Output Devices

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Output devices Out put devices are used to display results of processing to the user.

They perform the following functions: 1. Receive results from memory 2. Convert data into human readable form 3. isplay results to the user !"amples include: #onitor$ printer$ plotter$ spea%er$ and multimedia pro&ector. 1. Monitor

'C #onitor

CTR #onitor #onitor is the most commonly used output device used to display results of processing. (t has a T) li%e shape. *ictures on monitor are formed with picture elements called *(+!'. #onitors may be #onochrome that will display results in ,lac% - .hite. Color #onitors are also available. They display results in multi colors. #onitor produces soft copy output. 2. Printers

*rinters are used to produce hard copy out put. They print processing results on paper. *rinters are divided into two main categories: / (mpact *rinters

0on (mpact printers

Impact Printers.

These printers print with stri%ing of hammers or pins on ribbon. 1or e"ample ot #atri" printer and daisy wheel printers are impact printers. Non-Impact Printers.

These printers do not use stri%ing mechanism for printing. They use electrostatic and laser technology. 2uality and speed of these printers is better than (mpact printers. 1or e"ample 'aser printer and (n%&et printers are non3impact printers. 3. Speaker

4pea%ers for es%top computer

4pea%er produces sound output. .e can listen recorded voices$ sounds or music with the help of spea%er. 4pea%er produces sound output with the help of sound card. 4. Plotter

*lotters are used to draw different designs of buildings or internal structure of machines. #ostly !ngineers and 5rchitects use plotters. 5. Multimedia Projector.

#ultimedia *ro&ector #ultimedia pro&ector is used to produce computer output on a big screen. These are used in meeting rooms or in classrooms of educational institutes.

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