Apes - Chapter 4 Botkin Keller-8th
Apes - Chapter 4 Botkin Keller-8th
Apes - Chapter 4 Botkin Keller-8th
Learning Objectives: The human population has been growing rapidly for centuries. What is happening and, most important, what will happen to all of us and our planet if this continues? After reading this chapter, you should understand that . . . * Ultimately, there can be no long-term solutions to environmental problems unless the human population stops increasing; * Two major questions about the human population are (1) what controls its rate of growth and (2) how many people Earth can sustain; * Modern medical practices and improvements in sanitation, control of disease-spreading organisms, and supplies of human necessities have lowered death rates and accelerated the net rate of human population growth; * Although the death rate has declined, so more people live longer, the rapid increase in the human population has occurred with little or no change in the maximum lifetime of an individual, which is still less than 120 years; * In general, countries with a high standard of living have moved more quickly to a lower birth rate than have countries with a low standard of living; * Although we cannot predict with absolute certainty what the future human carrying capacity of Earth will be, an understanding of human population dynamics can help us make useful forecasts; 1: List the symptoms and vectors (how spread) of the following disease: * H1N1 (Swine Flu): Combination of u found in pig. Worldwide disease outbreak. Travel rapid. * West Nile Virus: Inected birds biting people.
* SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome): Transportation spread. People died. 2: Why are diseases that affect humans expected to increase in the future?
Because the population is growing. The growth and size.
Kearny High School- APES Chapter #4- Guided Viewing Botkin & Keller- 8th Edition
* Species:
* Demography: Statical study of human population. 4: What are the 5 key properties of any population? Abundance. Growth, age, birth and death rates. 5: What are the 4 phases of the human population? Birth, Reproduction, abundance, Death.
6: Define the following terms: * Crude Birth Rate: Total number of Birth per 1000 of the popu. each year.
* Crude Death Rate: Number/ rate of Death of the popul. per unit time. compares/ difference b/t birth and death rate.
* TFR (Total Fertility Rate): The average rate that a woman would have of babies.
S means the increase gradually at rst. The more hight/ faster growth per.
Kearny High School- APES Chapter #4- Guided Viewing Botkin & Keller- 8th Edition 8: Explain this equation: P2 = P1 + (B - D) + (I - E) P: People, individuals. B: Birth. D: Death. 9: Explain this equation: g = (B -D)/N or g = G/N B: Birth, D: Death. G: Growth. 10: What does an age-structure pyramid show? The number of people that live at a certain age. The rate.
11: Summarize (one paragraph) The Prophecy of Thomas Malthus: The prophecy has some connection to the game hydrophobias. Also many articles talks about over population. This articles can be use with connection to discovered whats going to happen.
13: What is the difference between a maximum lifetime and life expectancy?
Maximum: Is all it can get, lifetime that can be lived. . Expectancy; can be. Estimated. T
14: Which country has the highest life expectancy? Who is 2nd?
Japan. Second: Singapore.
16: Which country has the shortest life expectancy? Swaziland. 17: When discussing the carrying capacity of the Earth- What are the: The time that passes till maturity, or payable. * Short-Term Factors: 1 year. * Intermediate-Term Factors:
10 years.
Kearny High School- APES Chapter #4- Guided Viewing Botkin & Keller- 8th Edition
18: Explain how the carrying capacity of the Earth is a combination of science and of values.
Because it depends on the effects of process, and the methods that we use to control it.
19: What is the simplest and most effective means of slowing population growth? The delay of age of the rst childbearing. 20: Three characteristics of a population are the birth rate, growth rate, and death rate. How has each been affected by (a) modern medicine, (b) modern agriculture, and (c) modern industry?
A: More cure to sickness. B: More food. C: More place to live.
21: What is meant by the statement What is good for an individual is not always good for a population? It can only help one, but if everyone does it then it loses the meaning. 22: What environmental factors are likely to increase the chances of an outbreak of an epidemic disease? Pollutions and epidemics. If they are not threat it can cause death, and sickness. 23:What is the demographic transition? When would one expect replacement-level fertility to be achievedbefore, during, or after the demographic transition? Rate from hight to low of Birth and death. It would be after. 24: Based on the history of human populations in various countries, how would you expect the following to change as per capita income increased: (a) birth rates, (b) death rates, (c) average family size, and (d) age structure of the population? Explain.