Miss Wrights Newsletter
Miss Wrights Newsletter
Miss Wrights Newsletter
Ripleys Field Trip: On Friday Feb. 28th, the all first grade classes will be going to the Ripleys Aquarium. Permission slips are due no later than Feb. 7TH. The class will be departing at 6:45 am on that Friday. Your child should arrive at the school before then to get marked off, and to eat breakfast. Note: That your child will need $20-$30 for food. And if you child is not here when its time to depart he/she will be left.
This Months focus: Week 1- learn site words, adding and subtracting, read The Hungry Caterpillar, values of money, group reading, work on prefixes writing sentences, greater or lesser, mapping your home, and individual reading. Week 1 about give have in know put said they up when you Vocabulary Words Week 2 Week 3 been can did eat found get just help love I new long out my right our this read us sit with very Week 4 ask down for great jet kid left met pick this up
Week 2- review everything from last week, start adding three-single digits numbers, group reading, riddle solving, contractions, read If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, learn new site words, start working on black history project, online work and spelling.
Week 3- review last week, learn odd and even numbers, directions, months, days of week, rhyming, group reading, sight words, online activities, suffixes, read Corduroy, short vowel sounds, spelling and individual reading. Week 4- review from last week, math word problems, time, alphabetical order, group reading, long vowel sounds, read Goodnight Moon, spelling, senses test, USA, individual reading, online work, and sight words.
Reminder: It its cold and flu season. And products are still needed.
To All Parents: Thanks for everything, and the support. I am here if you or your child needs anything. Feel free to come by and talk with me. Do not forget that parent and teacher conferences are coming up. And I will send a slip home to set up a specific time.