section) clic5 Pre-shared ;eys ) and enter the pre4shared V+1 5ey cisco*-.25! Re4enter the 5ey for confir(ation! *his 5ey authenticates the initial eAchange to establish the Security "ssociation between devices! ;hen finished) your screen should loo5 si(ilar to the following! 6nce you have entered these settings correctly) clic5 Ne9t!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age %= of ,'
CCNA Security
d! #lic5 the !e"p button for assistance in answering the following 7uestions! ;hat is the function of the encryption algorith( in the IGE policyC *he encryption algorith( encrypts and decrypts the payload of the control pac5ets that pass over the secure IGE channel!
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CCNA Security
e! ;hat is the purpose of the hash functionC *he hash validates that the entire control pac5et has not been ta(pered with during transit! *he hash also authenticates the re(ote peer as the origin of the pac5et via a secret 5ey! f! ;hat function does the authentication (ethod serveC Hoth endpoints verify that the I+sec traffic that they have received is sent by the re(ote I+sec peer!
g! >ow is the 2iffie4>ell(an group in the IGE policy usedC *he 2iffie4>ell(an group is used by each of the endpoints to generate a shared secret 5ey) which is never trans(itted across the networ5! Each 2iffie4>ell(an group has an associated 5ey length! h! ;hat event happens at the end of the IGE policyJs lifeti(eC IGE renegotiates the IGE association!
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CCNA Security
Step 8: ,e%ie( the su00ary configuration and de"i%er co00ands to the router1
a! Review the Su((ary of the #onfiguration window! It should loo5 si(ilar to the one below! 2o not select the chec5boA for *est V+1 connectivity after configuring! *his is done after configuring R3!
b! In the 2eliver #onfiguration to router window) select Sa%e running config to router@s startup config and clic5 the $e"i%er button! "fter the co((ands have been delivered) clic5 O;! >ow (any co((ands were deliveredC 3% with ##+ 2!0
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
d! *he teAt at the top of the window states that the configuration generated should only be used as a guide for setting up a site4to4site V+1! ;hat co((ands are (issing to allow this crypto policy to function on R3C *he co((ands to apply the crypto (ap to the S'-'-% interface! !int: 9oo5 at the description entry following the cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 co((and!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
!A"#P is ;+
,lo-al "( polic& Protection suite of priorit& 1 encr&ption algorit%m: %as% algorit%m: aut%entication met%o$: )iffie-*ellman group: lifetime: Protection suite of priorit& 1. encr&ption algorit%m: -it ke&s )2 %as% algorit%m: aut%entication met%o$: )iffie-*ellman group: lifetime: c!
<%ree ke& triple )(! !ecure *as% !tan$ar$ Pre-!%are$ "e& #2 (1.2? -it) 71?.. secon$s3 no /olume limit A(! - A$/ance$ (ncr&ption !tan$ar$ (201 #essage )igest 0 Pre-!%are$ "e& #0 (1031 -it) 277.. secon$s3 no /olume limit
In the above output) how (any IS"G8+ policies are thereC *wo) the ##+ default with priority % and the one with priority %') which was created during the ##+ session with R% and copied as part of the (irror configuration!
d! Issue the "ow cr!pto ip ec tran form- et co((and to display the configured I+sec policies in the for( of the transfor( sets! R3# "ow cr!pto ip ec tran form- et <ransform set 5a--<ransform: D esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac 8ill negotiate F D <unnel3 E3 E E
+age 22 of ,'
CCNA Security
<ransform set #GH$efaultBtransformBsetB.: D esp-3$es esp-s%a-%mac 8ill negotiate F D <ransport3 E3 E
e! Dse the "ow cr!pto map co((and to display the crypto (aps that will be applied to the router! R3# "ow cr!pto map Cr&pto #ap I!)#BC#APB1I 1 ipsec-isakmp )escription: Appl& t%e cr&pto map on t%e peer routerTs interface %a/ing P a$$ress 1.222221 t%at connects to t%is router2 Peer F 1.212121 ('ten$e$ P access list !)#B1 access-list !)#B1 permit ip 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 Current peer: 1.212121 !ecurit& association lifetime: ?1.7... kilo-&tes931.. secon$s PC! (A9+): + <ransform setsFD 5a--<ransform: D esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac E 3 E nterfaces using cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1: !erial.9.91 f! In the above output) the IS"G8+ policy being used by the crypto (ap is the ##+ default policy with se7uence nu(ber priority %) indicated by the nu(ber % in the first output line: Cr&pto #ap U!)#BC#APB1F % ipsec4isa5(p! ;hy is it not using the one you created in the ##+ session N the one shown with priority %' in Step 3b aboveC *he ##+ crypto (ap config defaults to using the default IS"G8+ policy!
g! (6ptional) Bou can force the routers to use the (ore stringent policy that you created by changing the crypto (ap references in the R% and R3 router configs as shown below! If this is done) the default IS"G8+ policy % can be re(oved fro( both routers! R1(config)# interface S0/0/1 R1(config-if)# no cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 R1(config-if)# e#it =>an 3. 1O:.1:?12.@@: :CRAP<;-1- !A"#PB;+B;CC: !A"#P is ;CC R1(config)# no cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 1 R1(config)# cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 10 ip ec-i akmp : +;<(: <%is ne8 cr&pto map 8ill remain $isa-le$ until a peer an$ a /ali$ access list %a/e -een configure$2 R1(config-cr&pto-map)# de cription .unnel to R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et peer R1(config-cr&pto-map)# et tran form- et /a%-.ran form R1(config-cr&pto-map)# matc" addre 100 R1(config-cr&pto-map)# e#it R1(config)#int S0/0/1 R1(config-if)# cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 R1(config-if)#e =>an 3. 1O:.3:1121.3: :CRAP<;-1- !A"#PB;+B;CC: !A"#P is ;+ R3(config)# interface S0/0/1 R3(config-if)# no cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 R3(config-if)# e#it R3(config)# no cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 1 R3(config)# cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 10 ip ec-i akmp : +;<(: <%is ne8 cr&pto map 8ill remain $isa-le$ until a peer an$ a /ali$ access list %a/e -een configure$2 R3(config-cr&pto-map)# de cription .unnel to
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 23 of ,'
CCNA Security
R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et peer R3(config-cr&pto-map)# et tran form- et /a%-.ran form R3(config-cr&pto-map)# matc" addre 100 R3(config-cr&pto-map)# e#it R3(config)# int S0/0/1 R3(config-if)# cr!pto map S+(,'()*,1 R3(config-if)# =>an 3. 22:17:272?7O: :CRAP<;-1- !A"#PB;+B;CC: !A"#P is ;+
d! ;hen the ##+ ;arning window displays indicating that ##+ will enable router debugs and generate so(e tunnel traffic) clic5 Aes to continue! e! In the neAt V+1 *roubleshooting window) the I+ address of the R% a'-% interface in the source networ5 is displayed by default (%&2!%./!%!%)! Enter the I+ address of the R3 a'-% interface in the destination networ5 field (*8-1*681.1*) and clic5 Continue to begin the debugging process!
If the debug is successful and the tunnel is up) you should see the screen below! If the testing fails) ##+ displays failure reasons and reco((ended actions! #lic5 O; to re(ove the window!
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age 2, of ,'
CCNA Security
g! Bou can save the report if desiredO otherwise) clic5 C"ose! Note: If you want to reset the tunnel and test again) you can clic5 the C"ear Connection button fro( the Edit Suite4to4Site V+1 window! *his can also be acco(plished at the #9I using the clear cr!pto e ion co((and! h! 2isplay the running config for R3 beginning with the first line that contains the string E'-'-%F to verify that the crypto (ap is applied to S'-'-%! R3# " run - %eg 0/0/1 interface !erial.9.91 ip a$$ress 1.222221 200220022002202 cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1 Voutput omitte$> i! Issue the "ow cr!pto i akmp a co((and on R3 to view the security association created! R3# "ow cr!pto i akmp a P/? Cr&pto !A"#P !A $st src 1.222221 1.212121 M!
Issue the "ow cr!pto ip ec a co((and! >ow (any pac5ets have been transfor(ed between R% and R3C %%. fro( the ##+ testing R3# "ow cr!pto ip ec a
interface: !erial.9.91 Cr&pto map tag: !)#BC#APB13 local a$$r 1.222221 protecte$ /rf: (none)
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 20 of ,'
CCNA Security
local i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) remote i$ent (a$$r9mask9prot9port): ([email protected].) currentBpeer 1.212121 port 0.. P(R# <3 flagsFDoriginBisBacl3E #pkts encaps: 1113 #pkts encr&pt: 1113 #pkts $igest: 111 #pkts $ecaps: 1113 #pkts $ecr&pt: 1113 #pkts /erif&: 111 #pkts compresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompresse$: . #pkts not compresse$: .3 #pkts compr2 faile$: . #pkts not $ecompresse$: .3 #pkts $ecompress faile$: . #sen$ errors .3 #rec/ errors . local cr&pto en$pt2: 1.2222213 remote cr&pto en$pt2: 1.212121 pat% mtu 10..3 ip mtu 10..3 ip mtu i$- !erial.9.91 current out-oun$ spi: .'2.OAA)7A([email protected].) in-oun$ esp sas: spi: .'AC1.2CA(([email protected]?) transform: esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac 3 in use settings FD<unnel3 E conn i$: 2..O3 flo8Bi$: CP,A:O3 cr&pto map: !)#BC#APB1 sa timing: remaining ke& lifetime (k9sec): (?0072@?93.3O) S si4e: 11 -&tes repla& $etection support: A !tatus: AC< S( in-oun$ a% sas: in-oun$ pcp sas: out-oun$ esp sas: spi: .'2.OAA)7A([email protected].) transform: esp-201-aes esp-s%a-%mac 3 in use settings FD<unnel3 E conn i$: 2..73 flo8Bi$: CP,A:73 cr&pto map: !)#BC#APB1 sa timing: remaining ke& lifetime (k9sec): (?0072@?93.3O) S si4e: 11 -&tes repla& $etection support: A !tatus: AC< S( out-oun$ a% sas: out-oun$ pcp sas:
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
+age 2. of ,'
CCNA Security
%! ;ould traffic on the ast Ethernet lin5 between +#4" and the R% a'-' interface be encrypted by the site4 to4site I+sec V+1 tunnelC ;hy or why notC 1o! *his site4to4site V+1 only encrypts fro( router R% to R3! " sniffer could be used to see the traffic fro( +#4" to the R% default gateway! 2! #o(pared to using the ##+ V+1 wiKard GDI) what are so(e factors to consider when configuring site4to4 site I+sec V+1s using the (anual #9IC "nswers will vary but could include the following: *raditional #9I (ethods are ti(e4consu(ing and prone to 5eystro5e errors! *hey also re7uire the ad(inistrator to have an eAtensive 5nowledge of I+sec V+1s and #isco I6S co((and syntaA! ##+ gives the (aAi(u( fleAibility and greatly si(plifies I+sec V+1 configuration! ##+ also provides help and eAplanations on various technologies and settings available!
,outer Configs
Note: ISR G2 devices have Gigabit Ethernet interfaces instead of ast Ethernet Interfaces!
CCNA Security
-oot-start-marker -oot-en$-marker H securit& pass8or$s min-lengt% 1. logging message-counter s&slog H no aaa ne8-mo$el $ot11 s&slog ip source-route H ip cef no ip $omain lookup H no ip/1 cef multilink -un$le-name aut%enticate$ H H H arc%i/e log config %i$eke&s H interface Cast(t%ernet.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 ip a$$ress 1@221172121 200220022002. $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. ip a$$ress 1.212121 200220022002202 no fair-Nueue clock rate 1?... H interface !erial.9.91 no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n clock rate 2...... H interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.21212. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117212. no auto-summar&
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 2/ of ,'
CCNA Security
H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ no ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O 1?1?1M17.C.M2@2?2A37322131 logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O .0.7.C1C22?3071)..1011.117 login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$
CCNA Security
$uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. ip a$$ress 1.212122 200220022002202 no fair-Nueue H interface !erial.9.91 ip a$$ress 1.222222 200220022002202 clock rate 1?... H interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.21212. .2.2.23 net8ork 1.22222. .2.2.23 no auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ no ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O .0.7.C1C22?3?).11O1011.117 logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O .2.0.)?7.7.@1@30000(.7.A11 login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R2#R2#
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!
CCNA Security
H interface !erial.9.91 ip a$$ress 1.222221 200220022002202 H interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.22222. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117232. no auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ no ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O .11..C1O07.?.0..2C0C?C1A.A logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O 1?1?1M17.C.M3C3C3)37322131 login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R3#
,outer ,* after Part R1#s% run Muil$ing configuration222 Current configuration : 1710 -&tes H /ersion 122? ser/ice timestamps $e-ug $atetime msec ser/ice timestamps log $atetime msec ser/ice pass8or$-encr&ption H %ostname R1 H -oot-start-marker -oot-en$-marker H securit& pass8or$s min-lengt% 1. logging message-counter s&slog H no aaa ne8-mo$el $ot11 s&slog ip source-route H
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 32 of ,'
CCNA Security
ip cef no ip $omain lookup H no ip/1 cef multilink -un$le-name aut%enticate$ H arc%i/e log config %i$eke&s H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1. encr aes 201 aut%entication pre-s%are group 0 lifetime 31.. cr&pto isakmp ke& cisco123 a$$ress 1.222221 H cr&pto ipsec securit&-association lifetime secon$s 17.. H cr&pto ipsec transform-set 0. esp-aes 201 esp-s%a-%mac H cr&pto map C#AP 1. ipsec-isakmp set peer 1.222221 set securit&-association lifetime secon$s @.. set transform-set 0. set pfs group0 matc% a$$ress 1.1 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 ip a$$ress 1@221172121 200220022002. $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. ip a$$ress 1.212121 200220022002202 no fair-Nueue clock rate 1?... cr&pto map C#AP H interface !erial.9.91 no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n clock rate 2...... H
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 33 of ,'
CCNA Security
interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.21212. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117212. no auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ no ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H access-list 1.1 permit ip 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O [email protected]?)0)1A logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O ...O1A10.O0?1)121131?)0)1A login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R1#
,outer ,. after Part R3#s% run Muil$ing configuration222 Current configuration : 1O@O -&tes H /ersion 122? ser/ice timestamps $e-ug $atetime msec ser/ice timestamps log $atetime msec ser/ice pass8or$-encr&ption H %ostname R3 H -oot-start-marker -oot-en$-marker H securit& pass8or$s min-lengt% 1. logging message-counter s&slog H no aaa ne8-mo$el $ot11 s&slog ip source-route H ip cef
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 3, of ,'
CCNA Security
no ip $omain lookup H no ip/1 cef multilink -un$le-name aut%enticate$ H arc%i/e log config %i$eke&s H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1. encr aes 201 aut%entication pre-s%are group 0 lifetime 31.. cr&pto isakmp ke& cisco123 a$$ress 1.212121 H cr&pto ipsec securit&-association lifetime secon$s 17.. H cr&pto ipsec transform-set 0. esp-aes 201 esp-s%a-%mac H cr&pto map C#AP 1. ipsec-isakmp set peer 1.212121 set securit&-association lifetime secon$s @.. set transform-set 0. set pfs group0 matc% a$$ress 1.1 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 ip a$$ress 1@221172321 200220022002. $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n no fair-Nueue clock rate 2...... H interface !erial.9.91 ip a$$ress 1.222221 200220022002202 cr&pto map C#AP H interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 30 of ,'
CCNA Security
H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.22222. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117232. no auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ no ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H access-list 1.1 permit ip 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O .3.O0217.0..22?3?.1@1711.? logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O 1?1?1M17.C.M3C3C3)37322131 login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R3#
CCNA Security
no ip $omain lookup H no ip/1 cef multilink -un$le-name aut%enticate$ H arc%i/e log config %i$eke&s H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1 encr 3$es aut%entication pre-s%are group 2 H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1. encr aes 201 %as% m$0 aut%entication pre-s%are group 0 lifetime 277.. cr&pto isakmp ke& cisco123?0 a$$ress 1.222221 H cr&pto ipsec transform-set 5a--<ransform esp-aes 201 esp-s%a-%mac H cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1 1 ipsec-isakmp $escription <unnel to 1.222221 set peer 1.222221 set transform-set 5a--<ransform matc% a$$ress 1.. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 ip a$$ress 1@221172121 200220022002. $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. ip a$$ress 1.212121 200220022002202 clock rate 1?... cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1 H interface !erial.9.91 no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n clock rate 2......
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 3= of ,'
CCNA Security
H interface Slan1 no ip a$$ress H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.21212. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117212. auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ ip %ttp ser/er no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H access-list 1.. remark CCPBAC5 Categor&F? access-list 1.. remark Psec Rule access-list 1.. permit ip 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O .@?C?O1A1A.A1?1).01C.03@37 logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O .11..C1O07.?1.1M370C?C1A.A login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R1#
CCNA Security
H ip cef no ip $omain lookup H no ip/1 cef multilink -un$le-name aut%enticate$ H arc%i/e log config %i$eke&s H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1 encr 3$es aut%entication pre-s%are group 2 H cr&pto isakmp polic& 1. encr aes 201 %as% m$0 aut%entication pre-s%are group 0 lifetime 277.. cr&pto isakmp ke& cisco123?0 a$$ress 1.212121 H H cr&pto ipsec transform-set 5a--<ransform esp-aes 201 esp-s%a-%mac H cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1 1 ipsec-isakmp set peer 1.212121 set transform-set 5a--<ransform matc% a$$ress !)#B1 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.91 ip a$$ress 1@221172321 200220022002. $uple' auto spee$ auto H interface Cast(t%ernet.919. H interface Cast(t%ernet.9191 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9192 H interface Cast(t%ernet.9193 H interface !erial.9.9. no ip a$$ress s%ut$o8n no fair-Nueue clock rate 2...... H interface !erial.9.91
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation! +age 3& of ,'
CCNA Security
ip a$$ress 1.222221 200220022002202 cr&pto map !)#BC#APB1 H interface Slan1 no ip a$dre H router eigrp 1.1 net8ork 1.22222. .2.2.23 net8ork 1@22117232. no auto-summar& H ip for8ar$-protocol n$ ip %ttp ser/er ip %ttp aut%entication local no ip %ttp secure-ser/er H ip access-list e'ten$e$ !)#B1 remark CCPBAC5 Categor&F? remark Psec Rule permit ip 1@22117232. .2.2.2200 1@22117212. .2.2.2200 H control-plane H line con . e'ec-timeout . . pass8or$ O 11.A1.111?1).7.3.A3A2A3O3M logging s&nc%ronous login line au' . line /t& . ? e'ec-timeout 0 . pass8or$ O 1?1?1M17.C.M3C3C3)37322131 login H sc%e$uler allocate 2.... 1... en$ R3#
"ll contents are #opyright $ %&&22'%2 #isco Syste(s) Inc! "ll rights reserved! *his docu(ent is #isco +ublic Infor(ation!