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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf400 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Monaco;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red63\green127\blue95;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720 \f0\fs28 \cf2 /* import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.

Random;\cf0 \ \cf2 class \ul App\ulnone \{\cf0 \ \pard\pardeftab720 \cf2 \ul \ulc2 int\ulnone bird = 4;\cf0 \ \pard\pardeftab720 \cf2 private/public (final) static \ul int\ulnone pork = 9; // must initialize with final\cf0 \ \cf2 // attributes declared here\cf0 \ \cf2 // constructor below\cf0 \ \cf2 \ul App\ulnone (\ul int\ulnone pigeon) \{bird = pigeon;\}\cf0 \ \cf2 //method comes after constructor\cf0 \ \cf2 returnType methodName( varType1 var1, ..., varTypeK varK )\cf0 \ \cf2 \{\cf0 \ \cf2 // Java statements here\cf0 \ \cf2 return varWithMatchingtype;\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \ \cf2 public returnType getAttribute()\{ return attribute; \} //\ul accessor\cf0 \ulnone \ \cf2 public void setAttribute(returnType x)\{attribute = x;\} //mutator\cf0 \ \cf2 // public class TestClassName\cf0 \ \cf2 public static void main( String[] \ul args\ulnone )\{\cf0 \ \cf2 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);\cf0 \ \cf2 String line = input.nextLine(); // waits for user to type in something\c f0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone number = input.nextInt(); // waits for user to input an integer\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 String a = "Dragon";\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.substring(0,3)); //output: \ul Dra\cf0 \ulnone \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.substring(3)); //output: \ul gon\cf0 \ulnone \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.replace('D','n')); //output: \ul nragon\ulnone (th is is case sensitive)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.toUpperCase()); //output: DRAGON \cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.toLowerCase()); //output: dragon\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.charAt(2)); //output: a\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(a.length()); //outputs: 6\cf0 \ \cf2 char topG = '$';\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone [] \ul bucky\ulnone = new \ul int\ulnone [3]; // 3 elem ents\cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone \ul bucky\ulnone [] = \{2,3,34\}; //creates an array\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println("Index\\tValue"); // outputs: Index Value\cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone [][] \ul marray\ulnone = \{\{2,3\},\{45,99\}\}; // 2 x 2 array\cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone [][] array = \{\{2,3\},\{45\},\{99,0,354\}\}; // 3 rows, 3 columns\cf0 \ \cf2 String[] fruits = \{\}\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(\ul marray\ulnone [1][0]); // outputs 45\cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone i;\cf0 \ \cf2 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)\cf0 \

\cf2 if (i % 6 == 0)\cf0 \ \cf2 break; // Reserved word that breaks out of the immediat e enclosing loop \cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone y = i;\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println(y);\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 \ul int\ulnone [][] grid = \{\{3,5,488\},\{2,4\},\{1,2,3,4\}\};\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 for (\ul int\ulnone row = 0; row <grid.length; row++) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 for (\ul int\ulnone \ul col\ulnone = 0; \ul col\ulnone < grid[row].length; \ul col\ulnone ++) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print(grid[row][\ul col\ulnone ] + "\ \t");\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println("");\cf0 \ \cf2 \} \cf0 \ \cf2 for (row = 1; row <= 10; row++) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 for (column = 1; column <= row; column++) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print("*");\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.println();\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \cf2 \} \cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 for (row = 10; row >= 1; row--) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 for (column = 1; column <= row; column++)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print("*");\cf0 \ \ \cf2 System.out.println();\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \cf2 for (row = 10; row >= 1; row--) \{\cf0 \ \cf2 for (space = 10; space > row; space--)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print(" ");\cf0 \ \ \cf2 for (column = 1; column <= row; column++)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print("*");\cf0 \ \ \cf2 System.out.println();\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \cf2 for (row = 10; row >= 1; row--) \{\cf0 \ \ \cf2 for (space = 1; space < row; space++)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print(" ");\cf0 \ \ \cf2 for (column = 10; column >= row; column--)\cf0 \ \cf2 System.out.print("*");\cf0 \ \ \cf2 System.out.println();\cf0 \ \cf2 \}\cf0 \ \cf2 if ((total < (max + 5)) && !found) // becomes (7 < (10+5)) && !t rue; && is AND, || is OR, ! is NOT\cf0 \ \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf2 */}

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