Scliat No.: 8 0 0 2: I, R.RL L, R G (,: I Roll Nu

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Roll Nu.

Sclia to.: N

M.A.B.S. 1st prof. 1 07 0 Anatomy_B

(Thcre will be 2 parts part_I & part_Il Separate Answer Book for ach part is required) _. Time alio*ed : 3 I-loun Maximun Marks : 50 Note : l. Alswer eachpartin sepeme answer book. 2. Attemptall questions in serieai order 3. Drau diagrams *.hereneccsstry_ PART-I
l. Ciinical sigrificance/ appliedanaromy / anatomicalbasisof clinical entity : l.)=lu

Applied anatomyofanal carlal. jl;:micat basisofBenign H)?errophy and Cancer


Applied anaromyofutedne tube.

P,7: O.


(d) (e) 2.

ofFemoraiHemia' basis -{natomical archoffbot' Applierl anatomyofMediaL Longitudenal : 3'3:9

DmvJ labelled schematicdiagramsdepicting (a)

with peritoneal Sagital section of female pelvis reflections. ofuretara' Light Microscopic appearance annttomosis' Porlosl sremic 2x3=5

Q) lc)

3. Writc shofi noleson : (a) (b) (c) Pelvic diaphmgm Twifflng ofureter Blood suPPlY

4. Write shofi notes on : (a) (b) I-ocking and Unlocking ofKree Joht recsses' Costodiaphragmatlc 2t4-8


(c) (d) 5.

Analomical basisofvaricose veins. PESPlanus. 2"4=8

Dra$'labelledschematic diagams depicting: (a) (b) (c) Boundariesand c.ontents ofFemoml Triangle.

Microanatomy of Thoracic palt of oesophagus. Transverse sectionthroughmediasinurn at the level of part upper of fourdr thoracic vertebraAnastomosisAround Knee Jornt. 3.1=9

(d) 6.

Describein detail : (a) Tumer'sSyndrome.

and appliedaspects of interatrial @) Developmental sep n. (c) kft coromary anery


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