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Road #3, House #17, Ashkona, Rasulbagh, Dhaka Cell : 01741767013 E-mail: [email protected]

Carrier Objective
uild u! challenging ca""ie" #h"ough !"o$iding my e%ecu#i$e se"$ice &i#h ha"d &o"king and sel' com!e#ence o' inc"ease sho"#-#e"m !"o'i#abili#y and long #e"m sus#ainabili#y and g"o&#h o' you" o"gani(a#ion in #he changing and com!e#i#i$e en$i"onmen#.

Educational Qualification
Na e of E!a ination
)"ou! Resul# -ns#i#u#ion oa"d .ession 2ea" o' ,assing

Hi"#er Secondar$ Certificate %HSC&

usiness s#udies. 3.*+ ),A )o$#. H.... /ollege, 0agu"a 1esso"e *++7-*++7 *++3

Na e of E!a ination
)"ou! Resul# -ns#i#u#ion oa"d .ession 2ea" o' ,assing

Secondar$ Sc#ool Certificate %SSC&

usiness s#udies. 4.+4 ),A Ra&#a"a H.5. .econda"y .chool 1esso"e *++6-*++7 *++7

'ob E!(erience
8o"ked as a 9/ .u!e"$iso" in :aki" A!!a"els ;#d. 8o"king as a .u!e"$iso" 'o" -n#elligen# -mage 0anagemen# ;#d.

Co (uter Literac$
0ic"oso'# 8indo&s <!e"a#ing .ys#em. :ull /om!e#ency in 8indo&s <''ice =, ,ackage >0. 8o"d, 0. E%cel, 0. ,o&e",oin#?. -n#e"ne# "o&sing and e-mail. Ha$e good unde"s#anding and !"ac#ical use o' o#he" su!!o"#ing so'#&a"e.

)er*onal Abilit$
Ha"d &o"king. .#"ong communica#ion skill. ;eade"shi! ca!abili#y. @een in#e"es# in g"ou! base &o"k. Abili#y #o &o"k unde" !"essu"e. :le%ible men#ali#y #o o&n #he o"gani(a#ion no"ms.

)er*onal Infor ation+

:ull 5ame :a#he"As 5ame 0o#he"As 5ame ,e"manen# Add"ess ,"esen# Add"ess 5a#ionali#y )ende" Da#e o' i"#h Religion 0a"i#al .#a#us 0d. Hasibul Hassan 0d. Abul @ashem 0ollah Hoshnea"a egum Bill: ;akkhikol ,.<: :ulba"i ,..: 0agu"a .ada", Dis#.: 0agu"a Road #3, House #17, Ashkona, Rasulbagh, Dhaka angladeshi > y bi"#h? 0ale. +*-0a"ch-1CC+ -slam. .ingle.

,eference +
;ackuy Rani Halde"

Ass#. ,"o'esso" )o$#. angla /ollege, Dhaka /ell: +17174116*+

- ce"#i'y #ha# #he in'o"ma#ion gi$en in #his /u""iculum Bi#ae is com!le#e and accu"a#e.


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