Mis Abuelos y Yo / My Grandparents and I by Samuel Caraballo
Mis Abuelos y Yo / My Grandparents and I by Samuel Caraballo
Mis Abuelos y Yo / My Grandparents and I by Samuel Caraballo
La publicacin de Mis abuelos y yo ha sido subvencionada por el Fondo Clayton y la ciudad de Houston a travs del Houston Arts Alliance. Les agradecemos su apoyo. Publication of My Grandparents and I is made possible through support from the Clayton Fund and the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance. We are grateful for their support.
Los libros Piata estn llenos de sorpresas! Piata Books are full of surprises!
Piata Books An Imprint of Arte Pblico Press University of Houston 452 Cullen Performance Hall Houston, Texas 77204-2004
Caraballo, Samuel. Mis abuelos y yo = My Grandparents and I / by Samuel Caraballo; with illustrations by D. Nina Cruz; English-language translation by Ethriam Cash Brammer. p. cm. ISBN 978-1-55885-407-9 (alk. paper) [1. GrandparentsFiction. 2. SeasonsFiction. 3. Puerto RicoFiction. 4. Stories in rhyme. 5. Spanish language materialsBilingual.] I.Title: My grandparents and I. II. Cruz, D. Nina, ill. III. Brammer, Ethriam Cash. IV.Title. PZ74.3.C277 2003 [E]dc21 2003051787 CIP
The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984.
Text Copyright 2004 by Samuel Caraballo Illustrations Copyright 2004 by D. Nina Cruz Printed in Hong Kong
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En memoria de don Eugenio, doa Eusebia, don Enrique y doa Mara Ins, y para los abuelitos del mundo, porque ellos nos inspiran a amar la vida. Un agradecimiento especial nuevamente a la Dra. Frances Spuler. S.C. Para Santos y Haydee, mis razones por sobrevivir todo. D.N.C
In memory of Eugenio, Eusebia, Enrique, and Mara Ins, and to grandparents throughout the world, because they inspire us to love life. A special thanks once again to Dr. Frances Spuler. S.C. For Santos and Haydee, my reasons for surviving it all. D.N.C
Mis abuelos son mi vida, mi manojito de rosas, mi msica preferida, mis prenditas ms valiosas.
My grandparents are my universe. They are my rosy bouquet, my favorite musical verse, and my most prized treasure.
Mis das junto a ellos son das sin comparacin. Sin duda, son los ms bellos: Ternura! Paz! Baile! Cancin!
The days spent with my grandparents are days simply beyond compare. Without a doubt, they are the best: Peace and love! Dance and song to share!
Nuestros fines de semana son fiestas en la cocina: flanes, pudn de bananas, bizcochos y gelatinas.
We always spend the weekend throwing parties in the kitchen: With custard and banana pudding, frosty cakes and gelatin.
Son alegra, sorpresa nuestros das de paseos al andar por La Fortaleza, El Morro y los museos.
Full of surprises and happiness are our days of leisurely stroll at the museums, the old fortress and the castle of El Morro.
Al llegar la primavera siempre entramos al jardn a rociar con la manguera el perfumadito jazmn.
When springtime finally comes, we run out to the garden to play with the water hose and spray the perfumed jasmine.
Vamos en las frescas noches a retratar los cruceros, y a admirar los coches que llegan en los cargueros.
On cool nights, under the stars, we take pictures of cruise-liners and admire all of the cars that arrive on big freighters.
Tambin miramos la luna alumbrar el horizonte, teir de azul la duna y los rboles del monte.
We also watch the moon lighting up the horizon, tinting the sand dunes blue and the trees upon the mountain.
En el trrido verano retozamos por la playa, y con carnada en mano perseguimos a la raya.
Under sunny summer rays, we frolic through the sands and chase after stingrays with fresh bait in our hands.
Volamos los papalotes hasta que tocan el cielo. Luego, entre abrazotes, damos vueltas por el suelo.
We fly our kites so high that they seem to touch the sky. Then, on the ground below, we hug, and around and around we go.
En los das otoales gozamos del gran recital que entonan los zorzales en la plaza municipal.
Over the autumn hush we delight in the concert there provided by the wood thrush in the towns main square.
Caminamos por los puentes disfrutando de la brisa, compartiendo con la gente un saludo o una sonrisa.
We walk across the bridges with other people sharing, the salty ocean breezes, warm smiles and gracious greetings.
Las fiestas de Navidad celebramos bien juntitos cantando de felicidad, abriendo los regalitos.
During Christmas gaiety, we sing together happily, we celebrate our unity, we open presents thankfully.
Mis abuelos son mi vida, mi manojito de rosas, mi msica preferida, mis prenditas ms valiosas.
My grandparents are my universe. They are my rosy bouquet, my favorite musical verse, and my most prized treasure.
Mis abuelos son mi vida, mi manojito de rosas, mi msica preferida, mis prenditas ms valiosas. Mis das junto a ellos son das sin comparacin. Sin duda, son los ms bellos: Ternura! Paz! Baile! Cancin! Nuestros fines de semana son fiestas en la cocina: flanes, pudn de bananas, bizcochos y gelatinas. Son alegra, sorpresa nuestros das de paseos al andar por La Fortaleza, El Morro y los museos. Al llegar la primavera siempre entramos al jardn a rociar con la manguera el perfumadito jazmn. Vamos en las frescas noches a retratar los cruceros, y a admirar los coches que llegan en los cargueros. Tambin miramos la luna alumbrar el horizonte, teir de azul la duna y los rboles del monte.
En el trrido verano retozamos por la playa, y con carnada en mano perseguimos a la raya. Volamos los papalotes hasta que tocan el cielo. Luego, entre abrazotes, damos vueltas por el suelo. En los das otoales gozamos del gran recital que entonan los zorzales en la plaza municipal. Caminamos por los puentes disfrutando de la brisa, compartiendo con la gente un saludo o una sonrisa. Las fiestas de Navidad celebramos bien juntitos cantando de felicidad, abriendo los regalitos. Mis abuelos son mi vida, mi manojito de rosas, mi msica preferida, mis prenditas ms valiosas.
My grandparents are my universe. They are my rosy bouquet, my favorite musical verse, and my most prized treasure. The days spent with my grandparents are days simply beyond compare. Without doubt, they are the best: Peace and love! Dance and song to share! We always spend the weekend Throwing parties in the kitchen: With custard and banana pudding, frosty cakes and gelatin. Full of surprises and happiness are our days of leisurely stroll at the museums, the old fortress and the castle of El Morro. When springtime comes, we run out to the garden to play with the water hose and spray the perfumed jasmine. On cool nights, under the stars, we take pictures of cruise-liners and admire all of the cars that arrive on big freighters. We also watch the moon light up the horizon, tinting the sand dunes blue and the trees upon the mountain.
Under sunny summer rays, we frolic through the sands and chase after stingrays with fresh bait in our hands. We fly our kites so high That they seem to touch the sky. Then, on the ground below, we hug, and around and around we go. Over the autumn hush we delight in the concert there provided by the wood thrush in the towns main square. We walk across the bridges with other people sharing, the salty ocean breezes, warm smiles and gracious greetings. During Christmas gaiety, we sing together happily, we celebrate our unity, we open presents thankfully. My grandparents are my universe. They are my rosy bouquet, my favorite musical verse, and my most prized treasure.
Samuel Caraballo naci en Vieques, una pequea y hermosa isla cerca de la costa este de Puerto Rico. Pas muchos das de su niez jugando en las colinas del campo y recogiendo mangos y guayabas, sus frutas tropicales favoritas. Ha servido como intrprete en juicios de hispanos y ha dedicado muchos aos a la enseanza del espaol en varias escuelas pblicas de los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad, vive en Virginia con su familia. Le fascinan la pintura, la pesca y escribir poesa. Samuel Caraballo was born in Vieques, a gorgeous tiny island located off the east coast of Puerto Rico. He spent many of his childhood days playing in the countryside hills and picking mangos and guavas, his favorite tropical fruits. He has served as interpreter for Spanish-speakers in court, and he has also dedicated many years to teaching Spanish in several public schools in the United States. He currently lives in Virginia with his family. He loves painting, fishing and writing poetry. D. Nina Cruz creci en distintos lugares. Con su hermana y dos hermanos su niez fue una aventura. Cuando nia se encontraba siempre soando y dibujando una combinacin que naturalmente la ha llevado a ilustrar libros para nios. En sus obras se encuentran lugares en donde ha estado y colores que reflejan su cultura latina. Si crees que has visto a Nina, hay una forma segura de saberlo: ella es la nica adulta en busca de palancas escondidas que te llevan a pasadizos secretos. Nina disfruta viviendo en New Jersey y jugando con sus once sobrinos. D. Nina Cruz grew up in many places. Along with her sister and two brothers, childhood was an adventure. As a young girl you could always find her daydreaming or drawinga combination that has naturally led her to illustrate children's books. Her paintings carry within them places she has visited and colors that reflect her Latino culture. If you think you have spotted Nina in a room, there is one sure way to tell: she would be the only adult checking for hidden levers to secret underground passages. Nina enjoys living in New Jersey and spending time with her eleven nieces and nephews.