Nunews - Jan 14
Nunews - Jan 14
Nunews - Jan 14
5 January, 2014
Nu Chapter#13 Area VII Alpha State, Texas Hays & Blanco Counties
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide Editor: Mary Nabers [email protected]
RSVP to Barbara Pevoto by Jan. 17. You can pay at the door, but we need an accurate count of our members by the 17th. [email protected]
Barbaras Page:
Santa has been to Wimberley and is probably back at the North Pole as we look forward to the 2014 New Year with hopefulness and caring thoughts for those less fortunate. Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year and is another opportunity to share with those in need in our communities. We need to begin our Delta Kappa Gamma plans for the coming year. We are attending the Tri-Chapter luncheon on Saturday, January 25, at The Silver Center, Ezell Room, 510 Court Center in Seguin from 11 AM to 1 PM. The meal entre will be Chicken Alfredo, with vegetable and salad, tea, coffee. Desserts will be prepared by the host chapter, Theta Kappa. Cost is $11.00, which can be paid at the door. I will need to have an RSVP list by January
Help Needed!
Our President, Barbara Pevoto, is seeking assistance in preparing a 3-4 minute presentation about our Nu Chapter. Any outstanding events, accomplishments, etc. related uniquely to Nu Chapter will be appreciated. Also, were you a member when the chapter was founded? Please let her know. Many thanks!
Member News
From Nadyne: I have spent the last week monitoring my husband after his hospital stay. He is doing well, but you know how we are when someone has been out of commission. Henrietta Smith enjoyed all her family over Christmas, including daughter Shelly family from Detroit. Guess who had his first visit from Santa? Grandbaby Gavin! Robin Estepp visited her daughter Melissa in Houston environs to help pack goodie bags for Melissas students before the holiday. Of course, she enjoyed grandbaby Kendall too! An Update from Sallye Baker::Maybe I can get to (meetimgs) in Johnson City, but not making a promise. I feel so overwhelmed with all I have to do. I'll not move back to J.C. We sold the house there in Aug. 2012. We raise cattle so someone needs to be here to keep tabs on the ranch. (This week I had to break ice on the watering trough three different days for the cattle!!) I'm taking a day at a time. My brother puts out feed twice a week and I have a Hispanic man that helps one day a week - so at least three days there is someone around. Our son and his wife live at Spicewood (Briarcliff) and come over often. He is a pilot for Southwest Airlines and has 3 or 4 days off at a time.
Chapter Rules Revision Committee Report At the December meeting, the Chapter Rules
Revision committee set up a time to meet in January to work on this. That will be: SandraMorales, Loretta Eiben and Ruth Spear. They hope to give a full report at our next meeting.
Book Review
By Mary
parents and Parsifals mother are endearing characters in the novel, and Parsifals sister, trapped in an abusive marriage, physically resembles him. In reality, Sabine becomes the magician, as she is able to change the lives of his mother and sister just like pulling a rabbit out of a hat or an egg out of an ear. (The rabbit is even a character.) Anne Patchett usually seems to leave a slightly ambiguous ending, and the working out of The Magicians Assistant fits the formula. But it is a satisfying ending for a very satisfying novel. It is far from just a feel good novel, but Sabine is such a warm character and her memories are so good that as she heals, we can be happy about possibilities too. Recently Patchett was interviewed on PBS. She said that there is nothing of her own life in her novels. She has, however, just published a collection of her essays, This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage, which, is, of course, personal. But while she says writing fiction is harder work, she enjoys writing it because she is in control of the situation. For this novel, she evidently did her homework on magicians and how magic works so that aspect of the novel is also interesting. Finally, Patchett is such an excellent writer, so polished in her craft, that becoming engrossed in one of her books is easy.
Carol Grimm also has crocheted necklaces available. Do you have a Valentines necklace? Or a Valentine to give?
Check out news and photos on the web! Get the Minutes on the web.
Directions to the Luncheon, Jan. 25 From San Marcos, take Hwy 123 South to Seguin. Turn right onto Court Street. The Silver Center is on the right hand side of 510 E.Court St. with parking in the front and on the side of the building. If anyone decides to take Business 123 South which is also Austin St., she would turn left onto Court Street and go to 510 E. Court. The building would be on the left.