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Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies Restricted - Commercial Page 1

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Projects funded under this scheme need to complete their work no later than 31st March
2010. Please refer to the ‘Guidance for Applicants’ for more information.
Technology priority: Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies
Choose one or more technologies:
Advanced Materials Electronics, Photonics & Electrical Systems Nano Technology
Biosciences Information & Communications Technology High Value Manufacturing

Study title:

Study finances Total Costs: £ Grant requested: £ (max £25,000)

Lead Organisation Details
Organisation name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
Town: County:
Postcode: Country:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff:
Contact name: Phone:
Competition for Funding reference or TP Number: BU057P
Feasibility Study Details
The aim of feasibility study grants is to help small companies develop initial ideas for new or enhanced
products, services, processes or capabilities. They are particularly targeted at projects where the company
needs to buy in additional skills or knowledge from outside the organisation. The outcome is expected to be a
demonstrator, early prototype or proof of principle that can be used as the basis for securing further
development investment.
In the space below please provide an outline description of:
1) The idea and its potential market impact.
2) What you propose to do in the study, naming organisations or individuals that you intend to
work/contract with.
3) The deliverable.
4) Why you need this grant, i.e. what is the added value of public sector support?

Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies: Deadline for submission: Mid-day, 1st October 2009.
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Feasibility Study Details (Continued)

Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies: Deadline for submission: Mid-day, 1st October 2009.
Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies Restricted - Commercial Page 3
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Partner Details (where applicable)

Partner 1
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Partner 2
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Partner 3
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Partner 4
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Partner 5
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Partner 6
Organisation name:
Address Line 1: Town:
Address Line 2: County:
Address Line 3: Postcode:
Business Sector: Please select a sector from the list Staff Country:
Contact name: Phone:

Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies: Deadline for submission: Mid-day, 1st October 2009.
Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies Restricted - Commercial
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Finance Summary Table

Please complete the information requested in the following table in accordance with the following notes.
Please ensure that the information provided is consistent with the applicable funding levels and eligible costs for your project. Guidance on funding
levels and eligible costs is provided in the Guidance for Applicants document.
Columns 1 and 2 – Organisation name and postcode
Please provide the name and postcode of the lead organisation and each of the partners in your project.
Column 3 to 8 – Breakdown of project costs (£)
Under each heading, please provide a breakdown of the project costs for of the lead organisation and each of the partners in your project.
Column 9 – Total (£)
The total cost of the project – this is the sum of columns 3 to 8 and will be entered automatically.
Column 10 – Funding sought from the Technology Programme (£)
Please enter the funding sought, by the lead organisation and each of the partners, from the Technology Programme for this competition for funding.
Column 11 – Other funding from public sector bodies (£)
Please include any funding for your project from public sector bodies for which you have applied for separately, and not as part of this competition.
Bottom Row – Total (£)
The total of each column will be entered automatically.
Note: Where applicable HEIs should enter their 80% FEC in columns 3 to 9 and then column 9 should equal column 10 (unless there is an entry in column 11)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

from public sector

Strategy BoardFunding r from the
Subcontract Costs
Equipment Costs

Other funding

Labour and

Travel and



Organisation name Postcode

(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)

Lead org. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies: Deadline for submission: Mid-day, 1st October 2009.
Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies Restricted - Commercial
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Total (£) 0 0 0

Technology Inspired Area – Feasibility Studies: Deadline for submission: Mid-day, 1st October 2009.

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