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Urinary System

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Objective 1: Combining forms and suffixes Objective 2: Spelling and pronunciation Objective 3: Urinary system organs Objective 4: Nephron Objective 5: Urine Objective 6: Building terms Objective 7: Vocabulary Objective 8: Pathology Objective 9: Diagnostic procedures Objective 10: Therapeutic procedures Objective 11: Pharmacology Objective 12: Abbreviations 332 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 341 342 342



345 353 367

Student DVD-ROM
Twelve different interactive learning games Flash card generator Audio Glossary Professional Profile videoRegistered dietician Body Rhythms Terminology Translator

Animations 3D interactive animation of urinary system anatomy Blood flow into the glomerulus and production of filtrate Catheterization Drag-and-drop labeling activity for urinary system anatomy Videos Urinalysis Renal failure Kidney stones Peritoneal dialysis Digital library of all figures from text chapter, labeled and unlabeled Test bank with 200 objective questions per chapter plus two short answer questions 20 classroom response questions PowerPoint presentation for classroom or online utilization

Companion Website
Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-in-the-Blank practice questions Labeling exercises Case study Additional Professional Profile information New York Times link for research into specific pathologies Web Destination activities Audio Glossary Link to VangoNotes Link to drug updates

Identify and define the combining forms and suffixes introduced in this chapter. Text pages: 280; PowerPoint slides: 69

Combining Forms azot/o bacteri/o cyst/o glomerul/o glycos/o keton/o lith/o meat/o nephr/o noct/i olig/o pyel/o ren/o ur/o ureter/o urethr/o urin/o Suffixes -lith -lithiasis -ptosis -tripsy -uria Meaning nitrogenous waste bacteria bladder glomerulus sugar, glucose ketones stone meatus kidney night scanty renal pelvis kidney urine ureter; urinary tube urethra urine Meaning stone condition of stones drooping surgical crushing condition of the urine

Medical Terminology Bee

Create PowerPoint flash cards of new combining forms and suffixes presented in this chapter; have all students stand and then define word part; if student is correct, he or she remains standing; if student is wrong, he or she sits down; continue until only one student is standing.

Worksheet 9A

New Combining Form and Suffix Handout


Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Make flash cards


Practice questions

Quiz 9ANew Word Parts Quiz Test BankFill-in-the-Blank questions

Correctly spell and pronounce medical terms and major anatomical structures relating to the urinary system.

Pronunciation for medical terms in this chapter can be found: In parentheses following key terms In the Audio Glossary on Student DVD-ROM In the Audio Glossary at Companion Website

Emphasize to students: Importance of correctly spelling terms. How sounding out terms can assist in learning how to spell the terms.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension of spelling strategies.

Worksheet 9B

Medical Term Analysis 332 Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Terminology Checklist

Can be used to practice pronunciation using the Audio Glossary as reference


Practice Exercises
Flash cards

Look at the definition and write out/ pronounce terms

Student DVD-ROM

Audio Glossary Spelling Challenge game Crossword and Word Search puzzles

Quiz 9BSpelling Quiz Suggested terms: 1. azotemia 2. bacteriuria 3. calculus 4. calyx 5. catheterization 6. cystalgia 7. cystocele 8. diuretic 9. enuresis 10. genitourinary 11. glomerulus 12. pyelonephritis 13. lithotripsy 14. micturition 15. nephrolithiasis 16. nephroptosis 17. peritubular 18. ureterectasis 19. urethralgia 20. incontinence Test Bankquestions

Locate and describe the major organs of the urinary system and their functions. Text pages: 282285; PowerPoint slides: 1020; 3239

Two kidneys located in lumbar region of back behind peritoneum; term for this location is retroperitoneal; main function is to filter and remove waste products from blood Internal structures include: Cortexouter shell-like portion Medullainner area Pyramidstriangular-shaped structures visible in medulla 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Visual Aids

Use full-size anatomical charts and models to illustrate organs.

Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.



Papillatip of each renal pyramid Calyxsmall open area that receives urine from each papilla Renal pelvislarge open area that receives urine from each calyx and empties into ureter


Urine drains down ureter from kidney into urinary bladder; ureters are very narrow tubes extending from renal pelvis to urinary bladder

See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for a 3D animation of urinary system organs. See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for a drag-anddrop anatomy activity; display on screen and have students discuss and place labels during class.

Urinary Bladder
Elastic muscular sac lying in base of pelvis; receives urine directly from ureters; stores urine and excretes it through urethra

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Tubular canal carries urine from bladder to outside of body; external opening is called urinary meatus

Labeling exercises 9.A & 9.B1 Practice Exercises

Student DVD-ROM

Labeling exercise Various questions in learning games


Labeling exercise Practice questions

Quizzes 9C & 9D

May be used as worksheets

Quizzes 9C & 9DLabeling Diagrams Test Bankquestions

Describe the nephron and the mechanisms of urine production. Text pages: 285286; PowerPoint slides: 2131

Functional or working unit of kidney; each consists of renal corpuscle and renal tubule Renal corpuscledouble-walled cuplike structure called glomerular or Bowmans capsule; blood-filtering portion of nephron; capsule contains twisted group of capillaries called glomerulus Renal tubule divided into four areas: (1) proximal convoluted tubule, (2) loop of Henle, (3) distal convoluted tubule, (4) collecting tubule

Visual Aids

Use full-size anatomical charts and models to illustrate how nephron structure relates to its functioning.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

Urine Production
Three stages of urine production: Filtrationfirst stage is filtering of blood; occurs in renal corpuscle; process of removing water, sugar, amino acids, electrolytes, and 334 Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM

See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for an animation illustrating blood flow into the glomerulus and the production of filtrate.

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

other materials from blood by moving fluid out of glomerulus and into Bowmans capsule Reabsorptionprocess begins after filtration when filtrate passes through four sections of tubule; as filtrate moves along its twisted journey, most water and some desirable substances, such as glucose and amino acids, are reabsorbed into bloodstream Secretionfinal stage occurs when special cells of collecting tubules secrete ammonia, uric acid, and other substances directly into tubule; urine formation is now finished and it is passed from collecting tubules to renal pelvis

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Labeling exercise 9.B2 Practice Exercises

Student DVD-ROM

Various questions in learning games


Practice questions

Test Bankquestions

Identify the characteristics of urine and a urinalysis. Text pages: 286287; PowerPoint slides: 4043

Normal Urinalysis Findings
Color Odor Appearance Specific gravity pH Protein Glucose Ketones Blood Straw colored, pale yellow, to deep gold Aromatic Clear 1.0101.030 5.08.0 Negative to trace None None Negative

Review actual urinalysis report.

See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for video on the topics of Urinalysis and Specimen Collection.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

Implications of Abnormal Urinalysis

Colorvaries depending on patients fluid intake and output or medication; brown or black color indicates serious disease process Odorfetid or foul may indicate infection; fruity odor may be found in diabetes mellitus, dehydration, or starvation; other odors may be due to medication or foods Appearancecloudiness may mean presence of infection Specific gravityconcentrated urine has higher specific gravity; dilute urine, such as with diabetes insipidus, acute tubular necrosis, or salt-restricted diets, has lower specific gravity pHvalue below 7.0 (acidic) is common in urinary tract infections, metabolic or respiratory acidosis, diets high in fruits or vegetables, or administration of some drugs; higher than 7.0 (basic or alkaline) is common in metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, fever, high-protein diets, and when taking ascorbic acid Proteinmay indicate glomerulonephritis or preeclampsia in pregnant woman 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM

Learning games

Practice questions

Test Bankquestions



Glucosesmall amounts may be present as result of eating highcarbohydrate meal, stress, pregnancy, and when taking some medications, such as aspirin or corticosteroids; higher levels may indicate poorly controlled diabetes, Cushings syndrome, or infection Ketonespresence may indicate poorly controlled diabetes, dehydration, starvation, or ingestion of large amounts of aspirin Bloodmay indicate some anemias; presence of certain medications (such as blood thinners); arsenic poisoning; reactions to transfusion, trauma, burns, and convulsions

Build and define urinary system medical terms from word parts. Text pages: 288290; PowerPoint slides: 4456

Combining Form cyst/o Medical Term cystalgia cystectomy cystogram cystic cystitis cystolith cystostomy cystotomy cystopexy cystoplasty cystorrhagia cystoscope lithotripsy lithotomy nephrectomy nephrogram nephritis nephrolith nephrologist nephromalacia nephromegaly nephroma nephrosis nephroptosis nephrostomy nephrotomy nephropathy nephropexy nephrolithiasis nephrosclerosis pyelogram pyelitis pyeloplasty Definition bladder pain excision of bladder record of bladder pertaining to bladder bladder inflammation bladder stone create new opening into bladder incision into bladder surgical fixation of bladder surgical repair of bladder rapid bleeding from bladder instrument used to visually examine bladder surgical crushing of a stone incision to remove a stone excision of a kidney X-ray of kidney kidney inflammation kidney stone specialist in kidney softening of kidney enlarged kidney kidney tumor abnormal kidney condition drooping kidney create new opening into kidney incision into kidney kidney disease surgical fixation of (floating) kidney condition of kidney stones hardening of the kidney X-ray record of renal pelvis renal pelvis inflammation surgical repair of renal pelvis

Reinforce how many words in the urinary system can be constructed from word parts. Read aloud urinary system words that are made up of word parts; have students identify parts and define terms, either aloud or individually on paper. Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

lith/o nephr/o

Worksheet 9B

Medical Term Analysis

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review
Quiz 9E

May be used as a worksheet


Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions




2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

ren/o ur/o ureter/o


renal urologist urology ureteral ureterectasis ureterolith ureterostenosis urethral urethralgia urethritis urethrorrhagia urethroscope

urin/o Suffix -uria

pertaining to kidneys specialist in urinary system study of urinary system pertaining to ureter ureter dilation ureter stone narrowing of ureter pertaining to the urethra urethra pain urethra inflammation rapid bleeding from urethra instrument to visually examine urethra urethrostenosis narrowing of urethra urinometer instrument to measure urine urinary pertaining to urine Medical Term Definition anuria condition of no urine (produced by kidney) bacteriuria bacteria in urine dysuria condition of difficult or painful urination glycosuria condition of sugar in urine hematuria condition of blood in urine ketonuria ketones in urine nocturia condition of frequent nighttime urination oliguria condition of scanty amount of urine polyuria condition of (too) much urine proteinuria protein in urine pyuria condition of pus in urine

Quiz 9EWord Building Quiz Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions

Identify and define urinary system vocabulary terms. Text pages: 290291; PowerPoint slides: 5761

anuria azotemia calculus catheter complete suppression of urine formed by kidneys and a complete lack of urine excretion accumulation of nitrogenous waste in bloodstream; occurs when kidney fails to filter these wastes from blood stone formed within organ by accumulation of mineral salts; found in kidney, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, or urethra; plural is calculi flexible tube inserted into body for purpose of moving fluids into or out of body; most commonly used in reference to a tube threaded through urethra into bladder to withdraw urine increased formation and secretion of urine

Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.
Jeopardy Game

Have students create questions for terms in this section for a Jeopardy game to be played in classmay be combined with Pathology, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic terms.
Pop Questions


Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



enuresis frequency

hesitancy micturition nephrology renal colic stricture uremia urgency urinary incontinence urinary retention urology voiding

involuntary discharge of urine after age by which bladder control should have been established; usually by age 5; also called bed-wetting at night greater-than-normal occurrence in urge to urinate, without increase in total daily volume of urine; frequency is indication of inflammation of bladder or urethra decrease in force of urine stream, often with difficulty initiating flow; often a symptom of a blockage along urethra, such as enlarged prostate gland another term for urination branch of medicine involved in diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of kidney; physician is nephrologist pain caused by kidney stone; can be excruciating pain and generally requires medical treatment narrowing of passageway in urinary system accumulation of waste products (especially nitrogenous wastes) in bloodstream; associated with renal failure feeling need to urinate immediately involuntary release of urine; in some patients indwelling catheter is inserted into bladder for continuous urine drainage inability to fully empty bladder; often indicates blockage in urethra branch of medicine involved in diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of urinary system; physician is a urologist another term for urination

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist Medical Record Analysis Chart Note Transcription

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions Case Study

Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions

Identify and define selected urinary system pathology terms. Text pages: 291293; PowerPoint slides: 6269

Kidney acute tubular necrosis damage to renal tubules due to presence of toxins (ATN) in urine or to ischemia; results in oliguria diabetic accumulation of damage to glomerulus capillaries nephropathy due to chronic high blood sugars of diabetes mellitus glomerulonephritis inflammation of kidney (primarily of the glomerulus); since glomerular membrane is inflamed, it becomes more permeable and will allow protein and blood cells to enter filtrate; results in protein in urine (proteinuria) and hematuria hydronephrosis distention of renal pelvis due to urine collecting in kidney; often result of obstruction of ureter nephrolithiasis presence of calculi in kidney; usually begins with solidification of salts present in urine

Select two students to do 5-minute presentations of their Internet research in class. Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.
Jeopardy Game

Have students create questions for terms in this section for a Jeopardy game to be played in class may be combined with Vocabulary, Diagnostic, & Therapeutic terms.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.



2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

nephrotic syndrome (NS) nephroptosis polycystic kidneys pyelonephritis

renal cell carcinoma renal failure

Wilms tumor Urinary Bladder bladder cancer

damage to glomerulus resulting in protein appearing in urine, proteinuria, and corresponding decrease in protein in bloodstream downward displacement of kidney out of normal location; commonly called floating kidney formation of multiple cysts within kidney tissue. Results in the destruction of normal kidney tissue and uremia inflammation of renal pelvis and kidney; one of most common types of kidney disease; may be result of lower urinary tract infection that moved up to kidney by way of ureters; may be large quantities of white blood cells and bacteria in urine; blood (hematuria) may even be present in urine in this condition; can occur with any untreated or persistent case of cystitis cancerous tumor that arises from kidney tubule cells inability of kidneys to filter wastes from blood resulting in uremia; may be acute or chronic; major reason for patient being placed on dialysis malignant kidney tumor found most often in children


See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for video on the topics of renal failure and kidney stones
Visual Aids

Obtain a copy of IVP film to show in class, possibly one displaying calculus.

Internet research

Have students select a specific pathology and use Internet resources to research its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments.
Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist Medical Record Analysis Chart Note Transcription

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


cancerous tumor that arises from cells lining bladder; major symptom is hematuria bladder neck obstruc- blockage of bladder outlet; often caused by ention (BNO) larged prostate gland in males cystocele hernia or protrusion of urinary bladder into wall of vagina interstitial cystitis disease of unknown cause in which there is inflammation and irritation of bladder; most commonly seen in middle-aged women neurogenic bladder loss of nervous control that leads to retention; may be caused by spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis urinary tract infecinfection, usually from bacteria, of any organ of tion (UTI) urinary system; most often begins with cystitis and may ascend into ureters and kidneys; most common in women because of their shorter urethra

Practice questions Case Study Web Destination activity on kidney stones New York Times link for research into specific pathologies

Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Identify and define selected urinary system diagnostic procedures. Text pages: 293294; PowerPoint slides: 7076

Clinical Laboratory Test blood urea nitrogen (BUN) clean catch specimen blood test to measure kidney function by level of nitrogenous waste (urea) in blood urine sample obtained after cleaning off urinary opening and catching or collecting sample in midstream (halfway through urination process) to minimize contamination from genitalia creatinine clearance test of kidney function; creatinine is waste product cleared from bloodstream by kidneys; for test, urine is collected for 24 hours and amount of creatinine is compared to amount of creatinine remaining in bloodstream urinalysis (U/A, UA) laboratory test consisting of physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine urine culture and sensi- laboratory test of urine for bacterial infection; tivity (C & S) attempt to grow bacteria on culture medium in order to identify it and determine which antibiotics it is sensitive to Diagnostic Imaging cystography process of instilling contrast material or dye into bladder by catheter to visualize urinary bladder on X-ray excretory urography injecting dye into bloodstream and taking (EU) X-ray to trace action of kidney as it excretes dye intravenous pyelogram injecting contrast medium into vein and then (IVP) taking X-ray to visualize renal pelvis kidneys, ureters, blad- X-ray taken of abdomen demonstrating kidder (KUB) neys, ureters, and bladder without using any contrast dye; also called flat-plate abdomen retrograde pyelogram diagnostic X-ray in which dye is inserted through urethra to outline bladder, ureters, and renal pelvis voiding cystourethrog- X-ray taken to visualize urethra while patient is raphy (VCUG) voiding after contrast dye has been placed in bladder Endoscopic Procedure cystoscopy visual examination of urinary bladder using instrument called cystoscope

Review an actual urine culture and sensitivity report. Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.

See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for a video on the topic of urinalysis.
Jeopardy Game

Have students create questions for terms in this section for a Jeopardy game to be played in classmay be combined with Vocabulary, Pathology, and Therapeutic terms.
Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist Medical Record Analysis Chart Note Transcription

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions Case Study New York Times link for research into specific diagnostic procedures

Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions



2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Identify and define selected urinary system therapeutic procedures. Text pages: 294296; PowerPoint slides: 7784

Medical Treatments catheterization extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) hemodialysis (HD) insertion of tube through urethra and into urinary bladder for purpose of withdrawing urine or inserting dye use of ultrasound waves to break up stones; process does not require invasive surgery use of artificial kidney machine that filters blood of person to remove waste products; use of technique in patients who have defective kidneys is lifesaving removal of toxic waste substances from body by placing warm chemically balanced solutions into peritoneal cavity; wastes are filtered out of blood across peritoneum; used in treating renal failure and certain poisonings destroying or crushing stones in bladder or urethra incision into meatus in order to enlarge opening of urethra surgical incision to directly remove stones from kidney surgical placement of donor kidney

Write sentences on the board using common words; have students substitute correct medical terms.
Jeopardy Game

Have students create questions for terms in this section for a Jeopardy game to be played in classmay be combined with Vocabulary, Pathology, and Diagnostic terms.
Pop Questions

peritoneal dialysis

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.
Visual Aids

Surgical Treatments lithotripsy meatotomy nephrolithotomy renal transplant

Purchase a Foley catheter kit from a medical supply house and illustrate how the balloon is inflated to anchor catheter in the bladder.

See PowerPoint presentation on the Instructors Resource DVD for video on the topics of catheterization and peritoneal dialysis.
Guest Speaker

Invite a dialysis technician to speak to the class about hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist Medical Record Analysis Chart Note Transcription

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions Case Study Web Destination activity on kidney transplants New York Times link for research into specific treatment procedures

Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 341

Identify and define selected medications relating to the urinary system. Text page: 296; PowerPoint slide: 85

Classification Action Antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections of urinary tract Antispasmodic medication to prevent or reduce bladder muscle spasms Diuretics medication that increases volume of urine produced by kidneys; useful in treatment of edema, kidney failure, heart failure, and hypertension Generic and Brand Names ciprofloxacin, Cipro; nitrofurantoin, Macrobid oxybutynin, Ditropan; neostigmine, Prostigmine furosemide, Lasix; spironolactone, Aldactone

Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

Have students use a PDR and/or the Internet to look up additional information regarding these medications, such as dosage, side effects, and contraindications
Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review

Practice Exercises Terminology Checklist

Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions

Test Bankquestions

Define selected abbreviations associated with the urinary system. Text page: 297; PowerPoint slides: 8690

AGN ARF ATN BNO BUN C&S cath Cl CRF cysto ESRD ESWL 342 acute glomerulonephritis acute renal failure acute tubular necrosis bladder neck obstruction blood urea nitrogen culture and sensitivity catheterization chloride chronic renal failure cystoscopic exam end-stage renal disease extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM

Emphasize importance of learning abbreviations and their full meanings; point out how some abbreviations, such as UTI, I&O, and BUN are typically used rather than full terms. Write sentences on the board using medical terms; have students substitute correct abbreviations for the terms. Encourage students to add abbreviations to their flash cards.

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.


excretory urography genitourinary bicarbonate hemodialysis water intake and output intravenous pyelogram potassium kidney, ureter, bladder milliliter sodium nephrotic syndrome acidity or alkalinity of urine retrograde pyelogram specific gravity urinalysis urine culture urinary tract infection voiding cystourethrography

Memory Game

Have students assist in creating a memory game to be played in class.

Pop Questions

Use Clicker questions as either a pretest or posttest quiz to gauge student comprehension during lecture.

Worksheet 9C

Chapter Review
Quiz 9F

May be used as a worksheet


Practice Exercises
Student DVD-ROM

Learning games Flash cards


Practice questions

Quiz 9FAbbreviations Quiz Quiz 9GChapter Review Test Bankquestions

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Worksheet 9A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.

Combining Forms
1. azot/o 2. bacteri/o 3. cyst/o 4. glomerul/o 5. glycos/o 6. keton/o 7. lith/o 8. meat/o 9. nephr/o 10. noct/i 11. olig/o 12. pyel/o 13. ren/o 14. ur/o 15. ureter/o 16. urethr/o 17. urin/o 18. vesic/o

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Chapter Term
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

19. -lith 20. -lithiasis 21. -ptosis 22. -tripsy 23. -uria _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 345

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Worksheet 9B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term presented below by listing and defining each of the word parts used to build each term.

Medical Term
1. necrosis

Word Part Analysis

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

2. antibiotic

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

3. azotemia

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

4. cystocele

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. cystography

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

6. cystoscopy

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

7. urography

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

8. glomerular

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

9. glomerulonephritis

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

10. hydronephrosis

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

11. intravenous

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (Continued )

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



12. meatotomy

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

13. nephrolithotomy

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

14. nephrology

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

15. nephrotic

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

16. neurogenic

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

17. peritubular

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

18. polycystic

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

19. pyelonephritis

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

20. carcinoma

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

21. retroperitoneal

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

22. uremia

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

23. urinalysis

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (Continued )



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24. urography

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

25. urology

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

26. cystourethrography

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Worksheet 9C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The organs of the urinary system are the ______________, ______________, ______________, and ______________. 2. The functional unit of the kidneys is the ______________. 3. The main function of the urinary system is to ______________. 4. The outer region of the kidney is the ______________ and the inner region is the ______________. 5. The renal corpuscle consists of the ______________ and ______________. 6. The kidneys are responsible for ______________ or balance in the body. 7. The three stages of urine production are: ______________, ______________, and ______________. 8. ______________ indicates the amount of dissolved substances in the urine. 9. Urine is normally ______________ colored and 95 percent ______________. 10. Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder in the ______________ and from the bladder to the outside of the body in the ______________.

Word Building
Directions: Build a term that means: 1. excision of the bladder 2. bladder pain 3. surgical crushing of a stone 4. kidney softening 5. kidney tumor 6. kidney disease 7. ureter stone 8. narrowing of the urethra 9. condition of sugar in the urine 10. condition of pus in the urine __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ (Continued ) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 351

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. calculus 2. urgency 3. enuresis 4. micturition 5. hesitancy 6. hydronephrosis 7. nephroptosis 8. cystocele 9. renal failure 10. Wilms tumor 11. neurogenic bladder 12. hematuria 13. BUN 14. U/A 15. IVP 16. urine C&S 17. kidneys, ureter, bladder 18. cystoscopy 19. catheterization 20. hemodialysis 21. ESWL 22. renal transplant 23. clean catch specimen 24. antibiotic 25. diuretic a. protrusion of bladder into vaginal wall b. urinalysis c. decrease in the force of the urine stream d. a flat abdomen X-ray e. commonly seen in children f. medication to increase urine volume g. involuntary discharge of urine h. artificial filtering waste from blood i. may be caused by spinal cord injury j. treatment for kidney stones k. X-ray of renal pelvis l. stone m. implantation of a donor kidney n. accumulation of urine in renal pelvis o. test that grows bacteria in a culture medium p. collects uncontaminated urine for testing q. feeling need to urinate immediately r. blood in the urine s. medication to treat bacterial infection t. floating kidney u. insertion of a flexible tube into the bladder v. another term for urination w. blood test for kidney function x. visual exam of the bladder y. inability of the kidneys to filter wastes



2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Name _______________________________________

Date ______________

Score __________

Quiz 9A
New Word Parts Quiz
Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided. 1. azot/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. bacteri/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. cyst/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. glomerul/o __________________________________________________________________________ 5. glycos/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. keton/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. lith/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. meat/o _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. nephr/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. noct/i ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. olig/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. pyel/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. ren/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 14. ur/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 15. ureter/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 16. urethr/o ____________________________________________________________________________ 17. urin/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 18. -lith ________________________________________________________________________________ 19. -lithiasis ____________________________________________________________________________ 20. -ptosis ______________________________________________________________________________ 21. -tripsy ______________________________________________________________________________ 22. -uria _______________________________________________________________________________

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Name _______________________________________

Date ______________

Score __________

Quiz 9B
Spelling Quiz
Directions: Write each term as your instructor pronounces it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Name _______________________________________

Date ______________

Score __________

Quiz 9C
Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the structures of the urinary system.

1. __________________

3. __________________

2. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Name _______________________________________

Date ______________

Score __________

Quiz 9D
Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the internal structures of the kidney.

1. __________________ 2. __________________

3. __________________ 4. __________________

5. __________________

6. __________________

7. __________________

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Name _______________________________________

Date ______________

Score __________

Quiz 9E
Word Building Quiz
Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below. 1. bladder pain _________________________________________________________________________ 2. bladder inflammation _________________________________________________________________ 3. bladder stone ________________________________________________________________________ 4. surgical repair of the bladder ____________________________________________________________ 5. rapid bleeding from the bladder _________________________________________________________ 6. instrument used to visually examine the bladder ____________________________________________ 7. condition of sugar in the urine __________________________________________________________ 8. surgical crushing of a stone _____________________________________________________________ 9. softening of the kidney ________________________________________________________________ 10. kidney tumor ________________________________________________________________________ 11. drooping kidney ______________________________________________________________________ 12. surgical fixation of (floating) kidney ______________________________________________________ 13. kidney disease _______________________________________________________________________ 14. hardening of the kidney ________________________________________________________________ 15. condition of (frequent) nighttime urination ________________________________________________ 16. X-ray record of the renal pelvis __________________________________________________________ 17. surgical repair of the renal pelvis _________________________________________________________ 18. condition of pus in the urine ____________________________________________________________ 19. narrowing of a ureter __________________________________________________________________ 20. urethra inflammation _________________________________________________________________ 21. instrument to visually examine the urethra ________________________________________________ 22. condition of no urine (produced by kidney) _______________________________________________ 23. condition of difficult or painful urination _________________________________________________ 24. condition of blood in the urine __________________________________________________________ 25. condition of (too) much urine __________________________________________________________ 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 361

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Quiz 9F
Abbreviations Quiz
Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands. 1. AGN ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ARF _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ATN _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. BNO ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. BUN _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. cath ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Cl ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. CRF _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. C&S _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. cysto _______________________________________________________________________________ 11. ESWL ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. EU ________________________________________________________________________________ 13. HD ________________________________________________________________________________ 14. H2O _______________________________________________________________________________ 15. I&O _______________________________________________________________________________ 16. IVP ________________________________________________________________________________ 17. K+ _________________________________________________________________________________ 18. KUB _______________________________________________________________________________ 19. Na+ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20. RP ________________________________________________________________________________ 21. SG, sp. gr. ___________________________________________________________________________ 22. U/A, UA ___________________________________________________________________________ 23. UC ________________________________________________________________________________ 24. UTI _______________________________________________________________________________ 25. VCUG _____________________________________________________________________________ 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 363

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Quiz 9G
Chapter Review
PART I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the correct answer. 1. Excision of a kidney is called a. nephrectomy. b. nephropexy. c. nephrotomy. d. renectomy. 2. A distention of the renal pelvis due to urine collecting in the kidney, often the result of obstruction, is a. nephrolithiasis. b. hydronephrosis. c. cystocele. d. pyelonephritis. 3. In nephromegaly there is a. an enlargement in the kidney. b. a stone present in the kidney. c. an inflammation of the kidney. d. a prolapse of the kidney. 4. The abbreviation UTI stands for a. urethral toxic infection. b. ureter total inflammation. c. urinary tract incontinence. d. urinary tract infection. 5. The medical term for abnormal kidney condition is a. nephroptosis. b. nephrosis. c. nephromalacia. d. nephritis. 6. The act of voiding urine is called a. nocturia. b. micturition. c. oliguria. d. urodynia. 7. What is inflammation of the bladder called? a. nephritis b. urinary tract infection c. cystitis d. pyelitis 8. What is the use of an artificial kidney machine to filter the blood of a person to remove waste products called? a. catheterization b. hemodialysis c. dwell time d. BUN 9. What is the medical term for ureteral narrowing? a. ureterostenosis b. ureterolysis c. ureterosclerosis d. urethrostenosis 10. What is the functional unit of the kidney? a. glomerulus b. renal tubule c. nephron d. renal corpuscle

(Continued ) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 9/URINARY SYSTEM 365

PART II: Matching

Directions: Match the term with its definition. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. polyuria 2. dysuria 3. pyuria 4. oliguria 5. nocturia 6. enuresis 7. hematuria 8. ketonuria 9. anuria a. scanty amount of urine b. condition of blood in urine c. condition of too much urine d. condition of ketones in urine e. frequent nighttime urination f. difficult urination g. complete lack of urine secretion h. condition of pus in urine i. bed-wetting at night

PART III: Abbreviations

Directions: Write the full meaning of the following abbreviations. 1. BUN _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. GU ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. IVP ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. KUB _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. CRF _______________________________________________________________________________



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Chapter 9 Answer Keys

Worksheet 9A Answer Key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. nitrogenous waste bacteria urinary bladder glomerulus sugar, glucose ketones stone meatus kidney night scanty renal pelvis 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. kidney urine ureter urethra urine bladder stone condition of stones drooping surgical crushing condition of the urine

Worksheet 9B Answer Key

1. necr/o = death; -osis = abnormal condition 2. anti- = against; bi/o = life; -tic = pertaining to 3. azot/o = nitrogenous waste; -emia = blood condition 4. cyst/o = bladder; -cele = hernia/protrusion 5. cyst/o = bladder; -graphy = process of recording 6. cyst/o = bladder; -scopy = process of viewing 7. ur/o = urine; -graphy = process of recording 8. glomerul/o = glomerulus; -ar = pertaining to 9. glomerul/o = glomerulus; nephr/o = kidney; -itis = inflammation 10. hydr/o = water; nephr/o = kidney; -osis = abnormal condition 11. intra- = within; ven/o = vein; -ous = pertaining to 12. meat/o = meatus; -otomy = incision 13. nephr/o = kidney; lith/o = stone; -otomy = incision 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. nephr/o = kidney; -ology = study of nephr/o = kidney; -tic = pertaining to neur/o = nerve; -genic = producing peri- = around; tubule = not a standard word part; -ar = pertaining to poly- = many; cyst = not a standard word part; -ic = pertaining to pyel/o = renal pelvis; nephr/o = kidney; -itis = inflammation carcin/o = cancer; -oma = tumor retro- = backwards; peritone/o = peritoneum; -al = pertaining to ur/o = urine; -emia = blood condition urin/o = urine; -lysis = to break ur/o = urine; -graphy = process of recording ur/o = urine; -ology = study of cyst/o = bladder; urethr/o = urethra; -graphy = process of recording

Worksheet 9C Answer Key

Anatomy and Physiology

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra nephron filter and remove waste from the blood cortex; medulla glomerulus; Bowmans (glomerular) capsule

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

homeostasis filtration, reabsorption, and secretion Specific gravity straw; water ureters; urethra

2009 Pearson Education, Inc.



Word Building

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

cystectomy cystalgia lithotripsy nephromalacia nephroma

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

nephropathy ureterolith urethrostenosis glycosuria pyuria


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

l q g v c n t a y e i r w

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

b k o d x u h j m p s f

Quiz 9A Answer Key

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. nitrogenous waste bacteria bladder glomerulus sugar, glucose ketones stone meatus kidney night scanty 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. renal pelvis kidney urine ureter urethra urine stone condition of stones drooping surgical crushing condition of the urine

Quiz 9B Answer Key

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. azotemia bacteriuria calculus calyx catheterization cystalgia cystocele diuretic enuresis genitourinary 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. glomerulus pyelonephritis lithotripsy micturition nephrolithiasis nephroptosis peritubular ureterectasis urethralgia incontinence



2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Quiz 9C Answer Key

1. kidney 2. urinary bladder 3. ureter 4. male urethra 5. female urethra

Quiz 9D Answer Key

1. 2. 3. 4. cortex medulla calyx renal pelvis 5. renal papilla 6. renal pyramid 7. ureter

Quiz 9E Answer Key

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. cystalgia cystitis cystolith cystoplasty cystorrhagia cystoscope glycosuria lithotripsy nephromalacia nephroma nephroptosis nephropexy nephropathy 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. nephrosclerosis nocturia pyelogram pyeloplasty pyuria ureterostenosis urethritis urethroscope anuria dysuria hematuria polyuria

Quiz 9F Answer Key

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. acute glomerulonephritis acute renal failure acute tubular nephrosis bladder neck obstruction blood urea nitrogen catheterization chloride chronic renal failure culture and sensitivity cystoscopy end-stage renal disease extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy excretory urography genitourinary bicarbonate hemodialysis 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. water input and output intravenous pyelogram potassium kidneys, ureters, bladder milliliter sodium nephrotic syndrome acidity or alkalinity retrograde pyelogram specific gravity urinalysis urine culture urinary tract infection voiding cystourethrography

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Quiz 9G Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

c f h a e

6. 7. 8. 9.

i b d g


1. blood urea nitrogen 2. genitourinary 3. intravenous pyelogram

4. kidneys, ureter, bladder 5. chronic renal failure



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