4eso. Passives 100 Folio
4eso. Passives 100 Folio
4eso. Passives 100 Folio
1 + . 0 % 2 3 5 6 1 8 1 1 1 + 1 . 1 0 1 % 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 6 + 8 + 1 + + + . + 0 + % + 2 + 3 + 5 + 6 . 8 . 1 . + . . . 0 . % . 2 . 3 . 5 . 6 0 8 They gave my little siste a ti!"et# t$$. Pe$,le (ill sh$( the visit$ s the -e( )&il'i-g. S$me$-e has al ea'y ,ai' the el!t i!ia- /$ his ($ " They , $mise' &s highe (ages. S$me$-e (ill tell y$& (hat time the t ai- leaves. S$me$-e $ 'e e' the , is$-e s t$ sta-' &,. S$me)$'y e!$mme-'e' me a-$the '$!t$ . S$me$-e ta&ght him F e-!h a-' gave him a 'i!ti$-a y. They (ill all$( ea!h )$y a se!$-' ,late $/ i!e7! eam. The a&th$ ities e/&se' my )$y / ie-' T$m a ,ass,$ t. They (ill as" &s all seve al 4&esti$-s. Whe- (e /i st met# they ha' al ea'y $//e e' me a :$) at ;A. S$me$-e (ill ea' y$& a-$the !ha,te -e<t time. They e4&este' the st a-ge t$ leave the meeti-g. They still 'e-y ($me- the ight t$ v$te i- s$me !$&-t ies. They have ma'e my &-!le a !a,tai-. They as"e' the est $/ &s t$ )e the e )y eight $9!l$!". The $the s t$l' the -e( st&'e-ts (he e t$ sit. S$me$-e is sh$(i-g my gi l7/ ie-' =im h$( t$ )ath a )a)y. She gave the ,$li!ema- a sa&sage $ll. They sh$(e' A&-tie A'a h$( t$ $,e- a sa/e. We have ,ai' the !a ,e-te /$ me-'i-g the '$$ . S$me$-e , $mise' >im a , ese-t /$ his )i th'ay. S$me$-e gave my )$y7/ i-' Tim a )ath. They (ill as" y$& (hat y$& (e e '$i-g yeste 'ay. S$me)$'y $ 'e e' 1a y t$ !lea- $&t the li$-s9!age. They ta&ght me at s!h$$l t$ ea' a-' ( ite. They t$l' S&sa- -$t t$ sta-' $- he hea' i- the less$-. S$me)$'y $//e e' my '$g R$t a- i!e7! eam. We m&st l$$" i-t$ the matte . Pe$,le s,ea" (ell $/ my )$y7/ ie-' R$). S$me$-e ea's t$ the $l' la'y eve y eve-i-g. S$me)$'y t$l' the st&'e-ts t$ (ait $&tsi'e. S$me$-e , $mise' me a )i!y!le i/ I ,asse' my e<ams. ?$& m&st ($ " /$ s&!!ess. I t$l' >im -eve t$ !$me he e agai-. They gave me t($ ,$&-'s !ha-ge at the sh$,. It is time they ) $&ght the !$(s i-. They t$l' me t$ g$ a(ay. N$)$'y has sle,t i- that $$m /$ yea s. %1 %+ %. %0 %% %2 %3 %5 %6 28 21 2+ 2. 20 2% 22 23 25 26 38 31 3+ 3. 30 3% 32 33 35 36 58 51 5+ 5. 50 5% 52 53 55 56 68 What sh$&l' (e '$ a)$&t this* N$)$'y has ma'e a-y mista"e. S$me$-e has le/t the gate $,e-. S$me)$'y m&st '$ s$methi-g /$ these ,$$ me-. 1$-i!a /ell i-t$ the (ate )e!a&se s$me)$'y ,&she' he . Pe$,le (ill sim,ly la&gh at y$& /$ y$& t $&)le. N$)$'y has a-s(e e' my 4&esti$- , $,e ly. They le/t the ($&-'e' )ehi-'. S$me)$'y has ) $&ght this !hil' &, ve y )a'ly. They 'i'-9t tell me the t &th a)$&t the sit&ati$-. A g&i'e ,$i-te' $&t the ,y ami's t$ me. S$me$-e as"e' the st&'e-t a ve y 'i//i!< 4&esti$-. S$me$-e has /$&-' the )$y the ,e$,le (a-te'. Pe$,le $&ght -$t t$ s,ea" a)$&t s&!h thi-gs i- ,&)li!. The (i-' )le( his hat '$(- the st eet. They (ill ta"e he t$ h$s,ital t$m$ $(. The ,$li!e gave me /ive ,$&-'s e(a '. A- &-see- ha-' $,e-e' the (i-'$(. They (ill se-' my )$y7/ ie-' t$ , is$-. Pe$,le sh$&l' ma"e less$-s m$ e i-te esti-g /$ !hil' e-. S$me)$'y le/t the light $- all -ight. N$7$-e !a- a-s(e y$& 4&esti$-. S$me)$'y has s,lit tea all $ve the ta)le!l$th. His ) $the :&st )eat >$h- i- the 188 ya 's a!e. Has a-y$-e me-'e' that !hai yet* N$)$'y has eve s,$"e- t$ me li"e that )e/$ e. A / ie-' le-t me this )$$". We have as"e' s$me / ie-'s $/ he s t$ :$i- &s. Pe$,le tal"e' a)$&t Ca me- all $ve the t$(-. They (ill give y$& the a-s(e -e<t (ee". ;i'-9t y$& tell them t$ )e he e )y si< $9!l$!"* I9' li"e s$me$-e t$ ea' t$ me. ?$& m&st -$t th $( a(ay em,ty )$ttles. N$7$-e has ' &-" $&t $/ this glass. The st$-e st &!" him $- the ight sh$&l'e . The /i e 'est $ye' ma-y val&a)le ,ai-ti-gs. S$me$-e )le( a (histle th ee times. A h&ge (ave $ve t& -e' the little )$at. He /i-ishe' his ($ " )y eight $9!l$!". La'ies &se' t$ (ea thei ' esses ve y l$-g.
A / ie-' t$l' me the -e(s this m$ -i-g. U-"i-' ema "s easily &,set my el'e siste . S$me)$'y has !$$"e' this /ish ve y ve y (ell. S$me ,e$,le ' ess thei !hil' e- ve y )a'. He ( $te the )$$" )ea&ti/&lly. This is the /i st time they have ( itte- t$ &s a)$&t this. S$me$-e m&st /i-ish the ($ ". N$)$'y !a- e,ai this ) $"e- vase.