Massage Abdominal

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Abdomen Massage

Abdomen Massage has a great number of benefits. Abdomen is the softest, least-protected area of the body, therefore, an area of great vulnerability and is a very important part of your body. So, when, it comes to taking massage on your abdomen; it is always advisable to take the massage from experts.

Steps of Abdomen Massage:

Apply massage oil on the abdomen and massage in large circles working around the navel in a clockwise direction, using both hands. e careful to keep your hands relaxed and contoured to your partner. !oking fingers feel very uncomfortable here. "ontinue circling the abdomen and begin to work a little more firmly using the fingertips to make small circles. !lace one hand either side of the body, on each hip, or wring up the body in a forward and backward motion. #hen stroke up over the ribcage, over the breastbone and off at the shoulders. $t is important to use softer strokes and light pressure on the abdomen while massaging.

$t is also advisable to take a %-& minutes break between strokes applied to the abdomen.

$t is advisable to do an abdominal massage in the mornings and evenings while lying in bed for about '&-%( minutes.

Benefits of Abdomen Massage:

$t helps in proper digestion. Abdominal massage is best for problems related to constipation. $t promotes elimination, and secretion of hormones. $t stimulates liver and gall-bladder. $t strengthens weak and relaxed abdominal muscles. $t breaks down adhesions. $t helps in aligning the pelvic bones.

$t ad)usts the uterus to its proper position in case of problems. $t releases muscular armoring in the trunk and enhance circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids. $t releases deep muscle tissue spasms in the entire abdominal area. Abdomen massage produces heat, which melts adipose tissue or fat. *eneral improvement in blood circulation benefits the blood vessels in the abdominal cavity. #he liver, the gall-bladder, and the pancreas receive a large share of oxygen and nutrients and release their metabolic waste products. Abdomen massage helps open the abdominal cavity and release the fascia so the organs can lay unrestricted in their natural positions in the abdominal cavity. Abdominal Massage- Donts:

Abdominal massage should not be done if a person has inflammation of the uterus, bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Abdominal massage should not be done if a person has stones in the kidneys, bladder or gall bladder, ulcers of the stomach or intestines. Abdominal massage should not be done after a heavy meal. #he bladder should be emptied before the massage. Since blood pressure increases during abdominal manipulation, patients with hypertension should avoid abdominal massage. Massage should also be avoided in cases where there has been recent bleeding in the lungs, stomach or the brain.

!eristalsis, which is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of your intestines, moves food through them. $t+s like what you do to s,uee-e toothpaste out of a tube. *entle massage of the abdomen can help stimulate blood flow in the intestines, helping them to work more efficiently. .hen doing large open-hand strokes, move clockwise to follow the direction of the colon, which is easier to palpate. Abdominal Swelling "auses /esearch Abdominal Swelling and other 0igestive Symptoms www.
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$f bowel movements are small and infre,uent, you may be slightly constipated. According to the 2ational $nstitutes of 3ealth or 2$3, clinical constipation is when you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, and at that point, you should see a doctor. $n less severe conditions, abdominal massage in con)unction with drinking more fluids and eating more fiber can help reduce your dependency on over-the-counter laxatives.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

$rritable owel Syndrome, or $ S, is characteri-ed by fre,uent spasms of the intestines, which causes almost constant diarrhea. #he 2$3 estimates that up to 4( percent of Americans suffer from $ S. #hrough the gentle constant pressure of abdominal massage, you may relax your whole body enough, and your colon specifically, to decrease or eliminate the spasms.

$n)uries, immobility and surgery can cause muscle tissue to form adhesions, which thick strands of collagen that stick muscle fibers together. .hen the muscles are stuck together at points with this scar tissue, they don+t function as well. .ith gentle and fre,uent abdominal massage, development of adhesions in the intestines and abdominal wall can be halted or decreased.

Abdominal Wall Pain

According to the American Academy of 5amily !hysicians, even if stomach pain isn+t caused by diet or excretion, you may suffer chronic pain in the abdominal wall covering the intestines. $f these are caused by hernias, it is important to be very slow and gentle in massaging the abdomen. $f you are conducting a massage on someone else, stop if the person reports sharp pain. $f the person+s pain seems centered on small red bumps on the skin, it could be herpes, and you should avoid contact with them. $n most other cases, gentle abdominal massage can increase blood flow and reduce pain to facilitate healing.

At any stage of your pregnancy, gentle abdominal massage can help decrease bloating and perhaps calm the fetus or baby. .ith some massage oils, you can get sufficient vitamin 6 to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. $t is important to use only light pressure when you massage a pregnant belly. 5or specific suggestions, see the resource section below.

/ead more7 http788www.livestrong.com8article8'&'9((-abdominal-massagebenefits8:ix--'b4 p,1".


!eristalsis, which is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of your intestines, moves food through them. $t+s like what you do to s,uee-e toothpaste out of a tube. *entle massage of the abdomen can help stimulate blood flow in the intestines, helping them to work more efficiently. .hen doing large open-hand strokes, move clockwise to follow the direction of the colon, which is easier to palpate. Abdominal Swelling "auses /esearch Abdominal Swelling and other 0igestive Symptoms www.
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$f bowel movements are small and infre,uent, you may be slightly constipated. According to the 2ational $nstitutes of 3ealth or 2$3, clinical constipation is when you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, and at that point, you should see a doctor. $n less severe conditions, abdominal massage in con)unction with drinking more fluids and eating more fiber can help reduce your dependency on over-the-counter laxatives.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

$rritable owel Syndrome, or $ S, is characteri-ed by fre,uent spasms of the intestines, which causes almost constant diarrhea. #he 2$3 estimates that up to 4( percent of Americans suffer from $ S. #hrough the gentle constant pressure of abdominal massage, you may relax your whole body enough, and your colon specifically, to decrease or eliminate the spasms.

$n)uries, immobility and surgery can cause muscle tissue to form adhesions, which thick strands of collagen that stick muscle fibers together. .hen the muscles are stuck together at points with this scar tissue, they don+t function as well. .ith gentle and fre,uent abdominal massage, development of adhesions in the intestines and abdominal wall can be halted or decreased.

Abdominal Wall Pain

According to the American Academy of 5amily !hysicians, even if stomach pain isn+t caused by diet or excretion, you may suffer chronic pain in the abdominal wall covering the intestines. $f these are caused by hernias, it is important to be very slow and gentle in massaging the abdomen. $f you are conducting a massage on someone else, stop if the person reports sharp pain. $f the person+s pain seems centered on small red bumps on the skin, it could be herpes, and you should avoid contact with them. $n most other cases, gentle abdominal massage can increase blood flow and reduce pain to facilitate healing.

At any stage of your pregnancy, gentle abdominal massage can help decrease bloating and perhaps calm the fetus or baby. .ith some massage oils, you can get sufficient vitamin 6 to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. $t is important to use only light pressure when you massage a pregnant belly. 5or specific suggestions, see the resource section below.

/ead more7 http788www.livestrong.com8article8'&'9((-abdominal-massagebenefits8:ix--'b4 p,1". Regular abdominal and stomach massage tones and strengthens your entire abdominal and stomach region, enhances digestion and stimulates your bowels. According to traditional Chinese medicine (a complete medical system which has developed continuously over at least 2500 years) the abdomen houses an important energy centre, there ore massaging this area also energizes your body.

Abdominal massage can be incorporated into your regular abs e!ercise routine, or done on its own irst thing in the morning as a be ore brea" ast boost. A gentle belly massage is also a goodremedy or over eating, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. #assaging your stomach and abdomen is safe, however check with your health professional be oretrying it, especially i you have a history o problems in this area or you haven$t e!ercised or sometime.

Abs & Stomach Massage

How 1. %tand with your eet parallel and about shoulder width apart.

%lightly bend your legs and sin" your weight down into them.

&eep your bac" straight.

Or, sit on a irm but com ortable chair with your bac" straight.

Or, lie down on your bac" in bed or on the loor.

'ither ta"e your top o bare.

or pull it up so that your stomach and abdominal area is

. Rub your hands together bris"ly until they are hot. (mmediately place them, one on top o the other, )ust below your bellybutton.

*sing your palm and ingers rub in small, cloc"wise circles around your belly button, i.e. ollowing the path o your colon.

*se airly irm pressure, but not so much that it$s uncom ortable.

Rub in small circles at irst. +radually ma"e them bigger, so that eventually you are massaging your entire abdominal and stomach area.

,ocus your attention on the heat penetrating your abdomen.

-o .0/50 circles or simply massage or several minutes, once or twice a day.

0hen you$ve inished cover the area immediately to "eep it warm.



1ones 2 strengthens your abs (nvigorates your abdominal organs 'nhances blood circulation in the area %timulates sluggish digestion %timulates a vital energy centre Remedy or indigestion 2 constipation

'mpty your bladder irst ( your hands are very cold, warm them in hot water irst, then rub them together / never massage with cold hands3 Rub your abdomen a ter meals to enhance digestion 2 boost nutrient absorption #ote4 1o help stop diarrhea, reverse the rubbing direction, i.e. rub in countercloc"wise circles around your abdomen

Massaging your stomach and abdomen daily is a highly recommended $hinese health e%ercise. ,or greater bene its, combine it with one or more o these other abdominal e!ercises4 !enefits of Abdominal Massage for &!S' $onstipation' (ost)Surgery' Acid *eflu% $onditions 5verview by Catherine Carver 6#71 89:;<

#any people su er rom abdominal disorders li"e (7% (Crone=s or *lcerative Colitis), spastic colon, chronic constipation and lower bac">abdominal aches and pains or no apparent reason. 5 ten, patients ta"e drugs to alleviate the bloated conditions caused by such symptoms. %ometimes over time, the drugs lose the initial e ect leaving the patient with more o the same or worse symptoms. ?/rays and tests show nothing out o the ordinary, yet the patient su ers.

Anatomically, the abdominal cavity houses the stomach, diaphragm, colon, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. 0hen the digestion process is impeded because o illness, malabsorbtion, or inactivity due to a stagnant li estyle there are additional stresses put onto the muscles that attach rom the spine to the pelvis or support as well as a mesh, ascia networ" that contain the organs within the cavity. @atients may e!perience side pain, lower bac" pain, inguinal and )oint pain at the pelvis. At times, even the ribs are involved.

A patient may e!perience relie

rom this strain and pain i an abdominal massage is

done and the attachments sites o the muscles are released. 1he process or this massage is such that the patient initially lies on their bac", "nees bolstered and chest and pelvis draped. 1he belly is e!posed or the therapist to begin warming the ascia. 0or"ing rom the descending colon, around to the transverse and then to the ascending colon, the therapist assists the release o the connective networ", and o ten rees the bowel to per orm it=s unction more reely.

Aisual evaluation done by the therapists, mar" a decrease in abdominal swelling in some o the patients, immediately. @atients who ollow up by drin"ing lots o water and being aware o themselves over the ne!t days have stated that their clothes are itting more com ortably and that they eel the release within a day or two o the massage. 6ower bac" pain is gone as is inguinal pain.

1his treatment can be done with warm castor oil or regular massage lotions. Beat may be applied or a better result though it is not necessary. 1his procedure can be done as an entire massage session, or integrated with a ull body massage.

1his treatment does ta"e a while and may be repeated in the same session. *sually the patient eels immediate relie rom pressure and pain.

(n cases where there is no "nown reason or such or chronic pain in this region, these patients also report reduction in pain and return to a normal routine o daily living.

( you have Cuestions or would li"e to recommend a patient, please contact Catherine Carver, 6#71 89:;< at :D:.<9E/0..5.

1here Are #any 7ene its to Receiving Abdominal #assage

Fanuary D9th, 200: by @aci ic 0ellness

'mily Crown/Robinson R#1, C%1, CR

@lease consider receiving abdominal massage as an important part o your ne!t treatment. GBaraH is the Fapanese name or the center o energy in the lower abdomen I also "nown as the G%ea o &iH ( &i meaning our li e/ orce). #assaging the Bara can help to develop energy in that part o the body.

1his area can be treated in a speci ic seCuence to promote circulation to each organ re le!. %elected pressure points can also be used I tailored to the receiver=s condition. Com ortable pressure is applied, above the clothing, to the desired areas while the client practices smooth, rela!ed, deep breathing.

(n 0estern society, the Bara can o ten become closed o

due to restrictive clothing

and>or shallow breathing (as is o ten the case with high stress levels). 5rgan stasis usually results because o thisJ there ore, it is important to awa"en the %ea o &i3

(magine a happy 7uddah statue with a round prominent belly I it is a strong, grounded center and not a bag o )elly3

1reating the Bara treats us to the core o our being. (t can thus be a power ul tool in helping to release deeper areas o tension and stasis I encouraging smooth blood and energy low both distally and locally. 1he release o a tense solar/ple!us can reduce symptoms o stress, an!iety, and insomnia. Bara treatment also aids smooth digestion by decreasing bloating and constipation. 6ast, but certainly not least, it helps to dispel congestion in the reproductive re le! areas in both women and men. (t can be used in con)unction with ertility treatments to increase local circulation as well as rela!ing the nervous system.

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