September 17 2019

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DKG ~ Nu Chapter Minutes

Texas State Organization

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Tri-Chapter Social

Doris Miller Middle School, San Marcos, TX

September 17, 2019

Nu Chapter of the Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on
Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30p.m., Doris Miller Middle School, San Marcos, TX for a regularly scheduled
meeting followed with socializing. President Tonya Rhodes and Secretary Cheryl Blake attended. A quorum
was established.

Members in Attendance: Loretta Eiben, Cheryl Blake, Nadyne Gartman, Peggy Parker, Connie Martin
Thompson, Tonda Frady, Tonya Rhodes, Rebecca Kroener, Jenny Turney, Evelyn Barrett, Debra Zupancic,
Ruth Spear, Bonnie Flammang, Robin Estepp, Brenda Butler, Delia A. Cruz, Delores Cruz, Jan Moody, Lauren
Kiesling, guests Chris Winek , Jean Balch and Jan Moody.

President Rhodes welcomed and thanked everyone for attending and an inspirational reading followed by
Eiben. The meal was provided by the officers.

 President Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:05p.m.

 Recording Secretary Blake read the minutes of May 14, accepted as read.
 Treasurer Tonda Frady submitted a treasurer’s report. The current balance is $1707.03. Frady gave an
update on expenses and reported that two members would be dropped and Wanda Frick would
become inactive member.
 Convention: Eiben gave a brief overview of the convention. She reported that the speakers were very
interesting and encouraged members to attend the state convention in 2020, El Paso, Tx. Please
check out our website for pictures.
 Programs/Projects: Rhodes reviewed the programs and meeting locations for the year.
 Communications: Gartman reported that the current website will be going inactive soon.

Old Business

Wimberley Trail of Lights: A discussion was held if we should continue this project. A motion was
made by Martin, seconded by Koener that we no longer maintain our display. Members approved the
motion. A motion was made by Martin, seconded by Frady that we continue hosting the Chocolate
and Smores night, this motion passed.

New Business
 Prospective New Members: Chris Winek and Jean Balch
 Membership: Members were updated on status of several members.
 Birthdays: June, July August, and September birthdays were recognized.
 Raffle Basket: was held for the scholarship fund, $95 was raised.
 Membership: Members were updated on status of several members.
 Miscellaneous Items: Zupanic asked members to sign up for inspirational and baskets for raffles.
 Initiation: Moody and Kiesling were installed as new members

Adjournment: President Rhodes adjourned the meeting at 6:55.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Blake __________________________________

Minutes prepared by Cheryl Blake, Nu Recording Secretary. Tonya Rhodes, Nu President

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