DR Puma's CS Coaching For SUCCESS SKYPE ME @: DR - Puma - Cs - Coach
DR Puma's CS Coaching For SUCCESS SKYPE ME @: DR - Puma - Cs - Coach
DR Puma's CS Coaching For SUCCESS SKYPE ME @: DR - Puma - Cs - Coach
Dear Drs , I AM SENDING YOU THE COMPLETE PN......BY COMPLETE I MEAN I HAVE LISTED THE MAX STUFF IN EACH SYSTEM HEADING....i SUGGEST YOU MEMORISE IT FULLY.In the real exam just pick n write what you feel is appropriate. PE GA (general appearance): NAD (no acute distress)/pacing around the room/quiet VS: Always write the 4 vital signs given. If no time: WNL (within normal limits). HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, throat): Atraumatic, normocephalic, EOMI, PERRLA, Fundi: red reflex intact. TM (tympanic membrane) WNL B/L Neck: supple, no bruit, lymphadenopaty, thyroid normal Lungs: CTA & P B/L. (Clear to auscultation and percussion; thats all they write in PN) Palpation and percution WNL Heart: S1S2 +, RRR, no murmur (thats all) or rubs (RMG = rubs, murmur, gallop). PMI not displaced. No JVD. Carotid, radial, DP, PT pulse WNL & equal B/L ABD: NT ND BS + all 4Q . Neg Rovsigs, psoas, obturator, Murphys, CVA Extremities: edema, lymphadenopaty, pulses + B/L; Musculoskeletal: ROM normal in shoulders B/L and neck. No tenderness, redness, swelling or effusions noted. No muscle atrophy. CNS: Grossly normal (if non-CNS case) (if CNS case) A & O x3 (or to person only,..etc). CN 2-12 (or 2-7, 9-12 if didnt do 8) WNL. Strength 5/5 DTR +2 B/L, sensations intact B/L all 4 ext., Babinski Gait normal. No Kernig or Brudzinski. Romberg -. Straignt leg raise mention MMSE IF YOU DID IT. Skin: non contributory ================================================== ================================================== Regards, Dr Puma