SolidCAM Turn 1
SolidCAM Turn 1
SolidCAM Turn 1
This section has been designed to give you quick access to the new features and improvements in this version of the SolidCAM software. Click on a subject to learn more about the feature.
SolidCAM Manager Item Search in SolidCAM Manager Sequential numbering of operations in SolidCAM Manager
Managing split operations GCode generation settings Generating a sketch for Material boundary
The SolidCAM Manager enables you to activate all the CAM commands of SolidCAM. To activate the command menu, right-click on the appropriate item in the tree structure of the SolidCAM Manager.
There are three major types of features and elements in SolidCAM: A CAM-Part is a machining project or workpiece, a Geometry defines what and where to machine and an Operation is a single machining step.
SolidCAM Manager
CAM-Part header
This header displays the name of the active SolidCAM CAM-Part . By right-clicking on it, you can activate the CAM-Part menu to manage your CAM-Parts. Icons for Coordinate System Manager, Target model and Stock model are located under the CAM-Part header. Double-clicking on the CAM-Part header displays the Turning Part Data dialog box .
Tool header
This header displays the name of the active Tool Table . By right-clicking on it, you can activate the menu to manage the Tool Libraries. Double-clicking on the Tool header displays the Part Tool Table .
This header displays the name of the active Machining Process Table . By right-clicking on it, you can activate the menu to manage the MP Tables. Double-clicking on the Machining Process header the Current Machining UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BYdisplays THETA-SOFTWARE Processes Table .
Geometries header
This header displays all the SolidCAM geometries that are not used in the Operations. You can get the list of these geometries by clicking on the "+" icon near the Geometries header. You can display the Geometries managing menu by right-clicking on the Geometries header. You can also get the relevant menu by right-clicking on each Geometry name. Double-clicking on the Geometry header displays the selected geometry.
Operations header
This header shows you all the SolidCAM Operations . The Operations managing menu is available by right-clicking on the Operations header. You can get the relevant menu also by right-clicking on each Operation name. Double-clicking on the Operation header enables you to edit Operation parameters with the specific Operation dialog box .
Look in You may look for the required items in the whole CAM-Part or only in its operations, coordinate systems or geometries taken separately. Whole items only Select this check box if you want to check the availability of whole items as opposed to partial output. Match case This check box enables you to determine the case sensitivity of the search. Direction You may also decide whether the search results will be displayed from bottom to top or from top to bottom of the SolidCAM Manager tree. Find next Click this button if you want to view the search results one by one. Find all Click this button if you prefer to have all of the search results to be displayed simultaneously. General The whole line where the sought-for word appears is highlighted in the SolidCAM Manager tree. When you close the Find dialog box, these lines remain highlighted.
The CAM-Part command enables you to define the general data concerning the CAM-Part. You have to specify all the information relevant to the workpiece you want to manufacture. The CAM-Part directory includes all geometries, operation definitions and generated G-Code files.
The parameters and values defined at the CAM-Part level, such as Coordinate System and Clamp, will serve as default values for separate operations. All specified parameters can be changed in single operations.
When the SolidWorks Part is loaded, do the following: 1. Click SolidCAM in the SolidWorks menu. 2. Choose New to define a new CAM-Part . 3. Choose the Turning type of new CAM-Part from the submenu. 4. The New Turning Part dialog box will be displayed.
When you create a new CAM-Part, enter a name for the CAM-Part and for the model that contains the CAM-Part geometry. Directory Specify the location for the CAM-Part. SolidCAM automatically suggests the current user directory, but you can enter the path or use the Browse button to define the location. The Use Model file directory option enables you to automatically create CAM-Parts in the same folder where the source CAD model is located. CAM-Part name Enter the name for the CAM-Part. You can give any name to identify your machining project (currently limited to 8 characters). Model name This field shows the name and the location of the SolidWorks design model that you are using for the CAM-Part definition. The default name is that of the active SolidWorks document. With the Browse button, you can choose any other SolidWorks document to define the CAM-Part. In this case the chosen document will be loaded into SolidWorks .
Every time the CAM-Part is opened, SolidCAM automatically checks the correspondence of the dates of the CAM-Part and the original SolidWorks design model. When the date of the original SolidWorks model is later than the date of the CAM-Part creation, this means that the SolidWorks original model has been updated. You can then replace the SolidWorks design model on which the CAM-Part is based with the updated SolidWorks design model.
SolidCAM copies the original SolidWorks model to the Turning subdirectory and creates a SolidWorks assembly that has the same name as the CAM-Part (Turning.sldasm). There are two components in this assembly: DesignModel.sldprt - copy of the SolidWorks model file. CAM.sldprt - contains SolidCAM Coordinate System and geometry data. SolidCAM CAM-Part uses the assembly environment of SolidWorks . This enables you to create auxiliary geometries (e.g. sketches) without making changes in the original design model. You can also insert some additional components into the assembly file such as clamping and other tooling elements.
Material Boundaries
This option defines the boundaries of the stock material used for the CAM-Part.
This option defines the clamp boundaries for main and back spindles using the Chain options dialog box .
SolidCAM enables you to define different clamps for main and back spindles. The main clamp should either intersect or have a common edge with the material boundary. The clamp for the back spindle should either intersect or have a common edge with the part geometry.
Target Model
SolidCAM enables you to define the Target model - the final shape of the CAM-Part after the machining.
SolidCAM will use the Target model for the gouge checking in the SolidVerify simulation . Facet tolerance The Facet tolerance parameter defines the accuracy of the triangulation of the stock and target models, fixture and clamp.
Tool Options
This button enables you to define additional data about the tool as shown in the Tool options dialog box .
This field enables you to choose the CNC-machine controller. Click on the arrow next to the controller field to display the list of available post-processors and then choose the machine. When you first define a CAM-Part, this button is unavailable since no tools have been defined yet.
Subroutine number This field enables you to define the number of the first subroutine procedure in the generated GCode program. This field is available only for some of the CNC-machine controllers.
Mac Options
If the MAC file of your post-processor has extra fields (parameters) defined, they can be accessed by clicking on this button. In the Mac Options dialog box you can enter unique information related to the machine controller you have selected.
This button enables you to save all your data on disk.
M ac CoordSys number this number corresponds with the built-in controller functions (for example, G54 , G55 , etc. in the Fanuc type controllers). It can be used for different clamping positions (Machine Coordinate Systems) in different operations on the CAM-Part. Position this number defines the sequence number of the CoordSys. For each Machine Coordinate System (Mac CoordSys), several Positions are defined for different positionings; each such Position is related to the Machine CoordSys.
Select Face
Select Face
SolidCAM enables you to OF define a new System by PRO selecting face. The face can be one of UNREGISTERED VERSION CHM TOCoordinate PDF CONVERTER BY a THETA-SOFTWARE the following: Planar face The Z-axis of the Coordinate System will be normal to the face.
Cylindrical/Conical face The Z-axis of the Coordinate System will be parallel to the axis of the revolution of the specified cylindrical/conical face.
Pick Face This button enables you to select the face on the model for the CoordSys definition. The selected model face will be highlighted.
Change to opposite/Change to original This button enables you to change the direction of the Z-axis of the CoordSys to the opposite direction.
Place CoordSys origin to: Corner of Model Box The box surrounding the model will be calculated.
T he upper plane of the model box is parallel to the XY-plane of the defined CoordSys. The Coordinate System origin will be located in the corner of the model box with the following coordinates (XMIN , YMIN , ZMAX ).
Center of Revolution Face The origin will be located at the intersection of the rotation axis of the part and the face of the model box with the maximal Z-coordinate (the Z-axis is directed along the rotation axis).
Origin Select the origin point on the graphic screen. Z- direction Select a point relative to the origin that defines the Z-axis. X- direction Select a point (3 rd point) that defines the plane (the X-axis will be 90 degrees to the Z-axis; the selected point defines the plane). Pick Origin - This option enables you to define a new location for the CoordSys origin. The axis direction will not be changed. Pick X-direction - This option enables you to choose a new direction for the X-axis around the Zaxis. After a point has been selected, the next button is automatically activated. If you miss the selection, you can click on the required button to define at any time and continue automatically to the next button.
SolidCAM enables you to choose the coordinate system defined in the SolidWorks model file as the SolidCAM CoordSys.
SolidCAM enables you to flip the defined CoordSys.
Flip around Z This button rotates the CoordSys 90 degrees around the Z-axis. Flip around X This button rotates the CoordSys 90 degrees around the X-axis.
The Boundary (Value) dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to enter the Material Boundaries values. The values should be entered relative to the Coordinate System of the CAM-Part:
Left (-Z) : Enter the Z-value of the left material boundary. Right (+Z) : Enter the Z-value of the right material boundary. External diameter : Enter the X-value of the external diameter of the cylindrical stock. Internal diameter : Enter the X-value of the internal diameter of the stock tube. The Show button displays the defined material boundaries.
2D Boundary
The Boundary (2D) dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box contains the following options:
Define chain This option enables you to define a new chain for the Material boundary. The Chain Options dialog box will be displayed. Replace Chain This option enables you to define a new chain for the Material boundary instead of existing one. The existing chain will be removed and the Chain Options dialog box will be displayed to define a new chain. Edit chain This option enables you to edit the Material Boundary chain with the Chain Options dialog box .
If a single entity is chosen (with the Curve option selected), perpendiculars are dropped automatically from the end points of the entity to the axis of rotation in order to define the material boundary.
The Envelope takes into account all the external model faces as well as the internal faces. The Boundary (3D) dialog box enables you to select the solid model.
This option enables you to define the Material boundary as a cylinder (or tube) surrounding the selected Solid model. SolidCAM generates a sketch containing the envelope of the cylinder (or tube) surrounding the selected solid body. The Material boundary will be automatically defined in this sketch. When the Cylinder option is chosen, the Boundary (Cylinder) dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box enables you to select the solid bodies for the definition of the cylindrical material boundary.
Offsets This dialog box enables you to define offsets of the cylinder (tube) faces from the selected solid body. The Right (+Z) and Left (-Z) parameters enable you to define offsets of the front and back faces. The External parameter defines the offset of the external face of the cylinder from the external face of the solid body. The Internal diameter parameter defines the internal diameter of the tube. When the Internal diameter value is set to 0 , a cylindrical material boundary will be defined.
SolidCAM generates the material boundary as aSolidWorks sketch, so that you can use it to create additional sketches, e.g. those of clamps.
A new sketch named Stock will be created in the CAM component of the CAM-Part assembly.
This sketch is located on the XZ-plane of the actual Coordinate System and contains the material boundary.
You can switch between the chain options while defining a chain. The default option is Single Entities>Curve , but you can start the chain definition with any other option.
Chain Direction
Some of the operations in SolidCAM use the direction of the chain geometry to calculate the tool
path. In Profile Turning, for example, you have to specify the tool side, which is relative to the direction of the selected contour. The edges or sketch segments that you selected will be highlighted. The arrow at the start point of the chain indicates the direction of the chain.
Use the Reverse command to reverse the direction of the chain during or after the chain selection, if necessary.
Single Entities
You can define the contour by selecting edges, sketch segments and points on the contour. SolidCAM provides three options: Curve You can create a chain of existing curves and edges by selecting them one after the other.
1. Pick start curve - select the start entity (a wireframe element or the solid model edge). 2. Pick next curve - select the next curve that belongs to the chain. The curve must be connected to the previous curve; otherwise, the following message will be displayed:
3. SolidCAM enables you to define the tolerances to determine whether two consequent elements should be connected or not. 4. Confirm the selection with the button in the Chain options dialog box.
Point to point This option enables you to connect specified points; the points will be connected by a straight line.
1. Pick start point - enter the coordinates into the command line or pick a point. 2. Pick next point - a chain element will be created from the previous point up to this point. Enter the coordinates into the command line or pick a point. 3. Confirm the selection with the button in the Chain options dialog box.
Arc by points
This option enables you to create a chain segment on an arc upto a specific point on the arc.
1. Pick start point - choose the point on the arc where you want to start. If this is not the first point on the chain, go to step 2 . 2. Pick next point - choose a point on the arc that is between the first point on the arc and the third point on the arc. 3. Pick end point - choose the third point on the arc where you want the chain to end.
Auto Select
SolidCAM will automatically determine the chain entities and try to close the chain contour. The Auto Select mode offers the following three options: General chain SolidCAM will highlight all entities that are connected to the last chain entity. You will have to select the entity along which you want the chain to continue.
Constant-Z This option will identify only entities on the same XY-plane with the previously selected chain entity. You will be only prompted to identify the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connected to the chain. The system tolerance for this option can be set in the
CAM Settings .
Delta-Z When you select this option, you will be required to enter a positive and negative Z-deviation into the Delta Z dialog box. Only entities within this range will be identified as the next possible entity of the chain.
1. Pick start curve - select the start entity of the chain. 2. Pick point in chain direction - indicate the chain direction by choosing a point on the selected start entity of the chain. 3. You will be prompted to Select one of the possible curves if the system detects that more than one entity could be the next element of the chain; indicate your choice. 4. When the system can close the chain, the confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes to accept the chain. Clicking No you can edit the chain selection in the Chain options dialog box. For example, you can undo the last step or cancel the chain selection.
Auto to Point
The chain is selected by specifying the start curve, the direction of the chain and the vertex up to which the chain will be created. This command is useful if you do not want to define a closed chain, but an open chain up to a certain point. The Auto to Point selection offers three different options: General chain SolidCAM will highlight all entities connected to the last chain entity. You will have to select the
entity along which you want the chain to continue. Constant-Z This option will identify only entities on the same XY-plane with the previously selected chain entity. You will be only prompted to identify the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connected to thePDF chain. The system tolerance for this option can be set in the UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE CAM Settings.
Delta-Z When you select this option, you will be required to enter a positive and negative Z-deviation into the Delta Z dialog box. Only entities within this range will be identified as the next possible entity of the chain.
1. Pick start curve - select the start entity of the chain. 2. Pick point in chain direction - indicate the chain direction by picking a point on the selected start curve of the chain. 3. Pick target vertex on chain - select the end point of the end entity of the chain. 4. You will be prompted to Pick one of the possible curves if the system detects that more than one entity could be the next element of the chain; indicate your choice. 5. Confirm the chain with button in the Chain options dialog box.
Edit Chain
Reverse This option enables you to reverse the direction of the chain you are currently working with. The direction is indicated by an arrow at the chains start point. Undo step This option enables you to undo the last selection of a chain element.
1. Choose the selection mode in the Type field. You can choose the following options:
Solid - to select only solid objects; Surfaces - to select surfaces only; Both - to select both surfaces and solids. The default option is Both . 2. Select the solid body. 3. The selected entities will be highlighted and the selected entity name will be displayed. In case you have chosen wrong entities, use the Unselect option to undo your selection. You can also right click on the entity name (the object will be highlighted) and choose the Unselect option from the menu. 4. Confirm your selection by clicking on the button.
The CAD Selection button enables you to select the solid bodies using the SolidWorks selection tools.
1. Click on the Target model button in the Turning Part data dialog box. 2. Click on the Define 3D Model button to start the geometry selection. 3. Select the geometry with the 3D Geometry dialog box . 4. Confirm the Default Geometry Name or enter a new name for the geometry. 5. Confirm the Target model by clicking on the button.
Name In this field you can see the target model name and choose the model from the previously defined 3D geometries. Show W ith this button the Target Model will be shown in the Rest Material window of SolidCAM.
If you want to control the quality of the stock and target models visualization, you can change the target tolerance in the SolidCAM Settings . Click SolidCAM in the SolidWorks menu and choose CAM Settings . In the Units tab, you can change the Target tolerance . The recommended tolerance is 0.1 mm. A smaller tolerance will improve the quality and reduce the visualization speed.
Show on model W ith this button you can see the selected Target model in the SolidWorks window.
During the Target Model definition, SolidCAM creates a new sketch in the CAM component of the SolidCAM Part Assembly. This sketch, called Envelope, contains the geometry that is automatically generated by the Envelope function of SolidCAM. This function creates the envelope line of the specified solid bodies. Consider the revolution body surrounding the specified solid bodies. The section of this revolution body by the ZX-plane of the Turning Machine CoordSys is the envelope; this envelope is a profile of the part that has to be turned in order to create the model geometry. The Envelope takes into account all the external model faces as well as the internal faces. The geometry created by the Envelope function can be used for the Geometry definition in SolidCAM Operations. In addition to Envelope, SolidCAM enables you to generate a sketch containing a Section of the Target model by the ZX- plane. The Section sketch will be created in the CAM component of the SolidCAM Part Assembly.
Click on the Define 3D Model button in the Target model dialog box, the 3D Geometry dialog box will be displayed.
Choose the selection mode in the Type field. You can choose the following options:
Solid - to select only solid objects; Surfaces - to select surfaces only; Both - to select both surfaces and solids. The default option is Both .
The selected entities will be highlighted and the selected entity name will be displayed. In case you have chosen wrong entities, use the Unselect option to undo your selection. You can also right-click on the entity name (the object will be highlighted) and choose the Unselect option from the menu. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Finish button. Confirm the selected solid bodies with the Finish button.
Mac Options
If the MAC file of your post-processor has extra fields (parameters) defined, they can be accessed through this field. In the Mac Options dialog box you can insert unique information related to the machine controller you have selected. Select the field you want to change. In case of Numeric or Integer field type, the Numeric /Integer Value dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to enter a value. In case of Logical field type, the Logical Value dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to choose between Yes and No .
Tool Options
This field enables you to define additional data about the tool in the Tool options dialog box.
Start Point
This field defines the position of the tool at the start of the turning; the tool moves in the Rapid mode (G0) from the Origin to the tool Start Point.
End Point
This field defines the position of the tool at the end of the turning.
Tool Change Z
This option defines the Z-coordinate of the tool change position: Default The Z-coordinate of the tool change position is automatically defined. Define The Z-coordinate of the tool change position is defined by the user.
Tool Change X
This option defines the X-coordinate of the tool change position: Default The X-coordinate of the tool change position is defined by the end point of the job that was executed before the tool change. Define The X-coordinate of the tool change position is defined by the user.
Feed Type
This option defines the type of feed. It has two choices: Mm/min Millimeters per Minute. Mm/rev Millimeters per Revolution.
Part Settings
SolidCAM enables you to define a number of parameters specific for the current CAM-Part via the Part Settings dialog box. UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE
The dialog box is available either with the Settings button in the Turning Part data dialog box or with the Settings icon under the CAM-Part header in the SolidCAM Manager .
The Units page shows the measurement units used in the current CAM-Part.
Machining Process
When this check box is not selected, only the operation names appear in the SolidCAM Manager tree.
Back Spindle
The Back Spindle page of the Part Settings dialog box enables you to define settings related to the back spindle.
Single Pieces
When this check box is selected, SolidCAM performs the machining of the part from a single piece of
stock material; the cutoff procedure is not performed. When this check box is not selected, SolidCAM performs the machining of the part from the bar stock. The cutoff procedure is performed when the part is transferred from the main spindle to the back spindle. The bar feeder is used to move the bar in preparation for the next part machining.
SolidCAM enables you to define the default simulation mode. Use Host CAD simulation as default With this option, the Host CAD simulation mode is used as default for each new simulation session. Remember last simulation option With this option, simulation starts in the last used mode.
GCode generation
The GCode generation page enables you to define the parameters of the GCode generation. The Save GCode files box offers three options to define the parameters related to saving of GCode files:
This group box enables you to define the path for the GCode directory. You can enter the path or click on the Browse button and choose the destination folder using the Browse For Folder dialog box. If you have entered the path to a non-existing folder, the following message is displayed after the confirmation of the Part Settings dialog box:
The Create button enables you to create the folder that will be used for GCode directory in the specified location. The Browse button displays the browser dialog box that enables you to choose another location that will be used for the GCode directory. If the new folder cannot be created, the following message is displayed:
If the chosen folder has the read-only attribute, the following message is displayed after the confirmation of the Browse dialog box or the Part Settings dialog box:
By default, the GCode directory location is not defined. You have to specify it when you choose the In the GCode directory option for the first time. Create subfolders for split GCode files When split marks are detected in SolidCAM Manager during the GCode generation for the entire CAMPart, SolidCAM creates a number of GCode segment files. Each such GCode segment file is created for one or several operations enclosed by split marks. These files are named with the CAM-Part name followed by the - sign and the order number of a split segment. Split marks are ignored in case of GCode generation for several operations.
With the In the GCode directory option, SolidCAM creates separate CAM-Part GCode folders in the specified folder location. When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box is selected, SolidCAM creates a separate folder for each GCode segment file and saves the GCode segments files there. The folder is created in the GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the specified GCode folder location. The name of the folder is the same as the GCode segment file name.
When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box is not selected, SolidCAM generates all the GCode segment files directly into the GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the specified GCode folder location.
By default, the Create subfolders for split GCode files option is not selected. Create separate folders for each CAM-Part When this check box is selected, SolidCAM creates a folder for each CAM-Part and saves the GCode file there. Otherwise, the GCode files for all CAM-Parts are generated into the GCode directory.
When this check box is selected, you can alter the GCode file name and location. When you click one of the GCode generation commands, the Windows-style Save GCode browser is displayed with the default CAM-Part name and location that might be edited.
All the GCode files previously generated for the current CAM-Part remain in the specified folder.
When this check box is not selected, the GCode is generated and automatically saved in the defined location.
These check boxes enable you to choose whether the old GCode files generated for the entire CAMPart or for separate operations remain or are removed when a new one is generated. The Do not erase old GCode when generated for CAM-Part check box is not available if the Additional control of GCode check box is not selected.
Compressed CAM-Part
SolidCAM provides you with the Compressed CAM-Part feature. This feature enables SolidCAM to save all the CAM-Part data in one compressed file compressed using the ZIP technology. SolidCAM saves all the CAM-Part data in ZIP-archive file. During the SolidCAM session this file is extracted in the specific temporary location and SolidCAM works with the extracted CAM-Part data. When the CAM-Part is closed, the content of the ZIP-file has to be replaced with the updated CAMPart data. When the update process is finished, SolidCAM deletes the extracted CAM-Part from the temporary location.
SolidCAM supports simultaneous work with both file formats compressed CAM-Part and non-compressed CAM-Part. Each newly created CAM-Part can be created either in compressed mode or in noncompressed mode, depending on the SolidCAM Settings . Each CAM-Part can be converted from open to compressed mode depending on the SolidCAM Settings .
The SolidCAM Temporary folder is automatically created by SolidCAM. By default this folder has the following path: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Setting\SolidCAM Temporary files . You can choose your own location for the SolidCAM Temporary folder via SolidCAM Settings . For example, the structure for the Shaft CAM-Part will be the following:
If the compressed CAM-Part already exists in the location defined in the Directory field, you cannot define a new CAM-Part with the same name. SolidCAM offers you to choose an alternative name or location.
After the CAM-Part definition SolidCAM works with the CAM-Part data located in the SolidCAM Temporary folder. When the CAM-Part is being closed, SolidCAM will update the compressed CAMPart with the CAM-Part data. After the update, the non-compressed copy will be removed from the SolidCAM Temporary folder.
Continue with Compressed CAM-Part version . In this case the non-compressed data in the SolidCAM Temporary folder will be updated with the content of the compressed CAM-Part. Continue with SolidCAM Temporary folder version . In this case the compressed CAM-Part will be updated with the non-compressed data from the SolidCAM Temporary folder. The Exit button enables you to cancel the operation and solve the problem manually.
Managing CAM-Parts
You can use the commands of the SolidCAM and CAM-Part menus to edit and manage existing CAMParts.
This command will create a new CAM-Part. According to the SolidCAM Settings , the CAM-Part can be created either in a compressed mode or in a non-compressed mode.
This command loads a CAM-Part (compressed and non-compressed) that has been previously saved. According to SolidCAM Settings , the non-compressed CAM-Parts can be converted to the compressed mode. WhenOF youCHM choose this option, the CAM-Parts browser will be displayed. UNREGISTERED VERSION TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE
1. Select the CAM-Part you want to load. 2. Double-click on the CAM-Part or select it and click on the Open button.
The default type for the Files of Type filter is defined by SolidCAM Settings . If a CAM-Part was created with the previous SolidCAM version, the backup can be created by user demand, during the CAM-Part opening. The backup will be created (as a copy of original file) in the Backup of <CAM-Part name> folder.
SolidCAM closes the active CAM-Part. The Compressed CAM-Part file will be updated, if necessary.
The Copy command creates an identical copy of a CAM-Part in another folder or drive for backup purposes or for making modifications without changing the original. The Copy parts dialog box will be displayed.
1. Choose the drive from which you want to copy the original CAM-Part. 2. Choose the CAM-Parts you want to copy from the CAM-Parts list. 3. Transfer the list of the CAM-Parts you want to copy to the middle field by pressing the Left to Right arrow. 4. Choose the drive and the directory you want to copy to. 5. Press the Copy button in order to execute the Copy command. This feature is unavailable for compressed files; they can be copied with standard Windows tools.
Save As
This command enables you to save the active CAM-Part to the disk with a new name or in a new location. When this option is chosen the Save As dialog box will be displayed.
Save as Type This option enables you to choose the type of the CAM-Part: compressed or non-compressed. The default value of the Save as Type filter is the same as the type of original CAM-Part. The conversion of the compressed CAM-Part to non-compressed is unavailable.
Save as copy When this option is not active, the saved CAM-Part will be loaded instead of the current CAM-Part. When this option is active, SolidCAM stays with the current CAM-Part.
This field enables you to delete a CAM-Part (compressed and non-compressed). The Parts to delete dialog box will be displayed.
The Files of type filter enables you to display either compressed or non-compressed CAM-Parts. The default filter value depends on SolidCAM Settings . 1. Select the CAM-Part you want to delete. Use the Ctrl key to select several CAM-Parts together. 2. Click on the Delete button. 3. Transfer the list of the CAM-Parts you want to delete to the right field by pressing the Left to Right arrow. 4. The confirmation message will be displayed:
Calculate CAM-Parts
Calculates tool paths of all CAM-Parts (compressed and non-compressed) in the specified folder. The Calculate CAM-Parts dialog box will be displayed.
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE You can also use the Delete All button to remove all the CAM-Parts from the specified folder.
The compressed CAM-Part will be extracted into the SolidCAM Temporary folder. The resulting noncompressed CAM-Part will be opened by SolidCAM and calculated. The compressed CAM-Part will be then updated and the non-compressed CAM-Part will be removed from the SolidCAM Temporary folder.
CAM-Part Definition
This command enables you to view and edit the values, options and parameters of the current Part. The Turning Part data dialog box will be displayed.
CAM-Part Properties
This command displays the Turning Part properties dialog box.
2. Type the model name in the in the Model name field or choose the model with the Browse butto The Browse button displays the browser dialog box that enables you to choose the SolidWorks m
When the data in the Change Model Reference dialog box is changed, the available.
button will be
3. Click on the
When the message is confirmed, the CAM-Part will be closed after which the CAM-Part Reference w be updated, and then the updated CAM-Part will be loaded again.
Recent CAM-Parts
This option displays a list of the last nine CAM-Parts that you worked on in SolidCAM. You can open the file by clicking on its name.
Documentation enables you to document your tool list, operation sequence, etc.
Generate This option creates a document. Edit This option enables you to edit the document after it has been generated. Print This option enables you to print the document that has been generated.
Documentation Editor
With the documentation editor you can browse the generated CAM-Part documentation. The toolbar and application menu on the top of the documentation editor works the same as in any typical windows application. The left panel enables you to switch pages and the right page enables you to view and edit each page.
Cover page
Shows contents of the Cover page file defined in SolidCAM Settings. Header page
The Header page contains general information about the CAM-Part. It will give you the CAMPart name, program number, the amount of operations and the type of operations. To edit, simply click the mouse in the right field and make any changes or additions.
The Tool Table page contains all the relevant information about the tools used in the CAM-Part. It will list the tool number, tool diameter, corner radius, tool type, number of teeth and any other information that is relevant to each tool. To edit, simply click the mouse in the right field and make any changes or additions.
The Operation table page contains the list of all the operations in the CAM-Part.
Operation pages
Under the Operation table page, there is a page for each operation name. This page gives you a detailed list of all the fields you have chosen in the operation and their values.
You can shorten your programming time if you save the tools you use most often in customizable tool libraries.
The tool libraries can be based on machine tooling, on materials or any other personal criteria. When you define your machining operations, you can then load the tool and all its parameters, feed and spin values are automatically copied to the operation.
Tool Libraries
The tool libraries can be based on machine tooling, on materials or any other personal criteria. When you define your machining operations, you can then load the tool and all its parameters, feed and spin values are automatically copied to the operation. The Part Tool Table is the tool library that contains all the tools that are available for use within a specific CAM-Part. The Part Tool Table is stored within the CAM-Part. When you start a new CAM-Part and you want to automatically copy the contents of a specific tool library into the Part Tool Table of this CAM-Part, specify its name in the MAC file of the CNCmachine; this file is called Machine Tool Table . The Machine Tool table is defined in the MAC file by the following parameter: tool_table_name = name ; where name (without extension) is the name of the Tool Library located in the SolidCAM Tool Libraries folder defined in the SolidCAM Settings . Generally, the Machine Tool Table contains the tools situated in the Tool Magazine of the specified CNC-machine.
SolidCAM enables you to define any number of Tool Libraries . Each tool from such Tool Libraries can be imported into the Part Tool Table . SolidCAM enables you to define one Tool Library that has a top priority in the list for import; this is the Current Tool Library .
Set Tool Library This option enables you to set the Current Tool Library . You have to specify the type of the Current Tool Library (Milling, Turning or Mill-Turn) and choose the necessary Tool Library from the browser dialog box. The Current Tool Library will be selected and displayed in the Tool Table dialog box .
Close Tool Library This option enables you to close the Current Tool Library . This option is available only when the Current Tool Library is already defined.
Show Tool Library This option enables you to display the content of the Current Tool tables . The Tool Table dialog box enables you to manage the tools in the Current Tool Library and edit them.
This option is available only when the Current Tool Library is already defined.
Recent Tool Libraries This option displays a list of the recently loaded Current Tool Libraries . You can open the file by clicking on its name. The Tool Table dialog box will be displayed.
1. Select the tool library you want to load. 2. Double-click on the tool library or select it and click on the Open button.
The Tool Table dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box enables you to manage the tools in the chosen Tool Library and edit them.
3. Confirm the Tool Library creation with the OK button. The Tool Library will be created. The Tool Table dialog box will be displayed enabling you to add tools to the new Tool Library.
1. In the left window, choose the drive and directory from which you want to copy the original tool library. 2. Select the tool library you want to copy. 3. Transfer the selection of tool libraries you want to copy to the middle window by pressing the Left to Right arrow. 4. Choose the drive and the directory you want to copy in on the right window. 5. Click on the Copy button to execute the copy command.
1. Select the tool libraries you want to delete. Use the Ctrl key to select several tool libraries together. 2. Click on the Delete button. 3. The confirmation message will be displayed:
The dialog box contains two pages: View This page displays the tools of the Tool Library in table format and enables you to add new tools. Edit This page enables you to add new tools and edit the existing tools in the Tool Library .
Tools Filter
SolidCAM enables you to filter the tools displayed in the Tool Table dialog box. All All the tools will be displayed. Used Only the tools used by Operations of the current CAM-Part will be displayed. Unused Only the tools unused by Operations of the current CAM-Part will be displayed.
This button enables you to display the selected tool.
This page displays the tool data in the table format and enables you to add new tools. The table contains the following columns: Tool Number Displays the tool number in the Tool Library. ID Number Displays the ID number of the tool. Tool type name Shows the tool type.
This page also displays the geometric parameters of the tool depending on the tool type.
Update to Mac This option enables you to update the Machine Tool Table with the tools of an active Tool Library.
Managing tools
SolidCAM enables you to manage the tools in the tool table with the buttons at the bottom of the dialog box.
All the operations are also available with the right-click menu.
SolidCAM enables you to choose the location of the Tool Tables for the tools import.
The Library Name list enables you to choose the Tool library for the tools import. The Parts check box enables you to import tools from the CAM-Parts situated in the specified location. With the File type option SolidCAM enables you to import tools from SolidCAM Tool libraries, Excel files and from CSV files. If the Current Tool Library is defined, it will be automatically chosen as origin for tools imports. The Tool list displays all the tools contained in the specified tool library. Right-click on the selected tools to import one or several tools from the list.
The Copy to Table command imports the selected tools to the Tool Library.
This option is available when the Tool Table dialog box is loaded outside the Operation. This option is active only when the Machine Tool Table is defined in the MAC file.
This dialog box displays the name of the Machine Tool Table . The Used Tools only option enables you to update the Machine Tool Table only with the tools used in Operations. Export all tools This option enables you to export all the tool data to an Excel-compatible file (*.xls ; *.csv ).
Export selected tools This option enables you to export the data of the selected tools to an Excel-compatible file.
Tool data
The Tool Data area displays the parameters of the selected tool.
User tool type This field shows the tool type. These types are the internal tool types. SolidCAM checks the possibility of a specific internal tool type to work in the selected operation.
The Topology page contains the Topology Data of the tool such as diameter, length, angle, corner radius, etc.
The default parameters defined for the tool are automatically inserted in the operation that uses such a tool. This provides the following advantages:
Reduces to a minimum the technological parameters that have to be defined inside the operation since nearly all of them automatically receive their values from the defaults when a tool is chosen.
If several operations use the same tool then the defaults are automatically loaded for all those operations and they do not have to be defined again for each operation. When you choose the Defaults option, the following pages will be displayed for each group: General defaults Drill defaults Turn defaults Turn + Groove defaults Groove defaults Thread defaults
In the case above, the numbers are not in order. With Tool Renumbering we can renumber the tools in the numeric order. The tools can also be renumbered from a specific number that you choose.
2. You are prompted to enter the new number for the first tool.
The Sort by option enables you to assign numbers to tools according to Operation/Tool sequence. All the tools are then renumbered accordingly, starting from the number of this first tool.
3. Recalculate the CAM-Part. The CAM-Part must be recalculated so that the GCode will have the correct tool number for each operation.
A tool that has been marked as a permanent tool will not be renumbered.
Topology page
ID Number
You can use any number, e.g. the catalog number of the tool to facilitate its identification.
Tool Number/Position
The Tool Number is a numerical identifier for the tool, in other words it is the numerical name of the tool. The value of the Tool Number has to be an integer. The Tool Number enables you to define tool numbers according to the numbering system that you are used to. The Tool Number is used in the G-Code when the tool changes, values for tool compensation are read from the machine controller. The Max_Tool_Number parameter in the MAC-file defines the total number of tools that can be defined. In other words, this parameter defines the capacity of the cutter magazine of your CNCmachine. SolidCAM checks the total number of tools in the Part Tool Table during the following operations:
Adding, copying or importing tools; Loading the CAM-Part; Inserting Machining Process. When the total number of tools exceeds the Max_Tool_Number , SolidCAM displays an error message. The Number of Tools field displays the total number of tools defined in the Tool Library. When a new tool is defined, SolidCAM sets the Tool Number to the first unused number. This default Tool Number can be changed. When you change the Tool Number make a note that this parameter has to be unique for each tool. If a particular tool always has the same number and cannot be changed, this tool can be marked as Permanent . For example, when the Tool Number represents a number of a tool magazine pocket used for the tool, the Permanent mark means that the tool is always located in this pocket. If you use the Tool Renumbering function, a tool that is marked as Permanent will not be renumbered. Turning machines enable you to place a number of tools in the same position of the tool magazine using a special holder. Each tool clamped on such holder has its own offset number in the table of the CNC-controller.
With the combination of the Tool Number/Position parameters, SolidCAM enables you to define several tools (milling and turning) using the same holder. The Tool Number specifies the number of the tool magazine position where the tool holder is located. With the Position you can define the offset number of the current tool. When you define a new tool with an already existing tool number, a new Position is automatically assigned.
This field enables you to add a Description text for the current operation. The description will be displayed when you load the tool.
This field defines the type of the offset point of the tool. It has three options:
UNREGISTERED VERSION OFpoint CHMof TO PDF BY THETA-SOFTWARE The intersection the two CONVERTER tangents to the PRO tool tip radius is the offset point of the
The center of the tool tip radius is the offset point of the tool.
The user defines the delta Z and delta X from the center of the radius to the offset point of the tool.
Application direction
The Application direction parameter enables you to rotate the tool to perform the machining from different sides. Tools with the same geometry, but with different rotation, can be mounted on the same tool holder; the Tool Number of such tools is the same but Positions are different.
Change type
The Change type option enables you to define the way the tools are changed. Linear . The tool change is performed with a linear movement of the tool holder. This method is suitable for tools mounted on the same tool holder. The X and Z parameters define the coordinates where the tool change will be performed. The First movement option enables you to choose the first movement axis (X or Z).
Turret . This option enables you to change the tool using the turret. The X and Z parameters enables you to define the location where the tool is changed. The Change type parameter assigned to the tool can be changed for the specific operation using the Turning Tool data dialog box.
The Topology Page includes geometry parameters of the specified tool. These parameters are specific for each tool type: External Rough tool Drill tool External Thread tool External Groove tool External Contour tool Internal Face Back tool Internal Thread tool Internal Groove tool Internal Contour tool Internal Rough tool
D1, D2
F Radius a
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the side of the tool holder. Note that a negative value will cause the holder side to move outwards from the tool tip point. Defines the height of the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO turret). It must be greater than C. Define the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down size during turning. Defines the tool tip angle. It must be between 0 and 180 degrees. VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO Defines the angle between the tool tip edge and a Perpendicular passing through the tool tip point. The sum of a and b must be lower than 90. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the left side of the turret will be to the left of the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
Drill tool
D L a F Defines the diameter of the drill tool. Defines the length of the drill tool Defines the tool tip angle. It must be between 0 and 180 degrees. Defines the width of the turret.
A B C D D1 a
E F Radius a
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the left side of the tool holder. Defines the height of the tool tip. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C. Defines the length of the cutting edge of the tool tip; this length is equal on both sides. Defines the tool tip angle. It must be between 0 and 180 degrees. This angle is symmetric around a perpendicular line passing through the tool tip point. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool: Left or Right. The offset point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the center of the radius of the tool tip and the left side of the tool holder. Defines the height of the tool tip. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Define the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down during grooving. Defines the tool tip right angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the tool tip left angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret.
C D D1, D2
a b E F
G Radius a
Defines the lower width of the tool tip. Defines the nose radius of the right side of the tool tip.
Radius b
Defines the nose radius of the left side of the tool tip.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the center of the radius of the tool tip and the left side of the tool holder.
C Defines the height of TO the PDF tool tip. UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE D D1, D2 Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Defines the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down in turning. Defines the tool tip right angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the tool tip left angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the turret will start before the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius.
F Radius
Defines the offset from the radial surface of the insert to the left side of the tool.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
A B C D D1, D2 a b E F Radius
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the side of the tool holder. Defines the height of the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Define the length of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down in turning. Defines the tool tip right angle. It must be between 0 and 90 degrees. Defines the angle between a perpendicular line passing through the tool tip point and the right side of the tool tip. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the turret extends beyond the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right . The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
A B C D D1 a E F Radius a H K
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the tool holder. Defines the distance the tool tip extends beyond the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Defines the length of the cutting edge of the tool tip. Defines the tool tip angle. It must be between 0 and 180 degrees. This angle is symmetric around a perpendicular line passing through the tool tip point. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the turret extends beyond the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius. Defines the width of the tool tip carrier. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the tool tip carrier right edge.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right . The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
A B C D D1, D2 a b E F G Radius a Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the tool holder. Defines the distance the tool tip extends beyond the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C. Define the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down in grooving. Defines the tool tip left angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the tool tip right angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the turret extends beyond the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the width of the tool tip. Defines the nose radius of the right side of the tool tip.
Radius b H K
Defines the nose radius of the left side of the tool tip. Defines the width of the tool tip carrier. Defines the distance between right side of the tool tip and the right side of the tool tip carrier.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
A B C D D1, D2 a b E F Radius H K
Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the tool holder. Defines the height of the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Define the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down in turning. Defines the tool tip left angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the tool tip right angle. It must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the turret extends beyond the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius. Defines the width of the tool tip carrier. Defines the distance between the right side of the tool tip and the right side of the tool tip carrier.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
A B C D D1, D2 a b E F Radius a Defines the width of the tool holder. Defines the distance between the tool tip point and the side of the tool holder. Note that a negative value will cause the holder side to move outwards from the tool tip point. Defines the height of the tool tip carrier. Defines the height of the tool (not including the turret). It must be greater than C . Define the lengths of the two cutting edges of the tool tip. These lengths define the maximum step down size during turning. Defines the tool tip angle. It must be between 0 and 180 degrees. Defines the angle between the tool tip edge and a perpendicular passing through the tool tip point. The sum of a and b must be lower than 90. Defines the position of the left side of the turret with reference to the tool tip point. A negative value means that the left side of the turret will be to the left of the tool tip point. Defines the width of the turret. Defines the tool nose radius.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right . The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
General Defaults
Spin units This field defines the type of Spin Units. It could be either: RPM - Revolutions per Minute; CSS - Constant Surface Speed. Spin Normal This field defines the Spin value for Normal turning. Spin Finish This field defines the Spin value for Finish turning.
This field determines the default spin direction, namely: CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise).
Feed Units This field defines the type of the Feed units. In the Metric system, this parameter can be expressed in: Mm/Min - Millimeters per Minute; Mm/Rev - Millimeters per Revolution. In the Inch system, it can be expressed in: Inch/Min - Inch per Minute; Inch/Rev - Inch per Revolution. Feed Normal This field defines the Normal Feed value. Feed Finish This field defines the Finish Feed value.
Tool offset
This field determines the default position of the tool in the tool offset table of the CNC machine.
Safety angle
The safety angle defines the default angle between the material and the cutting edge of the tool. This prevents the cutting edge of the tool from coinciding with the material.
Safety envelope
This field defines the default safety distance between all the non-cutting edges of the tool and the material. This makes sure that the non-cutting edges of the tool do not crash into the material.
Drill defaults
Release distance
This field determines the release distance of the drill tool after each step down (see Release Type) during the Pecking cycle.
Release Type
This field defines how the tool retreats from the material after each Step down during the Pecking cycle.
Step down
This field determines the value of each step down of the peck drilling.
In the Delay field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) you want the tool to pause at the depth point of the hole.
Use chamfer
This field has two options:
No The drill end point reaches the Drill End Position defined by the user.
Use Chamfer = No
Turn defaults
Work Type
This option enables you to define the Work type that will be attached to the tool. This field enables you to control the turning type by choosing between three options:
Copy Type
This option enables you to define the default Copy type: Offset XZ XZ_Bound
This option enables you to define the default Direction: Zigzag
Rough type This command enables you to define the Rough type. It has two options:
Smooth Stairs Offset type This command enables you to choose the offset type from: XZ_ABS XZ Distance
A semi-finish pass is a single pass that is executed before the finish pass, at an offset from the geometry. This field has three options: UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE No Turn_Groove_Method
Distance XZ XZ_ABS
This option enables you to choose between:
No ISO_Turning_Method
Step down
This option enables you to choose either Constant or Single Step down and define the value.
Groove defaults
Work Type
This option enables you to define a Work type that will be attached to the tool. This field enables you to control the turning type by choosing between three options:
Groove step
This field enables you to define the Grooving step for the Grooving Rough operation. None No groove step. Constant
The groove depth is divided into several constant Groove Steps. The value of each step is defined in the Value field. Copy The groove depth is divided into several steps that are parallel to the material boundary.
Groove limit
For groove tools that work on the face side of the workpiece, set the working limits according to the shape of the tool: Upper limit Enter the maximum diameter that the tool can penetrate the material. Lower limit Enter the minimum diameter that the tool can penetrate the material.
Delta Compensation
For a good surface finish and better cutting conditions, the tool should be allowed to bend slightly during side cutting so that only the corner radius of the tool will touch the material. This field defines the distance the tool retreats before going sideways.
Rough Enter the distance the tool should retreat before moving sideways in the Rough operation. Finish Enter the distance the tool should retreat before moving sideways in the Finish operation.
Radial condition
In Radial cutting (moving in the X-direction), the recommendation of the tool manufacturer is to reduce the spindle speed and feed by 40%. This percentage can be defined by the following two parameters: Spin Define the percentage relative to the side cutting spindle speed.
Thread defaults
Work type
Enables you to choose the Work type (Single or Multiple ).
External finish
Enables you to turn on/off the External finishing capability.
Thread finish
Enables you to turn on/off the Thread finishing.
Tool types
Whenever you work in CAD, you use 2D wireframe curves and 3D model edges to describe real life parts. With SolidCAM, you can turn these models into GCode for any CNCmachine.
A major step in the process of going from modeling to manufacturing is to define what and where you want to machine. In SolidCAM you use your existing models to pass this information to the CAM module.
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF PRO a geometry required in an Operation, you canCONVERTER select it directly with BY the THETA-SOFTWARE Define button.
1. In the Operation dialog box, click on the Define button in the Geometry field.
Preparing Geometries
SolidCAM enables you to use SolidWorks sketch entities and Solid model edges as geometries for the turning operations. UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE
When you define the Target model, choose either Envelope or Section in the Target area of the Turning Part Data dialog box and click on the Target model button. In addition to automatically generated Envelope or Section geometry, SolidCAM enables you to prepare a geometry using SolidWorks tools.
Creating Section
With this method a Cut- Extrude feature has to be used in order to cut the model (half or quarter). The resulting Solid model contains edges that can be used for the geometry definition.
1. Open a new sketch on the section plane. 2. Choose the Tools > Sketch Tools > Intersection Curve commands. 3. Click on the SolidWorks Part icon in the FeatureManager Design tree. 4. The intersection curve will be created.
3. 4.
5. Close the sketch. The resulting sketch entities can be used for the SolidCAM Geometry definition.
Geometry Name
This option enables you to define the name of the geometry. SolidCAM offers you the Default Geometry name that can be edited.
This option enables you to switch between SolidWorks configurations. Choose the necessary configuration for the geometry definition.
Adding a Chain
UNREGISTERED TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE You can add VERSION a chain to OF the CHM existing set of chains in the current geometry. The new chain will be
added under the next sequential number. 1. Select the chain geometry using the Chain section . 2. Confirm the chain definition with the button.
Delete This command deletes the chain from the current geometry. Replace This command enables you to update a chain in the current chain geometry. The old chain will be deleted and you can now define the new chain. Insert This command enables you to insert a chain between two existing chains. Edit This command enables you to edit an existing chain. You can reverse the chain or undo the selection steps to change the chain. Rename This command enables you to rename the geometry chain. Set CW/Set CCW These options enable you to set either clockwise or counterclockwise direction for the selected chains.
Reverse This command enables you to reverse the direction of the chain.
Chain Direction
Some of the operations in SolidCAM use the direction of the chain geometry to calculate the tool path. The arrow at the start point of the chain indicates the direction of the chain.
button to reverse the direction of the chain during or after the chain selection,
You can define the contour by selecting edges, sketch segments and points on the contour. SolidCAM provides three options: Curves You can create a chain of existing curves and edges by selecting them one after the other.
3. SolidCAM enables you to define the tolerances to determine whether two consequent elements should be connected or not. 4. To confirm the selection, click on the button.
Associativity SolidCAM will keep the associativity to any edge or sketch entity. Any change made to the model or sketch will automatically update the selected geometry. Point to point This option enables you to connect specified points; the points will be connected by a straight line.
1. Pick start point - Either enter the coordinates into the command line or pick a point using the Point selection menu . 2. Pick next point - The chain will be created from the previous point up to this point. Either enter the coordinates into the command line or pick a point. 3. To confirm the selection, click on the Associativity SolidCAM will not keep the associativity to any selected point. SolidCAM saves the X, Y and Z coordinates of the selected points. Any change made to the model or sketch will not update the selected geometry. You cannot select a point that is not on a SolidWorks entity (if you need to select such a point, add a planer surface under the model and select the points on that surface). button.
Arc by points This option enables you to create a chain segment on an arc up to a specific point on the arc.
Auto Select
SolidCAM will automatically find the chain entities and try to close the chain contour. The Auto Select mode offers the following options:
Auto-To Point Mode With this option, the chain is selected by specifying the start curve, the direction of the chain and the vertex up to which the chain will be created. This command is useful if you do not want to define a
Auto-General SolidCAM will highlight all entities that are connected to the last chain entity. You will have to select the entity along which you want the chain to continue.
Auto-Constant-Z This option will identify only entities on the same XY-plane with the previously selected chain entity. You will be only prompted to identify the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connected to the chain. The system tolerance for this option can be set in the CAM settings .
Auto-Delta-Z When you select this option, you will be required to enter a positive and negative Z deviation into the Delta-Z dialog box. Only entities inside this range will be identified as the next possible entity of the chain.
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE 1. Pick start curve Select the start entity of the chain.
2. Pick point in chain direction - Indicate the chain direction by choosing a point on the selected start entity of the chain. 3. You will be prompted to Select one of the possible curves if the system detects that more than one entity could be the next element of the chain; indicate your choice. 4. When the system can close the chain, the message is displayed for your confirmation of the automatically closed chain. Click Yes to accept. If you click No , you can edit the chain selection in the Chain options menu. For example, you can undo the last step or cancel the chain selection.
Chain buttons
Undo step This button enables you to undo the last selection of a chain element. Reverse This button enables you to reverse the direction of the chain you are currently working with. The direction is indicated by an arrow at the chains start point. Accept chain This button confirms the single chain selection. Reject Chain This button cancels the single chain selection.
This option enables you to extend the selected geometry tangentially.
Start length The extension value from the start of the geometry.
End length The extension value from the end of the geometry.
Spline Approximation
This field enables you to define the Spline approximation tolerance for the chain selection.
Add Multi-Chain
With this button SolidCAM enables you to choose a number of chains from a model by selecting the model elements. The program will automatically create chains from the selected elements.
Spline approximation
SolidCAM enables you to define the Spline approximation tolerance for the chain selection. Arcs on the XZ-plane VERSION are saved as arcs in the SolidCAM database; if you select an arc or spline that is not on UNREGISTERED OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE the XZ-plane of the actual part CoordSys, SolidCAM will do the following: 1. Project the arc or spline on the XZ plane of the active home and divide it into segments according to the specified tolerance.
2. In order to reduce the number of segments, SolidCAM tries to fit arcs on the segments generated in step 1 according to the specified tolerance multiplied by 3.
2. Choose a command from the menu. or 1. In SolidCAM Manager , right-click on a geometry name.
With the Show command, the geometry will be displayed in the SolidWorks window. To exit from this mode, use the exit button in the displayed Show Geometry dialog box.
Generate Sketch
SolidCAM enables you to generate a sketch containing the specified SolidCAM geometry. The sketch will be created in the CAM component of the CAM-Part assembly. The name of the sketch is identical to the name of the geometry. The generated sketch can be edited with SolidWorks and can be chosen again as a SolidCAM geometry.
The Generate sketch command is available only when you right- click on a geometry name.
Synchronize/Check synchronization
When the SolidWorks model is updated; SolidCAM enables you to check the compliance of the SolidCAM geometry to the updated SolidWorks model. If the SolidCAM geometry is not synchronized with the SolidWorks model, SolidCAM enables you to synchronize it.
This command enables you to duplicate the selected geometry. The Geometry Name dialog box is displayed to define the name of the geometry.
Delete/Delete All
You can delete geometries that are not in use by any machining operation. These geometries are displayed under the Geometries header. Any geometry in use in operations will only appear under the respective operations and cannot be deleted unless the operation is deleted as well.
The Delete all command is only available when you right- click on the Geometries header. All geometries not currently used in any machining operation will be deleted. Whenever you click on a single geometry, the Delete command will be available for the selected geometry only.
Synchronizing geometry
SolidCAM Turning geometry is based on the SolidWorks model elements such as edges, vertices or sketches. VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE UNREGISTERED
SolidWorks Model
When the SolidWorks model has changed, SolidCAM uses the synchronization algorithm to synchronize the SolidCAM geometry with the updated SolidWorks model.
Synchronization check
SolidCAM marks all the SolidWorks entities used for the geometry definition with a tag. The list of these tags is saved. The tags enable SolidCAM to establish a connection between the SolidCAM geometry and the SolidWorks model entities. The relations between the tagged SolidWorks geometry and SolidCAM geometry is saved in the geometry file *.gem .
SolidCAM enables you to check the synchronization status automatically or manually depending on the Synchronization settings . When you need to check the synchronization status of the geometry manually, do the following:
1. Right-click on an Operation or Geometry name in SolidCAM Manager . 2. Choose the Check Synchronization item from the menu.
SolidCAM checks all the geometry entities in the following method: SolidCAM compares the SolidWorks model elements geometrically against the relevant entity in the SolidCAM geometry file. If SolidCAM determines a misfit between the SolidWorks model and the SolidCAM geometry, this geometry will be marked with the synchronization mark . If there is a gap or overlapping entities, SolidCAM will mark this geometry with the synchronization mark .
The synchronization mark points to the problematic geometries and enables you to solve the problems with the geometries that were not synchronized.
Geometry synchronization
When the geometry has to be synchronized (the geometry marked with the synchronization mark) SolidCAM enables you to do the following to synchronize the geometry:
or 1. Right-click on an Operation name in SolidCAM Manager . 2. Choose Synchronize from the menu.
1. 2.
The Synchronize & Calculate command enables you to synchronize the Operation geometries and calculate the tool path.
During the synchronization, SolidCAM tries to update the SolidCAM geometry according to the updated SolidWorks model. SolidCAM finds the updated edges according to the saved tags data and tries to recreate the geometry chain. SolidCAM recognizes gaps between geometry entities and closes them.
SolidCAM will close the gaps by using the smallest number of entities. SolidCAM has two methods of closing gaps: If the original geometry entities are in a plane and the plane is the same as the CoordSys plane, SolidCAM will try to close the gap with entities in the same plane only. If the original geometry entities are not on a plane, SolidCAM will use a random search algorithm that will close the gap in the geometry. This search algorithm can find different solutions to close the same gap; this depends on the sequence of the entities involved in the loops that connect to the geometry entity. The geometry that cannot be updated will be marked with an exclamation mark .
You have to edit such geometries and manually update the problematic chains. SolidCAM will not find new chains that are not directly connected to old chains. The number of chains in the geometry will stay the same.
An Operation can be very complex, but always uses one tool, one major geometry and executes one machining type, e.g. turning, grooving, drilling, etc. You can edit any single machining operation, change the Operation sequence and generate GCode, combine and split the Operation list of your CAM-Part.
Adding an Operation
This command enables you to add a new operation to your CAM-Part. In SolidCAM, an Operation is a single machining step. Normally you manufacture a workpiece using several machining steps and technologies. For each of these steps you can define a separate operation. An operation can be very complex, but always uses one tool, one major geometry and executes one machining type, e.g. turning, drilling or grooving. You can edit any single machining operation, change the operation sequence and generate the GCode, combine and split the operation list of your CAM-Part. 1. In SolidCAM Manager , right-click on the Operations header.
2. Move to the Add submenu and select the type of operation you want to define.
If you add an Operation by right-clicking on the Operations header, it will be added at the end of the operations list. If you add an Operation by right-clicking on an existing operation, the new operation will be inserted after the selected operation.
In this section, specify the main geometry for the Operation.
If you have already defined geometries for this CAM-Part, you can select a geometry from the Geometry list.
The Show button displays the model geometry in the SolidWorks window. The Define button enables you to define a new geometry suitable for the Operation.
In the Tool area of the Operation dialog box, three major tool parameters are displayed: Number Safety Angle Safety Envelope
This button enables you to edit tool parameters or define the tool you want to use for the operation. When the tool is not defined for the operation, this button displays the Part Tool Table dialog box which enables you to choose the tool from the Part Tool table .
Choose a tool from the Part Tool Table and click on the Select button. The tool will be chosen for the operation. The Tool dialog box will be displayed with the parameters of the chosen tool. When the tool is defined for the operation, this button displays the Tool dialog box. This dialog box enables you to edit the tool parameters. You can also choose tools from the Part Tool table .
Click on the Select button to edit tool parameters or define the tool you want to use for this operation. You can also choose tools from a previously defined tool table. The Part Tool Table dialog box will be displayed.
The Data button displays the Turning Tool Data dialog box . This dialog box displays the tool material, feed and speed parameters and the diameter and length offset numbers used in the current operation. The Pick feed points button displays the Pick Feed points dialog box . This dialog box enables you to customize the Feed Rate inside a single turning tool path.
This dialog box enables you to edit the tool definition. User Tool Type This field shows the tool type . SolidCAM checks the possibility of a specific tool type to work in the selected operation.
Part Tool table This button enables you to choose the tool from the Part Tool table. The Part Tool Table dialog box will be displayed.
The Topology page contains the Topology Data of the tool such as the width of the tool holder, height of the tool, angle, tool tip radius, etc.
Tool Offset
This field determines the position of the tool in the tool offset table of the CNC machine.
Safety Angle
The safety angle defines the angle between the material and the cutting edge of the tool; this prevents the cutting edge of the tool from coinciding with the material.
Safety Envelope
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER this makes sure that the non-cutting edges of the tool do not PRO crash BY intoTHETA-SOFTWARE the material.
This field defines the safety distance between all the non-cutting edges of the tool and the material;
Feed Units
This field defines the type of the Feed units . In the Metric system it could be either:
In the Inch system it could be either: Inch/Min - Inch per Minute Inch/Rev- Inch per Revolution
Feed Normal
Feed Finish
Spin Units
Spin Direction
Spin Normal
Spin Finish
Spin Limit
Application direction
The Application direction parameter enables you to rotate the tool to perform the machining from different sides. Tools with the same geometry, but with different rotation, can be mounted on the same tool holder; the Tool Number of such tools is the same and Positions are different.
This option enables you to define the orientation of the tool, namely: Left or Right. The Offset Point of the tool moves from the left to the right side.
Change type
The Change type option enables you to define the way the tools are changed. Linear. The tool change is performed with a linear movement of the tool holder. This method is suitable for tools mounted on the same tool holder. The X and Z parameters define the coordinates where the tool change will be performed. The First movement option enables you to choose the first movement axis (X or Z).
Turret . This option enables you to change the tool using the turret. The X and Z parameters enable you to define the location where the tool is changed. The Change type parameter assigned to the tool can be changed for the specific operation using the Turning Tool Data dialog box.
The Pick Feed points dialog box enables you to define points where the Feed rate will be changed.
The Select/Unselect buttons enable you to switch between the Select and Unselect modes to define or remove points where the feed rate changes. Undo - this button will delete or restore the last selection. You can specify a certain chain in the profile geometry with the combo box with the profile number and with the Next Profile button. The Points table contains information about selected Feed Rate changing points.
Profile No. - the Profile geometry chain number. X,Y,Z the coordinates of the profile at the specified point. Feed - the Feed rate value defined at the specified point. When the Pick Point dialog box is displayed, the profile geometry of the current turning operation is highlighted. Select the Feed Rate change point on the profile. The data of the picked point will be displayed in the Points table. Within this table you can assign a new Feed Rate value to the defined point.
Operation name
SolidCAM will automatically enter a default name (e.g. TR_Profile_T7A) based on the operation type, geometry name and tool number, once you have selected a geometry and a tool. You can then change the operation name, if necessary.
When you add a new operation, you can use an existing operation as a template for the new operation. All fields of the template operation will be copied and you only need to edit several parameters, e.g. select another geometry or surface offset. Use the Operation name list to choose the template operation.
In this field you can type a message that will be displayed in the generated GCode file.
Operation buttons
All settings and parameters of the operation will be saved to your disk. The tool path, however, will not be calculated. This enables you to postpone the calculation or to calculate operations in batches.
In the operation list, all operations that have not been calculated are marked with the asterisk (*).
This button enables you to perform the simulation of the machining process. The Operation must be calculated before this option is used.
This button enables you to generate the G-Code for the Operation. The Operation must be calculated before this option is used.
This field enables you to exit the Operation dialog box and return to SolidCAM Manager . Any changes you made in the Operation dialog box will be lost if you exit the Operation without prior saving.
SolidCAM enables you to use a built-in calculator to calculate parameter values. The Calculator is available for VERSION each numeric parameter by choosing the appropriate command from the rightUNREGISTERED OF CHM TO either PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE click menu or by pressing the F2 key.
The Calculator dialog box enables you to enter any expression in the Expression edit box and calculate its value that will appear in the Result edit box.
You can use the following symbols in the Expressions edit box: Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication (*) Division (/) Parentheses are acceptable. When multiplication and division occur together in an expression, each operation is calculated as it occurs from left to right. When addition and subtraction occur together in an expression, each operation is calculated in order of appearance from left to right. Parentheses can be used to override the order of precedence and force some parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations within parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses, operator precedence is maintained. SolidCAM enables you to use the set of the standard mathematical functions like sine, cosine, etc. in
your formulas. Functions can be either written manually in the Expression field or chosen from the Functions list.
The Functions button enables you to display/hide the Functions list. Example: To calculate the value of the following formula:
you have to write the expression: (158.8/2)/(tan(63/2)) The result (~129.56) will be displayed in the Result field. To insert the calculated result into the field from where the calculator was started, click on the OK button in the Calculator dialog box.
Turning Operation
UNREGISTERED VERSION CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE the turning cycles of the OF CNC-machine, if they exist, or it could generate all the tool movements. In
This operation enables you to turn a longitudinal or face profile. The resulting tool path can either use case the tool movements are generated by the program, then minimum tool movements length is generated taking into account the material boundary at the start of the particular operation. The profile geometry is adjusted automatically by the program, if needed because of the tool shape, to avoid gouging the material.
The geometry must start and end either at the material boundary or outside it. In case the geometry starts or ends inside the material, the geometry is extended by lines that are drawn from the ends of the geometry up to the material boundary; these lines are either parallel to the X- or Z-axis, depending on the Process type .
Process Type
This field has two options:
Long T his option enables you to execute longitudinal turning (principal working direction is the Zaxis direction) .
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDFfacial CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE This option enables you to execute turning (principal working direction is the X-axis
This field is active only if the machine supports compensation and the tool's origin is of Tangential type; if the tool's origin is of Center or Define type, this field is unavailable. It has two options: No The radius of the tool nose is not taken into account when calculating the tool movements. No tool nose radius compensation (G41 /G42 ) is used in the GCode. Yes The radius of the tool nose is not taken into account when calculating the tool movements. However, the tool nose radius compensation (G41 /G42 ) is used in the GCode.
Work Type
This field enables you to control the turning type by choosing between three main options:
Rough Copy
This field is available only in case of Work Type set to Rough or Copy .
Down step (On Diameter) This field defines the type of the step down. It is relevant only in case of Work type is set to Rough or Copy . It can have two options:
Constant If this option is chosen, you have to enter the constant step down value in the Value field.
Single If this option is chosen, the turning is executed in one step down. Data The Data button enables you to set additional Rough/Copy parameters. The Rough or Copy dialog box will be displayed depending on your Work type setting.
A semi-finish pass is a single pass that is executed before the finish pass, at an offset from the geometry. This field has three options: No No semi-finish pass is executed. Turn_Groove_Method This option is active only if the tool is of Groove type. A semi-finish pass is executed; the tool
movements are generated in such a way that only the bottom of the tool cuts the material. This can cause the tool to move opposite to the direction of the geometry. Moreover, the tool will not move continuously on the geometry. ISO_Turning_Method
The semi-finish pass is executed; the tool moves in the direction of the geometry.
Semi-Finish / Finish on
SolidCAM recognizes the rest material areas left unmachined after the previous operations.
SolidCAM enables you to produce semi-finish or finish paths with the two following options: Entire geometry; Rest Material only.
Entire geometry In this case SolidCAM removes the rest material with the tool path based on the entire profile geometry.
Rest material only SolidCAM machines only the rest material area.
SolidCAM enables you to define the start and end extension in order to overlap the rest material area.
Safety Distance
This field has the following two functions: It affects the start and end position of the tool and defines the safety distance from the material, at which the tool box is positioned, at the start and end of the operation.
It defines the length with which the tool paths are extended outside the material at the end of every tool path. The tool paths are extended only when needed in order to make sure that the tool does not drop in Rapid mode into the material between one step down to the other.
Modify Profile
The Modify profile parameters Offset X and Offset Z enable you to define an offset for the Machining Geometry. The machining will be performed on the profile modified by the specified offsets.
In case of Yes , the simulation might be slightly different from the actual machine cycle.
Extra Parameters
This field enables you to define extra parameters that are not needed for the calculation of the tool paths but are needed for generating of the GCode (e.g. Gear that defines whether the gear should be High or Low). These parameters are defined in the GPPTool general post-processor module
(through the MAC file). Each such group of extra parameters can be defined as one line in the ac file: turn_type = <group-name> Y Parm1 Parm2 .... Parm8 The way these parameters are then passed to the GCode file is defined through the *.gpp file for the particular controller.
Longitudinal Turning
The following two options are available in Mode: External - External longitudinal turning (above the geometry and parallel to the Z-axis). Internal - Internal longitudinal turning (under the geometry and parallel to the Z-axis).
In both of the above options, if the already defined geometry does not intersect with the material boundary, then lines are drawn from the ends of the geometry, perpendicular to the Z-axis, up to the material boundary. This defines the area that has to be turned.
Facial turning
The following two options are available in Mode: Front - Frontal Facial turning (in front of the geometry and parallel to the X-axis). Back - Back Facial turning (in back of the geometry and parallel to the X-axis).
In both of the above options, if the already defined geometry does not intersect with the material boundary, then lines are drawn from the ends of the geometry, perpendicular to the X-axis, up to the material boundary. This defines the area that has to be turned.
The tool pathVERSION movements in the rough turning are parallel the Z-axis (longitudinal turning) UNREGISTERED OF CHM TO type PDFof CONVERTER PRO to BY THETA-SOFTWARE or to the X-axis (facial turning). Semi-finish and finish passes are performed, if chosen by the user, at the end of the rough stage. There are two possibilities for the Rough turning, depending on whether CNC-machine cycles are used or not:
Facial turning (Front or Back) The tool movements are parallel to the X-axis; the starting points of the tool movements, for each step down, start from a line connecting the start point of the tool and the start point of the geometry.
Note that the simulation shown by the program might be slightly different than the actual machine cycle.
Facial turning (Front or Back) The tool movements are parallel to the X-axis.
Falling down movement When this option is activated, the tool completely machines the part penetrating the closed areas, where approach from the outside is impossible. In this case SolidCAM takes into account the tool geometry preventing gouges.
Not falling down When this option is activated, SolidCAM machines only the areas where it is possible to approach from outside. The closed areas will remain unmachined.
The tool path movements, in the copy work type of turning, are parallel to the geometry.
A finish pass is performed, if chosen by the user, at the end of the copy stage. There are two possibilities for the Copy turning, depending on whether CNC-machine cycles are used or not:
The dx and dz values define a vector that gives the direction of the copying of adjacent tool paths. The Step down value, between each two successive copy movements, is measured along this vector.
XZ_Bound This option is the same as the XZ option except that the tool paths are either trimmed or extended by the boundaries that are created by dropping perpendiculars from the geometry ends up to the material boundary according to the mode of turning (see the Mode field). One of the perpendiculars trims the Copy tool paths and, at the other end of the geometry, the program extends the tool paths up to the perpendicular; if the last entity of the geometry is an arc, then the program adds a tangent line up to the perpendicular.
Modify Geometry
The Modify Geometry option contains the following options: Falling down movement; Not falling down.
Falling down movement When this option is activated, the tool completely machines the CAM-Part penetrating the closed areas, where approach from the outside is impossible. In this case SolidCAM takes into account the tool geometry preventing gouges.
Not falling down When this option is activated, SolidCAM machines only the areas where it is possible to approach from outside. The closed areas will be left unmachined.
This option is used for the turning of the CAM-Part. When this is chosen, only a semiUNREGISTERED VERSION OFfinal CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BYoption THETA-SOFTWARE finish or finish pass is executed.
Modify geometry
The Modify Geometry option contains the following options: Falling down movement; Not falling down; No.
Falling down movement When this option is activated, the tool completely machines the part penetrating the closed areas, where longitudinal approach from the outside is impossible. In this case, SolidCAM takes into account the tool geometry preventing gouges.
Not falling down When this option is activated, SolidCAM machines only the areas where it is possible to longitudinally approach from outside. The closed areas will be left unmachined.
No When this option is activated, SolidCAM machines the entire profile without taking into account the tool geometry. So actually this option discards all the safety precautions built into the program when generating G-Code for the geometry defined by the user. The potential gouge is shown in red in the drawing.
Finish allowance
This field has three options: Distance A constant offset distance from the geometry can be defined. You are prompted to enter the Distance value.
Delta-X and Delta-Z offsets from the geometry can be defined. These two deltas define a vector that determines the direction the geometry is offset. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z .
XZ_ABS This option is similar to the XZ option except that the program chooses the sign of each of the vector components (dx, dz) in such a way that the offset geometry does not intersect with the profile geometry.
Rough Type
This field is available only in case of Work Type is Rough and Use Cycle is No. It has two options: Smooth This option causes the tool, at the end of every tool path, to continue along the geometry until it meets the previous tool path; then it retreats from the material. A smooth material boundary results from this type of turning.
This option causes the tool, at the end of every tool path, to retreat away from the material. A stairs-like material boundary results from this type of turning.
Zigzag This option enables the tool to cut the material with both cutting edges. The tool performs forward and backward paths along the machining geometry.
The following conditions are necessary before this option can be used:
Offset type
This field has three options: Distance This option enables you to define the constant offset distance from the geometry. You are prompted to enter the Distance value.
XZ The Delta-X and Delta-Z offsets from the geometry have to be defined. These two deltas define a vector that determines the direction the geometry is offset. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z .
This field gives the direction of the tool movement during copying. It has two options: One way The tool paths are only in the direction of the geometry; the tool returns to the starting point of the next tool path in rapid mode (G0) outside the material.
Zig-Zag The tool paths are both in the direction of the geometry and in the reverse direction.
Copy Type
Three options are available: Offset The tool paths are parallel to and at an offset from the geometry. The offsets between the tool paths are equal, measured perpendicularly at the geometry points. The offset value is defined by the Step down. XZ The Distance X and Distance Z values define a vector that gives the direction of the adjacent tool paths. The Step down value, between each two successive copy movements, is measured along this vector. XZ-Bound This option is the same as the XZ option except that the tool paths are either trimmed or extended by the boundaries that are created by dropping perpendiculars from the geometry ends up to the material boundary according to the mode of turning (See the Mode field). One of the perpendiculars trims the Copy tool paths and, at the other end of the geometry, the program extends the tool paths up to the perpendicular; if the last entity of the geometry is an arc then the program adds a tangent line up to the perpendicular. In all the three options, the distance between the adjacent tool paths is determined by the value of the Step down.
Semi-finish allowance
This field has three options: Dist A constant offset distance from the geometry can be defined. You are prompted to enter the Distance value. XZ Delta-X and Delta-Z offsets from the geometry can be defined. These two deltas define a vector that determines the direction the geometry is offset. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z . XZ_ABS This option is similar to the XZ option except that the program chooses the sign of each of the vector components (dx, dz) in such a way that the offset geometry does not intersect the profile geometry.
Grooving Operation
This operation enables you to perform a groove either on a longitudinal geometry (internal or external) or a face geometry. The resulting tool path can either use a single machine cycle, generate all the tool movements (G0, G1) or generate several machine cycles.
The geometry for this operation must start and end either at the material boundary or outside it. If
the geometry starts or ends inside the material, then the geometry is extended by lines drawn from the ends of the geometry, parallel to the X- or Z-axis, depending on the Mode, up to the material boundary.
Process Type
This field has two options:
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BYworking THETA-SOFTWARE This option enables you to execute facial Grooving (principal direction is the X-axis
This field has two options. These two options are different, depending on the process type. Process Type - Long Process Type - Face
Work Type
This field enables you to choose between the following three options: Rough Profile Cut
A semi-finish pass is a single pass that is executed before the finish pass, at an offset from the geometry. This field has three options: No No semi-finish pass is executed. Turn_Groove_Method This option is active only if the tool is of the Groove type. A semi-finish pass is executed; the tool movements are generated in such a way that only the bottom of the tool cuts the material. This can cause the tool to move opposite to the direction of the geometry and also there will
not be a continuous movement of the tool on the geometry. ISO_Turning_Method A semi-finish pass is executed; the tool moves in the direction of the geometry. When you click on the Data button, the Semi-Finish dialog box is displayed.
A finish pass is a single pass that is executed at the end of the operation. This field has three following options: No No finish pass is executed. Turn_Groove_Method This option is active only if the tool is of type Groove. A finish pass is executed; the tool movements are generated in such a way that only the bottom of the tool cuts the material. This can cause the tool to move opposite to the direction of the geometry and there will not be a continuous movement of the tool on the geometry. ISO_Turning_Method The finish pass is executed; the tool moves in the direction of the geometry.
Semi Finish/Finish on
SolidCAM recognizes the rest material areas left unmachined after the previous operations.
SolidCAM enables you to produce semi-finish or finish paths with the two following options: Entire geometry; Rest Material only.
Entire geometry In this case SolidCAM removes the rest material with the tool path based on the entire profile geometry.
Rest material only SolidCAM machines only the rest material area.
SolidCAM enables you to define the start and end extension in order to overlap the rest material area.
Safety Distance
This field affects the start and end position of the tool. It defines the safety distance from the material, at which the tool box is positioned, at the start and end of the operation. You are prompted to enter the Safety Distance value.
Second Offset
This field defines a tool offset number in the machine tool table. This specifies the offset number of the other side of the tool, and is used for a groove cycle for a single line groove geometry. If the Second Offset number is equal to the tool number, then the groove line is shortened by a length equal to the parameter G of the grooving tool; otherwise the whole line is handled by the machine cycle.
Modify profile
The Modify profile parameters Offset X and Offset Z enable you to define an offset for the Machining Geometry. The machining will be performed on the profile modified by the specified offsets.
Use Cycle
This field enables you to choose among three following options:
Yes The program updates the geometry according to the tool shape and generates the GCode for the CNC-controller cycle including the parameters needed to execute the cycle and the GCode of the updated geometry.
No The program updates the geometry according to the tool shape and then calculates the minimum tool movements needed taking into account the material boundary at the start of the operation.
Cut Machine groove cycles are used for every vertical cut step.
Extra Parameters
This field enables you to define extra parameters that are not needed for the calculation of the tool paths but are needed for the generation of the GCode (e.g. Gear that defines whether the gear should be High or Low). These parameters are defined in the GPPTool general post processor module (through the MAC file). Each such group of extra parameters can be defined as one line in the MAC file:
The way these parameters are then passed to the GCode file is defined through the *.gpp file for the particular controller.
Longitudinal Grooving
The following two options are available in Mode: External - External longitudinal grooving (above the geometry). Internal - Internal longitudinal grooving (below the geometry).
In both of the above options, if the already defined geometry does not intersect the material boundary, then lines are drawn from the ends of the geometry, perpendicular to the Z-axis, up to the material boundary. This defines the area that has to be grooved.
Facial Grooving
Mode can only have the following option: Front - Frontal Facial grooving (in front of the geometry and parallel to the X-axis).
If the already defined geometry does not intersect the material boundary, then lines are drawn from the ends of the geometry, perpendicular to the X-axis, up to the material boundary. This defines the area that has to be grooved.
There are three options for Rough, depending on the Use Cycle settings of the Operation:
Use Cycle
Yes The groove is executed using CNC-machine cycles. There are two different cases: The geometry is made of a single line that is parallel either to the Z- or X-axis. If there is an offset, the tool starts at an offset from the start of the geometry and advances, according to the defined Step over, up to an offset from the end of the geometry; the offset is also taken into account in the depth to which the tool advances up to the geometry line. If there is Semi-Finish or Finish the tool goes down on the perpendicular wall at the start of the geometry; it then retreats out and moves in Rapid mode to the end of the geometry and goes down on the perpendicular wall at the end of the geometry. Then it moves inside the material up to a distance equal to 1/3 of the tool width from the perpendicular wall at the start of the geometry.
The geometry is made of several entities. The grooving is done by executing tool moves that are perpendicular to the X-axis (Process type = Face) or Z-axis (Process type = Long). If the depth of the groove is too big, it could be divided into several steps by defining the value of the Groove Step from the Rough dialog box.
Steps in grooving The program tries to generate the shortest GCode possible by generating a GCode groove cycle for any straight line longer than the tool width.
No All the tool movements are the same as the previous option but instead of using CNC-machine cycles the generated GCode uses G0 and G1 moves. Cut This option is very similar to the option where the CNC-machine cycle is used. The groove is done by executing tool moves that are perpendicular to the X-axis (Process type = Face) or Z-axis (Process type = Long ). Each one of these tool moves is a CNC-machine cycle. When you click on the Data button, the Rough dialog box is displayed.
Offset Type
This field has three options: Distance A constant positive Offset distance from the geometry can be defined. You are prompted to enter the Distance.
XZ Delta-X and Delta -Z offsets from the geometry can be defined. These two deltas define a vector that gives the direction of the offset from the geometry. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z .
XZ_ABS This option is similar to the XZ option except that the program chooses the sign of each of the vector components (dx, dz) in such a way that the offset geometry does not intersect with the Grooving geometry. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z .
Groove Step
This field has three options: None No groove step. Constant The groove depth is divided into several constant Groove Steps. The value of each step is defined in the Value field.
The groove depth is divided into several steps that are parallel to the material boundary.
Step down
This field defines the step down for the groove; it can either be Constant or Single, you are
Value This field is active if you choose the Constant option in Step down. It defines the value of each step down for the groove; after each step down the tool retreats from the material according to the Release Distance.
This field defines the sideways distance between each two successive groove-cut steps; this distance should be less than the tool width.
In case the Step over mode is set to From Middle outside, the Smooth/Stairs roughing options are available in the Rough dialog box.
Smooth At the end of every tool path segment, the tool continues moving along the geometry until it meets the previous tool path; then it retreats from the material. This type of turning results in a smooth material boundary.
Stairs At the end of every tool path segment, the tool retreats away from the material. This type of turning results in a stairs-like material boundary.
Release Distance
The field defines the Safety Release Distance for the groove cut after each Step down. The Release Distance Type defines how the tool retreats from the material after each Step down. This field is not relevant in case of (Cycle = Yes). There are two options: Outside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in the Rapid mode, to a height equal to the Safety Distance above the starting point of the groove material. It then goes into the material again in the Rapid mode up to a height equal to the Release Distance above the depth of the step down. It then feeds in for the next step down and so on.
Inside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in the Rapid mode, to a height equal to the Release Distance above the depth of the step down. It then feeds in for the next step down and so on.
When this option is chosen, only a semi-finish and/or finish pass are executed.
This option is used to cut the part; it could also be used to execute a groove whose width is exactly the same as the tool width. This option can be executed either with CNC-machine cycle (Cycle = Yes ) or with no CNC-machine cycle (Cycle = No ). The location of the tool in relation to the geometry can be decided by the Location field. A Chamfer can also be generated using this option at any angle. When you click on the Data button , the Cut dialog box is displayed.
This field has three options: Left The tool cuts to the left of the geometry. Right
Middle The tool center is located on the geometry.
Step down
This field defines the step down for the groove; it can either be Constant or Single. You are prompted to enter the Value . Value This field is active if you choose the Constant option in Step down . It defines the value of each step down for the groove; after each step down the tool retreats from the material according to the Release Distance .
Release Distance
This field defines the Safety Release Distance for the groove cut after each Step down . The Release Distance type defines how the tool retreats from the material after each Step down . This field is not relevant in case of Cycle set to Yes . There are two options: Outside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in the Rapid mode, to a height equal to the Safety Distance above the starting point of the groove material. It then goes into the material again in Rapid mode up to a height equal to the Release Distance above the depth of the step down. It then feeds in for the next step down and so on. Inside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in the Rapid
mode, to a height equal to the Release Distance above the depth of the step down. It then feeds in for the next step down and so on.
This field has four options: None No Chamfer is generated at the Cut . Left A Chamfer is generated at the left side of the Cut . Right A Chamfer is generated at the right side of the Cut . Both A Chamfer is generated at both sides of the Cut . Angle This field defines the angle between the tool and the geometry of the chamfer; this angle must be greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees.
This field has two options: Depth The vertical length of the Chamfer is defined by the user. Length The horizontal length of the Chamfer is defined by the user.
Value In case of Measure set to Length , this field defines the horizontal length of the Chamfer. In case of Measure set to Depth , this field defines the vertical length of the Chamfer.
Semi-finish allowance
This field has three options: Dist A constant offset distance from the geometry can be defined. You are prompted to enter the Distance value. XZ Delta-X and Delta-Z offsets from the geometry can be defined. These two deltas define a vector that gives the direction of the offset from the geometry. You are prompted to enter both Distance X and Distance Z values. XZ_ABS This option is similar to the XZ option except that the program chooses the sign of each of the vector components (Distance X and Distance Z ) in such a way that the offset geometry does not intersect the profile geometry.
Drilling Operation
This operation enables you to perform a drilling action at the rotation axis. There is no geometry
UNREGISTERED VERSION CHM since TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY start THETA-SOFTWARE definition for this type of OF operation it is enough to define the drill and end positions.
Use Chamfer
This field has two options: No The drill end point reaches the Drill End Position defined by the user. Yes The drill end point will go past the Drill End Position defined by the user so that the drill diameter at the Drill End Position will be equal to the diameter value of the chamfer defined by the user.
Use Chamfer = No
Pick a point. If such a point has already been defined, it is displayed and you can either redefine it or leave it unchanged. Make sure that the tool is out of the material when located at the Drill start position.
Safety Distance
This field affects the start and end position of the tool. It defines the safety distance from the material, at which the toolbox is positioned, at the start and end of the operation.
Drill cycle
This field enables you to select a Drill cycle type . Click on the Drill cycle type button. The Drill canned cycles supported by the post-processor of the current CNC-controller will be displayed. Click on one of the icons to select the canned cycle you want to use in this operation.
Drill canned cycles must be defined in the *.mac and *.gpp post-processor of the currently active CNC-controller in your CAM-Part. Contact customer support to learn more about customizing your post-processor. The Data button enables you to define additional drill parameters.
Drill cycles
Several Drill cycles are available:
With this option the drill will travel in one single motion to the specified depth, pause for a specified amount of time and then retract.
Delay In the Delay field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) you want the tool to pause at the depth point of the hole.
When you click on the Peck Data button, the Peck cycle data dialog box is displayed. You are prompted to enter the Step down , Release distance and to choose the Release type .
Step down This field determines the value of each step down of the drill.
Release Distance This field determines the release distance of the drill-tool after each step down (see Release Type ). Release Type This field defines how the tool retreats from the material after each Step down. This field is active only in case of Cycle set to No ; in case of Cycle set to Yes the Release type is always Outside . There are two options:
Outside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in rapid mode, to a height equal to the Safety Dist above the starting point of the material. It then goes into the material again in rapid mode up to a height equal to the Release Dist above the depth of the Step down . It then feeds in for the next Step down and so on.
Inside After feeding in to the Step down depth, the tool retreats from the material, in Rapid mode, to a height equal to the Release Distance above the depth of the Step down . It then feeds in for the next Step down and so on.
With this option the tap will travel in one single motion to the specified depth and then retract reversing its spin direction.
With this option the boring tool will travel in one single motion to the specified depth, stop its spin motion and retract rapidly.
With this option the boring tool will travel in one single motion to the specified depth, stop its spin motion, pause for a specified amount of time and retract rapidly.
Delay In the Delay field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) you want the tool to pause at the depth of the hole.
With this option the boring tool will travel in one single motion to the specified depth and retract at the same feed rate it entered.
Delay In the Delay field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) you want the tool to pause at the depth of the hole. The drill options are very closely related to the post processor of the CNC controller you are using and may function differently in each case. Please contact your local dealer or UNREGISTERED SolidCAM VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE support for information on your particular post-processor.
Threading Operation
This operation enables you to perform a thread. The thread could be either longitudinal (internal or external) or facial. This operation can be used at present only if the CNC machine has a thread cycle. SolidCAM will output the tool path for the thread exactly with the same length as the defined geometry without doing any checks for material collision.
Process Type
This field has two options: Long This option decides on longitudinal turning (principal working direction is the Z-axis direction). Face This option decides on facial turning (principal working direction is the X-axis direction).
The options of this field depend on the process type: If the Process Type is set to Long, then Mode has the following two options: External - External longitudinal threading (above the geometry and parallel to the Z-axis).
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM threading TO PDF CONVERTER PRO and BY parallel THETA-SOFTWARE Internal Internal longitudinal (below the geometry to the Z-axis).
Work Type
This field enables you to choose between two main options: Single - The thread is performed in a single pass (G33). Multiple - The thread is performed in several passes according to the machine cycle.
Pitch Unit
This field defines the pitch unit either in Mm, Inch or in TPI. Mm or Inch (depending on your Units settings) Defines the distance between each two threads.
Value This field defines the value of the pitch. If the Pitch Unit is in Mm or Inch then enter the size of the pitch; if the Pitch Unit is in TPI, enter the number of threads per inch.
Step down
This field defines the type of the step down. It is available only when Work type is Multiple . Constant Value This field defines the value of the first step down of the thread.
Min/Max Diameter
Min Diameter This field is available in case (Process type is Long) and (Mode is External). It defines the minimum diameter of the thread at the first point of the geometry. The thread depth is the difference between the diameter of the first geometry point of the thread and the minimum diameter value. Max Diameter This field is available in case (Process type is Long) and (Mode is Internal). It defines the maximum diameter of the thread at the first point of the geometry. The thread depth is the difference between the maximum diameter value and the diameter of the first geometry point of the thread.
This field is available only in case of Process type set to Face. It defines the depth of the thread.
External Finish
This field has two options: No / Yes. If Yes, a finish pass is performed on the tips of the threads.
Thread Finish
This field has two options No / Yes. If Yes, a finish pass is performed on the threads.
Extra Parameters
This field enables you to define extra parameters that are not needed for the calculation of the tool paths but are needed for the generation of the GCode (e.g. Gear that decides whether the gear should be High or Low). These parameters are defined in the GPPTool general post processor module (through the *.mac file). Each such group of extra parameters can be defined as one line in the *.mac file: thread_type = <group-name> Y Parm1 Parm2 .... Parm8
The way these parameters are then passed to the GCode file is defined through the *.gpp file for the particular controller.
Back Spindle
SolidCAM supports the use of the back spindle in Turning and Turn-Mill modules. The functionality enables you to use the back spindle of your CNC-machine for the following applications: Turning and Milling machining with the part clamped either in the main or back spindles. The part is automatically transferred between spindles, thus enabling you to complete the part from both sides in a single set up. The back spindle can be used as the tail stock for the additional support of long parts. Both spindles are used simultaneously. The back spindle can be used also for pulling out parts from the back spindle, like a bar feeder.
2. SolidCAM Operation with both spindles. At this stage both spindles are connected; the back spindle works as a tail stock. This stage starts with a Back spindle operation without transfer.
3. SolidCAM Operations with Back spindle. At this stage the operations are performed with the back spindle only. This stage starts with a Back spindle operation with transfer.
With this sequence the combined operations on the back and main spindles enable you to avoid unnecessary tool change (the same tool can work with the main and back spindles). At the beginning/end of all the operations the finished part is ejected from the back spindle and the partly machined part is transferred from the main spindle to the back spindle
Using the PullOut sub-operation, SolidCAM enables you to minimize the distance between spindle chucks and to perform the machining close to the main spindle chuck. This method enables you to minimize the effect on the machining caused by the bend deformation of the long part.
Operation with transfer. This operation enables you to transfer the CAM-Part from the main spindle to the back spindle. Operation without transfer. This operation enables you to use the main and back spindles simultaneously for the CAM-Part machining.
The Back Spindle Operation dialog box enables you to define the general parameters of the operation and the specific parameters of the sub-operations.
This page enables you to define a number of general parameters of the Back Spindle Operation.
Spindles Running
When this option is activated, the Back Spindle operation will be performed with both spindles revolving; the spindles revolution speeds are synchronized before the operation.
Activate Air
This option enables you to turn on the air-blast cleaning of the jaws and chuck of the back spindle.
This parameter defines the feed of the back spindle movements during the operation.
This parameter defines the spin rate of the spindles revolution during the operation. This parameter is relevant only when the Spindles Running option is chosen.
Dwell time
This parameter defines the dwell time for opening/closing of the jaws.
Offset number
This parameter defines the offset number for the Back spindle.
Check torque
SolidCAM enables you to check the torque during the Back Spindle operation. When the torque is out of range (defined by Min. Torque Limit and Max. Torque Limit), the machining is stopped. Checking the torque enables you to prevent collisions between the part and back spindle during the operation. With some CNC-machines, the torque checking enables you to provide the close contact between chuck and flank faces of the part.
Eject sub-operation
This sub-operation ejects the part the from the back spindle at the start of the Back Spindle Operation. VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE UNREGISTERED
This sub-operation is enabled when the Start with part in Back Spindle option is chosen for the CAM-Part.
Connect sub-operation
The Connect page enables you to define the parameters of the spindle connecting to the part during the Back Spindle operation.
Rapid move up to
This parameter enables you to specify the absolute Z-coordinate up to which the rapid movement will be performed.
The Pick button enables you to define the parameter directly on the model.
Clamp up to
This parameter enables you to specify the absolute Z-coordinate of the front face of the jaws relative to the Coordinate System.
The Pick button enables you to define the parameter directly on the model. When the back spindle is already connected, the Connect sub-operation is unavailable.
PullOut sub-operation
The PullOut sub-operation enables you to use the back spindle to pull out the part from the main spindle.
Pull out up to
This parameter enables you to define the incremental value of the pull out.
The Pick button enables you to define the parameter directly on the model.
CutOff sub-operation
The CutOff sub-operation enables you to cut off the part.
This sub-operation is available only when the Single Pieces option is not chosen for the CAM-Part and the Back Spindle Operation with transfer is performed. The CutOff operation is similar to the Grooving operation with the Cut option.
Define the geometry for the cut off operation.
Define/choose the grooving tool for the cut off operation from the Part Tool Table.
Use cycle
When this option is chosen, the cut off operation is performed using the built-in cycles of the CNCmachine.
Cut Data
The Cut dialog box is displayed enabling you to define the technological parameters of the cut off operation.
MoveBack sub-operation
The MoveBack sub-operation enables you to perform the retreat movement of the back spindle. If the Operation without transfer is chosen the retreat movement is performed without the part. If the Operation with transfer is chosen, the retreat movement is performed with the part clamped in the back spindle.
Retreat up to
This parameter enables you to specify the absolute Z-coordinate up to which the retreat movement is performed with the working feed. From this coordinate the rapid movement is performed.
The Pick button enables you to define the parameter directly on the model.
When you right-click on an existing operation , the Operation commands are displayed.
Add Operation
This command enables you to add a new operation to your CAM-Part.
This command enables you to view or change the definition and parameters of an existing operation. If you select this command, the corresponding operation dialog box will be displayed and you can change the operation definition.
Calculate/Calculate All
Before you will be able to generate GCode for your CNC-machine, you have to perform the tool path calculation. Based on the geometries, machining strategy and technological parameters you have defined and saved in the operation, SolidCAM will calculate the movements of the tool.
If a long tool path calculation time is expected, it is advisable to define your operations, save them and postpone the tool path calculation. This function enables you to calculate large CAM-Parts with many operations in a batch routine e.g. overnight.
GCode/GCode All
The commands in this submenu enable you to generate, list, copy and print NC-programs.
You can simulate and verify operations that have been saved and calculated.
This option enables you to append some ASCII file with a GCode to your CAM-Part.
Operation Group
An Operation Group in SolidCAM is a set of separate operations with a defined order in the sequence. The Operation Group menu enables you to control Operation Groups.
SolidCAM enables you to cut, copy and paste operations. Copy . This commands copies the selected operations into the clipboard.
Paste . This command inserts the operations from the clipboard, after the selected operation. The pasted operations are marked by an asterisk; they must be calculated to obtain the tool path. If the clipboard is empty, the Paste command is disabled.
Cut . This command enables you to cut the operations and copy them into the clipboard. When the operations are pasted from the clipboard, the source operations are removed.
Delete/Delete all
This command enables you to delete operations from the operation list of your CAM-Part.
1. Select an operation. To delete several operations at a time, select them using the Shift and Ctrl keys. 2. Right-click on the operations and choose the Delete command. 3. To delete several operations at a time, click Yes to all in the confirmation message.
SolidCAM enables you to rename a specific operation. Right-click on the operation name in SolidCAM Manager and choose the Rename command from the menu. The Operation Rename dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box enables you to assign a new name to the operation.
This command automatically creates a new sketch in the CAM component of the CAM-Part assembly and generates in this sketch the geometry of the updated material boundary after the chosen operation.
The generated updated material boundary is not associative to the model geometry and operations.
SolidCAM enables you to suppress any operation in the CAM-Part, thus temporarily excluding it from the CAM-Part. When you suppress an operation, the operation does not participate in the calculation, simulation and GCode generation, as if the operation was deleted from the CAM-Part.
Suppressing Operations
SolidCAM enables you to suppress any operation in the CAM-Part, thus temporarily excluding it from the CAM-Part. When you OF suppress operation, the operation doesBY notTHETA-SOFTWARE participate in the calculation, UNREGISTERED VERSION CHM an TO PDF CONVERTER PRO simulation and GCode generation, as if the operation was deleted from the CAM-Part. In the SolidCAM Manager tree, the names of suppressed operations appear in gray. The tool path check box is disabled for the suppressed operations.
The Suppress/Unsuppress command is available via the right-click menu, for a single operation or a list of operations.
When all selected operations are not suppressed, right-click on the list of selected operations and choose Suppress . This command will suppress all selected operations. When all selected operations are suppressed, the Unsuppress command available in the right-click operation menu will unsuppress the selected operations. When the list of selected operations contains both suppressed and unsuppressed operations, both Suppress and Unsuppress commands are available in the right-click menu. The Suppress command will suppress all the unsuppressed operations in the list. The Unsuppress command will unsuppress all the suppressed operations in the list.
Tool path
When an operation is suppressed, SolidCAM re-generates the CAM-Part tool path to exclude the tool path data related to the suppressed operations. The Operations tool path stays unchanged till the parameters of the operation will be updated.
During the unsuppressing of the suppressed operation, the CAM-Part tool path is re-generated in order to include the data of the unsuppressed operations.
These options convert the selected Operations into an Operation Group. The Define new Operation Group dialog box will be displayed.
1. Enter the Operation Group name in the Name field. 2. Choose the type from the list. 3. You can also enter the Description - a text string that describes the Operation Group. Selected Operations will be converted in the Machining process. Add Operation Group to Machining Process table This option enables you to insert the selected Operation Group into the current Machining process table .
Remove Operations from Operation Group This option removes the selected Operation from the Operation Group. Explode Operation Group This option explodes the Operation Group into single Operations.
Undo Sequence
This command enables you to undo your last change in the sequence of the operation list.
This command enables you to separate your list of operations before the GCode generation. If you place splits after operations and click GCode All , separate NC-programs are generated for each operation or group of operations located between the corresponding splits. Each split has a name and acts like a folder containing operations, fixtures, etc. In this example, you receive three separate GCode files for the operations divided by the splits.
Adding splits 1. Right-click on the operation after which you want to insert a split. 2. Choose the Split command from the menu. 3. Enter the split name in the Split dialog box.
The (-) icon located near the split icon enables you to collapse/expand all the items (operations and fixtures) located under the split. Managing splits
Add This command enables you to add an operation to the list of operations that belong to the current split.
Delete This command enables you to delete a split item. The confirmation message is displayed.
Rename This command enables you to edit the split name in the Split dialog box.
Suppress/Unsuppress This command enables you to suppress/unsuppress the split with all of its contents.
Just like resequencing operations, you can move a split mark to another location in the operation list. Drag the split mark on the operation after which you want to insert it.
This command enables you to open the operation list, so that all the geometries used in each operation will be displayed in the tree structure of SolidCAM Manager .
This command enables you to reduce the operation list, so that only the operation names will be displayed in the tree structure of SolidCAM Manager .
In subsequent identical or similar situations, the Machining Processes can be used directly or adapted to the new situation by assigning values to its parameters.
Machining Process
Introduction & Basic concepts
SolidCAM enables you to automate repetitive tasks in CNC-Programming with the Machining Process feature. Machining Process (MP) is the structure of fully parameterized Operation Templates. In subsequent identical or similar situations, the machining process templates can be either used directly or they can be adapted to the new situation by assigning values to its parameters.
Operation templates
A Operation template is the parametric template of the single operation that is used within the Machining Process. There can be one or several operation templates in a Machining Process. For example: To create a threaded countersink hole, we need three Operations using the common geometry: Centering At this stage, preliminary centering is made for a hole and a chamfer.
The tap size ( D_thread) The tap depth (H_thread) The drill depth (H_drill) The chamfer diameter (D_chamfer)
In the above example you can define the following expression for centering depth.
With a group of such Operation templates, Parameters and Expressions, you can define the universal Machining Process.
Default sets
A Default set is a combination of parameters and expressions used for Operation template customization. You can define a number of the default sets by attaching different specific values or expressions to parameters. You can use the default sets to adapt a machining process to specific tasks.
In the above example we can create default sets for each tap size (e.g. M6, M8, etc).
SolidCAM enables you to use three major interface tools for these tasks: New Machining Process Table - With this dialog box you can define a new MP Table. SolidCAM also enables you to manage existing MP Tables. Machining Process Table Manager enables you to create and manage a single Machining Process in the Table. Machining Process Define Manager enables you to define components of the single Machining Process: Operation Templates, Default sets, Parameters and Expressions.
2. Enter a name for the Machining Process Table in the Table name field. 3. Click on the Add Mac File button to define the MAC file for your Machining Process Table. Since not all machines support all of the options in SolidCAM, you must also give the Mac file that you will be using. This will assure that only the options that are supported by your machine will be used. 4. Confirm the Machining Process Table creation with the OK button.
1. Press the Add button to choose the suitable MAC file from the list. 2. In the dialog box displayed, pick the MAC file and click OK .
The Add MAC file(s) dialog box will be displayed again with the chosen MAC file.
This option will add to the list any MAC file that is similar to the MAC file that you originally picked. The criteria of the similarity is the coincidence of the MAC file options needed for Machining Processes. Please contact SolidCAM customer support for further details.
This option enables you to load the current MP Table in the Machining Process Table Manager.
With this option you can create a new MP Table . SolidCAM enables you to create the Turning type of MP Table .
This option enables you to load an MP Table via the standard Windows browser. 1. Right-click on the Machining Process header and choose Open from the submenu to load the Machining Process Table .
The Browser window will be displayed. 2. Choose a Machining Process Table file (*.mpt ).
The Machining Process Table will be loaded and the Machining Process Table Manager will be displayed.
This option enables you to copy the MP Table. The Copy Machining Process Table dialog box will be displayed.
1. In the left field of the dialog box, choose the MP Table you want. 2. Click on the use the button to move the MP Table in the copy-container field. You can button to remove MP Tables .
3. Choose the copy location in the right field. 4. Click on the Copy button to confirm the operation. 5. Click on the Exit button to close the dialog box.
Choose this option to delete the MP Table via the standard Windows Browser.
Recent MP Tables
This option displays a list of the last MP Tables that you loaded in SolidCAM. You can open the file by clicking on its name.
Group Types
This option enables you to create and manage your own list of expressions that will be available in each MP you design.
The Machining Process Table Manager dialog box contains the following fields: Machining Process List This field contains the list of all Machining Processes from the current table. Double-click on the Machining Process name in the list to edit the MP in the Machining Process Define Manager . Right-click on the Machining Process name in the list to get the pull down menu of Managing Machining Processes . D uring the Machining Process definition SolidCAM enables you to divide the Machining Processes in the MP Table into groups. Each group name must begin with the == symbols. All
the Machining Processes following the group name (till the next group name) will be included into the group. In the Add Machining Processes menu , each such group will be displayed as a separate submenu.
MP Picture This option enables you to attach a picture to your MP. Click on the Browse MP Pictures button and choose a bitmap file (*.bmp ) in the browser window.
Type For easier identification and classification of Machining Processes, you can define and use your own MP types .
Description In this field you can enter text describing the Machining Processes.
To add a new Group Type, click on the Add button and type the name.
To remove an existing Group Type from the list, select the item and click on the Delete button. To edit the Group Type name, click on the button in the name field and choose Edit-View .
The Edit dialog box will be displayed. Change the MP Group Type name and confirm it with the OK button.
You can use the F2 hotkey to open the Edit dialog box . By double-clicking on the Group Type name in the list, you can edit the name in the list directly without going to the Edit dialog box .
This option enables you to add a new Machining Process to Machining Process Table .
This option enables you to edit components of the Machining Process in the Machining Process Define Manager .
This option enables you to remove the current Machining Process from the Machining Process Table .
This option enables you insert Machining Processes from another MP Table into the current MP Table. You can insert Machining Processes from MP Tables defined with similar MAC files .
1. Right-click on the MachProcess field and choose Import from the menu. 2. Choose an MP Table from the Browser. The MP Export Table Manager will be displayed.
Choose the Machining Process and confirm the operation with the Export button.
There are three commands to manage your Operation templates : Add Edit Delete
You can use the following operations to manage Default Sets : Set as Current Rename Copy Delete
There are two specific areas in the Machining Process Define Manager that enable you to manage your parameters and expressions: Used Parameters Table. This area shows the table of parameters that were used in the Operation Templates. Unused parameters Table. This area shows the table of parameters that were not used in the Operation Templates.
1. 2. 3. The Delete button enables you to delete the selected parameter item from the Unused Parameters table.
1. Right-click on the Operation s field situated in the Operation Templates tab. The pulldown menu will be displayed:
Change Tool This option enables you to change the tool used in the specific Operation Template .
The Part Tool Table dialog box will be displayed. Suppress/Unsuppress This option enables you to suppress and unsuppress operation templates in the Machining Process.
The rules for suppressing and unsuppressing of the operation templates are the same as for operations. The suppressed/unsuppressed status of an operation template is the property of the operation template per default set, i.e. the same operation template can have a different status in different default sets. SolidCAM inserts suppressed operation templates from the Machining Process into the CAM-Part as suppressed operations.
You can now fill the fields of the Operation template like in a conventional Operation . Note that
some fields in the Operation Templates are marked with the In these fields you can enter the following data: Variable Expression Value
If a variable you entered does not exist, SolidCAM adds it to the Used Parameter Table .
To edit a parametric field, use the parametric field menu by clicking on the
If you entered wrong data in the parametric field (unacceptable type of variable, mistake in expression, etc.), SolidCAM will mark this parametric field with the button.
In the Operation template, you have to define the Geometry and the Tool .
You can open this list with the F5 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
You can open this list with the F7 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
You can open this list with the F8 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
Here you can see and edit the full parameter name or expression string.
1. You can open this list with the F2 hotkey when you are in the parametric field. 2. In this dialog box you can also use the operational menu by clicking on the button.
SolidCAM supports the following operations for the management of Default Sets:
Set as Current This operation activates the selected Default Set. Rename This command enables you to rename the selected Default Set. Copy This command enables you to copy the selected Default Set. Delete This command removes the selected Default Set.
1. Create a new Default Set via Copy operation. 2. Activate the created Default Set with the Current option. 3. Change parameters definition via Parameter Tables .
This area shows the table of parameters that were used in the Operation Templates with the actual Default Set. This table contains the following columns: Parameter - shows the parameter name. In this field you can change the name of the parameter. In this case the name will be updated in all Operation Templates that use this parameter. Expression - shows the parameter definition as an expression or value. To edit this parametric field you can use the parametric field menu available by clicking on the button. Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter. G - shows the status of the parameter. If the status is Global - the G letter is shown. In this case the expression of this value will be the same in the all Default Sets.
By right-clicking on this field, you can change the status of the parameter.
R/O - shows the access status of the parameter. If the status is Read-only, the R/O letters are shown. In this case the parameter definition cannot be changed during Machining process insertion .
This area shows the table of parameters that were not used in the Operation Templates with the actual Default Set. This table contains the following columns: Parameter - shows the parameter name. In this field you can change the name of the parameter. In this case the name will be updated in all Operation Templates that use this parameter. Expression - shows the parameter definition as either expressions or values. To edit this parametric field, you can use the operational menu available by clicking on the Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter. button.
SolidCAM enables you to use expressions for parameters definition. You can use the following symbols in expressions: Addition (+ ) Subtraction (-) Multiplication ( * ) Division (/ ) Parentheses are acceptable. When multiplication and division occur together in an expression, each operation is evaluated as it occurs from left to right. When addition and subtraction occur together in an expression, each operation is evaluated in order of appearance from left to right. Parentheses can be used to override the order of precedence and force some CAM-Parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations within parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses,
however, operator precedence is maintained. SolidCAM enables you to use the set of the standard mathematical functions like sine, cosine etc. in your formulas.
acos() Returns a value specifying the arccosine of a number. asin() Returns a value specifying the arcsine of a number. atan() Returns a value specifying the arctangent of a number. atan2(,) Returns a value specifying the arctangent of quotient first and second arguments. dist(,) and ang(,) Returns polar coordinates: distance and angle (in radians) of the point defined in Cartesian coordinates.
pow(,) Returns a value of the first argument raised the power of the second argument. UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDFto CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE For example: pow(2,3) returns 8 . log10() Returns a value specifying the base-10 logarithms of a number. ln() Returns a value specifying the natural logarithm of a number. sum3( , , ) Returns the sum value of three arguments. int() Returns the integer portion of a number. rad() Converts degrees to radians. deg() Converts radians to degrees.
The main interface tool to insert a Machining Process into a CAM-Part is through the Machining Process Insert Manager.
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM directly TO PDF CONVERTER PRO Process BY THETA-SOFTWARE into the CAM-Part from the Add Machining menu.
Machining Processes in the menu are classified according to pre-defined groups . If the MP contains Operation Templates with Operation options that are not compatible with the Operation options of the current MAC file, the operation is marked with the icon. Such MP can be inserted to the current CAM-Part, but Operation options will not be inserted. When the MP has Drill Operation Template with drill options non compatible with the drill options of current MAC file, this MP is marked with the icon.
The Add Machining processes command is not available in the following cases:
When there is no current Machining Process Table; When the current Machining Process Table is incompatible with the MAC-file used in the current CAM-Part. When the Machining process is chosen, the Machining Process Insert Manager will be displayed.
The From MP Table command enables you to choose the Machining Process to insert from the Machining Process Table Manager dialog box.
Select a Machining Process from the list. Click on the Pick button. The Machining
Process Insert Manager will be displayed. When the Insert Manager is loading, SolidCAM receives necessary information from the CAM-Part. Then SolidCAM receives expressions for other parameters from the current Default Set and calculates them.
1. In the Default Sets page , choose the required Default Set. 2. In the Parameters Table , fill all the blank expression fields. You can also change all expressions that do not have Read-Only status. 3. When the Machining Process is defined, click on the Insert button to insert the Machining Process into the current CAM-Part.
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE 4. SolidCAM chooses tools CONVERTER for the Machining Process. The process of choosing is
SolidCAM searches for the tool in the Part Tool table (from tools already used in the CAM-Part). SolidCAM searches for the tool in the current tool table (if it was defined). The search criteria are the tool shape and parameters. The first found tool, with an identical tool shape and parameter, is chosen. If a tool with an identical shape and parameters is not found, SolidCAM will add a new tool with the first available tool number.
To undo the last insertion, you can use the Undo button. The Simulate button enables you to simulate operations of the current CAM-Part.
This page displays the list of Operation Templates inserted into the CAM-Part. By clicking on the (+) sign near each Operation Template, you can see the list of parameters used in the selected Operation template.
To see the Operation Template parameters and settings, right-click on the Operation name in the list and choose the Show command from the list. The Operation Template dialog box will be displayed.
In this dialog box, you cannot change the Operation Template definition. To edit the Operation Template, go to the Machining Process Define Manager . In the Operation Template dialog box, all parametric fields are marked with the button. Click on this button to see the parametric field menu. The Edit-View option is available in this menu. This option opens the parameter edit dialog box.
This dialog box enables you to see and edit the full parameter name or expression string.
Double-click on the Default Set name to make it current. The Parameters and values from the selected Default set will be shown in the Parameters Table.
Parameters Table
There are three columns in this table: Parameter - shows the parameter name. Expression - shows the parameter definition. In this field you have to define missed expressions for parameters. You can also edit all expressions that don't have Read-Only status. Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter.
With the Show read only check box, you can allow or forbid showing parameters marked ReadOnly .
The Show descriptions check box enables you to show the parameter description instead of the parameter name in the Parameter column .
Operation Points
This field contains buttons to define specific points of the operation.
Parameters definition
Click on the button to display menus for each parametric field.
Geom Select This option displays a list of geometries that is defined in the CAM-Part.
You can also open this list with the F5 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
Geom Define This option enables you to define a geometry from the current model.
You can also open this list with the F6 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
Geom Show With this command, the current geometry will be displayed in the SolidWorks window. To exit from this mode, use the Exit button in the displayed Show Geometry dialog box.
You can also open this list with the F7 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.
This dialog box enables you to see and edit the full parameter name or expression string. 1. You can also open this list with the F2 hotkey when you are in the parametric field. 2. In this dialog box you can also use the operational menu by clicking on the button.
For parameters of these types, SolidCAM enables you to define values by picking them from the active CAD-model. To define the Z-value , choose the Pick Z-value (F5 ) item from the parametric menu.
To define the Distance , choose the Pick Distance (F5 ) item from the Parametric menu.
1. In the SolidWorks window, pick the first point. 2. Confirm the selection with the box. button in the Distance: Pick first point dialog
Pick the second point and confirm it in the same way. The Distance value will be calculated.
Other Parameters
For parameters of other types, the parametric field menu contains only one item: Edit-View (F2 ). Choose it to edit the parameter definition in the Edit window.
If you have made mistakes in defining the operations or used unsuitable milling strategies, the simulation can help you avoid problems you would otherwise experience during the actual production run.
The SolidCAM simulation option enables you to check and view the generated tool path after you have defined and calculated your machining operations. The simulation can help you avoid problems such as mistakes in defining the operations or selection of an unsuitable turning strategy you would otherwise experience during the actual production run. To simulate a an Operation, right-click on its name in the SolidCAM Manager . The Operation menu will be displayed. Click on the Simulate option.
1. You can also simulate a group of selected Operations. After you select the Operations with the Ctrl key, right-click on them and choose the Simulation option from the menu. 2. To simulate all Operations, right-click on the Operations header in the SolidCAM Manager and choose the Simulation option from the menu. The Simulation control panel will be displayed.
Simulation modes
SolidCAM offers various simulation modes:
Simulation Controls
The Simulation controls are used to play, pause and exit the simulation.
Turbo mode . SolidCAM plays the simulation in the computer's memory without displaying it on the screen. The image will be displayed when the simulation is completed or when the Pause button is pressed. Play . Use this button to play the simulation in
Simulation toolbar
The buttons on the toolbar enable you to zoom and pan the simulation picture.
Show Data
Select the Show Data check box to display the Simulation Data dialog box. This dialog box gives you complete information about the tool path.
The X and Z fields display the position of the tool relative to the CoordSys at every step of the simulation. The Time field shows the elapsed machining time of the simulated operations (theoretical value based on feed and distance covered).
This button enables you to display the simulation on a Top view projection of the CAD model. When you click this button, the following dialog box is displayed:
Define This button enables you to define entities of the CAD model that are taken into account in the Top view projection. When you click this button, the following dialog box is displayed:
Select edges Select This option enables you to select the edges of the CAD model using one of the options: Box , Pick or All edges . This option enables you to unselect edges that were previously selected.
Selection Filter This option enables you to select edges on a specific Z-level. Selecting this check box you can either pick the Z-level with the cursor on the model or enter the Z-level value in the dialog box. Once you specify the Z-level, only edges on that level will be picked. Select edges by Box This option enables you to select/unselect edges by enclosing them with a box. This option enables you to select/unselect the edges one by one. This option automatically selects/unselects all the edges. Finish This button confirms building of the chain after you pick the edges. Cancel This button enables you to exit this dialog box.
All edges
Delete This option enables you to delete what you had previously defined. Show on model This option enables you to see the geometry that was selected in the SolidWorks model.
This option enables you to see the tool path and material simulation.
This option displays the Tool Path and Material simulations simultaneously.
Show Material
This option displays the material boundaries after each turning operation.
This option provides a check of the collision of the non-cutting edges of the tool with the material; when such a collision occurs during the simulation, the tool starts blinking and you are prompted whether to continue the checking or whether to revert to regular simulation without checking.
Show 3D
This option displays the 3D model of the turned CAM-Part.
The Sweep Angle slider will be displayed to control the model section angle.
The following buttons are available on this toolbar: These buttons enable you to scale, pan and rotate the model. This button enables you to define the colors for the simulation. The Select Simulation colors dialog box will be displayed.
Click on the color button to define the color. This button enables you to copy the simulation image into the Windows clipboard for future use. These buttons enable you to switch to the shaded/wireframe mode. These buttons enable you to rotate the model into isometric views (Left, Right, etc.) These buttons enable you to show the model in the projection views (Left, Right, Top etc.) This button returns the original position and orientation of the model.
Stop on Next
This option displays the Stop on Next dialog box where you can define the specific point to stop the simulation process.
Tool change - This option stops the simulation every time the tool changes. Feed change - This option stops the simulation every time the feed changes. Tool Steps - Stops the simulation every defined number of tool steps. End of procedure - Stops the simulation at the end of the procedure.
This button clears the simulated tool path and the tool images from the simulation screen.
Click on the Colors button to change the display color of the simulated tool path. The Simulation Colors dialog box will be displayed.
1. To change the tool color, click on the colored box next to the tool number. 2. The standard Windows color dialog box will be displayed. 3. Select the new tool path color for this tool number. 4. Confirm with the OK button. You can use the Reset to Default button to apply the default tool colors, as defined in the CAM Settings dialog box.
Simulation speed
Show Data
Select this check box to display the Simulation Data dialog box. This dialog box gives you complete information about the tool path.
The X , Y , and Z fields display the position of the tool relative to the CoordSys at every step of the simulation. The Feed field displays the current feed rate. The Time field shows the elapsed machining time of the simulated operations (theoretical value based on feed and distance covered).
Show Tool
Show tool toggles on/off a graphic simulation of the tool. The Show tool frequency field shows the frequency with which SolidCAM will show the tool position.
Stop on Next
This option opens the Stop on Next dialog box where you can define the specific point to stop the simulation process.
The options of this dialog box are the following: Tool change. This option stops the simulation every time the tool changes. Feed change. This option stops the simulation every time the feed changes. Tool Steps. Stops the simulation every defined number of tool steps. End of procedure. Stops the simulation at the end of the procedure.
This button clears the simulated tool path and the tool images from the SolidWorks screen.
Click on the Colors button to change the display color of the simulated tool path. The Simulation Colors dialog box will be displayed.
1. To change the tool color, click on the colored box next to the tool number. 2. The standard Windows color dialog box will be displayed. 3. Select the new tool path color for this tool number. 4. Confirm with the OK button .
You can use the Reset to Default button to apply the default tool colors, as defined in the CAM Settings dialog box.
Simulation speed
3D simulation mode
This simulation mode enables you to display the tool path on the 3D model using all the graphic acceleration functionality of OpenGL. The target model must be defined to use this simulation mode.
Simulation toolbar
SolidCAM enables you to use the toolbar to control the simulation in this mode.
The following buttons are available on this toolbar: These buttons are used for model scaling, panning and rotating. This button enables you to remove the simulated tool path from the screen.
With these buttons you can toggle on/off the tool visualization during the simulation. This button enables you to switch the graphic screen between three modes: These buttons enable you to show the model in the projection views (Left, Right, Top, etc.) This button returns the original position and orientation of the model. UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE These buttons switch the simulation to 4/1 view mode. This button enables you to show the Zoom Window with the enlarged image of the model and tool path fragment centered on the mouse position. You can control the zoom factor in the Zoom Window .
These buttons enable you to show the dynamic section of the model. The section slider will be displayed in the graphic area. By moving this slider you can control the section.
Show Data
Select this check box to display the Simulation Data dialog box. This dialog box gives you complete information about the tool path.
Stop on Next
This option opens the Stop on Next dialog box where you can define the specific point to stop the simulation process.
Tool change - This option stops the simulation every time when the tool changes. Feed change - This option stops the simulation every time when the feed changes. Tool Steps - Stops the simulation every defined number of tool steps. End of procedure. Stops the simulation at the end of the procedure.
Click on the Colors button to change the display color of the simulated tool path. The Simulation Colors dialog box will be displayed.
1. To change the tool color, click on the colored box left to the tool number. 2. The standard Windows color dialog box will be displayed. 3. Select the new tool path color for this tool number. 4. Confirm with the OK button . Use the Reset to Default button to apply the default tool colors, as defined in the CAM Settings dialog box.
Simulation speed
Simulation toolbar
The toolbar below enables you to control the simulation in this mode.
Simulation menu
Show Data
Select this check box to display the Simulation Data dialog box. This dialog box gives you complete information about the tool path.
The X , Y , and Z fields display the position of the tool relative to the CoordSys at every step of the simulation. The Feed field displays the current feed rate. The Time field shows the elapsed machining time of the simulated operations (theoretical value based on feed and distance covered).
Stop on next
This option opens the Stop on next dialog box where you can define the specific point to stop the simulation process.
Tool change. This option stops the simulation every time the tool changes. Feed change. This option stops the simulation every time the feed changes. Tool Steps. Stops the simulation every defined number of tool steps. End of procedure. Stops the simulation at the end of each procedure.
This option enables you to clear the simulation and return to the unmachined stock.
Simulation speed
SolidCAM enables you to use the slider to control the Simulation speed .
Single color This option enables you to use a single color for all tools during the simulation process.
1. To change the tool color, click on the colored box left to the tool number. 2. The standard Windows color dialog box will be displayed. 3. Select the new tool path color for this tool number. 4. Confirm with the OK button.
You can use the Reset to Default button to apply the default tool colors, as defined in the CAM Settings dialog box.
Simulation toolbar
The toolbar below enables you to control the simulation in this mode.
Available buttons:
Fit by box The area you want to view in the simulation screen is defined by a box.
Selection mode
The Selection mode enables you to select the solid bodies in the SolidVerify simulat selected body will be highlighted. The right-click menu is available for the each selecte
The Measurement function enables you to measure distances directly on the solid bo SolidVerify window. This enables checking the linear dimensions of the part during si
Light control
This command enables you to change the light source on the solid model in the Simula
To change the light source, click on any location inside the Graphics view, hold the but drag the cursor around within the bounds of the view.
Isometric views button This button enables you to view the CAM-Part in the isometric view.
View buttons
These buttons enable you to view the CAM-Part in the top, left, back, bottom, right or
Tool location
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO the BYtool THETA-SOFTWARE This combo box enables you to control location on the model.
Render mode Displays a shaded view of the model.
Wire mode Displays the CAM-Part and tool movements in wireframe mode.
Hidden line mode Displays the CAM-Part and the tool movements in hidden line wireframe mode.
Activate/Disactivate initialization of machined stock This option is used in the case of single operation simulation.
If this option is turned on, SolidCAM enables you to perform the simulation on the stoc previous operations.
If this option is turned off, SolidCAM performs the simulation on the original unmachin
Show/Hide Tool Shows or hides the tool during simulation. Show/Hide Holder Shows or hides the tool holder during simulation.
Show/Hide Rest Material Shows/hides the rest material on the machined stock model.
Show/Hide Split Solids This option displays the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box.
This dialog box enables you to switch between split solids during the simulation and to pieces of material that have been cut away during the machining.
This option enables you to compare the stock model and target model and assign diffe different rest material areas, depending on their tolerance.
1. Set the tolerance values and colors in the Target and Stock Compar dialog box. 2. Click Execute to show the comparison. 3. Click OK to exit.
Simulation menu
Open Open machined stock from FCT This option enables you to load the machined stock model from the SolidCAM FCT file (*.fct). Open machined stock from STL This option enables you to load the machined stock model from the Stereolithography file (*.stl). Save machined stock to STL This option enables you to save the machined stock model to the Stereolithography file (*.stl).
Compare target and machined stock This option enables you to compare the stock model and target model and assign different colors to different rest material areas, depending on their tolerance. Machined Stock Measurements This option displays the Machined Stock Measurements dialog box where you can see the dimensions and the volume of the Machined stock model.
Visual properties This option enables you to define colors and transparency for the simulation. The Visual Properties dialog box will be displayed.
The Use gradient background option enables you to apply the gradient background to the graphics area. Specify colors for Top Background Color and Bottom Background Color. General
Move tool redraw interval Optimize redraw - This option enables you to expedite the simulation by defining the number of tool movements until the next redraw of the display. The default value is 7. Clash detection SolidCAM enables you to check the possible collisions between different components participating in the machining (tool, tool holder, machined stock model and fixture) during the simulation.
Holders and Stock - this option enables you to check the possible collisions between the tool holder and the machined stock model. Tool and Fixture - this option enables you to check the possible collisions between the tool and the fixture model. Holders and Fixture - this option enables you to check the possible collisions between the tool holder and the fixture. Rest Material and Gouges filter
Remove Rest Material of volume less than: SolidCAM enables you to define the tolerance of the Rest material visualization. Remove Gouge of volume less than: SolidCAM enables you to define the tolerance of the Gouge areas visualization. Target Model Load automatically When this option is turned on, the target model will be loaded automatically when the SolidVerify simulation starts. The Target model loading is necessary for the gouge and rest material calculation in SolidVerify . When this option is turned off, SolidCAM will not load the target model automatically. This feature enables you to increase the SolidVerify loading speed and the simulation performance. The Load Target model icon will be displayed on the simulation toolbar. This button enables you to load the Target model. OpenGL rendering The new functionality is implemented to improve the SolidVerify performance with different graphics adapters. The OpenGL rendering options enables you to switch between the software/hardware OpenGL acceleration.
Software - Disables graphics adapter hardware acceleration and enables graphics rendering using only software. For many graphics cards, this results in slower performance. Select this option only if instructed to do so by technical support. This option enables you to solve the visualisation troubles if your graphics card does not support hardware acceleration, or does not support it for the current combination of resolution, number of colors, refresh rate, and so forth. Hardware - This option is selected by default. The hardware acceleration provided by your graphics adapter will be used. Tool facets type As well as changing the tolerance used for faceting, the application controls the manner in which the faceted tool representation approximates the tool by forcing the representation to be bigger or smaller than the actual tool. For example, if the user wants to know whether the tool gouged the target part, then SolidVerify would probably want to have a tool representation that was guaranteed to lie outside the bounds of the actual tool. Internal - The tool representation lies within the actual tool. The vertices of the tool representation will lie on the surface of the actual tool and the facets will lie within the actual tool. External -The actual tool lies within the tool representation. The vertices will lie at distances up to the faceting tolerance from the surface of the actual tool.
Mixed - This is a combination of Internal and External. The vertices lie outside the actual tool but parts of the facets may lie inside it. This mode is the default and should be used unless there is a specific reason for using one of the other modes as it generates fewer facets and will therefore be faster.
Stock Splitting
The Stock splitting options enable you to control the process of automatic removal of cut off pieces. Do not check for Stock splitting With this option, SolidCAM does not check the simulation solid model for splits. The cut off material pieces can be hidden or removed manually using the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box.
Automatically remove solids that have been split With this option, SolidCAM automatically determines stock splitting. When
the split is determined, SolidCAM compares two resulting solids and automatically removes the smaller one.
Manually select solids to remove With this option, SolidCAM automatically determines stock splitting and the following message is displayed:
Show & Remove. The simulation will be paused and the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box enables you to hide or remove the cut off material pieces. Ignore. The simulation will be continued till the next split is determined. When the simulation is finished, the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box enables you to hide or remove the cut off material pieces. Stop monitoring. The simulation will be continued till the end without monitoring of splits. Accuracy
Tool facet tolerance This option controls the precision of the tool for the simulation. This parameter defines the precision of the facets of a tool in mm (or inches). Since this is an absolute value, the facets tolerance for the small and large tools will be the same. This tolerance will influence the quality of the simulation. The quality of the simulation will be the same for large tools and small tools. The speed of the simulation will be relative to the tool. The simulation of the larger tool will be slower. Tool facets type As well as changing the tolerance used for faceting, the application controls the manner in which the faceted tool representation approximates the tool by forcing the representation to be bigger or smaller than the actual tool. For example, if you want to know whether the tool gouged the target part, then it would be preferable to have a tool representation that was guaranteed to lie outside the bounds of the actual tool. Internal The tool representation lies within the actual tool. The vertices of the tool representation will lie on the surface of the actual tool and the facets will lie within the
actual tool. External The actual tool lies within the tool representation. The vertices will lie at distances up to the faceting tolerance from the surface of the actual tool. Mixed This is a combination of Internal and External. The vertices lie outside the actual tool but parts of the facets may lie inside it. This mode is the default and should be used unless there is a specific reason for using one of the other modes as it generates fewer facets and will therefore be faster.
Many problems occur in SolidVerify simulations if the solids used (Machined Stock model, Target model or Fixture) are not topologically valid. In particular, SolidVerify is likely to encounter problems with solids that contain self-intersections - that is, solids which contain pairs of polygons which overlap each other, or individual polygons whose edges cross. Self intersections can be encountered in the following cases:
The model (Stock, Target or Fixture) is based on a SolidWorks assembly or subassembly containing a number of components. The model (Stock, Target or Fixture) is based on a SolidWorks part containing a number of disjointed solid bodies. The model (Stock, Target or Fixture) is based on a SolidWorks part with corrupted geometry (gaps, self-intersections, etc.). Such self-intersection problems can be solved by SolidWorks tools.
The Measurement function enables you to measure distances directly on the solid bodies in the
UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE SolidVerify window. This enables checking the linear dimensions of the part during simulation.
The Measure Distance dialog box enables you to pick the pair of points directly on the simulation model. The coordinates of the selected points and the distance between them will be displayed in the Measure Distance dialog box.
Selection mode
The Selection mode enables you to select solid bodies in the SolidVerify simulation window.
The selected body will be highlighted. Right-clicking on the selected solid body provides the following commands: View This submenu enables you to choose the view operation commands (Fit, Move, Rotate etc.). These commands are also available in the SolidVerify toolbar.
Properties This option displays the Properties dialog box. This dialog box enables you to edit the visual properties of the selected solid body.
Color This button enables you to choose the color of the selected solid body. Transparency This slider enables you to adjust the transparency level of the selected solid body. Show Edges (Hybrid mode) This option enables you to display in the Hybrid mode all the edges of the selected solid body. The Edge Color option defines the color of the edges. Volume This option displays the volume of the selected solid body.
The format of the NC-program depends on the Controller you selected in the Turning Part data dialog box. The GCode output format can be customized using the GPP interface or by changing the controller's *.mac and *.gpp files.
This command enables you to generate and display the GCode file for the CAM-Part or for machining operations. The GCode file can then be transferred to your CNC-machine using a floppy disk, via a DNC (RS 232) or Ethernet connection. The format of the GCode depends on the Controller you selected in the CAM-Part data dialog box. The GCode output format can be customized either by using the GPP interface or by changing the controller's *.mac and *.gpp files. Contact technical support for more information on post-processor customization.
This option generates all the GCode files for the CAM-Part after which the file will be displayed using the text editor defined in Editors Settings .
If any changes were made in the operation or in the *.mac or the *.gpp post-processor files, you have to generate the GCode again.
GCode All
This command is available when you right-click on the Operations header. You will receive one GCode file including the necessary tool changes, unless you have separated operations or operation groups using split marks . The GCode file will be saved to the CAM-Part's directory and will carry the name: <partname>.tap . GCode for a single operation or for a group of operations
1. Click on the Operation you want to generate the GCode for or select a group of operations using the mouse in combination with the Shift or Ctrl key. Then right-click and choose Generate from the GCode menu.
2. The GCode Filename dialog box prompts you to enter a name for the *.tap file.
This option enables you to display a list of already generated GCode files for the current CAM-Part or operation. The GCode (*.tap) file will be opened with the text editor defined in Editors Settings . Use the editor to change, save or print the GCode file.
This option enables you to copy GCode files. When you choose this option, the list of the generated GCode files for the current CAM-Part is displayed in the Copy GCode dialog box.
1. Choose the *.tap file you want to copy to another directory (for multiple selections use the Ctrl or the Shift key). 2. Transfer the list of files you want to copy to the middle field by pressing the Left to Right arrow. Choose the drive and the directory you want to copy to.THETA-SOFTWARE UNREGISTERED3. VERSION OF CHM TO PDF CONVERTER PRO BY 4. Click on the Copy button to execute the Copy command.
Introduction Installing GPPTool Mac pre-processor parameters Internal post-processor parameters GPPL Language GPPTool system variables GPPTool commands Example: User-defined pre-and post-processor for a Fanuc controller Example: Fanuc GCode file GPPTool Error messages
In the settings dialog box you can change the path to related applications, units, tolerances, default machines, editors, and color settings for SolidCAM. The Settings register enables you to easily view and edit the current program preferences and options.
SolidCAM Settings
In the SolidCAM Settings dialog box, you can change the path to related applications, units, tolerances, default machines, editors, and color settings for SolidCAM. The Settings register enables you to easily view and edit the current program preferences and options.
Auto-save settings External Program settings Synchronization settings Default Geometry Names settings
1. Click on the Browse button. 2. The browser window will be loaded. 3. Choose a folder from the browser.
SolidCAM uses this folder to store Tool Libraries and Machining processes . The *.tab file is the SolidCAM Tool Library file containing detailed information about tools. The *.mpt file is the Machining Process Table file. In addition to this file, SolidCAM creates the Machining VERSION Process Folder a set SolidCAM auxiliary files. UNREGISTERED OF with CHM TOof PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE 1. Click on the Browse button. 2. The browser window will be loaded. 3. Choose a folder from the browser.
received from SolidCAM. The post-processors that come with the evaluation or demo version are installed in the SolidCAM program directory. 1. Click on the Browse button. 2. The browser window will be loaded. 3. Choose the folder you want from the browser.
Units Settings
The Units register enables you to set the unit system, spline approximation and chain tolerances.
This option enables you to select the unit system you want to work with.
Whenever you use a spline edge (NURBS) to select a chain geometry for profiles, working areas, sections, etc., the spline will be transformed to lines. Spline approximation defines the tolerance
Example: When you import an IGES surface, the surface boundaries will usually be defined with spline curves. If you mill the outside contour of the surface with a profile operation, you have to select the boundary as the profile geometry. You will receive straight edges and facets on the contour if you do not adjust UNREGISTERED VERSION OF CHM TO requirements. PDF CONVERTER PRO BY THETA-SOFTWARE the spline approximation to your If you select a tighter tolerance, the G-Code file will show more points on the contour and produce a smoother edge. This tolerance does not affect operations that work on 2D contours such as arcs, lines or circles.
Chain selection
The Auto select function for selecting chain geometries uses certain tolerances to decide whether two consequent elements are connected or independent. The behavior of this function depends on the Gap between the entities.
Gap minimum and Gap maximum tolerance The Auto select can function in three different ways: If the gap between the edges is less than the minimum chain gap , the system automatically continues the chain and closes the gap. If the gap is between the minimum and maximum values, you are asked whether the gap should be closed. If you answer Yes , the gap is automatically closed. If the gap is larger than the maximum value for a chain gap, the following message is displayed: Chain must be continuous.
Constant-Z Tolerance When you work in the Auto Constant Z mode, all connected entities on the same Z-level of the current coordinate system will be selected. This tolerance defines the maximum deviation from the Z plane where an element will still be recognized as being on the same Z-level. It mainly depends on the size of your geometries and the accuracy of your models or imported 2D/3D files which gap and constant-Z tolerance you should use. The default setting can be used for most of the common models, but when you work with very intricate CAM-Parts, for example, a large max. gap tolerance can cause problems as you might close contours in places that should normally be not connected. To avoid this, answer No to the message "Do you want to close the gap? " and switch to single curve mode to make sure you selected the correct elements.
Synchronization settings
Unmarked The synchronization checking will be performed without any message or question.
Synchronization tolerance
These parameters define the value of the synchronization tolerance. During the synchronization check, SolidCAM compares the SolidCAM geometry and the SolidWorks model. If the difference between them is out of the specified tolerance (the SolidWorks model was updated); you have to synchronize the geometry with the updated model. Wireframe Geometry The value of the tolerance for the Wireframe geometry. 3D Model Geometry The value of the tolerance for the 3D Model geometry.
New CAM-Part
Create new CAM-Parts in compressed mode. When this option is active, SolidCAM creates new CAM-Parts in the compressed mode.
Close CAM-Part
Convert non-compressed CAM-Parts to compressed mode. When this option is active, each
You have to define a new location for the SolidCAM Temporary folder. When opening, SolidCAM checks the existence of the temporary folder and possibility to save files in it (via attributes). If the folder does not exist SolidCAM displays the following message.
You have to define a new location for the SolidCAM Temporary folder. If the SolidCAM Temporary folder has attributes permitting file saving (read-only flag), SolidCAM will remove these attributes. If the default folder (C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Setting\SolidCAM Temporary files ) does not exist, but is chosen in SolidCAM Settings, SolidCAM will create it automatically.
Compression factor
This option enables you to control the performance and ratio of the compression for compressed CAM-Parts. A higher setting results in slower compression but more compact compressed CAM-Parts.
Tool settings
This option enables you to update only those tools that were used in operations. Tools that were not used will be removed from the Part Tool Table. Used tools that were not found in the Machine Tool Table will be numbered with the next sequential numbers. Renumber tools from 1 when no machine tool table The option removes all unused tools from the Part Tool Table. The used tools will be renumbered starting from number 1. If this option is not active, SolidCAM removes all unused tools from the Part Tool Table. The used tools will not be renumbered. This option is available only if the Only used tools numbers option is activated and only if the Machine Tool Table is not defined for the MAC of the new CNC-controller.
Import tools
With tool number
This option enables you to import tools to the Part Tool table with their tool numbers. If this check box is not selected, SolidCAM will assign a first free number to the imported tool. This option is not relevant for SolidCAM Turning.
This option enables SolidCAM to automatically make tools Permanent when the Tool Number is
Color settings
The Color Settings register enables you to customize the colors used by SolidCAM.
To change a color, click on the corresponding color button. The standard Windows Color selection dialog box will be displayed, enabling you to pick the desired color.
Customizable display elements: CoordSys : Displays the color of the current Coordinate System . Direction arrow : Displays the color of arrows that indicate the direction of a chain geometry. Point : Displays the color of points during chain selection, e.g. the start point of an element. Numbers : Displays the color of numbers used to identify chain geometries. Section: Displays the color of the section geometries. Clamp: Displays the color of the clamp in SolidCAM Turning. Show tool: Displays the color of the tool shown from the Operation dialog box. Pick highlight : Selected elements, e.g. surfaces, solids, lines, etc. are highlighted using this color. Show chain/3D model/Drill : Displays the color of geometries when you use the Geometry>Show commands. Chain Accept highlight : Displays the color of chains that have been added to the currently active geometry. General chain selection : Color used to highlight entities suggested as consequent elements of the chain in auto select mode. Limit/Working area: Displays the color of the Limit geometry and Working area geometry. Material boundaries: Displays the color of the Material boundaries . Vertical Type Def. Depth: Displays the color of numbers used to identify the depth of the vertical type variable profile depth. Sloped Type Def. Depth: Displays the color of numbers used to identify the depth of the sloped type variable profile depth.
Load default color set This option enables you to load the default colors of SolidCAM. Host CAD background color You can load a pre-defined set of colors for the customizable display elements. These colors have been selected by SolidCAM for the standard background colors of the Host CAD systems used by SolidCAM. Choose the background color of the Host CAD from the list. The Auto adjust option enables you to load the optimal colors for the background of your Host CAD.
When a new geometry is defined, the default name will be displayed in the geometry definition dialog box. You can either confirm it or change it. If the default name is already used for a previously defined geometry, SolidCAM offers you the default name with a next sequential number.
Auto-Save settings
SolidCAM enables you to save your CAM-Part automatically after the geometry is defined or edited.
For each tool number you can define a separate color. The colors selected in this dialog will be used for tools of current and future parts. To change a color, click on the color symbol next to the tool number in the list. The standard Windows Color selection dialog box will be displayed, enabling you to pick the desired color.
Load Default colors Click on this button to load the default SolidCAM color settings for simulation.
DNC settings
This option enables you to define the path for the data transmitting software - the DNC program.
Editors Settings
The Editors register enables you to specify standard editors for text files created by SolidCAM.
Enter the path to a text editor or use the Browse button to select an application on your system.
Select the Multi-Document Editor check box if your editor supports the multi-document mode.
SolidCAM enables you to define a path to an external program (Windows application or batch file) that can be loaded from the SolidCAM menu.
During the launch, the external program will receive the following parameters from SolidCAM: 1. Full path to the loaded CAM-Part; 2. Name of the loaded CAM-Part. For example, the batch file that was defined as External program contains the following string: C:\EditNC\EditNC.exe %1\%2.TAP . The CAM-Part C:\SolidCAM2007R11\User\cavity.prt is loaded. When you launch the external program, SolidCAM transmits the name and the path of the CAM-Part to the batch file. Parameters of the batch file will receive their values and the following command will be executed: C:\EditNC\EditNC.exe C:\SolidCAM200711\User\cavity.TAP.
When this check box is not selected, only the operation names appear in the SolidCAM Manager tree.
GCode generation
This page enables you to define the defaults of the GCode files location and other parameters. These defaults are applied to every newly created CAM-Part. If you want to modify these settings for each Part separately, SolidCAM offers you a similar page in the Part Settings dialog box. The Save GCode files box offers three options to define the parameters related to saving of GCode files:
The Create button enables you to create the folder that will be used for GCode directory in the specified location. The Browse button displays the browser dialog box that enables you to choose another location that will be used for the GCode directory. If the new folder cannot be created, the following message is displayed:
If the chosen folder has the read-only attribute, the following message is displayed after the confirmation of the Browse dialog box or the SolidCAM Settings dialog box:
By default, the GCode directory location is not defined. You have to specify it when you choose the In the GCode directory option for the first time.
Create subfolders for split GCode files When split marks are detected in SolidCAM Manager during the GCode generation for the entire CAM-Part, SolidCAM creates a number of GCode segment files. Each such GCode segment file is created for one or several operations enclosed by split marks. These files are named with the CAMPart name followed by the - sign and the order number of split segment. Split marks are ignored in case of GCode generation for several operations.
With the In the GCode directory option, SolidCAM creates separate CAM-Part GCode folders in the specified folder location. When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box is selected, SolidCAM creates a separate folder for each GCode segment file and saves the GCode segments files there. The folder is created in the GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the specified GCode folder location. The name of the folder is the same as the GCode segment file name.
When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box is not selected, SolidCAM generates all the GCode segment files directly into the GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the specified GCode folder location.
By default, the Create subfolders for split GCode files option is not selected. Create separate folders for each CAM-Part When this check box is selected, SolidCAM creates a folder for each CAM-Part and saves the GCode file there. Otherwise, the GCode files for all CAM-Parts are generated into the GCode directory.
When this check box is selected, you can alter the GCode file name and location. When you click one of the GCode generation commands, the Windows-style Save GCode browser is displayed with the default CAM-Part name and location that might be edited.
All the GCode files previously generated for the current CAM-Part remain in the specified folder. When this check box is not selected, the GCode is generated and automatically saved in the defined location. Do not erase old GCode when generated for CAM-Part/for operations
These check boxes enable you to choose whether the old GCode file generated for the entire CAMPart or for separate operations remain or are removed when a new one is generated. The Do not erase old GCode when generated for CAM-Part check box is not available if the Additional control of GCode check box is not selected.
This page contains two sets of tool data for Milling and Turning tool search. To define the parameters you want to include in the search, select the relevant check boxes. The Select all and Clear all buttons enable you to select or clear all the check boxes in each section separately.
When the Use automatic numbering of SolidCAM Manager items check box is selected on the SolidCAM Manager page of the SolidCAM Settings dialog box, all the items in SolidCAM Manager are numbered.
When a new item is defined between two existing items, SolidCAM performs renumbering in order to assign to each item an updated sequential number.
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (recommended), Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or 4.
Intel Pentium, Intel Xeon, Intel Core, AMD Athlon - class processor.
512 MB RAM or more (1 GB or more recommended for large parts machining).
An OpenGL workstation graphics card (256 MB RAM recommended) and driver.
Mouse or other pointing device; CD drive; Internet Explorer version 6 if you are using the SolidCAM Online Help; For viewing the What's New manual, Adobe Acrobat version 7.0.7 or higher is recommended.
Key type This section displays the type of the key you are using: either Standalone or N etwork . Standalone hardware key enables you to run SolidCAM only on one computer where the key is installed. Network hardware key enables you to run SolidCAM simultaneously on several computers connected to a local area network. There are two types of network hardware keys: nonconfigurable and configurable. A Non-configurable hardware key enables you to use the same set of available SolidCAM modules for all SolidCAM network users. A Configurable hardware key enables you to choose a specific set of modules for each SolidCAM network user. Expiration date This section displays the expiration date of the key. Additional features This section lists the additional modules, with which the current key enables you to work, such as the DNC software. Modules The list of CAM modules you can work with using this key. Seats This section displays the number of computers in the network that share the same hardware key. In case of Standalone type, the Seats number is always 1 . Version This section displays the version of SolidCAM that this key supports. Evaluation When this check box is selected, most machining modules of SolidCAM supported by this key are available for working. Save info This button enables you to save the information about the key as an *.htm file.
When you start SolidCAM, choose the seat configuration to which you want to connect. Click on the corresponding row in the table under Seat configuration selection. The row will become green if you connected to the network successfully or red if the connection failed; in the latter case the error message will be displayed.
Modules The list of CAM modules you can work with using this key. Configuration # (optional) In case you want to know which seat configuration is used on which host, this number enables you to identify the users that are currently using SolidCAM in the network with the help of the Aladdin Monitor utility. You can turn on this option in SolidCAM Settings if needed. Automatically load this seat configuration Select this check box if you wish to always start SolidCAM with the chosen configuration without displaying the Hardware Key Info dialog box. In case of connection failure the error message will be displayed.
Machine Simulation Turning Turn-Mill - XZC-axes Turn-Mill - XYZC-axes Turn-Mill - XYZCB-axes Back Spindle
W2 W4
4. Run the Mak_plag.bat file located in the ..\SolidCAMXXXX\Util folder. It is recommended to run it with the Command Prompt (Start > Programs > Accessories) window. When the Command prompt dialog box is displayed, enter the following commands: Cd <full path for SolidCAM folder>\Util Mak_plag By default, the full Files\SolidCAMXXXX. path for SolidCAM folder is the following: C:\Program