Presente Simple: Afirmativo, Negativo, Interrogativo, Y Respuestas Cortas
Presente Simple: Afirmativo, Negativo, Interrogativo, Y Respuestas Cortas
Presente Simple: Afirmativo, Negativo, Interrogativo, Y Respuestas Cortas
Afirmativo I get up at eight oclock You get up at eight oclock He gets up at eight oclock She gets up at eight oclock It gets up eight oclock at Negativo I do not (don t)get up at eight oclock You do not (don t get) up at eight oclock He does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock She does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock It does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock We do not (don t) get up at eight oclock You do not (don t) get up at eight oclock Interrogativo (ye !no "#e tion $ Do I like fish? Do you like fish? Does fish? Does fish? he like Respuestas cortas Yes, I do Yes, you do Yes, he does Yes, she does Yes, it does Yes, we do Yes, you do Yes, they do !o, I dont !o, you dont !o, he doesnt !o, she doesnt !o, it doesnt !o, we dont !o, you dont !o, they dont " "#on las $espuestas co$tas no $epeti%os el &e$'o p$incipal S(lo utili)a%os la fo$%a co$$espondiente del &e$'o au*ilia$ do
Does it like fish? Do we like fish? Do you like fish? Do they fish? like
We get up at eight oclock You get up at eight oclock They get up at eight oclock
INTERROGATIVO (WH QUESTIONS When do I get up? When do you get up? When does he get up? When does she get up? When does it get up? When do we get up? When do you get up? When do they get up? USO !E" #RESENTE SI$#"E " Se utili)a el p$esente si%ple pa$a ha'la$ de acti&idades +ue se $eali)an $egula$%ente y pa$a ha'la$ de $utinas (dia$ias, se%anales, anuales, etc) !, S- .TI/I01 pa$a ha'la$ de acti&idades +ue est2 sucediendo en el %o%ento de ha'la$ " #on he, she, it (la te$ce$a pe$sona singula$) en afi$%ati&o, se a3ade 4s o 4es al &e$'o, seg5n las $eglas siguientes REG"AS !E ORTOGRA%&A VER'O ( )S*)ES " 6a$a fo$%a$ la te$ce$a pe$sona singula$ (+ue co$$esponde a he, she, it) del p$esente si%ple, no$%al%ente se a3ade 4s eat 7 eats wo$k 7 wo$ks " 1 los &e$'os +ue aca'an en 4ch, 7sh, 7s, 7*, se les a3ade 4es wash 7 washes teach 7 teaches " 1 los &e$'os do y go se les a3ade 4es do 7 does go 7 goes " 1 los &e$'os aca'ados en consonante 8 7y, se les +uita la 4y y se a3ade 4ies t$y 7 t$ies study 7 studies " 1 los &e$'os aca'ados en &ocal 8 7y, se les a3ade 4s say 7 says play 7 plays
#RONUN+IA+I,N VER'O ( )ES"/a te$%inaci(n 4es del p$esente si%ple se p$onuncia 9i)9 cuando los &e$'os aca'an en 4ch, 7sh, 7s, 7*, a3adiendo una s:la'a al &e$'o I teach 7 he teaches -n los de%2s &e$'os, la te$%inaci(n 4es no constituye una s:la'a adicional we go 7 she goes
! e ! ie to t)e *o++o,ing verdo doe study ============ teach ============ say ============ c$y ============ dance ============ fi* ============
: < ? ;A ;; ;> ;@ ;B
wo$$y============ play ============ g$ow ============ watch============ %iss ============ hu$$y ============ stop ============
CIRCLE T/E CORRECT ANS0ER : ; > @ B C D E < ? ;A ;; ;> ;@ ;B ;C I 1+ay ! 1+ay tennis e&e$y afte$noon Fy pa$ents +ive ! +ive in Ga%at7Han To% +i ten ! +i ten to the $adio in the %o$ning We eat ! eat eggs fo$ '$eakfast e&e$y %o$ning Fy dog -ar2 ! -ar2 at night F$s Hold ,ee1 ! ,ee1 the stai$s once a week Fy '$othe$ ne&e$ ,at3)e ! ,at3) tele&ision Fy fa%ily go ! goe to the 'each togethe$ in the su%%e$ I often eat ! eat dinne$ at %y g$and%othe$Is house Sha$on (o ! (oe he$ ho%ewo$k $egula$ly They ta2e ! ta2e a 'ath daily You seldo% +i ten ! +i ten in class Dana and /iat goe ! go to the swi%%ing pool e&e$y afte$noon I ne&e$ )#rt ! )#rt %y cat He ne&e$ *ini ) ! *ini )e his wo$k on ti%e
FILL IN T/E CORRECT FORM OF T/E VER. IN PRESENT SIMPLE: ; Jish (not fly) ============ They (swi%) ============ > The sun (not $ise) =========in the west It (set) ========== down in the west @ 1 spide$ (not ha&e) ======== wings 1 'i$d (ha&e) ========= wings B #ats (not 'a$k) ============ Dogs (do) ============ C !atalie usually (not sit) ============ in the sun She $a$ely (go) ============ to the 'each D Ka'ies (not talk) ============ They (c$y) ============ E Dalia often (d$y) =========== the dishes 'ut she (not put) =========== the% away < Ketty usually (not do) ========== ho%ewo$k 'efo$e she (eat) ===========suppe$
(4$ RE0RITE T/E FOLLO0ING SENTENCES, PUTTING T/E E'PRESSIONS IN T/E RIG/T PLACE ; They a+,ay a$e happy to ha&e guests (a+,ay $ > We laugh at people in t$ou'le (never$ @ II% 'usy on Wednesdays (# #a++y$ B Ki$ds 'uild thei$ nests on this $oof (every ,inter$ 3
They sing &e$y loudly (genera++y$ Dalit is late fo$ school (rare+y$ Fy pa$ents help %e with %y ho%ewo$k ()ar(+y ever$ Fy pa$ents &isit us (*ro6 ti6e to ti6e$ We a$e at ho%e on Satu$days (o*ten$ The sec$eta$y wo$ks he$e (*ive (ay a ,ee2$ We ha&e fish fo$ lunch ( o6eti6e $ Sha$on has lunch 'efo$e two oIclock ( e+(o6$
MA7E YES!NO 5UESTIONS IN T/E PRESENT SIMPLE: Ta6ar )ate 6i3e8 Yes, Ta%a$ hates %ice Yes, ou$ neigh'o$ fi*es 'ikes Yes, you$ %othe$ 'akes cakes e&e$y J$iday !o, KennyIs fathe$ doesnIt wo$k in a 'ake$y e&e$y week Yes, I always clean on Thu$sdays !o, !eta doesnIt $un fast Yes, Idan t$ies to win the swi%%ing contest e&e$y yea$ !o, these $oo%s donIt ha&e two windows Yes, the 'a'y usually c$ies a lot Yes, Hilad always d$i&es too fast
(F$ 0RITE YES!NO 5UESTIONS OR 0/&5UESTIONS TO T/E FOLLO0ING ANS0ERS: 0)at yo# t#(y in yo#r *ree ti6e8 ; I study -nglish fou$ days a week > We usually finish school at ;@L>C @ Fy Jathe$ washes the ca$ once a week B Ginat co%es late to wo$k 'ecause she takes he$ son to kinde$ga$ten C The last 'us lea&es at ;ALAA oIclock e&e$y night D Ginat feels &e$y good E Yes, I like geog$aphy < !o, we donIt go to the pa$k e&e$y afte$noon ? Fy siste$ studies J$ench 'ecause she wants to go to J$ance 4
;A Yes, Gonit 'elongs to a youth clu' (G$ 4ANNY IS AS7ING GALIT 5UESTIONS9 FILL IN T/E 5UESTIONS .ELO0: DannyL ,)at: yo#r na6e8 Halit L Fy na%e is Halit Danny L =============================================== Halit L I li&e in Haifa Danny L =============================================== Halit L Yes, I go to school in Haifa DannyL ==================================================== Halit L Fy fathe$ d$i&es %e to school DannyL ==================================================== Halit L School 'egins at A<L;C in the %o$ning DannyL ==================================================== Halit L !o, %y fathe$ doesnIt take %e 'ack ho%e DannyL ==================================================== Halit L !o'ody %akes %y lunch when I $etu$n ho%e Danny L Well we &e$y alike It is nice to %eet you PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ; PRESENT SIMPLE (/$ CIRCLE T/E CORRECT TIME E'PRESSION: ; I a% studying fo$ a test (e&e$y day, at the %o%ent) > The fi$st lesson sta$ts at nine oIclock (now, e&e$y day) @ Fy pa$ents donIt wo$k (at the %o%ent, on J$idays) B Whe$e a$e they %eeting (twice a week, tonight)? C /etMs $unN The 'us is lea&ing (in fi&e %inutes, e&e$y hou$) D Do you wake up late (on weekends, $ight now)? E D$o$ and his f$iends go to %o&ies at least (at the %o%ent, once a week) < He studies J$ench (fou$ ti%es a week, now) ? Dafna doesnIt &isit he$ pa$ents (e&e$y day, now) ;A Is the teache$ co$$ecting the wo$ks (at the %o%ent, B ti%es a week)? Cir3+e t)e 3orre3t *or6 o* t)e ver-: ; /ookN 1 %an ($uns, is $unning, a$e $unning) afte$ Hila > The docto$ (is taking ca$e of, take ca$e of, take ca$e of) %y %othe$ $ight now @ It (a$e $aining, $ains, is $aining) hea&ily at the %o%ent B Fothe$ (feed, is feeding, feeds) the 'a'y at night C Fany child$en (a$e playing, play, plays) in the pa$k e&e$y afte$noon D The 'oys (is planning, a$e planning, plan) the t$ip today E ,ded $a$ely (dance, is dancing, dances) at pa$ties < We (%o&e, a$e %o&ing, %o&es) to the new office to%o$$ow ? I donIt like to d$i&e (now, at night) ;A How often (does, is, do) ,$en and Ken %et? Fi++ in t)e ver- in -ra32et in t)e 3orre3t *or6: The neigh'o$Is child$en ============= (sleep) fo$ > hou$s e&e$y afte$noon .ncle 0&i eat (eat) dinne$ with us e&e$y J$iday night Whe$e is Fo$dehai? He ======== (talk) to the teache$ a'out his ho%ewo$k I often ============= (go) fo$ a walk afte$ suppe$ 5
(<$ ; > @ B
C D E < ? ;A (7$
Ke +uietN Shlo%o ============= (play) the piano ItIs fi&e oIclock and we ============= (listen) to the news Fy siste$ ============= (need) so%e %oney to 'uy a new note'ook F$ Do$on ============= (wo$k) thi$ty7fi&e hou$s a week 0eIe& and .$i ============= (w$ite) lette$s to thei$ ant Sa$a now Fy f$iend -f$at ============= (like) classical %usic &e$y %uch
Fi++ in: A6 ! I ! Are ! 4o ! 4oe ; What ============ you$ na%e? > Whe$e ============ you lea$n? @ ============ you a good pupil? B How old ============ you? C ============ you ha&e %any f$iends? D What ============you$ fathe$ do? E ============ you$ %othe$ wo$k? < Who ============ you$ 'est f$iend? ? ============ you a happy pe$son? ;A Why ============ you looking at you$ watch? ;; ============ I asking too %any +uestions?