Assignment#1: Low Frequency Steady State: Assigned On: 1/29/2014 Due On: 2/5/2014 (Wednesday)

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Assignment#1: Low Frequency Steady State

Assigned on: 1/29/2014; Due on: 2/5/2014 (Wednesday)

This homework assignment is aimed at: i) developing a suitable power converter topology to realize a specic power conversion function; and ii) developing the steady state solution of an ac switching power conversion based on phasor circuit analysis without regard to the high frequency switching process that is internal to the switchful regions. 1. Draw up a circuit topology to realize the power conversion as specied. The circuit may be realized using several ideal switches with multiple throws as necessary, inductors, capacitors and transformers. 2. Identify and suitably label all the switchful regions that constitute the power converter. Label all throw and pole voltage and current as well as all the throws in all switchful regions. 3. Draw an equivalent circuit for the converter wherein the switchful regions are replaced by appropriate dependent current/voltage sources. 4. Using the equivalent circuit, develop a circuit solution to solve for the terminal quantities of the switchful regions based on the various specications (input voltage, frequency, dc link voltage, output power, eciency). Assume candidate values for circuit components. 5. Draw a locus of the input current phasor illustrating its variation in magnitude and phase (if any) as the output power varies.

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