Nespelem Employee Handbook 2009 - 10
Nespelem Employee Handbook 2009 - 10
Nespelem Employee Handbook 2009 - 10
Employee Information
Pos. #1, Pat Morin Fall 2011
Pos. #2, Annette Moses Fall 2011
Pos. #3, Jolene Marchand Fall 2010
Pos. #4, Jeannie Moon Fall 2010
Pos. #5, Andy Joseph Jr Fall 2010
Nespelem School District 14 509-634- 4541
Adkins, John 12
Adolph, Gloria 39
Armstrong-Montes, Nancy 30
Brueske, Betty 27
Covington, Michelle 15
Dickey Sue 16
Douglas, Sharon 38
Annex classroom 40
Edwards, Sheri 34
Erickson, Dean 36
Flores, Marci 21
Fox, Wiyaka / OT 23
Hertenstein, Randy 24
Ives, Marion 18
Kelly, Erica 22
Lezard, Virginia 10
Long, Flora 17
Merrill, Tracie 35
Special Ed Admin 20
Office/2nd line 31
Opportunity Room 22
Palmer, Sue 11
Rainsford, Betsy 14
Sanger, Terrie 19
Staffroom 13
VanBrunt, Jama 26
Walker, Vel 25
White, Tracy 37
Whitelaw, Glenna 32
Williams, Bethany 41
Bus Garage 634-4547
Nespelem Eagles
2009 2010
Jul 2009 Jan 2010
sun mon tue wed thur fri sat sun mon tue wed thur fri sat
July 4th Holiday 1 2 3 4 1 2 School Resumes Jan. 4th, 2010
Board Meeting 5:00pm 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MLK Day (no school) 18th
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Board Meeting 5:00pm
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Waiver Day (no school) 25th
26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 End of 2nd Quarter
Aug 2009 Feb 2010
sun mon tue wed thur fri sat sun mon tue wed thur fri sat
Board Meeting 5:00pm 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 President's Day (no school) 15th
Teacher LID Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Waiver Day (no school) 16th
Teacher Inservice 26th 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Board Meeting 5:00pm
1st Day of School 31st 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28
30 31
1 19
Sep 2009 Mar 2010
sun mon tue wed thur fri sat sun mon tue wed thur fri sat
Labor Day (no school) 7th 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Board Meeting 5:00 pm
Native American Pow Wow 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Native American Day 25th 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
School Board Meeting 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Waiver Day (no school) 28th 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31
20 23
Oct 2009 Apr 2010
sun mon tue wed thur fri sat sun mon tue wed thur fri sat
Columbus Day (no school) 12th 1 2 3 1 2 3 End of 3rd Quarter
Board Meeting 5:00 pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Waiver Day (no school) 2nd
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Spring Break
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Parent/Teacher Conf 16th
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Board Meeting 5:00 pm
21 17
The Students……………………………………………….. 1
The Public………………………………………………….. 1
Management Rights………………………………………... 1
Equal Employment Employer……………………………… 1
Title I……………………………………………………….. 2
Special Education Services………………………………… 2
ON THE JOB……………………………………………… 6
Standards of Conduct………………………………………. 6
Work Hours………………………………………………… 6
Rest Breaks…………………………………………………. 6
Lunch Break………………………………………………… 6
Attendance………………………………………………….. 6
Punctuality………………………………………………….. 6
Absenteeism and Tardiness………………………………… 7
Employee Leave Request…………………………………… 7
Personal and Sick Leave……………………………………. 7
Communications……………………………………………. 7
Personnel Files……………………………………………… 7
Evaluations…………………………………………………. 7
Resignation…………………………………………………. 7
Insubordination……………………………………………… 8
Injuries………………………………………………………. 8
Emergency Information……………………………………… 8
Location of First-Aid Facilities/Supplies…………………… 8
Personal Protection…………………………………………. 8
Reporting of Unsafe Conditions and Practices……………… 8
ON THE JOB continued
Emergency Exits…………………………………………… 8
Email/Voice mail…………………………………………... 8
Personal Mail………………………………………………. 9
Personal Telephone Calls and Visiting…………………….. 9
Travel Expenses……………………………………………. 9
District Vehicles……………………………………………. 9
Transporting Students……………………………………… 9
Field Trips & Special Events………………………………. 9, 10
Clothing……………………………………………………. 10
Expenditure of District Funds……………………………… 10
Authorized Use of District-Owned Equipment and Facilities 10
Food Service……………………………………………….. 10
Cell Phone Usage…………………………………………... 10
Housekeeping………………………………………………. 10
Staff Meetings……………………………………………… 11
Head Teachers……………………………………………… 11
Keys………………………………………………………... 11
Lesson Plans……………………………………………….. 11
Student Learning Plans……………………………………. 11
Parent Contacts……………………………………………. 11
Suggestions………………………………………………… 11
Complaints………………………………………………… 11
This handbook has been designed to provide you with general information The entire set of
District policies and procedures may be found in the District office.
This handbook may not answer all your questions. Your immediate supervisor, the Business
Manager, or the Superintendent can answer specific questions you might have.
The Students
Without students, we do not have our jobs. Students are to be treated with respect and courtesy.
Employees are not to embarrass or harass students. If a problem exists involving students, you
should discuss the problem with the Superintendent/Principal.
The Public
In your contacts with the public, YOU, for the moment, represent the Nespelem School District.
The District’s reputation with the public is at stake whenever you come in contact with them. We
have everything to gain by being courteous, friendly, and helpful.
Management Rights
The management of the Nespelem School District retains all rights not clearly and explicitly
surrendered herein to manage its operations and affairs as it sees fit; including, but not limited to,
the right to add to, take from, or change this handbook in any way management deems necessary.
Equal employment opportunity
The Nespelem School District does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law or justice
on the basis of race, color, gender, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, creed, ancestry,
marital status, sexual orientation, arrest/conviction record, military membership, national origin,
political affiliation or use of a lawful product off District premises during non-working hours in
its educational programs or activities, including employment and admissions. At the same time,
the District cherishes its right and duty to seek and retain personnel who will make a positive
contribution to its goals and mission in order to enhance the development of student achievement
and potential. Reasonable workplace accommodations will be made, upon request, for
employees with disabilities. Employees with requests, concerns and/or complaints regarding
disability and/or veteran’s status should contact the District Superintendent/Principal, John
Adkins at 509-634-4541.
The Programs Facilitator is responsible for all State and Federal Grant compliance and
This person also ensures that all necessary reports and statistics are gathered and submitted. The
Program Facilitator is also a coordinator of Professional Development for Nespelem School
staff, as well as all facets of Title I.
Title I money is awarded to districts based on income levels of students' households. We then
design a program to help students at the greatest risk of not meeting state standards (EALRs),
particularly in reading and math, kindergarten through 12. Funds may also be used for preschool
The District offers electronic direct deposit of paychecks to the bank of your choice.
The deposits are electronically deposited into employee accounts on payday. Please check with
your bank regarding their policy for posting. The form for setting up direct deposit is available
from the District Business Manager. To begin direct deposit, complete the form, attach a voided
check and return it to the Business Manager.
When a payday falls during a vacation period, checks will be mailed to employees who do not
have direct deposit. It is your responsibility to provide the District payroll office with your
correct mailing address.
Time Sheets
All classified staff are required to keep monthly time sheets. You are responsible for the
accuracy of your own time sheet. Your time must be listed daily, showing any leave time or pre-
approved extra hours. A copy of this time sheet is available from your building secretary. Your
principal/supervisor must receive your time sheet by the 1st of each month. After your
supervisor has reviewed and signed the time sheet, it will be forwarded to the District Office.
On days when students are not in attendance because of early release, classified staff shall not
work beyond the time of student dismissal without their principal/supervisor’s prior request and
Certified staff are responsible for turning in time sheets for per diem, substituting during your
plan time, TRI time or additional paid in-service days. Please complete your time sheet, sign it,
and return it to the District office by the 1st of the month.
Health Insurance
The District pays the state-mandated amount of employee benefits based on FTE. Benefit dollars
are applied first toward dental and vision coverage, with the balance going toward medical
coverage. Excess benefit dollars are pooled within each bargaining unit group, on an FTE basis.
We will be glad to provide you with an estimate of the benefits to which you are entitled. The
WEA Select Plans information sheet contains an overview of the medical benefits available and
the cost of each plan. The District offers coverage from Premera Blue Cross.
Vision coverage will be provided by Vision Service Plan (VSP). Please refer to the List of
Participating Physicians for this plan. It is also critical that you tell the provider that you are
covered by Vision Service Plan (VSP) at the time you make your appointment so that they may
obtain approval prior to your appointment.
The District offers participation in Section 125 Benefit Plan that allows employees to elect to
pay qualified Section 125 benefits (i.e. medical premiums) with “before tax” dollars. This means
that the premium is deducted from your gross pay before taxes are withheld - resulting in a lower
tax amount being withheld. In the long run, however, this will affect your social security. Please
contact the District Business Manager for more information.
The District also offers a Section 125 Flexible4.Pay Plan that allows deductions for out of pocket
medical and child care expenses to be made pre-tax. The open enrollment period for this plan is
September of each year. Please contact the District Business Manager if you have questions
concerning this plan.
New employees may begin participation in either Section 125 Plan during their first month of
eligible employment.
There are certain circumstances that allow the employee and/or their dependents to continue
insurance coverage under the COBRA plan, when they would normally not be eligible for
coverage. Please carefully read the letter regarding continuation of coverage provided.
All employees must receive advance approval from their supervisors for all extra time
worked, whether overtime or not. Please note that it must be approved by your supervisor and
the Superintendent prior to working the additional time. Extra hours worked are then to be
reported on your time sheet.
Workers’ Compensation
If you have an accident on the job, notify your supervisor immediately. You may be covered by
Workers’ Compensation Insurance. This may provide you with a percentage of your salary as
income while you are recuperating along with a percentage of hospital and physician costs.
Unemployment Insurance
You are covered by unemployment insurance. You can receive benefits, in most cases, if you
become unemployed through no fault of your own. Most school employees are not eligible for
unemployment insurance while on break during the summer. For additional information, contact
the Department of Employment Security at 1-800-318-6022.
Salary Insurance
Voluntary long-term disability, short-term disability and salary insurance are all available
through the Washington Education Association Group Salary Insurance Program. This is a
voluntary program and offered as a payroll deduction. If you are interested in this program, the
District Business Manager has brochures and applications available.
District Certified staff are represented by the Nespelem Education Association (NEA). Classified
staff are represented by the Nespelem Public School Employees of WA Please contact the
representative in your building for information on joining your union. A copy of each union
contract is available from your union representative.
Washington Education Association PSE
Standards of Conduct
General Expectations for all District Personnel are listed as follows:
1. All employees are expected to be punctual and dependable.
2. Employees must be flexible. Changing situations are part of the job.
3. Pride in your work is important and necessary.
4. Confidentiality of student and District records is required.
5. Respect for staff, students, parents and all others you come in contact with is
6. All employees are expected to maintain a positive attitude and discuss all school
related issues with their supervisors to work out solutions and provide positive
recognition and feedback.
7. Employees must enjoy working with, and for, children.
8. Employees must be able to discipline children in a positive manner.
9. Teaching staff are expected to be actively involved in developing and maintaining a
high quality educational program.
10. A neat and clean appearance and dress appropriate to the job is expected.
Work Hours
Please check with your supervisor.
Rest Breaks
All employees working a shift of at least four consecutive hours shall receive a 15-minute paid
rest break. An employee working an eight hour day shall be entitled to two paid rest periods of
15 minutes each, one in each half of the shift. Rest breaks are not to be combined.
Lunch Break
A lunch break that occurs during the scheduled workday is not hours worked if you are relieved
from duty for the purpose of eating lunch. A 30-minute lunch break will be scheduled for all
If you will be late or unable to report to work, you should notify your immediate supervisor as
soon as possible. Please work in advance with the school secretary when a substitute is needed.
Please try to schedule leave for non-school times and days. Please let your supervisor know if
you have an emergency.
Please be on time! If there is inclement weather, leave earlier. Make allowances for emergencies
and the unexpected, but be on time. Your start time is 7:45 a.m. unless you have been notified of
another time you will arrive. The end of your school day is 3:15 p.m. unless you have been
notified of a different time you can leave. Different arrival times and school day endings for staff
are decided and approved by the principal. Please be aware some classified employees have
varying shift start and end times; everyone isn’t on the same schedule.
Absenteeism and Tardiness
All employees are expected to report to work as scheduled and to work their scheduled hours.
Employees violating this policy may subject themselves to disciplinary action including-
dismissal. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor in advance if they will be absent
from work.
The District is committed to developing and maintaining effective lines of communication with
all employees. District administrators and supervisors shall hold staff meetings to discuss
District issues. It is recommended that meetings be scheduled on a quarterly basis.
Personnel Files
The District Office maintains personnel files and payroll records for District employees. The
following individuals have access to your files: you, your immediate supervisor, the District
Business Manager, and the District Superintendent. Dates of employment, title, and salary are
considered public information and can be requested by anyone.
Each employee shall receive at least one written evaluation per school year. Please make
arrangements for your pre-observation with your supervisor.
Employees who wish to resign their positions are requested to notify the District Superintendent
in writing at least two weeks in advance of their scheduled last day of work. The District
provides resignation forms to be completed in order to process final paychecks. Employees who
resign are to turn in District owned equipment, keys, materials, and all other items in their
possession before their last day of employment.
Insubordination 7.
All employees are expected to promptly perform job assignments given them by their
supervisors. An employee’s refusal or failure to carry out an assignment will be treated as
insubordination. Verbal abuse of a supervisor will also be treated as insubordination. Physical
attacks by an employee on any employee or supervisor may result in criminal charges.
Employees are to report all injuries immediately. Secure first aid, even for scratches. Any
accident or injury on the job should be reported immediately to your supervisor, whether or not
medical attention is required. Except in cases of emergency, accident report forms must be
picked up in the District Office before you go for medical treatment. Reporting forms may be
obtained from the District Office. Please carefully read the enclosed memo regarding Worker’s
Compensation. Nespelem School District is a self-insured employer, and as such, has certain
procedures that need to be followed to insure proper handling of any accident or injury claims.
Also, please read the Employee’s Responsibility sheet. All accidents must be reported
immediately to your supervisor. If you have any questions regarding the handling of an accident
or injury on the job, please contact the District Office.
Emergency Information
The District has provided an information sheet to be completed by each employee. This
information is kept on file at the building where you are employed and at the District office.
Every effort is made to keep this information confidential.
Location of First-Aid Facilities/Supplies
Please contact the school nurse for first-aid supplies for your classroom.
Personal Protection
From time to time employees may need to provide first aid for students and/or other employees.
The District provides protective gloves. Employees are to put gloves on before dealing with any
person when any body fluids are involved.
Emergency Exits
Emergency exit routes are posted throughout each building. New employees please take the time
to review and become familiar with the exit routes for the buildings in which you work. Please
make sure all room exits are easily accessible.
It is the District’s expectation that employees will check their email and voicemail on a regular
basis and respond to messages in a timely manner.
Personal Mail
Employees are asked not to direct their personal mail to the District. The District receives a great
deal of mail on a daily basis. As a result, there is no way the District can guarantee that personal
mail will not be accidentally opened or that it will be delivered promptly.
Travel Expenses
If the District requests that you travel in connection with your job, the District will reimburse
you for certain expenses. Travel must be approved in advance by your supervisor and the
Superintendent. You are to submit your claims with itemized receipts to the district business
manager. If you have a meal reimbursement request when there was not an overnight stay, it is
processed through payroll and is considered to be taxable income. Meals incurred during an
overnight stay are not considered taxable.
When overnight stay is required, the District will provide room and board. When it is necessary
to spend nights in a motel/hotel, rooms will be double occupancy to be as efficient and
economical as possible. If an employee’s spouse accompanies the employee, any additional
expenses must be paid by the employee. Phone calls, movies and other sundry items must be
paid directly by the employee. Overnight accommodations are obtained with a purchase
Please see the business manager for the district credit card. Meals, parking and mileage are
reimbursed after the trip and must be documented with itemized receipts. Meals will be
reimbursed according to district policy. Approved reimbursement forms must be received in the
District office prior to the 5th of the month, for a check to be processed the last business day of
the month. All receipts and forms must be turned in on the day you return to the district.
District Vehicles
The school district has three vehicles for staff use. If you need a vehicle for travel to a
conference, class, or meeting the district has asked you to attend or participate in, please reserve
one with Randy. If no vehicle is available you may be approved to use your own vehicle. Staff
will need to use a district vehicle when one is available.
Transporting Students
Employees must have completed a driver’s safety training class (formerly known as Class II
training) before transporting any student. The District provides this class. If you are interested in
completing this training, contact the Transportation Supervisor.
As adult role models, the staff sets an unspoken standard for the students. Clothing should be
neat, clean and appropriate for a learning environment. You are asked not to wear clothing that
displays or advertises alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco products.
Food Service
All staff are welcome to purchase a meal or ala carte items during scheduled meal hours. All
staff members are assigned an ID number that corresponds to their lunch account. The account is
a debit system; therefore funds must be in the account prior to making a purchase. Payments to
your account are accepted at the school office. Cash is not accepted in the lunch line. If there
are insufficient funds in your account, you will not be able to make food purchases. If you
are new to the District, do not have an ID number, or if you have any questions regarding
charges on your meal account, please contact Gin.
To many people, the outside condition of the school suggests what is happening inside the
school. Employees are encouraged to help keep the schools’ hallways, playgrounds, and parking
lots free of litter and graffiti.
Staff Meetings
Staff meetings will be scheduled as needed. Minutes from each of these meetings will be posted.
Head Teachers
The position of Head Teacher is for student discipline, district emergencies, and district
administration liaison support. Their position as Head Teacher does not include approving staff
leaving early, leave requests, purchase requisitions, and field trip requests. Please remember the
Head Teachers also have a classroom to teach. Their classroom is not the depository of your
student discipline problems.
Be certain your keys work for the gate, your room, (classroom hall door has an inside lock also),
and the staff room. Check with Randy for keys. Please keep your school keys in your possession;
don’t let non-school personnel have or use your keys. If you lose your keys report it immediately
to Randy, Gin, and the principal.
Lesson Plans
Work as a Professional Learning Community. Follow the Grade Level Expectations based on
priorities from quality data, with proven interventions.
Parent Contacts
The parents/guardians of your students are to receive a personal contact from you early and
often. You will be the lead contact for all of your homeroom students.
The District encourages employees to make suggestions for improving present methods of
operations or for making your job better. If you have any ideas, employees are encouraged to
share them with their immediate supervisor.
It is a goal of the District to provide an enjoyable work climate for all employees. It is important
that you feel free to discuss any problems with management. The District has established a
procedure for all employees to follow: